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Adaptable …………….………….…. able to change depending on the situation

Adventurous …………….…………….…... likes doing new and different things
Affable ……………….………..…….……….…….……….……... easy to talk to
Agreeable …………….………..….…….…….…………...…enjoyable to talk to
Ambitious ………………………………………. having very high targets in life
Amiable …………….………..….…….……….………………. friendly and nice
Amusing …………….…………….…………….…………………. funny and fun

Bright …………….…………….…………….……………. smart and intelligent
Charming …….…….………..….…….…..…having a “magic” effect on people
Chatty …………….…………….…………….……. loves talking and talks a lot
Cheerful …………….…………….…………….…………….…… always happy
Considerate …………….………..….…….…. always thinks about other people
Convivial …………….……………. always in a good mood and always friendly
Courageous ……………………………………………………………….... brave
Decisive ………………………. able to make a decision quickly and confidently
Dependable …………. If he/she says he/she will do something, he/she will do it
Determined ……………………………. doesn’t quit, even when things get hard
Diligent …………….…………... able to work carefully and notice small details
Diplomatic ……….………....….……. helps people see both sides of a situation
Dynamic ………………...……... having a lot of energy and can think creatively

Easy-going …………….…………….…………… very relaxed about everything
Efficient …………….……………… able to organise things quickly and clearly
Energetic …………….…………….…………….……….. having a lot of energy
Enthusiastic …………….…….. shows a lot of excitement and interest in things

Fearless ………………………………………………………….... having no fear
Generous …………………………………………... likes giving things to people
Giving ……………………………………………… likes giving things to people
Gregarious ………….………………….….……… likes being with other people
Hardworking …………….…………….…………….……………... able to work hard
Hilarious …………….…………….…………….……………... very, very, funny
Helpful ……………………………………………………………… likes helping
Humorous …………….…………….…………….……... funny and entertaining

Impartial …….…………....…... doesn’t support just one side of a disagreement
Intuitive ….. able to understand what’s happening using feelings (not just facts)
Kind ……………... cares about others and likes to help them, often emotionally
Kooky …………….…………………………….. a little crazy – but in a fun way

L- N
Laid-back …………….…………….……….…… very relaxed about everything
Likeable ………….………….…..….………….…………………….. easy to like
Loyal …………….…………….…………….…….... will always be on your side
Non-judgemental ... doesn’t have a moral opinion about what you do or believe
Observant ……………….…………………….. good at noticing different things
Organised …………….…………….……………… able to organise things well

Passionate ……....... believes in his/her work and success on an emotional level
Patient …………….….. able to accept difficult situations without getting angry
Persistent ………………………………………………………… never gives up!
Polite ……….………….….….……. good at saying “please,” “thank you,” etc.
Practical ……………… good at finding the simplest and most efficient solution
Proactive ……………... doesn't wait for things to happen – makes them happen

Q- S
Quick-witted …………….………………. able to think quickly and intelligently
Reliable ………………If he/she says he/she will do something, he/she will do it
Resourceful …………….……………… good at finding ways to solve problems
Self-disciplined ………………..… very organised and in control of him/herself
Sincere ………………………………… says what he/she really thinks and feels
Straight-forward …………………...………………………… direct and honest
Sympathetic ……….………….…...…...… understands other people’s problems

T -W
Trustworthy …………….…………….…………….…….…. honest and sincere
Understanding ……….………….…….….… understands other people’s problems
Versatile …………….……… able to do different things depending on the situation
Witty …………….……………. funny and can tell good jokes in an intelligent way
Want more vocab?
You can get loads more adjectives, phrasal verbs,
idioms, prepositions, grammar tips and much much
more in my book “102 Little Drawings That Will Help You
Remember English Rules FOREVER (Probably)”

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useful, especially
because of the
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remembers faster
and learns faster.”

“The book’s title is
100% correct. The
drawings are fun
and they do what
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… just perfect.”

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