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An outbreak of primary photosensitisation in lambs secondary to


consumption of Biserrula pelecinus (biserrula)

AE Kessell,a* GE Ladmorea and JC Quinna,b

Since commercialisation of the first cultivar of Casbah in 1997, a

Case report An outbreak of photosensitisation affecting small but growing number of cases of photosensitivity (PS) have
approximately 25% of a flock of 120 meat lambs that was graz- anecdotally been noted in ewes and lambs grazing biserrula-
ing a monoculture of the pasture legume Biserrula pelecinus dominant pastures in spring, although the overall incidence remains
var. Casbah (biserrula) was investigated. Blood samples were unclear.4,5,7 However, this photosensitisation has not been reported
taken from sheep with moderate to severe clinical signs, and in the scientific literature and its type or pathogenesis has not been in-
from apparently normal animals, for a complete blood count vestigated. We report an outbreak of PS in lambs on a pasture of pure
and biochemistry; 5 affected animals were subjected to a full B. pelecinus var. Casbah, and record the clinicopathological and
necropsy. Histopathological investigation showed lesions con- histopathological changes that confirm a type I PS.
sistent with photosensitisation of the exposed unpigmented
skin of the face and ears. No histopathological or clinical patho-
logical abnormalities suggestive of a hepatopathy were detected Case report
in any of the cases, indicating that the lesions observed in this
The disease outbreak occurred in early September 2013 on a farm
flock were caused by a primary photosensitising agent present
near Mirrool in the Riverina district of New South Wales in a flock
in B. pelecinus.
of 120 20-week-old South African Merino × Dorset lambs, born in
Conclusion This is the first confirmation that photosensitisation March/April 2013. The animals had been grazed on mixed pastures,
caused by ingestion of biserrula is caused by a primary including B. pelecinus var. Casbar (Figure 1) from weaning, and were
photosensitising agent. moved to a monoculture pasture of B. pelecinus var. Casbah (approx-
imately 99%) 2 weeks prior to the outbreak. They were then observed
Keywords Biserrula pelecinus; dermatitis; legumes; photosensitisation,
every 2–3 days, with the first clinical signs being noted after 7 days on
the pure biserrula pasture. Clinical signs included swelling (oedema)
Abbreviations AST, aspartate aminotransferase; CK, creatine; and drooping of the ears, accompanied by a patchy alopecia in sun-
GLDH, glutamate dehydrogenase; GT, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase; exposed skin of the face and ears in approximately 25% of the flock.
PS, photosensitivity; SD, sorbitol dehydrogenase The most severely affected sheep showed variably extensive scab-
Aust Vet J 2015;93;174–178 doi: 10.1111/avj.12318 bing on the sun-exposed unpigmented skin of the ear. A total of
10 of the most severely affected animals, and 5 showing no clinical
signs (classified as ‘subclinical’), were separated from the flock for

iserrula pelecinus is a semi-erect, self-regenerating annual le- further investigation.
gume originating from the southern Mediterranean.1 Its desir- Blood was collected from the jugular vein of each of the 15 clini-
able characteristics include high seed production, adaptation cally and subclinically affected lambs and EDTA-preserved blood
to a broad range of soil types, a deep root system and grazing toler- and serum samples were placed on ice and transported to the lab-
ance, and these result in a highly productive pasture that is more oratory for a complete blood count and serum biochemical analysis
drought resistant and shows greater self-regeneration compared with within 4 h of collection. In addition, 5 animals showing clinical
other pasture legumes.1–4 Biserrula was first developed for agricul- signs were transported to the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at
tural use in Western Australia during the 1990s and varieties have Charles Sturt University, where they were euthanased by intra-
since been introduced into a number of areas of New South Wales. venous barbiturate injection for necropsy. A comprehensive range
Anecdotal evidence suggests that Biserrula sp., especially the ‘Casbah’ of tissues from each animal was fixed in 10% buffered formal saline
variety, has been positively received by the Australian farming for histological processing and examination.

Postmortem and laboratory findings

Results of the complete blood count and serum biochemistry are
*Corresponding author. shown in Table 1. Values for electrolytes, and the whole blood count
School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Nathan Cobb differential (data not shown) were all within normal reference
Drive, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia;
Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation, (NSW Department of Primary Industries ranges, and there were no apparent difference in values recorded
and Charles Sturt University), Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia from affected and unaffected animals.

174 Australian Veterinary Journal Volume 93, No 5, May 2015 © 2015 Australian Veterinary Association

on the skin of the sun-exposed dorsal ear that consisted of exten-

sive crusting and ulceration. In some animals complete loss of a

variable portion of the distal pinna was observed (Figure 2). All
other organ systems appeared normal.

Significant histopathological lesions were confined to the sun-

exposed unpigmented skin of the face and ears. There was a
variably severe necrotising, crusting and pustular dermatitis,
sometimes accompanied by re-epithelisation (Figures 3, 4). In
all animals the unpigmented skin of the face contained scattered
small intracornual accumulations of degenerate neutrophils, ac-
companied by a mild perivascular lymphoid infiltrate in the
superficial dermis. In the unpigmented sun-exposed skin of the
external pinna there were variably severe changes. Mildly affected
skin contained scattered intracornual pustules. These alternated
with areas in which the skin surface was variably covered by a
crust consisting of serum and neutrophils, which was either
Figure 1. Pure pasture of Biserrula pelecinus var. Casbah. sitting on top of, or within, the cornified epidermal layer. In more
severely affected areas there was a variable coagulative necrosis of
Gross necropsy findings in the clinically affected lambs were con- the epidermis and apical dermis. Necrosis often extended into the
fined to the conjunctiva and pigmented skin of the face and ears, apical one-third of the hair follicles, and was accompanied by a
although one lamb had an area of wool loss in the skin of the similar necrosis within adnexal dermal elements, and sometimes
dorsal lumbar midline and one lamb had a focal 1-cm area of ul- partial extrusion of hypereosinophilic necrotic sebaceous glands
ceration and bleeding in the skin of the upper eyelid, which was into the follicular lumen. In the most severely affected areas, shed
suggestive of self-trauma. All clinically affected animals showed necrotic epidermis and superficial dermis combined with the sero-
moderate bilateral reddening of the conjunctiva and variable neutrophilic crust to form a variably thick ‘shed’ layer on top of
epiphora, and some animals also showed mild swelling and the dermis (Figure 4). In most animals there was a mild superficial
crusting of the hairless anterior midline portion of the muzzle. dermal fibroplasia, and in some, the beginnings of surface re-
All animals showed variable, and sometimes marked, changes epithelisation was evident.

Table 1. CBC and selected biochemical values from subclinical (sheep 1–5) and clinically affected sheep (sheep 6–15). Sheep 11–15 were necropsied

Sheep no. PCV WBC Fib TP ALB Glob BR GLDH GGT AST CK Urea Creat USG

1 0.36 6.3 4 71 40 31 3 31 44 149 714 5.7 57 ND

2 0.37 6.8 7 68 42 26 3 10 55 146 561 4.9 68 ND
3 0.39 8.7 8 74 41 33 4 6 62 149 933 7.5 65 ND
4 0.39 5.5 6 70 39 31 3 37 46 141 548 6.2 65 ND
5 0.37 7.7 9 72 37 35 3 10 58 117 1428 4.9 63 ND
6 0.34 6.4 3 68 39 29 2 10 54 119 546 5.9 52 ND
7 0.34 7.3 8 70 42 28 3 5 91 103 385 6.1 58 ND
8 0.37 8.2 9 74 40 34 3 14 63 149 1397 6.6 55 ND
9 0.36 5.1 5 73 39 34 2 14 70 163 10,007 5.2 52 ND
10 0.37 6.4 6 68 39 29 3 31 54 139 992 5.3 51 ND
11 0.38 6.1 8 70 38 32 2 28 58 201 10,489 3.7 41 1.022
12 0.34 7.8 5 71 34 37 3 68 59 112 269 6 43 1.044
13 0.35 6.4 3 73 38 35 2 8 51 129 394 5.2 46 1.04
13 0.3 6.6 8 58 18 40 3 3 68 341 574 5 50 1.014
15 0.32 8.3 3 67 38 29 2 38 77 141 589 7.3 48 1.026

Reference range 0.29–0.40 4.1–13.0 3–8 60–82 29–41 30–42 <3 μ 0–33 47–95 59–130 0–1194 5.0–11.4 44–72
L/L x 109/L g/L g/L g/L g/L mol/L U/L U/L U/L U/L mmol/L μmol/L

ALB, albumen; AST, aspartate transaminase; CK, creatine kinase; Creat, creatinine; Fib, fibrinogen; GGT, γ-glutamyltransferase; GLDH, gluta-
mate dehydrogenase; Glob, globulin; ND, not done; PCV, packed cell volume; TP, total protein; USG, urine specific gravity; WBC, white blood
cell count. Values in bold are outside the normal reference range.

© 2015 Australian Veterinary Association Australian Veterinary Journal Volume 93, No 5, May 2015 175

Figure 4. High-power light microscopic view of the epidermal crust,

consisting of serum with large numbers of neutrophils. The adnexal ele-
ments of sebaceous glands (smaller arrows) and follicular structures (larger
arrows) within the crust are indicative of coagulative necrosis of the dermis
(H&E, x400).

Figure 2. Lesions in the sun-exposed skin of the pinnae in 4 of the affected

lambs. Lambs A and B show severe crusting and desquamation; in lamb C
there is a more chronic lesion as crusts have lifted from the underlying Discussion
healing skin. Note the healed pinnae in lamb D, although the apical tip
has been lost. Photosensitisation in animals is defined as a severe dermatitis that re-
sults from a heightened reactivity of skin cells and associated dermal
tissues upon their exposure to long-wavelength ultraviolet light, fol-
lowing ingestion or contact with compounds that are UV or light re-
active.8–10 Following activation, these compounds initiate production
of reactive oxygen species, resulting in an oxidative stress response in
the cell, leading to degeneration and cell death.9,11,12 Typically, in the
skin this results in coagulative necrosis of epidermis, apical follicular
epithelium, adnexal elements and the superficial dermis, followed by
neutrophilic inflammation and secondary bacterial infection. Al-
though these changes may be similar to those seen in chemical or
thermal burns, in photosensitivity they are restricted to unpigmented,
poorly haired, sun-exposed areas of skin.12
There are three categories of PS: types I, II and III. Type I PS is
commonly termed ‘primary’ photosensitivity, and manifests after
the ingestion or cutaneous absorption of exogenous pre-formed pho-
todynamic agents, usually of plant origin. Type II PS is a rare congen-
ital photosensitivity secondary to abnormal porphyrin metabolism;
type III PS is commonly referred to as a ‘secondary’ or ‘hepatogenous’
Figure 3. Low-power light microscopic view of the pinna of lamb 11. A thick
crust (arrow) is sitting on top of the sun-exposed skin on the dorsal surface Phylloerythrin is a metabolite of chlorophyll formed by the microbial
of the pinna. The skin on the non-sun-exposed ventral surface is unaffected. digestion of plant material in the intestines. Like chlorophyll, it is able
Note also some epithelialisation of the epidermis under the crust (H&E, x400).
to be activated by light and type III PS results when the liver fails to
absorb, metabolise and excrete phylloerythrin into bile, resulting in
its systemic deposition in tissues, including skin.9,13–15 Toxic plants
Histological changes found in other tissues of both affected and sub-
and mycotoxins that cause severe widespread liver damage account
clinical animals consisted of small numbers of nematodes consistent
for most cases of type III PS, and it is primarily seen in herbivores,
with Ostertagia sp. within the abomasum; small numbers of coccidial
and is the most common type of PS seen in veterinary medicine.
oocysts within the small intestine; small to moderate numbers of
sarcocysts scattered throughout heart and skeletal muscle; and mild, Regardless of the aetiology and/or the photodynamic agent involved,
multifocal periportal lymphocytic infiltrations in the livers. These the clinical signs of photosensitisation are similar. The presence of the
were all considered background lesions in lambs of this age. skin pigment melanin blocks ultraviolet light penetration through the

176 Australian Veterinary Journal Volume 93, No 5, May 2015 © 2015 Australian Veterinary Association

epidermis to the sensitive underlying dermal layers,16 giving signifi- Isolated cases of PS have occurred in sheep grazing the ‘Casbah’ vari-
cant protection from the excitation ability of the light. Thus dermal ety of biserrula throughout the Western Australian wheatbelt4–7 and

lesions typically develop in unpigmented, lightly haired skin exposed cases of biserrula PS have been noted in spring in Western Australia,
to sunlight. in both ewes and lambs grazing biserrula pastures.18 Observed clinical
signs and lesions on the unpigmented skin of the face, ears and tail of
Initial clinical signs of photosensitisation include excessive lacrima-
the affected animals in those reports, including loss of all or parts of
tion, poorly demarcated erythema and oedema of affected areas.17
the pinnae following consumption of Biserrula sp., are consistent with
Local oedema can be severe, leading to drooped pinnae, swollen eye-
PS.7,19 Anecdotal reports suggest that the plant is most toxic during
lids with secondary entropian and epiphora that may progress to
the flowering stage and has reduced or absent toxicity when dried or
blephorospasm, and oedema of the lips and muzzle. Initial signs
ensiled.20 Anecdotal evidence also suggests there is no hepatic in-
may include behavioural changes such as restlessness, head-shaking
volvement in Biserrula sp. associated PS, which if true would indicate
and self-mutilation secondary to intense pruritus and photophobia.17
that this photosensitisation is type I, associated with ingestion of a
These initial observations precede fulminant stages of blisters, exuda- preformed plant compound, or a secondary metabolite. In support
tion and skin loss due to necrosis, gangrene and sloughing. Chronic of this hypothesis, clinical and histopathological results in this out-
photosensitisation may result in resolution or chronic lesions such break do not suggest any significant hepatopathy. Taken collectively,
as areas of dermal hyperpigmentation and lichenification and vari- these findings confirm that the photosensitivity associated with
able loss of the distal pinnae.11 consumption of Biserrula sp. is a type I PS.

Clinical pathological changes associated with hepatogenous type III PS If the photosensitising compound/s present in B. pelecinus could be
reflect elevations in analytes referrable to hepatic and biliary function identified, selective plant breeding may be able to generate cultivars
and integrity. These commonly include variable, often marked increases that do not contain them, enabling safe consumption of the plant
in hepatocellular specific enzymes (GLDH, SD), enzymes induced by by livestock at all stages of its growth cycle. It has also been suggested
cholestasis (GGT), and other possible markers of cholestasis (e.g. biliru- that primary photosensitising compounds that are activated by ultra-
bin).9 Clinically, animals affected with type III PS are often jaundiced, in- violet light may have potential as anticancer drugs.21,22 Further stud-
dicating elevations in serum bilirubin above 45 μmol/l. ies are required to identify the causal photosensitising compound/s
Histopathological changes in the liver associated with hepatogenous PS present in this important pasture legume species.
are well detailed in the literature, and are usually diffuse and severe, as
In conclusion, biserrula is a useful addition to the repertoire of self-
would be expected, but vary in type depending on the causative toxin.12 regenerating legumes available to farmers in the temperate regions
of southern Australia, but consumption of the plant may be associated
In this disease outbreak there was no significant difference in any com-
with a type I PS that can result in serious disease and production
plete blood count values between clinical and subclinical animals. No
elevations in bilirubin or GGT were recorded. Two lambs (12 and 15) losses. Close observation can detect the initial behavioural and skin
showed very mild elevations in GLDH, which is considered specific for changes seen with type 1 PS and allow management strategies to pre-
hepatocellular necrosis in sheep, but this was not seen histologically in vent the more severe consequences of prolonged toxic exposure. Ac-
any of these animals. Of the clinically affected animals, six also had mild curate identification of the toxic stage of plant growth and the
causative compound/s may allow the development of non-toxic vari-
elevations in AST, which may be released from both damaged hepato-
eties and therefore encourage wider uptake of this valuable plant.
cytes and muscle cells, and three of these also had elevations in the mus-
cle specific enzyme CK, suggesting muscle rather than hepatic damage.
Sections of diaphragm, heart and tongue in all necropsied animals
contained a small number of sarcocysts and a mild multifocal lympho- The authors thank the producer involved in this case report and the
cytic myositis. Additional skeletal muscle samples from the hindleg, fore- staff of the Charles Sturt University Veterinary Diagnostic Labora-
leg and psoas muscle were examined in lamb 11 because of the marked tory. GEL was supported by a scholarship from the Australian Wool
elevation in CK noted in the biochemical results. The only lesions found Education Trust. AEK and JCQ are supported by Meat and Livestock
were mild myositis associated with sarcocysts that were noted in all Australia.
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