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ike think they cs ‘and she only spends ‘because they are “cool.” Could you iI me if| should bring the matter up with her, oF ‘fitwould be better for me to keep quiet?! don't “want to lose her as a friend. ~ Carly 2. “Iwont help you cheat My closest friend has lost interest n school and Stedying. He says he's bored with the whale thing, So he often asks me whether I'l do him a favor Grd let him copy my homework. So fa I've said #o, but he keeps asking me. | told him that | think Telit get in trouble, but he just laughed and told Whe not to worry. | don't want to put my oF Gerisk, but I'm afraid to confront my fiend about fhis. 20 | just keep avoiding the topic. How can Iiget him to stop asking? | wes wondering fyou {hid give me some tips for handling my problem. = Matt Read the article. 7 tions. 4. Why is Carly a hor friend? Jecavie Gs 2. What is Ms Sot] 15 wersie 3. Why is Dan nd? Necoaite — Sho 44. Who is this © viond can handle the work himaet, [Vath — ‘a. Say that " ! tout only if your friend does something in retarn- bb, Agree to some requests, i soa are more important things than being popula. 2 GLSy = ¢. Tell your fiend words in the atl refer to? Write the corect wor) C What do the underlined [A Complete th request or exch situation, 4, You want to borrow 3 dassmatss pon Can borrow your pera 2, You want dassmate to give you avi Would youmind 9.4. IeitOKit } bern glen yous qui 4. You want oe finds eat pepe, Doyourirait used oq tee? 55. You want to borrow a friend's car for the weekend” ss you oe Les the uwellencl 2 to the subwa gakiyou tN me Neu gt fe home after clas, f—te_a_¢2do hore alle eringif_you coule) 6. You want scmeone to tell you how to get B Think of four more things you would need to have done ifyou were going on a long vacation, Write requests asking @ friend to do the things, Make a statement with need ‘borrow your car.” peedto Fe ee “tun lednayoccer BL” Cae ae your ea ‘but could bono your cart way of getting what you want. gut maybe you ‘the other person to. i Peco ne Bier, more objective perspective, 3 you can make sequestin arnace formal, indrect Woy. B Read the article. Check (7? if each request ess formal or more formal. Then write the correct xy retiber from the article (1-9) for each type of request ‘Only eight of the numbers will be used: Less co formal | _ formal |. Close the door. 2. It's really cold in here. 4, Could you possibly move Your car? 4h May borrow your dictionaNy? Be anes wondering you cen help mew .g to my new apartment. “6. Ineed some help movin 1 can't stand lou ‘giving 2 r6a800 i giving 2 compliment ‘a: Can borrow your laptop? [Bl asking fora favor Diowing a sift ‘4 Lean'tlend you my bi Li cecining # request i accepting an invitation 5. Could you help: me cook dinner? making a request returning a compliment ke becouse I need it myself (Choose the correct words. 4, My phone didn’t work fr @ week. The phone company an apology and took $20 off my bil. (accepted / denied /efered) 2: Atiend of mine really loves to_compliments, but he never gives anyone else one. | don't understand why he's lke that (do /owe /| 4, Diane i always taking on the phone. She makes alot of calls, but she cael, mine. Maybe she never listens to her voice maill (makes / offers tas) a 4. \need to ‘a favor. Could you please give me a ride to ‘school tomorrow? My bike has a flat tice! a k for / give / turn down) eine : aes ed [Fon Mane ed lle ths moring, Can he orron your scanner? If he can, re cn Neck up? {Ping to the conference tenon? Wat tne dees it start? 4, A: ls Silvia Vega there, please? B: No she is. Would you The to lea 1: Ye, plate. This Karen Landers ang fom Tron | Could you tell her that ny fight arch at 7 Would __ ys ping)_Lt 1g ae a yoo meet he in the [ybevnlicg fuclt ale 2 4 (OK, I'll give her the message. 2. A: Cen | speak to Mark, please? B: Im afraid he's not here. Do you want to leave amessegs? i: Yes, please. Thisis Ed. Pleese_ Con and ifs OK, could you ll jim the message. ‘5 not here right now. 8: 3, As Could | speak to Mike, please? B: A Maxwell. dike to leave a message: is Mr Could _y: A Could fu him sed 2 _ 4. Az 'd like to speak to Katy, please: Be she's not here right now. Con tke a Men ‘A: Yeah. This is Andy Chow. Nady thul He asl 4 - 7 | bun tunel Jima Coad Can_ycud ‘And would po B: Ok, I'll give Katy your messag® No problem, Now hat bout 207 wo would yourind — Mark, Wel |shought maybe 2 led. toot ns Wel OX And how abou ins? = each bgt sat Se ie iste tude kbp — i=" 2 And please tell her she didn’t arrive til ovor cock, and everyone got realy tHE Dan: | remember. an 1 _ solo. vm thing Iwas wondering you coud —UiAg—% big solock ‘Marke: One m wT iiame one ce po hwnd yu rif) out acne a rind if! pay for i? a Rewrite these sentences. Find another way to say each sentence using the words given. 44 Can Luse your cll phone? “Would tbe OK ifLused your cell phone? _ eed ie \ fast yoo _mina_tt yoo ash annie le slop >Y “Wrould : 3. Could | borrow your guitar? * : 2 ee Linde ct | cold Nettew yor guile qui (wonder) 4, Would you ask Mitch what time he's coming over? i Z 4 5 come et —b—qving 0 (could / when) (OK) 5. Lond me your hairbrush, b ie ih eine

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