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Use the verbs to complete the daily routine of Adriana Barker. Conjugate the verbs if necessary. / Use lo
verbos para completar la rutina diaria de Adriana Barker.
Wake up
Get up

Adriana doesn’t like (1) wake up early. Her husband (2) gets up before her. She loves
(3) read gradually. She closes her eyes and starts to (4) visualize her dreams or to
(5) make beautiful things while her husband (6) has coffee. When she (7) opens her eyes, she likes (8) r
the book that is on her night table that morning. She (9) remembers poetry and
(10) have coffee while she is in bed. She loves her mornings.

Change the sentences into negative form. / Cambie las oraciones a su forma negativa.

1. Dogs like to play in water.

Dogs doesn't like to play in water____.

2. My mother watches TV in the afternoon.

My mother is not watching TV in the afternoon__.

3. Some soccer players make a lot of money.

Some soccer players don't make a lot of money _.

4. Alan Moore writes excellent stories.

Alan Moore doesn't write excellent stories __.

5. Susan and Patricia have coffee every morning.

Susan and Patricia haven't coffee every morning _.
Make a sentence by adding the adverb in the parentheses to the sentence provided. / Haga una oración
agregando el adverbio que está en el paréntesis en la oración que le es proporcionada.

1. Laura is hungry. (always)

Laura always is hungry ___.

2. They go to bed after they brush their teeth. (usually)

They usually go to bed after they brush their teeth.

3. I am angry. (seldom)
I am seldom angry__.

4. My dad drinks coffee. (rarely)

My dad rarely drinks coffee_.

5. My son walks to school. (never)

My son never walks to school__.

6. We’re on time. (often)

We’re often on time__.

Put the words in order to form a sentence. Conjugate the verb if necessary. / Organice las partes para fo
una oración.

1. Often / lunch / have / David / at the office.

David often lunch at the office___.

2. Go to work / rarely / my parents / by bus.

My parents rarely go to work by bus___.

3. In the evening / you / do homework / often.

You often do homework in the evening__.

4. Usually / Laura / be / good student / a

Laura usually be a good student__.

5. Go to the movies / on Saturdays / never / your friends.

Your friends never go to movies on Saturdays__.

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