The Holocaust

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The Holocaust

What is the Holocaust?

The horrific acts of the Holocaust (1933-1945) can be defined as a mass slaughter directed towards
the Jewish community instructed by the German dictator Adolf hitter (who came to power in 1933)
and his nazi party.

What is the history of antisemitism?

Defined as hostile actions or discrimination against Jews as a religious or ethnic group – goes back
many centuries; antisemitism has been called "the longest hatred"- google

Jewish persecution (1933-1939)

The Nazis believed that the Germans were “racially superior” and they saw Jews, Roma (Gypsies), as a
serious threat to the purity of the “German Race,” And in 1933 propaganda unfairly blamed Jews for
the country’s defeat in World War I (1914-1918).
In April 1933, laws proclaimed at Nuremberg made Jews second-class citizens. The new German
laws forced Jews out of their civil service jobs, university and law court positions, and other areas of
public life. Between 1937 and 1939 Jews were no longer aloud to go to school, go to theatres,
cinema, even walking in certain sections of German cities was banned.

The kristallnatch
In November 1938, the Nazis organized a riot, most commonly known as Kristallnacht (the “Night of
Broken Glass”). Where they Destroyed synagogues and Jewish-owned stores and homes, as well as
arresting many Jewish men which often lead to the murder of individuals.

Why didn’t more Jewish people leave?

Even when the attacking of Jewish citizens began to arise many Jews did not leave Germany. The
most common reason was fear of Hitlers army if they were caught attempting to escape or even the
fear of starting a new life over from scratch! Another common reason was that their freedom had
already been taken away so many had no passports, money or rights! Many also felt that they could
not leave due to their family history and felt that although they were Jewish they were more
German and didn’t not want to give up their nationality. The final reason was because they would
become refugees and it was often hard to find a place that would welcome them.

A ghetto was a confined special area in cities and towns surrounded by barbed wire, brick walls and
armed guards. The two largest ghettos build were established in Warsaw and Łódź. Inside these
ghettos between 1949-1942 an estimated 100000 Jews died of starvation and disease. To survive
many would smuggle in extra food, schools were set up within ghetto walls, they published their
own newspapers to keep up morale and buried their photos to preserve memories.

Comparassions of the camps

Chelmno camp’s victims first arrived on the 7th of December 1941 and a total of 320,000 people
were killed (mainly Jews but an additional 5,000 Roma’s were also killed) the killings began the day
after arrival and the victims were to,d they would receive good treatment and food but firstly they
would need a shower (this would turn out to be a lie) they were sent to a “dressing room” which
turned out to be a gas van. The doors were locked and victims were gassed and dumped iPad buried
in a nearby forest. Possessions were sold or given. In March 1943 the camp was dismantled but
reopened in April 1944 and between 23th June to mid July 7,000 more Jews were killed but this
time were cremated. The camp closed for the final time and destroyed in September 1944. The
killings were then moved to aushwitz birkenau.
On the other hand belzeo camp killed over 600,000 people (mostly Jews but also Roma’s) unlike
Chelmno the killings began the same day as arrival and after having showered most were sent to gas
chambs and were gassed whilst the others were forced into labour doing jobs such as: unloading and
cleaning trains, sorting out the possessions of victims and even emptying out bodies from the gas
chambers! The camp stopped In December 1942 and to get rid of evidence suggesting mass
extermination the mass graves were opened and bodies were cremated. The camp was then turned
into a farm for Ukrainium guards and the remaining 600 prisoners were sent to sobiber.

Life in auschwitz
Bodies were placed in gravel pits in and around the main camp. Auschwitz was built in March 1942 to
accommodate more prisoners, and, therefore, it was the largest section of Auschwitz. At its peak, up
to 200,000 inmates were housed. For food prisoners may have been given watery soup and If lucky,
might have found a piece of turnip or potato peel. In the evening prisoners may have been given a
small piece of black bread. prisoners would have their clothing taken away, often to be replaced by a
striped uniform (now known as striped pyjamas) In total around 960,000 died.

What is the Intentionalist vs functionalism debate?

Intentionalists argue that the Final Solution was planned before World War II even began and it had
always been in Hitlers plan to persecute Jews, while functionalists argue that the Final Solution
evolved during the war after non of the other solution (such as deportation) worked. This debate was
originally formed by Dawidowicz (intentionalist) and mommsen (functionalist)

Thank you for reading

Elisa smith 9C

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