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“Human development: a life project”


Teacher´s names Johnson Palacios Grade: 10___ 2020

Semana 3
Reading comprehension

International Day of Happiness

There’s more behind the International Day of Happiness than you might think. Find
out more by reading the article and answering the questions.
Before reading
Do the preparation task first. Then read the article and do the exercises.

Task 1
Match the definitions (a–f) with the vocabulary (1–6).

Vocabulary Definition
1. C to measure a. a person whose parents have died
2. E psychological b. medicine, hospitals and doctors
3. A an orphan c. to find out how much, how long,
how tall, etc.
4. D to adopt a child
d. to become the legal parent of a
5. F human rights child who is not yours
6. B healthcare e. about your mind and feelings
f. things we all agree everyone
should have

International Day of Happiness

You might think the International Day of Happiness is a day to practise positive
thinking or to give thanks for the things in your life that make you happy. But it’s
actually a United Nations (UN) project which has a more serious purpose. The UN
thinks happiness will only be for everyone when the people of the world are equal.
Why 20 March?
On this date (and also on 23 September), the centre of the sun is directly above the
Earth’s equator, which is called an equinox. On the equinox, day and night last for
almost equal time all over the Earth. The equinox is felt by everyone on the planet,
which matches perfectly with the idea behind the Day of Happiness. Since 2013,
the Day of Happiness has been celebrated in all 193 United Nations member
How did the idea start?
The idea goes back to 1972, when the King of Bhutan, Jigme Singye Wangchuck,
said that we should measure a country’s progress by its happiness and not just
how much it produces or how much money it makes. He called it Gross National
Happiness (GNH). Again, it is more than just a nice idea. Bhutan developed a
system to measure happiness based on things like people’s psychological health,
“Human development: a life project”


Teacher´s names Johnson Palacios Grade: 10___ 2020

their general health, how they spend their time, where they live, their education and
their environment. People in Bhutan answer about 300 questions, and the results
are compared every year to measure progress. The government uses the results
and the ideas behind GNH to make decisions for the country. Other places use
shorter, similar versions of this kind of report, for example the cities of Victoria in
Canada and Seattle in the USA, as well as the state of Vermont, USA.
The man behind the International Day of Happiness
In 2011, a UN adviser called Jayme Illien suggested the idea of an international
day to increase happiness. His plan was accepted by Secretary-General Ban Ki-
moon in 2012. Jayme was born in Calcutta, India, and he became an orphan when
he was a child. He was adopted by an American nurse, Anna Belle Illien. She
travelled the world to help orphans and she took Jayme with her. He saw children
like him, but who were not as lucky as him because they were often escaping wars
or they were very poor. He wanted to do something about it, so he worked in the
areas of children’s and human rights.
The World Happiness Report
The UN measures and compares the happiness of different countries in the World
Happiness Report. It bases its report on social, economic and environmental wellbeing. The
UN also sets goals for countries to achieve to increase happiness because it says happiness
is a basic human right. Happiness should not be something people have because they are
lucky to live in a place where they have basic things like peace, education and access to
healthcare. If we agree that these basic things are human rights, then it is not a very big step
to agree that happiness is a basic human right too.
Task 2 Are the
sentences true or false?

1. The UN hopes people will think about what makes

them happy on 20 March. Answer
2. There is more than one International Day of 1. True X false ____
Happiness every year.
3. The equinox happens for everyone on Earth on the 2. True X false ____
same day.
4. The King of Bhutan was the first person to celebrate a 3. True X false ____
Day of Happiness.
5. Bhutan asks people a lot of questions to see how 4. True X false ____
happy they are and why.
5. True _____ false X
6. Jayme Illien’s experience as a child influenced his
choice of work as an adult.
6. True _____ false X
7. The United Nations has copied some of the work of
7. True X false ____
8. Happiness is something the UN thinks everyone has a
right to have. 8. True X false _____
“Human development: a life project”


Teacher´s names Johnson Palacios Grade: 10___ 2020

Task 3
Put the words in order to make sentences.

1. of different countries The UN in the the happiness measures and compares

World Happiness Report.
The UN measures and compares the happiness of different countries in the World
Happiness Report.
2. is directly above the Earth’s equator. On the centre 20 March, of the sun
On March 20 the center of the sun is directly above the equator of the earth.
3. well-being. and environmental The UN on bases social, economic its report
The UN bases its report on social, economic and environmental well-being.
4. suggested happiness. of an to increase Jayme Illien international day the idea
Jayme Illien suggested the idea of an international day to increase happiness.
5. every year to measure People in Bhutan and the results progress. are compared
answer questions
People in Bhutan answer some 300 questions, and the results are compared each
year to measure progress.
Task 4
What is the most important thing people need to be happy?
Express your opinión
He needs to have peace in his heart, to be a positive person, to have a family that
supports him, not to live on material things but on what really makes him happy,
such as living new experiences, experimenting with all emotions.

Nota: 21 points
0,238 each one
8: 1,9 15: 3,5
10: 2,3 17: 4,0

12: 2,8 19: 4,5

13: 3,0 20: 4,7

14: 3,3 21: 5,0

“Human development: a life project”


Teacher´s names Johnson Palacios Grade: 10___ 2020

a. directed at a particular person or group
1. E data
b. permission to do something
2. G to be aware of
c. to risk having a harmful effect on
3. B consent something
4. F to keep track /to track d. to control an activity or process, especially
5. H a scandal with rules

6. A targeted e. information, especially facts or numbers,

that is collected for a future purpose
7. D to regulate
f. to study or record someone’s behaviour
8. C to compromise over time
g. to have noticed or know about something
h. a public feeling of shock and disapproval

You and your data

As the internet and digital technology become a bigger part of our lives, more of our data
becomes publicly accessible, leading to questions about privacy. So, how do we interact with
the growing digital world without compromising the security of our information and our right
to privacy? Imagine that you want to learn a new language. You search ‘Is German a difficult
language?’ on your phone. You click on a link and read an article with advice for learning
German. There’s a search function to find German courses, so you enter your city name. It
asks you to actívate location services to find courses near you. You click ‘accept’. You then
message a German friend to ask for her advice. When you look her up on social media, an
advertisement for a book and an app called German for Beginners instantly pops up. Later
the same day, while you’re sending an email, you see an advert offering you a discount at a
local language school. How did they know? The simple answer is online data. At all stages
of your search, your devices, websites and applications were collecting data on your
preferences and tracking your behaviour online. ‘They’ have been following you.
Who uses our data and why?
In the past, it was easy for people to keep track of their personal information. Like
their possessions, people’s information existed mostly in physical form: on paper,
kept in a folder, locked in a cupboard or an office. Today, our personal information
can be collected and stored online, and it’s accessible to more people than ever
before. Many of us share our physical location, our travel plans, our political
opinions, our shopping interests and our family photos online – as key services like
ordering a takeaway meal, booking a plane, taking part in a poll or buying new
clothes now take place online and require us to give out our data.
Every search you make, service you use, message you send and item you buy is
part of your ‘digital footprint’. Companies and online platforms use this ‘footprint’ to
“Human development: a life project”


Teacher´s names Johnson Palacios Grade: 10___ 2020

track exactly what we are doing, from what links we click on to how much time we
spend on a website. Based on your online activity, they can guess what you are
interested in and what things you might want to buy. Knowing so much about you
gives online platforms and companies a lot of power and a lot of money. By selling
your data or providing targeted content, companies can turn your online activity into
profit. This is the foundation of the growing industry of digital marketing.
Can you protect your data?
Yes and no!
Some of the time our personal data is shared online with our consent. We post our
birthday, our photographs and even our opinions online on social media. We know
that this information is publicly accessible. However, our data often travels further
than we realise, and can be used in ways that we did not intend. Certain news
scandals about data breaches, where personal data has been lost, leaked or
shared without consent, have recently made people much more aware of the
potential dangers of sharing information online.
So, can we do anything to protect our data? Or should we just accept that in fact
nothing is ‘free’ and sharing our data is the price we have to pay for using many
online services? As people are increasingly aware of and worried about data
protection, governments and organisations are taking a more active role in
protecting privacy. For example, the European Union passed the General Data
Protection Law, which regulates how personal information is collected online.
However, there is still much work to be done.
As internet users, we should all have a say in how our data is used. It is important
that we pay more attention to how data is acquired, where it is stored and how it is
used. As the ways in which we use the internet continue to grow and change, we
will need to stay informed and keep demanding new laws and regulations, and
better information about how to protect ourselves. Safer Internet Day is an ideal
time to find out more about this topic.
“Human development: a life project”


Teacher´s names Johnson Palacios Grade: 10___ 2020

Task 2 Are the

sentences true or false?

1. Information about you is collected when you look Answer

at websites.
1. True X false ___
2. Using different devices (for example, your phone
and your laptop) makes it impossible for companies 2. True ___ false X

to track you.
3. True X false ___

3. The train of information you leave online is called

4. True X false ___
your ‘digital footprint’.
5. True X false ___
4. Companies use your digital footprint to make
6. True ___ false X
5. This issue has not been in the news, so most
7. True X false ___
people are completely unaware of it.

8. True X false ___

6. European law on the protection of online data
has changed.

7. The writer thinks the new law has solved the


8. The article concludes by saying individuals

should stay up to date and know how their
information is used.

Task 3 Complete
the sentences with the words.
aware compromiso consent data
“Human development: a life project”


Teacher´s names Johnson Palacios Grade: 10___ 2020

regulates scandal targeted track

1. Our devices, websites and applications collect data about our online behavior.

2. Until recently, many people were not aware of how much of their personal
information was collected and shared.

3. Information about products you are interested in is used to create targets


4. The news of how certain applications used people’s private information caused
a scandal

5. People felt their information had been used for purposes that they had not
agreed to, without their consent
6. The General Data Protection Law regulates how personal data is collected
7. When private information was stored physically, on paper, it was easier to keep
track of where your data went.
8. If you want to use many online apps and services, you still have to compromise
your right to privacy.

Task 4
What do you do to protect your data?
Express your opinión
No dejamos redes sociales ni nada por el estilos abierto en zonas publicas o ajenas, no dar
mucha informacion asi mismo a nuestras redes sociales es necesario tanto sea el perfil o en
mensajes con otras personas, para todo es necesario tener un punto.

Nota: 25 points
0,2 each one

8: 1,6 17: 3,4
10: 2,0 19: 3,8
12: 2,4 20: 4,0
“Human development: a life project”


Teacher´s names Johnson Palacios Grade: 10___ 2020

13: 2,6 21: 4,2

14: 2,8 23: 4,6
15: 3,0 24: 4,8
25: 5,0

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