Biu ds15 22.1.23

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The Center for Designated Programs Designation for the array programs

Structured Programs The section for structured programs

Certified Data Scientist

The complete track for training analysts and data scientists with specialization

Machine Learning-b

Academic Director: Mr. Eran Shaham, Director of the Center for High-Tech and Cyber Studies at Bar-Ilan University

Head of the program: Dr. Thomas Crafty, senior lecturer and international researcher in the field

You sent a resume for a job and never received a reply. What actually happened there? Did you know that in
human resources departments, your research is conducted and information is collected on each candidate for the position, so the resume is only the
tip of the iceberg of the information that can be obtained.
Today, information about candidates is collected from their activity in social networks, blogs, photos and historical activity on the Internet. A
personality profile is built from all the information collected and only then is the suitability for the job assessed.
This role in the company is performed by the Data Scientist - a role that has become one of the most challenging and rewarding in the company
In recent years .

The Data Scientist conducts research to generate business insights for the organization (Intelligence Business), qualifies and organizes the
information used for research, runs various Learning Machine algorithms, data mining and modeling and thus helps build the processes of
information preparation and optimization of the various algorithms. While integrating statistical tools, he is able to predict
the future given existing information.

Scientist Data has extensive knowledge on the following topics:

Collecting information from a variety of systems and working with large amounts of information (Big Data) and o Integration -

processing unstructured information (Unstructured).

Programming and statistical analysis, creating a connection between different o Investigation
databases. Prediction, data mining, optimization, textual information processing and data analysis. - o Analytical analysis -

Publication of results based on the analysis of the collected o show -

information. o In the program we will get to know all these and more. We will get to know the tools with which the Data Scientist works based on getting to know

Server SQL Microsoft and the development languages Python and R. At the end of the studies, the student will submit a thesis based on
data research and including all the stages of development and implementation studied in the program.

The purpose of the program

The program will prepare the student to be a skilled data scientist with the ability to work independently and as part of a multidisciplinary team. The
program will provide the knowledge and tools needed to develop Machine Learning projects.
and implement them in the production systems. Upon completion of the program, students will be able to:

o Work on a data science project from start to finish. o Work as a task

team in a shared environment. o write a research protocol

before starting the project. o Provide clean and honest data for
analysis. o Develop predictive models using appropriate
tools for the problem and according to the client's requirements. o write a summary report explaining the methodology used
by the project and the models developed along with validation
the models.

o Implementing the developed models and training the end users to use them correctly and intelligently.

Diploma Haredi campus A preparatory program The section for the security forces The section for structured programs main office
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Barilan. a.c. il *9392: The information center is at your service

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The Center for Designated Programs Designation for the array programs

Structured Programs The section for structured programs

The prominent advantages of the program

o Focusing on common tools in the field, focused on Server SQL Microsoft and the development languages Python and R.
o Prestigious certificate of Bar Ilan University, the array for dedicated programs. o An essentially
practical course, which combines the implementation of many practices and building a personal project at the same time as the acquired theoretical
knowledge. o The course is delivered under the guidance of leading and veteran lecturers approved by Bar Ilan University. o
Personal branding workshop for maximizing employment opportunities. o
Advanced virtual practice environments set up especially for each module. o Personal
accompaniment of the student throughout the course and after it.


o Bachelor's degree or academic background in the fields of information systems/industry and management/computer science/economics/science
fields o Personal interview and suitability test

Study format

22.1.2023: studies opening o

About 7 months and will be held on Sundays and Wednesdays between 30:21-30:17 o Study duration: o The study program
includes 260 academic hours.


o Registration fee: NIS 480. NIS

14,500 : fee study o

For an additional payment of NIS 200, you can park your car at the university during study hours until the end o Parking:

the place of study

o The studies are conducted at the Center for High-Tech Professions, Bar-Ilan University Campus, Ramat Gan

Eligibility Certificate

o Mandatory attendance at 80% of the meetings, and compliance with the program's duties. o

Those who meet the requirements of the program will be awarded a certificate on behalf of Bar Ilan University, the organization for dedicated programs.


o The opening of each program is conditional on the number of

registrants. o The registration fees are not included in the tuition fee and are not refunded, except in the case of the unit not opening the program,
subject to the study regulations of the certificate studies at Bar Ilan University.
o The unit informs registrants that there may be changes in the program structure, study and exam dates or any other subject. Notification of any
changes will be given to the participants, subject to the regulations of the certificate studies at Bar Ilan University.

Diploma Haredi campus A preparatory program The section for the security forces The section for structured programs main office
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Barilan. a.c. il *9392: The information center is at your service

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The Center for Designated Programs Designation for the array programs

Structured Programs The section for structured programs

Registration procedures

o Registration will be done through Eran Shaham Ltd., for Bar Ilan University.

For details and registration please contact:

Eran Shaham


Diploma Haredi campus A preparatory program The section for the security forces The section for structured programs main office
03-7384481 077-2753094/8 03-5317956 03-5317005/6 03-5317957 03-5318254

Barilan. a.c. il *9392: The information center is at your service

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The Center for Designated Programs Designation for the array programs

Structured Programs The section for structured programs

The curriculum

Personal branding in the changing employment market (5 SHA):

o Explanation of the employment market and the relevant digital platforms for personal branding o
Use of LinkedIn as a tool for finding work and personal branding
o Highlights for writing resumes and automatic systems for filtering interested parties ATS
o Building a professional development and training program

Module 1 - Introduction to Data Science (5 s.a.):

o What is data science

o Scientific research - research
methods o Anatomy of a data science project

Module 2 - Programming in Python (20 credits):

Introduction to Python, Anaconda and Jupyter notebooks, Python syntax, functions, data types in Python and
operators (numerics, strings, lists, arrays, tuples, date and time), loops in Python, input output (reading and writing files),
working with Virtual environments - Virtual environment (creating a virtual environment, installing packages in virtual
environments, how to work in a virtual environment), SciKit and ML machine learning, flow control library (Data - Matplot control
and flows, Pandas with graphs, NumPy (NumPy arrays)
.Frames), SciKit, Keras-TensorFlow

Module 3 - Tools for working in data science (5 s.a.):

Tools for correct and correct work in data science that allows sharing and recovery of projects: keeping git and github versions.
Keeping the work environment healthy: virtual environments and Docker containers.

Module 4 - Database and SQL programming (15 credits):

Introduction to SQL (connecting to databases, creating and deleting tables, commands: DELETE, INSERT, SELECT
JOINS: INNER JOIN, LEFT OUTER JOIN, connection tables (1 advanced SQL programming), UPDATE
UNION, JOIN OUTER RIGHT. Altering a table ALTER, creating indexes, temporary tables, advanced SQL programming 2
(filtering and sorting data, calculated variables: mathematical transformations, operations on a string, operations on the date and
time. Aggregations of data, pivots (PIVOT) functions , Stored Procedures and dynamic programming.

Module 5 - Data (5 s.a.):

Data scales:

o Nominal scale o
Ordinal scale o
scale o Time series

Diploma Haredi campus A preparatory program The section for the security forces The section for structured programs main office
03-7384481 077-2753094/8 03-5317956 03-5317005/6 03-5317957 03-5318254

Barilan. a.c. il *9392: The information center is at your service

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The Center for Designated Programs Designation for the array programs

Structured Programs The section for structured programs

Data types:

(Char & Varchars) Strings o

o Integers
o Decimal numbers
Double & Float o
o Date and Time
o Boolean o
Text o Bits

Sources of information:

SAS, SPSS, Excel, Json, Delimited, TAB, CSV Text: files of formats o
MISMO, FpML, (in the industry data transfer standards, Parsing, schemes, Markup Language: HTML / XML o
Relational (MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2, Access): basic data o
MonetDB, C-Store, Teradata, Vectorwise / Paraccel, Sybase IQ, (based column
Graph-db, InfluxDB, Graphite, eXtremeDB (time series based), InfiniDB, Vertica
o (Big Data) SQL-Non: a mechanism for data storage and retrieval, value-key storage, document storage, graph
storage, object storage.

Module 6 - Introduction to statistics with R programming (40 credits):

Introduction to programming, R Studio, R syntax, manipulation of variables (vectors, factors, Table Data, Frames Data)
Operators in R, loops, functions, data science packages, DPLYR and aggregations, data exploration using graphs (2ggplot)


o Introduction to statistics
o Types of data distributions
o Concentration and variance indices

o Parametric and non-parametric methods

o Relationship indices
o Difference indices


o Bayesian theorem and conditional probability

o simple probability
Prior distribution o
o Probability with counting results

o Randomness and probability: the binomial distribution, Bernoulli probability, normal probability o
Probability of dependent and independent
events o Monte Carlo
simulations o Markov chain models

Creating synthetic data and simulations

Regression models: linear regression

Classification models: logistic regression

Diploma Haredi campus A preparatory program The section for the security forces The section for structured programs main office
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Barilan. a.c. il *9392: The information center is at your service

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The Center for Designated Programs Designation for the array programs

Structured Programs The section for structured programs

Time-dependent regressions: survival analysis

Time series analysis: ARIMA

Module 7 - Learning Machine Learning (135 S.A.):

Data preparation:

o Importing data from different sources and connecting to a final dataset

EDA: Exploratory Data Analysis o
o Clearing the data
o Identification and handling of extreme

values o Identification of the mechanism of creating missing values and methods for imputation
o Normalization

Unsupervised learning:
Cluster analysis o
) and so on K-medoids, averages) K-Centroid clusters o
o Density-based clusters (DBSCAN)
o Hierarchical clusters

o Association rules
Apriori algorithm o

Supervised learning - classification vs.

regression: o linear
models o logistic
models o decision trees and ensamble algorithms
o Support Vector Machine (SVM)
Time series analysis o

Planning and learning of predictive models

o variable engineering
o Selection of variables
Cross-validation - the data distribution o
o Choosing the most appropriate evaluation method (metrics)
o Choosing a learning machine algorithm
o Improving prediction: hyper-tuning the parameters, assembling methods.
Deep learning (Deep learning) Neural networks: o
Unsupervised Neural Networks :) Restricted Boltzman Machine
Machine, networks belief-Deep, auto-encoders Autoencoders.
o Supervised neural networks: gradient descent, feedforward networks, updaters, activation functions, loss
o Recurrent networks and LSTMs
convolutional networks convolutional networks o

Diploma Haredi campus A preparatory program The section for the security forces The section for structured programs main office
03-7384481 077-2753094/8 03-5317956 03-5317005/6 03-5317957 03-5318254

Barilan. a.c. il *9392: The information center is at your service

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The Center for Designated Programs Designation for the array programs

Structured Programs The section for structured programs

Module 8 - Implementation in a production system (15 s.a.):

o Application in the production

system o QA of

application o Coaching and training of a customer

Summary project (15 s.a.):

The final project - research protocol, data investigation and data cleaning

o Engineering and selection of variables

o Creation of predictive models and their

evaluation o QA of the Machine Learning (ML) process

o Research report o
Implementation of the forecasting model in the

production system o End user training for optimal implementation

Diploma Haredi campus A preparatory program The section for the security forces The section for structured programs main office
03-7384481 077-2753094/8 03-5317956 03-5317005/6 03-5317957 03-5318254

Barilan. a.c. il *9392: The information center is at your service

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