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Name : Khine Khine Kyi Oo

ID : 6119039
No (1)
Nowaday, COVID 19 pandemic hits all over the world so most of all organization are changed
from face-to-face operataion to work from home operation.
The benefits of WFH are well-documented, but so are its drawbacks. For instance, the negative
cognitive impact of WFH on the remote worker has been
widely acknowledged: mental health problems due to social isolation, digital fatigue, and
difficulty in compartmentalizing work, among others. But the focus has been
on the individual employee, and there is no systematic study on the challenges of WFH for
organization design and governance.
WFH poses critical organizational design challenges along two critical dimensions: alignment of
organizational goals with those of individual employees working remotely,
and, coordination of tasks among organizational participants.
Cooperation is needed to resolve the problems that could arise from the misalignment of
individual and organizational goals. Performance incentives, monitoring and control,
and shared values are the three main organizational levers to align goals and ensure employee
Effective coordination relies on synchronized actions that become routines, and also requires
individuals engaged in different tasks to make spontaneous adjustments.

The decision making process is the important thing for the successful remote team and it should
be increase transparency and trust among people who can't build personal connections as easily
face-to-face and it should avoid the bias among the team.

Simultaneous decision making

Decision making method has the same shortfalls of communication simultaneously.
Decisions are rarely if ever taken on the spot. There is a pretext building up to it, as described in
the seven-step process, which may or may not occur in a remote setting.

Simultaneous decision making process lets all the members make useful contributions, share
ideas, and give suggestions. The benefits of this decision-making method are that all the team
members get to contribute to the discussion and that all the ideas and iterations are recorded.
By practicing this type of decision making method, company can build the communication
channel that has all the decision-maker.

Decision polls
Company can creats decision polls to gather information from the team before start the online
meeting and brief describe the context and the reason of creating this poll.

Ask directly
Send the mail with the proposed decision and ask for the suggestion and responses to the team
leader/key persons who play a vital role in making decision.
As we need to adapt to new way of office operation, we have to spend more time
online rather than in person meetings so we have to practise good meeting protocol to
optimise our communications.
We need to choose the tech beforehand the meeting (i,e microsoft team or zoom), well
schedule the meeting, and sending meeting remider to the participants.
From testing your tech before the meeting to setting an agenda for the meeting, these
protocol is lead towards providing a seamless virtual meeting experience that boosts
productivity for the business.

No(3) When I worked in one of the Japanease company as a Assistant Accounting Manager.
Their company policy has to held every monday meeting and at this meeting every
department head will share things to do, opinion, difficulties within their team. But as
my point of view, this meeting just waste the time for every person as most of the time
of meeting, the executives just share their past experiences and sometime they are talk
about political and some topic that are not related to the work. I feel this is the killer
of motivation and momentum.
I think I will be finished faster that I earlier anticipate but sometime then a meeting
comes along and I feel less motivated.
It is pointless to call for and hold many meetings regularly just to discuss same things
over and over again.
It is just a waste of time converging together discussing with no results rather than
using that time to get to work and be productive to the organization.

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