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Nehru Institute of Technology

Coimbatore-641 105

GE 6253 Engineering Mechanics

Previous Years University Questions

Part- A
1. What is meant by a null vector or zero vector ?
2. Define coplanar collinear force system
3. A force of 100N acting at a point making an angle of 30˚ with the horizontal Determine the components of
this force along X and Y directions
4. State triangle law of force? What is the use of this law
5. What do you understand by resolution of forces?
6. Define Free body diagram
7. What is meant by coplanar and non coplanar force system?
8. Differentiate mechanics of the particle and mechanics of the rigidbody
9. Define the following terms (a) Force (b) Moment
10. State the conditions of equilibrium of a particle subjected to concurrent non – coplanar forces
11. State the principle of transmissibility
12. A force F has the components F x = 20N and Fy = -30N .Find the angle it forms with the coordinate axes Y
13. Find the magnitude of the resultant of the coplanar forces 40N , 30˚ and 70N , 200˚
14. A force of magnitude 700N is directed along PQ where P is (0.8,0,1.2) m and Q is (1.4,1.2,0)m .Write the
vector form of the force.
15. State Lami’s theorem
16. State parallelogram law of forces
17. Define equilibrant
18. Define kinetics and kinematics
19. What is a single equivalent force

Part – B

Problems are classified as: (a) Vector Operations (b) Trignometrical Approach (c) Vectorial Approach

(a) Vector Operations

1. Find the dot product and Cross Product of the following vectors
P = i + 2J – 3K and Q = 4i – 5j + 6K
2. If A = 5i + 3J + 2K and B = i-j-2k, Find A X B and the Unit Vector Along It.

(b) Trignometrical Approach - Finding the magnitude and direction of Resultant / Individual

Type 1 : By using Parallelogram forces ( For two Forces acting at an angle between them)

1. Two concurrent forces act at an angle of 30°. The resultant force is 15N and one of the force is
Find the other force. (N.Kottiswaran)
2. The resultant of two concurrent forces is 1500N and the angle between the force is 90°.The
Makes an angle of 36° with one of the force.Find the magnitude of each force (R.K.Bansal)
3. The resultant of two concurrent forces , when they act at an angle of 60 is 14N.If the same forces
are acting at right angles , their resultant is √136N.Determine the magnitude of two forces.
4. Find the magnitude of two forces , such that if they act at right angles , their resultant is √10N.
but if they act 60°, their resultant is √13N (N.Kottiswaran)
5. Two equal forces are acting at a point with an angle of 60 between them .If the resultant force is
equal to 20 X √3 N , Find the magnitude of each force (R.K.Bansal) (Hint: R = 2P Cosθ/2)
6. The sum of two concurrent forces P and Q is 270N and their resultant is 180N .The angle between
the force P and resultant R is 90°.Find the magnitude of each force and angle between them

Type 2 : By using Equations of Equilibrium / Lami’s Theorem (For Multi force Coplanar Concurrent

(a) Finding the tension in the strings or Weight of the body hanging
(b) Finding the Reactions at the point of contact ( Balls resting on walls)

Similar Steps in the Problems :

1. Free body diagram of the given system

2. Finding the angle of the forces / Tensions and Resolving the inclined forces in to horizontal and vertical


3. Apply Equations of Equilibrium / Lami’s Equation

4. Solving Simultaneous Equation and checking results

1. Forces R, S, T, U are collinear. Forces R and T act from left to right. Forces S and U act from
right to left. Magnitudes of the forces R, S, T, U are 40 N, 45 N, 50 N and 55 N respectively. Find
the resultant of R, S, T, U.
(Hint : Apply Sign convention to the forces and solve)

2.The four Coplanar forces are acting at a point as shown in figure. Find the resultant in magnitude and
( Hint : Apply ΣH = 0 , ΣV = 0 , R = √ΣH2 + ΣV2 , Direction (α) ) , N.Kottis

3. The resultant of the forces sytem shown in figure is 520N acting along the negative direction of Y
axis.Determine P and θ ( Hint : Apply ΣH = 0 , ΣV = 0 , R = √ΣH 2 + ΣV2 , Direction (α) ) ,Two equations
PCosθ , PSinθ , N.Kottis

Similar Problems :

A force P is applied at ‘O’ to the string AOB as shown in fig. If the tension in each part of string is
50 N, find the direction an magnitude of force P for equilibrium conditions.
Problems based upon Finding the tension in the Strings / Weight of the body

1. A String ABCD attached to two fixed points A and D has two equal weights of 1000N
attached to it at B and C.The weights rest with the Portions AB and CD inclined at angles
of 30 degrees and 60 degrees respectively to the vertical as shown in figure.Find the
tensions in the portions AB,BC and CD of the string.If the inclination of the portion BC
with the vertical is 120 degrees.
(Hint : FBD, Find angle, Lami equation) , (N.Kottis)

2. A light string ABCDE whose extremity A is fixed , has weights W1 and W2 attached to it at B and C. It
passes round a small smooth peg at D carrying a weight of 300N at the free end E as shown in figure
(Hint : FBD, Find angle, Lami equation) , (R.K.Bansal) T CD = 300N

Problems based Upon Balls resting on Walls :

Hints for Solving Such Problems

1. Free body diagram of the given system

2. Finding the angle of the forces / Tensions and Resolving the inclined forces in to horizontal and vertical

3. Apply Equations of Equilibrium / Lami’s Equation

4. Solving Simultaneous Equation and checking results


(N.Kottis & R.K. Bansal) (N.Kottis & R.K. Bansal)

Five strings are tied to a point and are pulled in all directions , equally spaced from one another .If the

magnitude of the pulls on three consecutive strings is 50N, 70N and 60N respectively. Find the magnitude of the

pulls on two other strings. (R.S.Khurmi)

(Hint : θ1 = 0° , θ2 = 72° , θ3= 36° , θ4 = 36° , θ5 = 72° ), Apply equations of equilibrium and solve simultaneous
equations )

Vectorial Approach
1. A force vector of magnitude 40N is directed from A(1,4) to B(6,7) Determine (i) The components of
the force along X,Y and Z axes (ii) Angles with X and Y axes (iii) Specify the force vector ( N.Kottis)
2. A force of 400N forms angles of 60,45, and 120 degrees with x , y, and z axes .Find the components
along three coordinates axes and express the force in Cartesian coordinates (N.Kottis)
3. The lines of action of threeforces are concurrent at the origin O passes through points A,B and C
having coordiantes (3,0,-3) , (2,-2,4) and (-1,2,4)respectively.If the magnitude of the forces are
10N,30N and 40N ,Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant (N.Kottis)

Finding The tension :

1. A tower guy wire shown below is anchored by means of a bolt at A as shown. The tension in
the wire is
2500KN Determine a) the componentts Fx,Fy & Fz of the force acting on the bolt b) the angles
_x, _y, _z defining the direction of the force. (N.Kottis)
2 Members OA, OB and OC form a three member space truss. A weight of 10 KN is suspended at the
joint ‘O’ as shown in fig. Determine the magnitude and nature of forces in each of the three members of
the truss (N.Kottis)

3. Determine the tension in the cables AB,BC, and AD if the crate shown in figure weighs 9.07 Kg

(Similar Model : N.Kottis)

Unit – 2

Previous Year University Questions

1. Mention the requirements for stable equilibrium

2. State varignon’s theorem
3. Three Couples 12Nm , -35Nm and 100Nm are acting in the xy,yz and xz .Write the vector form
4. What is statically determinate beam
5. What are the types of (a) Loads (b) Beams (c) Supports
6. What is resolution of a force in to a force and couple
7. A force F= (10i + 8j – 5K) N acts at the point A (2,5,6)m.What is the moment of the force about the
point B(3,1,4)m
8. What is a couple and mention its types
Part – B

1. Four parallel forces are acting as shown in figure.Determine the magnitude and direction of the
resultant.Find the distance of the resultant from A. ( Hint : ΣH=0,ΣV=0,ΣM=0 ) (N.Kottis)

2. Four coplanar non concurrent non parallel forces act on a square plate of side 2m as shown in fig.
Locate the resultant force. (Hint : Resolve the forces, ΣH=0,ΣV=0,ΣM=0 ) (N.Kottis)

3. Forces of magnitudes 1,2,3,4 and 2 2 Newtons act respectively along the sides AB,BC,CD,DA and the
diagonal AC of the square ABCD whose side is 3m.Find the resultant and also find the moment.
4. Four forces act on a 700mm X 375mm plate as shown in fig. a) Find the resultant of these forces
b) Locate the two points where the line of action of the resultant intersects the edge of the plate.

Hint : Find the angle of the forces, resolve them and then apply ΣH=0,ΣV=0,ΣM=0 ) (N.Kottis)

5. . Four forces act on a square of side 1 m as shown in fig. Reduce the force system into an
equivalent force – couple system at A.

6. A 3000N Vertical force is applied to the end of the lever which is attached to a shaft at O as Shown in
figure.Determine (i) The moment of 3000N force about O (ii) The magnitude of the horizontal force
applied at A, which creates the same amount about O (iii) The smallest force applied at A, which
creates the same moment about O (iv) How far from the shaft a 750 N vertical force must act to create
the same moment about O ( N.Kottis)

7. A system of four forces A,B,C,D of magnitudes 10KN,15KN,18KN and 12KN are acting on a body
are shown in rectangular co-ordinates as shown in figure.Find the moment about the origin

8. In figure below, two forces act on a circular disc as shown. If the resultant moment of all these forces
about point D on the disc is zero, determine: a) Magnitude of force P (b) Magnitude of the resultant of
two forces (c) The point on the Y-axis through which the line of action of the resultant passes through.

9. A System of parallel forces are acting on a rigid bar as shown in figure. Reduce the system to

(i)A single force (ii) A single force and a couple at A (iii) A single force and a couple at B

10. Reduce the system of forces shown in fig.5 to a force – couple system at A.

11. For the system of forces shown in fig,determine the magnitudes of P and Q such that the resultant
of the system passes through A and B

12. Blocks A and B of weight 200N and 100N respectively, rest on a 30 inclined plane and are attached
to the post which is held perpendicular to the plane by force P, parallel to the plane, as shown in fig.
Assume that all surfaces are smooth and that the cords are parallel to the plane. Determine the value
of P. Also find the Normal reaction of Blocks A and B. (Hint : FBD, ΣH=0,ΣV=0,ΣM=0 ) (N.Kottis)

13. A Uniform meter rod AB, assumed rigid of mass 0.5 kg is suspended from its ends in an inclined
position and a mass of 1 kg is suspended from a point D, as shown in fig. Determine the tension in
each string. Where should the suspended mass be placed in order to get equal tension in the strings.
(Hint : FBD, ΣH=0,ΣV=0,ΣM=0 ) (N.Kottis)
14. Figure shows two vertical forces and a couple of moment 2000Nm acting on a horizontal rod which
is fixed at end A .
(a) Determine the resultant of the system and (ii) Equivalent system through A


15. Find the resultant of the sytem and also the Xand Y intercepts of the resultant


16.Four forces equal to P,2P,3P and 4P are respectively acting along the four sides of square ABCD taken in
order .Find the magnitude , direction and position of the resultant force.

( Hint : Take Force P : horizontal towards right 2P = Vertically Upwards

3P: Horizontal towards Left 4P = Vertically Downwards)

(Apply Equations of Equilibrium and Solve)

Problems on Support Reactions ( R.K.Bansal)

1. Find reactions at points A & B


Unit – 3

Previous Year University Questions

Part – A

1. Differentiate between centroid and centre of gravity

2. Define polar moment of inertia
3. Give the expressions to calculate moment of inertia of a rectangle about its base and C.G
4. State parallel axis theorem
5. How do you calculate centroid of a triangular section
6. Write the moment of inertia about the centroidal axes of a (a) Sphere of radius a (b) Cylinder of length L and radius r
7. State the theorem of pappus and Guldinus
8. What is meant by moment of inertia
9. Distinguish area moment of inertia , polar moment of inertia and mass moment of inertia
10.Define the term radius of gyration
11.What is polar moment of inertia of a circular section
12.Define product of inertia.
13.Define principal axes and principal moment of inertia
14.When will the product of inertia of a lamina becomes zero ?
15.Write the S.I units of Mass Moment of inertia and area moment of inertia

Part – B

1. Find the Principal moment of inertia of an angle section 100 X 80 X 20 mm

2. Find the Principal moment of inertia of a Channel section 100 X 80 X 20 mm

3. Find the Principal moment of inertia of a T Section whose Flange is 100 mm X 20 mm and Web is 80mm X 20 mm

4. Find the Principal moment of inertia of an I section Top Flange: 80mm X 20 mm , Web : 80mm X 20 mm

Bottom Flange: 120 mm X 20mm

Hint : To find Principal Moment of Inertia , Find the values of Centroid, Moment of inertia , Product of inertia and

Angles of principal Axes of the given section with S.I Units.

5.A circular hole is punched out of a circular lamina.The diameter of the circular hole which is punched out is equal to
the radius of the circular plate.Find the centroid of the remaining lamina (N.Kottiswaran)

6.A square hole is punched out of circular lamina, the diagonal of the square being the radius of the circle.Find the
center of gravity of the remainder, if r is the radius of the circle (R.S.khurmi)

Concentrate Problems on Centroid from N.Kottiswaran and R.S.Khurmi

: Plane figures (Rectangle,Square,Circle) With removed sections

Composite figures with removed sections (Shaded Portion)


Unit – 4

Prevoius Year University Questions

Part –A

1. A particle starting from rest, moves in a straight line and its acceleration is given by a = 40 – 46t 2 m/sec2 where t
is in sec. Determine the velocity of the particle when it has travelled 52m
2. A steel ball is thrown vertically upwards from the top of the building 25m above the ground with an initial
velocity of 18 m/sec.Find the maximum height reached by the ball from the ground.
3. Define Angle of projection
4. A body is moving with uniform acceleration and covers 15m in fifth second and 25m in 10 th second. Determine
the initial velocity of the body.
5. Define horizontal range and trajectory
6. A body is moving with a velocity of 4 m/sec.After 5 seconds the velocity of the body becomes 10 m/sec.Find the
acceleration of the body ( Hint : Equations of motion)
7. What is the period of restitution
8. Stat the work energy principle
9. Define coefficient of restitution
10. A body of mass 2 Kg is moving with a velocity of 50 m/s .What will be the kinetic energy of the body
11. Define impulse and momentum
12. A particle moves along X axis and its position is expressed as X = 3.5t3 – 7.5t2 , where X is in m , t is in Seconds
Find the instantaneous acceleration at t = 3s
13. State D Alembert’s Principle
14. Define time of flight
15. Explain briefly the two types of collision
16. If the distance X cm travelled by a particle in t seconds is given by X = 20t 2 + 50t + 19.Find the velocity and
acceleration after 3 seconds.
17. State principle of conservation of energy
18. Write down the equations of motion of a particle under gravitation
19. A car accelerates uniformly from a sped of 30 Km/Hr to a speed of 75 Km/Hr in 5 secs.
Determine the acceleration of the car and the distance traveled by the car during 5 secs.
20. A stone is projected in space at an angle of 45° to horizontal at an initial velocity of 10 m/sec. Find the
range of the projectile.
Part – B

Problems are based Upon :

(a) Rectilinear Motion

1. A burglars car had a start with an acceleration of 2 m/s2.A police vigilant party came after 5 seconds and
continued to chase the burglars car with a uniform velocity of 20 m/s .Find the time taken in which the police van
will overtake the burglars car ( Hint : Equations of Linear Motion) (N.Kottiswaran)

2. A train is traveling from A to D along the track shown in fig. Its initial velocity at A is zero. The train
takes 5 min to cover the distance AB, 2250 m length and 2.5 minutes to cover, the distance BC, 3000 m in
length, on reaching the station C, the brakes are applied and the train stops 2250 m beyond, at D (i) Find
the retardation on CD, (ii) the time it takes the train to get from A to D, and (iii) its average speed for the
whole distance. ( Hint : Equations of Linear Motion) (N.Kottiswaran)

3. Two trains A and B leave the same train on parallel lines.A starts with an uniform acceleration of 1/6
m/s2 and attains a speed of 24 km/hr when steam is reduced to keep the speed constant. B leaves 40
seconds after, with uniform acceleration of 1/3 m/s2 to attain a maximum speed of 48 Km/Hr.When will
it overtake A ? ( Hint : Equations of Linear Motion) (N.Kottiswaran)

(b) Motion of Partcile Under Gravity

1. A stone is thrown vertically upwards .It reaches the maximum height 12m, Determine
(a) The velocity with which the stone was thrown
(b) The time taken to reach the maximum height
(c) Total time taken by the stone, to return to the ground surface, after projected upwards.
2. A stone is dropped from the top of a tower of 50m high.At the same time another stone is thrown
upwards from the foot of the tower with a velocity of 25 m/s When and where the two stones cross
each other. (R.S.khurmi)
3. A ball is projected vertically upwards with a velocity of 20 m/s.Two seconds later , a second ball is
projected vertically upwards with a velocity of 16 m/s.Find the height above which the two balls meet.

(c)Rectilenear motion with Variable Acceleration

Problems are based upon: Displacement, Velocity & Acceleration Relationship in Linear Displacement
1. The position of the particle is given by the relation S=1.5t3-9t2-22.5t+60, where S is expressed in meters
and t in seconds. Determine (i) the time at which the velocity will be zero (ii) the position and distance
traveled by the particle at that time (iii) the acceleration of the particle at that time and (iv) the distance
traveled by the particle from t = 5s to t = 7s.

2. The equation of motion of a particle is given, acceleration (a) in terms of time (t) are given below
a = 3t2 + 2t + 4 , in which acceleration is in m/s2 and time t is in seconds.It is observed that the velocity of
the particle is 12 m/s after 4 seconds and the displacement of the particle is 8m after 4 seconds.
Determine : Velocity after 8 seconds (b) Displacement after 2 seconds (N.Kottiswaran)

Concentrate on similar problems from N.Kottiswaran and R.S.Khurmi Book

(d) Curvilinear Motion (Cartesian coordinate system)

Problems are based upon: Displacement, Velocity & Acceleration Relationship in Angular Displacement

1. The motion of a particle along a curved path is given by the equations

X = t2 + 8t + 4 and Y = t3 + 3t2 + 8t + 4
Determine (a) Initial velocity of the particle (b) Velocity of the parcile at t= 2 sec
(c)Acceleration of the particle at t= 0 (d) Acceleration of the particle at t= 2 sec (N.Kottis)
2. The motion of a body moving on a curved path is given by the equation X = 4sin3t and Y = 4cos3t
Find the velocity and acceleration after 2 seconds. (N.kottis)

Concentrate on similar problems from N.Kottiswaran and R.S.Khurmi Book

(e) Curvilinear Motion (Polar Coordinate System)

Problems are based upon: Displacement, Velocity & Acceleration Relationship in Angular Displacement

1. A particle moves along a curve and its position is defne by r = 2θ and θ = t2 /2 , where t is in sec , and
r is in metres .Determine the velocity and acceleration of the particle at θ = π /4. (N.Kottis)

Concentrate on similar problems from N.Kottiswaran and R.S.Khurmi Book

(f) Projectile Motion

1. A particle is thrown with a velocity of 5 m/s at an elevation of 60˚ to the horizontal. Find the velocity of
another particle thrown at an elevation of 45˚ which will have (a) Equal horizontal range (b) Equal
maximum height (c) Equal time of flight ( Hint : Standard Formulas of Projectile Motion)

2. A body is projected at such an angle that the horizontal range is three times the greatest height. Find
the angle of projection. (Hint : R = 3 x hmax) (R.S.khurmi)

3. A projectile is aimed at a mark on the horizontal plane through the point of projection .It falls 12
metres short when the angle of projection is 15˚, while it overshoots the mark by 24 metres when the
same angle is 45˚.Find the angle of projection to hit the mark. (R.S.khurmi)

4. A projectile fired from the edge of a 150m high cliff with an initial velocity of 180 m/s at an angle of
elevation 30˚ with the horizontal. Find
(a) The greatest elevation above the ground reached by the projectile
(b) Horizontal distance from the gun to the point , where the projectile strikes the ground.

5. A bullet is fired upwards at an angle of 30˚ to the horizontal from a point P on a hill, and it strikes a
target which is 80m lower than P. The initial velocity of bullet is 100 m/s .Calculate
(a) The maximum height the bullet will rise above the horizontal
(b) The actual velocity with which it will strike the target

(c) The total time required for the flight of the bullet. (R.S.Khurmi)

6. A projectile is fired with an initial velocity of 250 m/s at a target located at a horizontal distance of
4KM and a vertical distance of 700m above the gun. Determine the value of firing angle to hit the
(Hint : Equation of trajectory, Sec2 α = 1/cos2α, Sec2 α = (1+tan2α) , Quadratic Equation) (R.K.Bansal)

(g) Newtons Laws of Motion

Problems on Lifts


1. A man weighing 600N gets in to a lift. Calculate the force exerted by him on the floor of the
lift.When it is
(a) Moving upwards with an acceleration of 3 m/s2
(b) Moving downwards with same acceleration (N.Kottis)

Blocks Resting on Inclined Plane

1. Two Blocks A and B of weight 100 N and 200 N respectively are initially at rest on a 30° inclined
plane as shown in figure. The distance between the blocks is 6 m. The co efficient of friction between
the block A and the plane is 0.25 and that between the block B and the plane is 0.15. If they are
released at the same time, in what time the upper block (B) reaches the Block (A).

To solve through Newtons laws of motion “ma” should be considered

(Hint : F.B.D of the Block, ΣH = 0 , ΣV = 0, Equations of Motion) (N.Kottis)

Concentrate on similar problems from N.Kottiswaran and R.S.Khurmi Book for finding the
acceleration of the blocks , Tension in the string of blocks resting on inclined planes

Motion of Connected Bodies

1.Two blocks of weight 150 N and 50 N are connected by a string and passing over a frictionless pulley
as shown in figure. Determine the acceleration of blocks A and B and the tension in the string (Newton’s


(Hint : F.B.D of the Block, ΣH = 0 , ΣV = 0, Solving Equations ) (N.Kottis)

Concentrate on similar problems from N.Kottiswaran and R.S.Khurmi Book

2. . Two weights 80 N and 20 N are connected by a thread and move along a rought horizontal plane under
the action of a force 40 N, applied to the first weight of 80 N as shown in figure. The coefficient of
friction between the sliding surfaces of the wrights and the plane is 0.3. Determine the acceleration of the
weights and the tension in the thread using newtons laws of motion

(Hint : F.B.D of the Block, ΣH = 0 , ΣV = 0, Solving Equations) (N.Kottis)

(h) Work Energy Equation

Inertia Force Should not be considered while drawing F.B.D

(Hint : F.B.D, ΣH = 0 , Σv=0, Work energy equation)

1. A body of weight 60N is projected up a 15° inclined plane with a velocity of 10 m/s .The coefficient
of kinetic friction between the block and plane is 0.2.Find the maximum distance that the body will
move up the plane before it comes to rest.

2. A body of weight 600N placed on a 20° inclined plane and pulled by a 500N force applied parallel to
the plane .if the initial velocity of the body is 2 m/s .Calculate the final velocity of the body, when it
has travelled a distance of 2m.take the Coefficient of kinetic friction between the body and plane is

3. Two blocks of weight 150 N and 50 N are connected by a string and passing over a frictionless
pulley as shown in figure. Determine the acceleration of blocks A and B and the tension in the

4. Two weights 80 N and 20 N are connected by a thread and move along a rought horizontal plane
under the action of a force 40 N, applied to the first weight of 80 N as shown in figure. The coefficient
of friction between the sliding surfaces of the wrights and the plane is 0.3. Determine the acceleration
of the weights and the tension in the thread using work energy method

Work Done By a Spring

(Hint : F.B.D, ΣH = 0 , Σv=0,,F= ma , Equations of Motion , Work done = Kinetic Energy of the Block)

Concentrate on similar problems from N.Kottiswaran and R.S.Khurmi Book ,

The above mentioned problems can also be solved by using Impulse – Momentum Equation
where inertia force (ma) should not be considered

Bullet and Block

1. A bullet of mass 30 gram is moving horizontally with a velocity of 450 m/s and strikes a
wooden block of weight 45N resting on a rough horizontal plane. The bullet is embedded
in to the block and then both the block and bullet moves as a single unit. Calculate the
distance moved. Take µ = 0.45
(Hint : Law of conservation of momentum, F.B.D, Equations of Motion)

Impact And Collision of Elastic Bodies

1. A ball of mass 2 kg , moving with a velocity of 3 m/s impinges on a ball of mass 4 kg with aveloty
of 1 m/s .The velocities of two balls are parallel and inclined at 30˚ to the line joining their centres at
the instant of impact.If the coefficient of restitution is 0.5.Find
(a) Direction , in which the 4Kg ball will move after the impact
(b) Velocity of the 4 Kg ball after impact
(c) Direction , in which the 2Kg ball will move after the impact
(d) Velocity of the 2 Kg ball after impact

(Hint : Law of Conservation of Momentum, Newtons law of Collision) (Kottis & R.S.Khurmi)
2. A sphere of mass 1 Kg moving at 3 m/s overtakes another sphere of mass 5 kg moving in the same
line at 60 m/s.Find the loss of kinetic energy during impact and show that the direction of motion of
the first sphere is reversed.ake coefficient of restitution as 0.75.
3. A ball of mass 20 kg moving with a velocity of 5 m/s strikes directly another ball of Mass 10 kg
moving in the opposite direction with a velocity of 10 m/s. If e = 5/6. then determine the velocity of
each ball after impact.

Unit – 5

Previous Year University Questions

1. State the laws of friction

2. Define rolling resistance with neat sketch
3. Give the expression for calculating the coefficient of friction in V – belt
4. A body is rotating with an angular velocity of 5 rad/sec, After 4 seconds the angular velocity of the body
becomes 13 rad/sec.Determine the angular acceleration of the body.
5. Define coefficient of friction
6. State general plane motion
7. A flywheel of mass 1500 kg and radius of gyration 0.90m rotates about a fixed center O from rest to an
angular speed of 250 rpm in 120 sec.Calculate the moment.
8. Define angle of friction and angle of response

9. State the laws of Static friction and dynamic friction

10. A body of weight 100N is placed on a rough horizontal plane.Determine the coefficient of friction if a
horizontal force 0f 60N just causes the body to slide over a horizontal plane.
11. Draw the free body diagram of a ladder placed against a vertical wall and a man standing on it.
12. A wheel rotating about a fixed axis at 20 rpm is uniformly accelerated for 70 seconds during which time it
makes 50 revolutions .Find the angular velocity at the end of this interval.
13. What are the types of rigid body motion?
14. A wheel of 300mm diameter supports a load of 10 KN.Determine the coefficient of rolling resistance if a
horizontal force of 250N is needed to roll on the horizontal surface.
15. Write the equation between angular velocity and linear velocity
16. The angle of rotation of a rigid body is given by the expression θ = t3 – 3t2 + 4t + 8 where t is in seconds .Find
the angular velocity when t = 3 seconds

Body Resting on Inclined Plane and Horizontal Plane

1. Block (2) rests on block (1) and is attached by a horizontal rope AB to the wall as shown in figure. What force P is
necessary to cause motion of block (1) impend ?, The coefficient of friction between the blocks is ¼ and between
the floor and the block(1) is 1/3 .Mass of blocks (1) and (2) are 14 Kg and 9 kg respectively. (N.Kottis)

2. What should be the value of angle θ so that the motion of the 390 N block impends down the plane. The coefficient
of friction for all surfaces is 1/3 (N.Kottis)

3. A pull of 20N inclined at 25˚ to the horizontal plane is required just to move a body on a rough horizontal plane, but
the push required to move the body is 25N. If the push is inclined at 25˚ to the horizontal. Find the weight of the
body and coefficient of friction.

4. An effort of 200N is required just to move a certain body up an inclined plane of angle 15 , the force is acting
parallel to the plane .If the angle of inclination of the plane is made 20 , the effort required being again parallel to
the plane is found to be 230N.Find the weight of the body and the coefficient of friction. (N.Kottis)

Ladder Friction (N.Kottis)

1. A uniform ladder of weight 1000N and length 4m rests on a horizontal ground and leans against a smooth vertical
wall. The ladder makes an angle of 60˚ with the horizontal. When a man of weight 750N stands on the ladder at a
distance 3m from the top of the ladder, the ladder is at the point of sliding. Determine the coefficient of friction
between the ladder and the floor.

2. A 7m long ladder rests against a vertical wall, with which it makes an angle of 45ᵒ and on a floor. If a man whose
weight is one half of that ladder climbs it , at what distance along the ladder will he be, when the ladder is about to
slip. Take coefficient of friction between the ladder and the wall is 1/3 and that between the ladder and the floor is

3. The weight of 14m long bar is 600N and it may be considered to be concentrated at a point 6m from the bottom.It
rests against a smooth vertical wall at A and on a rough horizontal floor at B .The co efficient of static friction
between the bar and the floor is 1/3 .Establish by calculations if the bar would stand in the 60˚ position.

Wedge Friction
1. A block overlying a 10 wedge on ahorizontal floor and leaning against a vertical wall and weighing 1500N is to
be raised by applying a horizontal force to the wedge.Assuming µ = 0.3 between all the surfaces .Determine the
minimum horizontal force to be applied to raise the block. (Hint : F.B.D , ∑ H = 0 , ∑V= 0)

Screw Jack

1. In a screw jack , the pitch of the screw threaded screw is 5.5mm and the mean dia is 70mm.The force exerted in
turning the screw is applied at the end of the lever is 210mm long measured from the axis of the screw.If the
coefficient of friction of the screw jack is 0.07.Calculate the force required at the end of the lever to (i) Raise a
weight of 30 KN (ii) Lower the same weight.

Belt Friction ( N.Kottis & R.S.Khurmi)

1. A rope is wrapped three times around a rod as shown in figure .Determine the force required on the free end of
the rope to support a load of W = 20 KN , Take µ as 0.30

2. A horizontal drum of a belt drive carries the belt over asemicircle around it.It is rotated anticlockwise to
transmit a torque of 350Nm.If the coefficient of friction between the belt and rope is 0.25.Calculate the tensions
in the limbs of the belt and reaction on the bearings.The drum has a mass of 25 Kg.neglect the mass of the belt.

3. A belt is running over a pulley of diameter 1.2m at 300 r.p.m.The angle of contact is 150˚ and coefficient of
friction is 0.35.If the maximum tension in the belt is 500N.Determine the power transmitted by it.

Kinematics of Rigid Bodies

1. A flywheel is rotating from rest and is given an acceleration of 2 rad/s
(i) Find the angularvelocity and spped in rpm after 60 sec
(ii) If the flywheel is brought to rest with an angular retardation of 1.25 rad/s2. Determine the time taken by the
flywheel in seconds to come rest.

2. A pulley assembly shown in Fig. Q. 15 {a) weighs 50 kg, with a r a dius of

gyration of 0.35 m. Th8 blocks A and B are connected through strings wrapped around the pulleys.
Determine the acceleration of each block
and tension in each string.

Crank and Connecting Rod

1. In the engine system shown in ¯Figure, the crank AB has a constant clockwise angular
speed of 3000 r.p.m.
For the crank position indicated, Find
(i) the angular velocity of the connecting rod BP
(ii) velocity of piston P.

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