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MCA 1 st SEMESTER - 2022

Assignment – 5

DOA: 07/03/2022 DOS: 16/03/2022


Part (A)- create a file with name Example.txt which contains following content

Welcome to Linux !

Linux is a free and open source Operating system that is mostly used by developers and in
servers for hosting crucial components such as web and database servers. Linux has also made a
for itself in PCs. Beginners looking to experiment with Linux can get started with friendlier linux
distributions such as Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora and Elementary OS.

Write commands for the following-

Q1- print the lines Which contain the string “linux”?

Sol:- $grep “linux” Example.txt
Output Screenshot

Q2- print total number of occurrences of string “linux”?

Sol:- $grep -c “linux” Example.txt
Output Screenshot

Q3- display the lines that don’t contain the string “Linux”?
Sol:- $grep -v “Linux” Example.txt
Output Screenshot
Q4- search “linux” in same directory and other sub-directories?

$grep -nr “Linux” /home/kalilinux/project

$grep -nr ‘Linux*’ /home/kalilinux/project
$grep -R “Linux” /home/kalilinux/project

• -n Show relative line number in the file

• -r Recursively search subdirectories listed
• -R for "recursive", which means the program searches in all
subfolders,and their subfolders, and their subfolder's
• /home/kalilinux/project Directory for search (current directory)
Output Screenshot

Q5- Number the lines where the string “linux” is matched ?

Sol:- $grep -n “linux” Example.txt
Output Screenshot

Q6- Display the lines start with “Linux”?

Sol :- $grep “^Linux” Example.txt
$grep ^Linux Example.txt
Output Screenshot
Q7- Find the empty lines in Example.txt?
• $grep -ne “^$” Example.txt OR $grep -ne ^$ Example.txt /* Best output */
• $grep -e “^$” Example.txt OR $grep -e ^$ Example.txt
• $grep “$” Example.txt OR $grep $ Example.txt

Output Screenshot

Part (B) Write suitable commands for the following-

Q1- List all the directories in directory?

Sol :-
$ ls -d */*/
Output Screenshot

Q2- List all the text files in a directory ?

Sol :- $ls *.txt
Output Screenshot

Q3- Display all the files which have a word twt,twet, tweet etc in the file name?
Sol :- $ls tw*t.*
Output Screenshot
Q4- display the files which contains any single character between t and t?
Sol:- $ls t*t.*
Output Screenshot

Q5- Display all the files which starts with ‘a’ and wnds with ‘e’?
Sol:- $ls a*e.*
Output Screenshot

Q6- Display all the files which starts with a vowel?

Sol:- $ls [aeiou][AEIOU]*
Output Screenshot

Q7- Display all the files which contains digit at last in its name?
Sol:- $ls *[0-9]*[0-9]*

Output Screenshot

Q8- Display all the files which don’t contain digit in its name?
Sol:- $ls [!0-9]*[!0-9]*[!0-9].*
$ ls [\!0-9]*[\!0-9]*[\!0-9].*
Output Screenshot
Q9- Display all the the files whose name starts with a capital letter?
Sol:- $ls *[A-Z]*

Output Screenshot

Q10- Display all the files whose name contains only three letters?
Sol:- $ls ???.*

Output Screenshot

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