Oilfield Review October 1992

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Cracking Rock: Progress in Fracture Treatment Design

In the 1950s, hydraulic fracturing

was a hit-or-miss proposition.

Through the 60s and 70s, better

data quality and more sophisti-

cated models of rock mechanics

improved control over the fracture

job. Today, with cost-effective,

high-power computing, two-dimen-

sional (2D) models of fracture

propagation are giving way to a

three-dimensional (3D) approach.

Fracture treatment design has

never before been so powerful or

flexible a tool.

Barry Brady Bobby Poe

Jack Elbel Houston, Texas, USA
Mark Mack
Hugo Morales
Ken Nolte
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

For their help with this article, thanks to Larry Behrmann, The idea of hydraulically creating cracks in formed the first experimental hydraulic frac-
Schlumberger Perforating Center, Rosharon, Texas, USA; a pay zone to enhance production was ture in the Klepper #1 gas well in Grant
Simon Bittleston, Schlumberger Cambridge Research,
Cambridge, England; CJ de Pater, Delft Technical Univer-
developed in the 1920s by R.F. Farris of County, Kansas, USA. Deliverability of the
sity, The Netherlands; Cor Kenter and Jacob Shlyapober- Stanolind Oil and Gas Corp. He evolved the well did not improve appreciably, but the
sky Koninklijke/Shell Exploratie en Produktie Laborato- concept following a study of pressures technique showed promise, and the follow-
rium, Rijswijk, The Netherlands; Paul Martins, BP
Exploration (Alaska) Inc., Anchorage, USA; and George encountered during squeezing of cement, ing year Stanolind presented a paper on the
K. Wong, Shell Bellaire Research, Houston, Texas, USA. oil and water into formations. In 1947, “Hydrafrac” process.1 Halliburton Oil Well
In this article, NODAL, DataFRAC and ZODIAC (Zoned Stanolind (now Amoco Production Co.) per- Cementing Company obtained a license to
Dynamic Interpretation Analysis and Computation) are
marks of Schlumberger. VAX is a mark of Digital Equip-
the process and, in 1949, performed the first
ment Corp. and Sun is a mark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. commercial fracturing treatments, raising
production of two wells “outstandingly.”2

4 Oilfield Review
The method took off. By 1955, treatments 1. Clark JB: “A Hydraulic Process for Increasing the Pro- 4. Warpinski NR: “Invited Paper: Rock Mechanics Issues
reached 3000 wells per month, and by ductivity of Wells,” Transactions of the AIME 186 in Completion and Stimulation Operations,” in Tiller-
1968, more than a half-million jobs had (1949): 1-8. son JR and Wawersik WR (eds): Proceedings of the
2. Waters AB: “History of Hydraulic Fracturing,” pre- 33rd US Symposium on Rock Mechanics. Santa Fe,
been performed. Today, hydraulic fracturing sented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Symposium, New Mexico, USA (June 3-5, 1992): 375-386.
is used in 35 to 40% of wells, and in the Lubbock, Texas, USA, 1982.
United States, where the procedure is most 3. Veatch RW Jr, Moschovidis ZA and Fast CR: “An
widespread, it has increased oil reserves by Overview of Hydraulic Fracturing,” in Gidley JL,
Holditch SA, Nierode DE and Veatch RW Jr (eds):
25 to 30%.3 Interest in hydraulic fracturing Recent Advances in Hydraulic Fracturing, Monograph
shows no signs of abating.4 Application of 12. Richardson, Texas, USA: Society of Petroleum
Engineers (1989): 1-38.
the technology is expanding from mainly

October 1992 5
Pressure exerted by the pad initiates and
Tight gas; propagates the fracture. The slurry helps
3000 North American
goal of 10× Moderate/high extend the fracture and transports proppant.
increase perm; goal
Fracture treatments/yr

Remove activity declines; The fracture gradually fills until the prop-
gas deregulation of 2×
damage increase pant packs into the fracture tip (next page ).
At this point, the fracture treatment is fin-
2000 ished and pumping stops. As pressure
within the fracture declines, the fracture
closes on the proppant pack, ensuring that it
Middle East Improved remains in place, providing a conduit for
1000 imports to materials,
North America hydrocarbons. Productivity would be inhib-
ited by viscous fluid in the pad and slurry
OPEC supply restrictions that remains in the formation. However,
0 when the fluid’s high viscosity is no longer
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
needed, the high temperature of the forma-
tion or special oxidizers cause the fluid
“break” to a lower viscosity, allowing it to
nChanging motivation for hydraulic fracturing. The three parts of the graph with posi- be produced back.5
tive slope indicate three motivations: initially, to remove damage, then to improve ten-
fold the productivity of tight gas sands, and today, to double productivity of medium- Hydraulic fracturing lies at the interface of
to high-permeability formations. fluid mechanics and rock mechanics. In the
45 years since the first fracture job, fluid sci-
low-permeability reservoirs to medium-to the faces of the fracture and prevent them ence has advanced significantly. Treatment
high-permeability settings (above ). from fitting closely together, or the fracture fluids have been diversified to handle many
Hydraulic fracturing is the pumping of flu- is packed with proppant (usually sand) to temperature, chemical and permeability
ids at rates and pressures sufficient to break hold it open. This article concentrates on conditions (see “Rewriting the Rules for
the rock, ideally forming a fracture with two the latter technique. High-Permeability Stimulation,” page 18).
wings of equal length on both sides of the Today, a typical fracturing treatment uses Additives control a range of fluid properties,
borehole. If pumping were stopped after the thickened fluids pumped in stages. The first such as viscosity, pH, stability and loss of
fracture was created, the fluids would grad- stage is a “pad” of water, a polymer and fluid to the formation, called leakoff.6 Many
ually leak off into the formation. Pressure additives. Then comes the slurry, which is proppants have been developed, from the
inside the fracture would fall and the frac- pad plus proppant—generally sand—in sus- standard silica sand to high-strength prop-
ture would close, generating no additional pension. Different concentrations of prop- pants, like sintered bauxite and zirconium
conductivity. To preserve a fracture once it pant and volumes of slurry are pumped as oxide particles, used where fracture closure
has been opened, either acid is used to etch the job progresses (below ). stress would crush sand.

Job Description Information

Stage Pump Fluid Stage Fluid Proppant Proppant Type Estimated Surface
Name Rate Name Volume Concentration + Mesh Pressure
bbl/min. gal lbm/gal psi

Pad 35 YF140 5000 0 INTERPROP + 20/40 5630

Slurry 35 YF140 9000 2 INTERPROP + 20/40 4610
Slurry 35 YF140 14,000 4 INTERPROP + 20/40 3760
Slurry 35 YF140 23,000 6 INTERPROP + 20/40 3080
Slurry 35 YF140 15,000 8 INTERPROP + 20/40 2460
Slurry 35 YF140 13,200 0 — 6170

nA typical pumping schedule for a is the largest stage, accounting for slurry concentration that starts at the
hydrofrac in a gas well in east Okla- 30 to 50% of fluid, and, rarely, up to wellbore as 2 lb of proppant per gal-
homa, USA. Each unit of fluid that 70%. Ideally, to optimize the lon of fluid [240 kg/m3], may end up
represents a change in proppant propped fracture length, the pad is as 8 lbm/gal [960 kg/m3] at the end
concentration or flow rate or both is completely leaked off at the of pumping, and 44 lbm/gal [5270
called a stage; a specific sequence moment the fracture reaches its kg/m3] when the fracture closes. In
of stages is called a pumping intended length. If the pad leaks off this job, one proppant size is used
schedule. This is a pumping sched- too soon, the fracture will be too (20/40 refers to a standard sieve
ule to produce a 909-foot [277-m] short; if too late, the fracture is not mesh size that permits passage of a
fracture. The pad fractures the rock effectively propped. In this well, five particle with an average diameter of
and helps transport the proppant, slurry stages with different proppant 0.63 mm [0.025 in.] ). A larger prop-
which holds the fracture open after concentrations and volumes are pant is sometimes used near the well-
pressure is released. A major com- used, but as many as 17 or 20 slurry bore to minimize turbulent flow,
ponent of fracture design is estab- stages may be used in large frac which would decrease hydrocarbon
lishing the volume and chemistry of jobs. The later slurry stages have flow rate.
pad and slurry. Generally, the pad higher proppant concentrations
than earlier stages because the
slurry fluid leaks off as it travels
along the fracture. Therefore, a
6 Oilfield Review
Until recently, advances in rock mechan- 25% slurry volume pumped
ics lagged somewhat behind those in fluid 30
technology. In the 1950s, there was no need
for a rigorous theory of fracture propagation,
the backbone of fracture treatment design.

Height, m
Low-volume, low-rate and low proppant
concentration fracture stimulation suc- 15
ceeded without careful design. But as treat-
ments grew in size and complexity, opera-
tors needed more control. Today more than
ever, the expense of hydraulic fracturing
requires that the operator knows how the 0
formation will respond to treatment, and
50% slurry volume pumped
whether the treatment design—the selection
of pump rates, fluid properties, pumping
schedule and fracture propagation model—
will create the intended fracture (see “To
Frac or Not to Frac?” next page ).
Height, m

Pivotal to designing the treatment—and to

deciding whether to do one at all—is cost-
benefit analysis, relating cost of the fracture
job to increased well productivity. The more
fracture length for a given fracture conduc-
tivity, the more productivity, but also the
more costly the fracture job. This analysis,
called net present value, is done with simu- 75% slurry volume pumped
lators that find the optimum fracture length
and conductivity for a given payback sched-
ule. Too short a fracture, or too low a con-
ductivity, and the increase in well produc-
tivity won’t cover the cost of the fracture
Height, m

treatment; too long, and the extra fracture 15

length will add significantly to cost but neg-
ligibly to production. Some simulators
model fracturing economics in longer terms;
they tell, for example, for a well with a
given deliverability, amortized at a certain 0
rate, how much should be spent on 0 50 100
hydraulic fracturing given a future oil price. Distance, m
In the past few years, improvements in
fracture design have come from develop- 0 nAn investigational proppant transport
Proppant concentration, vol %

ments in several areas: 5 model, showing variation of proppant

•Fracture geometry modeling. Mathemati- concentration at three times during frac-
10 Initial turing. This simulation, by Simon Bittle-
cal models today can better predict how fracture
15 geometry
ston at Schlumberger Cambridge
in-situ rock responds to fracturing. Research in England, predicts the final
20 at wellbore
•Relationship of perforation design and distribution of proppant, used for quanti-
fracture initiation (see “The Shape of Per- 25 fying fracture conductivity. Yellow is no
foration Strategy,” page 54 ). Careful proppant, green to dark blue is low to
high proppant concentrations, respec-
design of perforations can minimize pres- 35 tively, and red is packed proppant. Slurry
sure drop at the borehole. 65 is denser than pad so it tends to slump,
•Fracture treatment evaluation. Mathemati- called gravity current. After 50% of the
cal advances have also made evaluation slurry volume is pumped, a shower of set-
5. Gulbis J, Hawkins G, King M, Pulsinelli R, Brown E tling proppant appears as a light blue fog
tools more powerful. There is a growing and Elphick J: “Taking the Brakes off Proppant-Pack
near the tip of the propagating slurry.
practice of testing the validity of the frac- Conductivity,” Oilfield Review 3, no. 1 (January
1991): 18-26. Falling proppant results in a packed bed
ture geometry model against postfracture (red) along the bottom of the fracture. This
6. Overviews of fracturing fluids:
well test data, then refining the model. packed bed restricts downward growth of
Constien VG: “Fracturing Fluid and Proppant Charac-
This “back analysis” permits prediction of the fracture. As a result of this proppant
terization,” in Economides MJ and Nolte KG (eds):
Reservoir Stimulation, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, New distribution modeling, the pumping
fracture parameters, particularly fracture schedule can be modified to optimize
Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall (1989): 5-1–5-23.
length and conductivity, to be compared fracture design. Although still a research
Ely JW: “Fracturing Fluids and Additives,” in Gidley
with independent field measurements. JL, Holditch SA, Nierode DE and Veatch RW Jr (eds): tool, it may later be integrated into frac-
Recent Advances in Hydraulic Fracturing, Monograph ture design programs.
12. Richardson, Texas, USA: Society of Petroleum
Engineers (1989): 130-146.

October 1992 7
To Frac or Not to Frac? Fracture Geometry Modeling
The need to understand hydraulic fracturing
Determine if the well is providing the maximum benefit, indicated
by return on investment and net present value. stimulated advances in basic rock mechan-
ics. A key finding was of Hubbert and
Willis, in 1957, showing that fractures in the
earth are usually vertical, not horizontal.7
Evaluate permeability and skin (near well damage) from well test. They reasoned that because a fracture is a
plane of parting in rock, the rock will open
in the direction of least resistance. At the
depth of most pay zones, overburden exerts
Determine benefit using NODAL
the greatest stress, so the direction of least
analysis for various
combinations of: stress is therefore horizontal (next page,
•Recompletions (tubing size, top). Fractures open perpendicular to this
perforations, surface direction and are therefore vertical. In shal-
equipment, artificial lift) low wells, or where thrusting is active, hori-
and zontal stress may exceed vertical stress and
•Matrix treatments horizontal fractures may form.
(different materials and sizes)
By the 1960s, fractures created below
•Fracture treatments 1000 or 2000 ft [300 to 600 m] were
(different material and sizes). accepted as vertical. Operators then posed
some difficult questions: How high does the
fracture grow? How can we prevent it from
extending into the gas or water zone? How
Maximum benefit achieved for Yes does fracture height relate to fracture width
Perform recompletion.
recompletions only? and length? And how do we optimize frac-
ture dimensions?
No A major task of rock mechanics became
Perform matrix the prediction of fracture height, length and
treatment Yes Maximum benefit achieved after width for a given injection rate, duration of
(see “Trends in Matrix matrix treatment only?
Acidizing,” page 24).
injection and fluid leakoff. Needed for this
No prediction is a model of how a fracture
propagates in rock.
Yes Today, a number of models occupy a con-
Is maximum benefit achieved after
Perform recompletion.
matrix treatment with recompletion? tinuum from 2D to pseudo-three-dimen-
sional (P3D) and fully 3D. The basic differ-
ence between 2D and P3D/3D models is
Perform fracture Yes
that in 2D models, fracture height is fixed or
treatment. Is maximum benefit achieved
after fracturing only? set equal to length (that is, a semicircular
shape), whereas in P3D and 3D models,
No fracture height, length and width can all
Yes vary somewhat independently. Two-dimen-
Is maximum benefit achieved after sional models have been around for about
Perform recompletion.
fracturing with recompletion? 30 years; three-dimensional for about ten
No years. Increased computing power has
recently made pseudo-3D models practical
Fracturing not needed. for routine design. Fully 3D models have

7. Hubbert MK and Willis DG: “Mechanics of Hydraulic Clifton RJ: “Three-Dimensional Fracture-Propagation 10. Khristianovic SA and Zheltov YP: “Formation of Ver-
Fracturing,” Transactions of the AIME 210 (1957): Models,” in Gidley JL, Holditch SA, Nierode DE and tical Fractures by Means of Highly Viscous Liquid,”
153-166. Veatch RW Jr (eds): Recent Advances in Hydraulic Proceedings, Fourth World Petroleum Congress,
8. Barree RD: “A New Look at Fracture Tip Screenout Fracturing, Monograph 12. Richardson, Texas, USA: Rome, Italy, section 2 (1955): 579-586.
Behavior,” paper SPE 18955, presented at the SPE Society of Petroleum Engineers (1989): 95-108. Geertsma J and de Klerk FA: “Rapid Method of Pre-
Joint Rocky Mountain Regional/Low Permeability Hongren G and Leung KH: “Three-Dimensional dicting Width and Extent of Hydraulically Induced
Reservoirs Symposium and Exhibition, Denver, Col- Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Fracture Closure Fractures,” Journal of Petroleum Technology 19
orado, USA, March 6-8, 1989; Journal of Petroleum with Application to Minifrac Analysis,” paper SPE (December 1969): 1571-1581; Transactions of the
Technology 43 (February 1991): 138-143. 20657, presented at the 65th SPE Annual Technical AIME 246.
Clifton RJ and Abou-Sayed AS: “A Variational Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, 11. Ahmed U: “Fracture-Height Predictions and Post-
Approach to the Prediction of the Three-Dimensional USA, September 23-26, 1990. Treatment Measurements,” in Economides MJ and
Geometry of Hydraulic Fractures,” paper SPE/DOE 9. The PKN model is from the work of Perkins and Kern, Nolte KG (eds): Reservoir Stimulation, 2nd ed.
9879, presented at the SPE/DOE Low-Permeability revised by Nordgren to account for flow rate gradients Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall
Gas Reservoirs Symposium, Denver, Colorado, USA, in the fracture. (1989): 10-1–10-13.
May 27-29, 1981. Nordgren RP: “Propagation of a Vertical Hydraulic 12. Van Eekelen HAM: “Hydraulic Fracture Geometry:
Fracture,” Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal 12 Fracture Containment in Layered Formations,” paper
(August 1972): 306-314; Transactions of the AIME 253. SPE 9261, presented at the 55th SPE Annual Techni-
Perkins TK and Kern LR: “Widths of Hydraulic Frac- cal Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, USA,
tures,” Journal of Petroleum Technology 13 (Septem- September 21-24, 1980.
ber 1961): 937-949; Transactions of the AIME 222.
8 Oilfield Review
limited use because of lengthy computation The emergence of 3D models has not
time, but they are the way of the future. Vertical eclipsed 2D models. Two-dimensional mod-
State-of-the-art fully 3D models simulate stress els work where:
Sv Min.
nonplanar fractures, but most commercial horiz. •The fracture grows in a formation of homo-
versions are planar.8 St Max stress geneous stress and mechanical properties
Most 2D models are based on three com- horiz. so that fracture height is small compared
mon models: the Perkins-Kern-Nordgren9 to formation layer thickness. The radial
(PKN) model, the Khristianovic-Geertsma-de Sr model is appropriate in this setting.
Klerk10 (KGD) model and the radial model •Stress contrasts are high between the pay
(below). The PKN and KGD models assume layer and neighboring formations and
fracture height is constant along the length these contrasts follow lithologic bound-
of the fracture; height is usually picked by aries. The PKN or KGD models, which
lithologic boundaries. Fracture length and assume constant height, are appropriate in
width are then calculated from height this setting.
(which may be estimated using acoustic log When these conditions are absent, use of
data combined with modeling of fracture
nStresses in the earth act in three princi- 2D models requires estimation of fracture
pal directions, one vertical, and two hori-
mechanics and elastic properties11 ), Young’s zontal, a maximum and a minimum. At height based on the user’s experience and
modulus, fluid viscosity, injection rate and the borehole wall, these are vertical, S v , knowledge. The consequences of underesti-
time and leakoff. In the radial model, frac- radial, S r , and tangential, S t . Vertical mating fracture height, for example, range
stress induced by overburden usually
ture length and height are equal and are exceeds the two horizontal components. from disastrous to troublesome but manage-
jointly allowed to vary. Width is also This means a fracture will have the least able. The fracture may extend into a gas or
allowed to vary. resistance to opening along a plane nor- water leg, which can ruin a well. Underpre-
The 3D approach is more realistic mal to the smallest principal stress. dicting fracture height overpredicts fracture
because fracture height is not determined by Because this stress is horizontal, the frac- length because, for a given pump rate,
ture will orient vertically. In areas of
lithology but by vertical variation in the active thrusting, and in some shallow unanticipated doubling of fracture height
magnitude of least principal stresses, which wells, a horizontal stress may exceed decreases length by about 50%, depending
often but not always follow lithologic units. overburden and the fracture will form on leakoff. If the fracture is shorter than pre-
(The greater the vertical contrast in least horizontally. Regional tectonic forces dicted, it may not be as productive as fore-
determine the azimuthal orientation of the
principal stresses, the better fracture height least principal stresses and thus of the cast. The pump schedule may be inappro-
is contained.12 ) fracture wings. priate, further cutting fracture conductivity.

2D Fracture Models

• Elliptical cross section nThe family of

to extend fracture
Pressure required

• Width ∝ height basic 2D fracture

• Width < KGD; models—PKN,
length > KGD GDK and radial.
PKN • More appropriate when
fracture length > height

height fixed

• Rectangular cross section

to extend fracture
Pressure required

• Width ∝ length
KGD • More appropriate when
fracture length < height


• Appropriate when fracture

to extend fracture
Pressure required

Fracture length = height

height not Radial


October 1992 9
For example, proppant concentrations may does require input of the magnitude of mini-
be excessive, causing proppant to plug the mum horizontal stress in the zone to be
fracture before flowing its full length, and fractured and in the zones immediately
leaving some fracture length unpropped.13 above and below. (It calculates height using
The evolutionary step after 2D modeling this stress and the fluid pressure within the
is P3D modeling.14 When conditions are fracture.) The stress values may be estimated
ideal for a 2D model—high, known stress from a mechanical properties log, an indi-
contrasts—the P3D model height prediction rect measurement.
may be more accurate than the estimated On a small scale, the best direct stress
height of the 2D model (below ). The advan- measurement is from several microfracs,15
tage of the P3D approach is that it does not in which small fractures are created at sev-
P3D Fracture require estimating fracture height, but it eral wellbore locations (below ). Fracturing
fluid is usually water without proppant. On
the reservoir scale, determination of stress
2D versus P3D/3D Fracture Models
and fluid loss is accomplished by a calibra-
for Different Bed Boundary Stress Contrasts tion treatment, in which a fracture is created
without proppant that is up to one-third the
length of the planned fracture. The engineer
analyzes the curve of pressure decline ver-
sus time after the rock has been fractured
High contrast Low contrast (next page, top). Finding the fracture closure

High contrast Low contrast

Microfrac test

Well depth, ft

P3D High contrast Low contrast

High contrast Low contrast

2200 2600 3000 3400
nA P3D fracture propagating from the borehole (top) and comparison of 2D, P3D/fully
3D models for high and low contrast in minimum horizontal stress between beds. A low Minimum horizontal stress, psi
stress contrast is on the order of a 100 psi [690 kilopascals (kPa)]; a high stress contrast
is greater than 1000 psi [6895 kPa]. Here, if one assumes that fracture height of the 2D nStress profile measured by
model is selected based on lithology, not on stress contrast, then the 2D fracture model microfrac and derived from wire-
stays within the beds. In the low-contrast case, the 2D model will probably overesti- line log data. Most correlations
mate fracture length and underestimate height, compared to the P3D/fully 3D models. between log-derived and mea-
In the low-contrast case, there would be a slight length and height difference between sured stresses are linear and
the P3D and fully 3D models. In the high-contrast case, the P3D and fully 3D models show more deviation than this
would predict about the same geometry. example.

13. Nierode DE: “Fracture Treatment Design,” in Gidley 15. Daneshy AA, Slusher GL, Chisholm PT and Magee 17. Martins JP, Bartel PA, Kelly RT, Ibe OE and Collins PJ:
JL, Holditch SA, Nierode DE and Veatch RW Jr (eds): DA: “In-Situ Stress Measurements During Drilling,” “Small Highly Conductive Hydraulic Fractures Near
Recent Advances in Hydraulic Fracturing, Mono- Journal of Petroleum Engineering 38 (August 1986): Reservoir Fluid Contacts: Application to Prudhoe
graph 12. Richardson, Texas, USA: Society of 891-898. Bay,” paper SPE 24856, presented at the 67th SPE
Petroleum Engineers (1989): 223-244. Sarda JP, Detienne JL and Lassus-Dessus J, “Recom- Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Wash-
14. Ben-Naceur K: “Modeling of Hydraulic Fractures,” mendations for Microfracturing Implementations ington DC, USA, October 4-7, 1992.
in Economides MJ and Nolte KG (eds): Reservoir and the Interpretation of Micro- and Pre-Fractur-
Stimulation, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, ing,” Revue de l’Institut Français du Pétrole 47, no.
USA: Prentice Hall (1989): 3-1–3-31. 2 (March-April 1992): 179-204.
16. Nolte KG: “Fracture Pressure Analysis: Deviations
from Ideal Assumptions,” paper SPE 20704, pre-
sented at the 65th SPE Annual Technical Confer-
ence and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA,
September 23-26, 1990.

10 Oilfield Review
pressure, which equals the minimum hori- nEffect of closure
zontal stress, requires interpretation of the Pressure decline stress on a pres-
9000 Fracture
slopes, which is open to ambiguity.16 The sure/time curve. In

Bottomhole pressure, psi

treatment Fracture this idealized
drawback of the microfrac method is its
closing example, interpre-
high cost and insensitivity to stress variation 8000
tation of the slope
from well to well and across a field. The Fracture closes to find horizontal
on proppant
leakoff estimation is also complicated when stress is straightfor-
fractures grow into impermeable layers, ward. Changes in
Reservoir curve slope are not
where leakoff will not be proportional to Closure pressure = pressure always so clear.
fracture area. 6000 minimum horizontal rock stress
P3D models assume a simplified repre-
sentation of fluid flow in the fracture. This 5000
assumption is made mainly to shorten com- 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 56 58

putation time, but it may result in inaccurate Time, hr

estimation of fracture height. This is because
pressure distribution in the fracture, which 300 nPressure versus
Pressure required to extend fracture, psi
controls growth of fracture height, is gener- time for lateral
coupling com-
ated by the fluid flow. 250 pared with tradi-
Although this problem seems simple Lateral tional fracture
enough to solve, it requires the leap to fully coupling models.
3D modeling of fracture geometry. Fully 3D
simulators are difficult to use—they require PKN
accurate stress contrast data—and so are not 150
widely employed, but the theory permits the
closest approximation of what fractures
really do. The two main differences
between fully 3D and P3D are in how they
handle fluid flow and pressure calculation 0 20 40 60 80
along the fracture. Fully 3D geometry mod- Time, min
els use a fully 2D model of fluid flow,
whereas P3D models approximate the 2D
fluid flow. In a fully 3D geometry model, data. They are used to understand fracture and P3D modeling, it doubles or triples
pressure everywhere is used to calculate propagation in a particular field.17 Where computation time, but improves estimation
fracture width at any point. Width is gener- fracture containment is poor, 3D models of fracture height and fracture pressure dur-
ally calculated using the “pressure integral” have been used to assist microfrac interpre- ing treatment (above ).
along the total fracture length and height. In tations and to generate simple models for A third evolutionary stage, multilayer frac-
the P3D model, the pressure-width relation routine fracture design. These simple mod- ture (MLF) modeling, takes one step back in
is simplified to improve efficiency, usually els are refined by posttreatment evaluation. order to take two steps forward. The MLF
by considering only particular shapes, such The “pressure integral” advantage of the simulator is a revision of PKN modeling that
as ellipses, or by neglecting variation of fully 3D model has been introduced to PKN permits describing the geometry of more
pressure along the fracture length. and P3D models using a method called lat- than one fracture forming in more than one
At BP, fully 3D models are not used rou- eral coupling. This is a way to introduce 3D layer and then planning the appropriate
tinely because of lack of appropriate input elasticity to models that don’t include it.
Mathematically, lateral coupling puts back a
gross approximation of the pressure integral
along the fracture length. This poor-man’s
integral couples pressures at points along
the fracture, instead of considering them in
isolation. Compared with conventional PKN

October 1992 11
pumping schedule.18 (below ). Multilayer at a single time or for a limited number of The estimate becomes tenuous in silty shale,
modeling was needed as more reservoirs formation characteristics.19 which may have the same stress magnitude
were exploited in which conventional mod- The MLF model also allows the prediction as sand but may poorly contain fracture
eling has limitations. This is often the case of crossflow between fractures after pump- height. Again, the best measurement of
when stress barriers prevent the coalescing ing stops and before all the fractures close. stress is obtained from a microfrac.
of fractures in multiple zones or where lay- Matching the predicted and measured cross-
ers of varying thicknesses and stress magni- flow permits a more accurate prediction of The Perf and the Frac: What’s the Link?
tudes are to be fractured. the parameters that determine fluid volume Field wisdom holds that the ideal perfora-
The MLF approach indicates whether a that enters each zone, and the resulting frac- tion lies in the plane normal to the mini-
single treatment or separate treatments are ture length and height. mum far-field stress direction. This perfora-
needed to achieve optimum geometry of With the arrival of the MLF model, the tion links most directly with the induced
fractures in multiple zones. If separate treat- engineer can choose from five general types fracture, minimizing pressure drop near the
ments are needed for the desired penetra- of fracture propagation models. Selection of borehole. Other perforations probably con-
tion in each layer, the MLF simulator may the right model is critical. Even slight differ- nect with the fracture indirectly, if at all. But
be used to determine how many are ences between modeled and actual fracture because fracture azimuth is generally not
required. It can also help in planning lim- dimensions can translate to dramatic differ- known and because alignable perforating
ited entry perforating—varying the number ences in required proppant concentration guns are not readily available, conventional
of perforations in each layer, depending on and weight, and pad volume (next page ). guns shooting at closely spaced angles
layer thickness and stress state, to achieve Usually, PKN, KGD and radial models are around 360° are generally used. These are
the desired fracture geometry. (Fewer perfo- chosen with a chain of empirical deduc- called phased guns. The closer the angle
rations in the layer taking the most fluid tions. The engineer estimates the shape of (phasing) between perforations, the better
restricts flow and diverts it into other layers.) the induced fracture—if length exceeds chance of having more perforations in or
Inputs to the MLF model are the same as height, it’s PKN; if length is less than height, near the ideal plane. Not until recently,
for P3D: stress profile, Young’s Modulus and it’s KGD. This value is based the sand thick- however, were large-scale experiments per-
leakoff for each formation. The model dif- ness to be fractured, proximity to gas, water formed to evaluate the relationship between
fers from existing descriptions of multilayer or other fractures and estimation of the perforations and hydraulic fractures.
fracturing in that it quantifies transient fluid stress contrast between the reservoir section Behrmann and Elbel of Schlumberger and
partitioning during pumping as a function of and abutting formations, usually shales. The Dowell Schlumberger, respectively, used
fracturing fluid and formation properties. stress contrast estimate is often valid when full-scale perforators on steel casing
Existing models calculate partitioning only the well has clean sands and clean shales. cemented into sandstone blocks placed in a

ray Layered beds 2D P3D MLF

Shale Sand
nComparison of 2D, P3D and multilayer fracture (MLF) models in a multilayer setting. In the 2D model, fracture
height is selected to be limited by the top of the upper sand and bottom of the lower sand. The fracture is consid-
ered to grow simultaneously from both sands and to be of uniform length. Young’s Modulus is averaged for the
two sands and the shale between them. In the P3D model, the fracture grows from one sand to the other, but not
simultaneously as in the 2D model. In both the 2D and P3D models, fracture lengths are equal for both the thick
and thin sands. In the MLF model, which uses a modified PKN model, fracture lengths and heights are unequal.
Length depends on fracture height, stress magnitude and Young’s Modulus. As with other 2D models, height is
selected for each layer, here by lithologic boundaries. The next generation MLF model will adapt P3D modeling.

12 Oilfield Review
sandstone blocks, found that slow pumping
1.0 2000 of low-viscosity prepad has another effect: it
Treatment cost, $ ×106

Fracture penetration, ft
PKN maximizes the number of fractures initiated
0.75 1500 at perforations suboptimally aligned. More
KGD work is needed to determine whether
0.50 1000 increasing suboptimally aligned fractures
PKN reduces pressure drop at the well, which
0.25 500 would improve deliverability.
Pearson and colleagues at ARCO Alaska
0 0 Inc. aligned perforations normal to the min-
0 750 1500 2250 3000 0 80,000 160,000 240,000
Fracture half-length, ft Fluid volume, gal imum far-field stress in deviated wells. They
used perforating guns with a downhole ori-
2.5 2900

Fracture conductivity, md-ft

entation motor in conjunction with real-
Proppant weight, lb ×106

KGD time navigation tools. This enabled place-

2.0 2400
KGD ment of larger, more productive fractures.21
1.5 1900 Pearson and colleagues suspect that post-
treatment skin damage may be associated
1.0 1400
PKN with pressure drops from poor communica-
0.5 900 tion between the main fracture and frac-
tures from perforations that are not aligned
0 400
0 750 1500 2250 3000 0 750 1500 2250 3000 normal to the minimum far-field stress.
Fracture half-length, ft Fracture half-length, ft Analysis of the ARCO results by CJ de Pater
and colleagues at Delft Technical Univer-
sity in The Netherlands suggests that Pear-
son’s results may be inconclusive.22 Pear-
Comparison of Fracture-Design Calculations for Different Fracturing Models
son and colleagues changed a number of
KGD Perkins-Kern Nordgren parameters (such as multiple zone to single
Pad volume, bbl 750 1,350 1,650 zone perforation and gun size) that may
Proppant-laden fluid volume, bbl 1,250 650 350 have equally explained their ability to place
larger treatments.
Average sand concentration, lbm/gal 3 2.5 3.5
Total amount of sand, lbm 157,500 68,350 51,000 18. Elbel JL, Piggott AR and Mack MG: “Numerical
Viscosity after pad, cp 36 36 36 Modeling of Multilayer Fracture Treatments,” paper
SPE 23982, presented at the SPE Permian Basin Oil
Created fracture length, ft 698 804 845 and Gas Recovery Conference, Midland, Texas,
USA, March 18-20, 1992; Journal of Petroleum
Effective fracture length, ft 486 240 185 Technology 43 (May 1991): 608-615.
Created fracture width, in. 0.22 0.17 0.16 19. Ahmed U, Newberry BM and Cannon DE: “Hydraulic
Fracture Treatment Design of Wells with Multiple
Effective fracture width, in. 0.20 0.16 0.16 Zones,” paper SPE/DOE 13857, presented at the
SPE/DOE 1985 Low Permeability Gas Reservoirs Sym-
Effective fracture height, ft 98 94 85 posium, Denver, Colorado, USA, May 19-22, 1985.
Average fracture conductivity, darcy-ft 7.1 6.5 6.5 Ben-Naceur K and Roegiers J-C: ”Design of Fractur-
ing Treatments in Multilayered Formations,” SPE
Adapted from Veatch RW Jr, et al, reference 3. Production Engineering 5 (February 1990): 21-26.
20. Berhmann LA and Elbel JL: “Effect of Perforations on
nComparison of fracture properties for PKN and KGD fractures (top four graphs) and for Fracture Initiation,” paper SPE 20661, presented at
three fracture models (bottom). the 65th SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Septem-
triaxial stress cell. 20 They made several pad and slurry flow around the annulus to ber 23-26, 1990.
observations about the relationship between the fracture. As expected, the maximum 21. Pearson CM, Bond AJ, Eck ME and Schmidt JH:
“Results of Stress-Oriented and Aligned Perforating
perforation orientation and stress direction. number of perforations in communication in Fracturing Deviated Wells,” paper SPE 22836,
They found that fractures initiate from the with the fracture is achieved with a perforat- presented at the 66th SPE Annual Technical Confer-
ence and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, USA, October 6-
wellbore wall in the optimum hydraulic ing gun having the smallest possible angle 9, 1991.
fracture direction, from perforations nearest between shots. For details of the aligned and oriented perforating
this direction, or both. Fractures tend not to Another finding of Berhmann and Elbel technique:
form at other perforations. concerns pump rate and viscosity of the Yew CH, Schmidt JH and Yi L: “On Fracture Design
of Deviated Wells,” paper SPE 19722, presented at
The best perforation-to-fracture communi- prepad, a low-viscosity fluid sometimes the 64th SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhi-
cation is achieved when perforations are pumped ahead of the pad. It has been long bition, San Antonio, Texas, USA, October 8-11, 1989.
within 10° of the far-field minimum hori- recognized that a prepad can increase pore 22. de Pater CJ, personal communication, 1992.
zontal stress. This means that perforations pressure, and thereby decrease fracture initi-
not optimally oriented may result in a large ation pressure. The lower the initiation pres-
pressure drop, or proppant bridging, when sure, the lower the pressure required.
Behrmann and Elbel, after cutting apart the

October 1992 13
Enhanced Fracture Treatment Another school of thought, led by investiga-
Evaluation tors at Shell, mainly Jacob Shlyapobersky,
Fracture design may be fine-tuned by care- Conventional
maintains that fracture toughness is not a
ful postjob evaluation. This tells whether the postfracture well test material property, and that it increases with
job went as planned, and tests the validity fracture size.26 This point of view holds that
of the plan and the variables on which it fracture toughness is the release of energy
was based (see “Design of an Ideal Fracture not at the fracture tip but within a large
Treatment,” next page). Postfracture evalua- zone of irreversible deformation around the
tion requires a drawdown and buildup test, fracture tip. The volume of this zone is
which indicates fracture skin and whether thought to increase with fracture size.
the actual fracture length and conductivity ZODIAC / P3D These two views lead to different explana-
match those planned. This testing is not a tions for the creation of fracture width,
common procedure because operators are nPostfracture interpretation of fracture which is directly related to net pressure
usually hesitant to stop production for the geometry by conventional pressure tran- (fracture propagation pressure minus closure
sient analysis and with the ZODIAC pro-
10 to 14 days required for the buildup. But pressure). The size-dependent school says
gram. The main difference is that con-
in some fields, the practice is becoming ventional analysis does not account for fracture width is larger and only weakly
more common in a few, select wells. For spatial variation in fracture conductivity affected by fracture fluid viscosity—that is,
example, in BP’s Ravenspurn South field in and width, assumes fracture height that net pressure is not sensitive to viscosity.
the UK sector of the North Sea, an extensive equals bed thickness, and ignores frac- This is because net pressure, in order to
ture face skin damage. The blue area is
program of data collection and analysis was ignored in the conventional analysis. overcome the large, size-dependent tough-
performed on the first six development ness, creates a fracture width large enough
wells. This included extensive pre-and post- age.25 It also does not link fracture height to make viscous flow effects negligible.
frac well testing, logging and recording of with bed thickness (above ), but uses a P3D According to established thinking, because
bottomhole pressures during job execution. approach to permit variation in propped toughness is not size-dependent and has a
The program helped optimization of job fracture height and width in the analysis. conventional magnitude, pressure gradients
design for the remainder of the field, leading Compared to conventional postfracture from viscous flow dominate the toughness
to significant reduction in the number of pressure transient analysis, the program effect and fracturing, and create smaller
wells required.23 takes 10 to 15% more computer time on a fractures than those modeled by the size-
A typical problem is that posttreatment VAX or Sun workstation. In the future, it will dependent toughness school.
transient pressure analysis shows the frac- include capabilities to model the effects of The two schools, therefore, have different
ture is shorter than indicated by the volume reservoir boundaries and high-velocity flow calculations of fracture length and required
and leakoff of pumped fluid. There could be on fracture length and conductivity esti- pad volume. The size-dependent school
several reasons for the disparity. A common mates. The effects of reservoir boundaries maintains that the established view will
reason, however, is that most postfracture are often observed in transient tests of long underestimate width and therefore overesti-
evaluation models assume ideal reservoir duration. These effects can be used to esti- mate fracture length for a given fracture vol-
conditions—homogeneous and isotropic mate the area and shape of the drainage ume. This is because net pressure, accord-
formations, uniform fracture width and con- area of the well. ing to the established view, is determined
ductivity and absence of skin damage.24 mainly by viscosity and not, as the size
To get away from assuming ideal reservoir The Fracture Frontier: Rock Mechanics school holds, by viscosity and increasing
conditions, Schlumberger has made several Today, the center of controversy in fractur- fracture toughness. The established view
improvements to the ZODIAC Zoned ing is a fundamental concept called fracture maintains that apparent error in estimation
Dynamic Interpretation, Analysis and Com- toughness, a measure of energy dissipated of fracture length and width does not result
putation program. This program improves by fracture growth. Established thinking from size-dependent toughness but from use
evaluation by accounting for variation in holds that fracture toughness is a material of an inappropriate fracture geometry or
fracture conductivity and width along the property that is independent of fracture size. reservoir model.27
fracture length, for reservoir permeability The focus is on energy dissipated at the frac- Another area of investigation concerns the
anisotropy and for fracture face skin dam- ture tip, considered to be a very small zone. assumption that rock behaves as a purely

23. Martins JP, Leung KH, Jackson MR, Stewart DR and 26. Shlyapobersky J, Walhaug WW, Sheffield RE and Shlyapobersky J and Chudnovsky A: “Fracture
Carr AH: “Tip Screen Out Fracturing Applied to the Huckabee PT: “Field Determination of Fracturing Mechanics in Hydraulic Fracturing,” in Tillerson JR
Ravenspurn South Gas Field Development,” paper Parameters for Overpressure Calibrated Design of and Wawersik WR (eds): Proceedings of the 33rd
SPE 19766, presented at the 64th SPE Annual Tech- Hydraulic Fracturing,” paper SPE 18195, presented US Symposium on Rock Mechanics. Santa Fe, New
nical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, at the 63rd SPE Annual Technical Conference and Mexico, USA (June 3-5, 1992): 827-836.
Texas, USA, October 8-11, 1989. Exhibition, Houston, Texas, USA, October 2-5, 1988. 27. Elbel J and Ayoub J: “Evaluation of Apparent Fracture
24. Walsh DM and Leung KH: “Post Fracturing Gas Well Shlyapobersky J, Wong GK and Walhaung WW: Lengths Indicated From Transient Tests,” paper
Test Analysis Using Buildup Type Curves” paper SPE “Overpressure Calibrated Design of Hydraulic Frac- CIM/AOSTRA 91-44, presented at the CIM/AOSTRA
19253, Offshore Europe 1989, Aberdeen, Scotland, turing,” paper SPE 18194, presented at the 63rd SPE Technical Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada, April
September 5-8, 1989. Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Hous- 21-24, 1991; Canadian Journal of Petroleum Tech-
25. Poe BD, Shah PC and Elbel JC: “Pressure Transient ton, Texas, USA, October 2-5, 1988. nology (in press).
Behavior of a Finite Conductivity Fractured Well Lewis PE: “Analysis of Treatment Data Yields Cost- Nolte KG and Economides MJ: “Fracture Length
With Spatially Varying Fracture Properties,” paper Effective Fracturing,” The American Oil and Gas Determination and Implications for Treatment
SPE 24707, presented at the 67th SPE Annual Tech- Reporter 35, no. 1 (January 1992): 32-34, 36-38. Design,” paper SPE 18979, presented at the SPE
nical Conference and Exhibition, Washington DC, Shlyapobersky J: “Energy Analysis of Hydraulic Frac- Rocky Mountain Regional/Low Permeability Reser-
USA, October 4-7, 1992. turing,” Proceedings of the 26th US Symposium on voir Symposium and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado,
Rock Mechanics, Rapid City, South Dakota, USA USA, March 6-8, 1989; Journal of Petroleum Engi-
(June 26-28, 1985): 539-546. neering 43 (September 1991): 1147-1155.

14 Oilfield Review
Design of an Ideal Fracture Treatment

Obtain stress magnitude and Young’s

Modulus1 versus depth from logs, cores.
Also collect other well and formation
information: lithology, natural fracture
Improved or expanded stress
locations, porosity. Check offset well data.
and modulus data.

If appropriate fracture geometry model not

Test for different fracture known, do microfrac (1/3 to 1/2 length of
model or less length. actual job, no proppant) to select fracture
geometry model (2D, P3D, MLF).

Select fluids and additives that minimize

Fracture skin or lower fracture
formation and proppant damage and
environmental impact.

Frac model revision.

Different reservoir model
permeability? Is reservoir

Stress revision.
Obtain permeability and reservoir pressure

Fluid revision.
anisotropic? Layered? from well test; porosity from logs.
Stress sensitive?

If not done earlier, perform microfrac to

determine correct model, fluid loss
coefficient and treatment efficiency (volume Iteration for revisions.
of fluid pumped versus volume of fracture,
determined mainly by leakoff).

Different fracture geometry Use net present value (NPV) calculation to

model or length? select proppant, optimize pump schedule
and fracture length, and predict production.

Finalize pump schedule with PLACEMENT

program. The program gives pressure
required during job, frac length at end of
job and distribution of proppant.

Execute job.

Do well test and use ZODIAC

program to evaluate fracture No
treatment and reservoir Is well producing as expected?

Analyze bottomhole pressure No Yes

Was bottomhole pressure Fracture treatment
during execution with various
during execution as expected? design is optimal.
fracture models.

1. Young’s Modulus is the ratio of stress (force per unit area) to strain (displacement per unit length).

October 1992 15
elastic continuum, meaning that deforma- results in limited communication to the empirical curve showing the maximum
tion short of fracturing is fully reversible. borehole during fracturing and a pressure borehole deviation that will allow devel-
There is evidence that high-permeability/ drop that inhibits productivity. In the Prud- opment of a single fracture.
high-porosity formations may be elastoplas- hoe Bay field, BP has found that fracturing Hallam and Last made these observations
tic, meaning they have some component of can impair the performance of highly devi- based on studies in which they cemented or
irreversible deformation (below ). Further ated wells.30 cast a liner in a block of rock, then loaded
work on this is becoming possible with the Nevertheless, the increasing number of it. Work by CJ de Pater and colleagues
increase in computer power needed to solve deviated and horizontal wells has inspired shows that if the block is first loaded, then
equations for nonelastic behavior, which are work on fracture modeling in these settings. the liner is cemented, fracture geometry will
far more complex than those for elastic Today, fracture treatment design in these be different.32
behavior. Significant nonelastic behavior wells is largely by rule of thumb. But several Work by Hugo Morales at Dowell
would affect the prediction of fracture observations have been made by Hallam Schlumberger, using a 3D fracture simulator
geometry and the analysis of fracture pres- and Last of BP that can enhance treatment that permits curved fractures, shows that
sure data. design in deviated wells:31 fracture initiation pressure can be calculated
•When perforation tunnels are not normal for deviated wells, given well inclination,
The Fracture Frontier: High-Angle Wells to the minimum stress, fractures reorient azimuth and direction of principal stresses.
Field experience in highly deviated and hor- in the preferred direction. If tunnels are But once the fracture starts, there is not yet a
izontal wells shows that it is possible to per- short compared to their spacing, the frac- calculation for propagation pressure. This is
form hydraulic fracturing in these settings, tures will curve before linking up, result- because fracture propagation models do not
but the effect on well performance is still ing in further pressure drop. Perforation address how multiple fractures affect near-
uncertain. Little has been published on the length should therefore be at least one- borehole stresses. A general recommenda-
effect of fracturing on deviated well perfor- third to one-half tunnel separation, that is, tion, however, is that flow rate should be
mance. 28 Shell investigators found that 4 to 6 in. [10 to 15 centimeters (cm)]. high enough to reduce bridging of proppant
reduced productivity is expected from a •Perforation densities should be 6 shots/ft associated with pressure drops of multiple,
fractured deviated well compared to a frac- at 60° phasing and 360/φ shots/ft for φ° small fractures (next page ).
tured vertical well.29 This is because the axis phasing. An evolving capability is triaxial borehole
of the wellbore may not lie in the preferred •A single large fracture is more productive seismic imaging—listening from three direc-
fracture plane and may intersect the fracture than several smaller ones that may not tions to sound emitted by the fracture as it
over only a small reservoir interval. This link up. Hallam and Last constructed an closes, then triangulating its location to find

Conceptual Deformation Models

Continuous Planes of Discrete Random

solid Fracture continuous weakness blocks fractures

Elastic/brittle or Elastic and discontinuous plastic Plastic



nSeveral modes of rock response to stress. In rock mechanical terms, they are elastic continuous deformation,
brittle failure, discontinuous deformation of block-jointed rock, and pseudocontinuous deformation and plas-
tic yield of heavily fractured rock. Current theories of fracturing and treatment design are limited because
they use elastic continuous deformation and brittle failure almost exclusively.

16 Oilfield Review
fracture length.33 This would provide valu-
able feedback in development of fracture
propagation models. Still, the weakest link
in the models is probably stress magnitude
determination. A confident measurement of
stress, by an economical and practical
method, would provide the required data horizontal
for evolving a fracture propagation model. stress
Probably as important as technical
improvements is a change in the engineer-
ing mindset. “If only I had a fully 3D model, Max.
all my problems would go away” is perhaps horizontal
just half true. Often, the most sophisticated
fracture propagation models and fracture
treatment designs are undermined by some-
thing as simple and elusive as bad perme-
ability data. In 3D modeling, major limita-
tions remain in input data—it is still difficult horizontal Min.
stress horizontal
to obtain valid stress profiles, fluid-loss pro- stress
files and fracture conductivities.
Today, fully 3D models help generate sim-
pler models for routine application. Careful
postfracture evaluation allows the engineer
to tune fracture design, yielding the most
from the simplest approaches. Tomorrow,
increased computer power may place the
curving fracture of varying height and width
within reach of engineers in the field. —JMK

28. One notable paper on the subject to date: Ovens J:

“The Performance of Hydraulically Fractured Stimu-
lated Wells in Tight Gas Sands: A Southern North
Sea Example,” paper SPE 20972, presented at
Europec 90, The Hague, The Netherlands, October
22-24, 1990.
An overview of fracturing horizontal wells:
Soliman MY, Hunt JL and El Rabaa AM: “Fracturing
Aspects of Horizontal Wells,” paper SPE 18542, pre-
sented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting,
Charleston, West Virginia, USA, November 1-4,
1988; Journal of Petroleum Technology 42 (August
horizontal stress
1990): 966-973.
Brown E, Thomas R and Milne A: “The Challenge of
Completing and Stimulating Horizontal Wells,” Oil-
field Review 2, no. 3 (October 1990): 52-62.
29. Veeken CAM, Davies DR and Walters JV: “Limited Time 1 Time 2 Time 3
Communication Between Hydraulic Fracture and
(Deviated) Wellbore,” paper SPE 18982, presented
at the SPE Joint Rocky Mountain Regional/Low Per- nOrientation of hydraulic fractures in horizontal wells as a function of stress directions
meability Reservoirs Symposium and Exhibition, (top) and, in a deviated well, evolution of small, multiple fractures that may contribute
Denver, Colorado, USA, March 6-8, 1989. to pressure drop at the wellbore (bottom). In the horizontal well example, only one large
30. Martins JP, Dyke GC, Abel JC, Ibe OE, Stewart G, fracture forms if the wellbore axis is normal to the minimum horizontal stress. If the
Bartel PA and Hanna RR: “Analysis of a Hydraulic wellbore axis parallels the minimum horizontal stress, fractures form at each perfora-
Fracturing Program Performed on the Prudhoe Bay tion. The end fractures are highest because they are affected on only one side by the
Oil Field,” paper SPE 24858, presented at the 67th
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
compressive stress exerted by the opening of the neighboring fracture. Height of these
Washington, DC, USA, October 4-7, 1992. end fractures tends not to exceed 2 to 3 borehole diameters. The time-lapse view (bot-
31. Hallam SD and Last NC: “Geometry of Hydraulic
tom) shows fractures developing tails that reach up and down the wellbore. By time 3,
Fractures From Modestly Deviated Wellbores,” they coalesce into one fracture. In so doing, rhomboids of rock are isolated between the
paper SPE 20656, presented at the 65th SPE Annual perforations. Small fractures develop here that may contribute to pressure drop at the
Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, wellbore and early bridging of proppant.
Louisiana, USA, September 23-26, 1990.
32. de Pater CJ, personal communication, 1992.
33. Vinegar HJ, Willis PB, DeMartini DC, Shlyapobersky
J, Deeg WFJ, Adair RG, Woerpel JC, Fix JE and Sor-
rells GG: “Active and Passive Seismic Imaging of
Hydraulic Fractures in Diatomite,” paper SPE
22756, presented at the 66th SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, USA,
October 6-9, 1991.

October 1992 17

Rewriting the Rules for High-Permeability Stimulation

Stimulation of high-permeability formations has long been the domain of matrix treatments.

Now, short, wide fractures are being created to

Bob Hanna A classic fracture stimulation creates nar-

BP Exploration Inc. row conduits that reach deep into a forma-
Houston, Texas, USA tion—typically, about 1/10 in. [2.5 millime-
ters] wide and up to 1000 ft [300 m] long. Undamaged reservoir
Joseph Ayoub Since the 1940s, relatively low-permeabil-
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

ity formations—less than 20 millidarcies
(md)—have been successfully fractured to
Bob Cooper Short, wide fracture
give worthwhile increases in productivity.
Houston, Texas, USA However, as formation permeability
increases, creating and propagating frac-
For help in preparation of this article, thanks to Paul
tures become more difficult and economi-
cally less necessary. In high-permeability
Martins, BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc., Anchorage,
Alaska, USA; and Jack Elbel and Richard Marcinew, reservoirs, formation damage is usually
nShort, wide fractures bypass widespread
Dowell Schlumberger, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA. formation damage and link undamaged
diagnosed as the major restraint on produc- rock with the wellbore.
tivity and matrix acidization treatments are
prescribed as the solution (see “Trends in up to 1 in. [2.5 centimeters] wide after clo-
Matrix Acidizing,” page 24). sure (above ). To appreciate how short, wide
But matrix acidization cannot solve every fractures stimulate high-permeability forma-
problem. The volume of damaged rock tions, one must examine the factors govern-
sometimes requires uneconomically large ing postfracture productivity.
quantities of acid. The damage may be The permeability contrast between the
beyond the reach of the matrix treatment. formation and the propped fracture is a key
Diverting acid into the right parts of the for- determinant of the optimum fracture length.
mation may also be difficult. Additionally, In low-permeability formations there is a
the aqueous treatment fluid or the acid large contrast—and therefore a high relative
itself may threaten the integrity of the well- conductivity—and increased fracture length
bore by dissolving cementing material that can yield improved productivity (next page ).
holds particles of rock together. In high-permeability formations, relative
An alternative strategy for stimulating conductivity is about two orders of magni-
high-permeability wells has therefore tude smaller. Increasing the length of con-
emerged: the creation of fractures that are ventional fractures offers only minimal
typically less than 100 ft [30 m] long and improvement in productivity and cannot be
justified economically. However, the pro-
ductive performance of the fracture is deter-
mined by the dimensionless fracture con-
ductivity which is directly proportional to
the fracture width.1 Conductivity can be
raised by increasing fracture width; in high-
permeability formations, this offers signifi-
cant potential improvements in productivity.

18 Oilfield Review
reach beyond wellbore damage and provide a conduit to undamaged reservoir rock.

Pinpointing the birthplace of high-perme-

ability fracturing is difficult, but it is clear formations
that work carried out by Sohio Petroleum 1.0

fracture length/drainage radius (x f /re)

Co. (now BP Exploration Inc.) inspired Low-permeability
much of today’s thinking. In 1984, in Prud- formations
hoe Bay, Alaska, USA, Sohio fractured a

Length of fracture,
Increasing productivity

well with a permeability of about 60 md. 0.5

The overriding aim of the exercise was to
stimulate the well while avoiding fracturing 0.4
into the oil/water contact (OWC) about 115 0.3
ft [35 m] below the lowermost perforation.2
In a relatively small fracturing treatment, 0.2

some 15,000 gal [57 m3] of gelled fluid 0.1

were pumped at 45 bbl/min, placing 12,000
lb [5440 kg] of proppant in the fracture.
This treatment was calculated to be suffi-
cient to create a fracture with a propped 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6

length of 43 ft [13 m], which, based on the Relative conductivity

assumption that one foot of lateral exten-
sion would result in one foot of downward nIncrease in posttreatment productivity versus relative fracture
fracture migration, left the fracture easily conductivity—proportional to the permeability contrast between
short of the OWC. The treatment was a the formation and propped fracture—for a variety of fracture
mechanical success and production lengths (shown as fracture length/drainage radius). In these curves
increased by 133%—versus a theoretical for steady-state production, a normal, low-permeability fracture
treatment has a relative conductivity on the order of 10 5. Conse-
maximum of 160%. quently, there is scope to increase productivity by increasing
Rather than quantify fracture width, con- fracture length.
ventional terminology uses proppant con- But for high-permeability formations, relative conductivity is
centration—most commonly stated as about 10 3, and an increase in fracture length makes virtually no
difference. However, if a wider fracture can be created, fracture
pounds of proppant per square foot of frac- conductivity is increased, yielding a higher relative conductiv-
ture [lbm/ft2 ]—which is directly proportional ity. This increases productivity for a given fracture length and
to the width. A conventional, long and nar- offers the chance of raising productivity by increasing the frac-
row fracture may contain 0.5 lbm/ft 2 of ture length.
Adapted from McGuire WJ and Sikora VJ: “The Effect of Vertical
proppant. The Sohio job was designed to
Fractures on Well Productivity,” Transactions of the AIME 219 (1960):
place 1 lbm/ft2—modest by today’s stan- 401-403.
dards, which aspire to place 4 lbm/ft2 or more.
After this job, attention shifted to the 1. C = Kf W
North Sea. The Valhal field, offshore Nor- KX f
way, has a soft chalk reservoir. Amoco Pro- where: Cfd is the dimensionless fracture conductivity,
K f is the permeability of the proppant pack, W is the
duction Co. found that, although the forma- width of the fracture, K is the permeability of the for-
tion was not highly permeable (about 2 md) mation and X f is the length of the fracture.
2. Hannah RR and Walker EJ: “Fracturing a High-Perme-
ability Oil Well at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska,” paper SPE
14372, presented at the 60th SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA,
September 22-25, 1985.

October 1992 19
it was very unstable and conventional stim- However, following some tip-screenout
A ulation was difficult. After acid fracturing, treatments, proppant flowed out of the
the acid-etched channels quickly collapsed fracture during posttreatment production.
as pore pressure was reduced. And after a This is caused by factors such as low effec-
conventional propped fracture, the proppant tive stress in the proppant pack or drag
Proppant became embedded in the soft rock, destroy- forces due to high-velocity flow in the con-
at tip ing fracture conductivity. ductive pack. Proppant flowback leads to
In 1986, Amoco opted to place a high reduced fracture conductivity or blockages
concentration of proppant in a wide fracture at the fracture-wellbore interface. If the
using a technique it called “tip screenout.” proppant is flowed to surface, damaging
In normal fracturing, the tip should be the erosion of the production equipment can
final part of the fracture to be packed with also occur.
proppant. But in tip screenout, the proppant Sand-control techniques have been
B forms a pack near the end of the fracture employed after fracturing to prevent prop-
early in the treatment. When additional pant flowback. The two main techniques
proppant-bearing slurry is pumped into the use resin-coated proppant or gravel pack-
fracture, its length cannot grow, so the width ing. Proppant coated with a curable resin
increases (left ).3 consolidates once the proppant has been
At about the same time, in the UK sector placed in the fracture and resists drag during
of the North Sea, BP Petroleum Develop- production. Alternatively, the fracture treat-
ment Ltd. was applying tip screenout tech- ment can be followed by a gravel pack
Fluid niques to stimulate gas wells in the Raven- using a conventional screen to retain the
leakoff spurn South field. Permeability was 2 md proppant within the fracture (see “Sand
higher than gas wells that are normally frac- Control: Why and How?” page 41).
tured, but BP found that conductivity of In Indonesia, more than 30 treatments
long, conventional fractures limited the have been carried out that combine tip-
reservoir’s high rate of production, giving screenout fracturing with either resin con-
only a threefold increase in production. solidation or a gravel pack. These wells had
fills Laboratory tests showed that up to 0.5 high skin factors but undamaged permeabil-
fracture lbm/ft2 of proppant in the fracture can be ities in excess of 100 md. Following treat-
“lost” largely through embedment. To com- ment, many now produce with low skin fac-
bat this loss in conductivity, stimulation pro- tors while adjacent conventionally-
grams were designed to create wide frac- completed wells have skins of 20 to 40 (see
tures, typically placing 3 to 4 lbm/ft 2 of ”Average Data From Three Types of Treat-
proppant. This “excess” of proppant ment,” next page, below left ).6
ensured that enough remained in the frac- Tip-screenout fracturing and gravel pack-
ture after embedment to deliver the ing treatments are also being used in combi-
designed conductivity. Subsequent treat- nation in the Gulf of Mexico, USA. Over the
ments in Ravenspurn South, using high past 12 months, more than a dozen com-
proppant concentrations, posted increases bined treatments in formations with perme-
nTip-screenout treatments place a high in production of up to sevenfold.4 abilities as high as 1 darcy have realized
proppant concentration and create frac-
tures that are usually less than 100 ft long Tip screenout also returned to Prudhoe two- to threefold improvements in produc-
and up to 1 in. wide. Bay. Since 1989, BP and ARCO Alaska Inc. tion (next page, below right).
A) The fracture is propagated to its have employed tip-screenout treatments and Experience around the world has enabled
desired length just as the proppant in
the slurry begins to bridge off near the report considerable success.5 development of a methodology for selecting
tip of the fracture, preventing further
3. Smith MB, Miller WK and Haga J: “Tip Screenout 6. Peters FW, Cooper RE and Lee B: “Pressure-Pack
B) Additional slurry is pumped into the Fracturing: A Technique for Soft, Unstable Formations,” Stimulation Restores Damaged Wells’ Productivity,”
fracture increasing the net pressure SPE Production Engineering 2 (May 1987): 95-103. paper IPA 88064, Proceedings Indonesian Petroleum
inside the fracture, causing it to widen. 4. Martins JP, Leung KH, Jackson MR Stewart, DR and Association 17th Annual Convention, Jakarta, Indone-
C) Further dehydration of the slurry cre- Carr AH: “Tip Screen-Out Fracturing Applied to the sia, October 1988.
ates a pack of proppant that gradually Ravenspurn South Gas Field Development,” paper Peters FW and Cooper RE: “A New Stimulation Tech-
evolves from the tip toward the wellbore. SPE 19766, presented at the 64th SPE Annual Techni- nique for Acid-Sensitive Formations,” paper SPE
cal Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, 19490, presented at the SPE Asia-Pacific Conference,
USA, October 8-11, 1989. Sydney, Australia, September 13-15, 1989.
5. Reimers DR and Clausen RA: “High-Permeability 7. Ayoub JA, Kirksey JM, Malone BP and Norman WD:
Fracturing at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska,” paper SPE 22835, “Hydraulic Fracturing of Soft Formations in the Gulf
presented at the 66th SPE Annual Technical Conference Coast,” paper SPE 23805, presented at the SPE Forma-
and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, USA, October 6-9, 1991. tion Damage Symposium, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA,
Martins JP, Bartel PA, Kelly RT, Ibe OE and Collins PJ: February 26-27, 1992.
“Small Highly Conductive Hydraulic Fractures Near
Reservoir Fluid Contacts: Applications to Prudhoe
Bay,” paper SPE 24856, presented at the 67th Annual
SPE Technical Conference and Exhibition, Washington
DC, USA, October 4-7, 1992.

20 Oilfield Review
wells for tip-screenout treatments. 7 There
are three classes of candidate:
•Reservoirs with significant wellbore dam-
age, perhaps caused by formation col-
lapse as the pore pressure reduces during
depletion. Past matrix treatments have
failed, and short, wide fractures are
designed to bypass the damage and con-
nect the undamaged part of the reservoir Proppant
with the wellbore.
•Reservoirs with fines migration. A short,
wide fracture can alleviate this by reduc-
ing pressure losses and velocities in the
reservoir sand near the wellbore.
•Multiple pay zones in laminated sand-
shale sequences. The thin sand laminae nLaminated pay zone with sand-shale sequences. The sand lam-
may not communicate efficiently with the inae may be connected to the wellbore by short, wide fractures.
wellbore until a fracture provides a con-
tinuous connection to the perforations thinner than 5 ft (1.5 m) and the formation After a candidate well has been identified,
(above, right ). strength. Specialized techniques like the next stage is to design the treatment, a
Candidate selection is a multidisciplinary microresistivity logging may then be used to process that relies on knowledge of the
task. Basic openhole logs detect sands and detect thinner layers of interbedded sand- rock’s mechanical properties and an esti-
their bounding shales, and indicate their rel- shale laminae. Logs also detect water-bear- mate of the stresses in the reservoir and
ative permeability and degree of inva- ing zones which must be considered during adjacent rock (see “Cracking Rock: Progress
sion—gaining an insight into the formation’s the design. Pressure transient analysis is in Fracture Treatment Design,” page 4 ).
natural permeability before damage, the used to identify wellbore damage and quan-
depth of invasion, the presence of zones tify the production potential of the well.
10 3 Data
Average Data From Three Types of Treatment
Treatment Type
Production rate, B/D

Average data Type A Type B Type C

Total vertical depth, ft 7240 3560 4400
Zone thickness, ft 68 32 48 Fractured
Zone permeability, md 72 53 60
Pad volume, gal 1600 5100 3500
Slurry volume, gal 685 2000 1740
In-situ proppant concentration, lbm/ft2 3.8 2.1 1.2 10 2
0 30 60 90
Propped fracture length, ft 28 115
Production time, days
Propped fracture conductivity, md-ft 5670
Pretreatment oil production, BPD 1040 156 nPredicted and real productivity increase in a Gulf of Mex-
ico, USA, well stimulated in early 1992 using tip-screenout
Posttreatment oil production, BPD 2140 1313 fracturing.
Pretreatment skin 18
Posttreatment skin 2.3
Treatment Type A Treatment Type B Treatment Type C
A series of six Indonesian Two Indonesian wells Series of treatments
wells fractured using the fractured with tip-screenout performed on two offshore
tip-screenout technique. treatments performed exploration wells to create
Although all the wells were through gravel-pack tools vertical communication
potential sand producers no and screens to place a between several thin, high-
special sand-control small, highly conductive permeability zones that
techniques were employed. fracture and a gravel pack were believed to be water-
in a single step. and acid-sensitive.

October 1992 21
Mechanical properties can be derived nFracturing high-permeability formations
in Indonesia. A specially modified twin
using cores, logs and direct in-situ measure- 50-bbl mixer is capable of mixing and
ments. In many cases, however, retrieving pumping 18 lbm/gal slurries at more than
good cores and then accurately testing them 20 bbl/min. A centralized control station
in the laboratory are difficult. Log-derived allows one operator to control and monitor
the complete treatment—essential as pump-
mechanical properties rely on density and ing times can be as short as 2 minutes.
sonic measurements. Both compressional
and shear sonic measurements work well in
consolidated, fast formations. But in soft, ments are used to determine the minimum
slow formations, conventional sonic tools in-situ stress, which equals the closure pres-
cannot measure shear wave velocity. How- sure of the fracture.
ever, a recently introduced dipole sonic tool Analysis of data from stress tests and
can now make these shear wave velocity larger-volume calibration tests—which frac-
measurements in any formation.8 ture the formation usually using gelled fluid
In practice, there is rarely a comprehen- without proppant—enables choice of the
sive collection of core and log data with most suitable fracture geometry model and
which to build a model predicting fracture confirmation of the fluid leakoff coefficient.
shape, used for treatment design. To plug proppant into the formation at sufficient Fracture geometry models of varying sophis-
this knowledge gap, data are collected using pressure to fracture the well. In normal, tication are available. All of them use the
stress tests. low-permeability stress tests pumping is basic processes that occur during fractur-
Stress tests consist of pumping a relatively then stopped and the pressure can be moni- ing—fluid flow in the fracture and leakoff,
small volume of ungelled fluid without tored during flowback. However, in high- proppant transportation and settling, and
permeability formations, the fluid normally rock response—to describe the relationship
leaks off into the formation rather than flow-
ing back. Stress test are repeated several
times and the resulting pressure measure-

22 Oilfield Review
between pressure and fracture shape and the proppant size, the greater the fracture hole memory gauges (below ). Other place-
produce criteria for fracture propagation. permeability. In gravel packs, the sand must ment evaluation techniques include use of
The models assume that rock is an elastic have intergranular spaces small enough to multiple-isotope tracers in the sand and
material, meaning that its deformation is keep formation sand at bay. temperature logs to estimate the fracture
reversible. Dowell Schlumberger is cur- To date, most wells have been treated height and assess the fracture’s communica-
rently examining whether this assumption using the same size proppant for the fracture tion with the perforated interval along the
holds for soft formations, as it is an impor- and the gravel pack. This simplifies proce- wellbore by tracing cooling anomalies
tant factor when looking at the fracture clo- dures but in most cases, proppant size tends where the fluid has entered the formation.
sure and the stress it exerts on the proppant to be smaller—and therefore of lower con- However, the most important indicators of
pack. If closure stress is less than antici- ductivity—than would ideally have been success are the well’s production responses
pated, the proppant pack could become employed if fracturing had been carried out both immediately after treatment and during
unstable during production—unless the alone. ARCO has been performing treat- the rest of its productive life. To date, these
treatment has included a gravel pack. ments with larger than normal sand sizes.9 indicate that the traditional guidelines ruling
Calibration tests also provide a more After the job is completed, the first perfor- out fracturing for high-permeability forma-
accurate way of measuring fluid-loss char- mance yardstick is its mechanical suc- tions have been successfully rewritten.—CF
acteristics of the fracturing fluid than can be cess—“Has everything gone according to
8. “Taking Advantage of Shear Waves,” Oilfield Review
devised in a laboratory. Fluid loss depends plan?” The effectiveness of the treatment 4, no. 3 (July 1992): 52-54.
on the viscosity and wall-building capability may then be assessed by comparing theoret- 9. Hainey BW and Troncoso JC: “Frac-Pack: An Innova-
of the fracturing fluid, the viscosity and ical net pressures (fracture propagation pres- tive Stimulation and Sand Control Technique,” paper
SPE 23777, presented at the SPE International Sympo-
compressibility of the reservoir fluid, and sure minus closure pressure) with pressures sium on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette,
the permeability and porosity of the forma- measured during the treatment by down- Louisiana, USA, February 26-27, 1992.
tion. In a formation with high porosity and
permeability, fluid loss can be controlled by
increasing the viscosity of the fracturing Simulation
fluid or enhancing the fluid’s wall-building Data
capability on the fracture face by the addi-
tion of polymers and properly sized fluid- 500
Net pressure, psi

loss control agents.

Once the choice of fracturing fluid is con-
firmed, the next step is to design a pumping
schedule capable of delivering the neces- 100
sary high proppant concentrations. The data
generated by stress and calibration tests are
fed into the chosen fracture geometry
model, which calculates the volume
required to initially propagate the fracture to 2 5 10 20 50 100
a predetermined length. To ensure tip Production time, days
screenout, proppant concentration in the
fracture fluid is gradually increased during nComparing simulated pressures with the real thing. The
the treatment from zero at the start, to more effectiveness of a treatment can be judged by comparing
theoretical net pressures with pressures measured during
than 16 lbm/gal at the end. the job using downhole gauges. This plot of a tip-screen-
Continuous mix and batch mix treatments out fracturing job shows excellent agreement between
using high concentrations of proppant have the simulated and actual pressures.
been executed fairly smoothly. In the larger
continuous mix jobs maintaining high con-
centrations of sand may require specialized
blending equipment (previous page).
Choice of proppant size depends on the
ultimate fracture conductivity needed and
whether the treatment is being carried out in
conjunction with a gravel pack. The larger

October 1992 23

Trends in Matrix Acidizing

Curtis Crowe Jacques Masmonteil Ron Thomas

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA Eric Touboul Montrouge, France
Saint-Etienne, France

Faced with poor production from a high-permeability reservoir, an operator’s first thought

is a matrix treatment. This commonly involves pumping acid into the near-wellbore region

to dissolve formation damage and create new pathways for production. This article

reviews the state of the art of matrix acidizing and discusses how technical break-

throughs are helping optimize matrix acid jobs.

The simple aim of matrix acidizing is to HCl into a limestone producer using arsenic
improve production—reduce skin in reser- as an inhibitor. The previously dead well
voir engineer parlance—by dissolving for- produced 16 barrels of oil per day, and
mation damage or creating new pathways interest in acidizing was reborn. Dow
within several inches to a foot or two formed a subsidiary later called Dowell to
around the borehole. This is done by pump- handle the new business (next page, top).
ing treatment fluid at relatively low pressure Three years later, Halliburton Oil Well
to avoid fracturing the formation. Compared Cementing Co. also began providing a com-
with high-pressure fracturing, matrix acidiz- mercial acidizing service.
ing is a low-volume, low-budget operation. Sandstone acidizing with hydrofluoric
Matrix acidizing is almost as old as oil- acid [HF]—hydrochloric acid does not react
well drilling itself. A Standard Oil patent for with silicate minerals—was patented by
acidizing limestone with hydrochloric acid Standard Oil company in 1933, but experi-
[HCl] dates from 1896, and the technique ments in Texas the same year by an inde-
was first used a year earlier by the Ohio Oil pendent discoverer of the technique caused
Company. Reportedly, oil wells increased in plugging of a permeable formation. Com-
production three times, and gas wells four mercial use of HF had to wait until 1940,
times. Unfortunately there was a snag—the when Dowell hit on the idea of combining
acid severely corroded the well casing. The it with HCl to reduce the possibility of reac-
technique declined in popularity and lay tion products precipitating out of solution
dormant for about 30 years. and plugging the formation. The mixture,
Then in 1931, Dr. John Grebe of the Dow called mud acid, was first applied in the
Chemical Company discovered that arsenic Gulf Coast to remove mudcake damage.1
inhibited the action of HCl on metal. The
following year, the Michigan-based Pure Oil
Company requested assistance from Dow
Chemical Company to pump 500 gallons of

24 Oilfield Review
nEarly acidizing
operations by Dow-
ell, a division of
Dow Chemical
established in 1932.

For help in preparation of this article, thanks to A.
Matrix acidizing of carbonates and silicates Ayorinde, Ashland Oil Nigeria Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria; Jim
are worlds apart.2 Carbonate rocks, com- Collins, Dowell Schlumberger, Calgary, Alberta, Canada;
Harry McLeod Jr, Conoco, Houston, Texas, USA; Arthur
prising predominantly limestone and Milne, Dowell Schlumberger, Dubai; Carl Montgomery,
dolomite, rapidly dissolve in HCl and create ARCO Oil and Gas Co., Plano, Texas, USA; Giovanni
reaction products that are readily soluble in Paccaloni, AGIP S.p.A., Milan, Italy; and Ray Tibbles,
Dowell Schlumberger, Lagos, Nigeria.
water: In this article, CORBAN, FoamMAT, MatCADE,
MatTIME, PARAN and ProMAT are trademarks or service
CaCO3 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O marks of Dowell Schlumberger; NODAL (production
system analysis) and Formation MicroScanner are marks
Limestone Hydrochloric Calcium Carbon Water
of Schlumberger.
acid chloride dioxide
1. A classic paper on sandstone acidizing:
Smith CF and Hendrickson AR: “Hydrofluoric Acid
CaMg(CO3)2 + 4HCl → Stimulation of Sandstone Reservoirs,” Journal of
Dolomite Hydrochloric acid Petroleum Technology 17 (February 1965): 215-222.
2. For general reference:
CaCl2 + MgCl2 + 2CO2 + 2H2O .
Economides MJ and Nolte KG (eds): Reservoir Stimu-
Calcium Magnesium Carbon Water lation, 2nd ed. Houston, Texas, USA: Schlumberger
chloride chloride dioxide Educational Services, 1989.
Acidizing: SPE Reprint Series No. 32. Richardson,
Texas, USA: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1991.
The rate of dissolution is limited mainly by Schechter RS: Oil Well Stimulation. Englewood Cliffs,
the speed with which acid can be delivered New Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall, 1992.
to the rock surface. This results in rapid gen-
eration of irregularly shaped channels,
called wormholes (left ). The acid increases
production by creating bypasses around the
damage rather than directly removing it.
By comparison, the reaction between HF
and sandstones is much slower. Mud
nMold of wormholes created by HCl in acidizing seeks to unblock existing path-
limestone from a central conduit. Acid dis- ways for production by dissolving wellbore
solves the rock as soon as it reaches the damage and minerals filling the interstitial
grain surface. Matrix acidizing in carbon-
ates aims to create new pathways for pro-
duction rather than removing damage.

October 1992 25
pore space, rather than by creating new Before acid After acid
pathways. The HF reacts mainly with the
associated minerals of sandstones, rather
than the quartz (right ). The acid reactions
caused by the associated minerals—clays,
feldspars and micas—can create precipi-

Mud acid
tants that may cause plugging. Much of the
design of a sandstone acid job is aimed at
preventing this (see “HF Reactions in Sand-
stones,” below ).
The usual practice is to preflush the for-
mation with HCl to dissolve associated car-
bonate minerals. If these were left to react 2µ
with HF, they would produce calcium fluo-
ride [CaF2], which precipitates easily. Then
the HF-HCl mud acid is injected. Finally,
the formation is overflushed with weak HCl,
hydrocarbon or ammonium chloride
Fluoboric acid

[NH4Cl]. This pushes reaction products far

from the immediate wellbore zone so that if
precipitation occurs, production is not too
constricted when the well is brought back
on line.
Another plugging danger is from fine par-
ticles, native to the sandstone, dislodged by

the acid but not fully dissolved. To minimize
this eventuality, Shell in 1974 proposed
lower pumping rates—less likely to dislodge nScanning electron micrographs showing pore-filling clays before and after expo-
sure to both regular mud acid and fluoboric acid. In the fluoboric acid micrographs,
fines—and, more important, a chemical sys- some clays, lower left, are dissolved while others, kaolinite platelets in the middle of
tem that did not contain HF explicitly, the photographs, are partially fused preventing fines migration.
instead creating it through a chain of reac-
tions within the formation.3 In principle, this introduced a retarded acid system using flu- As HF is spent, dissolving clays and other
allows greater depth of penetration and oboric acid [HBF4]. This hydrolyzes in water minerals, it is constantly replenished
longer reaction times for maximum dissolu- to form HF:4 through hydrolysis from the remaining fluo-
tion of fines. Since then, several other sys- boric acid. The slow rate of this conversion
tems of in-situ generated—so-called HBF4 + H2O ↔ HBF3OH + HF . helps guarantee a retarded action and there-
retarded—mud acid systems have been pro- Fluoboric Water Hydroxyfluoboric Hydrofluoric fore deeper HF penetration. As a bonus, the
acid acid acid
posed. Recently, Dowell Schlumberger fluoboric acid itself reacts with the clays and

HF Reactions in Sandstones

The reaction of hydrofluoric acid [HF] on the pure Secondary cement: Quartz, feldspars, AlF52– and AlF63– (left). The concentration of each
quartz component of sandstone follows these two carbonate, quartz chert and mica. aluminum complex depends on the concentration
equations: Pore-lining clays, of free fluoride ions in the dissolving solution.
e.g. illite
Some of these products combine with free
SiO2 + 4HF ↔ SiF4 + 2H2O ,
Quartz Acid Silicon Water
sodium, potassium, and calcium ions to produce
tetrafluoride four compounds with varying degrees of solubility
and in the spending acid:
SiF4 + 2F– ↔ SiF62– , • sodium fluosilicate [Na2SiF6],
Silicon hexafluoride
• sodium fluoaluminate [Na3AlF6],
resulting mainly in the silicon hexafluoride anion, • potassium fluosilicate [K2SiF6],
SiF62–. • calcium fluosilicate [CaSiF6].
Reaction with the feldspar, chert, mica and clay clays, e.g. kaolinite Matrix treatments are always designed to prevent
components of sandstones also results in this the formation of these compounds, to remove any
anion, but, in addition, produces a range of alu-
nConstituents of sandstone, all of which are soluble in risk of precipitation.
HCl-HF mud acid systems.
minum complexes: AlF2+, AlF2+, AlF3, AlF4–,

26 Oilfield Review
silt, forming borosilicates that appear to help
bind the fines to large grains (previous page,
top ). Recent treatments with fluoboric acid
for Ashland Nigeria have confirmed the
power of this technique (right).5 3000
All in all, sandstone acidizing poses a

Production, BLPD
greater challenge than carbonate acidizing
Mud acid treatment
and certainly generates more than its fair
share of controversy among both operators
and service companies.

Diversion 1000
A challenge that must be faced in either
lithology is diversion. As acid is pumped, it
flows preferentially along the most perme- Fluoboric acid treatment
able path into the formation. The acid opens 0
0 1 2
these paths up even more, and less perme- Time, yr
able, damaged zones are almost guaranteed
not to receive adequate treatment. Some nProduction improvement in a Nigerian oil well after fluoboric
acid treatment. The well was initially acidized with mud acid and
technique to divert the treatment fluid produced 850 barrels of liquid per day (BLPD) with a 34% water
toward more damaged formation or dam- cut. Production then declined almost to zero, most likely due to
aged perforations is therefore mandatory. fines movement. After fluoboric acid treatment, production rose to
There is a variety of diversion techniques 2500 BLPD, obviating the need for further acid treatments. Oil pro-
duction a year after the treatment was 220 BOPD. (From Ayorinde et
(next page ). Treatment fluid can be directed al, reference 5, courtesy of Ashland Nigeria.)
exclusively toward a low-permeability zone
using drillpipe or coiled-tubing conveyed
tools equipped with mechanical packers.
Alternatively, flow can be blocked at indi- nitrogen are used to block high-permeability 3. Templeton CC, Richardson EA, Karnes GT and
vidual perforations taking most of the treat- pathways within the matrix (see “Diverting Lybarger JH: “Self-Generating Mud Acid,” Journal of
ment fluid by injecting ball sealers that seat with Foam,” page 30). Petroleum Technology 27 (October 1975): 1199-1203.
4. Thomas RL and Crowe CW: “Matrix Treatment
on the perforations. In carbonates, bridging The requirements on any diverting agent Employs New Acid System for Stimulation and Con-
agents such as benzoic acid particles or salt are stringent. The agent must have limited trol of Fines Migration in Sandstone Formations,”
can be used to create a filter cake inside solubility in the carrying fluid, so it reaches paper SPE 7566, presented at the 53rd SPE Annual
Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas,
wormholes, encouraging the acid to go else- the bottom of the hole intact; it must not USA, October 1-3, 1978.
where. In sandstones, microscopic agents react adversely with formation fluids; it must 5. Ayorinde A, Granger C and Thomas RL: “The Appli-
such as oil-soluble resins can create a filter divert acid. Finally, it must clean up rapidly cation of Fluoboric Acid in Sandstone Matrix Acidiz-
ing: A Case Study,” presented at the 21st Annual Con-
cake on the sand face. Chemical diverters so as not to impede later production. Ball vention of the Indonesian Petroleum Association,
such as viscous gels and foams created with sealers drop into the rathole as soon as October 6-8, 1992.

Silicon hexafluoride also combines with water Al3 + 3F– ↔ AlF3 , CaCO3 + HF ↔ CaF2 + H2O + CO2 .
to produce colloidal silica [H4SiO4]: and The main technique for avoiding calcium fluoride
SiF62– + H2O ↔ H4SiO4 + 4HF + 2F– . Al3 + 3OH– ↔ Al(OH)3 . precipitation is the HCl preflush, designed to
This precipitate has proved controversial. Experts However, these two compounds can generally be remove carbonate material before HF is injected.
agree that it cannot be avoided, but disagree avoided through proper design of preflush and Precipitates and their potential to damage the
about whether it damages the formation. Some mud acid formulation. formation remain a fact of life for the matrix
believe it does, but work by Dowell Schlumberger Often, acidizing can produce ferrous and ferric acidizer. But their impact can be greatly mini-
researcher Curtis Crowe suggests that colloidal ions, either from dissolving rust in the tubulars or mized through use of an adequate preflush, the
silica coats sandstone particle surfaces, actually through direct action on iron minerals in the for- correct mud acid formulation, and the avoidance
limiting the movement of fines that the treatment mation. These ions can then produce more pre- of any salts except ammonium chloride.
would otherwise dislodge.1 cipitates: ferric hydroxide [Fe(OH)3] and, in sour
Two other aluminum-based compounds—alumi- wells, ferrous sulfide [FeS]. Various chelating 1. Crowe CW: “Precipitation of Hydrated Silica From Spent
num fluoride [AlF3] and aluminum hydroxide [Al(OH)3] and reducing agents are employed to minimize Hydrofluoric Acid: How Much of a Problem Is It?” Jour-
nal of Petroleum Technology 38 (November 1986): 1234-
—may precipitate, following these reactions: the impact of these two compounds. 1240.
Lastly, damage can arise through the precipita-
tion of calcium fluoride [CaF2], when HF reacts
with the carbonate mineralogy of sandstones:
October 1992 27
Openhole completion ?

Chemical Yes No Gravel packed ?

Yes No Coiled tubing
available ?

Mechanical Yes No Staged treatment

required ?

Chemical Yes No Flowback of

balls a problem,
or high shot density ?

Chemical Yes No Mechanical ball sealers

nChoosing a diversion method for matrix acidizing.

injection halts or, if they are of the buoyant Diagnosis The question that should always be asked
variety, they are caught in ball catchers at If the principle of matrix acidizing appears before any other is “Why is the well under-
the surface. Benzoic acid particles dissolve straightforward, the practice is a mine field producing?” And then: ”Will production
in hydrocarbons. Oil-soluble resins are of complex decisions. Service companies increase with matrix acidizing?” Production
expelled or dissolved during the ensuing offer a vast selection of acid systems and may be constricted for a reason other than
hydrocarbon production. Gels and foams diverters, and few people would design the damage around the borehole. The only way
break down with time. same job the same way. In addition, matrix to find out is through pressure analysis from
In practice, acid and diverting agents are acid jobs are low budget, typically between the deep formation through to the wellhead,
pumped in alternating stages: first acid, then $5000 and $10,000 an operation, so the using production history, well tests and
diverter, then acid, then diverter, and so on. careful attention given to planning much analysis of the well’s flowing pressures, such
The number of stages depends on the length more expensive acid fracturing treatments is as provided by NODAL analysis.6
of zone being treated. Typically, one acid- often missing. Matrix acidizing is tradition- The crude maxim that matrix acidizing
diverter stage combination is planned for ally carried out using local rules of thumb. will benefit any well with positive skin has
every 15 to 25 ft [5 to 8 m] of formation. Worse, jobs are poorly evaluated.

28 Oilfield Review
nAnalyzing causes of poor production in a gas well using NODAL
analysis of well pressures, from downhole to wellhead. In each
figure, well performance is presented by the intersection of a tub-
ing-intake curve—upward-sloping lines, one for each wellhead
p wellhead pressure—and an inflow-performance curve—downward-sloping
lines, one for each skin value.
The top NODAL analysis shows inflow performance assuming
2 shots per foot the well was perforated at two shots per foot, the bottom analysis
5 psi assuming 12 shots per foot. The tubing-intake curves are the same
3000 in both NODAL figures.
Bottomhole flowing pressure, psi ×103 4 At two shots per foot, decreasing skin with matrix acidizing
offers only marginal production improvement. At 12 shots per foot,
matrix acidizing will offer substantial production improvement.
2 100

1 Causes of High Skin, Other Than Damage

(from McLeod, reference 7.)
0 30 0

12 shots per foot High liquid/gas ratio in a gas well > 100 bbl/MMscf
5 High gas/oil ratio in an oil well > 1000 scf/bbl
3000 Three-phase production: water, oil and gas
High-pressure drawdown > 1000 psi
3 High flow rate > 20 B/D/ft
1000 > 5 B/D/shot
2 100
skin Low perforation shot density < 4 shots per foot
Well perforated with zero-degree phasing
30 Well perforated with through-tubing gun, diameter < 2 in.
50 15 0
0 Reservoir pressure > bubblepoint pressure > wellbore pressure
0 5000 10000 15000
Gas production rate, Mscf/D

Gravel pack/
Tubing Formation
Scales nTypes of damage
and where they
Organic deposits can occur. Diag-
Bacteria nosing location
and type of dam-
Silts and clays age is the key to
Emulsion successful matrix
Water block
Wettability change

several exceptions. Too low a perforation inflow-performance curve—expected flow 6. Mach J, Proano E and Brown KE: “A Nodal Approach
density, multiphase flow, and turbulent gas into the well as a function of downhole well for Applying Systems Analysis to the Flowing and Arti-
ficial Lift Oil or Gas Well, paper SPE 8025, March 5,
flow are some factors that cause positive pressure—one can readily see if the well 1979, unsolicited.
skin in wells that otherwise may be undam- completion is restricting flow (top, left). 7. McLeod HO: “Significant Factors for Successful
aged. Stimulation expert Harry McLeod of Comparing a NODAL analysis with actual Matrix Acidizing,” paper NMT 890021, presented at
the Centennial Symposium Petroleum Technology
Conoco has established a checklist of warn- measured pressures also helps pinpoint the into the Second Century, New Mexico Institute of
ing indicators (see“Causes of High Skin, location of any damage. Damage does not Mining and Technology, Socorro, New Mexico, USA,
Other Than Damage,” top, right ).7 occur only in the formation surrounding the October 16-19, 1989.
NODAL analysis, which predicts a well’s borehole. It can occur just as easily inside
steady-state production pressures, refines tubing, in a gravel-pack or in a gravel-pack
this checklist. For example, by comparing perforation tunnel (above).
tubing-intake curves—essentially the
expected pressure drop in the tubing as a
function of production rate—with the well’s

October 1992 29
Fluid N2

Diverting with Foam


Foam, a stable mixture of liquid and gas, has 1.25 nLaboratory setup for


Flow rate, bbl/min/20-ft zone
been used as a diverter in sandstone acidizing investigating foam diver-
1 Damaged zone sion, using two sand
since 1969.1 By the usual criteria, it is almost packs, one with high
perfect. It is cheap to produce; it does a decent permeability mimicking
job diverting; it does not interact adversely with a thief zone, the other
with low permeability
the formation and formation fluids; and it cleans
0.5 mimicking a damaged
up rapidly. Foam is produced by injecting nitro- zone. Conventional foam
gen into soapy water—typically, nitrogen occu- diversion works fine for
a while—60 minutes in
pies 55 to 75% of foam volume. The soapy water Thief zone
this example—but then
is a mixture of water and small amount of surfac- 0 breaks down.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
tant, or foamer. Injected downhole, foam pene- Time, min
trates the pore space where the cumulatively vis-
cous effect of the bubbles blocks further entry of tant before injecting the foam and also injecting cent period, foam in low-permeability sand pre-
the treating fluid. surfactant with every subsequent stage in the maturely breaks down—scientists are not sure
Foam’s only drawback is that with time the acid process. The surfactant adheres to the rock why. The combination of surfactant injection and
bubbles break and diversion ceases. This can be surface and minimizes adsorption of surfactant 10-minute shut-in comprises the new FoamMAT
seen in laboratory experiments, in which foam is contained in foam, preserving the foam. diversion service that has seen successful appli-
injected simultaneously through two long sand As before, the foam progressively diverts treat- cation in the Gulf of Mexico and Africa (see “Field
packs, one with high permeability mimicking a ment fluid to the damaged zone, but now the Case Studies,” below).2
thief zone, the other with low permeability mim- diversion holds for at least 100 minutes (next The FoamMAT technique also provides excel-
icking a damaged zone (above, right). The cores page, top). If necessary, damaged formation can lent blockage of water zones in high water-cut
are preflushed and then injected with foam. Then, first be cleaned with mutual solvent to remove oil wells. In a laboratory simulation, two sand packs
acid is injected. At first, diversion works fine, with in the near-wellbore region—oil destroys were constructed with the same permeability but
the low-permeability sand pack taking an foam—and to ensure the rock surface is water- saturated with different fluids, water and oil (next
increasingly greater proportion of the acid. But wet and receptive to the surfactant. page, bottom). The preflush injection of surfactant
after about one hour, the foam has broken and the Yet further improvement to foam diversion can can be seen to favor, as expected, the water zone.
thief zone starts monopolizing the treatment fluid. be achieved by halting injection for about 10 min- Then foam was injected into both packs. When
Researchers at the Dowell Schlumberger engi- utes after foam injection. The diversion of treat- acid was injected, most went into the oil zone
neering center at Saint-Etienne, France discov- ment fluid to the damaged sand pack now takes confirming an almost perfect diversion.
ered that this breakdown can be postponed by effect almost immediately, rather than almost 50
saturating the formation with a preflush of surfac- minutes. It seems that given a 10-minute quies-

Field Case Studies

Well type Depth Interval Temperature Production
ft ft °F before after
High water-cut 9600 51 190 433 BOPD 855 BOPD
oil well 41% water cut 38% water cut
Gas lift FTP: 2100 psi @ 2 months
Gas well 6600 16 175 2 MMscf/D 5.6 MMscf/D
FTP: 1000 psi FTP: 2100 psi @ 2 months
Oil well 11200 40 240 0 860 BOPD
FTP: 220 psi @ 1 week
Low-perm 11,900 200 245 1.8 MMscf/D 4.0 MMscf/D
gas well FTP: 250 psi FTP: 400 psi @ 1 month

30 Oilfield Review
Scales, organic deposits and bacteria are
three types of damage that can cause havoc
anywhere, from the tubing to the gravel
pack, to the formation pore space. Scales
are mineral deposits that in the lower pres-
sure and temperature of a producing well
precipitate out of the formation water, form-
ing a crust on formation rock or tubing.
No shut-in
1.25 nImprovement in stay- With age, they become harder to remove.


The treatment fluid depends on the mineral

Flow rate, bbl/min/20-ft zone

ing power of foam diver-

1 sion, using a preflush of type, which may be a carbonate deposit,
Damaged zone surfactant and further sulfate, chloride, an iron-based mineral, sili-
surfactant injection with cate or hydroxide. The key is knowing
the acid (top). Further which type of scale is blocking flow.
improvement in foam Reduced pressure and temperature also
0.5 diversion is obtained by cause heavy organic molecules to precipi-
having a shut-in period tate out of oil and block production. The
following foam injection
0.25 main culprits are asphaltenes and paraffinic
(bottom). During this
Thief zone quiescent period, foam
waxes. Both are dissolved by aromatic sol-
0 in low-permeability sands vents. Far more troublesome are sludges
Shut-in breaks down and diver- that sometimes occur when inorganic acid
1.25 sion becomes immediate. reacts with certain heavy crudes. There is



no known way of removing this type of

Flow rate, bbl/min/20-ft zone

Damaged zone
1 damage, so care must be taken to avoid it
through use of antisludging agents.
Bacteria are most commonly a problem in
injection wells, and they can exist in an
amazing variety of conditions, with and
0.5 without oxygen, typically doubling their
population every 20 minutes or so.8 The
0.25 result is a combination of slimes and
Thief zone assorted amorphous mess that blocks pro-
0 duction. An additional reason for cleansing
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time, min
the well of these organisms is to kill the so-
called sulfate-reducing bacteria that live off
sulfate ions in water either in the well or
Preflush Foam Acid nEfficacy of FoamMAT formation. Sulfate-reducing bacteria pro-
duce hydrogen sulfide that readily corrodes
Flow rate, bbl/min/20 ft zone

diversion in high water-

1 cut wells, proved in a tubulars. Bacterial damage can be cleaned
laboratory experiment with sodium hypochlorite and it is as impor-
Water zone
using two sand packs tant to clean surface equipment, whence
of the same permeabil- injection water originates, as it is to clean
ity, but initially saturated the well and formation.
0.5 with oil and water, Two further types of damage can con-
tribute to blocked flow in gravel pack and
0.25 formation—silts and clays, and emulsions.
Oil zone Silts and clays, the target of most mud acid
0 jobs and 90% of all matrix treatments, can
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Time, min
originate from the mud during drilling and
perforating or from the formation when dis-
lodged during production, in which case
1. Smith CL, Anderson JL and Roberts PG: “New Diverting 2. Zerhboub M, Touboul E, Ben-Naceur K and Thomas RL: they are termed fines. When a mud acid
Techniques for Acidizing and Fracturing,” paper SPE “Matrix Acidizing: A Novel Approach to Foam Diversion,” system is designed, it is useful to know the
2751, presented at the 40th SPE Annual California paper SPE 22854, presented at the 66th SPE Annual
silt and clay composition, whatever its ori-
Regional Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, USA,
November 6-7, 1969. October 6-9, 1991. gin, since a wrongly composed acid can
A recent case-study paper: result in precipitates that block flow even
Kennedy DK, Kitziger FW and Hall BE: “Case Study of the
Effectiveness of Nitrogen Foam and Water-Zone Diverting
Agents in Multistage Matrix Acid Treatments,” SPE Pro- 8. “Bacteria in the Oil Field: Bad News, Good News,”
duction Engineering 7, no. 2 (May 1992): 203-211. The Technical Review 37, no. 1 (January 1989): 48-53.

October 1992 31
more. Emulsions can develop when water Design curve indicates how treating fluid affects the
and oil mix, for example when water-base Assessing the nature of the damage is diffi- rock matrix—the design engineer strives for
mud invades oil-bearing formation. Emul- cult because direct evidence is frequently a healthy permeability increase.
sions are highly viscous and are usually lacking. The engineer must use all available Most treatment fluid selection for sand-
removed using mutual solvents. information: the well history, laboratory test stone acidizing builds on recommendations
The interplay of oil and water in porous data, and experience gained in previous established by McLeod in the early 1980s.9
rock provides two remaining types of dam- operations in the reservoir. The initial goal, The choice is between different strengths of
age occurring only in the formation—wetta- of course, is selecting the treatment fluid. the HCl-HF combination and depends on
bility change and water block. In their Later, the exact pumping schedule—vol- formation permeability, and clay and silt
native state, most rocks are water-wet, umes, rates, number of diverter stages— content ( below ). For example, higher
which is good news for oil production. The must be worked out. strengths are used for high-permeability rock
water clings to the mineral surfaces leaving Since carbonate acidizing with HCl cir- with low silt and clay content—high strength
the pore space available for hydrocarbon cumvents damage, the main challenge of acid in low-permeability rock can create
production. Oil-base mud can reverse the fluid selection lies almost entirely with sand- precipitation and fines problems. Strengths
situation, rendering the rock surface oil-wet, stone acidizing where damage must be are reduced as temperature increases
pushing the water phase into the pores and removed. Laboratory testing on cores and because the rate of reaction then increases.
impeding production. A solution is to inject the oil can positively ensure that a given McLeod’s criteria have since been
mutual solvent to remove the oil-wetting HF-HCl mud acid system will perform as expanded by Dowell Schlumberger. 10
phase and then water-wetting surfactants to desired—it is particularly recommended Recently, this updated set of rules has been
reestablish the water-wet conditions. when working in a new field. These tests merged with about 100 additional criteria
Finally, water block occurs when water- first examine the mineralogy of the rock to on the risks associated with pumping com-
base fluid flushes a hydrocarbon zone so help pick the treating fluid. Then, compati- plex mixtures of fluids into the matrix, and
completely that the relative permeability to bility tests, conducted between treating fluid incorporated into a computerized expert
oil is reduced to zero—this can occur with- and the oil, make sure that mixing them system to help stimulation engineers pick
out a wettability change. The solution is produces no emulsion or sludge. Finally, an the best treatment system. 11 The system
again mutual solvents and surfactants, this acid response curve is obtained by injecting actually presents several choices of treating
time to reduce interfacial tension between the treating fluid into a cleaned core plug, fluid and ranks them according to efficiency.
the fluids, and to give the oil some degree under reservoir conditions of temperature When the engineer chooses, the generically
of relative permeability and a chance to and pressure, and monitoring the resulting defined fluids are mapped on to the catalog
move out. change in permeability. The acid response of products offered by the service company.

Acid Guidelines for Sandstones

Condition Main Acid Preflush nEvolution of acid
system guidelines
HCl solubility (> 20%) Use HCl only for sandstones to
High permeability (>100 md) maximize damage
removal and mini-
High quartz (80%), low clay (< 5%) 12% HCl, 3% HF 15% HCl mize precipitates.
The first guidelines
High feldspar (> 20%) 13.5% HCl, 1.5% HF 15% HCl
in 1983 consisted of
High clay (> 10%) 6.5% HCl, 1% HF Sequestered 5% HCl a few rules. These
were expanded to
High iron chlorite clay 3% HCl, 0.5% HF Sequestered 5% HCl more complex
Low permeability (< 10 md) tables in 1990.
Now, knowledge-
Low clay (< 5%) 6% HCl, 1.5% HF 7.5% HCl or 10% acetic acid based systems
High chlorite 3% HCl, 0.5% HF 5% acetic acid incorporate hun-
dreds of rules on
1990 fluid choice.
Mineralogy Permeability
> 100 md 20 to 100 md < 20 md
12% HCl, 3% HF 10% HCl, 2% HF 6% HCl, 1.5% HF
< 200°F 7.5% HCl, 3% HF 6% HCl,1% HF 4% HCl, 0.5% HF
High quartz (> 80%), low clay (< 10%) 10% HCl, 1.5% HF 8% HCl,1% HF 6% HCl, 0.5% HF
High clay (> 10%), low silt (< 10%) 12% HCl, 1.5% HF 10% HCl,1% HF 8% HCl, 0.5% HF
High clay (> 10%), high silt (> 10%)
Low clay (< 10%), high silt (> 10%) 10% HCl, 2% HF 6% HCl, 1.5% HF 6% HCl, 1% HF
> 200°F 6% HCl, 1% HF 4% HCl, 0.5% HF 4% HCl, 0.5% HF
8% HCl, 1% HF 6% HCl, 0.5% HF 6% HCl, 0.5% HF
10% HCl, 1% HF 8% HCl, 0.5% HF 8% HCl, 0.5% HF

32 Oilfield Review
Commentary: Harry McLeod
Formation damage mineralogy
Well completion data Harry McLeod,
Damage type senior engineering pro-
Damage removal
fessional in the drilling
Fluid selection division, production
advisor technology department,
3% HF,12% HCl Conoco Inc. Houston,
Fluid description
Fluid sequence Texas, USA.

Risk analysis
Pumping schedule
advisor Matrix acidizing is generally suc-
Volumes cessful in a damaged formation so
Number of diverter stages Preflush 15% HCl, Surf, Cor. Inh. long as the well is properly pre-
Injection rates Main flush 3% HF, 12% HCl, Surf.
Overflush 5% HCl, Surf, Cor. Inh.
pared and only clean fluids enter
Simulator the perforations during treatment.

Flow profile evolution In carbonate formations, scale is the most com-

Skin evolution Product mapping mon damage. In sandstone formations, the most
Rate/pressure plots
common damage occurs during or just after perfo-
Production rating and during subsequent workovers as a result
Preflush 15% HCl, F78, A260 of losing contaminated fluids to the formation.
Production rates Main flush RMA, F78, A260 When wells are not properly evaluated with a
Payout time Overflush 5% HCl, F78, A260
combination of NODAL analysis, and either core or
drillstem test data, treatments are often unsuc-
nFive essential steps in designing a matrix acidizing job, as incorporated in the Dowell cessful because restrictions other than formation
Schlumberger ProMAT software package. Detail (right) shows breakdown of fluid selec- damage are present, as discussed in this article.
tion—with initial choice of main treating fluid, design of all fluid stages and mapping of
generic fluids to service company products. Only in recent years has proper attention been
given to well preparation and on-site supervision.
Pumping Schedule for a Two-Stage Job Improvements in Conoco matrix treatment oper-
Step Fluid Volume Flow rate Time ations have been obtained by either pickling the
bbl bbl/min min production tubing or avoiding acid contact with the
1 Preflush HCI 15% 17.3 2.2 7.9 production string through the use of coiled tubing.
Stage 1 2 Main fluid RMA 13/31 68.2 2.2 31.0 The best results are obtained with effective divert-
3 Overflush 33.0 2.4 ing procedures that ensure acid coverage and
HCI 4% 13.8
injection into every damaged perforation. In 1985,
4 Overflush HCI 4% 20.7 4.8 4.3
Conoco achieved a 95% success ratio in a 37-well
5 Diverter slug HCI 4% 3.1 4.8 0.6 treatment program using a complete quality con-
6 Preflush J237A2 17.3 4.8 3.6 trol program and effective diversion.1
Stage 2 7 Main fluid HCI 15% 12.6 4.8 2.6 More effective diverter design and improved
8 Main fluid RMA 13/31 55.6 1.1 50.5 models of dissolution and precipitation based on
9 Overflush 53.7 1.1 rock characterization are still needed, especially
RMA 13/31 48.8
in sandstones with less than 50-md permeability
10 Tubing displ. NH4Cl brine 3% 33.0 1.2 27.5
and for downhole temperatures above 200°F
1. Regular Mud Acid, 13% HCl, 3% HF. 2. Four-micron particulate oil-soluble resin, usable up to 200°F. [93°C].
nA pumping schedule computed with ProMAT software, listing for each stage the fluid 1. Brannon DH, Netters CK and Grimmer PJ: “Matrix Acidizing Design
volume, pump rate and pump time. This schedule can be input to a simulator to predict and Quality-Control Techniques Prove Successful in Main Pass
detailed outcome of the matrix acid job, such as skin improvement. Area Sandstone,” Journal of Petroleum Technology 39 (August
1987): 931-942.
This fluid selection advisor forms one NODAL analysis for diagnosing why a well
module of the ProMAT productive matrix is underproducing, then follows with the 9. McLeod HO: “Matrix Acidizing,” Journal of Petro-
leum Technology 36 (December 1984): 2055-2069.
treatment system that Dowell Schlumberger expert system for fluid selection. 10. Perthuis H and Thomas R: Fluid Selection Guide for
recently introduced to improve the some- The third component develops a prelimi- Matrix Treatments, 3rd ed. Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA:
times unacceptable results of matrix acidiz- nary pumping schedule to ensure a skin Dowell Schlumberger, 1991.
ing (top). The ProMAT system provides com- value of zero—how many stages of treating 11. Chavanne C and Perthuis H: “A Fluid Selection
Expert System for Matrix Treatments,” presented at
puter assistance for every step of well fluid, how many diverting stages, how the Conference on Artificial Intelligence in
diagnosis, and the design, execution and much to pump in each stage, etc. (above). Petroleum Exploration and Production, Houston,
Texas, USA, July 22-24,1992.
evaluation of matrix acidizing.12 The pack- The fourth component is a detailed simula-
12. The ProMAT system calls on two software packages:
age begins with the previously described tion of the acidization process. Given a the MatCADE software for design and postjob eval-
pumping schedule, it provides detailed uation, and the MatTIME package for job execution
October 1992 and real-time evaluation.
forecasts of injection flow profiles, of the mimic reality better, but they introduce more stage is subdivided into a series of small
improvement in skin per zone as the job parameters, some of which may be unmea- time steps and this chain reaction is evalu-
proceeds and of the overall rate/pressure surable in the field or even in the laboratory. ated for each step. The results after one time
behavior to be expected during the job. Whatever their level of sophistication, step serve as the input to the next. In addi-
This information either confirms the previ- acidizing models must deal with four pro- tion, for the more sophisticated simulation,
ously estimated pumping schedule or sug- cesses simultaneously: the formation is split into a mosaic of radi-
gests minor changes to guarantee optimum • tracking of fluid stages as they are ally symmetric blocks. At each time step,
job performance. The fifth and final module pumped down the tubing, taking into the evaluation must be performed for all
uses the results of the simulation to predict account differing hydrostatic and friction blocks simultaneously. The simulator pro-
well performance after the operation and losses vides a detailed prediction of how the acid
therefore the likely payback, the acid test • movement of fluids through the porous job will progress and the expected improve-
for the operator. formation ment in skin and productivity (next page,
At the heart of both the pumping schedule • dissolution of damage and/or matrix by above ). This helps decide the bottom line,
advisor and simulator are models of how an acid which is time to payback.
acidizing job progresses. In most of the • accumulation and effect of diverters.
details, the advisor’s model is simpler than All four phenomena are interdependent. Execution and Evaluation
the simulator’s, and even the simulator Diverter placement depends on the injec- Sophisticated planning goes only part way
model is simple compared with reality. tion regime; the injection regime depends to ensuring the success of a matrix acidizing
Acidizing physics and chemistry are highly on formation permeability; formation per- operation. Just as important is job execution
complex and provide active research for oil meability depends on acid dissolution; acid and monitoring. In a study of 650 matrix
companies, service companies and universi- dissolution depends on acid availability; acidizing jobs conducted worldwide for
ties alike.13 For job design, simple models acid availability depends on diverter place- AGIP, stimulation expert Giovanni
have the advantage of requiring few input ment; and so on. Paccaloni estimated that 12% were outright
parameters but the disadvantage of cutting The computation proceeds fluid stage by failures, and that 73% of these failures were
too many corners. Complex models may fluid stage (below ). The time taken for each due to poor field practice.14 Just 27% of the
failures were caused by incorrect choice of
Well fluids and additives. Success and failure
were variously defined depending on the
well. Matrix acidizing a previously dry
Fluids intermixing while progressing
exploration well was judged a success if the
operation established enough production to
permit a well test and possible evaluation of
the reservoir. The success of a production
well was more closely aligned with achiev-
ing a specific skin improvement. Having
identified the likely reason for failure, AGIP
Gravity in well
Injection Diverter deposition at perforations and layers 13. University of Texas:
point Walsh MP, Lake LW and Schechter RS: “A Descrip-
tion of Chemical Precipitation Mechanisms and
Their Role in Formation Damage During Stimulation
by Hydrofluoric Acid,” Journal of Petroleum Tech-
nology 34 (September 1982): 2097-2112.
Taha R, Hill AD and Sepehrnoori K: “Simulation of
Sandstone-Matrix Acidizing in Heterogeneous
For each block Reservoirs,” Journal of Petroleum Technology 38
(July 1986): 753-767.
and each time step...
Dowell Schlumberger:
Perthuis H, Touboul E and Piot B: “Acid Reactions
and Damage Removal in Sandstones: A Model for
nSimulating a matrix Pressure and flow rate using
Selecting the Acid Formulation,” paper SPE 18469,
acid job, stage by presented at the SPE International Symposium on
stage, using a radially Darcy's law Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, Texas, USA, February
8-10, 1989.
symmetric model of the
formation and analysis Shell:
of the main controlling Acid and diverter transportation Davies DR, Faber R, Nitters G and Ruessink BH: “A
factors in matrix Novel Procedure to Increase Well Response to
Matrix Acidising Treatments,” paper SPE 23621, pre-
acidizing: acid and sented at the Second SPE Latin American Petroleum
diverter flow, formation Mineral dissolution Engineering Conference, Caracas, Venezuela, March
dissolution, diverter 8-11, 1992.
deposition, and poros- 14. Paccaloni G and Tambini M: “Advances in Matrix
ity and permeability Diverter deposition Stimulation Technology,” paper SPE 20623, pre-
change. This sequence sented at the 65th SPE Annual Technical Conference
of computations is and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA,
made simultaneously September 23-26, 1990.
Porosity/permeability change
for all blocks and in
small time steps.
Next time step

34 Oilfield Review
One-stage Two-stage
18 nSimulation results

HCl 15%

RMA 12/3

RMA 12/3

Diverter slug J237A

HCl 4%

HCl 15%

HCl 4%

HCl 15%

RMA 12/3

HCl 4%
Diverter slug J237A

NH4Cl brine 3%
showing the differ-
14 ence between one-
and two-stage
matrix acid jobs on
Total skin

10 a damaged oil well

known to produce
from two layers.
The one-stage job
(left) fails to remove
2 damage from layer
2, which is left with
a skin of 10. The
two-stage job

NH4Cl brine 3%
Diverter slug J237A
HCl 15%

RMA 12/3

HCl 4%

HCl 15%

RMA 12/3

HCl 4%

HCl 15%

RMA 12/3

HCl 4%
Diverter slug J237A
diverts the second
acid stage toward
this layer, bringing
the skin of the
Skin per layer

entire well to zero.
Assuming a
Layer 2 $15/barrel price for
10 oil, the payback
2 after 30 days is
Layer 1 1 $330,000 for the
one-stage job and
$520,000 for the
slightly more

NH4Cl brine 3%
Diverter slug J237A
HCl 15%

RMA 12/3

HCl 4%

RMA 12/3

Diverter slug J237A

HCl 15%

HCl 4%

HCl 15%

RMA 12/3

HCl 4%
expensive two-
stage job. The prop-
Flow rate, bbl/min

erly designed, more

complex operation
appears a reason-
2 able option.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 60 120 180 240 300
Volume, bbl Volume, bbl

Commentary: Giovanni Paccaloni

After several decades of field practice, countless lab studies and theoretical investigations,
matrix acidizing technology is today one of the most powerful tools available to the oil indus-
try for optimizing production. There is still much room for improvement, however. Reasons are:
• the relatively low operational cost compared to • the small degree of integration between different
the economic benefits disciplines— lab scientist, field engineer, pro-
• the great complexity of the physicochemistry duction/petroleum engineer, and academia
phenomena involved, as yet only partially mod- • the prevailing attitude to preserve consolidated
eled “rules” based more often on the microscale
• the low attention paid so far to the evaluation simulation of reality than on the study of reality,
and to the understanding of actual field acid i.e., actual well response.
response, the evolution of skin with treatment All of the above are receiving intense attention at
fluid injected AGIP. R&D efforts are directed to improving the
• the lack of exhaustive studies matching lab and success ratio and lowering costs, with the underly-
field results ing idea that any new technique must be validated
Giovanni Paccaloni,
• the negligible amount of lab work with radial with field results. Much attention is given to the
head of production
cores, which may provide skin evolution data interdisciplinary approach, to improved training,
optimization technologies
that linear cores cannot and to finalized R&D projects. Three expert sys-
department at
• the low attention paid so far to validating acidiz- tems dealing with matrix acidizing design, forma-
AGIP headquarters in
ing techniques using pressure build-up tests and tion damage diagnosis and well problem analysis
Milan, Italy
flowmeter surveys have been recently released to our operating dis-
tricts. New matrix acidizing technologies, devel-
October 1992 oped in-house, are currently under field test. The
laboratory study of skin evolution simulating actual
field conditions is one of our major concerns.
The key issue in matrix acidizing horizontal wells
Auxiliary Fluid density Flow rate Treating pressure Annular pressure is acid placement, since both damaged and thief
measurements zones can be hundreds of feet long.1 The two
techniques used are bullheading and coiled-tub-
ing placement.
Acidizing horizontal wells by bullheading fol-
lows conventional practice, with alternating
stages of acid and diverter. Coiled tubing, on the
Real-time skin value other hand, allows accurate placement of diverter
Mud acid treatment Slug diversion into thief zones before acid is pumped—thief zones
can be identified from production logs, Formation

Mud acid






MicroScanner images or mud logs. After the thief
zones have been treated by positioning the coiled

tubing opposite them and injecting diverter, the

coiled tubing is run to total depth and gradually
withdrawn as acid is pumped. Simultaneous with-
drawal and injection provides the most even cov-
Time erage. If inadequate data are available to identify
nMonitoring skin in real time using Dowell Schlumberger’s MatTIME wellsite measure- thief zones, acid and diverter stages can be alter-
ment and analysis system. The general principle (top) is to continue pumping acid for nated as the coiled tubing is withdrawn.
any given stage while skin continues decreasing and change to the next fluid stage only
after skin has levelled off for a while. When diversion is used, skin increases (bottom). Simulations illustrate the effectiveness of the
Final effective skin can be estimated by subtracting the net increases due to diversion coiled-tubing technique over bullheading. The
from the value indicated at the end of the job.
horizontal well used for the simulations has a
followed up almost all the failures with a What helped AGIP identify and correct 1000-ft producing section drilled in sandstone
second acid job. This not only resulted in the failures, though, was reliable real-time with severe bentonite drilling-mud damage along
improved production, but also confirmed monitoring of each job, particularly the all of it except for a 200-ft long thief zone.
the failure diagnosis in each case. tracking of skin. If skin improves with time,
Bullheading 25 gallons of half-strength mud
Reasons for poor field operation centered the job is presumably going roughly as
on the technique of bullheading, in which planned and is worth continuing. If skin acid removes damage in the first 400 ft of the
acid is pumped into the well, pushing dirt stops improving or gets worse, then it may hole, but fails to make much impact on the sec-
from the tubing and whatever fluids are be time to halt operations. The problem ini- tion beyond the thief zone (next page,top). The
below the packer, often mud, directly into tially was the poor quality of field measure- thief zone initially accepts about one-half of the
the formation. Bullheading can be avoided ments, traditionally simple pressure charts.
treatment fluid, and with time the upper section
by using coiled tubing to place acid at the Then in 1983, digital field recording of well-
exact depth required, bypassing dirt and flu- head pressures was introduced. Today, fluid becomes a second thief zone. The section beyond
ids already in the well. Paccaloni recom- density, injection flow rates, wellhead and the thief zone takes only 20% of the treatment
mends use of coiled tubing whenever possi- annulus pressures are recorded and ana- fluid, resulting in poor damage removal.
ble—its benefit for acidizing horizontal lyzed at the wellsite (above ).
wells has been well documented (see “Hori- Three methods have been proposed to 1. For general reading:
zontal Wells: Bullheading Versus Coiled monitor skin. In 1969, McLeod and Coulter Frick TP and Economides MJ: “Horizontal Well Damage
Tubing,” next page ). suggested analyzing the transients created Characterization and Removal,” paper SPE 21795, pre-
sented at the Western Regional Meeting, Long Beach,
before and after treatment fluid injection.15
California, USA, March 20-22,1991.
15. McLeod HO and Coulter AW: “The Stimulation
The analysis was performed after job execu-
Economides MJ and Frick TP: “Optimization of Horizontal
Treatment Pressure Record—an Overlooked Forma- tion and therefore not intended to be a real- Well Matrix Stimulation Treatments,” paper SPE 22334,
tion Evaluation Tool,” Journal of Petroleum Technol- time technique. In 1979, Paccaloni formu- presented at the SPE International Meeting on Petroleum
ogy 21 (August 1969): 951-960.
lated a method that assumes steady-state Engineering, Beijing, China, March 24-27, 1992.
16. Paccaloni G: “New Method Proves Value of Stimula-
tion Planning,” Oil & Gas Journal 77 (November 19, flow and ignores the transients, but that pro-
1979): 155-160. vides a continuous estimate of skin in real
time.16 Paccaloni used this method to suc-
cessfully analyze causes of failure in his sur-
vey of AGIP matrix jobs.
36 (continued on page 39) Oilfield Review
Horizontal Wells: Bullheading Versus Coiled Tubing


Upper section Thief zone Lower section 12

400 ft 200 ft 400 ft

12 Lower section

Upper section
Thief zone

Rate, bbl/min
0 1.0


1.2 Upper section

Rate, bbl/min


0.8 1 2 3 4 5

Thief zone Time, hrs

0.6 nBullheading with diverter in a series of nine stages. Once the first
diverter stage is pumped, flow into the thief zone is arrested and practi-
0.4 Lower section cally equal flows go into the upper and lower sections. Skin decreases
1 2 3 4 5
Time, hrs
nSimulation of bullheading acid into a horizontal well with a thief zone.
Lower section receives little acid and shows poor skin improvement.

14 Bullheading acid and diverter in a series of

12 nine alternating stages provides a dramatic
Upper section
10 improvement (above). The flow rate into the thief
zone decreases dramatically once the first
diverter stage is pumped, and practically equal

flows then go into the lower and upper zones
Lower section
4 resulting in uniform skin improvement.
2 By using coiled tubing to inject diverter into the
0 thief zone before pumping acid, virtually uniform

penetration can be achieved (left). In the simula-
1 2 3 4 5
tion, both upper and lower damaged zones are
Time, hrs
nearly restored to their natural permeability.
nUse of coiled tubing to pump diverter into thief zone and then acidiz- Such effective diversion occurs less readily in
ing the well by gradually withdrawing the tubing ensure skin reduction
everywhere in the horizontal section. carbonates acidized with HCl, where the rapid
reaction tends to counter the effectiveness of
most diversion techniques. However, field exam-

October 1992 37
ples show the benefits of using coiled tubing, culated with foamed gel, resulting in a 90%

Depth, ft
Before-Acid After-Acid
rather than simple bullheading of the acid. Flow Rate Flow Rate decrease in injection rate. Then, 10 gallons-per-
In a 1500-ft long horizontal injector in a Middle 0 B/D 6000 0 B/D 6000 foot of 15% HCl was injected across two zones
East limestone reservoir, most of the 4000 B/D near the end of the well while withdrawing the
injected was entering the first 450 ft of the hori- coiled tubing. More diverting foam was then
zontal trajectory and none was entering beyond injected. Seven gallons-per-foot of 15% HCl were
900 ft—see the production log made before acid 200 then injected over a long zone at the heel of the
treatment (right). A treatment was then performed well, again while withdrawing coiled tubing, fol-
by running coiled tubing to the end of the well and lowed by more diverter and then a repeat injec-
pumping 15% HCl at the rate of 10 gallons per tion of acid across the same zone.
foot as the tubing was withdrawn. When the The effect of this treatment can be seen by
coiled tubing had been withdrawn to the begin- comparing pre- and posttreatment temperature
ning of the horizontal section, 15 gallons-per-foot profiles (below). These were obtained by pumping
additional HCl were bullheaded into the formation. 600 water into the well for a period and then record-
Injection was subsequently 5500 B/D. The post- ing temperature along the horizontal trajectory. A
treatment production log shows most of the temperature decrease with depth indicates
increase is entering the first 450 ft of well. But acceptance of the cool, injected water; no
there is some increase between 800 and 900 ft, 800 decrease indicates that no water was accepted
probably the result of using coiled tubing. There and that the zone is unlikely to produce. In this
is still no injection beyond 900 ft. Incidentally, no example, considerable improvement can be seen
diverters were used in the treatment. Experience
nPre- and postacid production logs from the first in both the heel and targeted stimulation areas.
in nearby limestone reservoirs using conven- 900 ft of a 1500-ft long horizontal injector in a Mid- When the well was put back on a pump, produc-
tional benzoic flake and rock salt diverting agents dle East limestone reservoir. Small improvements tion increased to 300 BLPD, the pumping limit,
in injection beyond 450 ft are probably due to using
did not improve coverage significantly. and oil production increased from 3 to 48 BOPD.
coiled tubing for acid placement. There was no sig-
A second example comes from a horizontal nificant injection beyond 900 ft either before or
well drilled in fractured dolomite in Shell Canada after treatment.
Ltd’s Midale field, Saskatchewan, Canada. Ini-
tially, this pumping well produced 240 BLPD with 1403
water cut rising to near 99%.
Logs made with coiled tubing suggested that
True vertical depth, m

the well probably intersected the desired frac- 1404

tured dolomite at three separate points—at the p =2000 psi

heel, midpoint and toe of the horizontal trajec- p =1200 psi
tory. Otherwise, it strayed into an overlying tight
Tight zone
zone. Production logs, obtained using nitrogen lift
Fractured zone
with the coiled tubing, showed that the heel zone
at low pressure (1200 psi) was not producing, 100 150 200 250 300
Horizontal section, m
while the toe zone at high pressure (2000 psi)
Production log
was producing water—probably from the field’s
waterdrive scheme. An acid treatment was there-
fore planned to improve oil production from the
Pre-acid temperature log
heel and minimize treatment of the water zone.
Initially, the entire horizontal section was cir-

Postacid temperature log

Stimulation targets

nPre- and posttemperature profiles, after injecting cool water, confirm matrix acid success using
coiled-tubing deployment in a Shell Canada well in Saskatchewan.

38 Oilfield Review
Most recently, Laurent Prouvost and 2000 HSE Developments for Acidizing
Michael Economides proposed a method
that takes into account the transients and Health, safety and environment issues are being
can be computed in real time using the 1600 seriously addressed in every corner of explo-
Dowell Schlumberger MatTIME job-execu-
tion system.17 Their method takes the mea- ration and production technology. Laws are tight-

Surface injection rate, B/D

sured injection flow rate and, using transient ening and the industry’s obligation to public
theory, computes what the injection bottom- 1200 health and environmental protection cannot relax.
hole pressure would be if skin were fixed Matrix acidizing is no exception.
and constant—it is generally chosen to be The technique obviously cannot dispense with
zero. This is continuously compared with 800 dangerous and toxic acids such as HCl and HF,
the actual bottomhole pressure. As the two
pressures converge, so it can be assumed but other fluid additives may be rendered much
that the well is cleaning up (right ). Finally, safer to both the public and the environment. Cur-
the difference in pressures is used to calcu- 400 rent examples are inhibitors used to prevent cor-
late skin. rosion of tubulars as acid is pumped downhole,
The key to real-time analysis is accurately
and solvents used to clean residual oil deposits
knowing the bottomhole pressure. This can 0
be estimated from wellhead pressure or, if and pipe dope from the tubulars.
coiled tubing is used, from surface annulus 2125
When acidizing began, it was discovered that
pressure. The most reliable method, how- arsenic salts could inhibit corrosion. But arsenic
ever, is to measure pressure downhole. This Measured is highly toxic and its use was discontinued more
can now be achieved using a sensor pack- than 20 years ago. Less toxic but still harmful
age fixed to the bottom of the coiled tubing.
inhibitors were substituted. Recently, Dowell
Evaluation should not stop once the oper-
Schlumberger introduced the first environmen-
Bottomhole pressure, psi

ation is complete. The proof of the pudding

is in the eating, and operators expect to 1875 tally friendly inhibitor system, CORBAN 250ECO,
recoup acidizing cost within ten to twenty that functions up to 250°F [120°C].
days. From the ensuing production data, CORBAN 250ECO is one of several so-called
NODAL analysis can reveal the well’s new
1750 ECO pumping additives that have reduced toxicity
skin. This can be compared with new pre-
dictions obtained by simulating the actual and increased biodegradability. For example, the
job—that is, using flow rates and pressures key inhibiting chemical in CORBAN 250ECO is
measured while pumping the treatment flu- 1625 cinnamaldehyde, a common cinnamon flavoring
ids—rather than the planned job. Under- additive for gum and candy.
standing discrepancies between design and Another ECO product made from natural
execution is essential for optimizing future
1500 sources is the recently introduced PARAN ECO
jobs in the field. 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2
Just about every area of matrix acidizing, Time, hr
additive for cleaning oil deposits and pipe dope
from acid systems to diverters to additives to solvent from tubulars. This is intended to replace
computer modeling to environmentally nPressure comparison used to assess skin aromatic and organic halide solvents that are
friendly fluids has been researched and in real time, following the method of Prou-
vost and Economides. Pressure predicted toxic and that also can damage refinery catalysts
incorporated into mainstream technique from measured injection rates, assuming if produced with the oil.
(see “HSE Developments for Acidizing,” far the well has zero skin, is compared with
right). The remaining challenge for both measured wellhead pressure. As the pres-
operators and the service industry is gaining sures converge, damage is being removed.
the same level of sophistication in field
practice and real-time monitoring. The tools
for improving field operations now appear
to be in place. There seems no reason why
all matrix acidizing jobs should not be prop-
erly designed and executed. The days of the
rule-of-the-thumb are over.—HE

17. Prouvost L and Economides MJ: “Real-Time Evalua-

tion of Matrix Acidizing Treatments,” Journal of
Petroleum Science and Engineering 1 (November
1987): 145-154.

October 1992 39
Commentary: Carl Montgomery

Over half the wells ARCO stimulates each year receive matrix treatments.
But this consumes only 17% of the total ARCO stimulation budget.
Because of the relatively low cost of a matrix treatment—ARCO’s average
is $5,500 in the lower 48 states of the US—there has been very little
incentive to improve matrix treatment technology. While there are more
than six sophisticated design programs for hydraulic fracturing available
for purchase, there is not a single matrix design program for sale.
Candidate well selection is based on production Carl Montgomery,
or water injection history. The design and fluid technical coordinator
selection are based on experience—rules of of well stimulation for
thumb. Job quality control and monitoring often ARCO Oil and Gas
consist of a mechanical pressure gauge and a Company in Plano,
barrel counter. The current state of technology Texas, USA.
results in a one-in-three failure rate, with failure
defined as the well producing the same or less
than before treatment.
It appears that technology advances are moti-
vated by the job cost rather than the potential pro- nomic, nondamaging diversion techniques whose
ductivity benefits. What can be done to improve effectiveness can be documented. Foam and the
this technology without adding a lot of cost to the use of inflatable packers on coiled tubing are
treatment? viable techniques for positive diversion.

Candidate Selection and Job Design On-site Quality Control and Job Profiling
We need a generic matrix design program that will To improve treatment efficiency, we need more
diagnose the degree and type of damage, recom- monitoring and controlling of the job on loca-
mend a fluid type, expected treatment rate and tion—a few service companies provide this option
pressure, pump schedule and predict the economic for a nominal fee. This should include testing of the
impact of the treatment. The program must make fluids to be pumped—to ensure concentration,
do with the few log data that are generally avail- quality and quantity. To profile job effectiveness,
able for economically marginal wells. A key part of digitized data are required for real-time, on-site
the diagnosis is predicting type and degree of dam- data interpretation and postjob analysis. This data
age based on the formation mineralogy, formation should be used to determine the evolution of skin
fluid composition and injected stimulation fluid with time, radius of formation treated and the
chemistry. Physicochemical models exist, but they height of the treated interval.
do not take into account reaction kinetics and how
this affects permeability. Continuous Mixing of Acid
All matrix treatments are currently batch mixed. If
Treatment Placement real-time job monitoring becomes widely avail-
Techniques for ensuring placement into a particu- able, it will give the operator an idea of the most
lar zone must be advanced. The current diverter effective volumes of fluid to pump, when to drop
technologies work sporadically and many times do diverters, what the diverter efficiency is, and the
more harm than good. Recent work has shown that depth of damage and height of treated interval. To
even when a positive diversion technique such as take advantage of this information, the service
ball sealers is used, over one third of the perfora- company must have the capability and be ready to
tions become permanently blocked because the custom blend the required treatment in real time
balls permanently lodge in the perforation. Chemi- using continuous mixing. Service companies know
cal diverters are many times misused or do not how to continuous mix, but so far have not provided
meet expectations—rock salt is sometimes used the technology for matrix treatment.
by mistake with HF acid producing plugging precip-
itates, and so-called oil-soluble resins are usually
only partially soluble in oil. We need positive, eco-

40 Oilfield Review

Sand Control: Why and How?

Jon Carlson Derrel Gurley George King Colin Price-Smith Frank Waters
Chevron Services Co. Houston, Texas, USA Amoco Production Co. Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA BP Exploration Inc.
Houston, Texas, USA Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA Houston, Texas, USA

Sand production erodes hardware, Unconsolidated sandstone reservoirs with

permeability of 0.5 to 8 darcies are most
blocks tubulars, creates downhole
susceptible to sand production, which may
cavities, and must be separated start during first flow or later when reservoir
pressure has fallen or water breaks through.
and disposed of on surface. Com- Sand production strikes with varying
pletion methods that allow sand- degrees of severity, not all of which require
action. The rate of sand production may
prone reservoirs to be exploited decline with time at constant production
conditions and is frequently associated with
often severely reduce production cleanup after stimulation.
efficiency. The challenge is to Sometimes, even continuous sand pro-
duction is tolerated. But this option may
complete wells to keep formation lead to a well becoming seriously damaged,
production being killed or surface equip-
sand in place without unduly ment being disabled (left ). What constitutes
restricting productivity. an acceptable level of sand production
depends on operational constraints like
resistance to erosion, separator capacity,
For help in preparation of this article, thanks to: Bob ease of sand disposal and the capability of
Elder, Chevron UK Ltd., London, England; David Wag- artificial lift equipment to remove sand-
ner, Chevron Exploration and Production Services Co., laden fluid from the well.1
Houston, Texas, USA; Mike Mayer, Dowell Schlumber-
ger, Montrouge, France; Roger Card, Loren Haugland This article reviews the causes of sanding,
and Ian Walton, Dowell Schlumberger, Tulsa, Okla- and how it can be predicted and controlled.
homa, USA.
It will examine the four main methods of
In this article, NODAL (production system analysis) and
IMPACT (Integrated Mechanical Properties Analysis & sand control: one that introduces an artifi-
Characterization of Near Wellbore Heterogeneity) are cial cement into the formation and three
marks of Schlumberger; PacCADE, ISOPAC and that use downhole filters in the wellbore.
PERMPAC are trademarks or service marks of Dowell
Schlumberger. The article then focuses on gravel packing,
by far the most popular method of complet-
1. Veeken CAM, Davies DR, Kenter CJ and Kooijman ing sand-prone formations.
AP: “Sand Production Prediction Review: Developing
an Integrated Approach,” paper SPE 22792, presented
at the 66th SPE Annual Technical Conference and Causes of Sanding
Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, USA, October 6-9, 1991. Factors controlling the onset of mechanical
2. Anderson R, Coates G, Denoo S, Edwards D and rock failure include inherent rock strength,
Risnes R: “Formation Collapse in a Producing Well,”
The Technical Review 34, no. 3 (October 1986): 29-32. naturally existing earth stresses and addi-
tional stress caused by drilling or produc-
tion.2 In totally unconsolidated formations,
sand production may be triggered during
nPerils of sand production. At worst, sand the first flow of formation fluid due to drag
production threatens a well. Voids can form from the fluid or gas turbulence. This
behind the pipe, causing formation subsi- detaches sand grains and carries them into
dence and casing collapse. The well may
also fill with sand and cease flowing. Or
the surface equipment may be catastroph-
October 1992 ically damaged by erosion or plugging. 41
Predicting Sanding Potential zones of some of the wells. Downhole wire-
Fluid inflow The completion engineer needs to know the line log measurements provide continuous
conditions under which a well will produce profiles of data. However, no logging tool
sand. This is not always a straightforward yields a direct measurement of rock strength
task. At its simplest, sand prediction or in-situ stress. This has given rise to inter-
involves observing the performance of pretation techniques that combine direct
nearby offset wells. measurements with sonic and density logs to
In exploratory wells, a sand flow test is derive the elastic properties of rock and pre-
Fluid inflow
Perforation tunnel often used to assess the formation stability. dict from these the sanding potential.8
A sand flow test involves sand production A example is IMPACT Integrated Mechan-
being detected and measured on surface ical Properties Analysis & Characterization
Formation sand during a drillstem test (DST).6 Quantitative of Near Wellbore Heterogeneity, recently
information may be acquired by gradually developed by Schlumberger Well Services,
increasing flow rate until sand is produced, Houston, Texas, USA. The IMPACT analysis
Fluid inflow
the anticipated flow capacity of the comple- predicts formation sanding potential using
tion is reached or the maximum drawdown values for formation strength obtained by
is achieved. A correlation may then be correlating logs and cores, in-situ stress
nDoorway to the wellbore. A stable arch is established between sand production, well parameters derived from geologic models
believed to form around the entrance to a data, and field and operational parameters. that employ log and microfracture data and
perforation cavity. This arch remains sta- Accurately predicting sand production one of two rock failure models.
ble as long as flow rate and drawdown are potential requires detailed knowledge of the Despite the fact that cores may be signifi-
constant. If these are altered, the arch col-
lapses and a new one forms once flow sta- formation’s mechanical strength, the in-situ cantly altered during the journey from well-
bilizes again. earth stresses and the way the rock will fail. bore to laboratory, rock strength measure-
Laboratory measurements on recovered ments gathered from core tests are crucial to
cores may be used to gather rock strength the IMPACT analysis computation of rock
the perforations. The effect grows with higher data. Field techniques like microfracturing strength. In a uniaxial compressive test, a
fluid viscosity and flow rate, and with high allow measurement of some far-field earth circular cylinder of rock is compressed par-
pressure differentials during drawdown.3 stresses (see “Cracking Rock: Progress in allel to its longitudinal axis, and axial and
In better cemented rocks, sanding may be Fracture Treatment Design,” page 4 ). This radial displacements are measured. The
sparked by incidents in the well’s produc- information may then be used to predict the dynamic elastic properties—in particular
tive life, for example, fluctuations in produc- drawdown pressure that will induce sanding.7 Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s ratio—and
tion rate, onset of water production, Although these techniques provide direct uniaxial compressive strength may then be
changes in gas/liquid ratio, reduced reser- measurement of critical input data, they are computed. Triaxial tests make the same
voir pressure or subsidence.4 relatively expensive to acquire and are only measurements at different confining pres-
Fluctuations in the production rate affect available for discrete depths—in some of the sures and give a more complete picture of
perforation cavity stability and in some the rock’s failure envelope as a function of
cases hamper the creation and maintenance Casing Debris Compacted zone confining stress.
of sand arches. An arch is a hemispherical Because there is no unifying theory that
cap of interlocking sand grains—like the relates log measurements to rock strength,
Before cleanup

stones in an arched doorway—that is stable using the laboratory core data, empirical
at constant drawdown and flow rate, pre- correlations are derived to obtain the
venting sand movement (above ). Changes desired rock strength parameters from log-
in flow rate or production shut-in may result derived elastic properties. The IMPACT soft-
in collapse of the arch, causing sand to be ware has several empirical correlations to
produced until a new arch forms.5 Cement Perforation tunnel choose from.
Other causes of sanding include water Compacted zone The earth’s in-situ stresses are due to
influx, which commonly causes sand pro- many factors including the weight of the
duction by reducing capillary pressure overburden, tectonic forces and pore pres-
After cleanup

between sand grains. After water break- sure. While the vertical stresses may be esti-
through, sand particles are dislodged by mated using bulk density logs, horizontal
flow friction. Additionally, perforating may stresses are more problematic. In IMPACT
reduce permeability around the surface of a processing, accurate estimates of horizontal
perforation cavity and weaken the formation stresses are integrated with logs and, using a
(right ). Weakened zones may then become nDebris and damage in the perforation geologic model, a continuous profile of
susceptible to failure at sudden changes in tunnel. Before cleanup, a perforation earth stresses is created. Various geologic
flow rate. tunnel may be filled with pulverized models have been developed to cope with
sand and shaped-charge debris. First
flow may remove this debris, but a the different environments encountered.
compacted zone can remain around Reservoir pore pressure information is also
the surface of the cavity that is weak- needed and this may be estimated using
ened and likely to suffer tensile failure. wireline formation testing tools or DSTs.

42 Oilfield Review
Finally, rocks either fail in tension when Slotted Liners and Prepacked Screens: Slot- Resin-Coated Gravel Without Screens:
they are pulled apart or they fail in shear ted pipes, screens and prepacked screens Resin-coated gravel may be used as a
when they are crushed. IMPACT analysis offer the lowest-cost downhole filtering. downhole filter without installing a screen.
enables the interpreter to pick the most Slotted liners have the largest holes, wire- The gravel is circulated into position as a
likely failure mechanism. From this, the wrapped screens have smaller openings, slurry, either inside casing or open hole and
program predicts sanding potential. while screens prepacked with resin-coated then squeezed to form a plug across the
sand offer the finest filtering. Each type can production zone. Adjacent particles are
Completion Options be run as part of the completion string and bonded together by the resin, strengthening
Once it has been established that at planned are particularly suited for high-angle wells, the pack.
production rates sand is likely to be pro- which cannot be easily completed other- In cased hole, the plug may be com-
duced, the next step is to choose a comple- wise (see “Screening Horizontal Wells,” pletely drilled out to leave gravel-filled per-
tion strategy to limit sanding. A first option page 45 ). forations. Alternatively, the pack may be
is to treat the well with “tender loving care,” Slots are typically sized to cause bridging drilled out to the top of the perforations/
minimizing shocks to the reservoir by of the largest 10% of the formation particles, open hole so that hydrocarbons are pro-
changing drawdown and production rate filling the annulus between the screen and duced through the pack. A narrow hole can
slowly and in small increments. Production casing, or open hole, with formation sand be drilled through the pack to provide a
rate may be reduced to ensure that draw- creating a filter for remaining particles. conduit to reduce drawdown through the
down is below the the point at which the However, production can be restricted by pack. This can be achieved using coiled
formation grains become detached. More this relatively low-permeability, sand- tubing if a conventional rig is not available.
subtly, selective perforation may avoid packed annulus. Also, production of even a Resin-coated gravel has the advantage of
zones where sanding is most likely. How- small amount of fines can plug many needing no special hardware. But the pack
ever, both options reduce production, which screens, particularly prepacked screens, creates significant additional drawdown that
may adversely affect field economics.9 within a few hours of installation. may affect productivity. If the drillout tech-
The most popular options for completing Slotted liners and screens are best suited nique is employed to reduce drawdown, all
sand-prone reservoirs physically restrain to formations that are friable rather than perforations must be evenly packed and the
sand movement. The four main classes of completely unconsolidated. They are mostly resulting pack may be fragile. Complete
completion are resin injection, slotted liners used in California, USA, and some Gulf of coverage of intervals longer than about 20 ft
and prepacked screens, resin-coated gravel Mexico, USA fields where permeabilities [6 m] is difficult to achieve. The technique
without screens and gravel packing. are greater than 1 darcy. Slotted liners and represents about 5% of sand-control treat-
prepacked screens are used in only about ments, mainly concentrated on low-cost
Resin Injection: To cement the sand grains 5% of sand-control completions. onshore markets.
in situ, a resin is injected into the formation,
generally through perforations, and then 3. Morita N and Boyd PA: “Typical Sand Production 9. Massie I, Nygaard O and Morita N: “Gullfaks Subsea
flushed with a catalyst. Most commercially Problems: Case Studies and Strategies for Sand Con- Wells: An Operator’s Implementation of a New Sand
trol,” paper SPE 22739, presented at the 66th SPE Production Prediction Model,” paper SPE 16893,
available systems employ phenolic, furan or Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, presented at the 62nd SPE Annual Technical Confer-
epoxy resins. They bind rock particles Texas, USA, October 6-9, 1991. ence and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, USA, September
4. Winchester PH: “The Cardinal Rules of Gravel Pack- 27-30, 1987.
together creating a stable matrix of perme-
ing to Avoid Formation Damage,” paper SPE 19476, Unneland T and Waage RI: “Experience and Evalua-
able, consolidated grains around the casing. presented at the SPE Asia-Pacific Conference, Sydney, tion of Production Through High-Rate Gravel-
Clay concentration can hinder the effec- Australia, September 13-15, 1989. Packed Oil Wells, Gullfaks Field, North Sea,” paper
tiveness of the consolidation process, so a 5. Bratli R K and Risnes R: “Stability and Failure of Sand SPE 22795, presented at the 66th SPE Annual Tech-
Arches,” paper SPE 8427, presented at the 54th SPE nical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas,
clay stabilizer is often used as a preflush. Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Las USA, October 6-9, 1991.
Residual water may also interfere with the Vegas, Nevada, USA, September 23-26, 1979. 10. Pelgrom J and Wilson RA: “Completion Develop-
development of consolidation strength and Tippie DB and Kohlhaas CA: “Variation of Skin Dam- ments in Unconsolidated Oil-Rim Reservoirs,” paper
age with Flow Rate Associated With Sand Flow or Sta- OSEA 90123, presented at the Eighth Offshore South
may necessitate use of increased quantities East Asia Conference, Singapore, December 4-7,
bility in Unconsolidated-Sand Reservoirs,” paper SPE
of resin.10 The quantity of resin injected is a 4886, presented at the 44th SPE Annual California 1990.
compromise between enhancing consolida- Regional Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, 11. Davies, DR: “Applications of Polymers in Sand Con-
April 4-5, 1974. trol,” paper presented at Use of Polymers in Drilling
tion strength and reducing permeability. For and Oilfield Fluids, organized by the Offshore Engi-
Morita N, Whitfill DL, Massie I and Knudsen TW:
example, if an 8-darcy unconsolidated sand “Realistic Sand-Production Prediction: Numerical neering Group of the Plastics and Rubber Institute,
is resin treated to give a compressive Approach,” SPE Production Engineering 4, no. 1 London, England, December 9, 1991.
strength of up to 3300 psi, permeability may (February 1989): 15-24.
6. Deruyck B, Ehlig-Economides C and Joseph J: “Testing
be reduced by 25% and productivity cut by Design and Analysis,” Oilfield Review 4, no. 2 (April
up to 10%.11 1992): 28-45.
Further, sand production will not be pre- 7. Morita and Boyd, reference 3.
vented if chemical injection is uneven and 8. Santarelli FJ, Ouadfel H and Zundel JP: “Optimizing
the Completion Procedure to Minimize Sand Produc-
some exposed sand is uncoated. Because of tion Risk,” paper SPE 22797, presented at the 66th
this, the technique tends to be reserved for SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
short intervals, up to 10 to 15 ft [3 to 4 m]. Dallas, Texas, USA, October 6-9, 1991.
Complete coverage of larger zones is diffi- Tixier MP, Loveless GW and Anderson RA: “Estima-
tion of Formation Strength From the Mechanical Prop-
cult unless selective placement tools are erties Log,” Journal of Petroleum Technology 27
used. Although resin consolidation is used (March 1975): 283-293.
successfully, it accounts for no more than Stein N: “Determine Properties of Friable Formation
Sands,” World Oil 206, no. 3 (March 1988): 33-37.
about 10% of sand-control completions.

October 1992 43
Gravel Packing: Gravel packing has been Designing Gravel Packs
Water breakthrough
used by the oil industry since the 1930s. For a gravel pack to maintain long-term
Today, it is the most widely employed sand productivity, the gravel must be clean,

Oil production rate

control measure, accounting for about tightly packed and placed with the mini-
three-quarters of treatments.12 A slurry of mum damage to the formation. These
accurately sized gravel in a carrier fluid is Water breakthrough requirements depend on the correct selec-
pumped into the annular space between a tion of gravel, carrier fluid and placement
centralized screen and either perforated Natural Gravel pack technique. They also rely on scrupulous
casing or open hole. The gravel also enters completion cleanliness during placement operations to
perforations if a cased-hole gravel pack is prevent the contamination of the gravel
being performed. As pumping continues, pack by small particles that significantly
carrier fluid leaks off into the formation or 0 5 10 15 reduce pack permeability.
through the screen and back to surface. The Time, yr Minimizing the pressure drop in the per-
gravel pack creates a granular filter with nAssessing the viability of a gravel pack. foration tunnels is vital to successful gravel
very high permeability—about 120 dar- The oil production rate for natural comple- packing and this requires gravel that is as
cies—but prevents formation sand entering tion—unstimulated and not gravel packed— large as possible. But since the pack must
is compared with that for a gravel pack in
the well (below ). an intermediate-strength rock that is sensi- act as an effective filter, the gravel also has
Gravel packs are not without their draw- tive to water breakthrough. to be small enough to restrain formation
backs. During installation, carrier fluid is particles. This depends on the size of the
injected into the formation which may dam- The technique is also a relatively expen- formation sand, which is usually measured
age the reservoir permeability and restrict sive method of completion. A sophisticated using sieve analysis.
production. The pack then tends to trap the way of establishing the viability of a gravel
damage in the perforations, preventing pack is to construct well performance
clean up. Once in place, the pack in perfo- curves for a range of completion methods

pack-permeability ratio
ration tunnels increases drawdown which using a reservoir simulator and predictions .8

may seriously affect productivity.13 Gravel of sand movement and how this affects
packs reduce the operating wellbore diame- drawdown (above ). .6
ter, usually necessitating artificial lift equip- Although gravel packing has these draw-
ment to be set above the zone. Completing backs, it is the most effective method of
multiple zones with gravel packs is difficult, stopping sand movement and permitting .2
and almost all well repairs involve the production, albeit at a reduced rate.
removal of the screen and pack. Because of this, gravel packing is the pre- 0 4 8 12 16
dominant method in use today and warrants Gravel/grain-size ratio
a detailed examination.
nChoosing gravel size range. The ratio of
the effective pack permeability and the
initial pack permeability represents the
effect of the formation sand particles as
Casing they partially plug the gravel pack. When
Cement the gravel size/grain-size ratio reaches
about six, the particles can enter the pack
Gravel pack
and seriously diminish pack permeability.
Formation samples from cores are passed
Screen through successively smaller sieves to sepa-
Perforation rate particles into a number of size groups
Gravel-packed perforations

Formation sand that are then weighed and plotted. If the sam-
ples are aggregated, they need to be broken
up before the analysis—clay and silt particles
Perforated casing

binding the rock together may be removed

Formation sand

by washing with chemicals. The resulting

sand grains may then be dried and sieved.

There are various methods for translating

the formation sand size distribution into a
design size for the gravel. One of the most
widely used methods is based on work car-
ried out by R.J. Saucier that recommends
the median gravel size should be up to six
nAnatomy of a cased- times the median formation grain size but
hole gravel pack. no more (above ).14
(continued on page 47)

12. Winchester, reference 4.

13. Welling R and Nyland T: “Detailed Testing of Grav-
elpacked Completions” paper OSEA 90121, pre-
sented at the Eighth Offshore South East Asia Confer-
ence, Singapore, December 4-7, 1990.
44 14. Saucier RJ: “Considerations in Gravel Pack Design,”
Journal of Petroleum Technology 26, (February
1974): 205-212.
Screening Horizontal Wells

Studies generally conclude that the most effec- nHorizontal well com-
tive technique for excluding sand in high-angle pletion design for the
Alba field.
and horizontal wells is gravel packing.1 Although
430-ft water depth
there have been some notable operational suc-
cesses, the technical complexities of high-angle
gravel packing and its relatively high cost mean
that alternative techniques are often considered.2
A case in point in the UK North Sea is the Alba
30-in. casing, 800 ft MD/TVD
field which is operated by Chevron UK Ltd. The
350-ft [107-m] thick Eocene sand reservoir is
completely unconsolidated and currently under
development. Most of the field’s production wells 20-in. casing, 1200 ft MD/TVD
will have horizontal sections of up to 2600 ft.
When the field comes onstream, each well will
103/4-in. casing, 1500 ft MD/TVD
produce up to 30,000 B/D using electric sub-
mersible pumps.
Water breakthrough is expected after only two
months of production and 40% water cut is
133/8-in. casing set between: 2500 ft -4000 ft MD
expected by the end of the first year. Early water 2500 ft -3500 ft TVD
production will exacerbate sand production by
reducing the interstitial tension between sand
grains, making sand control a major factor of the
development plan.
Initial plans called for horizontal cased-hole
gravel packs. However, the company continued to 95/8-in. casing set ± 200 ft into horizontal:

study alternative solutions and concluded that 7000 ft–9500 ft MD

Eocene 6200 ft–6400 ft TVD
prepacked screens could successfully keep sand
at bay (right). Prepacked screens cost signifi-
cantly less than gravel packs and are simpler to
install. What convinced Chevron was not the cost 81/2-in. open hole
with prepacked screen
but the increased internal diameter (ID) afforded
by the prepacked screens—4.4 in. [11 cm] as 1000 ft–2600 ft
opposed to the 2.9 in. [7.4 cm] of the planned
gravel packs.
Larger ID reduces the pressure drop along the resin-coated gravel. The screens will be inserted 1. Forrest JK: “Horizontal Gravel Packing Studies in a Full-
horizontal length of the well, leading to a better into open hole, 8 1/2-in. [22-cm] diameter, so Scale Model Wellbore,” paper SPE 20681, presented at
the 65th SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
inflow distribution—when the pressure drop is there is a likelihood of sand sloughing around the New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, September 23-26, 1990.
high, production from the near end of the well- screens. Chevron tested the effects of sloughing Sparlin DD and Hagen WH Jr: “Gravel Packing Horizontal
bore is favored. In the field’s conventionally devi- on permeability around the wellbore. At worst, it and High-Angle Wells,” World Oil 213, no. 3 (March
1992): 45-49.
ated wells, where pressure differential will not reduced permeability from 3 darcies to 1, not 2. Wilson DJ and Barrilleaux MF: “Completion Design and
significantly affect inflow performance, Chevron enough to significantly limit production. Operational Considerations for Multizone Gravel Packs in
Deep, High-Angle Wells,” paper OTC 6751, presented at
will employ conventional gravel packs. On the downside, the longevity of the screens
the 23rd Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Hous-
The prepacked screens will comprise 5-in. pipe is uncertain and there is a lack of zonal isolation ton, Texas, USA, May 6-9, 1991.
wrapped with two layers of screen with an out- afforded by an openhole completion. In an effort Zaleski TE Jr: “Sand-Control Alternatives for Horizontal
Wells,” Journal of Petroleum Technology 43 (May 1991):
side diameter of 6 [16.8-cm]. Between the to combat this, blank sections with internal seals 509-511.
screen will be a 1/2-in. [1.3 -cm] thick pack of will be deployed every 400 ft [120 m] of screen,
allowing fluids to be spotted, and plugs and
October 1992 straddle packers to be set using coiled tubing. 45
1. Squeeze position 2. Upper circulating position 3. Lower circulating position 4. Reversing position

Service tool


Ported housing

Sealbore housing

Locating collars

Blank pipe

Primary screen

‘O’ ring seal sub

Lower telltale

Sump packer

Seal unit

nThe four positions for gravel packing. In In lower circulating position, slurry is However, if the interval being packed is
squeeze position, the service tool seals into also pumped down the casing-screen longer than 25 ft [8 m], backpressure on
the packer and does not allow circulation. annulus, but returns of carrier fluid have to the fluid may cause the fluid to bypass the
When slurry is pumped in this mode, all pass through the bottom of the pack where pack and pass down the well via the
the carrier fluid leaks off into the formation. the washpipe is sealed into the lower tell- screen/washpipe annulus, which may
In upper circulating position, slurry is tale—a sealbore with a short piece of encourage bridging off higher up the well.
pumped down the casing-screen annulus screen below—located below the main Reverse circulation involves pumping
and the carrier fluid can be squeezed screen. The aim is try to maintain flow in fluid through the washpipe, up the screen/
through any part of the screen, into the the casing-screen annulus and ensure that washpipe annulus and back up to surface.
washpipe at the bottom of the service tool there is not a void in the gravel in the
and back to surface via the service tool- annulus below the screen.
casing annulus above the packer.

46 Oilfield Review
Recently, work by B.W. Hainey and J.C. Once the method of completion is Wire-wrapped screens are usually used to
Troncoso of ARCO points to the possibility selected, the hardware may be chosen. At retain the gravel. Selection of wire spacing
of using larger gravel, offering higher pack its simplest, a packer and screen assembly is not subject to any hard and fast rules, but
permeability.15 To explain this, Hainey and with a washpipe inside are usually run in a common rule of thumb calls for the slots
Troncoso argue that in some cases formation hole with a service tool. However, when to be 75% of the smallest gravel diameter.
sand grains move as larger agglomerates multiple zones are to be completed in Screen diameter depends on the inlet area,
rather than as individual grains.16 stages, the hardware becomes a complex the pack thickness and the ability to fish the
Average grain size is not the only determi- series of screens and packers. screen out of the hole. This normally leads
nant of gravel-pack permeability. The best The service tool is then used to set the to using screens with at least 1-in. [2.5 cm]
gravel-pack sands are round and evenly packer above the zone to be completed. annular clearance. Screens are normally
sized. The most common way of estimating Thereafter, the positions of the service tool run 5 ft [1.5 m] above and below the pro-
roundness and sphericity is by examining in the packer and washpipe in the screen ducing zone and centralized every 15 ft [5
the gravel through a 10- to 20-power micro- assembly determine the flow direction of m] to improve the chances of a consistent
scope and comparing the shapes with a ref- fluids pumped downhole. Sophisticated sys- gravel fill.
erence chart. Gravel-size distribution can be tems have four positions: squeeze, upper Transporting gravel into the perforations
monitored by sieve analysis. circulating, lower circulating and reverse and annulus is the next consideration.
The next decision facing the engineer is circulating and therefore allow single-trip Gravel can sometimes bridge off prema-
whether the completion should be cased or treatments (previous page). turely, leaving voids in the annulus. In verti-
openhole. Openhole gravel packs have no In a single-trip gravel-pack treatment, the cal wells, incomplete fill may be rectified
perforations and therefore offer the mini- perforation guns are fired and lowered into when pumping stops and gravel in the
mum pressure drop across the pack. But the rathole. The perforations may be filled annulus collapses into the voids. This ceases
placement may be time-consuming. Care with gravel with the packer in the squeeze to be the case in wells deviated more than
must be taken to remove the filter cake position and the annulus is filled with it in 50°, where voids below a bridge are likely
deposited on the formation by drilling fluid either the upper or lower circulating posi- to remain. Transport is a function of the sus-
and to avoid abrading the formation and tions. Excess gravel is then reversed out. pension properties of the fluid and the
contaminating the gravel. Cased-hole gravel However, the hardware used in many energy required to move the slurry. Impor-
packs present the additional challenge of gravel-pack operations does not permit sin- tant factors determining settling are pump
properly packing the perforations. gle-trip operations. For a cased-hole gravel rate, the relative densities of the gravel and
To check that a well is suitable for cased- pack, the TCP guns must be retrieved and the carrier fluid, gravel diameter and the
hole gravel packing, productivity may be then the workstring must removed after apparent viscosity of the fluid when
calculated using NODAL production system gravel packing so that the completion string pumped downhole.17
analysis. This models the pressure drop as may be run. During these trips, the service There is also a relationship between
reservoir fluid flows through the perforations tool and the washpipe are withdrawn from gravel concentration and carrier fluid vis-
into the completion hardware to surface. the packer, exposing the relatively high-per- cosity when it comes to “turning the corner”
Pressure drop in perforation tunnels is a meability formation to the hydrostatic pres- in the annulus and entering perforations.
major impediment to production and varies sure of the completion fluid above the Fluid viscosity must increase if gravel con-
with tunnel length, perforation area, pack packer. This usually causes fluid to be lost centration in the slurry increases, otherwise
permeability, viscosity of the produced flu- into the formation. the gravel will tend to sink to the bottom of
ids and reservoir pressure (see “Choosing a To reduce losses, particulate loss control the well. Packing efficiency is also affected
Perforation Strategy,” page 54). The gravel material (LCM) suspended in a viscous fluid by the rate the carrier fluid leaks off into the
size range determines pack permeability— is commonly pumped downhole before formation. If leakoff is rapid, the gravel is
the smaller the grains, the more the pack each trip. The LCM plugs the completion likely to be carried to the perforation tunnel-
restricts formation flow—and is fixed by the fluid’s flow path into the formation. After the formation interface and held there as the
size of the formation sand. Formation fluid trip, the LCM is removed. Common LCMs fluid leaks off. If leakoff is slow, the gravel
viscosity and reservoir pressure are also include marble chips (calcium carbonate, has more time to settle and will not effec-
fixed. To reduce pressure drop, inflow area removable with acid), oil-soluble resins or tively pack the perforations.
may be raised by increasing perforation salt pills (see “Gravel Packing Forth Field
diameter and/or increasing the number of Exploration Wells,” next page ). 15. According to American Petroleum Institute recom-
perforations. If the well is perforated with Each time LCM is used, there is a danger mended practices (RP 58), the designation 40/60
indicates that not more than 2% of the gravel should
tubing-conveyed perforating (TCP), high of incomplete removal damaging the reser- be smaller than the 40-mesh sieve and not more
shot density guns, gravel packs can nearly voir. To avoid the need to pump LCM when than 0.1% should be larger than the 20-mesh sieve.
match the inflow performance of openhole the washpipe and workstring are removed 16. Hainey BW and Troncoso JC: “Frac-Pack: An Inno-
vative Stimulation and Sand Control Technique,”
packs for many reservoirs. Pressure drop from the packer, a flapper valve can be paper SPE 23777, presented at the SPE International
may also be reduced by increasing the employed below the packer. This valve is Symposium on Formation Damage Control,
diameter of casing in which the gravel pack capable of accommodating a large-diameter Lafayette, Louisiana, USA, February 26-27, 1992.
is to be placed. If sufficient inflow area can- washpipe to direct flow to the casing-screen 17. Gurley DG and Hudson TE: “Factors Affecting
Gravel Placement in Long Deviated Intervals,” paper
not be achieved through perforation, open- annulus. It closes after the service tool and SPE 19400, presented at the SPE Formation Damage
hole completion is required. washpipe are removed, preventing comple- Control Symposium, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA,
February 22-23, 1990.
tion fluid from passing through the pack and
into the permeable formation. When the
completion string is run, the flapper valve is
opened—either mechanically, with wireline
or using pressure.
October 1992 47
Gravel Packing Forth Field Exploration Wells

There is no such thing as a typical gravelpack; nPrepacking the perfo-

each is a complex combination of relatively sim- rations. Prepacking the
perforations prevents
ple operations. This example is based on a
loss control material from
gravel-packing procedure used on several verti-
entering the perforation
cal appraisal wells in the Forth field in the UK tunnels; this improves
North Sea operated by BP Exploration. Forth, dis- subsequent cleanup and
covered in 1986, has an Eocene reservoir com- reduces damage. Tub-
prising massive, clean sand located at a depth of ing-conveyed perforating
guns were dropped,
about 5500 ft [1675 m]. Permeability is 6 to 12
gravel was bullheaded
millidarcies and porosity is 35%.1 Gravel slurry Loss control material into the perforations and
Cleanliness is fundamental to gravel packing pill loss control material
efficiency. Any contaminants that may plug the spotted across the tun-
gravel pack and decrease productivity must be nel entrances.
removed. In preparation for the gravel packing,
the mud pits were cleaned and the mud changed
Prepack gravel
to brine completion fluid. Tubulars were exter-
nally shot blasted, internally jetted and steam
cleaned before being run in hole. Because the
dope used to lubricate pipe joints is a serious
contaminant, it was applied sparingly to the pin Casing
end only.
Cement for the production casing was dis- Formation Loss control material
placed with seawater. The cement scours the cas-
ing, but to further clean the wellbore, scrapers Gun fish Settled excess gravel
were run and seawater circulated at high pump
rates. Cleanup pills of detergent, scouring pills
with gel spacers and flocculants were also circu-
lated. The well was then displaced to brine. Ini- perforation was performed to remove debris. The The LCM pill was dissolved by circulating
tial returns of seawater-contaminated brine were TCP guns were then dropped off. BP decided to unsaturated brine and the main gravel pack circu-
discarded before the system was closed and sur- prepack the perforations with gravel prior to run- lated into place. A second LCM pill was then
face filters employed to reduce the maximum ning the screen assembly. This strategy was used spotted across the screen to allow recovery of the
particulate size to less than 2 microns [µm]. to limit formation damage and prevent loss con- service tool without losing completion fluid into
Solids in the brine were monitored to ensure that trol material from entering the perforation tun- the formation (next page, left). The final comple-
there were fewer than 10 parts per million. nels (above). tion hardware was run and the LCM dissolved.
Perforation was carried out using tubing-con- Gravel in gelled carrier fluid was circulated
veyed perforating (TCP) guns with an underbal- into place and then squeezed into the perfora- 1. Gilchrist JM and Gilchrist AL: “A Review of Gravel Pack-
ing in the Forth Field,” paper SPE 23128, presented at the
ance of about 300 psi. A short flow of 2 ft3/ft of tions. This was repeated two or three times to Offshore Europe Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland,
ensure that all the perforations were packed. An September 3-6, 1991.

LCM pill of sodium chloride in xanthan gum and a

modified starch was then spotted across the
packed perforations to prevent loss of completion
fluid while the tubing was pulled.
A sump packer was set below the zone to be
completed and above the dropped TCP guns. The
main packer, service tool and screen assembly
were then run and the packer set.

48 Oilfield Review
There is no industry consensus on govern- tling is not a major problem when the densi-
ing choice of fluid viscosity and gravel con- ties are matched, the pump rate can be
centration, but the following three combina- slowed, improving tightness of the pack and
tions are the most common: increasing the time available to pack all the
•In conventional, circulating gravel packs, perforations (below and next page). The
most of the carrier fluid squeezed out of reduced viscosity increases the rate of
the slurry is circulated back to surface. leakoff and reduces the potential for forma-
The slurry usually has a low-viscosity car- tion damage.
rier fluid of less than 50 centipoise (cp) ISOPAC particles have been used in over
Gravel pack and ungelled water is a common carrier. 30 Gulf of Mexico and North Sea jobs since
extension Gravel concentration can range from 0.25 introduction in 1991. The efficiency with
with sliding sleeve
to 15 lbm/gal depending on the carrier which perforations have been packed can-
Sliding sleeve closed
fluid viscosity and company preference. not be measured directly. One indirect diag-
Crossover The technique is generally employed for nostic method is based on the average vol-
intervals of more than 50 ft [15 m] and ume of gravel placed per foot of interval
Washpipe deviated holes up to horizontal. Fluid (ft3/ft). Rules of thumb derived from experi-
leakoff is essential to ensure that perfora- ence consider the placement efficiency of
Blank pipe tions are packed, but excessive leakoff about 0.25 ft3/ft of conventional gravel as
may lead to bridging. being satisfactory for intervals of less than
•High-density circulating gravel packs are 60 ft [18 m]. For longer intervals it is more
used for medium to long intervals—25 ft difficult to fill all the perforations equally
Main gravel [8 m] to more than 100 ft [30 m]. The and, if the interval is 100 ft or so, an average
pack screen slurry usually has a viscosity of more than placement efficiency of only about 0.1 ft3/ft
50 cp and a gravel concentration of 7 to
15 lbm/gal. ISOPAC particle
‘O’ ring seal sub •Squeeze packs, in which all the carrier Low-density Polymer coating
Tell tale screen fluid leaks off into the formation, are used ceramic core to resist acid
for short intervals of less than 25 ft.
Washpipe bottom
The conventional approach to controlling 100

settling—decreasing gravel concentration

les flo
Sump packer
and increasing carrier-fluid viscosity—has

Packing efficiency, %

drawbacks. To place an equivalent quantity


of gravel, more carrier fluid must be lost,

Logging reference increasing the potential for formation dam-

screen age. However, increased viscosity slows the

Wireline reentry rate of leakoff—a 250-cp fluid will leak off
guide more than six times slower than a 40-cp
fluid.18 Increasing carrier-fluid viscosity may
nDissolving the loss control material and circulating also increase formation damage. 70
0.8 1.2 1.8 2.2 2.8
an annular gravel pack. Sometimes, in an effort to improve place- Particle density/carrier fluid density, Dp:Dc
ment, carrier-fluid viscosity and gravel con-
centration are both increased to create a Optimum Dp:Dc ratio using ISOPAC
plug of slurry. But increased slurry viscosity particles
raises friction pressure and may increase the Standard Dp:Dc ratio using gravel
possibility of bridging in the annulus.
Another way of reducing settling, helping nEffect of particle-carrier fluid density ratio
gravel to turn the corner and efficiently pack on perforation-pack efficiency—percent
perforations is to use a gravel and carrier volume of perforation filled with gravel.
Efficient packing may be achieved with a
fluid of closely matched densities—not the density ratio between 1.05 and 1.8. This
case when using conventional gravels or range may be designed using low-density
low-density brines. For this purpose, Dowell ISOPAC particles. ISOPAC particles have a
Schlumberger has developed ISOPAC low- polymer coating with a low-density
ceramic core. Conventional gravel pro-
density, high-strength particles. Because set- vides a ratio of about 2.4.

18. Hudson TE and Martin JW: “Use of Low-Density,

Gravel-Pack Material Improves Placement Effi-
ciency (Part 2),” paper SPE 18227, presented at the
63rd SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibi-
tion, Houston, Texas, USA, October 2-5, 1988.
Bryant D, Hudson T and Hoover S: “The Use of
Low-Density Particles for Packing a Highly Devi-
ated Well,” paper SPE 20984, presented at Europec
90, The Hague, The Netherlands, October 22-24,

October 1992 49
Treatment A Treatment B
Downhole hardware
Crossover Sump packer Crossover Sump packer

Gravel deposition
Normalized radius

8427 8460 8493 8526 8559 8592 8625 8658 8427 8460 8493 8526 8559 8592 8625 8658
Measured depth, ft Measured depth, ft
Time to pack, min Time to pack, min

11.67 13.27 14.26 16.61 20.35 23.22

15.26 16.25 17.24 26.09 28.96 31.83

Final gravel concentration

Normalized radius

8427 8460 8493 8526 8559 8592 8625 8658 8427 8460 8493 8526 8559 8592 8625 8658

Measured depth, ft Measured depth, ft

Gravel concentration, %

0-6 6 -12 12 - 24

24 - 36 36 - 48 Packed
Final pack efficiency
Efficiency, %

0 Annular Packing Perforation
−0.50 packing
8427 8460 8493 8526 8559 8592 8625 8658 8427 8460 8493 8526 8559 8592 8625 8658
Measured depth, ft Measured depth, ft

nComparing conventional (treatment A) and ISOPAC particle (treatment B) placement. To aid the design of gravel-pack treatments, Dow-
ell Schlumberger has developed PacCADE computer-aided design and evaluation software that can simulate gravel-packing opera-
tions. Plots of gravel deposition time to pack, final gravel concentration and final pack efficiency—all versus depth—may be used to
compare proposed gravel-pack treatment designs. In treatment A using conventional gravel, the lowermost perforations have not been
completely packed. In treatment B using lightweight ISOPAC particles in a prepack, good perforation packing efficiency has been
maintained for the whole interval.

50 Oilfield Review
has been found to be common using con- PERMPAC fluid in brine environment PERMPAC fluid in oil environment
ventional gravel. However, long-interval + + +
+ + Water + + + +
+ +
gravel packs using ISOPAC particles have + +
Hydrocarbon + + + - -
easily exceeded these figures. For example, core + + Activator - + +
+ + - + -
in the Norwegian North Sea, a 400 ft [122 + + + ++
+ - + + + + +
m] interval was packed with an efficiency of + + + + +
+ +
0.64 ft3/ft. + + + + + +- Oil
+ + ++ + + +
+ + - + + +
While gravel and placement technique + + - + + + + +
+ + + + +
are being selected, the carrier fluid must - + + + + +
+ + + +
+ + +
also be chosen. In some cases, plain water + + + + -
+ + + + + +
is used. In others, additives are used to + + + -+
+ +
increase carrier-fluid viscosity. High-viscos-
ity fluids are commonly water-base, Surfactant
although oil-base fluids are used for Hydrophilic + Hydrophobic
severely water-sensitive formations. Water- 160 nLeakoff tests (left) for different carrier
Volume of fluid through core, ml
base fluids are gelled with familiar stimula- PERMPAC fluid fluids. The leakoff for three fluids—
2.5% by volume containing respectively the PERMPAC
tion chemicals like hydroxyethyl cellulose
120 system, hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC)
(HEC) or xanthan polymer. To reduce the and xanthan polymer, in concentra-
concentration of nonhydrated polymer that tions that give equivalent viscos-
may damage the formation, fluids gelled 80
ity—were tested on Berea sandstone
with these polymers are often sheared using cores with nominal air permeabilities
HEC 40 lbm/1000 gal of 300 millidarcies. The PERMPAC
a pump and filtered prior to blending with fluid shows an enhanced leakoff,
the gravel. Xanthan polymer because contact with oil causes the
Breaker is added to reduce fluid viscosity 36 lbm/1000 gal fluid’s micelles to break up (above).
once the job is complete and therefore min- 0
Final leakoff rate becomes constant
imize formation damage.19 HEC is normally 0 10 20 30 40 as contact with oil is reduced.
Time, min
the polymer of choice because it has low
residue after breaking and does not build a
filter cake on the formation, minimizing per- using either water or gelled fluid provided results when the higher viscosity carrier
meability damage. fluid loss into the formation is finite.20 fluid leaks off into the formation. Diversion
A radically different type of gelling agent, Prepacking prior to running the screen, as ensures that more perforations are acidized
developed by Dowell Schlumberger, uses outlined in the Forth field example (see and then prepacked than would normally
PERMPAC viscoelastic surfactant-based car- “Gravel Packing Forth Field Exploration be the case.21
rier fluid. This fluid forms rod-shaped Wells,” page 48 ), is used to limit the pene- Sometimes acidization is carried out as a
micelles that have a high viscosity in low- tration of LCM into the perforation tunnels separate stage, prior to the gravel pack. The
concentration aqueous solution. It shows during tripping. Determining the prepack primary aim of this treatment is to increase
high rates of leakoff into the formation, and volume is important. Too little gravel will the rate at which the carrier fluid will leak
has good suspending capabilities compared result in the LCM penetrating unpacked per- off during the subsequent gravel pack,
to conventional polymers. Unlike HEC, forations. Too much may necessitate a trip although the acid also stimulates the well.
PERMPAC fluids do not require a breaker to clean out the excess in the sump and When stimulation is required that matrix
because they are thinned by temperature covering perforations. Volume depends on a treatments cannot deliver, one alternative is
and shear, and by crude oil or organic sol- number of factors, such as the competence to create short, wide fractures by carrying
vents, all of which tend to increase as the of the formation, the quality of the cement out a tip-screenout fracturing treatment fol-
fluid penetrates deeper into the formation job, the design and size of the perforation lowed by a circulating gravel pack (see
(above, right ). charges, the extent of cleanup flow after “Rewriting the Rules for High-Permeability
To improve perforation packing, both perforation and the formation permeability. Stimulation,” page 18).
conventional and high-density circulating Prepacking with the screen in place is car-
gravel packs may be preceded by ried out with the service tool in the squeeze 19. Gulbis J, Hawkins G, King M, Pulsinelli R, Brown E
prepacks—where the perforations are filled position before the annular pack is circu- and Elphick J: “Taking the Breaks Off Proppant-Pack
Conductivity,” Oilfield Review 3, no. 1 (January
with gravel either before the screen has lated into place. The process takes less time 1991): 18-26.
been run in hole or as a separate operation than the alternative prescreen technique. 20. Penberthy WL Jr and Echols EE: “Gravel Placement
prior to packing the casing-screen annulus. The prepack may be pumped as several in Wells,” paper SPE 22793, presented at the 66th
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
Perforations can be prepacked effectively stages of gravel slurry interspersed with Dallas, Texas, USA, October 6-9, 1991.
stages of acid to clean up damage around 21. Matherne BB and Hall BE: “A Field Evaluation of a
the perforations. The gravel slurry not only Gravel-Diverted Acid Stimulation Prior to Gravel
prepacks the perforations but also acts as a Packing,” paper SPE 19741, presented at the 64th
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
diverter, probably because of pressure that San Antonio, Texas, USA, October 8-11, 1989.

October 1992 51
Evaluating the Gravel Pack be used. The neutron activation logging near-detector curve, toward decreasing count
With the gravel pack in place, there are two technique uses a pulsed-neutron logging rate (next page, top right ).
elements to be evaluated: that gravel has tool modified to allow a gamma ray device Once voids in the pack are identified, a
been packed everywhere it was supposed to to be mounted below it. The pack is bom- wireline shaking device attached to the
go, and that the well is producing hydrocar- barded with fast neutrons. Silicon and alu- evaluation tools may be used to break up
bons satisfactorily. minum in the gravel are activated and bridges and allow the pack to settle. The
Since voids in the pack may lead to early gamma rays are emitted as the elements shakes create local turbulence in the fluid
completion failure, postpack evaluation is return to their natural stable state. The num- which agitates the bridged gravel until it set-
essential to detect incomplete fill and allow ber of gamma rays is proportional to the tles into the void.24
repairs to be undertaken. Prior to place- amount of silicon and aluminum activated, The other main strategy for testing gravel
ment, gravel may be coated with radioac- and pack quality may be inferred. 23 packs centers on assessing performance
tive isotopes and the pack assessed using In openhole packs, a compensated neutron using well tests and production logging. In
gamma ray logging. However, the coating is log can be used to detect hydrogen-rich flu- assessing gravel pack performance a num-
usually inconsistent and may wash off, mak- ids in the gravel-pack pore space, making it ber of diagnostics are available, including
ing quantitative analysis unreliable. sensitive to changes in pack porosity. The skin factor (which measures formation dam-
One way to improve the accuracy of such tool’s near and far detectors are used to partly age as a function of its permeability) and
logs is to use ISOPAC particles that have eliminate the effects of hole conditions. The multirate flow tests.25
been manufactured with isotope encapsu- curves of the two detectors are scaled to Differentiating between the effects of the
lated within each particle’s resistant shell. overlay in areas of low porosity—good pack. formation and the gravel pack, often
This also offers increased subtlety through Areas of high porosity—poor pack—are indi- requires a DST prior to packing. With these
use of multiple isotopes. The perforations cated by a shift of the curves, especially the data it is possible to identify the pressure
may be prepacked using particles contain-
ing scandium followed by particles contain- Multiple Isotope Log
ing iridium. Packing placement efficiency nIsotope logging of
Depth, ft

can be monitored, using a multiple-isotope, Cumulative Completion schematic Cumulative Scandium Iridium a prepack using
gamma spectroscopy tracer log (right ). ISOPAC particles
containing scan-
Alternatively, the effectiveness of fill may dium and iridium.
be gauged using nuclear density logging to The initial slurry
estimate the density of material in the annu- with particles con-
lus. However, not all changes in density are taining scandium
related to changes in gravel-pack quality— tracer packed the
three high-perme-
changes in the screen, pipe base, casing, ability zones. Then a
tubing and formation sand all affect the slurry with particles
reading. A base log run prior to the gravel incorporating iridium
packing can iron out these discrepancies was pumped that
filled in the zone at
(next page, left). In addition, a reference 5630 ft and diverted
screen may be set below the sump packer to 5600 to the remainder of
register zero pack response.22 the perforated inter-
Density measurement is not appropriate val. The cumulative
when the completion fluid has a high den- tracks—the superpo-
sition of scandium
sity (more than 14 lbm/gal) or where low- and iridium— indi-
density particles have been employed. In cate 100% perfora-
these cases, neutron activation logging can 5630 tion packing over
the entire interval.
22. Gilchrist JM and Gilchrist AL: “A Review of Gravel
Packing in the Forth Field,” paper SPE 23128, pre- 5650
sented at the Offshore Europe Conference,
Aberdeen, Scotland, September 3-6, 1991.
23. Watson JT, Carpenter WW, Carroll JF and Smith BC:
“Gravel Pack Field Examples of a New Pulsed Neu-
tron Activation Logging Technique,” paper OTC
6464, presented at the 22nd Annual Offshore Tech-
nology Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, May 7-
10, 1990.
24. “Jim Carroll: The Gulf Coast WID Kid,” The Techni-
cal Review 35, no. 2, (April 1987): 19-26.
25. Deruyck B, Ehlig-Economides C and Joseph J: “Test- 5700
ing Design and Analysis,” Oilfield Review 4, no. 2
(April 1992): 28-45.
26. Unneland and Waage, reference 9. High-permeability zones

52 Oilfield Review
drop caused by the gravel pack. Production Compensated Neutron Log
logging may be used to evaluate each layer Far detector
in the formation assessing the flow profile
across the interval.26 Gravel-pack perfor- Gamma ray 75 Near detector 300 Pack %
mance versus time is another indication of 25 API 125 26.667 CPS 3877 0 100
performance. Pressure drop across the pack
is one measure. An increase could indicate

9-5/8 in. casing

that fines like kaolinite have migrated into
the pack and around the gravel or that 4300

unpacked perforations have collapsed.

In the past, the successful accomplish-
ment of a gravel-packing operation has
often been the main criterion used to judge
its success. This judgement often fails to
consider that the treatment may have dam-

7-3/4 in. liner

aged the well. Today, more attention is 4400
being paid to performance, and completion
engineers are increasingly seeking ways of
stopping formation sand without seriously
restricting productivity. —CF

Gamma ray before Top of partial sand pack
Depth, ft

Gamma ray after

2000 CPS 4000



Top of sand

nCompensated neutron log of a gravel pack using near and far detectors. The near
detector is affected mostly by the screen and wellbore fluids. The far detector is affected
After gravel pack run by the gravel pack, the casing, and in some cases the formation and its fluids.
Base run

Top of screen


nNuclear density logging of a gravel pack.

Running a base log prior to gravel packing
allows the density effects of the bottomhole
assembly to be taken into consideration
and the gravel pack to be evaluated.

October 1992 53

Choosing a Perforation Strategy

Charlie Cosad
Schlumberger Testing Services
Aberdeen, Scotland

The ultimate success of the

well—its productivity and life

expectancy—rests on making the

best possible connection between

the wellbore and formation. This

update reports on what we know

today about selecting a perfora-

tion strategy best suited to the

reservoir and the completion.

For their help in preparation of this article, thanks to The fate of a well hinges on years of explo- are used to keep the typically unconsoli-
Larry Behrmann, Klaus Huber, Tom Lebsack and Tony
Vovers, Schlumberger Perforating Center, Rosharon,
ration, months of well planning and weeks dated formation from producing sand and
Texas, USA; Bill Bell, Huntsville, Texas, USA; Dick Ellis, of drilling. But it ultimately depends on per- creating damage that would result in large
Pennzoil, Houston, Texas, USA; George King, Amoco forming the optimal completion, which pressure drops during production.
Research, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA; Randy Saucier, Man-
deville, Louisiana, USA; and Stephan Turnipseed, TriTech begins with the millisecond of perforation To meet the broad requirements of perfo-
Services, Montgomery, Alabama, USA. (above ). Profitability is strongly influenced rating, there many perforating guns and gun
In this article, Enerjet, HEGS (High-Efficiency Gun Sys- by this critical link between the reservoir conveyance systems. Optimizing perforating
tem), HSD (High Shot Density gun system), S.A.F.E.
(Slapper-Actuated Firing Equipment), Selectric, SPAN
and wellbore. requires selection of hardware best suited to
(Schlumberger Perforating Analysis), Pivot Gun, IMPACT Perforations form conduits into the reser- the job. A good place to start, therefore, is
(Integrated Mechanical Properties Analysis & Characteri- voir that not only allow hydrocarbon recov- with the basics of perforating hardware.
zation of Near-Wellbore Heterogeneity), MSRT (Multi-
Sensor Recorder/Transmitter) and LINC (Latched Induc- ery, but influence it. Each of the three main
tive Coupling) are marks of Schlumberger. types of completions—natural, stimulated The Language of Perforating
1. Gravel is rounded particles of diameter typically and sand control—has different perforating There was a time when describing the perfo-
greater than 2 mm [0.8 in.].
requirements. In the natural completion (in ration operation defined the perforator: run-
which perforating is followed directly by ning through-tubing guns, shooting casing
production) many deep shots are most effec- guns or tubing-conveyed perforating (TCP)
tive. In stimulated completions—hydraulic (next page). Not so with the present variety
fracturing and matrix acidizing—a small of completion methods and gun systems.
angle between shots is critical to effectively
create hydraulic fractures and link perfora-
tions with new pathways in the reservoir.
And in gravel packing, many large-diameter
perforations effectively filled with gravel1

54 Oilfield Review
a Casing

Through-casing perforation
nUp in smoke. Sur-
face detonation of a
standard 4-in. gun,
staged during the
making of a safety
training video.
Destruction of the
mannequin at left,
positioned about 1
foot [30 cm] from
the end of the gun,
shows the poten-
tially devastating
effect of a surface
detonation, empha-
sizing that safety
forms the essential
foundation for per-
foration operations.


tubing gun

Through-tubing perforation


Flow entry

Safety spacer

Tubing-conveyed perforation

nThree conveyance methods for perforating guns: through-casing and through-tubing, and tubing-conveyed systems.
The through-tubing gun shown is held against the casing magnetically. The others hang free.

October 1992 55
The two broad categories of guns are only through tubing. They are used
exposed and hollow carrier guns (bottom ). Damaged zone
mainly in hostile environments or where
These can be used in two types of perforat- debris is unacceptable.
ing operations: through-tubing, in which •Port plug guns, in which charges shoot
guns are run through a production or test through replaceable plugs in a reusable
string into larger diameter casing; and carrier. These are wireline conveyed
through-casing, in which guns are larger mainly for deep penetration and where 4
diameter and run directly into casing. Perforation shot-per-foot (spf) density is acceptable.
Exposed guns are run on wireline and diameter •High shot density guns, which are
have individual shaped charges sealed in designed for each casing size to optimize
capsules and mounted on a strip, in a tube Perforation shot density, hole size, penetration and
or along wires. The detonator and detonat- varies with phasing. The majority of sand control
ing cord are exposed to borehole fluids. density completions use high shot density guns
Phase Crushed
These guns are used exclusively through angle zone loaded with charges designed to provide
tubing and leave debris after firing. They large entrance holes. All TCP is performed
include two designs, “expendable,” (charges with high shot density guns.
and mounting assembly become debris) and •The HEGS High-Efficiency Gun System,
“semiexpendable” (mounting is recovered). which is a wireline-conveyed alternative
For a given diameter, exposed guns carry a to port plug guns, with longer carriers that
larger, deeper penetrating charge than a hol- are faster to load and run. The HEGS sys-
low carrier gun. But exposed gun outer tem is available in 31/8- in. and 4-in. outer
diameter is generally not larger than about penetration diameter. It is rated to 210°F [99°C] and
21/2 in. [6 cm], because above this size, the 4000 psi, making it useful in many shal-
casing, or hollow carrier design, becomes low wells. A big hole charge is available
more practical, allowing use of larger nMajor geometrical parameters that for the 4-in. size.
charges, optimal angle between determine flow efficiency in a perforated To determine the type of perforation and
completion. Four key factors are shot
shots—called phasing 2 —and increased density, phase angle, perforation penetra- gun system best suited to the well, a practi-
number of shots per linear foot—called shot tion into the formation and perforation cal first step is to consider the general inter-
density (above, right ). diameter. Productivity of a well also action of the perforation and reservoir. A
Hollow carrier guns have shaped charges depends on the size of the crushed zone, second step is to look at how perforation
positioned inside pressure-tight steel tubes. whether the perforation extends beyond designs vary for each of the three main
the damaged zone and how effectively
This design is available for most tubing and the crushed zone and charge debris are types of completions: natural, stimulated
casing sizes. It is used through tubing when removed from the tunnel. and sand control.
debris is unacceptable and in hostile condi-
tions that preclude exposed guns. There are Application
four main types of hollow carrier guns: Gun
System Wireline Wireline Tubing
•Scallop guns, so-called because charges through-tubing through- casing conveyed
shoot through dished out areas in the car-
rier, which is recovered and junked. Scal- Strip x
lop guns are wireline-conveyed and shot gun Pivot x
Scallop x
2. The nomenclature of phasing may be a source of con-
Port plug x
fusion. A 60° phasing means one shot every 60°
azimuthally; a 180° phasing means one shot every Hollow High
180°. Phasing of 0° has all shots in one line, meaning carrier gun x x
the angle between shots is actually 360°. Speaking of
“reduced phasing” or “reduced phase angle” means High shot
the angle between shots is smaller. A 45° phasing is x x x
therefore “reduced” compared to a 90° phasing.

nA taxonomy of perforating guns and systems.

56 Oilfield Review
A Perforation Glossary

Big hole charge: A shaped charge that gives prior-

ity to entrance hole over depth of penetration, used
exclusively in sand control completions. A “big
hole” has an entrance diameter of 0.5 to 1.2 in. [13
to 30 mm], usually about twice that of a deep pene-
trator charge of similar size. Conventional deep
penetrators have an entrance hole diameter of 0.3
to 0.5 in. [8 to 13 mm].
Booster: A secondary explosive attached to the end
of the detonating cord, used to assure passage of
initiation between the detonator and detonating

cord or between detonating cords.
Carrier: In hollow carrier guns, a steel tube that
carries a loading tube and protects it from the well-
bore environment. The loading tube secures and
aligns the detonating cord and shaped charges. The
detonator is housed in a firing head attached to the
Completion: Work required to make a well ready to
produce oil or gas. It generally includes—not nec-
essarily in this order—running and cementing cas-
ing, perforating, stimulating the well, running tub-
ing and installing control and flow valves. In a
permanent completion, the well is not killed after
perforating underbalance and is ready for immedi-
ate production. In TCP, the guns remain downhole
after firing. In a temporary completion, the well is
killed after perforating and the workstring retrieved
before installing the permanent completion.
Deep penetrating charge: A charge design that
gives priority to penetration depth instead of
entrance hole diameter.
Detonating cord: A secondary explosive contained
in a protective flexible outer sheath. The detonator
is connected to the detonating cord, which trans-
mits the detonation to each shaped charge. It may
also pass detonation along to another gun via a

October 1992
Detonator: A primary explosive that initiates the
detonating cord. Detonators can be fired electrically
or by impact.
Drillstem test (DST): A temporary completion in
which a downhole shut-in valve, controlled from
surface, is incorporated in the workstring, usually
with a retrievable packer. The well can then be
flowed in a test program, either recording data in
downhole memory or conveying them to surface in
real time to analyze reservoir properties such as
permeability and reservoir boundaries.
Explosive: There are two types used in well perfo-
rating, primary and secondary explosives. The main
difference is in their sensitivity. A primary explo-
sive, used in the detonator, detonates from heat
(applied by electric power) or impact (from a drop
bar or a pressure-driven firing pin). A secondary
explosive, used in detonating cord, shaped charges
and boosters, is detonated only by another detona-
tion, from either a primary explosive or electrically
generated shock, such as from the S.A.F.E. system.
Limited entry perforating: Varying the number of
perforations in each layer, depending on layer
thickness and stress state, to achieve the desired
fracture geometry. Fewer perforations in the layer
taking the most fluid restrict flow and divert it into
other layers.
Primer: A small amount of higher sensitivity sec-
ondary explosive at the base of the shaped charge,
which ensures correct initiation of the charge by
the detonating cord.
Proppant: Material pumped into a hydraulic frac-
ture to prevent closure and provide a conduit for
production once pressure is released. The most
common proppant is sand. High-strength prop-
pants, like sintered bauxite and zirconium oxide
particles, are used where fracture closure stress
would crush sand.
Shaped charge: A precisely engineered cone of
pressed metal powder, or drawn solid metal, sur-
rounded by a secondary explosive and case, and
initiated by detonating cord. Detonation collapses
the cone into a jet that penetrates the completion
and formation (right ).
Strip gun: An expendable gun in which individual
charges in capsules are secured and aligned along
a strip of metal.

Case Explosive
0 µsec

4 µsec

9.4 µsec

16.6 µsec

nProgression of shaped-charge detonation. The

schematic at 0 µsec shows the charge components.
The volume of explosive is greatest at the apex of the
liner and least near its open end. This means that as
the detonation front advances, it activates less explo-
sive, resulting in a lower collapse speed near the
liner base. The subsequent drawings show the case
deforming as the detonation front advances, thrust-
ing the liner into a jet along the shaped-charge axis.
The fully formed jet, at 16.6 µsec, is moving at about
21,300 feet/sec [6500 m/sec].

Perforation-Reservoir Interactions— Get- are considered separately because they are ing fractures. The penetration of various
ting Started so common. In most formations, vertical shaped charges is documented in surface
Flow efficiency of a perforated completion permeability is lower than horizontal. In all tests and in tests under stress with API targets.
and stimulation success are determined these cases, productivity is improved by use Penetration in surface tests is different than
mainly by how well the perforation program of guns with high shot densities. under stress in the well.5 Unconfined com-
takes advantage of the reservoir properties. Natural fractures are common in many pressive strength of test targets is a minimum
The program includes determination of two reservoirs and may provide high effective of 3300 psi, representing only low-strength
main factors: permeability even when matrix permeability reservoir rock (reservoir rock strength ranges
•The proper differential between reservoir is low. However, productivity of perforated from 0 to 25,000 psi). To estimate depth of
and wellbore pressure (The usual prefer- completions in fractured reservoirs requires penetration into a rock of arbitrary strength
ence is for underbalance, meaning well- good hydraulic communication between under a given stress, data measured at
bore pressure is less than reservoir the perforations and fracture network. To unstressed surface conditions have to be
pressure at time of perforating). maximize the chances of intersecting a frac- transformed. Because rock penetration data
•Gun selection, which determines penetra- ture, penetration length is the highest prior- exist for only a few combinations of charges,
tion tunnel length, shot phasing, shot den- ity, with phase angle second. Shot density is rock strengths and stresses, a semiempirical
sity and perforation entrance hole diame- less important because fractures form planes approach is used that combines experimental
ter. The relative importance of the and increasing density does not increase data with penetration theory.6
different components of shot geometry contact with a fracture system. In fractured Schlumberger calculates penetration
varies with the completion type (below ). formations, a popular gun configuration change caused by formation stress using
The main reservoir property that affects flow uses 60° phasing with 5 spf. A Schlumber- experimental data for three generic charge
efficiency is permeability anisotropy from ger version of this gun has a large charge designs after first calculating the change due
whatever cause—in sandstone, typically that penetrates 30 in. [76 cm] into the stan- to formation strength at zero stress. These
from alignment of grains related to their dard API test target.4 data provide transforms implemented in the
deposition; in carbonates, typically from An important geometric consideration of SPAN Schlumberger Perforating Analysis
fractures or stylolites.3 Shale laminations, a perforation is how deeply it penetrates— program. The SPAN program consists of two
natural fractures and wellbore damage, whether it reaches beyond the zone dam- modules: penetration length calculation and
which can cause permeability anisotropy, aged during drilling or connects with exist- productivity calculation. In the penetration

Completion Type nRelative impor- 3. Stylolites, common in carbonates, function like shale
tance of four main layers in sandstones, inhibiting vertical migration of
Perforation hydrocarbons. They are interlocking wave- or tooth-
Consolidated Unconsolidated geometrical factors
Geometry like seams that often parallel bedding, and contain
in the three com-
Natural Stimulated Sand Control concentrations of insoluble rock constituents, such as
pletion types, clay and iron oxides. They are thought to be caused
Shot where 1 is greatest by pressure solution, a process that increases contact
1 or 2 2 2 and 4 is least. The
density area between grains and reduces pore space.
optimum perfora- 4. The American Petroleum Institute (API) publishes rec-
Perforation 3 or 4 3 1 tion design estab- ommendations for testing shaped charges in a docu-
diameter lishes the proper ment, API RP-43. Section 1 specifies the length and
tradeoff of these entrance hole diameter produced by a gun system
Perforation 3 or 4 1 3 (charges and carrier) in a steel and concrete target.
factors. The lower
phasing Section 2 gives this information for single shots into a
part of the figure
Perforation shows common stressed Berea sandstone target. As of this writing, the
1 or 2 4 4 considerations for
availability of target material for Section 2 is under
length review by the API.
perforating natural
5. Halleck PM, Saucier RJ, Behrmann LA and Ahrens TJ:
completions. When “Reduction of Jet Perforator Penetration in Rock
natural fractures Under Stress,” paper SPE 18242, presented at the 63rd
are present, phas- SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
ing becomes more Houston, Texas, USA, October 2-5, 1988.
Anisotropy important than
Perforation Isotropic Natural Wellbore 6. Behrmann LA and Halleck PM: “Effect of Concrete
density to improve and Berea Strengths on Perforator Performance and
Geometry Permeability Of Any Laminar Fractures Damage
Cause Shale communication Resulting Impact on the New API RP-43,” paper SPE
between fractures 18242, presented at the 63rd SPE Annual Technical
Shot density 2 1 1 3 2 and perforations. Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, USA,
October 2-5, 1988.
Perforation Halleck PM and Behrmann LA: “Penetration of
4 3 4 4 4
diameter Shaped Charges in Stressed Rock,” in Hustrulid WA
and Johnson GA (eds.): Rock Mechanics Contribu-
Perforation tions and Challenges: Proceedings of the 31st US
3 4 3 2 3
phasing Symposium. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: A.A.
Balkema (1990): 629-636.
Perforation 7. Karakas M and Tariq S: “Semianalytical Productivity
1 2 2 1 1
length Models for Perforated Completions,” paper SPE
18271, presented at the 63rd SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, USA,
October 2-5, 1988.
Economides MJ and Nolte KG (eds): Reservoir Stimu-
lation, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA:
Prentice Hall (1989): 1-17.
8. Pucknell JK and Behrmann LA: “An Investigation of
the Damaged Zone Created by Perforating,” paper
SPE 22811, presented at the 66th SPE Annual Techni-
cal Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, USA,
58 October 6-9, 1991.
Productivity ratio 1.1





0 3

tivity of the perforated completion.


Another influence on flow efficiency is

formation damage, usually considered in
the context of skin, an index of flow effi-
ciency related to properties of the reservoir
and completion. Skin comprises a variety of
influences: flow convergence, wellbore
damage, perforation damage, partial pene-
tration (perforation of less than the total
height of the reservoir) and the angle
between the perforation and bedding plane.
The goal is to design perforations that mini-
mize skin and therefore maximize flow effi-
ciency (top ).
Formation damage is caused by invasion
of mud filtrate and cement fluid loss into the
formation, creating a zone of lower effective
permeability around the wellbore (above,
right ). Extending the perforation beyond the
damaged zone may reduce this skin signifi-
cantly, enhancing productivity.7 But even for
perforations that do penetrate farther, the
wellbore damage zone reduces the effective
tunnel length.
During perforating, a “crushed zone” of
reduced permeability is created around the
perforation. In laboratory experiments, the
thickness and permeability damage of the

October 1992
90° 4 spf

0° 4 spf

Perforation length, in.
12 15

Increasing pressure




nRelationship of perforation phasing and depth to productivity (left) and to wellbore skin (right). Curves
on the left are for undamaged conditions. Damage would reduce their absolute values, but they would
maintain the same position relative to each other. For 0° phasing perforation, skin is higher at the
wellbore because flow follows a less direct path to the perforation than for the 90° phasing case.
Perforations with lower skin distribute the pressure drop over a greater distance from the wellbore,
yielding a higher production rate for a given wellbore pressure. The left figure shows the increase in
productivity with perforation length. In the theoretical case of no damage, a 9-in. [23-cm] perforation
at 0° phasing has the same productivity as a 3-in. [8-cm] perforation of 90° phasing.

module, perforation length and diameter

estimates are calculated under downhole
conditions for any combination of gun,
charge and casing size. It can also calculate
penetration in multiple casing strings. These
parameters are used in the productivity
module to evaluate the anticipated produc-
Productivity ratio






1 mm

Distance from wellbore

Open hole

Effect for 9-in.

9 12
Damaged zone thickness, in.

No crushed zone
k cz /k=1
k dz /k=0.4


nPhotomicrographs of rock thin sections, showing the effect of perforation. The left
Increasing skin

Increasing productivity
nHow a damaged zone near a perforated
completion affects productivity, for a 9-in.
perforation with 0° phasing and 4 shots
per foot. The influence of lowered
effective permeability in the damaged
zone can be combated by perforations
that extend into the virgin formation. In
this example, there is no crushed zone, so
crushed zone permeability, kcz, equals
virgin formation permeability, k. But
permeability of the damaged zone, kdz, is
60% lower than that of the virgin zone.

image is from rock near the perforation tunnel, showing microfracturing. The right thin
section is undamaged rock. (From Pucknell and Behrmann, reference 8.)

crushed zone are influenced by all vari-

ables to varying degrees: the type of shaped
charge, formation type and stress, underbal-
ance and cleanup conditions. Pucknell and
Behrmann found that permeability near the
perforation is reduced because microfrac-
turing replaces larger pores with smaller
ones (above). The current rule of thumb is
to assume a crushed zone 1/2 in. [13 mm]
thick with permeability reduced by 80% to
90%. Recent experimental data, however,
cast some doubt on this assumption, with
crushed zone thickness a function of charge
size, pore fluid type, and the preservation of
permeability when perforating underbal-

The Natural Completion—Perf and
The natural completion is often defined as
that in which little or no stimulation is
required for production. This approach is
usually chosen for reservoirs that are less
prone to damage, have good transmissibil-
ity, and are mechanically stable.
Of primary importance in selecting the
perforating gun are its depth of penetration
and effective shot density (see “Natural
Completion,” next page). Depth is important
because the deeper the perforation, the
greater the effective wellbore radius; also
flow is less likely to be influenced by forma-
tion damaged during drilling. In the context
of well productivity, a deep penetrator
shoots to a depth 1.5 times that of the well-
bore damage.
Shot density also ranks high because
more holes mean more places for hydrocar-
bon to enter the wellbore and a greater like-
lihood that perforations will intersect pro-
ductive intervals of an anisotropic reservoir.
After shot density and depth of penetration,
Gun in
Phasing from top




nThree views of perforating with a


135°/45° phased gun: the gun fired in


casing, phasing viewed from the top, and

with the perforated casing unrolled and
laid flat. The 135°/45° designation means
the angle between successive shots is
135°, resulting in an overall phasing of
45°. There is 1 vertical inch [2.5 cm]
between shots, making 12 shots per foot.
In the natural completion, this phasing
provides hydrocarbons with the most
direct path to the wellbore.



Casing unrolled (7 in.)


135 180 225 270 315 360





most important is phasing because, when
properly chosen, it provides hydrocarbons
with the most direct path to the wellbore
(below, left ). Under typical flow conditions,
perforation diameter does not adversely
affect flow once it exceeds 0.25 in. [6 mm],
which today is provided by nearly all guns
used in natural completions.
A key consideration in perforation design
of natural completions is the selection of
overbalance versus underbalance perforat-
ing. Overbalance means the pressure of
wellbore fluids exceeds reservoir pressure at
the time of perforating. Under this condi-
tion, wellbore fluids immediately invade the
perforation. For this reason, clean fluids
without solids are preferred to prevent plug-
ging of perforations. Cleanup can occur
only when production begins.
Increasingly, wells that have sufficient
reservoir pressure to flow to surface unas-
sisted are completed in underbalance con-
ditions. Underbalance is the trend because
of wider recognition that it provides cleaner
perforations—therefore better produc-

Overbalanced perforating before flowing




Overbalanced perforating after flowing

Ideal underbalanced perforating

tion—and because of greater availability of
gun systems that allow it. Underbalance
perforating can provide large gains in reser-
voir productivity. The question is, how
much underbalance is appropriate? Exces-
sive underbalance risks mechanical damage
to the completion or test string by collapsed
casing or a packer that becomes damaged,
stuck or unseated. It can also encourage
migration of fines within the reservoir,
reducing its permeability. Insufficient under-
balance, however, doesn’t effectively clean
the perforations. Production may therefore
be hindered, mainly by lack of removal of
the crushed zone and, secondarily, by lack
of removal of debris. The crushed zone is
the damaged rock in and around the perfo-
ration tunnel; debris is mainly the liner
material of the spent shaped charge, plus
fragments of cement and rock (below ).
The optimal underbalance, which
removes both debris and the crushed zone
and does not damage the formation, accom-
plishes virtually all cleanup during the por-
tion of initial production that is dominated

Virgin formation

Crushed (low-permeability)
zone still exists

Part of low-permeability
zone still exists

Perforation partially plugged

with charge debris

Crushed zone and charge

debris expelled by surge
immediately after perforating
nThree idealized
conditions in a
perforation tunnel:
overbalance perfo-
ration before flow-
ing, overbalance
perforation after
flowing and
underbalance per-
foration. The top
figure indicates
that without
cleanup, the perfo-
ration tunnel is
plugged by
crushed rock and
charge debris. In
the second case,
flow has removed
most charge
debris, but some of
the low-permeabil-
ity crushed zone
created by the jet
remains. In the
third figure, suffi-
cient underbal-
ance during perfo-
rating removed
charge debris and
crushed rock.

Oilfield Review
Natural Completion
Perforation Technique Selection

Does improvement in well cleanup from underbalance perforating justify added operational complexity?

Yes No

Perforate underbalance. Perforate overbalance with high shot density or casing guns.

•Is there sufficient rathole for dropping guns, Does completion benefit from high shot density or
if subsequent remedial operations are required? reduced phase angle?
Yes No
Do any of the following apply?
•Shot density > 6 shots per foot Casing guns
Select correct
•Deviation ≥ 60° diameter high shot (wireline conveyed only)
•Simultaneous perforation needed for a single, density gun
long zone or multiple zones, exceeding what compatible with
can be perforated in one wireline run downhole
restrictions; select Is the well ≤ 4000 psi, < 210°F [99°C]?
•Two or fewer zones to be shot selectively phasing and shot
for a multizone test. density. Yes No

HEGS Port plug guns

conveyed only)

TCP (high shot density guns) Through-tubing guns

(wireline conveyed)

Production Test Drillstem test Select TCP firing •Will gun or charge debris be a problem
system and for downhole equipment?
accessories to or
integrate with •Are more than two zones to be
DST string. perforated selectively?

Is the option of gun retrieval required? Yes No

Are guns with diameter less than the maximum Hollow carrier guns Exposed guns
allowed by casing size acceptable? (scallop or HSD guns,
depending on tubing
Yes No size)

Stab guns through Run guns below

permanent packer. production packer. Is deeper penetration important?
Select guns, firing Select guns, firing or
system and TCP system and TCP Is selectivity not required?
hardware. hardware.
(Tubing conveyed) Yes No

Pivot Gun Conventional

Do packer/gun assembly weight and well (perforates strip guns
maximum of 15 feet
deviation allow setting by wireline?
[5 m] per run)
Yes No

Run guns and packer Run guns and packer

on wireline. on tubing.
Boxes in red outline denote final decision points.

October 1992 61
by surge of reservoir fluids into the perfora-
tions. Cleanup after this point is negligible
because hydrocarbon follows the already
cleaned paths of least resistance. During
production, pressure drop across damaged
areas is insufficient for further cleanup.
Recent experiments have shown that if a
suboptimal underbalance is used, some
cleanup will take place during production,
but productivity never reaches that achieved
with optimal underbalance.9
When well testing is planned, underbal-
ance perforating has become the standard,
particularly when a drillstem test (DST) is
included. Underbalance perforating is ide-
ally suited because a DST includes hard-
ware that allows establishing underbalance
and running high shot density guns. This
setup provides excellent well control and
often saves time because the perforating
guns are run below the test string. Pressure
measurements can be recorded either
downhole or in real time at surface, and are
available for decision-making during the
test. The MSRT MultiSensor Recorder/Trans-
mitter and LINC Latched Inductive Coupling
equipment allow real-time measurement
and surface readout of downhole pressure.
The main advantage of this system is the
added mechanical and safety reliability of
measuring pressure below the DST shut-in
valve. In addition, memorized data can be
read out at surface when LINC equipment is
run, eliminating the need for the cable in
the test string while the well is flowing.
From an operations viewpoint, underbal-
ance perforating by wireline-conveyed guns
causes a surge that lifts cable and guns. The
high flow rate or liquid slugs associated
with this surge can blow the guns and cable
up the well. A common limit on underbal-
ance when perforating via wireline is 700
psi, although this is often higher in tight
reservoirs, which are not capable of deliver-
ing a substantial surge.
The choice of underbalance may be
based on data collected since the early
1980s from laboratory and field studies and
from increasing use of underbalance com-
pletions (primarily tubing-conveyed perfo-
rating).10 More recently, computer programs
have been developed. The IMPACT Inte-
grated Mechanical Properties Analysis &
Characterization of Near-Wellbore Hetero-
geneity interpretation program computes a
value of safe underbalance based on the
mechanical properties of the formation esti- 0° phased ± 45° phased 60° phased
Enerjet Enerjet scallop gun
mated from sonic and density logs. Local

nA family of through-tubing, wireline-conveyed guns. From left, the 0° phased Enerjet

(a semiexpendable strip gun); the phased Enerjet, with two rows of charges at 90° (an
expendable strip gun); and the 60° phased scallop gun (a retrievable gun). Unlike the
Enerjet, the scallop gun has negligible debris and can be run in hostile environments.

62 Oilfield Review
Run in Hole Deployed 90° phasing. A second is the Pivot Gun sys- holes, a high enough pressure can be main-
tem, which delivers casing gun performance tained to encourage treatment of low-per-
with 180° phasing but can be run through meability zones. After stimulation, perfora-
diameters as small as 1.78 in. To do this, the tions are often added to optimally produce
gun is inserted into the tubing with the the zone.
charges aligned along the axis of the gun. Uniformity of perforation diameter is
Deployment Once in casing, a deployment head is used essential to accurately determine the cumu-
to rotate charges 90° to the firing position. lative area of the casing entrance holes.
The charges then reach the full 3.79-in. Knowing this area and pumping pressure
outer diameter (left ). In case of a misrun, allows calculation of flow rate into the for-
each pivot charge assembly is designed to mation, needed to monitor progress of the
be broken, returning the gun to its original stimulation. Uniformity and smoothness of
9 shots
per foot 1.69-in. diameter. This allows retrieval of perforation diameter also provide consis-
the gun with deployed charges. Only the tently sized seats for ball sealers. These are
deployment head is recovered after success- balls of nylon or hard rubber pumped to
ful perforation; the carrier and fired charges temporarily block perforations with high
become debris that settles to the bottom of fluid intake, thereby diverting injection.
the well. Limited entry perforating is usually done
via wireline. The Selectric system is
The Stimulated Completion—Getting More designed specifically for this application. It
from Less consists of any number of short (1-foot [30-
Stimulated completions fall into two cate- cm]) single-shot guns fired selectively from
gories, acidizing and hydraulic fracturing the bottom up, providing uniform entry
(see “Stimulated Completion,” next page). holes. Unlike other systems, in which a mis-
Occasionally, the two are combined in an fire terminates the operation, this system has
acid-frac, which improves productivity by electrical switches, rather than mechanical
1.69 in. 3.79 in. using acid to etch surfaces of hydraulically switches, between guns. These allow firing
induced fractures, preventing full closure. the next gun even when there is misfire.
nThe Pivot Gun system in the run-in and Success of stimulation depends largely on Perforation plays a key role in the success
deployed positions. Charge performance how well the perforation allows delivery of of hydraulic fracturing. Hydraulic fracturing
in surface tests exceeds that of most cas- treatment fluids and frac pressures into the has two main steps: fracture creation by
ing guns—25-in. [64-cm] penetration and reservoir. Because these fluids and pressure- application of pressure, and injection of
0.33-in. [8-mm] entrance hole diameter in
an API RP-43 section 1 target (see footnote induced fractures are intended to move fluid carrying proppant, which holds open
4). Shot density is fixed at 4 shots/ft with beyond the perforation, shot phasing, den- the fractures to allow production (see
180° phasing. The Pivot Gun system gives sity and hole diameter are of higher priority “Cracking Rock: Progress in Fracture Treat-
the deepest possible penetration when than depth of penetration. Underbalance ment Design,” page 4 ). Once the fracture is
perforating through tubing. The main
limitation is the maximum gun length of perforating is often used because cleaner created, perforations provide the entrance to
10 feet [3 m]. It is rated to 330°F [165°C] perforation tunnels give fluids more direct the fracture for the proppant. Perforation
and 12,000 psi. paths to the reservoir. In some cases, such as diameter must be sufficient to prevent
TCP with high shot density guns, underbal- “bridging,” accumulation of proppant that
experience also helps guide the selection of ance can be increased to where stimulation blocks the entrance hole, preventing further
optimal underbalance. is not required to improve productivity.11 treatment. To quantify causes of bridging,
Overbalance perforating still has a role, However, stimulated reservoirs are usually Gruesbeck and Collins performed experi-
however. Often significant are its speed for of low permeability, greatly limiting the
short intervals and the availability of larger, surge available to clean the perforations. 9. Berhmann LA, Pucknell JK, Bishop SR and Hsia T-Y:
high shot density guns compared to those Further increases in underbalance may “Measurement of Additional Skin Resulting from
Perforation Damage,” paper SPE 22809, presented
for through-tubing underbalance perfora- achieve no improvement in cleaning. at the 66th SPE Annual Technical Conference and
tion. The selection of overbalance versus When stimulating long intervals—often Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, USA, October 6-9, 1991.
underbalance rests on weighting economic considered more than 40 or 50 feet [12 to Hsia T-Y and Behrmann LA: “Perforating Skin as a
Function of Rock Permeability and Underbalance,”
versus production variables. 15 m]—or multiple zones, the perforation paper SPE 22810, presented at the 66th SPE Annual
A long-recognized disadvantage of strategy may change. Delivering treatment Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas,
through-tubing gun systems is their trade-off fluid to all perforations may be difficult. USA, October 6-9, 1991.
10. Bell WT: “Perforating Underbalance—Evolving Tech-
between phasing and depth of penetra- Once fluid enters a zone of higher perme- niques,” Journal of Petroleum Technology 36 (Octo-
tion—either 0° phasing with good penetra- ability, a path is established that prevents ber 1984): 1653-1662.
tion, or improved phasing with less penetra- stimulation of zones of lower permeability. King GE, Anderson A and Bingham M: “A Field
tion because of smaller shaped charges Here, limited entry perforating can help. By Study of Underbalance Pressures Necessary to
Obtain Clean Perforations Using Tubing-Conveyed
(previous page). A recent innovation that making a lower number of perforations Perforating,” paper SPE 14321, presented at the 60th
addresses this problem is the Phased Enerjet throughout the zone, stimulation can be SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, September 22-25, 1985.
gun, which provides two rows of charges at applied more uniformly across zones of
11. King et al, reference 10.
varying permeability. High-permeability
zones may take more fluid than low-perme-
ability zones, but because there are fewer

October 1992 63
Stimulated Completion
Perforation Technique Selection

It is undetermined whether the well needs stimulation. Could underbalance perforating eliminate the need for stimulation?
Stimulation is required. Is any added operational complexity of underbalance perforating justified by the likely
improvement in well cleanup and stimulation?

Yes No

Perforate underbalance Perforate overbalance.

(see underbalance perforating
in Natural Completion

Will perforation be performed through workstring?

Yes No

Through-tubing guns Will stimulation benefit from high shot density or reduced phase angle?
(wireline conveyed)
Yes No

•Will gun or charge debris be a problem Select correct diameter high shot Casing guns
for downhole equipment? density gun compatible with (wireline conveyed)
or downhole restrictions; select
•Are more than two zones to be perforated phasing and shot density.

Yes No
Is well deviation ≥ 60° or is the Is limited entry perforating
Exposed guns interval long enough to justify required?
Select correct
running on tubing?
diameter of scallop
or high shot density
gun compatible Yes No
with downhole
restrictions; select Tubing Wireline
phasing and shot conveyed conveyed Yes No

Are uniform and circular Is the well ≤ 4000 psi, < 210°F [99°C]?
entrance holes a high priority?
and Yes No
Is 12-in. API section 3
penetration acceptable? HEGS Port plug guns

Yes No

Selectric Port plug guns


Boxes in red outline denote final decision points.

64 Oilfield Review
ments to determine the minimum allowable
ratio of perforation diameter to proppant
diameter for varying proppant concentra-
tions12 (below ). They found that the perfora-

tion must always be at least twice the prop-
pant diameter. When perforation diameter is
at least six times proppant diameter, prop-
pant concentrations can increase without
risk of bridging.
A number of studies have investigated the
relationship between perforation phasing
and the development of hydraulic fractures.
In general, hydraulic fractures propagate
normal to the minimum stress in the portion
of the reservoir undisturbed by the presence
of the wellbore. The general conclusion is
that for an ideal fracture job, perforations
are aligned with the maximum stress direc-
tion, so fractures extending from the perfo-
ration will lie in the plane that has the least
resistance to opening. Methods for align-
ment of perforations with hydraulic fractures
are still under investigation. A method in
deviated wells was reported by Pearson and
average particle diameter
Perforation diameter/


Maximum particle concentration, vol/vol

nImportance of selecting perforation


entrance hole diameter to prevent bridg-

ing of proppant in the perforation. To
avoid bridging, the ratio of the perfora-
tion diameter to average diameter of the
proppant must lie above the curve.
These are data for tap water and car-
boxymethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC),
a water-based polymer. (After Gruesbeck
and Collins, reference 12.)

colleagues. 13 Alignment of 180° phased

shots with the known fracture plane
reduced perforation friction and signifi-
cantly improved fracture treatment. Guns
were aligned by mounting them on bearings
that allowed rotation. Gun angle was con-

trolled by a steering tool or, on TCP jobs,


with a weighted half-cylinder that seeks the

low side of the hole. This practice, however,
is not widespread. The most practical way
to approach this today is by perforating with
a phase angle that increases the likelihood

October 1992

No bridging region

100-cp HEC solution

6 8 10
Maximum gravel content, lbm/gal

Bridging region

Tap water

a Hydraulic fracture
normal to least

Area of

flow restriction

0° phasing

Warpinski reported that hydraulic fractures

may not lie in the same plane as the perfo-
ration.15 This observation was based on in-
situ mineback experiments in which a shal-
low, perforated wellbore was excavated to
see how the fracture propagated. Warpinski
also found that if the perforation and mini-
mum stress planes differ by more than 30°,
the fracture may initiate in a plane different
from that of the perforation. This indicates
the phase angle should be 60° or less so the
perforation is always within 30° of a frac-
ture. Minimum phasing of 60° is further sup-
ported by recent work of Behrmann and
Elbel, who showed that minimum fracture
initiation pressure and maximum fluid com-
munication between perforations and frac-
tures are achieved by minimizing “annular
flow”—slurry traveling an annular path
around the casing to communicate with the
fracture.16 This occurs when the fracture
plane and perforation lie within 30°, prefer-
ably 10° (top). Nolte17 previously pointed out
that if the hydraulic fracture does not initiate
at the perforations, annular flow may cause
premature screenout18 and asymmetric pen-
etration of the fracture wings.
60° phasing-
never > 30° from

Channel to
fracture wings

nThe importance of shot phase angle to maximizing communi-

cation between perforations and stimulated fractures. Studies of
fracture and perforation orientations show that for optimum
well productivity, the two lie within 30°, preferably 10°. This
minimizes fracture initiation pressure and the length of the
channel between the perforation and fracture wings, and
increases the likelihood the fracture will initiate along a perfora-
tion. Perforating guns with small phase angle and high shot
density achieve this optimum angle most effectively. The figure
shows that a 0° phasing could place the perforation far from the
fracture, which initiates along the plane normal to the least
stress. But in reality, wells to be fractured are often perforated
with guns of 60° phasing or less (dashed lines). This means the
perforation is never more than 30° from the fracture. (See Warpin-
ski, reference 15.)

of having shots parallel to the induced frac-

ture plane.
Laboratory experiments by Daneshy show
that fracture initiation pressures are higher
when the fracture and perforation are not
parallel and do not intersect. 14 Later,
12. Gruesbeck C and Collins RE: “Particle Transport
Through Perforations,” paper SPE 8006, presented at
the 3rd Symposium on Formation Damage Control
of the SPE of AIME, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA,
February 15-16, 1978.
13. Pearson CM, Bond AJ, Eck ME and Schmidt JH:
“Results of Stress-Oriented and Aligned Perforating
in Fracturing Deviated Wells,” Journal of Petroleum
Technology 44 (January 1992): 10-18.
14. Daneshy AA: “Experimental Investigations of
Hydraulic Fracturing Through Perforations,” Journal
of Petroleum Technology 25 (October 1973): 1201-
15. Warpinski NR: “Investigation of the Accuracy and
Reliability of In-Situ Stress Measurements Using
Hydraulic Fracturing in Perforated Cased Holes,”
Proceedings—Symposium on Rock Mechanics 24
(1983): 773-786.
16. Behrmann LA and Elbel JL: “Effect of Perforations on
Fracture Initiation,” paper SPE 20661, presented at
the 65th SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Septem-
ber 23-26, 1990.
17. Nolte KG: “Application of Fracture Design Based on
Pressure Analysis,” SPE Production Engineering 3
(February 1988): 31-42.
18. Screenout occurs when the fluid carrying proppant is
lost to the rock matrix, interrupting fracture growth.
It results in rapid increase in pumping pressure.

The Sand Control Completion—Home of Clearance between gun and casing has a
Gun 45°
Big Holes significant effect on entrance hole size of
Sanding is a problem in weak or unconsoli- in casing big hole charges (see “A Perforation Glos-
dated sandstones. The objective of a sand sary,” page 57 ). Adverse effects of standoff
control completion is to eliminate sanding are much less for deep penetrating charges.
while maintaining a production rate that is Running the largest gun size practical for the
economic, minimizes reservoir damage and Casing well casing provides entrance holes that
thus maximizes recovery. Near the well- minimize the differential pressure across for-
bore, sand movement can reduce perme- mation and pack (left ).
ability locally. Produced sand can erode
downhole and surface equipment and its 120 Optimizing Perforation Operations—Envi-

Normalized entrance hole

removal can be costly. In sufficient quanti- ronment and Safety
ties, sand can plug the completion or sur- Each perforating system has ratings intended

diameter, %
face facilities. to ensure safety and minimize operating
An objective of perforating in these highly risk. Foremost are ratings for maximum and
productive and often unconsolidated sands 40 minimum pressure and “time-at-tempera-
is to reduce the near-wellbore pressure gra- ture”—the duration of exposure at a given
dient during production (see “Sand Control 0 temperature. The time-temperature rating is
Completion,” next page ). There are two 0 10 20 30 determined by the explosive material,
schools of thought on the best way do this. Standoff as a percent of gun diameter which degrades at elevated temperatures
The established method is to perforate in a and extended exposure times. This degrada-
way that takes advantage of protection
nCross section of a gun in casing (top) and tion results in a loss of sensitivity—leading
the effect of gun/casing standoff on entrance
afforded by subsequent gravel packing. The- hole diameter for a bighole charge. to a potential misfire—and loss of strength—
oretical studies show that perforation geom- leading to reduced charge performance.
etry can sometimes be optimized to obviate a lower priority. Depth of penetration is suf- Today’s ratings have been established by
gravel packing.19 ficient if it assures good communication both laboratory tests and extensive field
For gravel packing, many large-diameter with the reservoir. experience.
perforations are preferred to few small To create large, clean perforation tunnels, The most common explosives in current
holes. This is because larger holes provide a these wells are typically shot underbalance use are cyclotrimethylene trinitramine, RDX
larger area open to flow and therefore less with TCP using high shot density guns. The for short, and cyclotetramethylene tetran-
pressure drop on production. To achieve ideal underbalance will sufficiently clean itramine, HMX for short. When conveyed
this, perforators producing large diameter perforation tunnels without breaking down by wireline, RDX is limited to exposure of 1
holes and high shot density are used. A uni- the formation. Sand control could perhaps hour at 330°F [166°C], or when tubing con-
form shot distribution further reduces forma- be provided by maintaining production veyed, to 100 hours at 200°F [93°C]. Simi-
tion stress in addition to preserving casing rates low enough to prevent collapse of the larly, HMX survives 1 hour at 400°F
strength (below ). Because of the high pro- perforation tunnel’s stable arch—interlock- [204°C], and 100 hours at 300°F [149°C].
ductivity of the reservoir, deep penetration is ing grains, like a keystone arch over a door- At higher temperatures or longer exposures,
way. But such a low production rate is gen- explosives and special elastomers and lubri-
1 erally uneconomical and arches are cants are available to perforate reliably at up
unstable when flow conditions change. to 500°F [260°C] for wireline-conveyed
Instead, the arch is usually stabilized by fill- applications and up to 460°F [238°C] for
Remaining casing strength

0.8 ing the perforation with gravel (see “Sand TCP. Explosives for high temperatures,
Control: Why and How?” page 41). called HNS and PYX, are much more expen-
0.7 In gravel packing, a wire-wrapped screen sive and generally stocked only in areas
or slotted liner is positioned along the perfo- where high-temperature wells are common.
0.6 rated interval. A slurry of thickened brine It is generally recognized that guns have a
• 5 shots per foot, 60° phasing
• 6 spf, 60° phasing carrying gravel of closely controlled size is maximum pressure rating. Exceeding this
• 12 spf, 135° phasing pumped downhole. The gravel fills the per- value can cause the gun to collapse or fluid
• 12 spf, 120° phasing foration tunnels, creating a “pack.” One key to enter, possibly splitting the gun and stick-
0.4 • 12 spf, 120° phasing to tightly packing the perforations is use of a ing it in the casing if detonation occurs. Less
0.3 fluid that rapidly leaks off into the perfora- well-recognized are gun limitations when
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 tions so the gravel slurry continues flowing perforating in gas. Not all guns that can be
Entrance hole diameter, in. until the perforation is completely full. This fired in a liquid-filled borehole can tolerate
nRelationship between perforation slurry is followed by an additional slurry to the higher shock associated with firing in a
entrance hole diameter and phasing on fill the screen-casing annulus with gravel. gas-filled borehole, which lacks the damp-
casing strength. The 135°/45° phased HSD The pressure drop during production can ing effect of wellbore fluid. Some guns must
guns achieve the greatest area open to flow
while maintaining maximum casing now be distributed across both the near-
strength. Here, casing strength is normalized wellbore area and the gravel pack, which
to 1, the strength of unperforated casing. helps to reduce stress at the formation.

66 Oilfield Review
Sand Control Completion
Big Hole Perforation Technique Selection

Does improvement in well cleanup from underbalance perforating justify added complexity?

Yes No

Perforate underbalance with high shot density guns Perforate overbalance with high shot density guns
and big hole charges and big hole charges
(tubing conveyed). (tubing conveyed).

Are downhole pressure/flow rate measurements


Yes No

Drillstem test Surge Perforation Select largest high shot density guns
(Brief, high-intensity flow to recommended for casing size.
clean perfs; no rate
information collected.)

Select TCP firing Select TCP firing

system and accessories system and
to integrate with DST accessories to provide
string. perforation surging. Is well deviation ≥ 60° or is the interval long
enough to justify running on tubing?

Is a significant amount of sand production expected

regardless of underbalance choice? Yes No

Yes No

To minimize risk of Select largest high shot Select TCP firing system Wireline-conveyed guns.
sticking guns, select density guns and accessories.
guns of reduced recommended for
diameter. casing size.

Boxes in red outline denote final decision points.

be supported by liquid at atmospheric pres- prises many variables—wellbore tempera- extended period, H2S-resistant accessories
sure or higher. Special carriers are available ture, pressure, hydrogen sulfide [H2S], treat- are available.
for some guns for use in gas and high-pres- ment acid, carbon dioxide [CO2], duration Each perforating system has a number of
sure settings. of exposure and stress during exposure. Not features, often redundant, to ensure safe
Although perforating guns are sometimes all can be quantified to determine if serious
exposed to hostile environments, ratings are risk exists. Because of the demands of perfo- 19. Santarelli FJ, Ouadfel H and Zundel JP: “Optimizing
rarely specified. The reason is both practical rating, hardware must be robust and of high the Completion Procedure to Minimize Sand Pro-
duction Risk,” paper SPE 22797, presented at the
and technical. A hostile environment com- quality steel, well suited to hostile environ- 66th SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibi-
ments. For wireline-conveyed guns, expo- tion, Dallas, Texas, USA, October 6-9, 1991.
sure time is minimal. In TCP, where guns
and accessories may be exposed for an

October 1992 67
wellsite operations. Guns themselves con-
tain only secondary explosives (charges,
detonating cord, boosters) and are armed
with the primary explosive (detonator) just
prior to running in the well. This allows for
safe loading and handling. Guns are com-
monly transported to the wellsite loaded, but
armed only just before being run in the hole.
Firing assemblies are designed to protect the
detonator and position it to initiate the deto-
nating cord. In the event guns are retrieved
unfired, disarming is simple and may be
performed immediately.
In wireline-conveyed perforating, electri-
cal detonators are used, fired by applying
power from surface. The detonators are dis-
abled if fluid floods the gun, preventing
accidental detonation.
Surface equipment is shut off and
grounded prior to running and pulling the
guns, eliminating accidental application of
power. In addition, radio transmission,
welding and cathodic protection systems
are shut down to eliminate possible stray
voltages. This requirement can be a serious
operational limitation, for example, elimi-
nating radio communication to offshore
platforms. To safely overcome this limita-
tion, the S.A.F.E. Slapper Actuated Firing
Equipment system has been developed.20 In
the S.A.F.E. system, a special initiator is used
that fires only from a very high voltage pulse
of short duration—a pulse not produced by
routine rig operations. The S.A.F.E. initiator
contains no primary explosive and initiates
only from a specific signal from surface.
TCP has safety features common to many
other techniques. In Schlumberger systems,
firing heads are connected to the top of the
gun string with a blank interval of at least 10
feet [3 m] above the top shot. This allows
arming of guns only after the charges are
below the rig floor, away from personnel.
Firing pins require a minimum of 150 to
300 psi to drive into detonators, ensuring no
possibility of firing until below surface.
The Trigger Charge Firing system allows
running and positioning the TCP guns in the
well with no detonator. The firing head is
subsequently run on wireline. This provides
additional safety while running the guns and
retrieving the firing head prior to pulling
misfired guns.

aWireline latch/
anchor setting

Safety spacer

High shot
density gun


nA variation of the monobore completion,

using a permanent packer. Monobore
completions are most common in the
North Sea and Venezuela.
New Completion Methods—Access for Big
Efforts of well operators to be more cost-
effective have led to variations in comple-
tion techniques, and concomitant innova-
tions in perforating. A completion that has
gained popularity in the North Sea and
Venezuela is called the monobore. As the
name implies, a monobore completion has
a production string of uniform diameter,
from the reservoir to surface. Casing is set
well above the reservoir, up to half the well
depth. Then, a smaller diameter hole is
drilled to total depth and a long liner run
(Liner is any casing that doesn’t reach sur-
face). Once the liner is set, production tub-
ing of the same diameter as the liner is run
and engages a sealing assembly on top of
the liner. The well now has a “monobore,”
with the liner serving as both casing, provid-
ing protection, and as tubing, conveying
production. This approach has the advan-
tage of requiring a less expensive, smaller
hole with lower tubular costs, yet provides a
large-diameter production string. The well is
then perforated with high shot density guns,
either wireline conveyed or anchored in the
liner after running on wireline or tubing.
The guns are then dropped, either automati-
cally upon firing or mechanically via a wire-
line trip.
Variations of the monobore technique are
already in use. One is to set a permanent
packer on production tubing at the top of
the liner with guns suspended below (left ).
This allows use of the largest possible high
shot density guns, while retaining the eco-
nomic advantage of the monobore tech-
nique. Underbalance is established and a
wireline assembly is then run in and latched
to the guns, which are lowered to target
depth. They are set using an anchor that
hangs them in the casing. The wireline is
then pulled out and the guns fired by pres-
sure actuation. The guns are then released
20. Huber K, Pousset M and White D: “New Technol-
ogy for Saving Lives,” Oilfield Review 2, no. 4
(October 1990): 40-52.

Oilfield Review
aaaa Wireline

Casing collar



High shot
density gun
setting tool

Firing head

nHigh shot density guns run below a

wireline-set packer. This permanent com-
pletion allows underbalance perforating
with the largest possible diameter guns in
a permanent completion. Guns are usu-
ally dropped after firing.

October 1992
as in the standard monobore method, either
automatically or by wireline trip. In perforat-
ing long intervals, where gun string weight
exceeds the wireline limit, the guns can be
run and anchored in the monobore prior to
running the permanent packer and produc-
tion tubing.
Another type of completion allows larger
diameter guns than could be stabbed
through a permanent packer or run through
tubing (left ). To achieve this, a permanent
packer is set on wireline, with high shot
density guns suspended below. Then, tubing
is run, underbalance established and the
guns fired and dropped.
A third perforation system is used for dual-
string completions—two tubing strings run
adjacent to each other to isolate production
from two zones (right ). This allows under-
balance perforating of the upper interval
without killing the well prior to production.
Developing a perforation strategy involves
analyzing the reservoir using all data avail-
able to design the job for the anticipated
conditions. A common pitfall is to bypass
this process, repeating what is considered
tried and true or what worked last time. This
results in some wins and some losses. The
best approach is to arrive at a perforation
strategy by combining both field and operat-
ing experience. Only this approach allows
the operator to duplicate what went right in
previous jobs, avoid repeating mistakes, and
test new techniques that hold promise.
Dual string

Oriented high
shot density

High shot
density guns


nA dual-string completion that allows

underbalance perforating of both strings.
In this instance, the lower zone is perfo-
rated with high shot density guns
stabbed through a packer. The upper
zone is perforated with high shot density
guns suspended below a dual string
packer. These guns are loaded and ori-
ented to perforate the half of the casing
opposite the adjacent long string.


Talking Satellites

n oil exploration, knowing where you are plays just as [490 ft] and Transit provided a fix only about once an hour to
important a role as knowing where the oil is. For posi- locations near the equator.
tioning and navigation data, explorationists are now Throughout the transportation industry, research is under-
looking skyward toward an orbiting constellation of satellites way to harness GPS for managing air traffic, train routing,
to execute seismic surveys, position rigs and locate machinery. and ship navigation, for dispatching delivery truck fleets and
The Navstar Global Positioning System (GPS), introduced reducing gridlock. Scientists use GPS to track continental
in 1983 as a tool for enhancing US military capabilities, is a drift (using sophisticated analysis techniques), predict earth-
satellite-based radio navigation system (next page, top). quakes and monitor changes in the atmosphere caused by
When fully operational at the end of 1993, GPS will comprise the greenhouse effect. For oil patch applications, GPS is
24 satellites, including three spares, each orbiting the earth more accessible, more accurate and less expensive than
every 12 hours at an altitude of 20,200 km [12,500 miles]. conventional land-based radio navigation systems.
Equipped with four atomic clocks, each satellite broadcasts Accessibility to GPS is worldwide and continuous—a
precise time, satellite position and condition data 24 hours a boon to underdeveloped areas and far offshore regions
day. At least five satellites will be visible to users anywhere where no other effective system exists. GPS can accommo-
in the world. So far, 18 satellites are in orbit. date an infinite number of users whereas land-based sys-
The fundamental measurement of GPS is the time tems used in marine seismic restrict the number of users.
required for a signal to travel from a satellite to the For oil exploration, most of the cost savings from GPS
receiver—often a portable, hand-held device—which gives stem from its global coverage. Crews on land conducting a
the satellite-receiver distance. Measurements collected seismic survey or positioning a rig must sight between sur-
simultaneously from four satellites, each distinguished by a vey points, which often requires massive and costly clearing
unique code, are processed at the receiver to determine in of vegetation. GPS demands only enough clearance to view
real time the receiver’s longitude, latitude, altitude and veloc- the satellites from each survey point. In marine seismic, the
ity, if the receiver is moving. Error is 3 to 100 meters [10 to operator frequently foots the expense of establishing the
330 feet], depending on the amount of error correction navigation chain, operating it and demobilizing equipment
applied during processing and type of signal being processed. when the survey is completed. Even in locations with a land-
GPS is not the first satellite-based system used for navi- based system in place, operators rely on time-consuming
gation. The Transit system, developed by the US Navy in and costly licensing negotiations with local authorities.
1960, contained fewer satellites in tighter orbits. To calculate With conventional radio navigation, operators at the start
a position with Transit, a receiver measured the Doppler of a survey install job-specific equipment that takes at least a
effect, or frequency shift, detected in signals emitted by a day to calibrate and verify. GPS receivers, once installed, are
satellite of known trajectory. Errors were as high as 150 m permanent, and calibration and verification takes minutes.
Conventional radio navigation may also be limited by inter-

70 Oilfield Review
The GPS system, with world-
wide, continuous coverage,
provides useful navigation and
positioning data for land and
marine seismic operations.

ference from nearby vessels and aircraft, the shape of the

shoreline, elevation of onshore beacons and vegetation that
deflects signals. These limitations are absent from GPS.
The global accessibility of GPS proves a double-edged
sword to the originator of the system, the US Department of
Defense (DOD). To maintain US military advantage with GPS,
DOD offers two GPS services: precise positioning service
(PPS) and standard positioning service (SPS). PPS signals
DGPS improves the accuracy
can fix a position to within 10 m [33 ft], but are encrypted to of GPS measurements by
prevent unauthorized access. Only users who satisfy national comparing the known coordi-
nates of a nearby reference
security requirements have access to PPS signals. The SPS
with its GPS fix.
signals, on the other hand, are available to everyone but
have been degraded through a technique known as selective
availability (SA). With SA activated, accuracy plummets an
order of magnitude to 100 m, unacceptable for surveying
and marine navigation.
SA limitations can be circumvented, however, by a tech-
nique called differential GPS or DGPS, first developed in the
late 1980s by scientists studying the shape of the earth
(above, right ). DGPS compares known coordinates of a

October 1992 71
nearby fixed reference receiver with the receiver’s GPS fix.
The error from the GPS signal can then be transmitted to the
user, who applies the corrections to the received signals or Air gun
computed position. In the North Sea, for example, compa-
nies offering DGPS services claim an accuracy of 3 to 5 m buoy

[10 to 16 ft] at distances up to 2000 km [1240 miles] from a

reference station.
Much controversy surrounds the continued US enforce-
ment of SA, especially during peacetime. Civilian users point
to the success of DGPS and the development of a similar
satellite system by the former Soviet Union called GLONASS.
However, SA is here to stay as long as the current GPS sys-
tem affords the US and its allies a military advantage, even
by forcing hostile nations to develop DGPS capabilities.
Placement of GPS receivers
From an oil industry perspective, DGPS would be utilized on a marine seismic survey
with or without SA to meet the stringent positioning require- and (inset) a GPS receiver on
a front buoy.
ments of seismic surveys (accuracy to within 5 m).
The most elaborate use of GPS in oil exploration is marine
seismic, which marries the new technology with conven-
tional navigation and positioning techniques. During a sur-
vey, GPS receivers may be located on the survey vessels, the
front buoys and the tail buoys (right ). Satellite-to-vessel and
satellite-to-buoy ranges are computed to derive the position
of the front and tail buoys relative to the vessel. Acoustic
positioning devices called transponders are located on the Tail buoy

survey vessels, source arrays, streamers and tail buoys. (Tran-

sponders are still needed because GPS receivers do not oper- GPS receiver
Magnetic compass
ate underwater.) The position of the transponder relative to a
survey vessel or buoy is determined by measuring the time quently, DGPS will not replace, but rather integrate with,
it takes acoustic pulses emitted from one transponder to existing systems. Use of DGPS as a primary positioning sys-
reach another. In addition, laser ranges measure the distance tem has grown in the North Sea because its greater reliability
between the vessel and source arrays, and compasses minimizes the risk of operational failure. Improving software
spaced along each cable monitor the streamer shape. that can integrate DGPS data with existing measurements
Typically, a backup positioning system is desired in a will secure the cost savings promised by the new technology.
marine seismic survey in case the primary one fails. Conse- —TAL

Acknowledgements and Further Reading

For help in preparing this focus, thanks to Erik Vigen,
GECO-PRAKLA R&E, Sandvika, Norway and Bruce
King, GECO-PRAKLA, Stavanger, Norway.
For further reading:
Jensen MHB: “Quality Control for Differential GPS in
Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration, ” GPS World 3, no.
8 (September 1992): 36-48.

72 Oilfield Review

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