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Universidad Nacional Experimental

“Simón Rodríguez”.
Fecha: 28/06/2022.
Participante: Briceño Gleymar.
C.I: 30.600.536.
Carrera: Administración. Mención: Recursos Humanos.
Grupo: N°2. Periodo: 2022 – 1.

Importance of Internet to Education

The Internet has introduced improvements in technology, communication and

online entertainment, but it is also incredibly useful for education purposes as well.
Teachers use the Internet to supplement their lessons, and a number of
prestigious universities have opened up free online lectures and courses to
everyone. It has even allowed retired teachers to read to and educate children in
poorer countries. Widespread use of the Internet has opened up a substantial
amount of knowledge to a much broader range of people than ever before.

Teachers can make use of the Internet by giving students extra resources and
material from the Internet, such as interactive lessons and educational games.
Many college courses use a “hybrid” model where many lessons are done online,
requiring fewer in-class meetings. This saves students from having to commute to
campus with their heavy textbooks every day. Tests, homework, collaboration with
students and research can all be done from any computer with Internet access.
Even for non-hybrid classes, the Internet is used as an addition to normal studies.

It used to be that students that forgot work, missed a lecture or couldn’t

remember an assignment were out of luck until talking face to face with a teacher
or a classmate. However, the Internet allows instantaneous connection to your
classmates and teachers. Improving communication between students and
teachers allows teachers to assist students without having to stay after class. It
also allows for students to have greater efficiency when working on projects with
their peers when everyone cannot attend or asking for clarification when
something is unclear.

A number of universities, such as Harvard, Yale and Stanford, have opened up

free courses on a variety of subjects that are accessible to anyone for free. These
typically come in the form of lectures on video, but some also have notes attached.
This means there is easy access to plenty of free lectures without emptying your
bank account to pay tuition. The Internet also makes education accessible to
impoverished communities. The “Granny Cloud”, for example, made use of Skype
as a number of volunteers, mostly retired teachers, read stories aloud over Skype
to children in India to teach them how to read.

a) Why do you consider Internet is the mail goal of education?
A= R= Because thanks to the Internet we have access to a wide variety of pages
that allow us to investigate a specific topic, we can also get more information than
in some books, that is why the Internet is our goal since it provides us with a lot of
information and help as students.

b) Do you consider Internet has opened up a substantial amount of knowledge?

A= Yes, I consider it, because thanks to that we can have access to an infinite
variety of courses to improve our knowledge, most of them are free which
motivates us more to do them, but it has also given us a lot of knowledge since if
we investigate something of our interest, we will get information about that.

c) Why do you consider internet is useful for you?

A= I find it useful because when doing an activity I can have access to a lot of
information, I can also communicate with my teachers when I have any questions
about an activity and I use it to send the activities to be evaluated.

d) Do you consider the opportunity to get an access to its resources guarantee

its efficiency in education? Why?
A= Yes, because by accessing I can have a lot of important information there,
which sometimes cannot be found in books, it helps me to have more knowledge
and better understand the activities, thanks to the internet we have a lot of new
knowledge and we can learn more about it every day.

e) Is Internet Improving communication between students and teachers? Why?

A= Yes, it is, because due to the contingency of Covid-19 we had to lock ourselves
in our house, so because we couldn't go out we had to watch classes online and
send our activities online as well, but in my opinion it's better face-to-face since it is
better understood and any doubt can be clarified immediately in the classroom.

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