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Entry Plan for Avalon

Elementary School

Taryn Coullier
School Principal
Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary 2


Contents………………………………………………………………. 2
Statement of Purpose…………………………………………. 3
Entry Plan Summary…………………………………………… 5
Summary of Entry Plan Activities……………………… 6
Goals…………………………………………………………………….. 8
Operational Action Steps…………………………………… 16
Next Steps…………………………………………………………….18

Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary 3

Statement of Purpose and Rationale

Avalon Elementary School

Avalon Family and Community Members

My name is Taryn Coullier and I am beyond

honored to be serving as the Principal of Avalon
Elementary School starting in the 2022-2023 school
year. Avalon is a truly special community that needs
to be stewarded by great leaders to preserve its
authenticity and impact on the students, staff, family
and community. I have worked with many of you as a
Teacher, Instructional Leader, and Curriculum
Designer and assistant to Instructional Specialists for
our district for the past 6 years.
As a teacher in the Elementary, Middle and High
School public school settings for 12 years, I have a true
love for building relationships with students and
helping them become their most authentic and
fulfilled selves. I truly believe in affirming their true
identities through their gifts, talents and through
reading, mathematics, history, arts and so that they
may become inspiring agents of change in our
communities and around the world. After 10 years in
the General Education setting, I worked in the
Exceptional Education setting for two more years
before transitioning to Instructional Coaching and
Curriculum Writing. This experience, and my Masters
degree in Curriculum & Instruction K-12, gives me a strong passion for effective practices for
teaching and learning. I am a Yale National Initiative curriculum writer, for urban public
schools across the United States, and I have a passion for meaningful learning. As a result of
these leadership positions, and roles, I earned my Educational Leadership and Administration
Endorsement from Longwood University in 2022.

Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary 4

I am excited to utilize my passion for building relationships with students and staff, highly
effective instruction, fostering and maintaining Teacher Leadership, as well as my interests in
Educational Leadership and Policy to positively impact our Avalon Community. To share a little
about myself personally, I am a resident of Virginia where I stay busy traveling with my family
and spending time in the garden with my golden retriever Cleo.

Please review my 90 day entry plan that includes my leadership plan for Avalon Elementary
School next year. I truly believe in respecting the humanity of those around you. Only then, can
we know ourselves and those around us. I am humbled to be able to join you all on this journey
to work and grow with you, as we dream and build within the Avalon community.
Be well and I look forward to working in person soon,

Taryn E. Coullier

Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary 5

Entry Plan Summary

As a school leader, building relationships and positive school climate and culture is key.
Positive school culture entails fostering teacher leadership, ensuring that student and staff interest
and input are a part of all decisions, and inspiring a collaborative vision. Staff must be valued
and appreciated at all times, and this must show in a school leader’s communication with them.
School leaders must value their team members’ humanity. School leaders have a responsibility
to help foster and continually promote teacher leadership. It is vitally important that school
leaders are able to transform their schools through their knowledge of effective instructional
practices. It is imperative that school leaders are able to promote and ensure that only the most
effective and global-research-based practices are used in their schools. Based on these beliefs, I
intend to ensure that building a positive school culture and climate is a key component of my
entry plan, as I believe that positive school culture is the key to the safety, well-being of students,
and staff.
It is imperative now more than ever that we educate students to be leaders themselves. It
is important that students are able to stand up for themselves, their communities and for justice,
and this starts with ensuring that we educate them effectively to equip them with the skills they
need to address all the things going on in the world currently. If students are to address things
such as racial injustice, inequality/inequity, human rights violations or global climate change,
they must be equipped with the skills to understand, analyze and interpret the world around
them. They must learn the truth of history and the realities of science. We must lead them by
valuing their individual gifts and talents and encouraging the leadership in each of them. In order
to equip them with the necessary skills, it is imperative that we use highly-effective and globally
researched practices to ensure that students are always growing, and are always equipped with
the skills they need to achieve their goals.
School leaders should be knowledgeable about policy and how it is changing. They
should also be able to navigate district mandates and practices to protect staff and students from
anything that would jeopardize the school’s culture and climate. It is imperative that school
leaders are exceptional communicators at all levels. School leaders should also be using the arts,
sciences and other student interests to transform their schools. A component of my entry plan is
to collaborate with the entire Avalon community of students, staff, families, community members
and stakeholders to create a collaborative plan to integrate the arts and sciences into our school,
as well as to work collaboratively with the Parent Teacher Association to aid in student interest
organizations and special activities being developed and run within our school. This requires full
scale collaboration and planning that involves everyone in the Avalon Community.

Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary 6

Summary of Entry Plan Activities

The following items summarize the implementation of this 90 day entry plan for the 2022-2023 school year:

❖ Develop, Grow and Maintain a safe, healthy and positive school culture and climate at
Avalon Elementary School.
➢ Review all safety plans, procedures and protocols to ensure a comprehensive
school safety plan is in place, and all teachers are trained in safety management
and active threat training (schools must first and foremost be safe spaces, or
the doors should not be open).
➢ Complete a full building examination to assess and address any safety threats.
➢ Examine all student and staff facilities within the school to ensure that they are
clean, updated, and well-maintained to create a healthy environment: student
restrooms, cafeteria, staff restrooms, teacher/staff break rooms/lounges, copy
machine maintenance, nurse’s office etc.
➢ Create a comprehensive wellness plan to ensure that wellness is an integral
part of the school community in student welcome for school day, in staff
meetings, and in student activities.
➢ Build strong, and trustworthy relationships by communicating and interacting
with all parts of the Avalon Elementary Community: students, staff, families,
community members in various capacities.
➢ Boost school spirit and morale by creating House Teams for Avalon Elementary
School. There will be six house teams that staff and students are all a part of
(everyone included), and we will conduct “House Huddle” assemblies, meetings,
events and activities that ensure that every person in the building feels a sense
of belonging and pride.
➢ Collect information about student interest to work with the Parent Teacher
Association to develop and maintain different student organizations and
➢ Create a systematic approach to Teacher Leadership to ensure that Teacher
leadership and input is an integral part of the Avalon Community, and that
Teachers are respected as instructional leaders and collaboratively work with
leadership toward shared goals.

Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary 7

❖ Develop, Maintain and Grow a culture of highly-effective, and globally-researched

instructional and data practices to ensure constant student and staff growth at Avalon
Elementary School.
➢ Examine and Analyze the current Academic Placement of Avalon Elementary
School in terms of student growth and achievement.
➢ Collect information about the staff in terms of years of experience, teacher
education program and areas of need for newer teachers.
➢ Conduct a New Teacher Onboarding and Mentor Plan to enhance instructional
and management knowledge as well as to build community and relationships:
Avalon Elementary Mentees/Mentors!
➢ Create a structured plan to collaboratively plan with teachers and instructional
staff to promote highly effective practices (presenting research and gaining
input and insight from teachers)-This process must be a total collaborative
➢ Create a comprehensive reading and mathematics literacy plan along with
District Mandates to ensure student growth and success for our Students.
➢ Create a structured Data-Collection and analysis procedure to eliminate
confusion and to help teachers feel successful by tracking student growth and
success (This is beneficial for students as the teacher is then able to hold “Goal
Conferences” and share their growth and progress with them!)
➢ Create a structured plan for in house Professional Learning that is useful and
meaningful to teachers.
➢ Create a Grade Level Meeting uniform Agenda that the Grade Level Team can
use as they run their own meetings to discuss important topics, action items,
dates and other collaboration.
➢ Create a plan to communicate with families and communities about the
instructional Practices used.

Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary 8

❖ Develop, Grow and Maintain the full integration of Arts and Sciences into Avalon
Elementary School.
➢ Meet with students, staff, families and community members to gauge interest,
support, to share research and to collaborate on the specific arts and sciences
organizations and programs that will be integrated into the school: dance,
visual arts, engineering, debate, biology, photography etc.
➢ Create a comprehensive plan with committee members and stakeholders to
develop, grow and maintain and create a three-year success and maintenance
plan for these programs.


The following collaborative goals create the structure and framework for the 90 day entry plan:

Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary 9

Goal 1: Safe, Healthy and Positive School Culture

*Develop, Grow and Maintain a safe, healthy and positive school culture and climate at Avalon
Elementary School.

Goal 2: Highly Effective Instruction

*Develop, Maintain and Grow a culture of highly-effective, and globally-researched
instructional and data practices to ensure constant student and staff growth at Avalon
Elementary School.

Goal 3: Arts, Sciences and Student Interest Integration

*Develop, Grow and Maintain the full integration of Arts and Sciences into Avalon Elementary

These goals will ensure that the dreams for Avalon Elementary are realized through
actionable steps, objectives and charting progress.

Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary 10

The timeline for implementing this 90-day plan is as follows:

Goal 1: Safe, Healthy and Positive School Culture

Develop, Grow and Maintain a safe, healthy and positive school culture and climate at
Avalon Elementary School.


July 2022
Send Avalon Elementary Community an introduction letter, video and

July 2022
Contact all staff and offer to meet informally over the summer.

July 2022
Hold an Avalon Elementary School Meet and greet where students, parents and
community members can interact with school staff and leadership team.

July 2022
Share the 90-Day Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary with Avalon Elementary
Community via the School Website and/or Newsletter. Set up all digital
communications and technology.

July 2022
Meet with all custodial, cafeteria and safety staff.

July 2022
Meet with all office associates.

July 2022
Meet with all leadership team members.

July 2022
Meet with all student support workers, school counselors.

July 2022
Meet with the Parent Teacher Association and Avalon Community presidents and
leadership teams to collaborate on dreams, goals and student interest groups that
can be developed and maintained at Avalon Elementary. Help plan calendar
collaboratively/sync calendars with the PTA, and create a student interest survey

Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary 11

to create these programs and clubs that could spark student interest. Plan a
calendar for family and community events to engage the Avalon Community in
Collaboration and Celebration.

July 2022
Send out the August Calendar to aid teachers and Staff in planning the rest of their

July 2022
Meet with the school leadership team to develop overall operational/financial
plans and procedures for the school. Continue to meet weekly thereafter and gain
insight at teacher leadership bi-weekly meetings.

July 2022
Complete a comprehensive Walkthrough with Note Taking and Map Annotation,
(Monthly, thereafter)
alone and then with Safety Team and Custodial Staff to assess safety threats, or
items to address and to properly map the building and complete a full safety

Examine all student and staff facilities within the school to ensure that they are
clean, updated, and well-maintained to create a healthy environment: student
restrooms, cafeteria, staff restrooms, teacher/staff break rooms/lounges, copy
machine maintenance, nurse’s office etc. Create a running monitoring and updates
log for these spaces to continue to better them for the health and wellness of
students and staff. Create a health and wellness committee and school
beautification committee to collaborate with the leadership team to continuously
make these spaces better for students and staff.

July 31st
Review all safety plans currently in place and create an updated building map
layout with a staff safety manual for instructional staff and overall school safety
plan digitally and printed and binded for each staff member.

Create a plan for communication vehicles and schedule with students, staff,
parents and community members. School Newsletter/Website with Weekly
Updates, Monthly Avalon Newsletter with overall Dates to Know etc.

Create a full structure, calendar and resources to map out Teacher Leadership at
Avalon. Create a Teach Leadership Advisory Council, Elect Grade Level Meeting
Leaders, Note Takers, etc. Make teachers aware through consistent and
transparent communication of the opportunities to be involved in extra leadership

Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary 12

areas. Create the uniform Grade Level Meeting Agenda, to be housed in a folder
for each grade level.

Create the full structure and plans for the “Avalon House Teams” plan. This
structure made from digital documents that can be shared out, will comprise six
house teams that meet and compete to boost school involvement, spirit and
connection to Avalon.

July 2022
Work with Teachers, Instructional Staff and Leadership Team to plan to hold
Teacher Preparation week for the first week Teachers return to school to prepare
for the year. Create a helpful teacher list of important “To Remember” items in
preparing for the beginning of the year.

July 2022
Create a full plan breakdown for rules, behavior, incentives and discipline to help
teachers feel supported. Analyze school discipline data and create a growth plan
with school-wide incentives, events and schedules planned to grow students
behaviorally. Work with the student support team to create a plan for students
who need additional support. Make plans to employ restorative practices.

August 15, 2022

Meet with all athletic coaches and staff.

August 15, 2022

Meet with all Instructional Assistants and Instructional Coaches.

August 15, 2022

Meet with all Teachers and Instructional Staff, make time to meet with each
teacher individually/and by department. These initial meetings need to be
scheduled out, and completed before the start of the school year.

Hold a safety meeting and training meeting prior to the start of school, where the August 15th
dates of practicing for safety measures etc. should be completed with students.

Add safety protocols overview to Student Information and Welcome Session August 15th

Create a student safety committee/organization to involve students in school August 15th

safety and procedures more. Write plans and components and find three staff to
lead the committee. Have this set-up and ready to go before school starts.

Involve staff, families and community members in communicating about safety August 15th
updates and student safety committee through Avalon Safety Newsletter! Create a
Newsletter template and plan to delegate this task to the leadership team.

With the help of the Health and Wellness Committee that will be aided by the August 15th/Ongoing
School Counselor and Leadership Team, to create a comprehensive plan for

Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary 13

student wellness welcomes, incorporating wellness checks and body check-ins in

staff meetings, incorporating wellness into House Huddle Meetings, to create a
calendar for weekly wellness breaks as a school and wellness events. (Have this
mapped out prior to school starting)-Have this team collaborate with the Avalon
Outdoor Adventure Club to host outdoor wellness events, hikes, bike rides etc.
(Plan and map out all important dates and planning for these committees)

Part of this Wellness Committee will be creating a Google Form that contains and
Wellness Check-in, climate survey question and needs section to always ensure
that the leadership team is aware of the health and needs of the staff.

September 2022
Hold a “House Teams Reveal” event for students and staff in the first month of

September 2022
Have first “House Huddle” Meeting

September 2022
Have first faculty meeting with Wellness component for staff

Be present and observe interactions between staff, staff and students, students
and students. Keep observational data on school climate, make goals for positive
school culture and climate with survey responses. Pre-year, Post-year.

Be visible, present, available (as much as possible), and communicate clearly with
students, staff, parents and community members your desire to collaborate with
them and your availability to meet with them and how to reach you.

Communicate honestly, humbley, with transparency and consistently with
students, teachers, staff, families and community members.

Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary 14

Goal 2: Highly Effective Instruction

Develop, Maintain and Grow a culture of highly-effective, and globally-researched
instructional and data practices to ensure constant student and staff growth at Avalon
Elementary School.


July 2022
Fully examine and Analyze the current Academic Placement of Avalon Elementary
School in terms of student growth and achievement. Create Data overview and
growth goals for the full scope of the data.

July 2022
Share the data plan created based on the Academic data with the leadership team.

August 2022
Collect information about the staff in terms of years of experience, teacher
education program and areas of need for newer teachers, collect this data from
teacher list and survey data/conversation data.

August 2022
Meet with Teacher Leadership teams and grade levels to create shared goals for
the school’s success and their dreams for Avalon Elementary. Create a personal
support document to guide conversations with teachers based on their feedback of
how they want to be supported.

August 2022
Create a full Professional Learning Schedule/Calendar for the School year and
share with teachers and instructional staff.

August 2022/
Conduct a New Teacher Onboarding and Mentor Plan to enhance instructional and
management knowledge as well as to build community and relationships: Avalon
Elementary Mentees/Mentors!

Create a fully structured plan to collaboratively plan with teachers and
instructional staff to promote highly effective practices (presenting research and
gaining input and insight from teachers)-This process must be a total collaborative
effort. This plan will contain virtual/in person meetings to discuss, collaborate
about, and train one another on highly-effective and globally researched practices.

Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary 15

This plan will include a reading and mathematics literacy plan that will be
structured out and planned in the form of virtual and in person meetings and
training and will be structured for grades K-2 and 3-5.

Create a structured Data-Collection and analysis procedure to eliminate confusion
and to help teachers feel successful by tracking student growth and success (This
is beneficial for students as the teacher is then able to hold “Goal Conferences”
and share their growth and progress with them!)

Meet with Instructional Staff to Share and incorporate the Data-Collection analysis
structure created. Leadership team and Instructional Specialists will offer Virtual Ongoing
Help sessions for teachers who need assistance with the Data Collection tools in

August 2022
Add a section to the Avalon School Website and Newsletter about academics and
highly-effective instructional programs and practices used.

Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary 16

Goal 3: Arts, Sciences and Student Interest Integration

*Develop, Grow and Maintain the full integration of Arts and Sciences into Avalon
Elementary School.


July 2022
Meet with students, staff, families and community members monthly to gauge
interest, support, to share research and to collaborate on the specific arts and
sciences organizations and programs that will be integrated into the school:
dance, visual arts, engineering, debate, biology, photography etc.

July 2022
Create a comprehensive plan with committee members and stakeholders to
develop, grow and maintain and create a three-year success and maintenance plan
for these programs.

July 2022
Create an Summer Arts Academy that doubles as a Student Registration and
information session event to acclimate new to the school environment.

Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary 17

Operational Action Steps

The following timeline addresses the operational
needs of Avalon Elementary School and how they
will be addressed in the 2022-2023 school year.

Operational Action Steps


July 2022
Meet with the school leadership team to develop overall operational/financial
plans and procedures for the school. Continue to meet weekly thereafter and gain
insight at teacher leadership bi-weekly meetings.

July 2022
Complete a comprehensive Walkthrough with Note Taking and Map Annotation,
(Monthly, thereafter)
alone and then with Safety Team and Custodial Staff to assess safety threats, or
items to address and to properly map the building and complete a full safety

Examine all student and staff facilities within the school to ensure that they are
clean, updated, and well-maintained to create a healthy environment: student
restrooms, cafeteria, staff restrooms, teacher/staff break rooms/lounges, copy
machine maintenance, nurse’s office etc. Create a running monitoring and updates
log for these spaces to continue to better them for the health and wellness of
students and staff. Create a health and wellness committee and school
beautification committee to collaborate with the leadership team to continuously
make these spaces better for students and staff.

Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary 18

July 31st
Review all safety plans currently in place and create an updated building map
layout with a staff safety manual for instructional staff and overall school safety
plan digitally and printed and binded for each staff member.

Create a plan for communication vehicles and schedule with students, staff,
parents and community members. School Newsletter/Website with Weekly
Updates, Monthly Avalon Newsletter with overall Dates to Know etc.

July 2022
Update School Social Media Accounts, and link them to the school website with all

July 2022
Complete a review of the entire School Budget and ensure that all orders have
been placed, all payments made, and that the budget is ready for the upcoming
school year.

July 2022
Meet with Bookkeeper to ensure that preparations are made for school finances
(Monthly thereafter)
throughout the year.

July 2022
Meet with the Leadership team to discuss budget, staffing and other allocated
segments of the budget, as well as any current or foreseen changes.

July 2022
Meet with the Leadership team to discuss remaining staff vacancies and

July 2022
Meet with Office Staff to collaborate on and discuss office procedures.

July 2022
Finalize and review student health data and information with leadership team and
school nurse. Ensure that this information is filed appropriately and that student
allergies/asthma and other immediate safety need to know’s for teachers are

July 2022
Review enrollment information for Exceptional Educational students as well as IEP
information, data and accommodations with the Exceptional Education
Coordinator and leadership team. Meet with the Compliance Coordinator to
discuss placements.

Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary 19

July 2022
Meet with the leadership team, student support team, and instructional specialist
teams to predict incoming numbers per grade level and structure class sizes for

July 2022
Meet with Instructional Specialists and Leadership Team to finalize the calendar
for special academic events: awards ceremonies, grade dates and assessment

August 2022
Complete class lists and Master Schedule for the 2022-2023 School Year and
deliver it to all teachers and staff.

Next Steps
The next steps for this 90 day entry process will be monitoring the ongoing or yearlong action items on the
list, as well as modifying the list by adding needed details or new action items that need to be addressed
throughout the year. I should collaborate with my teams to ensure that there isn’t anything else that I need
to add to the opening or closing of the school year checklist. I also as a leader always need to engage in
reflective practices to ensure that I am being as effective as possible as a leader.

Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary 20

This process of creating the 90-day entry plan was extremely helpful in preparing and mapping out

your goals as an administrator, but it also makes you think about the needs of the school community you will

be entering into. This process is essential to organize and prioritize the tasks and action steps you need to

take to ensure that you are setting up the year, yourself and your team for success. Something I learned from

this process is how much you can wind up building out or onto these processes more and more based on the

depth of planning that you take on. An example of this is when you create a plan for communication with

students, staff, families and community members, that can be stretched out into many different action steps

for a plan. It also needs to be concise enough to follow without being overwhelmed, so that the school leader

can stay focused and accomplish all the tasks in the first 90 days.

This plan is useful as the school leader can use it to create initial communication and introductions

with the school community so that the community members feel like they know you as an administrator

better. This plan can also be developed more and more by your leadership team and staff. This plan can be

modified and improved every year to ensure that there is a fully comprehensive “back to school” plan.

Building this plan also lets you know what your greatest priorities and values are as a school leader by

developing your goals. What your goals contain gives a strong indication of the aspects of school leadership

that you find valuable. The other component of creating this plan that I learned from was the operational

action steps timeline. This timeline made me aware of how many additional items a school leader must be

prepared to complete prior to the school year that do not necessarily have a direct link to team building or

academic success. The development of this 90 day plan makes me feel much more prepared to take on my

first year of being a school leader or administrator.

Entry Plan for Avalon Elementary 21

Image References
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