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Themes Tone Mood Lil info

Lil Boy Malding Childhood Innocence + Exp. Sympathetic Reflective *Made by Mervyn
Parent-Child Relationships Anger Sadness Morris(2006)
Love + Family Sadness Anger *Son was told not to play in
Desires rain, but was punished with a
Child Perspective Devices: slap by his father, and now
the child is waiting for him to
see his crocodile tears (while
cussing the father off and
comparing him to a giant)
when the father has slight
sympathy for his actions.

The woman speaks Death Sarcasm Sadness *Made by Lorna Goodison

employer whatever Betrayal Lamentation Anger *Son grew up with a
bullshitfucking- Poverty Melancholy singlemother and couldve
Women in Society Reflective been anyuthing he wanted,
Parent-Child Rel. like a pilot, but instead let a
Love + Family man give him a gun and put
Religion him in a life of crime as a
Crime + Violence hitman. She weeps and
Rivalry prepares for his eventual
Expectations death by buying black-cloth
Dreams + Aspirations to make black clothes for his
funeral, and goes to ‘knee
city’ to both pray for her
son’s survival and to send the
employer to hell.
*Absolom (David's fav. son)
offed his half-brother Amnon
for raping his sister Tamar,
and fled. David and Absolom
fight, and Absolom died to ten
armour bearers. David
mourned and wept, similar to
how the Mother mourned and
wept, despite knowing both
the crimes and the eventual
casualties that would happen.

Green Days by the Flooded Family Relationships Reflective Reflective *Made by Michael
Asshole Death + Grief Sadness Anthony(1968)
Growth + Maturity Anger *Ontario River: River than ran
Love + Infatuation along Cedar Grove.
Change Devices: Rosalie (the dougla
Frendship Narrative Technique halfcreole-indian) hated
Poverty Foreshadow(Cashew trees, 'Lennard's Jane' as her
Rivalry dogs fighting pig) nickname from Shell.
Nature Symbolism (Cashew tree = Shell was sad that Lennard
sexsexsex) wasn't impressed he picked
Buildings Roman/Character the cashew Joe couldn't from
growth yesterday.
Contrast Shell met 3 boys under the
Irony tree (Joe, Lenndard, quiet)
Motif Mr.Gidharee inted Shell to
work in Cedar Grove, aswell
as owning 4 big tobago dogs
(Hitler, Tiger, Rover, Lion, all
who got dragonblood and f’d
up Shell with poison in
hospital for few weeks, and
later on that he would swap
the dogs for a double-barrel
shotgun at the end of the
story while preparing Shell’s
Shell's Father had: Water in
his heart and asthma, and
was in Mayaro Hospital at
Port of Spain near end of
story. Mrs.Gidharee and
Rosalie visited Shell family
sometimes(Shell wished his
father was as strong as
Shell’s mom didn’t like his
son going to Mr.Gidharee cus
the kindness is like charity.
Shell said he might not go to
school again after gidharee
said he might not go to the
bush again.
Lennard introduced Joan (who
lives in Mayaro) at the
Shell jumped cus Lion had
iguana in mouth
Shell ashamed to eat roti cus
roti is indian and mr.gidharee
is indian so he dont wanna be
Shell’s mom is Evlyn Lammy

Dreaming Nigger Boy Child Prespective Reflective

Child Experience
Dreams and Asperations

Coolie Whore Poverty Anger Anger

Dreamd and Asperations

Theme For English Suck Prejudice Reflective

my fuckin dick Truth becomes Education Calm n’ Controlled Hesitant
Dreams and Asperations Devices:
Apperance vs Reality Irony
Identity Rhetorical Questions
Up-down imagery
Broken syntax
Oral imagery

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