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CLIENT: Luxury Bed
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Window wrap removal and installation
JOB #: 12345

Notice of Confidentiality / Creative Copyright / Intellectual Property © 2021 Generic Company, LLC All Rights Reserved

The information and concepts presented to you are the proprietary and confidential information of Generic Company, LLC.  They are
provided for the sole purpose of evaluating the information and concepts in anticipation of a potential business relationship between you
and Generic Company, LLC.  The information and concepts may not be used in any way for any other purpose, or provided to others,
without the express written consent of Generic Company, LLC.   Any materials provided to you in written, verbal, audio or video form are
the copyrighted works of Generic Company, LLC and are for the sole purpose evaluating a potential business relationship between you
and Generic Company, LLC and may not be copied, distributed, publicly displayed, or modified without the express written consent of
Generic Company, LLC.  The further Terms and Conditions governing this Statement of Work and its acceptance and implementation will
be outlined in the formal service agreements between the Parties involved.

Document Version Tracking

Generic Company, LLC

Version Updates Made Change Owner Date

 Updated Table of
 Updated Objective
within Project Overview
 Updated Project
Overview section within
Project Scope Statement
 Added completion dates
for Project Tasks
 Revised Success Criteria
2.0  Added Phase 2 to Stacey Hopkins October 4, 2021
Installation Method and
 Added Risk
 Added Critical Path
Network Diagram
 Added Gantt Chart
 Grammatical
 Added Site Completion
Sign-off Form

Generic Company, LLC


1.0 Project Overview................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Objective.................................................................................................................................................
1.2 Success Criteria......................................................................................................................................
2.0 Project Scope Statement.................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Project Overview.....................................................................................................................................
2.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................
2.3 Installation Method and Guidelines...........................................................................................................
2.4 Kit Contents............................................................................................................................................
2.5 Installation Guide.....................................................................................................................................
2.6 Installation QA/QC Requirements.............................................................................................................
2.7 Failed Visits/Revisits/Added Scope...........................................................................................................
2.8 Return of Unused Material.......................................................................................................................
2.9 Installation Rollout Schedule....................................................................................................................
2.10 Locations..............................................................................................................................................
2.11 Project Out-of-Scope Activities...............................................................................................................
3.0 Project Timeline............................................................................................................................... 10
4.0 Action Items..................................................................................................................................... 10
5.0 Assumptions/Dependencies............................................................................................................. 10
6.0 Risk Assessment/Contingency Plan.................................................................................................. 10
7.0 Change Management Process......................................................................................................... 12
8.0 Project Sponsors............................................................................................................................. 12
9.0 Billing Requirements........................................................................................................................ 12
10.0 Project Cost.................................................................................................................................. 13
11.0 Warranty....................................................................................................................................... 13
12.0 SOW Expiration Date.................................................................................................................... 14
13.0 Approvals..................................................................................................................................... 14
Appendices............................................................................................................................................... 15
Installer Notes............................................................................................................................................. 15
Detailed Schedule........................................................................................................................................ 18
Critical Path................................................................................................................................................ 19
Gantt Chart................................................................................................................................................. 19
Location list................................................................................................................................................ 20
Installation Sign-Off Sheets............................................................................................................................ 28

Generic Company, LLC


1.0 Project Overview

1.1 Objective
The purpose of this document is to define work to be completed and provide an estimate of
expenses and duration of the project. This SOW will describe what is In Scope and what is Out of
Scope for the project, key requirements to be met, assumptions and dependencies, and the
change management process.
New window graphics will be generated, approved, materials selected, produced, manufacturing
vendors selected, and installation vendors selected.
Upon receipt and successful Quality Control checks of approved manufactured goods, graphics
will be shipped directly to installers via recognized delivery service companies. Pre-existing
graphics will be removed, while new graphics will be installed at 300 locations throughout the 48
Contiguous United States
Installations are scheduled to commence on September 08, xxxx, with a final Client Approval
date of September 29, xxxx.

1.2 Success Criteria

Project success is when the following have been met; please note all days are business days:
 Graphics Designed
o 45 days prior to commencing installation
 Graphics receive customer approval and materials approved
o 30 days prior to commencing installation
 Graphics transmitted to vendor for manufacturing
o 30 days prior to commencing installation
 Materials printed, shipped, received, and successfully pass Quality check by General
Company, LLC Project Manager
o 15 days prior to commencing installation
 Materials shipped, received, and successfully pass Quality check by Installers
o 5 days prior to commencing installation
 Removal of pre-existing graphics
o Between September 8, xxxx and September 29, xxxx
 Updated graphics installed
o Between September 8, xxxx and September 29, xxxx

Generic Company, LLC


 Approval received from on-site manager

o Between September 8, xxxx and September 29, xxxx
 All re-visits have been successfully concluded
o Between September 8, xxxx and September 29, xxxx
 Approval received from Luxury Bed Corporate Sponsors
o On or before September 29, xxxx
Any delays in meeting established deadlines listed above could potentially delay completion of the
project within the pre-determined timeframe.

2.0 Project Scope Statement

2.1 Project Overview
Luxury Bed has contacted Generic Company to perform removal and installation services of
exterior window graphics at 300 Luxury Bed locations throughout the United States.
Additionally, the following will be performed:
1. Planning meeting with client to finalize details of all requested deliverables
2. Kickoff meeting to discuss the following
a. What is needed by installation network company?
b. Best Practices
c. Materials to be installed
d. All "Kit" Materials provided by Generic Company, LLC
e. Timeframe in which entirety of installations and initial re-visits are to occur
3. Creation of graphic designs
4. Client approval on graphic designs and materials to be utilized
5. Selection of vendors to manufacture graphics on required materials
6. Selection of installation vendors
***This is where installation company and installers are encouraged to provide all input
about their portion of the Scope of Work. At the conclusion of the meeting, upon
agreement between all parties involved, S.O.W. becomes non-negotiable***

2.2 Materials
Phase 1:
Items provided by Luxury Bed/Generic Company:
Generic Company, LLC

 Graphic designs to be provided by Generic

 Client approval on graphic designs and
manufacturing materials
o Upon approval of materials and graphic designs, any Change Order(s) may be subject to
additional costs to Luxury Bed and may negatively impact the schedule.

Generic Company, LLC


Items provided by Installation Company:

 All tools necessary to safely complete the removal and installation of window graphic.
o Painter’s Tape
o Level
o Spray bottle with graphic application solution
o Squeegee
o Razor blade for trimming
o Heat Gun
o 8’ step Ladder

2.3 Installation Method and Guidelines

Phase 2: Installation Method/Notes
Window Wrap Guidelines:
***NOTE: if at any time the installer feels the removal of a graphic could result in the window
breaking or causing damage, work is to stop immediately and notify Generic Company Project
Manager prior to commencing work***

 Remove existing window graphics where applicable.

o Note not all locations will require removal of existing graphics. Also note some
graphics are not to be removed.
 Windows, where graphics have been removed, must be cleaned and prepped before
installing new window graphics.
 All window graphics shall be applied to the windows using proper tools and solution for
installation of provided window graphics.
 All graphics should be trimmed to ensure a perfect fit, inside the window mullions.
 Graphics should be installed per the guide layout identified in the appendix.
 Ensure all bubbles have been removed from the graphic during the installation process.
 Ensure there are no “ant trails” or creases in the graphic installation.
 Installations must be performed during the individual locations hours of operation, indicated
***For any discrepancies or questions the installer MUST contact Generic
Company PM for guidance***

Generic Company, LLC


Hours of operation:
Days of week Open hours
Monday 10 AM - 8 PM
Tuesday 10 AM - 8 PM
Wednesday 10 AM - 8 PM
Thursday 10 AM - 8 PM
Friday 10 AM - 8 PM
Saturday 10 AM - 8 PM
Sunday Noon - 6 PM

***Window graphics to be installed on outside of location, access to the

building not required for install***
Black-Out Dates
 Labor Day weekend xxxx September 3, 4, 5, 6
 Installations can begin on Tuesday, September 7 during operational hours (all times local)
Safety Requirements
 Proper tool and ladder safety must be followed at all times.
 Follow any safety instructions provided by the Luxury Bed manager on duty.

2.4 Kit Contents

Each store will receive up to 4 (2 panel wraps); the five available messages are:
1) Sign 1
2) Sign 2
3) Sign 3
4) Sign 4
5) Sign 5

2.5 Installation Guide

All installations shall follow the approved site layout template that is provided for each location.

***NO deviation from this layout is permitted***

 Installer will dry fit the graphic prior to installation, to ensure there are no issues
 Any issues should be reported to Generic Company P.M. before starting the installation so
a resolution can be provided and site-change request can be recorded for the location.

Generic Company, LLC


2.6 Installation QA/QC Requirements

 Ensure all items installed are definitively installed; the installer is to send photos of the
completed new window graphics to the Generic Company Project Manager before leaving
the site. The Generic Company Project Manager will release the installer upon approval.
 Graphics can take up to 30 days to totally cure to the window. Some small bubbles may be
visible immediately following install but will dissipate over time.
 “Ant trails” or large surface bubbles are not acceptable and must be corrected before
completing the installation.

***Note: Some bubbles may be visible on the back side of the graphic
but not visible on the front side of the graphic***
2.7 Failed Visits/Revisits/Added Scope
Failed visits/revisits as a result of Luxury Bed actions will be considered a revisit and additional
charges may apply.

***No revisits can be completed without approval from Luxury Bed***

Failed visits/ revisits as a result of installer actions will be corrected by Installer; free of charge, at
a date agreed to by both Luxury Bed and Generic Company.
Any scope not listed within this document will be considered added scope of work and will require
a change order to proceed.

2.8 Return of Unused Material

No material to be returned to Generic Company, all material provided will be installed

2.9 Installation Rollout Schedule

September 8, xxxx – September 28, xxxx.

***All locations must be completed before or on September 29, xxxx***

2.10 Locations
Site list provided in appendix below:

2.11 Project Out-of-Scope Activities

Any activity not identified in this scope of work is considered out of scope activities and will not be
performed without an approved change order.

Generic Company, LLC


3.0 Project Timeline

Project must be 100% complete by September 29, xxxx

***See Appendices for Detailed Schedule***

4.0 Action Items

No actions needed at this time

5.0 Assumptions/Dependencies
 Project Sponsors will provide specific content (as identified herein) required by Generic
Company prior to the initiation of work.
 Materials required for window graphics will be readily available
 Manufacturing vendor will adhere to production and shipping schedules
 No shipping delays from vendor to Generic Company, LLC corporate office
 No defects will be found within received graphic materials
 No shipping delays from Generic Company, LLC to installation vendor network
 Reasonable response time from Project Sponsors on questions/issues requiring their input.
Failure to receive a response in 30 minutes from initial request could result in a failed visit and
require a revisit.

6.0 Risk Assessment/Contingency Plan

 Client’s delay approval of project
o Adjust schedule and estimate accordingly to offset “Rush Fees”
o Employ methodologies to attempt to enhance the schedule to minimize the impact of
approval delay
 Fast Tracking
 Crashing
 Lead Method
 Resources are pulled from project
o Assess situation to find out if substitute resources are available to fulfill project obligations
o Alert client if delay is inevitable
 Client approval of design and materials is delayed
o Adjust schedule and estimate accordingly to offset “Rush Fees” and alert client of
additional charges should original timeline be firm
o Leverage vendor relationships to fast-track the production schedule to maintain original

Generic Company, LLC


 Client changes design post-approval and manufacturing

o Alert client to definitive delays in project schedule
o Have “Change Order Form” completed and signed by the Luxury Bed corporate sponsor
and file it with the Project Documents
o Ensure bill is adjusted for the additional cost of in-house resources, costs of new products,
additional shipping expenses, and any potential fees from Installation Vendor company
 Shipping delays
o Build in additional time in schedule to compensate for delays
o Alert client if transit issues will delay project timeline
 Deliverables lost in transit
o Build in additional time in schedule to compensate for delays
o Escalate situation to highest level of authority at recognized shipping company in order to
locate the lost parcels
o Alert vendors and have them on standby for “Rush” order of materials in case parcels are
not located
o Alert client if transit issues will delay project timeline
 Defects in deliverables
o Notify vendors to locate the source of the issue, fix the issue, reproduce the product, and
escalate shipping to necessary level to maintain schedule
 Existing damages to installation facilities
o Notify Luxury Bed corporate contacts to receive estimated time of repair for installation to
take place
o Keep installation vendor and individual installer up-to-date on responses received from
vendor and have installer proceed to the next location
 Damages to structure caused by installer
o Notify Luxury Bed corporate sponsor immediately to alert them to the location and extent
of the damage
 Determine whether they want to fix and bill Generic Company, LLC for the damages
(which will be passed along to the Installation Company)
 Determine whether the damage can be repaired on-site by the installer; however,
postponing the installation until repairs are made to the satisfaction of Luxury Bed
corporate sponsor
o Alert Installation Vendor company of situation
 Ascertain if Installation Vendor has authorized repair technicians, specializing in this
damage, that can be dispatched to repair damages
 Find out if alternate installers in their network are available to assist in getting project
back on schedule
Generic Company, LLC

o Notate all invoices relating to damages and bill Installation Vendor company after the
project has been completed
 Damages to graphics caused by installer
o Always order additional products to replace the damaged products
o Schedule a re-visit at the cost to the Vendor Installation Company
o Prepare a bill for the Vendor Installation Company for additional materials and overnight
shipping charges to maintain schedule

7.0 Change Management Process

Change Management is the process for controlling and coordinating all change administration
activities impacting the project.
The change management process starts with the completion of the Change Control Form by the
person requested the change.
The process determines if and when a change request will be performed by analyzing all functions
impacted by the change.
Additional costs will be applied over and above the estimate when additions to scope are
All changes must be approved in writing by the Project Manager throughout the project lifecycle.

8.0 Project Sponsors

Generic Company Project Sponsors
Primary Contact – Secondary Contact –
 Contact: Joe Schmoe  Contact: Stacey Hopkins
 Mobile # 281-555-1212  Mobile # 281-867-5309
 Email  Email
Luxury Bed Sponsors
Primary Contact – Email Secondary Contact
 Contact: Louise Belcher  Contact: Jane Doe
 Mobile # 888-555-1212  Mobile # 800-555-1212
 Office # 877-555-1212  Office # 877-555-1212

9.0 Billing Requirements

Payment terms are Net 30 after final invoice of successful completion of the project

Generic Company, LLC


10.0 Project Cost

Description Estimated Cost per unit
Cost per unit Refer to quote

11.0 Warranty
The warranty conformity of product and/or installation will be to the specifications as outlined in
the approved Statement of Work and/or the individual PO’s issued by Generic Company, LLC.
Products and services not conforming to the specifications shall be remedied by Generic
Company’s at Generic Company’s expense excluding outside influences and/or normal wear and
tear. The Parties will act in good faith to determine whether outside influence and/or normal wear and
tear has occurred. Warranties shall cover all costs of travel, labor, materials, and freight.
The installation of the Project Plan is deemed complete upon Luxury Bed’s approval of installation
(“Install Approval”). The Install Approval is defined as written confirmation of completion based on
pictures, completed Project Completion Form and confirmation of no damage. Luxury Bed will have 7
days (5 business days) to provide Generic Company with “Installation Approval” once written
communication is sent from Generic Company to Luxury Bed.
Generic Company will WARRANTY the installation up to 7 days after Generic Company provides written
communication of “conformity,” i.e. Install Approval. No warranties are provided outside of this
timeframe. Any issue within the 7 days following the Install Approval period must be communicated
immediately and proven to be an installation quality issue for Generic Company to remedy, at Generic
Company’s cost.
Damage While Installing
 The “Project Completion Form” will have a designated area to address any damage that
occurred during installation and special comments surrounding the issue. The Luxury Bed point
of contact will be responsible for making sure the installation is clean and damage free. The
“Project Completion Form” will include a disclaimer that will state clearly that the Luxury Bed
point of contact has the opportunity to address any issues prior to signing off on the installation.
 Any damage caused as a result of the installation will be corrected by Luxury Bed and Luxury
Bed will bill Generic Company the fair market value of such repairs. Luxury Bed must notify
Generic Company of the damage as a result of the installation within 7 days along with the
repair expense within 30 days of the initial installation. Generic Company will then invoice the
installation contractor for the repair cost at a pass-through cost. In addition, any notification of
damage repair expenses beyond 30 days of the initial installation will not be the responsibility
of Generic Company.

Generic Company, LLC


12.0 SOW Expiration Date

Please return a signed copy of this document to your Generic Company contact on or prior the expiry
date. A preliminary email approval is also acceptable with a provision that the formally signed SOW will
follow. If the SOW is not received by expiry date, it may be necessary to re-estimate the project.

13.0 Approvals
This document is an understanding of the project between Luxury Bed and Generic Company. Changes
after this will require change management.

Luxury Bed Sponsor Approval Signature Date

Generic Company, LLC Approval Signature Date

Joe Schmoe
Director of Operations,
Generic Company, LLC

Generic Company, LLC


Installer Notes
Template layouts must be used for all location installations.
 DO NOT make changes to the layout orientation or location.
 DO NOT make decisions without Generic Company approval
 DO NOT cover mullions with graphics
Generic Company team members are available 24/7
If you have any questions, please contact:
Main point of contact
Joe Schmoe – 281-555-1212
Secondary point of contact, if Joe is unavailable
Stacey Hopkins – 281-867-5309
 If your call is not answered, please leave a message with your name, your cell
phone number and the location number you’re are calling about.
 Then, send a text message stating “Please call regarding location number”
and we will return your call immediately.
 If you have not received a call or text back within 30 minutes of your text
message, this will be considered a failed visit on Generic Company. The
installer will be free to leave the location and move on to another and Generic
Company will be responsible for all revisit costs.
 Any changes made to the graphic layout without Generic Company written
approval will result in a failed visit on the installer and all cost to correct the
issue will be billed back to the installer.
Prior to installation:
 Installer will begin the Site Sign-Off Form with Luxury Bed On-Site Manager
 Installer will review the provided location templates for proper placement of the window
graphics for the specific location.
 Installer will dry fit the window graphic and ensure there are no issues with the graphic
being installed.
 Installer will ensure that no wording is being cut off by the mullion
 Installer will complete a walkthrough with the Luxury Bed On-Site Manager and
complete the Site Sign-Off Form
 Installer will report any issues or concerns to Generic Company, before starting the
installation, for resolution
Graphics being provided have been specifically sized for the window on the template layout.
Graphics will have extra length to cover the window and allow for adjustments to be made by
Generic Company, LLC

the installer to correctly place the graphic on the window so no wording is cut off by the mullion.
All installations shall match the layout provided for placement of graphics
Types of window layouts:
 Window banks will have different layouts and sizes from location to location.
 Single Window – 1 piece of glass not separated by a mullion
 Double Window – 2 pieces of glass separated by a mullion. Note: Mullions can vary on
location resulting in a small window on top and a large window on bottom; or a large
window on top and a small window on bottom.
 Triple Window – 3 pieces of glass separated by two mullions. Note: Mullions can vary
on location giving different size windows , but this type of window layout will have 3
pieces of glass.
Graphic Installation:
Installers will need to trim all window graphics to fit inside the mullions of the window. Note:
graphics need to cover the glass, there should not be any exposed glass on windows getting a
graphic installed.
Single window layout
For a single window layout, the installer shall ensure that the graphics with images are
installed with the graphic positioned correctly and centered on the window.
***Note: refer to the template layout for correct placement details or contact Generic
Company for assistance***
All excess graphic shall be trimmed away and discarded.
Double Window layout
For a double window layout, the installer shall ensure that the graphics with images are
installed with the graphic positioned correctly and centered on the window.
***Note: refer to the template layout for correct placement details or contact Generic
Company for assistance***
The graphic will be one piece that will need to be trimmed at the mullion line. The excess
graphic will be used to install on the remaining glass on the window.
For example, if you have a large window on top and small window on bottom, the graphic
should be installed per the template with the wording on the top window glass and the
blank on the bottom window glass.
Be careful when trimming the graphic not to cut the graphic too short so it cannot be
installed on the remaining window glass.
Ensure your cut line during the dry fit process

Note for this type of installation, the gray Sign 1 graphic will be trimmed at the top window
and the remaining graphic will be installed on the bottom window.

Generic Company, LLC


If you have a small window on top and a large window on bottom, the graphic will be
installed with the wording on the large window glass and the excess length will be cut off
the bottom of the graphic and installed on the top window glass.
Triple Window layout
For a triple window layout, the installer shall ensure that the graphics with images are
installed with the graphic positioned correctly and centered on the window.
***Note: refer to the template layout for correct placement details or contact Generic
Company for assistance***
The excess graphic will need to be trimmed and installed on the remaining window glass
***Placement templates will be provided for each location to show the placement of the

Side 3

Side 4 Side 2

Side 1

Entrance to location

 Always start on side one at the left corner of the location and install from left to right.
o Note, not all locations have 4 sides. Locations can vary from 1 to 4 sides.
o All graphics shall be applied to the window 1st surface.
 Installer must prep and clean and prepare the window to accept the graphic.
 Apply the window graphic to the window. (Ensure the graphic messaging is centered on
the window and installed correctly)
 Use a squeegee tool to apply the graphic to the glass.
 Make sure the graphic does not have any air bubbles or “ant trails.” If bubbles cannot
Generic Company, LLC

be removed with the squeegee, lift, and replace the graphic as needed to remove
excess air, being careful not to distort or stretch the graphic image.
 Once graphic is installed, trim excess graphic using a utility knife, so the graphic is
perfectly fit inside the window mullion

Detailed Schedule
Start Date Due Date Task

Monday, July 19, xxxx 4 Thursday, July 22, xxxx          Planning Meeting with Client

Friday, July 23, xxxx 1 Friday, July 23, xxxx          Kickoff Meeting with Installation Firm

Monday, July 26, xxxx 15 Friday, August 13, xxxx          Graphics Designed

Friday, August 13, xxxx 4 Wednesday, August 18, xxxx          Graphics receive customer approval and
materials approved

Friday, August 13, xxxx 4 Wednesday, August 18, xxxx          Graphics transmitted to vendor for

         Materials printed, shipped, received, and

Wednesday, August 18, xxxx 10 Tuesday, August 31, xxxx successfully pass Quality check by General
Company, LLC Project Manager

Tuesday, August 31, xxxx 4 Friday, September 03, xxxx          Materials shipped, received, and
successfully pass Quality check by Installers

Wednesday, September 08, xxxx 14 Monday, September 27, xxxx          Removal of pre-existing graphics

Wednesday, September 08, xxxx 14 Monday, September 27, xxxx          Updated graphics installed

Wednesday, September 08, xxxx 14 Monday, September 27, xxxx          Approval received from on-site manager

Wednesday, September 08, xxxx 15 Tuesday, September 28, xxxx          All re-visits have been successfully

Tuesday, September 28, xxxx 2 Wednesday, September 29, xxxx          Approval received from Luxury Bed
Corporate Sponsors

Generic Company, LLC


Critical Path
4 Day(s) 1 Day(s) 15 Day(s) 4 Day(s) 10 Day(s) 4 Day(s) 15 Day(s) 2 Day(s)

Task 1 → Task 2 → Task 3 → Task 4 → Task 5 → Task 7 → Task 11 → Task 12

Gantt Chart
July August September
19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29

Generic Company, LLC


Location list
Store Store Name Address City State

173031 Store 1 123 Anywhere Street Hanover MA

152032 Store 2 124 Anywhere Street Abingdon MD
154014 Store 3 125 Anywhere Street Everett MA
179043 Store 4 126 Anywhere Street Vienna VA
152042 Store 5 127 Anywhere Street Easton MD
162023 Store 6 128 Anywhere Street Hamilton NJ
168041 Store 7 129 Anywhere Street Willow Grove PA
61030 Store 8 130 Anywhere Street Virginia Beach VA
168059 Store 9 131 Anywhere Street Collegeville PA
179057 Store 10 132 Anywhere Street Dulles VA
157010 Store 11 133 Anywhere Street Milford MA
161007 Store 12 134 Anywhere Street Lancaster PA
61009 Store 13 135 Anywhere Street Williamsburg VA
179013 Store 14 136 Anywhere Street Lanham MD
173011 Store 15 137 Anywhere Street Harwich MA
179065 Store 16 138 Anywhere Street Woodbridge VA
151017 Store 17 139 Anywhere Street Wyomissing PA
165014 Store 18 140 Anywhere Street Newington CT
77043 Store 19 141 Anywhere Street Triadelphia WV
120189 Store 20 142 Anywhere Street Plaistow NH
168031 Store 21 143 Anywhere Street Plymouth Meeting PA
152065 Store 22 144 Anywhere Street California MD
161019 Store 23 145 Anywhere Street Lebanon PA
179020 Store 24 146 Anywhere Street Leesburg VA
38024 Store 25 147 Anywhere Street Hendersonville NC
52008 Store 26 148 Anywhere Street Jupiter FL
53094 Store 27 149 Anywhere Street Wildwood FL
83012 Store 28 150 Anywhere Street Owensboro KY
25054 Store 29 151 Anywhere Street Clearwater FL
55009 Store 30 152 Anywhere Street Birmingham AL
13053 Store 31 153 Anywhere Street Wake Forest NC
55010 Store 32 154 Anywhere Street Montgomery AL
33014 Store 33 155 Anywhere Street Lexington SC
5043 Store 34 156 Anywhere Street New Braunfels TX
1206 Store 35 157 Anywhere Street Beaumont TX
76011 Store 36 158 Anywhere Street North Myrtle Beach SC

Generic Company, LLC


67003 Store 37 159 Anywhere Street Valdosta GA

2083 Store 38 160 Anywhere Street Irving TX
1138 Store 39 161 Anywhere Street Houston TX
1131 Store 40 162 Anywhere Street Spring TX
53019 Store 41 163 Anywhere Street Winter Haven FL
51036 Store 42 164 Anywhere Street Cape Coral FL
6012 Store 43 165 Anywhere Street Smyrna TN
6025 Store 44 166 Anywhere Street Clarksville TN
13030 Store 45 167 Anywhere Street Knightdale NC
1083 Store 46 168 Anywhere Street Pasadena TX
13185 Store 47 169 Anywhere Street Holly Springs NC
33019 Store 48 170 Anywhere Street Augusta GA
1168 Store 49 171 Anywhere Street Conroe TX
16033 Store 50 172 Anywhere Street Palm Coast FL
2072 Store 51 173 Anywhere Street Allen TX
1199 Store 52 174 Anywhere Street Spring TX
53061 Store 53 175 Anywhere Street Clermont FL
88005 Store 54 176 Anywhere Street Lubbock TX
52060 Store 55 177 Anywhere Street Pompano FL
58006 Store 56 178 Anywhere Street Knoxville TN
2059 Store 57 179 Anywhere Street Plano TX
2069 Store 58 180 Anywhere Street Fort Worth TX
4045 Store 59 181 Anywhere Street Round Rock TX
16045 Store 60 182 Anywhere Street Gainesville FL
105011 Store 61 183 Anywhere Street North Canton OH
88002 Store 62 184 Anywhere Street San Angelo TX
51011 Store 63 185 Anywhere Street Fort Myers FL
24185 Store 64 186 Anywhere Street Charlotte NC
22017 Store 65 187 Anywhere Street Slidell LA
65010 Store 66 188 Anywhere Street Ft Walton FL
67005 Store 67 189 Anywhere Street Macon GA
21028 Store 68 190 Anywhere Street Bloomington IN
24021 Store 69 191 Anywhere Street Charlotte NC
76176 Store 70 192 Anywhere Street Jacksonville NC
6022 Store 71 193 Anywhere Street Murfreesboro TN
83005 Store 72 194 Anywhere Street Clarksville IN
52146 Store 73 195 Anywhere Street Miami FL
53020 Store 74 196 Anywhere Street Sebring FL
6013 Store 75 197 Anywhere Street Hendersonville TN
21027 Store 76 198 Anywhere Street Plainfield IN

Generic Company, LLC


51023 Store 77 199 Anywhere Street Naples FL

4044 Store 78 200 Anywhere Street Austin TX
7115 Store 79 201 Anywhere Street Douglasville GA
42017 Store 80 202 Anywhere Street Alexandria LA
53024 Store 81 203 Anywhere Street Port Orange FL
25099 Store 82 204 Anywhere Street Seminole FL
34005 Store 83 205 Anywhere Street Beavercreek OH
2078 Store 84 206 Anywhere Street Wylie TX
52138 Store 85 207 Anywhere Street Boca Raton FL
53084 Store 86 208 Anywhere Street Orlando FL
52020 Store 87 209 Anywhere Street Stuart FL
67002 Store 88 210 Anywhere Street Columbus GA
24180 Store 89 211 Anywhere Street Monroe NC
65013 Store 90 212 Anywhere Street Miramar Beach FL
65004 Store 91 213 Anywhere Street Destin FL
25055 Store 92 214 Anywhere Street Port Richey FL
1195 Store 93 215 Anywhere Street Cypress TX
33003 Store 94 216 Anywhere Street Columbia SC
42012 Store 95 217 Anywhere Street Gonzales LA
25096 Store 96 218 Anywhere Street Crystal River FL
1041 Store 97 219 Anywhere Street Houston TX
5053 Store 98 220 Anywhere Street San Antonio TX
58001 Store 99 221 Anywhere Street Knoxville TN
21025 Store 100 222 Anywhere Street Lafayette IN
52090 Store 101 223 Anywhere Street Royal Palm Beach FL
38006 Store 102 224 Anywhere Street Simpsonville SC
21036 Store 103 225 Anywhere Street Terre Haute IN
1173 Store 104 226 Anywhere Street Houston TX
16036 Store 105 227 Anywhere Street Brunswick GA
1128 Store 106 228 Anywhere Street Missouri City TX
53057 Store 107 229 Anywhere Street Winter Park FL
52133 Store 108 230 Anywhere Street Hallandale FL
51022 Store 109 231 Anywhere Street Fort Myers FL
42016 Store 110 232 Anywhere Street Lafayette LA
7082 Store 111 233 Anywhere Street Flowery Branch GA
105019 Store 112 234 Anywhere Street Akron OH
13022 Store 113 235 Anywhere Street Raleigh NC
13051 Store 114 236 Anywhere Street Durham NC
7109 Store 115 237 Anywhere Street Snellville GA
7057 Store 116 238 Anywhere Street Peachtree City GA

Generic Company, LLC


7056 Store 117 239 Anywhere Street Dunwoody GA

7122 Store 118 240 Anywhere Street Buford GA
55012 Store 119 241 Anywhere Street Prattville AL
33013 Store 120 242 Anywhere Street Sumter SC
55021 Store 121 243 Anywhere Street Trussville AL
51031 Store 122 244 Anywhere Street Puntagorda FL
2063 Store 123 245 Anywhere Street North Richland Hills TX
24054 Store 124 246 Anywhere Street Albemarle NC
52116 Store 125 247 Anywhere Street Jupiter FL
25007 Store 126 248 Anywhere Street Tampa FL
7040 Store 127 249 Anywhere Street Atlanta GA
1204 Store 128 250 Anywhere Street Nederland TX
106002 Store 129 251 Anywhere Street Niles OH
1186 Store 130 252 Anywhere Street Houston TX
24055 Store 131 253 Anywhere Street Gastonia NC
52083 Store 132 254 Anywhere Street Miami FL
24020 Store 133 255 Anywhere Street Mooresville NC
1150 Store 134 256 Anywhere Street Houston TX
1119 Store 135 257 Anywhere Street Katy TX
13176 Store 136 258 Anywhere Street Wake Forest NC
76003 Store 137 259 Anywhere Street Morehead City NC
76016 Store 138 260 Anywhere Street Murrells Inlet SC
51003 Store 139 261 Anywhere Street Cape Coral FL
16053 Store 140 262 Anywhere Street Yulee FL
60008 Store 141 263 Anywhere Street Temple TX
1135 Store 142 264 Anywhere Street Magnolia TX
13034 Store 143 265 Anywhere Street Aberdeen NC
1197 Store 144 266 Anywhere Street Katy TX
37027 Store 145 267 Anywhere Street Lima OH
1095 Store 146 268 Anywhere Street Huntsville TX
7132 Store 147 269 Anywhere Street Fayetteville GA
25048 Store 148 270 Anywhere Street Sarasota FL
1140 Store 149 271 Anywhere Street Brenham TX
4047 Store 150 272 Anywhere Street Austin TX
51018 Store 151 273 Anywhere Street Port Charlotte FL
24196 Store 152 274 Anywhere Street Rock Hill SC
52012 Store 153 275 Anywhere Street Florida City FL
81007 Store 154 276 Anywhere Street Gulf Shores AL
7046 Store 155 277 Anywhere Street Alpharetta GA
13035 Store 156 278 Anywhere Street Durham NC

Generic Company, LLC


24057 Store 157 279 Anywhere Street Hickory NC

52129 Store 158 280 Anywhere Street Davie FL
53028 Store 159 281 Anywhere Street Clermont FL
25060 Store 160 282 Anywhere Street Tampa FL
65003 Store 161 283 Anywhere Street Dothan AL
21019 Store 162 284 Anywhere Street Kokomo IN
1172 Store 163 285 Anywhere Street Houston TX
24062 Store 164 286 Anywhere Street Charlotte NC
6036 Store 165 287 Anywhere Street Nashville TN
81006 Store 166 288 Anywhere Street Mobile AL
38010 Store 167 289 Anywhere Street Taylors SC
25078 Store 168 290 Anywhere Street University Park FL
60004 Store 169 291 Anywhere Street College Station TX
105036 Store 170 292 Anywhere Street Wadsworth OH
52135 Store 171 293 Anywhere Street Fort Lauderdale FL
20028 Store 172 294 Anywhere Street Richmond IN
6015 Store 173 295 Anywhere Street Cookeville TN
17020 Store 174 296 Anywhere Street Mebane NC
51034 Store 175 297 Anywhere Street Naples FL
58003 Store 176 298 Anywhere Street Knoxville TN
41018 Store 177 299 Anywhere Street Lawton OK
106003 Store 178 300 Anywhere Street Hermitage PA
1126 Store 179 301 Anywhere Street Stafford TX
4061 Store 180 302 Anywhere Street Austin TX
2108 Store 181 303 Anywhere Street Sherman TX
57005 Store 182 304 Anywhere Street Dalton GA
33015 Store 183 305 Anywhere Street North Agusta SC
37012 Store 184 306 Anywhere Street Reynoldsburg OH
105024 Store 185 307 Anywhere Street Sandusky OH
53091 Store 186 308 Anywhere Street Eustis FL
38016 Store 187 309 Anywhere Street Arden NC
6032 Store 188 310 Anywhere Street Madison TN
34007 Store 189 311 Anywhere Street Huber Heights OH
24040 Store 190 312 Anywhere Street Charlotte NC
57002 Store 191 313 Anywhere Street Hixson TN
7100 Store 192 314 Anywhere Street Duluth GA
2124 Store 193 315 Anywhere Street McKinney TX
88007 Store 194 316 Anywhere Street Midland TX
21031 Store 195 317 Anywhere Street Indianapolis IN
16037 Store 196 318 Anywhere Street Jacksonville FL

Generic Company, LLC


64005 Store 197 319 Anywhere Street North Little Rock AR

502049 Store 198 320 Anywhere Street Novato CA
62009 Store 199 321 Anywhere Street Marana AZ
54030 Store 200 322 Anywhere Street Las Vegas NV
116002 Store 201 323 Anywhere Street Saginaw Township MI
29099 Store 202 324 Anywhere Street Goodyear AZ
109001 Store 203 325 Anywhere Street Omaha NE
508033 Store 204 326 Anywhere Street Woodinville WA
526023 Store 205 327 Anywhere Street Sherwood OR
9023 Store 206 328 Anywhere Street Kansas City MO
508008 Store 207 329 Anywhere Street Tukwila WA
29063 Store 208 330 Anywhere Street Tempe AZ
72004 Store 209 331 Anywhere Street Joplin MO
508010 Store 210 332 Anywhere Street Gig Harbor WA
503005 Store 211 333 Anywhere Street San Diego CA
502066 Store 212 334 Anywhere Street Daly City CA
29120 Store 213 335 Anywhere Street Prescott AZ
29160 Store 214 336 Anywhere Street Queen Creek AZ
41016 Store 215 337 Anywhere Street Midwest City OK
59098 Store 216 338 Anywhere Street Racine WI
74002 Store 217 339 Anywhere Street Columbia MO
502069 Store 218 340 Anywhere Street Santa Rosa CA
502014 Store 219 341 Anywhere Street San Jose CA
18020 Store 220 342 Anywhere Street O'Fallon IL
66014 Store 221 343 Anywhere Street Ogden UT
54005 Store 222 344 Anywhere Street Las Vegas NV
89003 Store 223 345 Anywhere Street North Twin Falls ID
502061 Store 224 346 Anywhere Street Emeryville CA
66011 Store 225 347 Anywhere Street Orem UT
82006 Store 226 348 Anywhere Street Meridian ID
18004 Store 227 349 Anywhere Street Fairview Heights IL
59077 Store 228 350 Anywhere Street Lake Geneva WI
29149 Store 229 351 Anywhere Street Glendale AZ
504012 Store 230 352 Anywhere Street Clovis CA
503014 Store 231 353 Anywhere Street Temecula CA
80018 Store 232 354 Anywhere Street Apple Valley MN
103007 Store 233 355 Anywhere Street Comstock Park MI
29126 Store 234 356 Anywhere Street Peoria AZ
502071 Store 235 357 Anywhere Street San Mateo CA
9027 Store 236 358 Anywhere Street Kansas City KS

Generic Company, LLC


526028 Store 237 359 Anywhere Street Springfield OR

80019 Store 238 360 Anywhere Street Woodbury MN
62037 Store 239 361 Anywhere Street Tucson AZ
62025 Store 240 362 Anywhere Street Tucson AZ
501079 Store 241 363 Anywhere Street Rocklin CA
503003 Store 242 364 Anywhere Street Chula Vista CA
526038 Store 243 365 Anywhere Street Longview WA
508032 Store 244 366 Anywhere Street Issaquah WA
526030 Store 245 367 Anywhere Street Corvallis OR
119161 Store 246 368 Anywhere Street Chicago IL
503021 Store 247 369 Anywhere Street Santee CA
72005 Store 248 370 Anywhere Street Branson MO
101009 Store 249 371 Anywhere Street Spokane Valley WA
29157 Store 250 372 Anywhere Street Chandler AZ
503016 Store 251 373 Anywhere Street Encinitas CA
29081 Store 252 374 Anywhere Street Scottsdale AZ
80006 Store 253 375 Anywhere Street Minnetonka MN
3059 Store 254 376 Anywhere Street Lakewood CO
27010 Store 255 377 Anywhere Street Cordova  TN
18023 Store 256 378 Anywhere Street St. Louis MO
3055 Store 257 379 Anywhere Street Denver CO
526039 Store 258 380 Anywhere Street Warrenton OR
504026 Store 259 381 Anywhere Street Hanford CA
119144 Store 260 382 Anywhere Street Oswego IL
502033 Store 261 383 Anywhere Street Antioch CA
18045 Store 262 384 Anywhere Street Edwardsville IL
9029 Store 263 385 Anywhere Street Kansas City MO
119116 Store 264 386 Anywhere Street Homewood IL
132011 Store 265 387 Anywhere Street Richland WA
54042 Store 266 388 Anywhere Street Bullhead City AZ
66013 Store 267 389 Anywhere Street Logan UT
80008 Store 268 390 Anywhere Street Burnsville MN
29163 Store 269 391 Anywhere Street Chandler AZ
502060 Store 270 392 Anywhere Street Morgan Hill CA
508060 Store 271 393 Anywhere Street Chehalis WA
119154 Store 272 394 Anywhere Street Berwyn IL
66005 Store 273 395 Anywhere Street Murray UT
508050 Store 274 396 Anywhere Street Bellingham WA
80040 Store 275 397 Anywhere Street Waite Park MN
510003 Store 276 398 Anywhere Street Redding CA

Generic Company, LLC


54038 Store 277 399 Anywhere Street Henderson NV

503058 Store 278 400 Anywhere Street La Quinta CA
80033 Store 279 401 Anywhere Street Cambridge MN
119130 Store 280 402 Anywhere Street Norridge IL
3023 Store 281 403 Anywhere Street Aurora CO
502013 Store 282 404 Anywhere Street Fremont CA
64004 Store 283 405 Anywhere Street Hot Springs AR
131001 Store 284 406 Anywhere Street Grand Junction CO
526014 Store 285 407 Anywhere Street Beaverton OR
80039 Store 286 408 Anywhere Street Shakopee MN
54026 Store 287 409 Anywhere Street Las Vegas NV
132005 Store 288 410 Anywhere Street Kennewick WA
27011 Store 289 411 Anywhere Street Germantown TN
504008 Store 290 412 Anywhere Street Turlock CA
503052 Store 291 413 Anywhere Street Banning CA
526015 Store 292 414 Anywhere Street Redmond OR
502070 Store 293 415 Anywhere Street Napa CA
9038 Store 294 416 Anywhere Street Manhattan KS
501043 Store 295 417 Anywhere Street Lincoln CA
18027 Store 296 418 Anywhere Street Wentzville MO
508056 Store 297 419 Anywhere Street Seattle WA
508049 Store 298 420 Anywhere Street Burlington WA
29066 Store 299 421 Anywhere Street Casa Grande AZ
502027 Store 300 422 Anywhere Street Dublin CA

Installation Sign-Off Sheets

Photographic evidence must be transmitted to the Generic Company LLC’s Project Manager and
approval must be received from them prior to release from the location.
Completed “Site Completion Sign-Off Form” or “Site Re-Visit Sign-Off From” must be completed and
signed by Luxury Bed On-Site Manager prior to departure. All completed forms to be remitted to
Generic Company, LLC by end of the next business day following the installation.

***Printable Forms on following pages***

Generic Company, LLC

Site Completion Sign-Off Form
***Must be filled completed for every location***

Site Details Pre-Installation Checksheet

Luxury Bed Materials Quality Checked □ Good Condition
On-Site Manager Name: Substrates Quality Checked □ Good Condition
□ Single Window
Store Number: ______________________ Type of Installation □ Double Window
□ Triple Window
Site Address: ______________________
Issues Observed
Please be detailed

Installer Name: ______________________

Luxury Bed On-Site Manager

**Signature Required**
**Signature Required**

Post-Installation Checksheet

Pre-Existing Graphics □ Yes Updated Graphics Installed □ Yes

Removed without Damage □ No Correctly & without Damage □ No

Ant Trails Present □ Yes □ Yes

Bubbles Present
(Visible Lines in Graphics) □ No □ No

Graphics Trimmed □ Yes Damage to Windows □ Yes

Properly □ No from Installation □ No

Luxury Bed On-Site Manager

**Signature Required**
**Signature Required**

***Installer Must Send Photographic Evidence of Completed Installation to Generic Company, LLC Project Manager
and receive approval prior to departure***
Site Re-Visit Sign-Off Form
***Must be filled completed for every location requring a re-visit***

Site Details Pre-Installation Checksheet

Luxury Bed Materials Quality Checked □ Good Condition
On-Site Manager Name: Substrates Quality Checked □ Good Condition
□ Single Window
Store Number: ______________________ Type of Installation □ Double Window
□ Triple Window
Site Address: ______________________
______________________ Issues Requiring
the Re-Visit
***Please be detailed***
Installer Name: ______________________

Luxury Bed On-Site Manager

**Signature Required**
**Signature Required**

Post Re-Visit Checksheet

□ Yes □ Yes
Pre-Existing Graphics Updated Graphics Installed
Removed without Damage
□ No Correctly & without Damage
□ No
□ Not Applicable □ Not Applicable
□ Yes □ Yes
Ant Trails Present
(Visible Lines in Graphics)
□ No Bubbles Present □ No
□ Not Applicable □ Not Applicable
□ Yes □ Yes
Graphics Trimmed Damage to Windows
□ No from Installation
□ No
□ Not Applicable □ Not Applicable
Luxury Bed On-Site Manager
**Signature Required**
**Signature Required**

***Installer Must Send Photographic Evidence of Completed Installation to Generic Company, LLC Project Manager
and receive approval prior to departure***

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