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Division of Roles Contract

Company Name:
Beehive Hotel Chain

Division of roles:

Below are the following rules and individuals that have agreed to the terms of their

Chief Operations Officer

The Chief Operations Officer is ultimately responsible for turning in all documents
and the presentation for the team. The Chief Operations Officer oversees the group
brainstorms and creates a final draft. It is the responsibility of the Chief Operations
Officer to give a final review, edit and pass to all group documentation. Any
grammar errors will be the ultimate responsibility of the COO. The Chief Operations
Officer will submit:

• Detailed External Customer Experience Strategy

• Agenda for a two-day training seminar

• Review, Edit, and Submit Final Project with ALL Final Project Documentation

• Detailed External Customer Experience Strategy

• Detailed Loyalty Program

Randy Beasterfield – Chief Operations Officer (COO) Randy Beasterfield

Chief Information Officer

The Chief Information Officer gathers all tech-related documents, organizes the
information, and submits the tech component of the final project to the COO for the
group. The Chief Information Officer is responsible for compiling, organization and
submission of the following assignments:

• Phone Script

• Speed of Service Technology Strategy

• CRM Strategy

Amy Morgan – Chief Information Officer (CIO) Amy Morgan

Chief Human Resources Officer

The Chief Human Resources Officer is responsible for all the cultural components of
the assignment. The Chief Human Resources Officer will compile, organize and
create a team final version of the following assignments:

• Vision Statement

• Mission Statement

• Internal Customer Service Strategy

• Division of Roles Contract

• Detailed External Customer Experience Strategy

• Detailed CS Training Focus

Haylee Swensen – Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) Haylee Swensen

Chief Marketing Officer

The Chief Marketing Officer is responsible for graphics and external company
awareness (Marketing/Public Relations). The Chief Marketing Officer will scribe
and create the presentation for the Customer Experience Strategy and the
Agenda for the two-day training. The Chief Marketing Officer is responsible for
putting together the slides and images in the presentation and submitting them
to the Chief Operations Officer to be turned in. To recap, the completion of the
following assignments for the CMO is as follows:
• Slide Presentation

• Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy (Detailed Corporate Social Media


• Detailed Social Media Strategy

• Customer Service Training Slides

Nathan Jarman – Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Nathan Jarman

Beehive Hotels

Chief Operations Officer: Randy Beasterfield

Chief Human Resources Officer: Haylee Swensen

Chief Information Officer: Amy Morgan

Chief Marketing Officer: Nathan Jarman

Internal Customer Experience Strategy

Beehive Hotels

CE Strategy: creating a unique, meaningful, memorable workplace environment.

We strive to create a safe and happy workspace for all our employees. We want everyone to

feel comfortable while also professional. At Beehive Hotels we hold opportunities to grow for every

employee. Every 6 months, an evaluation will be done with a guarantee of a 2% raise a year (max 5%).

We also stive for competitive benefits & perks:

• Sick Leave up to 16 days a year

• 401K with 4% match

• Health Insurance

• Dental Insurance

• Life Insurance

• Vison care

• HOA (Health Savings Account)

• 24hr free access to our on-site gym and pools

• PTO 30 days a year.

• Discounted travel booking

• Free breakfast

• Partial tuition reimbursement

We will also be hosting a Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, and Halloween party. All parties will

have catered food, games, and even raffle drawings. Those employees that have to work the holidays

will be getting paid time and a half.

Each month, an employee will be recognized for their hard work. They will get two days, of their

choice off that month paid. The employee will also get our “Employee of the month” parking which is

located right next to the front entrance. The employee will also have the chance to stay in any of our

rooms for a night for free and get access to our spa.

We hope to create a unique workspace environment for all of our employees that benefit from

multiple perks working for us. Our positions are designed for anyone and everyone to apply. We will

shape you into great employees with multiple chances to grow in the business.
Beehive EXP Strategy

This paper will outline the company’s Customer Experience strategy. The strategies will help

build customer loyalty and happiness.

Customer Experience Strategy

The customer’s experience will be based on the Resources and accessibility that Beehive Hotels

has to offer. This section will walk you through the entire customer experience from the time the

customer accesses the website to the end of their stay at Beehive Hotels.

Greg is looking for a place to stay in Salt Lake City, so he decides to google places to stay in Salt

Lake. Greg finds a very interesting name for an inn titled, “Beehive Hotel.” Clicking on the link directs

Greg to the Beehive hotel chain website. There, as plain to see, was an advertisement of their loyalty

program. He reads through some of the material explaining the benefits and decides to sign up. After

browsing the website, he found that the website was very intuitive and easy to navigate. There were

pictures of the rooms that showed the size and décor of the space. Everything looked nice. He was able to

find a single king-size bed quickly and add a reservation to a cart check-out system easily. While surfing,

a Chatbot popped up asking Greg if he needs any help finding anything. (Hyken, 2018)

After checkout, which was easy and hassle-free, Greg received a confirmation email stating his

room has been reserved. it also notified him that John has been assigned to his reservation as a personal

rep for questions and concerns during his stay. During the time before Greg’s reservation, John double-

checked everything on Greg’s reservation to make sure everything is going to plan. However, there is a

water leak 3 days before Greg’s stay and the room is no longer available. John quickly finds a new room

that has the same requirements as Greg requested and books a new room. Right after, John calls Greg to
let him know of the change and that he has already taken care of the problem. John also adds drink

vouchers for any inconvenience the situation may have caused.

When Greg arrives at the Inn, he is greeted by a very friendly valet employee which offers to

unload his luggage and park his car. They then direct Greg to the check-in desk and let him know they

will deliver his luggage to his room. The décor was captivating with very beautiful paintings and pictures.

Vases of flowers and plants were lane about to add atmosphere. As Greg walks toward the front desk, the

employee notices him and greets him asking him how he is doing. The Customer service rep was very

helpful and was very knowledgeable about the facility and where everything was located. Once Greg got

to his room, he opened the door with his key card and was greeted by a very clean well-lighted room with

beautiful environmental music playing. The room has everything: a 55” TV, small kitchen, fridge, couch,

chairs, and even a desk for his laptop so he can do work.

Greg stayed for three nights. Every day, his room was cleaned, and the bed was made. When he

needed to go somewhere, the valet would grab his car for him promptly, and gourmet breakfast was

served every morning. During Greg’s stay, John reached out to him to make sure everything was good

and there wasn't anything else Greg needed. At the end of Greg’s Stay, he was thanked for his business

and wished a safe trip back home. In the last interaction with Beehive hotels, Greg gets is an email from

the company stating how they appreciate him for staying at their facility and asks if he would be willing

to take a quick questionnaire on his experience at their facility. (SuperOffice, 2022)

CRM Strategy

1. Free app for all smartphones

2. Fixed prices and deals for loyal customers

3. Live-Chat 24/7

4. Does everything you need but doesn’t overdo it

5. E-mail and text built in 6. Building custom programs to WOW the customer

7. Mobile friendly CRM is a very important part of our hotel business.

Our software allows us to update our customers and keep them happy. This goes on our side as

well, we want loyal, happy customers. Our CRM is being used with our Double Platinum service and

Loyalty Program. But this doesn’t mean we don’t lose customers. One way our software is helping our

customers stay is by giving our team members specific jobs. Customer satisfaction is our main priority.

One of our team members will be over that. But if we do lose a customer, we can see why we lost that

customer and see how we can win them back. We want to invite them back and give them a reason to

come back and to stay. This could be offering deals that aren’t offered to other members. Like putting

them on the Loyalty Program if they aren’t already. We will follow up with these members to make sure

that they are still satisfied. We will put notes in their profile for when we talk to them, we don’t forget

anything. Customers don’t want to repeat themselves and we want to make sure that the customer is

heard. This also shows that we value our customers for being loyal customers. With our team going

above and beyond, this can impact their decision to come back. When they come back, our guests can

go into the software and customize how they would like their room to be. Like the room temperature,

bed mattress and pillows are at their preferred firmness. The mini fridge is stocked with their favorite

beverages. This type of service is uncommon but is what our business does to keep our guests satisfied
and to stay loyal customers. Even though this may not seem completely possible yet, our software

technology is ahead of its time, and it may just be one of the biggest reasons why we have so many loyal

Speed of Service Technology Strategy
A new app has been developed for us and will help our new business, Beehive Hotels,

grow. Our new app will include Live-Chat Support, Text feature, Email and AR experience. With

this app, it will help the company grow and reach our maximum target audience. This app will

be able to allow our guests to book a room, order room service at any time of the day or night.

Our Guests can also schedule room service for a specific time. Guests will be able to request

more amenities and order new clean towels.

After guests check in, they will have a virtual key to unlock the door to their rooms. This

will save the hassle of losing the key or having to reset it because it touched their phone. Our

app also has a feature called a crowd meter that allows guests to see how busy it is at the pool

or at breakfast. If there are too many people, they can choose to go at another time. When

they create an account with the app, they can set it up so they can receive deals and

notifications. When the guest orders room service, they can get a notification letting them

know when the food is being prepared and provides an ETA of when it will arrive.

Guests can book concierge services like spa sessions. Scheduling concierge services is

the same as booking a room, either it be regular or for a suite. The guest can schedule a

massage just for one or a for a couple. Guests can also schedule facials, manicures, and

pedicures. The app will be organized and easy for our guests to navigate.

When guests first download the app, it will have their login. Once logged in, they will see

four buttons on the bottom. On the left, it will have the home button which will be the booking
page. Next will be the feature of ordering food, more supplies and concierge services. Next will

be the crowd meter. Last on the right will be the text and Live-Chat support. We will have Live-

Chat support available always for any questions or concerns that can be dealt with


This app will help get service to the guests in a fast and timely manner without having to

wait for someone at the front desk or call and have a conversation. They can simply open the

app, select what they need, and go about their business. This app will also make booking a

room a breeze and allow hassle-free scheduling. We’ve done our research and believe this is

the future. 97% of Americans have smartphones and carry them with themselves. Why not

make accessing our hotels easier for them so they don’t have to open up a laptop or boot up

their computer?
Phone (IVR) Script

Inbound Call

Team Member: Hello, this is Beehive Hotel. Amy speaking.

Guest: Hello Amy. I was calling to book a room.

Team Member: Yes of course, you’re calling about a room?

Guest: Yes. I was wondering if you have any suites?

Team Member: Yeah. You want a suit? Of course, yes, we do have some available.

Guest: I want to book a suite for me and my partner.

Team Member: For you and your partner? Yes, of course.

Guest: Do you have the first week of July available?

Team Member: Yes, we do have those dates available. For you to come and stay in the suite.

Guest: Okay great. Could I get confirmation for my stay?

Team Member: Yes, of course. Yeah, I can just email you the booking confirmation.

Guest: Okay great!

Team Member: Yes. Is there anything else I can help you with?

Guest: No there isn’t. Thank you so much for your help.

Team Member: No. Okay that is great. We will see you then!

Outbound Call

Team Member: Hello, this is Amy from Beehive Hotel.

Guest: Hello Amy.

Team Member: I saw that you showed interest in our website so I thought I would reach out to

you. I know we haven’t talked before, but I am excited to have reached you.

Guest: Yes. I’m excited too.

Team Member: Yeah. I was just calling regarding our vacation package. We are currently

offering a wonderful Vacation Package and I wanted to tell you more about it. We have included

an itinerary, transportation options, menus and the services Double Platinum receives. I would

love to talk further on that if it interests you at all. We would love to have you and your family

or friends.

Guest: Could you email me a more detailed version of the Vacation Package?

Team Member: Yeah, of course. I could get your email and send that over to you.

Guest: Okay great my email is

Team Member: Okay thank you so much for talking with me today.

Guest: Thank you! Team Member: Okay, have a great day! Bye!
Corporate Social Media Strategy

Beehive Hotel Chain

Greeting Beehive Hotel Staff,

Regarding the corporate social media strategy, it is our priority to represent

the hotel, its staff, and our patrons in a positive light. Each location of the Hotel

will have its own social media platform on Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok.

Each social media account will be managed by the CMO up until the time when

each location has its own marketing coordinator at which time responsibility of the

social media platform for their location will fall on them.

The social platforms will be used to generate interest in the hotel, spotlight

new employees, share relevant staff/hotel news, and serve to draw in business.

Links to the hotel check in pages will be on the social media accounts and will be

easy to find for potential customers. The social platforms will also be a spot where

customers can do meaningful research into the hotel. Customers will be able to

access links to explore the AR room tours and amenities.

Employees will also be recognized on our social media platforms as they are

hired, celebrate employment anniversaries, and recognize the employee of the

month. Other employee accomplishments will be recognized on social media such

as customer service certifications, hospitality certifications, and other industry

related accomplishments. By recognizing our employees publicly our staff will

continue to feel valued, and our customers will respect the care and treatment we

give to our staff. Staff are strongly encouraged to follow the hotel’s social media

pages and share relevant content. The social media platforms will also highlight

high-profile guests who have stayed at the hotel and thank them for choosing to

stay with Beehive Hotel Chain

Social media platforms will also be used to promote our loyalty plan, local

events, and highlight deals from other business participating in our loyalty plan.

Customers signing up for the loyal members program will also receive additional

points to their account if they follow one or more of our social media accounts.

Information and links for potential new employees will also be available on all

social media platforms. Information regarding benefits, perks, and special

employment opportunities will be highlighted regularly through posts on the

Beehive Hotel Chain Social Media Strategy

Greetings staff,

Below you will find the current Social Media Strategy for Beehive Hotel

Chain. As our amazing business begins to expand, open new locations, and refine

the customer experience, we must take full advantage of every opportunity we

have to continue to grow. It is shown that 55% of consumers hear about and make

some sort of investment toward a brand through social media. Also, 78% of

consumers are willing to buy or use a brand based off a positive experience from

social media. It is time that we dial in our attention to this modern-day tool and

gain a wider access to a new database of customers. Below, you will find an

outline detailing small things you can do to take advantage of social media.

Strategy Purpose:

The purpose of the social media strategy is to develop a deeper and more

impactful social media presence through interacting with potential customers,

creating inviting content, and advertising our loyalty program. Through

researching our competitors, getting inspired by the industry, and utilizing multiple

platforms Beehive Hotel Chain can and will become an industry phenomenon.

- The CMO has taken time to create business social media accounts for

Beehive Hotel Chain on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Employees and

staff on these platforms are encouraged to follow the Beehive Hotel Chain

and share relevant content as they see fit. Word of mouth starts with you!

- The CMO has designed a calendar for the social media platforms so that

relevant content pertaining to holiday travel, promotional offers, and interest

generating content are posted during times when they will get most views

and generate interest.

- The CMO is open to input regarding potential content and promotional ideas

for the social media platforms. If you have a video, photo, or customer

experience you would like to share please contact me directly.

- Beehive Hotel Chain will utilize positive written feedback from Google,

Yelp, and Trip Advisor to share with our followers on our social media


- The CMO will set aside time to respond to potential customer comments and

interaction. Any interest from other staff to do so is welcome and should be

approved by the CMO.


Once again, this is a new plan to further develop business and drive in

customers. I do not expect things to run perfectly in the beginning. I will monitor
our profile traffic, mediate forums, and provide positive content to our customers.

It is my hope that through utilizing social media we can produce growth and

interest in Beehive Hotel Chain. Any input is welcome.

Thank you,

Nathan Jarman CMO

Beehive Hotels Loyalty Program
Message from your new team

Randy Beasterfield (COO)

Amy Morgan (CIO)

Nathan Jarman (CMO)

Haylee Swensen (CHRO)

Hello everyone,

What exciting times? We are a new company, and what way to celebrate this change than to

celebrate it with our customers! We are excited to announce our new Loyalties Program and explain to

you all the great value our guests will receive from it!

The purpose of the loyalty program is to entice guests to stay at the hotel. Guests will want to stay

at our hotel based on the incredible customer experience, friendliness of our staff, and top-of-the-line

amenities and comfort. Through research, we have learned that establishing a great loyalty program will

promote repetitive business and give great value to the customer. Below, we will explain the Loyalty

program and how their benefits from it, will benefit us.

The loyalty program will allow guests to receive special discounts for their stay and receive

points, which they can build up and use for other items and rewards. All the customer has to do, is sign up

for a new loyalty rewards card. After receiving their card, they can use it as their personal credit card to

pay for anything hotel-related, select restaurants, and rental services. You read that right, after working

with the surrounding restaurants and entertainment centers, we were able to strike a business deal to give

our guess this benefit.

Corporate entities will also be able to receive special discounts if they choose to set up a

corporate account with us. This discount of %15 off will be determined based on how often their

employees stay at our hotel chain and will be reviewed yearly. If the company’s activity does not show

enough activity, their discount would be discontinued.

CRM will be the center of how the rewards program is utilized. As guests check in or book a stay,

they will be sent emails with information for the loyalty program and given additional discounts for their

stay simply by just signing up. Corporate accounts and individual accounts will be synced into the CRM

software and each interaction or transaction made with the customer will be logged so that customer

service can be tailored for the individual needs of the customer. The CRM system will also be used to

reach out to previous customers, either through email or mail, offering the membership program as well

as additional discounts for seasonal events or holiday packages.

Loyalty program outline:

- Members will get 10% discount for each stay

- Their loyalty card will build up points (every $10 spent, transfers to 100 redeemable points).

- Points can be used to purchase online merchandise, trips to the hotels, and gift cards.

- Each member can enter into a drawing where they can win a free stay at any of our hotel locations.

- Members can get special discounts at participating restaurants and car rental services.

- Companies can set up a corporate account which comes with a 15% discount instead of the basic

10% discount.

- corporate members must stay at least 10 times out of the year to maintain membership and eligibility.
Two-Day CS Training/ CS Focus Training

All employees will go through a Two-day Customer Service training. Your manager will

schedule you and send you to our corporate headquarters in Utah. Room and food will be paid for. The

training schedule is as followed.

Day 1:


This intro is not only going to introduce the trainers but gives all the trainees a chance to

introduce themselves to their fellow co-workers. Each employee will be expected to make a single slide

outlining who they are, what they do at Beehive Hotels, what their hobbies are, and one weird thing about

themselves. This will help break the ice with the rest of your co-workers.

How to present yourself

We will go over the proper dress code in our hotels and grooming methods to help make it clear to our

team what we expect from all employees. This includes customer service reps, managers, housekeeping,

maintenance personnel, and sales associates.

Speaking Skills

In this section, we will go over how to interact with our guests and how to handle different

situations. We will go over how to speak with happy, angry, or just concerned guests. We give you

specific speaking points for particular scenarios, which will help all of our employees with possible

difficult situations. We will also go over proper phone etiquette and teach you what we expect from our

representatives. We will help sculp you into amazing customer service reps so our guests can hear the

smile in your tone.


1-hour lunch break

Emails and social media

When you get back from break, we will continue with customer interaction scenarios, but

pertaining to written communication. You will learn how to respond to emails, how to respond to reviews,

what you can and can’t tweet on the company's Twitter account, and what to do with angry online

customer messages.

Escalation Procedures

There are always going to be difficult situations and knowing who to go to for those situations

could make or break the customer’s experience. This session will go over who to escalate to. This pertains

to social media messages as well as face-to-face communications.

Day 2:

Putting what you’ve learned to the test

On the second day of your training, we will be spending most of the day going over live scenarios

for each employee to participate into practice what they learned on day one. The trainees will split up into

groups and work with a trainer doing all sorts of roleplays. Each employee will get to practice the

following scenarios:

· Normal phone interactions

· Angry Customer on the Phone

· Normal face-to-face interactions

· Angry in-person interactions

· Social media responding

· Online review responding


After finishing live scenarios, all trainees will go to lunch together at one of our connected restaurants.


After lunch, we will again split up into groups to go to other hotel chains and see how their

customer service interacts with you. Take notes on what you think they did well with, and what they can

improve on. When you get back, you will discuss your findings with the class.
Work Cited

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