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Module 2

The main objective of a Security Guard is to protect People, Property, and

Definition of a Security Guard: Someone that works for remuneration that
primarily consists of protecting or guarding persons or property.
There are three main things that every Security Guard MUST protect:
1) People (this includes the people belonging to the company and members of
the public who have access to the company)
2) Property (this includes everything that the company makes, the company’s
equipment, and Facilities)
3) Information (this includes any and all information about: the company’s
Products, Facilities, Process and Property.)

In Security there are two main divisions:

A) Public Security
B) Private Security

Public Security:
Public Security agencies are groups that provide security services but are funded
exclusively by the government. This branch of security services includes the:
Municipal, Federal and Provincial Police Forces. These police forces are usually
given a wide sweeping area that is generally noticed. This helps them to perform
various tasks such as (but not limited to):
1) Preserving the peace
2) Preventing crimes and other offences
3) Assisting crime victims
4) Arresting or detaining criminals or those suspected of criminal involvement
5) Drafting and laying criminal charges
6) Investigating crimes
7) Seizing evidence
8) Testifying in court
9) Executing search and arrest warrants

Private Security
Private security is offered to a company or an individual for a fee typically funded
by that person – except in special circumstances. Instead of security services
provided with public interests, these security services are provided with the
client’s best interests in mind.
Private security includes measures taken by the individual, partnerships or
corporations that are mainly designed have their own personal interests
Private Security main job is to protect:
- Personnel – this includes the members of the company and those members
of the public that have access to the company
- Property – this includes all products made by the company, the equipment
and facilities of the company that are used in its production
- Information – this includes information about the process, equipment,
property, and facilities of the company
Companies wishing to have private security without the costs associated with
developing their own security unit will often choose to contract the services of an
outside security company. By contracting the services of these agencies, a
company avoids incurring the costs associated with managing and administering
the function.
Administrative and other costs are then divided amongst all other clients of the
security form.
Private security acts independently from the politics of the host company.
Because of this, employees may feel that they can trust a Security Guard from
outside the company more than they may feel about trusting an internal Guard.
The Role of a Security Guard
The main role of any Security Guard is to: Protect people, property, and
They are responsible to a variety of people:
1) The Employer
2) To the Public
3) To yourself

A) To the Employer
Main responsibility is to ensure the protection and security of the property
Key factors when knowing this:
 The responsibility to make every effort to ensure premises and property
are protected in an appropriate and effective fashion against a variety of
natural and man-made threats.
 Preventing, detecting, and reacting appropriately to the commission of
criminal and quasi-criminal actions on or against the property of the
client; and
 The obligation to perform these duties in a way that enables the client
to have confidence that they will not lose business or have to pay a
substantial civil claim because of the conduct of security services.
B) To the Public
Security is normally assigned to the public with the duty of Protecting the Public
from Loss or Injury.
This includes:
1) The responsibility to interact with Law Enforcement officials and the Justice
System when necessary. (e.g., Detaining someone who has committed a
criminal offence.) Until the Police arrive Security Guards may also provide
supplementary services to the police. (e.g., securing crime scenes until the
Police arrive)
2) When in emergencies people go to figures of authority, based on the
security guard’s position they are likely to fall in this category
3) Security Guards possess information that will assist emergency personnel in
times of crisis
4) Where criminal charges have been laid as the result of information a
Security Guard gave to the Police, and the proper procedures were
followed in making the arrest, the Security Guard will be expected to testify
that the evidence was legally acquired, produce and/or identify the
exhibits, identify the accused, and present testimony to the court in a
professional manner.

C) To Yourself
A Security Guard should recognize that he or she is a professional and is
involved in a position that involves tremendous responsibility. Often, security
is responsible for protecting hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars
of property and equipment. Consequently, the guard must act in a serious and
responsible manner during the performance of his or her duties.
Observe, Deter, Record, and Report

Remember a Security Guard’s main objective is to “Provide Protection” to People,

Property, and information.

Although some tasks may entail physical intervention, majority of tasks provided
will require a Security Guard to do 4 things: Observe, Deter, Record, Report. Very
often will Police officers rely on their uniform, their position, extensive training,
and weapons to handle tasks in which there may be some risk of being physically
assaulted. Most Security Guards do not have these advantages and are far better
advised to watch what is going on, take notes, and contact the Police if necessary.

Qualities of a Security Guard

There are 2 main qualities of a Security Guard:

1) Character
2) Attitude


Security Guards should be honest, courageous, alert, well disciplined and loyal.
This is because they are the custodians of company and customer property.

Continued Alertness is essential because this could be the difference in a life-or-

death situation. The very nature of a security guards routine is to protect
personnel and facilities. Therefore, Guards must be constantly alert.

Prompt obedience and proper execution of all orders issued by superiors is always
necessary. This is because of regulations. Regulations specify that a security guard
must never leave their post unless relieved by another officer or ordered to do so.
Personal feelings must NOT affect job performance. Every guard must be able to
be trusted with confidential information.

Since a Security Guard is often the first contact an individual (visitor or employee)
has with the company, the way in which that individual is greeted will have a
great impact on their perception of the company. There are 3 important factors
that relate to attitude:

1) Courtesy
2) Restraint
3) Interest


This is the expression of showing genuine consideration for others. This removes
friction and makes overall personal connections that much more pleasant. This
way getting the cooperation of anyone is a lot easier.

Guards are to act without undue emotion or haste, not to use abusive language,
not to argue with anyone and to avoid using force if possible. A calm dignified
bearing engenders respect and will usually be more effective than a belligerent

Duties of a Security Guard.

Individuals MUST have a valid Security Guard License whenever a task is
performed for renumeration that consists primarily of protecting persons or

Effective Guards will: deliver excellent customer service, be knowledgeable in

their duties, and skillful in their application of the law.

Deliver Excellent Customer Service: This includes being honest, polite,

interested, helpful, friendly, accountable, knowledgeable, quick, intelligent,
accurate, and respectful. Guards will act in a manner that puts people at ease and
our customers know that we are there to help them. They should be quick
problem solvers and know the proper course of action for any situations at their
post or duty.

Values of good service

The values of good service are the things that make a difference in the level of
service and enjoyment of the customers. These values are the same across the
service industry. These basics are what the customers and patrons are most
sensitive to, as this is what makes a difference in how they are treated and how
they associate value to the product.

As a Security Guard you are expected to excel in areas of good service.

2 Key factors when interacting with the customers and environment:

1) Be Knowledgeable of their duties

2) Be skillful in the application of the law

1) Be knowledgeable of their duties

This includes knowing, without having to reference, any company policy and
procedure as well as site specific policy and procedures and all relevant
guidelines and operational orders or any other directions you may need to
follow.  It includes your boundaries in the limits of your duties as a Security
Guard according to the Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005,
and knowing how to respond in a lawful and ethical manner to any situation
you may encounter during your duties.
2) Be Skillful in the application of the law

This includes knowing and obeying the law, post orders, and company policies.
Knowing the roles that; the Security Guard, the public or everyday citizen, and
Peace Officer plays in keeping our communities safe. Each has a level of
responsibility and ability to act according to their knowledge and position.
While responding and assisting try to not draw any unnecessary attention to the
situation Creating positive witnesses are important, however you must avoid
creating negative witnesses as well.
People are curious by nature and thus look, you must be completely professional
at all times.
As a Security Guard it is important to have an understanding of the laws that
govern the security industry and those laws which a Guard is authorized to
enforce. This law affects the guard’s powers’ of arrest and limits their actions. The
law is set out not only to protect people in society from crimes, but it is also
meant to protect those who enforce the laws and those who break the laws. It is
extremely important to note that:
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Professionalism, Public Relations, and Personal image

This area is easily one of the most important aspects to be aware of and improve
on during your working time at the site. Everything from how you interact with
people to how you carry yourself, from your unconscious body language to your
posture and attitude. Everyone you meet is quietly taking note of how you carry
yourself. Everyone you meet is also a client- you are constantly being evaluated
by the people who pay for your service.
There are 4 main ways to improve our self-image:
1) Body Language and Mannerisms
2) Vocabulary and Speech Patterns
3) Personal Hygiene
4) Uniform
Body Language and Mannerisms
Body Language speaks volumes about yourself than perhaps any other visual
method, except fashion and clothing style. Before speaking to your client, they
already have an idea of how they perceive you. Ensure to make a great first
impression, as everyone you encounter is a client.

A few things to keep in mine a few key pointers when controlling your body
1) Posture – no slouching, sit and stand with shoulders and back relaxed
2) Eye line – relax eyes and avoid squinting, maintain eye contact when talking
3) Head position – don’t tilt your head or look to the floor
4) Gait – Walk in a relaxed manner – sure and firm footing
5) Tension – Relax, people know and can tell when your tense

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