EUC Insight 8.7.7 User's Guide

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User's Guide

CIMCON Software, LLC
234 Littleton Road
Westford, MA 01886.


• Performs an automated inventory of all the scanned

spreadsheets or other EUC iles.

• Identi ies each spreadsheet as compliant or non-compliant.

• Analyzes spreadsheets based on critical factors like number of

formulas, external links, internal links, errors, warnings, broken
links, broken queries and many other criteria.
Version History:

• Displays a history of versions of a spreadsheet including the

Check In By, Check In Date Time, Check Out By and Check Out
Date Time.

• A copy of each version can be retrieved at any point of time.

• Multiple versions of each EUC can be instantly compared to

identify changes.


• Create number of policies as per the risk level of your iles.

• Assign policy to number of iles based on the con iguration and



• Add iles in inventory manually or import iles with metadata

and control high risk iles.
Getting Started

The EUC Insight Application has the following menu as shown in the
top screen bar:

Screen Display

You can go through the details of each icon by clicking on the image
link below:
Getting Started > Log In/Out

Logging In

Launch your web browser and enter the URL address of the path
where the EUC Insight program is installed. The login screen will be
displayed. Enter the User ID, Password and Domain information and
click the Login button to login.

Only the users with necessary privileges will be allowed to log in.

Log Off

To logout of the EUC Insight program, click the Log off icon on the
top-right corner of the screen.

Getting Started > About Us

Click on the About icon on the top-right corner of the screen, to

view the details related to the application such as License Type, No. of
Users, No. of Servers, No. of Monitored Files, No. of iles , No. of EUCs, No.
of FastScan Files.

Screen Display

The screen displays a License Service Path based on web.con ig ile.

Company Code is required to activate the license. Company Code will
be provided by CIMCON Software, along with Installation CD. If not,
Getting Started > User Options

Click on the User Options icon on the top-right corner of the

screen to set the default User options. User options are user speci ic
and can be different from one user to another as per the user's
con iguration.
Note: Once the user selects the Third Tab options, in that case those
tabs remains selected for that session. It overrides the default setting
of Tab.

From the Default Tab drop-down, user can set the default mode from
given options that will be opened at the login into the application.
In the Inventory tab, there is Third Pane Tab Options.

Screen Display
Getting Started >
Help Content and

The Help File is organized as follows:

The general structure of this Help maps the EUC Insight con iguration
structure for greater readability and understanding of this document.
This also helps the user to locate the information easily. Each menu
item is speci ied as follows:

• Screen Display: Screen display(s) of the menu item.

• Field Descriptions: For each ield, these include:

• Field Name: the name of the ield.

• Field Descriptions: the description of the ield.

• Type: the ield type which may be any of the following:

o Pull-down: Field values are selected from a pull-down list.

o Check Box: Field is of type check box.
o System: Field value is displayed/ illed in by the system and
cannot be edited by the user.
o Data Type/Length: the ield data type and length. Valid
data types are Text (NNN) where NNN is the maximum
allowable length of the text string, Date/Time, Numeric,
Boolean (Yes or No), and OLE ( ile).
o Image List: List of icons with icon labels.
o Grid: A Grid of multiple ields with multiple data values.
o Option Button: Selection of a criterion from multiple

When you Login to the EUC Insight application, you will land on the
Home page of the application. On the Home, the users can ind:

❖ Number of EUCs added in the Inventory tab

❖ Total number of iles Detail scanned in the Discovery tab

❖ Number of monitored iles in the Change Management tab

❖ Number of assigned tasks
❖ Graphical representation of

• Number of EUCs in different departments in different


• % of EUCs missing data

• Risk Ratings of EUC by departments

• Number of Detail scanned iles in different departments in

different months

• New and Modi ied iles in the last few months

• Distribution of Detail Scanned iles as per department

• Review Status of Monitored iles as per department

• Count of Monitored Files in different departments

• Active Work low(s) as per status

On the irst login, there will not be any value in all these Info-Boxes,
numbers or charts All the details mentioned above will be available
Home > Info-Boxes


The Info-Boxes of the Home displays the number of EUCs in the

Inventory tab, number of scanned iles Discovery tab, number of
monitored iles in the Change Management tab and number of
assigned tasks in Inventory and Change Management tab as per the
Department selection.
Screen Display

It offers the users to view the count in the respective Boxes and also
take actions on the same once they hover over the individual Info-
Boxes. These are:
EUCs in Inventory

Files Scanned
Monitored Files
Assigned Tasks

Home > Info-
Boxes > EUCs in
The EUCs in Inventory Info-Box displays the number of EUCs added
in the Inventory repository. This Info-Box also allows the users to view
the number of EUCs along with an option to add new EUC with the
Add EUC button.
Screen Display

Screen Display - On Hover

View EUCs

To view the list of EUCs which have been added, click on View
EUCs button. This will redirect the users to the Repository page of the
Inventory tab, where the user will be able to see the details of the
EUCs added.

Home > Info-
Boxes > Files
The Files Scanned Info-Box displays the total number of iles detail
scanned in the Discovery repository. This Info-Box also allows the
users to view the those scanned iles along with an option to scan iles
with the Scan Files button.
Screen Display

Screen Display - On Hover

View Scanned Files

To view the list of Files which have been scanned, click on View
Scanned Files button. This will redirect the users to the Repository
page of the Discovery tab, where the user will be able to see the
details of the iles scanned.

Scan Files
Home > Info-
Boxes >
Monitored Files
The Monitored Files Info-Box displays the number of Files that have
been monitored for the application in the Change Management
repository. This Info-Box also allows the users to view the number of
Monitored Files along with an option to monitor new iles.
Screen Display

Screen Display - On Hover

View Monitored Files

To view the list of iles which have been monitored, click on View
Monitored Files button. This will redirect the users to the Repository
page of the Change Management tab, where the user will be able to
see the details of the iles monitored.
Home > Info-
Boxes > Assigned
The Assigned tasks Info-Box displays the total number of tasks
(Work low) assigned in the Inventory and Change Management tab.
The Info-Box allows the users to view the number of Assigned tasks in
Inventory and Change Management separately once they hover over
the Info-Box.
Screen Display

Inventory Tasks

To view the task assigned in the Inventory, click on Inventory Tasks

button. This will redirect the users to the My Tasks page of the
Inventory tab, where the user will be able to see the details of the
Tasks assigned in the second pane.
Change Management Tasks
Home >


The Dashboards of the Home displays some of the charts (for

Inventory, Discovery, Change Management tabs). These charts depend
upon the actions performed in the individual tabs and are displayed as
Line Charts, Pie Charts and Bar Graphs. For better understanding, we
have categorized all the dashboards as per the tabs:
Inventory Dashboards
Discovery Dashboards
Change Management Dashboards

Some common features of the Dashboards are:

• Hover over the Lines, Bars or Pie charts to get the details
number of EUCs/Files as per department.

• Drill down on individuals graphs to view the more details.

• Click on the Departments/categories from the charts/graphs to

ilter the results as per.

• Con igurations available for some of the dashboards to ilter the


Home >
Dashboards >
The Inventory dashboard displays a graphical summary of the EUCs
added in the Inventory over months, percent of EUCs missing
Metadata and Risk Rating of the EUCs Department wise in the
The three Inventory Dashboards are:

1. Total Population EUC Trend

2. Percent of EUCs Missing Metadata

3. EUC Risk Ratings by Department

4. Active Work low(s) by Status

On the top of the graph and drill down of the Graph, there are some
Buttons for which the functionalities are mentioned below.
Note: all the buttons are not available on all charts. It will be displayed
based on the characteristics of data on the chart

• Click on icon to ilter the chart data for speci ic month, Date,
Date with Signi icant Template : below pop-up screen will
appear on click of Filter icon.

• To con igure chart setting for displayed graph, click on the

icon from the Top right corner . Refer Chart Settings for detail

• Click on icon to refresh the Chart data on the Home Page.

• On First and Second Drill Down of Chart/Graph click icon

Home >
Dashboards >
The Discovery dashboard displays a graphical summary of the Files
scanned in the Discovery over months, department wise distribution
of the scanned iles and number of new & modi ied iles in the
selected months.
The three Discovery Dashboards are:

1. Scanned Files Population Trend

2. New & Modi ied Files in Last N Months

3. Scanned Files Distribution by Department

Note: all the buttons are not available on all charts. It will be displayed
based on the characteristics of data on the chart

• Click on icon to ilter the chart data for speci ic month, Date,
Date with Signi icant Template : below pop-up screen will
appear on click of Filter icon.

• To con igure chart setting for displayed graph, click on the

icon from the Top right corner . Refer Chart Settings for detail

• Click on icon to refresh the Chart data on the Home Page.

• On First and Second Drill Down of Chart/Graph click icon

on the left bottom corner, To perform available actions. i.e. View
ile Metadata File summary etc
Home >
Dashboards >
The Change Management dashboard displays a graphical summary of
the Monitored Files and Active Work low(s).
The three Change Management Dashboards are:

1. Monitored Files Review Status by Department

2. Count of Monitored Files
3. Active Work low(s) by Status

On the top of the graph and drill down of the Graph, there are some
Buttons for which the functionalities are mentioned below.
Note: all the buttons are not available on all charts. It will be displayed
based on the characteristics of data on the chart

• Click on icon to ilter the chart data for speci ic month, Date,
Date with Signi icant Template : below pop-up screen will
appear on click of Filter icon.

• To con igure chart setting for displayed graph, click on the

icon from the Top right corner . Refer Chart Settings for detail

• Click on icon to refresh the Chart data on the Home Page.

• On First and Second Drill Down of Chart/Graph click icon


The Inventory tab has the following menu as shown in the ribbon:
Screen Display

Inventory > Add

To start with performing several tasks on EUC(s), you must have those
into the Inventory repository. The Add EUC(s) feature adds the EUC(s)
into repository either through Manually or by import template. As
soon as an EUC is added into the Inventory repository, one Unique
Identi ier number is assigned for the identi ication. Once you have the
necessary EUCs, you can proceed with performing different actions on
How to add EUC(s) into Inventory repository?
The EUC(s) can be added to the Inventory repository by two ways:

Add Manually
Import from Excel
Inventory > Add
EUC(s) > Add

1. Click on Inventory | Add EUC(s) | Add Manually menu.Screen


Enter the EUC Name, EUC Path and select the Department from the
drop down to which you want to add this EUC.

• Users can click on the Browse button to select a ile to associate

with EUC. If the EUC Name and EUC Path ields are blank, it will
be auto ill once the user chooses the ile path to associate.

• By selecting the “Monitor File In Change Management” option,

the associated ile will be added in the Change Management.

• If the user has selected the “Add File in Discovery” option, the
associated ile will be added in the scanned iles of Discovery.

• Select the "None" option if only want to Add EUC.

• Click on OK button to complete the step of adding EUC. As soon

as you click OK button, Metadata form screen will appear for you
to enter the details You can ill up the Metadata form or skip it
Inventory > Add
EUC(s) > Import
From Excel

1. Click on Inventory | Add EUC(s) | Import From Excel menu.

Screen Display

2. Click on “Download the ‘Import Metadata’ template ile.” link to

download the template ile. The excel ile will be as displayed in
the below screen:

Screen Display
Inventory >
Screen Layout

When you navigate to the Inventory tab, you see a window that is
organized into three (3) sections called Panes: First/Object Pane,
Second/Information Pane and Third Pane.
First/Object Pane: The left section is the Object Pane that stores the
Inventory Repository. The repository is organized in a tree structure
similar. A brief description of the nodes has been provided below:

Click the (Hide) button to hide the object pane and click the
(Expand) button to view it.

1. My Tasks: Displays the iles with a work low task associated

with it. The iles are displayed as per the logged in users.
2. Inventory: Displays the information about the repository EUCs
list as per the metadata ields. The users can select the ields to
ilter the EUCs.
3. Departments: Displays the EUC lists as per department.

4. EUC Owner: Displays the list of EUCs as per the EUC Owners

5. Critical Assessment Rating: Displays the list of EUCs with

Criticality Assessment Rating as Low, Medium or High.
Note: The EUC Owner and Critical Assessment Rating are the
default Metadata ield ilters.
Screen Display
Inventory >

The Assessment Grid contains the following menu from the Inventory
tab, where you can de ine the risk level of the selected EUC:
Screen Display
Inventory >
Assessment >

There are certain data about the EUC which cannot be de ined for the
ile. However, the Metadata menu allow users to apply Metadata ield
values to the selected EUC(s) based on the con igurations done in EUC
Insight | Con igurations | Metadata menu.

The Metadata ield values can be applied to the selected EUCs

manually as per the usage/criticality of the EUC contents.

How to Fill Up Metadata form?

1. Click on Metadata menu. The Metadata form will be displayed
as shown below:
Screen Display
Inventory >
Assessment >
Batch Update

There are certain data in various EUCs which you want to update. But,
updating same value for a selected ield in multiple EUCs can be a
tedious task. With Batch Update menu, users are enabled to update
any old value with new value in multiple EUCs in one go.

Once the user enters the old value and new value for the selected ield,
the application will ind the EUCs with the mentioned old value and
will replace that value with the new value.
How to perform the Batch Update?
1. Click on the Batch Update menu. The Metadata Batch Update
screen will appear:
Screen Display
Inventory >
Work low Actions

A work low is a sequence of tasks through which a piece of work
passes from initiation to completion. Any action performed on a
work low can be called a work low action. These actions are: starting
a work low, changing status of a work low, re-assigning a task to other
users or canceling a work low etc.

It allows a user to instantly, start a pre-de ined work low from the
application itself, re-allocate the tasks to other users, cancel the
requisite work low and change the status of the work low tasks
assigned to the users. All the users can review the tasks assigned to
them and check the status of the task for which the work low has
already been started. It reduces the extra efforts to handle the task
assignment and review.
How to manage Work low Actions?
Start Work low

Change Status

Re-Assign Task
Cancel Work low
Inventory >
Work low
Actions > Start
Work low
The Start Work low menu allows a user to instantly, start a pre-
de ined work low from the application itself. It eliminates the process
of starting the same from the Work low Designer module.

Further usage:
After starting, a work low is managed through Work low Actions. This
involves Re-Assigning task, changing status for tasks and signing off
when done.
How to start a work low ?

1. Click the Start Work low menu. Alternatively, click on

button adjacent to ile name and select Start Work low option.
The below screen will appear:

Screen Display

2. Select the Work low Template based on which the work low is to
be started.
Inventory >
Work low
Actions > Change
The Change Status menu allows a user to change the status of the
work low tasks assigned to the users. The module also allows a user
to attach additional iles as reference for the work low task, assign
security settings (if necessary privileges for the same have been
assigned) and check in a ile.

How to change status of a ile ?

1. Click on the Change Status menu. Alternatively, if the work low
is initiated on ile, click on button adjacent to ile name and
select Work low | Change Status option. The following screen
will appear:
Screen Display
Inventory >
Work low
Actions > Re-
Assign Task

The Re-Assign Task menu allows users to re-allocate the tasks to

other users.
How to Re-assign the task?

1. Select the ile attached with a work low and then click the
Work low Actions | Re-Assign Task menu to re-allocate the
task. Alternatively, if the work low is initiated on ile, click on
button adjacent to ile name and select Work low | Re-Assign
Task option.

2. The Task Assignments screen will appear:

Screen Display
Inventory >
Work low
Actions > Cancel
Work low

The Cancel Work low menu allows you to cancel the requisite
work low.
How to cancel a work low?

1. Select the ile attached with the work low to be canceled and
click the Work low Actions | Cancel Work low menu.
Alternatively, if the work low is initiated on ile, click on
button adjacent to ile name and select Work low | Cancel
Work low option.

2. A con irmation message will be popped as shown below:

Screen Display

3. The work low will be canceled after con irmation.

Inventory >

The Documentation Grid contains the following menu from the

Inventory tab, where you can attach a ile or a link as attachment to
the selected EUC:
Screen Display
Inventory >
Documentation >
Supporting Docs

The Supporting Docs feature allows users to store iles or links that
are associated with an EUC. The supporting documents may be any
document that may describe the EUC, contain information about the
attributes etc. The supporting documents added can be viewed later
by other users and during the work low as attachments also. The
supporting documents can be added as a ile or link.

How to con igure Supporting Docs?

1. Select an EUC and select the Inventory | Supporting Docs
menu. The following Supporting Docs screen will appear:
Screen Display
Inventory >

The Actions Grid contains the following menu from the Inventory tab,
which are categorized as Actions to be taken on any EUC:

Screen Display

You can go through the details of each menu by clicking on the image
link below:
Inventory >
Actions > Delete


There can be times when you won’t need certain EUCs and don’t need
to work on them in future. In that case, the selected EUCs can be
removed from the respected tab using the Delete EUC option.

• The EUC deleted from Inventory tab will be removed from

Inventory tab only but the association of other iles will also be
The feature of Delete EUC allows the users to delete an EUC from the
grid. It will delete the selected EUC or record after a con irmation.
How to delete the selected EUC?

To delete a selected EUC from the Information pane:

· Select EUC(s) from the grid. Click on Delete EUC menu,

following screen will appear asking the con irmation to delete
the EUC(s):
Screen Display

· Click on Yes button if you surely want to delete the selected

EUC(s) from the list or else click on No button.
Inventory >
Actions > Retired

There can be times when you won’t need certain EUCs or don’t need to
work on them but you may need them in future. In that case, the
selected EUCs can be retired from the respected tab using the Retire
EUC option from Right Click Context Menu. Those retired EUCs can be
viewed from the Inventory | Retired Inventory menu.

How to view the Retired EUCs?

1. Navigate to Inventory | Actions | Retired Inventory menu. The
Retired Inventory screen will appear. You can view the EUCs
which have been retired and recall the selected EUCs whenever
Screen Display
Inventory >
Actions > Change
Lifecycle Stage


When an EUC is added/imported in the Inventory, the default Lifecycle

Stage is assigned to that. But, as users start working on those EUCs,
they may need to change the stage of the EUC as per the low of the
Work. The Lifecycle Stage of the EUC can be changed from the Change
Lifecycle Stage menu of the Inventory tab.
Note: If work low is running on the selected EUC, the Lifecycle Stage
cannot be changed until the Work low is completed.
How to change the Lifecycle Stage of the selected EUC?
To change the Lifecycle Stage, select an EUC from the Information

· Click on the Change Lifecycle Stage menu from the Inventory

ribbon. The following screen will appear:
Screen Display

The Discovery tab has the following menu as shown in the ribbon:
Screen Display

Discovery > Scan

The scan feature of the application fetch the pre-de ined attributes
from different ile types i.e. Excel, Access and Other, based on the
selected phase for different ile share type such as Windows and
SharePoint. The application offers various options for scheduling,
scan based on certain criteria, sending scan results in email, rescan of
error iles etc.
How to con igure Scan?
The Scan con iguration involves:
1. General Con igurations
2. De ine Risk Factor, Risk Policy, Include/Exclude Pattern,
Schedule Scan and
3. Submit for Scan
Using Scanned Files further:
Once you have added the iles/folders into the database you are
working with, you can now perform different actions on the iles. (For
example, you can add/associate the ile with Inventory record to
update its Metadata form.)

Discovery > Scan > General
Con igurations

1. Navigate to Discovery | Scan.

2. Click the button to expand the General Con igurations ield. The
General Con iguration involves Template Con iguration, File
Property to Scan, Additional Scanner Settings, Phase Management,
Password Management, Code Quality Con iguration and SharePoint
Con igurations. Con igure the sections as mentioned below:

A. Template Con iguration

Screen Display

• Click on Add button to create new template.

• Enter a name for the template and make the selections from
File Types and Phase Selection, Scanner Settings and Scan
Settings and click on the Save button to create the new
a. File Type(s) and Phase Selection

Screen Display
Discovery > Scan >
De ine Other
Click (Next) icon, to navigate to the De ine Risk Factor, Risk Policy,
Include/Exclude Pattern and Schedule Scan section. Con igure the
sections as mentioned below:

· Scheduling Options

Screen Display

o Select the department from the pull down list.

o Select the weekday(s) on which the Scan agent is not

to be run along with specifying the number of
hours.Note: Click the button to apply a day's
schedule to all the days.

o Select the weekend(s) on which the Scan agent is not

to be run along with specifying the number of hours.
Discovery > Scan >
Submit for Scan
Click (Next) icon, to navigate to the Submit for Scan section. The
folders for scanning can be con igured in four ways as follows:

· Browse File Share: Allows choosing a folder that is to be


· Import List of Folders: Allows choosing a ile that contains

a list of paths of the folder(s) to be scanned.
· Import List of Files: Allows choosing an excel ile that
contains a list of ile paths to be scanned.

· Browse SharePoint/Of ice365/Documentum/BOX/Google

Drive/Dropbox/GitHub: Allows con iguring the
SharePoint/Of ice365/Documentum/BOX/Google
Drive/Dropbox/GitHub site libraries.
Browse File Share:

Screen Display

· Select the Browse File Share option, and in the Enter Path ield,
specify the ile share path. For scanning the map drive path, refer
Discovery > Screen
The Discovery tab display is organized into three (3) sections called
Panes apart from the top ribbon menu:

Screen Display

It supports an integrated functionality for managing the result of

scans performed for risk analysis of EUC iles.
First/Object Pane: The left section is the Object Pane that stores the
scan results. The results are organized in a tree structure similar to
Windows Explorer. These can be organized in a structured, logical,
and meaningful manner. A brief description of the nodes that store the
scan results has been provided below:

Click the (Hide) button to hide the object pane and click the
(Expand) button to view it.

1. Excel Results: Displays the scan results of Excel iles.

Discovery > Risk
The Risk Assessment Grid contains the following menu from the
Discovery tab, where you can de ine the risk factors, risk level of a ile
and assign that ile to a con igured risk policy:
Screen Display

You can go through the details of each menu by clicking on the image
link below:
Discovery > Risk
Assessment > Risk
It allows the users to con igure risk factor weights for Excel, Access
and Other iles. Different set of risk factors are de ined for each
department. Hence, while scanning iles of a particular department
their respective risk factors are taken into account.
Risk Factor weights can be assigned to various types of formulas,
attributes and keywords. Risk Factor weights can also be de ined for
advanced attributes like Meta Data, Keywords, Maximum Value,
Advanced Formulas, Errors and Warnings.
The weights assigned here will be taken into account while calculating
the risk for scanned iles.

Risk Calculation:

• The Risk Contribution is calculated by multiplying the Attribute

Count and Risk Attribute Value for each attribute i.e.
Risk Contribution= Count * Risk Attribute Value

• The grand total of all the Risk Contribution gives the Total Risk
Factor for the department.

Total Risk Factor=Σ(Risk Contribution)

• The Loge of the each risk factor gives the Risk Indicator:

Risk Indicator= Loge (Risk Factor)

Discovery > Risk
Assessment > Risk
Factors > Risk


1. Click Discovery | Risk Factors | Risk Factors menu.

2. Select the Department for which the risk factor weights are to be
con igured from the Pull-Down List:

3. Click the Copy button to copy Excel, Access and other risk
factors to other departments.
Screen Display

4. Select the department from the ield of which Excel, Access and
other risk factors needs to be copied in other departments.

Discovery > Risk
Assessment > Risk
Factors > Risk
Factor Analysis

Risk Factors Analysis for Excel Files

The Discovery| Risk Factors | Risk Factor Analysis | Excel menu
allows user to modify and weights and analyze risk factor weights for
Excel iles.

1. Select the Discovery | Risk Factors | Risk Factor Analysis |

Excel menu. The following screens will appear:
Screen Display - Materiality Weights

Screen Display - Complexity Weights

Discovery > Risk
Assessment > Risk
Factors > Regular
Expression Patterns

Regular Expression Patterns is used to ind keyword in the iles

based on de ined regular expression. For e.g. (Credit card). After the
regular expression is speci ied, system will search if the expression
matches for the keyword and the results can be seen in the respective
excel, access or other scan result sections.

Based on the expression label, a master expression de ines the

minimum criteria required for veri ication of the expression label. If
the master expression is not satis ied, the system will not check the
detailed expression. Note that the master expression is not mandatory
to be inputted. System will still pass on the control to add the detailed
For e.g. let us assume the expression label as (Credit card).

Note: expression label should be compulsory written in round brackets.

For e.g. (Credit card).

Now in the master expression text box we will specify the minimum
pattern criteria which is required for a number to be a credit card
number as shown in the picture below i.e. [0-9]{13,19} where

• [0-9]: means that a credit card number should have digits in

range of 0 to 9.

• {13, 19}: means credit card number should have minimum

length of 13 digits and maximum length of 19 digits.

Note: Master Expression only applies to Excel cell Contents.

There is an additional checkbox named “Apply Checksum Algorithm”.

Checksum Algorithm works for verifying credit card and PPS. So this
Discovery > Risk
Assessment > Risk
The Risk Policy allows you to de ine policies based on organizational
needs. The policies are created by using logical operations on the
attributes of the scan and the scanned iles. Different set of policies
can be de ined for each department making it easier to retrieve
information of the iles of interest. The policies once de ined can be
used to ilter out the required iles at many occasions in the
How to Con igure Risk Policy?

The Risk Policy can be con igured following the below steps:

1. Select the Discovery | Risk Policy menu.

2. Click the Add button located at the bottom of the Risk Policy
screen to add a new Policy.

3. Specify the name of the Policy to carry out any action like
Execute, Update or Delete.

4. Select the Type of iles for which the policy is to be added.

5. Select the department for which the policy is to be added.
Screen Display
Discovery > Risk
Assessment >
The Metadata menu allows users to apply Metadata ield values to the
selected ile based on the con iguration done.
Note: To ill the Metadata form for any File from Discovery, that ile
should be added to Inventory repository or associated with any
Inventory Record.
Discovery >

The Analysis Grid contains the following menu from the Discovery tab,
where you can analyze the iles/folders as per the menu
Screen Display

You can go through the details of each menu by clicking on the image
link below:
Discovery >
Analysis > Risk
Score Card
The Discovery | Risk Score Card menu allows the users to analyze and
review the Attributes, Attribute Count, Attribute Risk Factor associated
with the relative iles and their Risk Contribution that the selected
spreadsheet contains.
Discovery >
Analysis > EUC
The EUC Map enables the users to view an intuitive map of a ile
displaying its linking to other iles. The EUC Map displays the
graphical map for Excel, Access and Other iles. The map shows the
iles with different levels of risk, the links to other data sources and
iles that are not scanned with distinct colors for easy visualization.
The colors used for differentiation are con igurable. Moreover, you can
also navigate to a ile by double-clicking the icon.

How to Con igure EUC Map?

1. Select the EUC Map menu. The following screen will be

Screen Display
Discovery >
Analysis > File
The File History menu shows the difference between the ile attribute
values between successive scan sessions. When one of the version is
selected, it displays the Field Value and Field Old Value depicting the
modi ications in the records for results of scanned iles and risk
factors. The change in the ield values are highlighted with yellow
color for easy identi ication. Each time the risk factors are modi ied or
the attributes of a ile are modi ied, the changes will be recorded in
the latest version after the successive scan.
File History of Scanned Files or Risk Factors (Excel, Access and
1. Select the record in the Information Pane and then select the
File History menu. The File History screen displaying different
versions of the selected ile will appear.

2. Select a version from the list to view the ield values for that
record and the previous versions with changes between the two
versions highlighted in colored text.
Screen Display
Discovery >
Analysis > Search
The Search Options feature allows the user to search object and/or
metadata for keywords, speci ic keywords in macros of the EUCs and
speci ic keywords in iles.

How to search keywords?


Search Macro Keywords

Search Other File Keywords
Discovery >
Analysis > Search
Options > Search
1. Select the Discovery | Search Options | Search menu. To
search the data for keywords, the users need to specify the
Search Criteria and User & Date. The system saves the last ive
searches carried out by you. You can search using the wild card
characters *,? and %.
a. Search Criteria
Screen Display

• Specify the text to be searched in the Search Text ield.

• Select the Discovery section from the drop down menu

of Look In ield, from which the keywords will be

• In the Search For grid, select the checkbox for the

following options as per your requirement:
o Object Name: Select this option, if the object name is
to be searched.
o Metadata: Select this option, if the Metadata is to be
Discovery >
Analysis > Search
Options > Search
Macro Keyword
1. Select the Discovery | Search | Search Macro Keyword menu.
2. Select the Search Type, Search Operator, the Keyword and
the Department(s).
Screen Display

3. Click the Search button. The results will be displayed in the

Search Results grid:

Screen Display
Discovery >
Analysis > Search
Options > Search
Other File
1. Select the Discovery | Search | Search Other File
Keywords menu.
2. Select the Department, Search Operator and specify the
Keyword to be searched.
Screen Display

3. Click the Search button. The results will be displayed in

the Search Results grid:

Screen Display
Discovery >
Analysis >
Excluded Files
The Excluded Files menu enables a user to manage the Excluded
Files, which do not require scanning. Files can be added to the
Excluded Files list so that they are omitted when encountered. This
list may be useful for speci ic iles, which are not in use for long time
or might not be of any further use. The iles are moved to the Excluded
Files List folder of the application. However, the iles, which are added
to the list, can also be removed to be included in the scanning Policy as
and when required.

How to manage Excluded Files list?

1. To manage the Excluded iles, select the Discovery | Excluded

Files menu. The following screen will appear.
Screen Display
Discovery >
The Actions Grid contains the following menu from the Discovery tab,
which are categorized as Actions to be taken on any ile:
Screen Display

You can go through the details of each menu by clicking on the image
link below:
Discovery >
Actions > Policy
It allows you to view the Policy to which the ile belongs and allows
manual updating of the Policy of the ile as per your requirement.

How to assign the Policy?

1. Click on Discovery | Policy Assignment, following screen
Screen Display

2. Select the Policy which you want to apply to the selected ile.

3. Click on Manage Policy button. Click on Close button to exit the

Policy Assignment screen.
Discovery >
Actions > Move to
Excluded Files
The Discovery | Move to Excluded Files menu allows the users to
move the selected ile(s) to the Excluded iles list. The iles moved to
the Excluded Files list will not be displayed in the Excel/Access/Other
Files Result tab and those iles will not be included in the next scan

How to move a ile to Excluded Files?

1. Select a ile from the Discovery.
2. Click on Discovery | Move to Excluded Files menu. Following
screen appears.
Screen Display

3. Con irm with Yes button. The following screen appears for
specifying the comments:

Screen Display
Discovery >
Actions > Manual
Risk Override
The Manual Risk Override allows the user to manually assign the
Risk metric to the selected ile and allow it to override the Risk Factor
that has been assigned to it by the application.

How to Override Risk Manually?

1. Select the tree object from the Object Pane. A list of iles will
appear in the Information Pane.

2. From the list of iles that appear, select the ile whose Risk
Factor is to be manually changed and click on the Discovery |
Manual Risk Override. The following screen will appear:
Screen Display

3. Assign the desired Risk option (High, Medium and Low) by

clicking on the appropriate radio button and specify the reason
for the manual Risk change in the Comments ield.
Discovery >
Actions > Monitor
Once the iles are scanned in Discovery or added in Inventory and
based on the Metadata or Risk Attributes if the iles need to be
monitored for EUC Compliance then the Monitor feature is used. The
Monitor menu is used to make any MS Excel, MS Access or Other ile
(only the con igured ile extensions), a EUC Insight compliant ile.
Before performing any action on the ile, it is necessary that the ile
should be Monitored .

Note: The Monitored ile can be accessed but cannot be modi ied by
the server users.
After Monitoring, a ile gets added to the EUC Insight
Application/Change Management repository/pane and becomes
compliant to work with different functionalities of EUC Insight
How to Monitor a ile?

To Monitor any ile:

· Select the tree object from the Object Pane. A list of iles will
appear in the Information Pane.

· From the list of iles that appear, select the ile(s) that is to be
Monitored and click on the Monitor menu. The following screen
will appear.
Screen Display
Discovery >
Actions > File
There can be iles which are linked to other iles or data sources as per
the data of the ile to support the content. The linked iles or data
sources can affect the change of data in the selected ile. However,
with the File Lineage menu the users can review the linked data from
different sources with differentiated color codes. The File
Lineage feature maps linking of data from other sources. This enables
a user to predict the impact of any change in data. A comprehensive
color-coded map displaying the external links of the spreadsheet from
which data might have been imported into the ile is generated.

How to review ile lineage?

1. Select the Discovery | File Lineage menu.

2. The map showing all the iles that are linked to the active
workbook will be displayed.
Screen Display
Discovery >
Actions > Delete
The Discovery | Delete File menu allows the users to delete a
record/ ile from the Discovery repository. It will delete the selected
ile or record after a con irmation.
Discovery > Copy
The Copy Group Grid contains the following menu from the Discovery
tab, Where users can manage the group of copy iles; also, users can
move copy group iles to Excluded iles or create a EUC in Inventory
from this screen.
Screen Display

Discovery > Copy
Group > Copy
Group Management
The Discovery | Copy Groups | Management menu allows the users
to review the iles under copy groups. Users can also move the copy
group iles to the Excluded ile list and can create an Inventory from
the Copy group Management screen.
How to manage a Copy Group iles?
1. Click on Discovery | Copy Groups | Management, following
screen appears.
Screen Display

The green color icon in the above screen indicates that there
is no copy group process pending. In the case of copy group

service running in the background, it would be indicated in

orange with the pending numbers displayed in the tooltip.
The Change Management tab has the following menu as shown in the

Screen Display

Management >
The Monitor menu is used to make any MS Excel, MS Access or Other
ile located in the mapped folder, a EUC Insight compliant ile. To
control limited number of iles from the mapped folder, Monitoring a
ile is necessary. Before performing any action related to change
management, the ile should be Monitored .

Also, the copy of any ile during window copy paste will be detected
and however, the copy will also come under monitoring.

Note: The Monitored ile can be accessed but cannot be modi ied by
the service users.
Before Monitoring a ile, make sure that necessary
con igurations have been done.

Why Monitor?
After Monitoring, a ile gets added to the change management
repository/pane and becomes compliant to work with change
management functionalities of EUC Insight application.

1. Click the Change Management | Monitor menu.

Management >
When you navigate to the Change Management tab, you see a window
that is organized into three (3) sections called Panes:
Screen Display

The three panes are:

First/Object Pane
Second/Information Pane
Management >
Layout > Object Pane
A. Object pane
The object pane consists of a tree structure consisting My Tasks,
Recent Files, Favorites, Search Result and Repository node. While
the information pane displays the objects based on the node selected
in left pane. All the nodes more or less, provide the same functions of
Open, Check In, Security Map, EUC Copy Map and Work low menu
Screen Display

My Tasks
The (My Tasks) node displays information regarding all the task
that are associated with the logged in user. Users can view the name of
the task that they supposed to perform, open the iles, work with
them, and change the task status upon completion. The iles are

displayed only when a work low task is to be completed by the logged

in user.
Management >
Layout >
Information Pane
B. Information Pane
The top right section is the Information Pane where results of the
selected object in the Object Pane are displayed. E.g., if the My
Tasks component is selected in the Object Pane, then the records of the
recently used Excel iles will be displayed in this pane.
Screen Display
Management > Audit
The Audit Trail menu allows you to ilter and view the audit trail
records for controlled iles. It keeps a track of all the different actions
performed on the iles and helps to identify the changes that have
been done on the ile.

Before performing Audit Trail on a ile, make sure that necessary

con igurations have been done.

How to Con igure Audit Trail?

1. Select the ile for which the audit trail is to be viewed and click
the Change Management | Audit Trail menu. The following
screen allowing you to ilter the users and actions will appear.

2. You can choose from among the options of:

a. Files in Hierarchy: Select ile/folder with its inherited child

b. Multiple Files: Individual ile/folder will be selected, without
its child ile/folder.

Files in Hierarchy

1. Select ile/folder with its inherited child ile/folder.

Screen Display
Management >
The Versioning Grid contains the following menu from the Change
Management tab:
Screen Display

You can go through the details of each menu by clicking on the image
link below:
Management >
Versioning >

Versioning creates new rendition of a ile which is different in certain

respects from an earlier form. It provides several security settings
which can be applied to a ile which can be saved as a different version
of the ile.
How to make version of a ile ?

The Check In File feature allows a user to check in a ile. It also
provides an option to automatically, check out a ile after checking it
in. On performing the Check In operation, a version of the ile is
created. Moreover, users can also assign cell level security on the ile if
necessary security for the same has been assigned.
1. Click the Change Management | Versioning | Check In menu.
The following screen will be displayed:

Screen Display
Management >
Versioning >
The Compare menu allows a user to compare different versions of a
iles located in the repository or in the local drive of a computer. The
comparison shows the difference in the ile between different
How to compare iles?

1. Select the ile to compare and click the Compare menu.

Alternatively click on button adjacent to ile name and select
Compare Versions option.

2. The Compare Versions dialog will appear:

Screen Display (While comparing Excel File formats)
Management >
Work low Actions
A work low is a sequence of tasks through which a piece of work
passes from initiation to completion. Any action performed on a
work low can be called a work low action. These actions are: starting
a work low, changing status of a work low, re-assigning a task to other
users or canceling a work low etc.

It allows a user to instantly, start a pre-de ined work low from the
application itself, re-allocate the tasks to other users, cancel the
requisite work low and change the status of the work low tasks
assigned to the users. All the users can review the tasks assigned to
them and check the status of the task for which the work low has
already been started. It reduces the extra efforts to handle the task
assignment and review.

How to manage Work low Actions?

Start Work low
Change Status

Re-Assign Task

Cancel Work low

Management >
Work low Actions >
Start Work low
The Start Work low menu allows a user to instantly, start a pre-
de ined work low from the application itself. It eliminates the process
of starting the same from the Work low Designer module.

Task based or Object based work lows can be started. Task

based work lows are the ones that do not have any iles attached with
them whereas the Object based work lows are the ones with which
iles are associated.

Further usage:
After starting, a work low is managed through Work low Actions. This
involves Re-Assigning task, changing status for tasks and signing off
when done.

How to start a work low ?

1. Click the Start Work low menu. Alternatively, click on

button adjacent to ile name and select Start Work low option.
2. Select the appropriate option, Task Based or Object Based.

Screen Display – Task based

Management >
Work low Actions >
Change Status
The Change Status menu allows a user to change the status of the
work low tasks assigned to the users. The module also allows a user
to attach additional iles as reference for the work low task, assign
security settings (if necessary privileges for the same have been
assigned) and check in a ile.

How to change status of a ile ?

1. Click on the Change Status menu. Alternatively, if the work low
is initiated on ile, click on button adjacent to ile name and
select Work low | Change Status option. The following screen
will appear:
Screen Display - Change Management
Management >
Work low Actions >
Re-Assign Task

The Re-Assign Task menu allows users to re-allocate the tasks to

other users.
How to Re-assign the task?

1. Select the ile attached with a work low and then click the
Work low Actions | Re-Assign Task menu to re-allocate the
task. Alternatively, if the work low is initiated on ile, click on
button adjacent to ile name and select Work low | Re-Assign
Task option.

2. The Task Assignments screen will appear:

Screen Display
Management >
Work low Actions >
Cancel Work low

The Cancel Work low menu allows you to cancel the requisite
work low.
How to cancel a work low?

1. Select the ile attached with the work low to be canceled and
click the Work low Actions | Cancel Work low menu.
Alternatively, if the work low is initiated on ile, click on
button adjacent to ile name and select Work low | Cancel
Work low option.

2. A con irmation message will be popped as shown below:

Screen Display

3. The work low will be canceled after con irmation.

Management > Sign-
Sign-off indicates that a task has been reviewed. On the basis of the
selected iltration criteria for signi icant actions, From Last Status and
Version, the EUCs can be signed off and noti ication for sign-off action
can be sent to the selected users.
How to sign-off a ile ?

1. Click the Change Management | Sign-Off menu. Following

screen will be displayed:

Screen Display
Management > File
File level security menu allows to set various security settings on the
ile. This includes setting cell level security, generating security map of
users based on security rights and EUC Ownership.

How to assign File Level Security ?


The Cell level security feature allows a user to explicitly assign cell
level security on the ile if required.
1. Click the Change Management | File Security | Cell Level
Security menu. The following screen will be displayed:

Screen Display

2. For ile security settings, refer to Change status menu.

3. The security can be revoked by de-selecting the respective

Management > File
The File Lineage feature maps linking of data from other sources.
This enables a user to predict the impact of any change in data. A
comprehensive color-coded map displaying the external links of the
spreadsheet from which data might have been imported into the ile is
How to generate ile lineage ?
1. Select the Change Management | File Lineage menu.
2. The map showing all the iles that are linked to the active
workbook will be displayed.
Screen Display
Management >
Supporting Docs
The Supporting Docs feature allows users to store iles that are
associated with a controlled ile. The supporting documents may be
any document that may describe the controlled ile, contain
information about the attributes of the controlled ile, etc. The
supporting documents added can be viewed later by other users and
during the work low as attachments also. The supporting documents
can be added as a copy, links or as a report.
How to con igure Supporting Docs?

1. Select the controlled ile in any of the tabs i.e. My Tasks,

Favorites or Repository and select the Change Management |
Supporting Docs menu. Alternatively click on button
adjacent to ile name and select Supporting Document(s) | Add
Document(s) option.

2. To add a document from local disk or network share, click the

Browse button under the Add External Document(s) section and
select the ile. Select the Copy option, if a copy of the ile is
required to be stored in the application. On selecting the
Report option, the mentioned ile will be stored as a report in the
application. Click the Add button to add the selected ile to the
list. Click to delete record from the list.
Screen Display
Management > File
The Reports feature allows users to generate requisite report(s) for
any selected object. These reports display high level information of
the EUCs. It also provides the facility to view all the existing reports.
The following are the report generation available in the below
Change History Report: It generates an audit trail related report.

Spreadsheet Controls Report: It generates report containing

consolidated information of EUC.

How to generate ile reports ?

1. Select the Change Management | Reports menu. Reports can
also be accessed by clicking on the button adjacent to the ile.

2. For the Change History Report, Spreadsheet Controls Report and

Attached Reports to ile the report will be generated as per the
below steps:

• On selecting the required report option, the following

con irmation message will be prompted:
Screen Display
Management >

The Control Level menu allows a user to manually change the risk
level of the selected ile for change management.

The Risk Level can be set manually if ile is available only in Change
Note : This is applicable for MS Excel and MS Access Files only.
How to set control level ?

1. Click on the Options | Control Level menu. The following

screen allowing a user to change the risk level of the speci ied
ile will appear:

Screen Display

2. Click on the Browse button to select the Monitored ile from the

3. If Risk Level Con iguration is not set on the ile, the Current Risk
Level will be displayed as Default.
Management >
Search Files
The ribbon provides a search facility to locate iles by their name. In
addition to that, user can also search based on criteria selected in the
search preferences.

How to search iles ?

1. Specify the keyword that matches the ile name and click the
Search button.

2. The iles having their name similar to the search text will be
displayed in the Search Result node:

Screen Display

In the second pane, the search results will be displayed as per

the latest modi ied date i.e. the ile with latest modi ied date irst and
so on.

Management >
Search Preferences
The Search Preferences allow to search ile according to user
preferred parameters. Search preferences are stored uniquely for the
each logged in user. File Name, Version, Status and Previous Task/Check
In Comments are by default selected for all users.
How to con igure search preferences ?

1. Click on the (Search Preferences) icon to add the search

preferences. The following screen will be displayed:
Screen Display

2. Select the ields for search preferences and click on Save button
to save the preferences.
Management >
Click on the (Refresh) icon to refresh the Change Management tab.
Analysis and
The Analysis and Actions Grid contains three common menu in the
application. You can go through the details of each menu by clicking
on the image link below:

Analysis and
Actions > Risk
Score Card
Based on the Risk Factors con iguration, the users can
analyze/calculate the risk contribution of a selected ile using the Risk
Score Card menu. The menu analyzes the total number of attributes,
their counts and risk factors and then calculates the risk contribution
that the selected ile contains.

The Risk Score Card allows the users to analyze and review the
Attributes, Attribute Count, Attribute Risk Factor associated with the
relative iles and their Risk Contribution that the selected spreadsheet
contains. The risk contribution calculated here is also represented in
Graphical format for an easy understanding.

Risk Calculation:

• The Risk Contribution is calculated by multiplying the Attribute

Count and Risk Attribute Value for each attribute i.e.

Risk Contribution= Count * Risk Attribute Value

How to generate Risk Score Card?

1. Select the ile whose Risk Scorecard is to be viewed.

2. Click the Risk Score Card menu button and the following
screen will appear.
Screen Display
Analysis and
Actions > Delete
There can be times when you won’t need certain iles and don’t need
to work on them in future. In that case, the selected iles can be
removed from the respected tab using the Delete File option. The
Delete ile features works differently.

• The ile will be deleted from Discovery tab.

The feature of Delete File allows the users to delete a record/ ile from
the grid. It will delete the selected ile or record after a con irmation.
How to delete the selected ile?
To delete a selected ile from the Information pane:

· Select a File from the grid. Click on Delete File menu, following
screen will appear asking the con irmation to delete the ile(s):
Screen Display

· Click on Yes button if you surely want to delete the ile/record

from the list or else click on No button.
Context Menu

Various actions can be performed on single ile or multiple iles

selected in the second pane of selected tabs using the context menu.
The context menu options change depending on the selection of the
number of ile(s).

Bene it of Context Menu:

The user can take various actions by selecting a single ile or multiple
iles by clicking on the drop down button against the individual iles.

How to use Context Menu?

Clicking on the button against the ile in the second/information

pane displays various actions as per the tabs:

Change Management
Context Menu >
Clicking on button displays various options:

Screen Display - Single File

Screen Display - Multiple Files

Context Menu >
Inventory >
The Metadata menu allows users to apply Metadata ield values to the
selected EUCs based on the con iguration done.
Context Menu >
Inventory >
Work low
The Work low section of the Change Management tab allows the users
to manage the work low: start work low, re-assign task and/or
change status.
Context Menu >
Inventory > View
Task Attachment(s)
View Task Attachment(s) show iles which are attached with the
selected EUC from Inventory.
How to view the task attachment(s)?

Select EUC from the grid. Right-click on the EUC and select View Task
Attachment(s) option. The following screen will appear:
Screen Display

• You can choose to view the attached ile using the icon.
Context Menu >
Inventory > File
The File Lineage feature maps linking of data from other sources.
Note: This menu is available when single ile is selected.
Context Menu >
Inventory > Delete
The Delete EUC menu allows users to remove the selected EUC(s)
from the Inventory repository.
Context Menu >
Inventory > View
Associated File(s)
View Associated File(s) show iles which are attached with the
selected EUC from Inventory.

How to view the associate ile(s)?

Select EUC from the grid. Right-click on the EUC and select View
Associated File(s) option. The following screen will appear:
Screen Display - Discovery

• The departments for the iles associated will be displayed.

• Click on the button and select Mark as Master File to make

the selected ile from Discovery as the Master File.
Context Menu >
Inventory >
Associate File(s)
with Inventory

Associate Files(s) with Inventory allows user to associate iles from

Discovery or Change Management with the selected EUC from the Inventory

How to associate ile(s) with the selected EUC?

• Select EUC from the grid. Right-click on the EUC and select Associate
File(s) with Inventory option. The following screen will appear:
Screen Display - Discovery

Select the ile type from the drop down of Search From ield.

o Select the department to display the list of iles from which you
want to associate the ile with the selected EUC.
o You can also use the Search feature to search any speci ic ile from
the department for association.
• To see and associate the iles from Change Management tab, select the
Change Management radio button from the Selection ield.
Screen Display - Change Management

Select the department to display the list of iles from which you want to
associate the ile with the selected EUC.

o You can also use the Search feature to search any speci ic ile from
the department for association.

• Select the File(s) from the list of iles appearing in the below grid.

• Click on OK to associate the selected ile(s). The success message as

below will appear:

Screen Display
• Click on OK button to exit the message screen.

• Click on Close button to exit the screen.

Context Menu >
Inventory > Locate
Latest Monitored
Locate Latest Monitored File allows user to view the latest
monitored ile from Change Management associated with the selected
EUC from the Inventory repository.
How to Locate Latest Monitored File ?

• Click on button adjacent to ile name and select Locate

Latest Monitored File option.

• The user will be redirected to the Change Management tab

displaying the latest Monitored ile as shown below:
Screen Display
Context Menu >
Inventory >
Rename EUC
There can be times when you want to change or modify the name of
the EUC from your Inventory. With the Rename EUCs menu, the
selected EUC can be renamed as per the requirement.

How to rename the selected EUC?

To rename a selected EUC from the Information pane:

· Select EUC from the grid. Right-click on the EUC and select
Rename EUC option. The following screen will appear:

Screen Display

· Verify the current EUC name, enter the new name for the EUC
and verify or change the EUC Path and click on OK button to
con irm. The name for the selected EUC will be changed and it
will be displayed in the Information Pane.

· Click on Close button to exit the screen.

Context Menu >
Inventory > Retire
When you won’t need certain EUCs in the Inventory and also don't
want to remove them permanently, you can retire those EUCs using
the Retire EUC menu.

How to retire the selected EUC?

To retire a selected EUC from the Information pane:

· Select EUC from the grid. Right-click on the EUC and select
Retire EUC option. The following screen will appear:

Screen Display
Context Menu >
Inventory > Merge
With the Merge EUCs menu, you can merge the Source EUC and other
EUC together. If you want you can keep the Source EUC after merge or
choose to retire it from the Inventory.

When you merge 2 EUCs, the associated iles also are merged.

How to merge the selected EUCs?

To merge EUCs from the Information pane:

· Select an EUC from the grid. Right-click on the EUC and select
Merge EUCs option. The following screen will appear:
Screen Display
Context Menu >
Inventory > Edit
With the Edit EUC menu, you can edit the Name, Path or the
Department of the selected EUC.

How to edit the selected EUC?

To edit EUC from the Information pane:

· Select an EUC from the grid. Right-click on the EUC and select
Edit EUC option. The following screen will appear:

Screen Display

· Modify the EUC name and/or EUC path.

· To change the Department for the selected EUC, select the

department from the drop-down.

· Click on OK button. The following successful message screen

will appear:
Screen Display
Context Menu >
Inventory > EUC
With the EUC Hierarchy menu, you can set a Parent EUC for the
selected EUC and it will display the Parent-Child relation.

How to set the Parent EUC for the selected EUC?

To set the Parent EUC:

· Select EUC from the grid. Right-click on the EUC and select EUC
Hierarchy option. The following screen will appear:

Screen Display

· Set the Parent EUC for the selected EUC from the drop down.

· Click on the Save button. The following successful message

screen will appear:
Screen Display
Context Menu >
Clicking on button displays various options:

Screen Display - Single File

Display - Multiple Files
Context Menu >
Discovery >
The Metadata menu allows users to apply Metadata ield values to the
selected ile based on the con iguration done.
Note: To ill the Metadata form for any File from Discovery, that ile
should be added to Inventory repository or associated with any
Inventory Record.
Context Menu >
Discovery > Risk
Score Card
The Risk Score Card allows you to analyze the Attribute, Attribute
Count, Attribute Risk Factor, and Risk Contribution that the selected
spreadsheet contains.
Note: This menu is available when single ile is selected.
Context Menu >
Discovery > View
The View File menu opens the ile automatically and allows the user
to view the selected ile.
Note: This menu is available when single ile is selected.
Context Menu >
Discovery > File
The File Lineage feature maps linking of data from other sources.
Note: This menu is available when single ile is selected.
Context Menu >
Discovery >
Manual Risk

The Manual Risk Override allows the user to manually assign the Risk
Level to the selected ile and allow it to override the Risk Indicator
that has been assigned to it by the application.
Context Menu >
Discovery > Policy
The Policy Assignment allows you to view the Policy to which the ile
belongs and allows manual updating of the Policy.
Context Menu >
Discovery > Move
to Excluded Files
The Move to Excluded Files menu allows you to move the selected ile
to the Excluded Inventory ile list.
Context Menu >
Discovery > View
Parent Inventory
The View Parent Inventory Record feature allows the users to view
the Parent Inventory Record of the selected ile from Discovery tab.
The feature navigates to the Inventory tab, with the Parent Record
showing in the Information pane.
Note: This menu is available when single ile is selected.

How to view ile in inventory?

1. Click on button adjacent to ile name and select View Parent

Inventory Record option.
2. The user will be redirected to the Inventory tab displaying the
Parent Record to which the selected ile was associated as
shown below:

Screen Display
Context Menu >
Discovery >
The Monitor menu is used to make any MS Excel, MS Access or Other
ile located in the Discovery repository, a EUC Insight compliant ile.
Context Menu >
Discovery > View
File in Change

The View File in Change Management feature allows the users to

check whether a selected ile has been monitored in Change
Management or not. It helps the users in navigating from Inventory or
Discovery tab to the Change management tab, with the selected ile
showing in the Upper Right Pane and details in the Third Pane.
Note: This menu is available when single ile is selected.

How to view ile in Change Management

1. Click on button adjacent to ile name and select View File in
Change Management option.
2. The user will be redirected to the Change Management tab
displaying the selected ile as shown below:
Screen Display

3. The users can get the detailed information regarding the

selected object such as Smart Audit Trail, Version History,
Context Menu >
Discovery > Copy
The Copy Detection feature allows the users to view the number of
copies if created from the selected ile. The feature offers the users to
move the ile copy to other copy set and mark any of the relevant ile
as master ile.
There are three options for Copy Detection menu:

Screen Display

View File Copies

This feature allows the users to check the the number of copies
created with the same pattern. The copy set of the iles is created as
per the Con iguration done.

1. Click on View File copies option. If the selected ile is not

grouped with other iles with similar pattern, then a message
will appear informing the same as shown below:
Screen Display
Context Menu >
Discovery >
Add/Associate File
to Inventory
The Add/Associate File to Inventory allows to add a ile or associate
a ile into the Inventory of EUC Insight application.

How to add/associate ile to Inventory?

1. Click on button adjacent to ile name and select

Add/Associate File to Inventory option.
2. The following screen will be displayed:
Screen Display
Context Menu >
Discovery >
Disassociate File
from Inventory

The Disassociate File from Inventory allows to disassociate a ile

from the Inventory of EUC Insight application.
How to disassociate ile from Inventory?

1. Click on button adjacent to ile name and select

Disassociate File from Inventory option. There a con irmation
message will appear, click on Yes to disassociate the ile or else
click on No.
2. If you choose to disassociate the ile, the following screen will be
Screen Display

When the ile is already disassociated

The following screen will be displayed, if the ile has already been
disassociated from the Inventory:

Screen Display
Context Menu >
Discovery > Code
Overview :

The Code Quality helps users to know the details of popular features like VBA for excel
files or access files, errors, and warning generated for Python and R type files.

How to check Code Quality?

1. Click on button adjacent to ile name and select Code
Quality option.

Note: To get the Code Quality on the scanned Files user need to
scan the ile with Code Quality con igured in File Property in
General Setting of Scan Con iguration Wizard.

2. If you choose to Code Quality on excel type and access type ile ,
the below screens will be displayed:

Screen Display-Code Quality for Excel or Access iles

Context Menu >
Discovery > File
Overview :

The File Security option helps user to check the NTFS security applied on the scanned

How to check File Security ?

1. Click on button adjacent to ile name and select File
Security option.
Note: To get the ile security on the scanned File/Folder user
need to scan the ile with Scan ile NTFS Security check-box
checked in General Setting of Scan Con iguration Wizard.

2. If you choose to File Security, the below screen will be


Screen Display
Context Menu >
Clicking on button displays various options:
Screen Display

Screen Display - Folder

Context Menu >
Management > View

The View File menu opens the ile automatically and allows the user
to view the selected ile (available only if a single ile is selected). EUC
Insight allows a user to easily work on the iles related to him\her. A
user need not access the checkout path of a ile to work on it.
How to View a ile ?

1. Select the ile that is to be viewed and click on button

adjacent to the ile. Select the View File option from the list
of menus. The ile will automatically open from the checked out
path and the user can now work with it.
2. However, in case a ile is in checked in state, the same will open
in read-only mode.
Context Menu >
Management >
Work low

The Work low section of the Change Management tab allows the users
to manage the work low: start work low, re-assign task and/or
change status.
Context Menu >
Management >
The Supporting Docs feature allows users to store iles that are
associated with a controlled ile. The supporting documents may be
any document that may describe the controlled ile, contain
information about the attributes of the controlled ile, etc.
The supporting docs once added can be viewed using the
View Document(s) menu.

1. Select the and click on button adjacent to ile name, select

Supporting Document(s) | View Document(s) option. The
following screen will be displayed:

Screen Display
Context Menu >
Management >
The Metadata menu allows users to apply Metadata ield values to the
selected ile based on the con iguration done.

Note: To ill the Metadata form for any File from Change Management,
that ile should be added to Inventory repository or associated with
any Inventory Record.
Context Menu >
Management > Audit

The Audit Trail menu allows the users to ilter and view the Audit
Trail Records for Excel and Access iles.
Context Menu >
Management >

The Compare menu allows a user to compare different versions of a

iles located in the repository or in the local drive of a computer.
Context Menu >
Management > File

The File Reports feature allows users to generate requisite report(s)

for any selected object.
Context Menu >
Management >
Locate File in
The Locate File in Repository feature allows to navigate to the
repository location of the ile from My Task, Recent Files, Favorites and
Search Results tabs.
How to locate ile in repository ?

1. Click on button adjacent to ile name and select Locate File

in Repository option.

2. The ile will be shown at its repository location as displayed in

the following screen:
Screen Display

Context Menu >
Management > View
File in Discovery
The View File in Discovery feature allows the users to get the
information or details of results of scan performed for risk analysis of
the selected ile. The feature navigates to the Discovery tab, with the
selected ile showing in the Information pane. The users can see the
information of the selected EUC ile in the Information as well as in
Third pane.
How to view ile in discovery ?

1. Click on button adjacent to ile name and select View File in

Discovery option.

2. The user will be redirected to the Discovery tab displaying the

selected ile as shown below:
Screen Display

3. The users can get the detailed information regarding the

selected object such as Properties, External Links, Metadata,
Chart and Notes.
4. To go back to the previous tab for the selected ile, right click
and select respective options.

Context Menu >
Management > View
Parent Inventory
The View Parent Inventory Record feature allows the users to view
the Parent Inventory Record of the selected ile from Change
Management tab. The feature navigates to the Inventory tab, with the
Parent Record showing in the Information pane.
Note: This menu is available when single ile is selected.

How to view ile in inventory?

1. Click on button adjacent to ile name and select View Parent

Inventory Record option.
2. The user will be redirected to the Inventory tab displaying the
Parent Record to which the selected ile was associated as
shown below:

Screen Display
Context Menu >
Management > De-
Monitored File

The De-Monitor File menu is used to make any compliant MS Excel or

MS Access ile located in the mapped folder, a non-compliant ile. The
Monitored ile which are no longer needs to be monitored by the EUC
Insight Application, can be de-Monitored or non-complaint using this
How to De-Monitor a ile?

• Click on button adjacent to ile name and select De-

Monitor File option to make the selected ile non-compliant.
The following success message will appear:
Screen Display

• Click the OK button to close the message screen.

• If any ile has already been Monitored and you click on De-
Monitor File option, the following message screen will appear:
Screen Display
Context Menu >
Management >
Add/Associate File to
The Add/Associate File to Inventory allows to add a ile or associate
a ile into the Inventory of EUC Insight application.
How to add/associate ile to Inventory?

1. Click on button adjacent to ile name and select

Add/Associate File to Inventory option.
2. The following screen will be displayed:
Screen Display
Context Menu >
Management >
Disassociate File
from Inventory

The Disassociate File from Inventory allows to disassociate a ile

from the Inventory of EUC Insight application.
How to disassociate ile from Inventory?
1. Click on button adjacent to ile name and select
Disassociate File from Inventory option. There a con irmation
message will appear, click on Yes to disassociate the ile or else
click on No.

2. If you choose to disassociate the ile, the following screen will be

Screen Display

When the ile is already disassociated

The following screen will be displayed, if the ile has already been
disassociated from the Inventory:
Context Menu >
Management > View
File Summary

The View File Summary menu allows users to view the status of the
selected ile in different modules along with different graphs related
to Audit Trails generated.
Third Pane
The lower right section is the Third Pane, which contains different
tabs displaying additional information relating to the object selected
in the Object Pane or the Information Pane.
Bene it of Third Pane Tabs:

The Third Pane tabs display details of the ile selected in the second
pane. The details of the selected ile depends upon the Tab selected.
These functions may also be accessed using a menu command from
the main screen.
Use the (View) and (Hide) menus to view or hide the third pane.
What details are observed using Third Pane?

All the third pane tabs have been explained in the respective menus as
per the tab:

Change Management
Third Pane
Tabs > Inventory
Navigate to Inventory tab, select an object from the First pane and
then select a ile in the Second/Information pane. The Third Pane
displays the following tabs:

Work low Report
Noti ications

Third Pane Tabs >
Inventory >
The Metadata tab displays the Metadata ield values to the selected
EUC based on the con iguration done.

Screen Display

Third Pane Tabs >
Inventory > Notes
The Notes tab allows the user to add or edit notes for any object.

Screen Display

Third Pane Tabs >
Inventory >
Work low Report
The Work low Report tab displays report on the work low(s) selected
in the My Tasks tab.

Screen Display

Third Pane Tabs >
Inventory >
Noti ications
The Noti ications tab allows a user to view the noti ications related to
the EUCs selected in the upper pane, with the details like Action Name,
Timestamp, Subject, Document Path and Noti ication Type.

Screen Display

Click the View Message icon to view a noti ication.

Third Pane
Tabs > Discovery
Navigate to Discovery tab, select an object from the First pane and
then select a ile in the Second/Information pane. The Third Pane
displays the following tabs:

External Links

Data Source
Third Pane Tabs >
Discovery >
The Properties tab displays the properties of the selected
iles/results for viewing. Fields on this screen vary depending on the
node type selected.

Screen Display

Screen Display - Infopath Details

The File Attributes values will be displayed numerically for the

respective ields. Certain ields will have their values displayed as

links. Clicking on these links, will redirect you to the excel ile and the
mentioned ile attributes value can be viewed.

For example when you click on the drill down link for Formulas a
Third Pane Tabs >
Discovery >
The Metadata tab displays the Metadata ield values to the selected
ile based on the con iguration done along with the policy name to
which the ile has been assigned to.

Note: The Metadata form details will be only displayed for those ile
which is either added to Inventory repository or associated with any
Inventory Record.

Screen Display
Third Pane Tabs >
Discovery >
External Links
The External Links tab displays the external ile links which are
associated with the selected node.
Screen Display

The links which appear in red are broken links. The broken links can
be ixed, by double-clicking the node of the broken link. The Broken
Link Suggestions screen as shown below will appear.
Note: Broken links count will only consider iles from Windows ile

Screen Display
Third Pane Tabs >
Discovery > Notes

You can add or edit notes for any object using Notes tab. Notes are a
convenient way of adding comments in a free text format for an object.
You can select single ile or multiple iles and then select the Notes tab
in the Third Pane to enter or view notes.

Screen Display
Third Pane Tabs >
Discovery > Charts
The Charts Tab displays the brief risk analysis results in graphical
form. It displays the results, based on the component/record selected.
However, the charts are only applicable for Main (root) node, Excel
Results component & its records, Access Results component & its
records and Other Results components & its records.
Screen Display

Select the Main (root) node to view the pie chart of the risk involved
with the Excel, Access and Other iles.
Select a record of the Excel Results component i.e. of a scanned excel
ile in the Information Pane; a chart displaying the trend of change in
attributes (like number of formulas, number of sheets, etc.) will be

Select a record of the Access Results component i.e. of a scanned

access ile in the Information Pane; a chart displaying the trend of
change in attributes (like number of tables, number of reports, etc.)
will be shown.
Click the Chart Setting link to choose the columns that are to be
displayed for Excel & Access chart
Third Pane Tabs >
Discovery > Data
The Data Source tab displays the details about the sources which are
associated with the data in the selected ile. It displays the general
information about the ile and the linked tables from different source
of ile and database.
Screen Display

Third Pane Tabs >
Navigate to Change Management tab, select an object from the object
pane and then select a ile in the Information pane. The Third Pane
displays the following tabs:
Smart Audit Trail

Version History
Work low Report
Noti ications
Third Pane Tabs >
Management >
The Metadata tab displays a report on Metadata parameters
con igured on a particular mapped folder.

Note: The Metadata form details will be only displayed for those ile
which is either added to Inventory repository or associated with any
Inventory Record.
1. Select a ile from the Repository for which the Object Metadata
report consisting of the metadata parameters is to be viewed
and select the Metadata tab.
Screen Display

Third Pane Tabs >
Management >
Smart Audit Trail
The Smart Audit Trail tab displays change activity of the ile selected
in information pane. Authorized users can review and verify the audit
trail records.
How to view Smart Audit Trail ?

1. Select a ile from the information pane and then select the
Smart Audit Trail tab.

Screen Display (Smart Audit Trail- Excel iles)

Screen Display( Smart Audit Trail- Access iles)

Third Pane Tabs >
Management >
Version History
The Version History tab displays the list of versions of the ile
selected in the information pane. The screen also allows authorized
users to view, save, compare and rollback versions of the ile.
How to view version history ?

1. Select a ile from the information pane and then select the
Version History tab.

Screen Display

2. The records can be sorted by the Check In Date Time and Check
Out Date Time ields. Simply click on the header of the ields and
application will sort the data in ascending or descending, as

3. Click the Get/View icon to save or view a version of the ile.

4. A File Download dialog will appear. Click the Save button to
save a copy of the ile or the Open button to view the ile.

5. Click the Compare button displayed in the grid to compare

particular version of a ile with the latest version.

6. Click the Rollback icon against the version to be restored as

Third Pane Tabs >
Management >
Work low Report
The Work low Report tab displays report on the task based and
object based and event based work low(s) selected in the My
Tasks tab.
How to view work low reports ?

1. Select a record of the work low from the My Tasks tab and then
select the Work low Report tab.

Screen Display

2. The work low history report can be viewed for the object-based
work low using the Show Work low History icon on the top-
right corner of the tab.

3. The Work low Report can also be printed using the Print

4 Click on the icon to view the Work low Diagram

Third Pane Tabs >
Management >
Noti ications
The Noti ications tab allows a user to view the noti ications related to
the ile selected in the upper pane, with the details like Action Name,
Timestamp, Subject, Document Path and Noti ication Type.

Screen Display

Click the View Message icon to view a noti ication.

Screen Display

The Dashboards tab has the following menu as shown in the ribbon:
Screen Display
Dashboards >

The Dashboard tab is an intuitive and information-rich graphical

dashboard that provides all-inclusive data reporting features.

It has the capability to display a wide range of graphical data using

EUC Landscape, Risk Categorization, Attribute Dashboard, Policy
Dashboard, Normal Attributes Dashboard, Folder Dashboard, and
Summary Dashboard Active Files graph, File Activity graph, Exception
Policies graph, Health Monitor and Work low graph etc.
Screen Display
Dashboards >
The Discovery Dashboards Grid contains the following menu, which
are applicable to Discovery module of the application:
Screen Display

You can go through the details of each dashboard by clicking on the

image link below:
Dashboards >
Dashboards > EUC
The EUC Landscape displays the charts\graphs on the department-
wise EUCs (EUCs here are referred to Excel, Access and Other iles),
EUC Types and the count of the EUCs over time.

For the overview of Dashboards and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view dashboard?

1. The module allows users to view the information for a particular
department and a particular period.

2. Click the icon near the Con iguration ield:

Screen Display
Dashboards >
Dashboards > EUC
The EUC Categorization displays the chart\graphs on EUC Count by
EUC Type, Risk levels by EUC type, the categorization of EUC Types by

For the overview of Dashboards and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view dashboard?

1. The module allows users to view the information for a EUC Type
and a particular period.

2. Click the icon near the Con iguration ield:

Screen Display
Dashboards >
Dashboards > Risk
The Risk Categorization displays the charts\graphs on the
department-wise Risk Categorization, EUC Count by Department and
Risk Level, Policy Categorization and EUC Count by Policy and Risk

For the overview of Dashboards and details of icons, refer the
Introduction section.
How to con igure and view dashboard?

1. The module allows users to view the information for speci ic

department(s) and policy(es).

2. Click the icon near the Con iguration ield:

Screen Display
Dashboards >
Dashboards >
The Attribute Dashboard contains the following menu, which displays
the details of attributes based on the dashboard selected:

Screen Display

You can go through the details of each menu by clicking on the image
link below:
Dashboards >
Dashboards >
Dashboards > VBA
Code Analysis
The VBA Code Analysis Dashboard displays the charts on the VBA
code analysis types such as SendKey, COM Objects, Web service
connections, URL Links, SQL Statements, Database Connections, &
hardcoded passwords of the EUCs for each department in a 3D view.

For the overview of Dashboards and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view dashboard?

1. To view the attributes for the same, hover the mouse on the
respective bars.

2. The 3D transparency can also be turned off by de-selecting the

3D Bar Transparency option.

3. Use the slider control to adjust the zooming levels of the graph.
4. The module allows users to view the information for speci ic
attribute(s) and department(s).

5. Click the icon near the Con iguration ield:

Screen Display
Dashboards >
Dashboards >
Dashboards >
Normal Attributes
The Normal Attributes Dashboard displays the percentage of common
attributes such as formulas, macros, external links, queries,
protections and named ranges of the EUCs for each department in
form of pie charts.

For the overview of Dashboards and details of icons, refer the
Introduction section.
How to con igure and view dashboard?
1. This chart displays the composition of each department in the
total number of iles having name ranges.

2. Click the icon near the Con iguration ield:

Screen Display
Dashboards >
Dashboards >
Dashboards >
Dashboards (3D)
The Attribute Dashboard displays the charts on the attributes of the
EUCs for each department in a 3D view. The departments are
displayed on the third axis.

For the overview of Dashboards and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view dashboard?

1. To view the attributes for the same, hover the mouse over the
respective bars.

2. The 3D transparency can also be turned off by de-selecting the

3D Bar Transparency option.

3. Use the slider control to adjust the zooming levels of the graph.
4. The module allows users to view the information for speci ic
attribute(s) and department(s).

5. Click the icon near the Con iguration ield:

Screen Display
Dashboards >
Dashboards >
Dashboards > High
Risk Attributes
The High Risk Attributes Dashboard displays the percentage of high
risk attributes such as broken links, maximum values, keywords,
formula errors, hidden information, and the broken queries in the
EUCs for each department in form of pie-charts.

For the overview of Dashboards and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view dashboard?

1. The module allows users to view the information for a particular

2. Click the icon near the Con iguration ield:

Screen Display
Dashboards >
Dashboards > Policy
The Actions Grid contains the following menu from the Discovery tab,
which are categorized as Actions to be taken on any ile:

Screen Display

You can go through the details of each menu by clicking on the image
link below:
Dashboards >
Dashboards > Policy
Dashboards > Policy
The Policy Landscape displays the charts\graphs on the Policy-wise

For the overview of Dashboards and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view dashboard?
1. The module allows users to view the information for a particular
Policy and a particular period.

2. Click the icon near the Con iguration ield:

Screen Display
Dashboards >
Dashboards > Policy
Dashboards > Policy
The Policy Dashboard displays the charts on the Policies of the EUCs
for each department in a 3D view. The departments are displayed on
the third axis.

For the overview of Dashboards and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view dashboard?

1. To view the attributes for the same, hover the mouse on the
respective bars.

2. The 3D transparency can also be turned off by de-selecting the

3D Bar Transparency option.

3. Use the slider control to adjust the zooming levels of the graph.
4. The module allows users to view the information for speci ic
Policy(es) and department(s).

5. Click the icon near the Con iguration ield:

Screen Display
Dashboards >
Dashboards >
The Metadata displays the graphs/charts graphically indicating the
metadata ield values as per the selection of attributes for the selected

For the overview of Dashboards and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view dashboard?

1. Click the sign near the Con iguration ield:

Screen Display
Dashboards >
Dashboards >
Folder Dashboard
The Folder Dashboard displays the count of EUCs scanned for each
department grouped by the mapped folder path along with
categorization based on attributes such as protected iles, formulas>0,
iles with errors>0, etc. The information can be saved in PDF ile
format using the Excel button:

For the overview of Dashboards and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view dashboard?

1. The module allows users to view the information for speci ic
attribute(s) and department(s).

2. Click the icon near the Con iguration ield:

Screen Display
Dashboards >
Dashboards >
Monitor Dashboard
The Monitor Dashboard displays the charts on the “Monitor” level of
the EUCs for each department in form of pie-charts and bar graphs.
The dashboard also displays the Monitor level of each department and
a landscape view of the Monitor factor.

For the overview of Dashboards and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view dashboard?

1. Click the icon near the Con iguration ield:

Screen Display

2. Select the Department option to view the dashboard for speci ic

department(s) or select the Policy option to view the dashboard
for speci ic Policy(ies).
Dashboards >
Dashboards >
The Summary Dashboard displays the charts\graphs on the
department-wise EUCs, EUC Types (Monitored and High Risk EUCs)
and the count of the EUCs over time.

For the overview of Dashboards and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view dashboard?

1. Click the icon near the Con iguration ield.

Screen Display

2. Select the department(s) from the list for which the dashboard
summary is to be viewed, and the time interval from the Show
EUC Landscape for last __ months pull-down. Select the option(s)
from the Show Charts for: ield to include the same in summary
Dashboards >
Work low
The Work low dashboard displays a graphical summary of the
work lows created in the application; it shows the following


For the overview of Dashboards and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view dashboard?

The information can also be viewed for common intervals such as This
Month, Last Month, This Quarter and so on. Select the same from the
pull down beside the Refresh button. To set a common interval as the
default interval for viewing of data, select the same from the pull
down list and click the (Set as Default) button.

The Summary graph displays the status summary of the work lows. It
shows the percentage of completed, ongoing, halted or purged
work low tasks for the selected date range.

Screen Display
Dashboards >
The Change Management Dashboards Grid contains the following
menu, which are applicable to Change Management module of the

Screen Display

You can go through the details of each menu by clicking on the image
link below:
Dashboards >
Dashboards >
Exception Policy

The Exception Policy dashboard displays a graphical summary of the
Exceptional Policies.

For the overview of Dashboards and details of icons, refer the
Introduction section.

How to con igure and view dashboard?

Screen Display

1. The module allows users to view the information of a particular

folder within a speci ic period. Select the folder for which the
information is to be viewed, select the interval from the Start
Date and End Date.
2. The information can also be viewed for common intervals such
as This Month, Last Month, This Quarter and so on. Select the
same from the pull down beside the Refresh button. To set a
common interval as the default interval for viewing of data,

select the same from the pull down list and click the (Set as
Default) button.
3. Select the policies for which the charts are to be viewed from the
pull down list. Click the Refresh button.
Dashboards >
Dashboards >
Active Files
The Active Files section displays the graph of iles that are currently

For the overview of Dashboards and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view dashboard?
Screen Display

1. The module allows users to view the information of a particular

period; select the interval from the Start Date and End Date. The
information can also be viewed for common intervals such as
This Month, Last Month, This Quarter and so on. Select the same
from the pull down list and click on the (Set as Default)

2. Click the Refresh button.

3. Select the Show Legend checkbox to display the legend with the

4. Click the Print button to print a copy of the report.

5. The graphs can also be exported to different image formats like

png, bmp, jpeg and gif; select the format and click the
Export button.
Dashboards >
Dashboards > File
Activity Dashboard
The File Activity section displays the graph of users that are currently

For the overview of Dashboards and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view dashboard?
To select an object in the Object Name ield:

Screen Display

1. Click the Browse button next to the Object Name text box, a
Repository dialog will appear.

2. Click the (+) icon, select the required object and click the
OK button. The selected object will be displayed in the
ObjectName ield.
3. Select Group by Action or Group by User options to change the
dashboard view.

4. Select Start/End Dates to get the chart displayed for a speci ic

date range.

5. The information can also be viewed for common intervals such

as This Month, Last Month, This Quarter and so on. Select the
Dashboards >
Dashboards >
Action Summary
The Actions Summary displays the overall summary of the actions
performed in the controlled folders and iles in a graphical form.
Graphs are displayed based on the folders in which the actions have
been performed and the users who performed the actions.

For the overview of Dashboards and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view dashboard?

1. Click the Actions Summary link. Select the Excel Actions
Summary option to view the action summary for MS Excel Files
or select the Access Actions Summary option to view the same
for MS Access Files.
Screen Display

2. The information can also be viewed for common intervals such

as This Month, Last Month, This Quarter and so on. Select the
same from the pull down beside the Refresh button. To set a

common interval as the default interval for viewing of data,

select the same from the pull down list and click the (Set as
Default) button.
3. Click the Refresh button to view the graph for the selected
Dashboards >
Dashboards >
Health Monitor
The Health Monitor represents the real-time processing events of the
EUCs. It provides a comprehensive report on Folder Status, Mapped
Folders Having Problems, Monitored File Status, Error Analysis,
Events Processing, Log Details, Peak Activity and Current Health of the
selected Server.
Select the Server Name from the Pull down list. The following screen
will be displayed:

Screen Display

Folder Status
Displays the status of the EUCs.

Folder Name: displays name of the folder.

Count: displays total number of iles present in the folder.

N Fil B f (Mi ) di l th i t f th l t dd d il i
Dashboards >
Dashboards >
The Summary displays the overall summary of the controlled folders
and iles. It displays the information such as number of iles in a folder,
number of exceptional changes, number of pending exceptional
changes, number of active work lows, overdue tasks, audit trail count,
number of inactive iles and number of iles on which preventive
controls are implemented.

For the overview of Dashboards and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view dashboard?

Screen Display

1. The module allows users to ilter the information on various


2. To view the iles that have been inactive since a speci ic number
of days, specify the same in the Files Inactive since N Days ields.

3. To highlight the records of the iles/folders containing iles that

are associated with work low tasks that are overdue since a
speci ic number of days, with red font, specify the same in the
Highlight iles associated with work lows overdue since N days.

4. To highlight the records of the iles/folders containing iles, on

Dashboards >
Dashboards >
Folder Dashboard
The Folder displays the overall summary of the controlled folders and
iles. It displays the information about the most activities performed
in the top 5 folders by top 5 users and top 5 groups. The users can
further drill down the activity charts to check the details and also take
required actions such as review, starting the work low and providing
the cell security settings.

For the overview of Dashboards and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view dashboard?

Screen Display

1. The module allows users to view the information of a speci ic

period. Select the interval from the Start Date and End Date. The
information can also be viewed for common intervals such as
This Month, Last Month, This Quarter and so on. Select the same
from the pull down beside the Refresh button.

2. To set a common interval as the default interval for viewing of

data, select the duration from the pull down and click the
3 Click the Refresh button to view the graph for the selected
Dashboards > Sign
In to third party
Click on (Sign-in to Third Party Application) to sign into
SharePoint Directory with the user having proper rights for the access.
The following screen displays the login details for the user:
Screen Display


The Reports tab has the following menu as shown in the ribbon:
Screen Display
Reports >

The Reports are used for viewing the information like Discovery ,Audit
trail reports, Work low Reports, Users reports, Files Reports and Other
reports. These reports can be exported to various formats like PDF,

1. The reports module is designed such that the report criteria are
selected irst. The users can then use the respective buttons to
either print or export the report in various formats.
2. On clicking the Reports tab, the following screen will be
Screen Display

The reports are bifurcated into various sub-categories.

For many of the reports, icons are available to select users, de-select
users or invert the user selection. To select all the ields, click the
(Select All) icon. To de-select all the selected options, click the

(Deselect All) icon and to invert the selection, click the (Invert)
Reports >
General Report
The General Report Grid contains the following report:
Screen Display
Reports >
General Report >
Custom Report
The Custom Report menu provides user to create query and generate
report for getting information from the database as per their
requirements. Here, as per the privileges, some users can create the
query and some can only generate reports by selecting the already
existing queries from the drop down.
Note: To generate this report, the CIMCON Job Execution
Service should be running.


For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?

1. Select the Reports | Custom Report. The following screen will

be displayed:

Screen Display
Reports >
General Report >
Audit Trail Query
The Audit Trail Query menu provides user to execute query and
generate report for already created queries under XL/XS Web Plugin
and for con iguration Audit Trails. Here, as per the privileges, some
users can create the query and some can only generate reports by
selecting the already existing queries from the drop down.
Note: To generate this report, the CIMCON Job Execution
Service should be running.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view report?

1. Select the Reports | General | Custom Report | Audit Trail
Query . The following screen will be displayed:
Screen Display

Select query type from Query drop-down and check for the
already created query from the Query Name ield and click on
Reports >
The Inventory Reports Grid contains the following reports:
Screen Display
Reports >
Reports >
The Inventory Associations Report provides a list of iles that have
been associated with EUCs in the Inventory module.

• Select the Reports | Inventory Associations Report to view

the list of iles which are associated with EUCs in the Inventory
repository. The following screen will appear:

Screen Display

Select the department(s) for which you want to view the report.

• Check the box and select the Date added to Inventory to ilter the
EUCs as per the Date of Inventory Creation.

• Check the box and select the Last Assessment Date to ilter the
EUCs as per the Assessment Date.
Reports >
Reports > EUC
The EUC Inventory provides a list of EUCs that have been added in
the Inventory module of the application.

1. Select the Reports | EUC Inventory to view the list of EUCs

which are there in the Inventory repository. The following
screen will appear:

Screen Display

2. Select the report which you want to generate from the report
3. Select the department(s) for which you want to view the report.

4. Select the Date added to Inventory to ilter the EUCs as per the
Date of Inventory Creation.
5. Select the Last Assessment Date to ilter the EUCs as per the
Assessment Date.

6. Check the box and select the Retired Date Filter to ilter the EUCs
Reports >
Reports >
Lifecycle Stage
History Report
The Lifecycle Stage History Report provides the list of Inventory
records with their Lifecycle Stage change history.
1. Select the Reports | Lifecycle Stage History Report to view
the Lifecycle Stage changes history of Inventory records. The
following screen will appear:

Screen Display

2. Select the department(s) for which you want to view the report.

3. Check the box for Changed on and select the date to ilter the
EUCs as per the Date range during which the Lifecycle Stage of

Inventory record was changed.

4. Check the box for Select EUCs and click on Browse button to
select the EUC as shown below:
Screen Display
Reports >
The Discovery Reports Grid contains the following reports:
Screen Display
Reports >
Reports > Fast
Scan Analysis

The Fast Scan Analysis Report menu allows you to view the
inventory report on the scanned iles displaying the factors that the
iles may possess, such as File Path, File Name, File Size, Creation Date
and Modi ied Date. This report is generated based on two options:

· Department: Select the requisite department for which the

Fast Scan report will be generated.

· Scanned Folders: Select the Scanned Folder from the

provided list, for which the Fast Scan report will be
For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the
Introduction section.

How to con igure and view report?

1. Select the Reports | Fast Scan Analysis menu. The following
screen will be displayed:

Screen Display
Reports >
Reports > Risk
Analysis Report
The Risk Analysis Report menu allows to analyze and obtain a
iltered report for the iles taken into consideration, for parameters
such as the Risk and Policy Distribution, Normal Attributes, Exceptional
Attributes and Data Links. The report can be obtained based on the
selection of departments, or based on the selection of scanned folders.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view report?

1. Select the Reports | Risk Analysis menu. The following screen
will be displayed:

Screen Display
Reports >
Reports >
Keywords Report
The Keyword(s) Report provides a list of all iles that contain the
keywords that have been speci ied in the General Keyword Set (Set 1
and Set 2).

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view report?

1. Select the Reports | Keyword(s) Report to view the list of iles
having keywords. The following screen will appear:

Screen Display
Reports >
Reports >
Protected Files
The Protected Files report provides a list of Excel iles that have been
protected by a password. The protection includes the following types:
a. Password to Open: The iles protected by providing a password
in the Tools | Options | Security | Password to open ield of
the Microsoft Excel application.

b. Protected Sheet(s): The iles having the sheets protected by

providing a password in the Tools | Protection | Protect Sheet |
Password to unprotect sheet ield of the Microsoft Excel

c. Protected VBA Project: The iles protected by selecting the

Lock project for viewing check box and providing a password in
the Tools | VBA Project Properties | Protection | Password to
view project properties ield of the Visual Basic Editor in the
Microsoft Excel application.
d. Password Protected: The iles protected by providing a
password in the Tools | Options | Security | Password to
open ield of the Microsoft Excel application but have been
opened by the application for scanning using the passwords
from the Password List con igured in Discovery | Scan |
Password Management .


For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
Reports >
Reports > Report
The Report Builder helps you to query the iles based on speci ic
ilter criteria. You can specify different criteria like the machine
names, particular ields(s) and the associated department(s) for
which you want to generate a report. At the same time, you can
con igure and save queries by grouping the ilter criteria, for future
use. This is helpful when you need to query iles by some common
search criteria repeatedly; you can easily generate the reports by
selecting the saved queries instead of selecting the criteria each time.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view report?

1. Select the Reports | Report Builder menu; the following screen
will appear:

Screen Display
Reports >
Reports > Copy
Detection Files
The Copy Detection Files Report menu allows the users to generate a
report displaying the iles which have ile name with a similar pattern.


For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. To generate the report, select the Reports | More | Copy
Detection Files menu.

Screen Display

2. Select the Department for which the report has to be generated.

3. Select the report criteria:

Reports > Discovery
Reports > Scanned
Files Risk
The Scanned Files Risk Categoriza on report menu allows you to
generate a report displaying the categorization of risk (i.e. High,
Medium and Low) for the scanned iles. The categorization of the iles
is done based on the risk indicator speci ied for each category. This
report enables a quick view to the high-risk iles and can work upon
the same.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view report?

1. To generate the Risk Categorization Report, select the Reports |
Scanned Files Risk Categorization menu. The following screen
will appear:

Screen Display
Reports >
Reports >
Analysis Report
The Summary Analysis Report menu helps you to generate reports
by a single factor each in X-Axis and Y-Axis. This helps in creating brief
reports in such a way, that the iles can be analyzed more closely.
Different reports that can be shown as a comparison of two factors are
generated with the help of this report.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view report?

1. To generate the Summary Analysis Report, select the Reports |
Summary Analysis Report menu. The following screen will

Screen Display
Reports >
Reports > Scan
Result Analysis
The Scan Result Analysis menu enables generating of reports on the
result of the scans. A comprehensive report can be generated on the
scanned Excel iles, Access Files, Queries used in Excel iles, linked
tables used in Access iles and the broken queries of Excel iles. The
report will be generated based on the type selected i.e. Assessment
(Graph displaying the top 10 iles with risk indicator, Formulas, Errors
and Warnings) or History (a summary report displaying the difference
in the various attributes of the iles during various versions of
scanning). A iltration to ilter the iles having risk indicator greater
than or less than a desired value is also provided. Moreover, there is
also a provision, to view the report of scanning carried out on a
speci ic machine. The reports can directly be exported to a PDF ile.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view report?

1. To generate the reports, select the Reports | More | Scan Result
Analysis menu. The following screen will appear:

Screen Display
Reports >
Reports > Scan
Label Report
The Scan Label Report displays the list of iles scanned under a scan
label using the scan feature of Discovery module. The list of
‘department-wise’ scans can be obtained by iltering the required
departments. Moreover, the details of the scans performed within a
speci ic time interval on speci ic ile types can also be retrieved,
thereby viewing only the information of interest.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view report?

1. Select the Reports | More | Scan Label Report. The following
screen will be displayed:

Screen Display
Reports >
Reports >
Monitored Files
The Monitored Files Report provides a list of iles that have been
marked for compliance using the Monitor feature from the Discovery
module of the application.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view report?

• Select the Reports | More | Monitored Files to view the list of

Monitored iles. The following screen will appear:

Screen Display
Reports >
Reports > New
Files Report by
The New Files Report by Scan provides a list of newly added iles in
Discovery and Inventory Module based on the selected criteria.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Select the Reports | New Files Report by Scan to view the list
of added iles. The following screen will appear:

Screen Display

2. Select the department(s) for which you to view the report.

3. Select the Scan Label or the Scan Range for which the list of
added iles is to be viewed.
Reports >
Reports > Excel
Link File Report
The Excel Link File Report displays two types of details of the linked
iles. The report includes the iles which are having an external link or
it will display only the list of iles with broken or erroneous links. The
report can be retrieved for individual departments. The report shows
the list of parent iles from which the linked iles are in error state, as
well as the children iles, which are added as a link to the parent iles.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view report?

1. Select the Reports | More | Excel Link File Report. The
following screen will be displayed:

Screen Display
Reports > Discovery Reports >
Data Source Report

The Data Source Report displays details about the sources which are
associated with the data in the selected ile. It displays the general
information about the ile and the linked tables from different source
of ile and database. Depending on the File type, user can generate and
view the report.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Select the Reports | Data Source Report. The following screen
will be displayed:

Screen Display

2. Select the departments for which you want to generate the


3. Check the box and select the Creation Date to ilter the records
as per the Date range selected.
Reports > Discovery Reports >
Removed Files Report

The Removed Files Report allows the users to generate a report displaying
the Excel, Access or Other iles which were found on a previous scan, but
which do not now exist (as they have been moved or deleted by the users).


For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view report?

1. To generate the Removed Files Report, select the Reports | Discovery |

More | Removed Files Report menu. The following screen will appear:
Screen Display

2. Select the department(s) for which the report is to be viewed.

3. Select the type of iles i.e. Excel, Access or Other for which the report is to
be viewed.
4. Check the box and select the Removed Date to ilter the records as per
the Date range selected.

5. Click on the respective buttons to generate the report.

Reports > Discovery Reports > Fast
Scan Data by Department

The Fast Scan Data by Department report menu allows you to generate a
report displaying the data of the Fast scanned iles from the selected


For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.

How to con igure and view report?

1. To generate the Report, select the Reports | Discovery | More | Fast

Scan Data by Department menu. The following screen will appear:
Screen Display

2. Select the department(s) for which the report is to be viewed.

3. Click on the Export To CSV button to generate the report in the CSV

Reports > Discovery Reports > EUCs
by Policy
The EUCs by Policy report allows the users to select the File type and Name
of the Policy to get the details of Inventory EUCs falling under the selected

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?

1. To generate the report, select the Reports | Discovery | More| EUCs

by Policy menu. The following screen will appear:

Screen Display

2. Select the type of policy i.e. Excel, Access or Other for which the report
is to be viewed.
3. Select the policy name for which report is to be generated.
4. Click on the Export to Excel button to generate the report in Excel

Reports > Audit Trail

The Audit Trail Reports Grid contains the following reports:

Screen Display
Reports > Audit Trail > Change
History Report

The Change History Report is used to view summary charts and

details of the Audit Trail(s) which is performed in the iles for
different Action Type based on different date, Approval and sign off

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | Change History menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the Approval Status for which the report is to be viewed.

3. Select the object from the repository by clicking on the

Browse button. Only ile selection is enabled for this report
4. Select the Date Criteria and the requisite Date
Range corresponding to the selection made.

5. Select the Sign-Off Criteria and its corresponding selection from

the pull-down list.
Reports > Audit Trail > Speadsheet
Controls Report

The Spreadsheet Controls Report is used to view the summarized

report of the requisite object, based on the ilter criteria selected. The
report will describe a list of details such as Versions & Copies, Sign-Off
& Work low History, KPI, Change Summary, Change History, Exceptions,
Risk Scorecard, Security, Documentation and Control Status.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | Spreadsheet Controls menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the Approval Status for which the report is to be viewed.

3. Select the object from the repository by clicking on the

Browse button. Only MS Excel ile selection is enabled for this
report generation.

4. Select the Date Criteria and the requisite Date

Range corresponding to the selection made.
Reports > Audit Trail > Audit Trail
by Metadata

The Audit Trail by Metadata Report will display the audit trail
results based on the con igured Metadata criteria. The results will be
displayed for only those iles which are associated with the Inventory

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | More | Audit Trail by Metadata menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the ile/folder from the repository for which the report is
to be viewed.
3. Select the requisite Metadata condition by making necessary
selections from the Metadata, Condition and Value drop down
lists. The condition(s) will be considered as valid, only when
they are added to the list by clicking on the Add button. If the
Reports > Audit Trail > Exception
Policy Report

The Exception Policy Report section displays the report on the

different policies of exceptions.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | More | Exception Policy menu. The
following screen will be displayed:
Screen Display

2. Select the ile/folder from the repository for which the report is
to be viewed.

3. Select the Status for Veri ied for which the report is to be viewed.
4. Select the Last Updated date criteria.

5. Specify the number of records to be viewed per policy in Display

Records ield.

6. Click the respective buttons based on the required format of the

report. Click on Schedule button to schedule the generation of
Reports > Audit Trail > Audit Trail
By Inventory
The Audit Trail By Inventory section displays the report for the
Audit Trail generated in the Associated Files present in the Change

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the
Introduction section.

How to con igure and view report?

1. Click the Reports | More | Audit Trail By Inventory menu. The
following screen will be displayed:
Screen Display

2. Select Departments for which you want to generate the report.

3. Click on Inventory drop-down and select the inventory(s) for the
report has to be generated.
4. For sorting the Audit trails users can also select the Signi icant
Action Template .

5. Select the Date Criteria and the requisite Date

Range corresponding to the selection made.
Reports > Work low Reports

The Work low Reports Grid contains the following reports:

Screen Display
Reports > Work low Reports >
Work low History Reports
The Work low History report provides the details of the work low
associated with the selected object like the Planned Date, Start Date,
Work low Status and other task details.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the
Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?

• Click the Reports | Work low History menu.

Screen Display

Select the Work low Type for which report is to be viewed.

• Select the ile/folder from the repository for which the report is
to be viewed.

• Select Department check-box for generating work low report on

the basis Department or select Inventory Records to view the
work low on the Inventory EUCs.

• Select a status of the work lows for which the report is to be


• Check for the Advanced Filter Criteria: Include Task Completion

Rule Data check box, to view the corresponding task completion
rule. data.Include Attachment Details check box, to check the
attachments on the work low.Include All Historical Work low
Details check box to see he past work lows started on the record.
Reports > Work low Reports > File
Level Sign-Off

The File Level Sign-Off Report is used for view details of the Sign-Off
operation carried out on the requisite object.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | File Level Sign-Off menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the Sign-Off Criteria, depending on which the report is to

be viewed.

3. Select the File/Folder from the repository for which the report is
to be viewed.

4. Select Department check-box for generating report on the basis

Department or select Inventory Records to for which report is to
be viewed.

5. Select the Date Criteria, and the Date Range if required for the
selection done. The Date Criteria selection will be disabled, if the
Reports > Work low Reports >
Work low Noti ications

The Work low Noti ications report provides a list of work low
noti ications that have been sent and generated for the selected
work lows.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | More | Work low Noti ications menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the Work low Name for which the list of noti ications is to
be viewed.

3. Select the Work low Event for which the list of noti ications is to
be viewed.
4. Select among the option Generated/Sent from the Noti ication
Selection section.

5. Select the Email option to view the list of email noti ications
generated or sent. Select the EUC Insight option to view the list
Reports > Work low Reports > List
of Templates

The List of Templates report provides a list of work low templates

created by speci ic users.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | More | List of Templates menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the user for which the report is to be viewed.

3. Select the Deleted Templates option to include only deleted
templates in the list.

4. Click the respective buttons based on the required format of the

report. Click on Schedule button to schedule the generation of
the report.
Reports > Work low Reports > Task
List by User/Group

The Task List by User/Group report provides a list of tasks based on

the users/groups.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
Click the Reports | More | Task List by User/Group menu.

Task List perform by User

1. Select the User radio button to view the list of tasks that are
assigned to a user.
2. Select the User(s) for whom the report is to be viewed in the
User Selection section.

3. Click the respective buttons based on the required format of the

report. Click on Schedule button to schedule the generation of
the report.

Screen Display
Reports > Work low Reports >
Attached Reports to iles

The Attached Reports to iles is used to view the previously

generated reports for any requisite ile. The Attached Reports to iles
menu will allow viewing the Change History Report and the
Spreadsheet Controls Report details that were previously generated
for any one object, and attached to it. Work lows can be initiated on
these reports and a Work low History Report can be displayed.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | More | Attached Reports to Files menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the Approval Status for which the report is to be viewed.

3. Select the object from the repository by clicking on the
Browse button. This functionality is applicable to ile(s) as well
as folder(s) object types.

4. Click the respective buttons based on the required format of the

report. Click on Schedule button to schedule the generation of
the report.

Reports > User Reports

The User Reports Grid contains the following reports:

Screen Display
Reports > User Reports > User
Access Rights

The User Access Rights Report is used to view the details of rights
that have been assigned to groups/users on the mapped network

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | Users | User Access Rights menu.
Screen Display [Monitored Mode]
Reports > User Reports >
Repository Rights Report

The Repository Rights Report is used to view the details of rights

that have been assigned to groups/users on the repository objects.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | Users | Repository Rights menu.
Screen Display

For page navigation description, please refer this link.

2. Select the map folder for which the report is to be viewed.

3. Select the group for which the report is to be viewed.

4. Select the format for the report.

5. Select the Groups option if the report is to be viewed for groups;

select the Users option if the report is to be viewed for users.
Reports > User Reports >
User/Group Details

The User Details Report is used to view the details of users. The
users for which the report is to be generated can be iltered based on
domains or groups.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | Users | User Details menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the All Users option to view the details of all users.

3. Select the By Domains option to view the details of users

belonging to a particular domain.
4. Select the By Groups option to view the details of users
belonging to a particular group.

5. Select the Show Deleted Users check box to include the details of
deleted users also.
6. Click the respective buttons based on the required format of the
report. Click on Schedule button to schedule the generation of
the report.
Reports > User Reports > User
Activity Report

The User Activity Report is used to view the details of users that are
inactive for more than a particular period. The users for which the
report is to be viewed can be iltered based on domain or group.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | More Reports | User Activity Details menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the domain to ilter the users.

3. Select the group to ilter the users.

4. Select the user for which the report is to be viewed.

5. Specify the Inactivity Period.

6. Click the respective buttons based on the required format of the

report. Click on Schedule button to schedule the generation of
the report.
Reports > User Reports > Active
Non-Domain Users

The Active non-Domain Users Report is used to view the details of

active non-domain users.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | Users | Active non-Domain Users menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the File Modi ied From and To date.

3. Select the type of report to be viewed i.e summary or Details.

4. Click the respective buttons based on the required format of the

report. Click on Schedule button to schedule the generation of
the report.
Screen Display-Summary Report
Reports > User Reports >
Scheduled Report Details

The Scheduled Report Details shows reports regarding scheduled

audit trail queries, dashboard, reports and custom reports schedules.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | Users | Scheduled Report Details menu.
Screen Display

Select the schedules for which report is to be viewed.

2. Select the user for which report is to be viewed.

3. Click the Report button to view the print preview and print the

Screen Display
Reports > Files Reports

The Files Reports Grid contains the following reports:

Screen Display
Reports > Files Reports >
Monitored Files Report

The Monitored Files Report is used to view the list of iles that have
been marked for controlling and monitoring using the Monitor feature
of EUC Insight application.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | Monitored Files menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the Map Folder from the repository for which the report is
to be viewed.
3. Select the user for which the report is to be viewed from the
Monitored by pull down list. Select the Date Filter Criteria option
to apply date ilter and con igure the date interval.

4. Select the All option to view the list of iles that are added and
that are pending for addition into EUC Insight; select the
Added option to view only the list of iles that are added into EUC
Insight; select the Not Added option to view only the list of iles
Reports > Files Reports >
Supporting Doc(s)

The Supporting Documents Report is used to view the supporting

documents of the object selected from the repository.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | Supporting Doc(s) menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the select ile/folder from the repository for which the
report is to be viewed.
3. Click the respective buttons based on the required format of the
report. Click on Schedule button to schedule the generation of
the report.
Reports > Files Reports > Version

The Version History Report is used to view the version history

details of iles.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | More Reports | Version History menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the select ile/folder from the repository for which the
report is to be viewed.

3. Click the respective buttons based on the required format of the

report. Click on Schedule button to schedule the generation of
the report.
Reports > Files Reports > File

The File Status Report is used to view the status of iles.


For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | More Reports | File Status menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the folder from the repository for which the report is to
be viewed.

3. If the iles with a particular status are to be viewed, select the

same from the tree.
4. Click the respective buttons based on the required format of the
report. Click on Schedule button to schedule the generation of
the report.
Reports > Files Reports > File Copy

The File Copy Details Report is used to view the report of copy iles.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | More Reports | File Copy Details menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the folder for which the report is to be viewed.

3. Select from among the radio button options provided in the
Select Report Type section.

4. Click the respective buttons based on the required format of the

report. Click on Schedule button to schedule the generation of
the report.
Reports > Files Reports > Linked
Files Details

The Linked File Details Report is used to view the details of the
linked iles of the selected ile or object.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | More Reports | Linked File Details menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the select ile/folder from the repository for which the
report is to be viewed.
3. To view a report on the iles that might not have links updated,
select the Link not Updated option.

a) Show list of iles not updated: Select this option to view a

report on the iles that might not have links updated till date.

b) Show list of iles not updated as on [date picker]: Select

this option to view a report on the iles that might not have

links updated till a speci ic date. Select the date for which the
report is to be viewed.
Reports > Files Reports > Control
Gap Analysis

The Control Gap Analysis Report veri ies and provides a report of
the missing control types or assignments, for the speci ied mapped

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | Files | More | Control Gap Analysis menu.
Screen Display

2. In the Select Map Folder ield, enter a mapped folder for which
the control gap is to be derived. Click on the Browse button to
search for the requisite ile.

3. Select the Show Deviation Only check box to obtain a report of

only those iles from the mapped folder that have control
deviation in them.
4. Select the format for the exported report. Click on
Schedule button to schedule the generation of the report.

Reports > Files Reports > Files
Outside Monitored Path
The Files Outside Monitored Path Report provides a report for the
scan iles having the property of “Monitor in EUCI” and not present in
Change Management or any ile moved out of the mapped folder and
Plugin detects some action on the same ile.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the
Introduction section.

How to con igure and view report?

1. Click the Reports | Files| More | Files Outside Monitored
Path menu.
Screen Display

2. Select Modi ied By/Opened On - Date Filter Criteria check-box to

apply date ilter and con igure the date interval.

3. Click on Export To Excel button to generate the report.

Reports > Other Reports

The Other Reports Grid contains the following reports:

Screen Display
Reports > Other Reports >
Noti ication
The Noti ications Reports menu contains the following reports:
Screen Display
Reports > Other Reports >
Noti ication > Cell Level
Noti ications

The Cell Level Noti ications Report is used to view the details of cell
level noti ication templates created.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?

1. Click the Reports | Noti ication | Cell Level

Noti ications menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the File/Folder for which the assignment details are to be

3. Select the Report Format, if it is required to be Template-wise or

4. Select the template for which the details are to be viewed.

5. Click the respective buttons based on the required format of the

report. Click on Schedule button to schedule the generation of
the report.
Reports > Other Reports >
Noti ication > File Noti ication

The File Noti ication Template Report is used to view the details of
ile level noti ication templates created.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?

1. Click the Reports | Noti ication | File Noti ication

Template menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the template for which the details are to be viewed.

3. Click the respective buttons based on the required format of the
report. Click on Schedule button to schedule the generation of
the report.
Reports > Other Reports >
Noti ication > File Noti ication
Template Assignment

The File Noti ication Template Assignment Report is used to view

the details of ile level noti ication template assignment.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?

1. Click the Reports | Noti ication | File Noti ication

Template Assignment menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the repository object for which the assignment details are
to be viewed.
3. Click the respective buttons based on the required format of the
report. Click on Schedule button to schedule the generation of
the report.
Reports > Other Reports > Archive
The Archive History Reports menu contains the following

Screen Display

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the
Introduction section.
Document Archive Report

The Document Archive Report is used to generate reports on the
archival of Documents. Follow the ield descriptions to generate the
How to con igure and view Document Archive report?

1. Click the Reports | Archive History | Document Archive menu.

Screen Display

2. Select the date ilter limits, in the Parameters section using the

3. Click the respective buttons based on the required format of the

report. Click on Schedule button to schedule the generation of
Reports > Other Reports >
The Permissions Reports menu contains the following reports:
Screen Display
Reports > Other Reports >
Permissions > Cell Level Security

The Cell Level Security Details Report is used to view the details of
those iles on which the Cell Level Security setting is applied.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?

1. Click the Reports | More Reports | Cell Level Security Details

Screen Display

2. Select the ile/folder from the repository for which the report is
to be viewed.

3. Click the respective buttons based on the required format of the

report. Click on Schedule button to schedule the generation of
the report.
Reports > Other Reports >
Permissions > Privileges Templates

Privileges Templates Report is used to view the Privilege Settings

con igured for the selected template.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?
1. Click the Reports | Other Reports | Privileges Templates
Screen Display

2. Select the template from the list for which you want to view the
3. Click the respective buttons based on the required format of the
report. Click on Schedule button to schedule the generation of
the report.
Reports > Other Reports >
Permissions > Menu Options

Menu Options Template Report is used to view the details of menu

options template created.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?

1. Click the Reports | Other Reports | Menu Options

Template menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the template for which the details are to be viewed.

3. Click the respective buttons based on the required format of the

report. Click on Schedule button to schedule the generation of
the report.
Reports > Other Reports >
Permissions > Menu Options
Template Assignment

The Menu Options Template Assignment Report is used to view the

menu options template assignment and its corresponding details.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?

1. Click the Reports | Other Reports | Menu Options Template

Assignment menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the ile/folder from the repository for which the

assignment is to be viewed.

3. Click the respective buttons based on the required format of the

report. Click on Schedule button to schedule the generation of
the report.
Con iguration

The Con iguration tab has the following menu as shown in the ribbon:

Screen Display
Con iguration > General
Con iguration
The General Con iguration Grid contains the following
con igurations:
Screen Display
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration
The Global Con iguration helps a user to perform various
con igurations like setting Scheduler Path, Domain Data, SMTP,
Con iguring Departments, Con iguring Audit Trails, Importing
Users/Group, Mapping Folders, and managing CIMCON services. The
following features are provided in collapsible and expandable
interfaces. Use or icons to navigate to the next and previous
sections in the interface.

Server Settings
Department Con igurations
Import Group(s)/User(s)
Folder Mapping
Manage Services
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration > Server Settings

The Server Settings section allows the user to con igure the Control
Type, File Types to Control, Application URL, Domains Data, and SMTP.
1. Click the button to expand the Server Settings ield.

Change Management
Screen Display

• Select the prede ined scheduler path for which the settings are
to be done.

• Select the All Files option to control all the iles or select the
Monitored Files option to control only the Monitored iles.

• Specify the ile extensions that are to be controlled.

o XLS, MDB: indicates that all type of Excel and Access ile
will be controlled.

o DOC, PPT: indicates that all type of MS Of ice documents

iles will be controlled.
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration > Department
Con igurations

1. Click the Con iguration | Global Con iguration menu. Click on

icon to expand the Department Con igurations. The
following screen will appear:
Screen Display (Departments)

2. Enter the name of the new department that is to be added.

3. Click the Save button to save new department. The department
will be displayed in the lower grid.
4. Click on Clear button to clear the speci ied details.

5. To delete a department click the (Delete) icon. Such

departments can also be recalled by clicking the (Recall) icon

that can be viewed by selecting the Show Removed

Departments check box.
6. On clicking the button in the Departments section. The
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration > Import

The Import Group(s)/Users(s) option provides a lexibility to

incorporate users from LDAP to EUC Insight. Instead of creating
Groups/Users in EUC Insight, the existing groups/users from a
particular domain can be imported into EUC Insight using the Import
Group(s)/User(s) functionality.
1. Click the button to expand the Import Group(s)/User(s) ield.
The following screen will be displayed:

Screen Display

2. Select the prede ined domain from the Domain Name pull down.

3. After selecting the Domain, specify an appropriate User ID of the

selected domain in the User ID text box.

4. Specify the password and click the Authenticate button, the

following screen will be displayed:
Screen Display
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration > Folder Mapping

The Folder Mapping option enables the user to map the iles/folders
with the EUC Insight Application so that the iles/folders mapped can
be monitored for the actions performed and record the audit trail for
that. The iles/folders can be added from different File Share type:
Windows, SharePoint, BOX, Of ice365, Documentum, Google Drive and
Dropbox. For SharePoint, BOX, Of ice365, Documentum, Google Drive
and Dropbox, only XLS and ACCDB iles can be monitored from the

Click the button to expand the Folder Mapping ield.

Screen Display - File Share option

1. Select the type of the ile which is to be shared.

2. Select the control type from the drop down.

3. Select the type of the server.

4. Select the server for which the con iguration is to be done.

5. Specify a name for the con iguration.

6. Select the version for the con iguration.

Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration > Folder Mapping >
Sharepoint/Of ice365

Note: Ensure that the SharePoint 2010 or higher version is installed

and supports Excel and Access File type only.
Screen Display - SharePoint

Screen Display- Of ice 365

• Select the File Share type, Server Name and Alias.

• Specify the path of the EUC Insight repository folder into which
the ile/folder from the Sharepoint/Of ice365 are to be added.
This can be done using the Browse button.
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration > Folder Mapping >

Note: It supports Excel and Access File type only.

Screen Display

• Click Manage Application(s) while mapping BOX folder.

BOX Folder Path

1. Click on Browse button from BOX Folder Path, following screen

Screen Display
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration > Folder Mapping >

Note: It supports Excel and Access File type only.

Screen Display

• Click Manage Authentication while mapping Documentum

Show Deleted Cabinets
The Show Deleted Cabinets button allows user to restore the deleted
cabinets from the documentum con iguration. Click on the Show
Deleted Cabinets button. The following screen will be displayed:
Screen Display
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Global Con iguration >
Folder Mapping > Google Drive

Note: It supports Excel and Access File type only.

Screen Display

• Click Manage Application while mapping Google Drive folder.

Google Drive Folder Path

1. Click on Browse button from Google Drive Folder Path, following screen

Screen Display
2. Google Drive Repository menu will be opened as shown above. Select
the Google Drive folder which you want to map with the EUC Insight
application and click OK button.

3. Click on Cancel button to cancel mapping and close Google Drive

Repository menu.
Show Deleted Google Drive Folders
1. The Show Deleted Google Drive Folders button allows user to restore
the deleted Google Drive folders from the Google Drive con iguration.
Click on the Show Deleted Google Drive Folders button. The following
screen will be displayed:
Screen Display
2. Click on Restore button and select the folder which needs to be restored
in the Google Drive Con iguration.
3. Click on Purge button to delete the selected deleted folder permanently.
Copy Con igurations

The Copy Con iguration button Allows copying con iguration settings
(Security, Reporting, Noti ication(s), Exception(s), Auto Start Work low, and
Password Management) to another repository-mapped objects.

Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Global Con iguration >
Folder Mapping > Dropbox

Note: It supports Excel and Access File type only.

Screen Display

• Click Manage Application(s) while mapping Dropbox folder.

Dropbox Folder Path

1. Click on Browse button from Dropbox Folder Path, following screen


Screen Display
2. Dropbox Repository menu will be opened as shown above. Select the
Dropbox folder which you want to map with the EUC Insight application
and click OK button.
3. Click on Cancel button to cancel mapping and close Dropbox Repository
Show Deleted Dropbox Folders

1. The Show Deleted BOX Folders button allows user to restore the
deleted Dropbox folders from the Dropbox con iguration. Click on the
Show Deleted Dropbox Folders button. The following screen will be
Screen Display
2. Click on Restore button and select the folder which needs to be restored
in the Dropbox Con iguration.
3. Click on Purge button to delete the selected deleted folder permanently.
Copy Con igurations

The Copy Con iguration button Allows copying con iguration settings
(Security, Reporting, Noti ication(s), Exception(s), Auto Start Work low, and
Password Management) to another repository-mapped objects.

Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration > Folder Mapping >

Note: It supports Excel and Access File type only.

Screen Display

• Click Manage Application(s) while mapping GitHub folder.

GitHub Folder Path

1. Click on Browse button from GitHub Path, following screen

Screen Display
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration Wizard
Global Con iguration Wizard

The Global Con iguration Wizard allows you to con igure Security,
Reporting, Noti ication(s) and Exception(s), Auto Start Work low,
Archive, Advanced Con iguration and Password Management for the
prede ined Folder Path and Repository Path.
File Share

1. Click the (Con iguration) icon of the required con iguration,

the Global Con iguration screen will be displayed:
The Global Con iguration screen contains the following:
Screen Display
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration Wizard > Security
Security Tab

The Security tab allows you to assign Monitored Full security to the
users\groups for the selected Folder Path.
Screen Display

For page navigation description, please refer this link.


1. Select the group for which the security has to be assigned and
click on Add button.


2. Select the Domain containing the groups\ users for which

security has to be assigned.

3. Select the group containing the users for which security has to
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration Wizard > Reporting
Reporting Tab

The Reporting tab allows you to con igure the actions (performed in
MS Excel\MS Access iles) for which reports can be generated on
selected intervals and sent to users\groups. A custom list of actions
can be selected or actions can be selected based on existing audit trail
queries. Reports can be sent as attachments or can be stored at a
network-shared path.

Screen Display

For page navigation description, please refer this link.

Select Query
1. Select this option to select speci ic actions based on which a
report is to be generated and sent to users\groups.

2. Select this option to select an existing audit trail query based on

Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration Wizard >
Noti ication(s) and Exception(s)
Noti ication(s) and Exception(s) Tab

The Noti ication(s) and Exception(s) tab allows sending of

noti ications to speci ic group(s)\user(s) when the con igured actions
are performed in a controlled iles and applying exception policy
templates to all users.
Screen Display

For page navigation description, please refer this link.

1. Select the Domain containing the groups\ users to which you
want to send the noti ication.

2. Select the group containing the users to which you want to send
the noti ication.

Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration Wizard > Auto Start
Work low
Auto Start Work low
The Auto Start Work low tab allows a user to con igure settings for
automatic starting of a work low when iles having selected
extensions are added to the selected Repository Path.

Screen Display

For page navigation description, please refer this link.

1. Select the work low template based on which the work low is to
be started.
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration Wizard > Archive

The Archive tab allows the user to con igure archival rules.

Screen Display

The user can set the archival rules as per the following ield

1. Select the Archive ile after__ days for ile in status option to
archive iles of the selected Repository Path having speci ic
status after a speci ic number of days.

· days for ile in status: Specify the number of days after

which the iles in a particular status will be moved to the
user speci ied path and perform the following steps to
con igure the same.

· Pull down: Select a prede ined status from the pull down.
Click the button to view the instant help text on
selecting the status template from the pull down.
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration Wizard > Advanced
Advanced Con iguration

Note: This tab will be available while Control Type is set to Monitored .
If Control Type is set to Thin, Advanced Con iguration Tab will not be
The Advanced Con iguration tab allows the user to con igure the
advanced security settings such as locking of formulas for iles having
speci ic status, make ile read-only upon check in or when associated
with a work low.

Screen Display
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration Wizard > Password
Password Management
The Password Management tab allows you to create a list of
passwords that will be used to open the iles and unprotect a
protected spreadsheet to process the same using the passwords
speci ied here.

Screen Display

1. Enter an appropriate password in the Password text box.

Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Global
Con iguration > Manage Services

The Manage Services option allows you to Start, Stop and Restart the
services of the application. The name of the server on which the
services are installed can also be edited.
1. Click the button of the Manage Services section to expand the

2. Click the Load Service Status button, the following screen will
Screen Display

The Service Name, Host Server Name and Service Status will be

3. Click the icon to stop the respective service.

4. Click the icon to start the respective service.

Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Groups and Users
The Group and Users Menu contains the following con igurations for
managing the groups and users:
Screen Display
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Groups and Users >
Manage Groups
Manage Group(s)

This link allows to manage groups and user allocations for the
different groups. It also allows to synchronize the groups.
Group Details

Screen Display

1. Specify the Group Name and Description to add the new group.
From the Department Rights pull down menu, select the
department for which the group will have rights. Multiple
Departments can be assigned to the single group using by
selecting the checkboxes in the pull down list. Click the Save
button to add the new group.

Domain Details
Screen Display
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Groups and Users >
Manage Users
Manage User(s)

This link allows to modify user settings.

Screen Display

1. Click on to delete the user from the selected group.

2. Recall Deleted User(s) will allow to recall the deleted users from
the groups and domains. The following screen will be displayed:
Screen Display
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > User Access Rights
The User Access Rights menu contains the following
con igurations:
Screen Display
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > User Access Rights >
Access Rights Templates
The User Access Rights module allows a user to assign rights of
different menus to the users. In the User Access Rights Template
default Admin, Client and Manager template is available. Users can
assign the default templates or can create custom templates, select the
menus and assign them.
Access Rights Templates
1. Click the New Template button in the Access Rights
Templates tab; a text box for Template Name will appear.

2. Specify a name for the template.

3. Select the menus for which the rights are to be assigned.
4. Click the Save button to save the template. Click on Cancel to
abort the changes.

Screen Display – New Template

Con iguration > General
Con iguration > User Access Rights >
Access Rights Templates Assignment
Access Rights Template Assignment

1. Select a template from the Template for All Users pull down. If a
template is to be assigned for all users, irrespective of domain or
groups and click the Save button.
2. Select the Domain containing the groups\users to which you
want to assign the template.

3. Select the group containing the users to which you want to

assign the template or select the group to which you want to
assign the template and click the Add button beside this ield.
4. To select a single user, specify the name of the user and click the
Add button beside the User Name ield.
5. To select multiple users, leave the ield blank and click the Add
button beside this ield. A List of User(s) dialog will be
displayed. Select the users to which the template is to be
assigned and click the OK button in the dialog.

6. If a template is to be assigned to all the selected users, select the

template that is to be applied from the Apply to All pull down.
7. Click the Assign Template button.

Screen Display
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Metadata

The Metadata menu allows you to con igure the various custom ields
related to the spreadsheets that may be potential risk factors derived
from various operations. After scanning the iles, the application
fetches all the details of the iles and then details of the data can be
de ined by specifying the metadata ield values.
1. Select the Con igurations | Metadata menu. The following
screen will appear:

Screen Display

Note: The column icons appearing in Orange color are

con igured.

2. Click on (Manage Tabs/Groups) icon to add or modify the

Tabs and groups.

Manage Tabs
Screen Display
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Scheduling
The Scheduling menu contains the following con igurations:
Screen Display
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Scheduling >
Scheduler Options
Scheduler Options

The Scheduler Options allow you to send customized queries and

reports to the users and groups. The Report Scheduler utility is an
intuitive wizard that allows the users to create templates for Queries
and Reports to be distributed to other users across the organization
via email.
Screen Display
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Scheduling >
Manage Scheduler Templates
Manage Scheduler Templates

The Manage Scheduler Templates allows the users to manage the

scheduler templates. The user can create new templates for a
schedule or work in the created templates as per the requirement as
well as modify the existing ones.
Screen Display

For page navigation description, please refer this link.

1. Select a template from the option list if a new template is not

2. Provide a description to the templates.

3. Select the path if the report is to be stored on the system. Else,
leave the ield blank if the report is to be sent to the selected
users only.
4. Select the format for report.
Con iguration > General
Con iguration > Scheduling > Assign
Scheduler Templates
Assign Scheduler Templates

The Assign Scheduler Templates allows you to assign the requisite

scheduler templates to the queries created based on actions
performed in MS Excel and MS Access iles.
Screen Display (Query)

1. Select the report type from Query or Report.

2. If the Query option is selected, the user can select any of the
listed query from the pull down list:
Screen Display
Con iguration > Inventory

The Inventory Grid contains the following con igurations:

Screen Display
Con iguration > Inventory > Next
Assessment Period
Once you have added the EUC in the application with the de ined risk
value, from this ield you can specify the next assessment for the High,
Medium and Low risk EUCs individually.

1. Select the Con iguration | Inventory | Next Assessment

Period menu. The following screen will appear:
Screen Display

2. Select the period of the Next Assessment for the High, Medium
and Low EUCs from the drop down.
3. Select the Due Period for the Next Assessment in day(s).

4. Click on Save button to save the con iguration. There will be one
success message as below:

Screen Display
Con iguration > Inventory >
Lifecycle Stage Con iguration

The Lifecycle Stage Con iguration menu allows the users to

con igure the Lifecycle stages i.e. creating Lifecycle Stages, managing
the noti ications and mapping the stages with Work low Status.
1. Select the Con iguration | Inventory | Lifecycle Stage
Con iguration menu.

2. From the Lifecycle Stage Mapping grid, click on Yes or No button

for Change Lifecycle stage by Work low? to map the Work low
status with the Lifecycle Stages:
Screen Display

To know the impact of options selected in this ield, you can click
on icon.

3. When the Yes button is displayed, the (Document Status and

Lifecycle Stage Mapping) icon will appear. Clicking on this link
will display the screen for mapping:

Screen Display
Con iguration > Inventory >
Con iguration History

The Con iguration History menu allows you to view the audit trail
report on the administrative actions performed in the application.
1. Select the Con iguration | Inventory | Con iguration History

2. Select the actions to be included in the search.

Screen Display

3. Select the users to be included in the search.

Screen Display
Con iguration > Inventory >
Manage Database Jobs

The Manage Database Jobs functionality allows you to con igure the
schedules for refreshing the work lows, dashboards etc. related
information in the database at the speci ied intervals. The user can set
the frequency and the intervals of the job execution on hourly and on
once in a day basis.
Note: This menu is visible only if administrator has done the
necessary settings.

If the Database Job is running, then following job schedule

con igurations will be displayed:
1. Select the Manage Database Jobs menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the respective dashboards to manually refresh.

3. Click the button against the respective job to execute the job

4. Click the Execute All button to execute all the jobs immediately.

If the Database Job is not running, then following job schedule
con igurations will be displayed:

1. Select the Manage Database Jobs menu.

Con iguration > Inventory >
Document Status Management

The Document Status Management menu allows a user to add

different types of statuses for the documents as per the work low
tasks of your organization and assign those statuses to different
user(s)/group(s). The users associated with particular status can
work or perform the task for that status only.
1. Click on Document Status Management menu from Advanced
menu of the Inventory Con iguration grid.

Document Status
Screen Display

2. Select EUC Insight option for Status Based on ield to add a

status for documents or select Work low option to add a status
for work low tasks.

3. Enter a name for the Document or Work low task Status.

4. Write the description for the new status in the space given.

5. Select Initial Status option to assign the selected status as the

default status for the documents. The initial status or the default
status will be displayed in blue color in the status list.
6. Click on Clear button to remove the values added for the new
Con iguration > Inventory > Risk
This option allows the user to con igure the color for the Low, Medium
and High Risk iles.

Note: The color con igured here will be applied to the Risk Ranges
menu from Discovery section automatically and vice versa.
1. Click on the Con iguration | Inventory | Risk Color menu. The
following screen will appear.
Screen Display

2. Click on the color box to change the color for the respective risk
3. This parameter will be used as a ilter and the iles that appear
in the Information Pane will have the newly con igured color
markups based on their Risk.

4. Click the OK button to apply and save the new categorization

Con iguration > Inventory >
Metadata History

This option allows the user to get the report of the changes made in
the Metadata form of EUCs.
1. Click on the Con iguration | Inventory | Metadata History
menu. The following screen will appear.

Screen Display

• Click on the Unique Identi ier button to sort the records

in Unique Identi ier ascending/descending order.

• For page navigation description, please refer this link.

• Detailed search results can be exported to the Excel using

(Export to Excel) icon. The following pop-up will be
Screen Display
Con iguration > Discovery

The Discovery Grid contains the following con igurations:

Screen Display
Con iguration > Discovery > Risk

This option allows the user to manually enter the Risk Value on the
basis of which iles (Excel and Access) will be categorized as Low,
Medium and High Risk iles.
Note: The color con igured here will be applied to the Risk Color
menu from Inventory section automatically and vice versa.

1. Click on the Con iguration | Discovery | Risk Ranges menu.

The following screen will appear.
Screen Display

2. Enter the Range over which the Access / Excel/Other iles are to
be categorized as Low, Medium and High Risk respectively.
3. This parameter will be used as a ilter and the iles that appear
in the Information Pane will have the newly con igured color
markups based on their Risk Factor value as calculated by the

4. Click the Restore Default button to restore the default

Con iguration > Discovery > Copy

The Copy Detection module detects the copy of similar iles from the
total number of iles available in the application. The copies are
detected based on three criteria: Save As and Copy, name Pattern or
First N characters. It also offers feature i.e. File and Metadata
attributes which can further ilter or narrow down the copy detection.
Note: Before the Templates are created, the iles/folders should be
mapped, scanned and Monitored to make them application compliant

1. Click Con iguration | Discovery | Copy Detection menu.

2. Click on Add button to create new template.
Add New Template

Screen Display

3. Enter a name for the template and select the department from
the pull down to which the new template will be assigned. In the
Departments ield, only those departments will be displayed
which are not associated or assigned to any template.

Note: One department will have only one template assigned to it

but one template can be assigned to multiple departments.
4. Select the Use Change Management data (Save As and copy) for
Monitored ile(s) option if you want to ind out the the copies of
the iles which are in Change Management tab and have been
copied using the Save As feature along with the Master ile in
that copy set.
Con iguration > Discovery > Report

The Report Scheduling module generates various reports

automatically at con igured interval of time and saves the same at
con igured paths. Templates are created for con iguring the path to
save the reports and the schedule for generation of the reports. These
templates are then assigned to various reports. Many other
parameters can be con igured during assignment, depending upon the
1. Click the Con iguration | Report Scheduling button.

Screen Display

2. Select the type of Report that is to be scheduled.

The selection criteria differs as per the selected report from the
pull down list. There are 6 report options available in the drop
down for the Report ield:

• VBA Keywords Report (Excel): provides a list of Excel iles

that contain the keywords in the VBA.

• Protected Files Report (Excel): provides a list of Excel iles

that have been protected by a password.

• Scan Performance Report (Excel): provides the scan result

of the selected Scan Id(s) or Scan date range.

• List of Files Report (Excel): displays the list of iles

scanned as per the selected criteria
Con iguration > Discovery >
The Advanced menu contains the following con igurations:
Screen Display
Con iguration > Discovery >
Advanced > Discovery Log

You can execute powerful and complex queries on the audit-trail

history data using the Discovery Log. For example, you can query any
object, attribute, Risk Factor etc. to view a complete history of all the
changes made.

• A graphical, user-friendly wizard is provided to build


• You can execute the query on any desired portion of the

EUC Insight database.

• Check boxes, option-buttons and drop-down lists are

provided to select the criteria for the query.

For the overview of Reports and details of icons, refer the

Introduction section.
How to con igure and view report?

1. Select the Con iguration| Discovery | Advanced | Discovery

Log menu.

2. Follow the screens described below to execute your queries.

Screen Display – Filter Criteria Tab
Con iguration > Discovery >
Advanced > Con iguration History

The Con iguration History menu allows you to view the audit trail
report on the administrative actions performed in the application.
1. Select the Con iguration | Con iguration History menu.

2. Select the actions to be included in the search.

Screen Display

3. Select the users to be included in the search.

Screen Display
Con iguration > Discovery >
Advanced > Manage Database Jobs


The Manage Database Jobs functionality allows you to con igure the
schedules for refreshing the work lows, dashboards etc. related
information in the database at the speci ied intervals. The user can set
the frequency and the intervals of the job execution on hourly and on
once in a day basis.
Note: This menu is visible only if administrator has done the
necessary settings.
If the Database Job is running, then following job schedule
con igurations will be displayed:

1. Select the Manage Database Jobs menu.

Screen Display

2. Select the respective dashboards to manually refresh.

3. Click the button against the respective job to execute the job
4. Click the Execute All button to execute all the jobs immediately.

If the Database Job is not running, then following job schedule

con igurations will be displayed:
Con iguration > Discovery >
Advanced > Phase Management

The Phase Management enables the users to manage the scanning of

iles ef iciently. Phase Management allows you to ilter the required
iles by using various logical operations on the criteria of particular
phases and carry out the scanning of the next phase only on those
iles, to save a good amount of time. Moreover, this way you scan the
iltered iles only and that too based on risk level rather than
repeating the next phase scan for a huge pile of iles.

Scan a bunch of iles using the Fast Scan option and then select Fast
Scan as current phase and criteria Created / Modi ied Date OR File
1. Select the Phase Management menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the Current Phase as Fast Scan for the management and
select the next phase as Phase 1 for which the iles are to be

Screen Display
Con iguration > Discovery >
Advanced > Disposition
Con iguration

The Disposition Con iguration menu allows the user to take action
on the older iles present in the EUC Insight application repository.
The actions de ined are: Investigate, Move, Delete or Retain.
1. Select the Con iguration | Discovery | Advanced | Disposition
Con iguration menu.

2. The following screen will appear:

Screen Display

3. Select the policy name from the Policy Name drop-down for
which you wish to con igure the action.
4. Select the action:

• Investigate: Select this option to detect the copy group,

add the ile to Inventory and start work low

• Move: Select this option to move the iles to destination

folder and remove from the repositories

• Delete: Select this option to remove the iles from

Con iguration > Change
The Change Management Grid contains the following
con igurations:
Screen Display
Con iguration > Change
Management > Signi icant Actions

The Signi icant Actions section allows you to create and assign
template for actions that are considered as signi icant. The audit trail
of only these actions will be shown in the Audit Trail tab of Change
Management to easily zoom on to the information of interest.
Action Templates
1. Click on Signi icant Actions | Action Templates menu.
Screen Display

2. Click the New Template button in the Action Templates tab; a

text box for Action Template Name will appear
Con iguration > Change
Management > Exceptions
The Exceptions menu helps a user to detect any fraudulent activity in
the compliant spreadsheets. Policies can be de ined for exceptional
activities and subsequent actions to be taken by the application on
detection of such activities can also be con igured. These policies can
then be applied on various repository objects.

Screen Display

The actions have been categorized into different policies such as

Design Changes, Structural Changes, Warnings, Adjustment,
Protection, Presentation, Missing Expected Changes, and Behavioral
Analysis. Expand the relevant group and select the actions that are to
be considered as exceptional.

Policy Templates
1. Click the New button; a text box for Policy Template name will
Screen Display

2. Specify a name for the template.

3. Keep the Active/Inactive checkbox selected to enable/activate

the policy exceptions rule. When a template is inactive, in policy
Con iguration > Change
Management > Noti ications
To ensure control on the EUC Insight System, supervision is required.
EUC Insight System can be accessed by authorized user(s) and based
on the Admin and Repository security rights, actions can be
performed. However, there might be some sensitive or critical actions
in the EUC Insight System, for which you might need to keep a check.
The Noti ications functionality allows you to de ine Noti ication
Templates for con igured actions. Based on the selected actions, and
con igured frequency, device, subject and message, E-mail or EUC
Insight Enterprise Noti ications will be sent to the user to whom the
Noti ication Template is assigned.
File Noti ication
The File Noti ication functionality enables sending of noti ications to
speci ic user(s) when the con igured actions are performed in a
Monitored ile. This feature enables you to create templates for
assignment to repository objects and allows selection of users to
whom the noti ication is to be sent. The File Noti ication function also
enables you to start work low to verify the changes that have been
made through any of the Action Lists (Excel/Access) described above.

1. To create a new template, click the New Template button.

Screen Display

2. Specify the Template Name, a relevant Template Description.

Screen Display
Con iguration > Change
Management > Advanced
The Advanced menu contains the following con igurations:
Screen Display
Con iguration > Change
Management > Advanced > Archive
Con iguration

The Archive Con iguration functionality allows the user to make the
con iguration for archival of iles contained in the Repository based on
the Document Retention Templates and on the respective Time to
Live Periods. However, it should be noted that the audit trail records
pertaining to the documents being archived would also be archived.
The steps that need to be followed for the same are as follows.

The Archive Con iguration screen contains the following tabs:

A. Document Archive Settings

B. Document Version Archive Settings

C. Con iguration Audit Trail Archive Settings

D. Client Audit Trail Archive Settings
E. Archive Option


The Document Archive Settings is the default tab in Archive

Con iguration screen. This screen contains the following tabs:

· Document Retention Template

· Retention Template Assignment

Following are the screen descriptions for the above-mentioned tabs:

Document Retention Template Tab

Con iguration > Change
Management > Advanced > Polling
Con iguration

The Polling Con iguration module provides an interface to con igure

various parameters for CIMCON Polling Service General Settings.
The General Settings tab enables a user to make the general settings
for the processing of iles:

1. Modify the con igurations as required and click the Save button.
Screen Display
Con iguration > Change
Management > Advanced >
Recovery Rule

The Recovery Rule module provides an interface to con igure various

parameters for recovering the application components such as
CIMCON Monitored Scheduler, CIMCON FileWatcher and CIMCON
AutoWatcher from any unresponsive stage and “cleaning” of certain
state folders.
Screen Display

1. Select the time when the recovery service is to be started in the

Service Start Time pull down list.
2. Select the interval at which the service should verify the
availability of the shared folders used for processing, in case of
accessibility failure from the Service Interval pull down list.
CIMCON Monitored Recovery Rule

Screen Display
Con iguration > Change
Management > Advanced >
Recovery Con iguration

The Recovery Con iguration functionality provides an interface to

con igure various parameters for the CIMCON Recovery General
The General Settings tab enables a user to make the general settings
for the processing of the iles:

1. Modify the con igurations as required and click the Save button.
Screen Display
Con iguration > Change
Management > Advanced > Manage
Database Jobs

The Manage Database Jobs functionality allows you to con igure the
schedules for refreshing the work lows, dashboards etc. related
information in the database at the speci ied intervals. The user can set
the frequency and the intervals of the job execution on hourly and on
once in a day basis.
Note: This menu is visible only if administrator has done the
necessary settings.

If the Database Job is running, then following job schedule

con igurations will be displayed:
1. Select the Manage Database Jobs menu.
Screen Display

2. Select the respective dashboards to manually refresh.

3. Click the button against the respective job to execute the job

4. Click the Execute All button to execute all the jobs immediately.

5. Click Refresh Security Data button to refresh the security

rights on the objects.
Con iguration > Change
Management > Advanced > Audit
Trail Colors

The Audit Trail Color module allows the users to con igure the color
for each audit trail action. The Audit Trail of the actions will be
displayed with the color as con igured here in the Audit Trail tab of
Con igurations.
Screen Display
Con iguration > Change
Management > Advanced > AT
Name Range Con iguration

The AT Name Range Con iguration functionality allows you to

con igure a name range from a particular Excel ile or multiple Excel
iles to include or exclude generating audit trail for the same.
Click the AT Name Range Con iguration node.

Screen Display

• Click on Add button to add a new name range and enter the
new name range.

• Select the Object type option to choose either a mapped

folder or a ile.

• Select the Mapped Folder option and here choose an existing

mapped folder from list.

• Select the File option and here browse to locate the required
ile from the repository.
Con iguration > Change
Management > Advanced > Plug-In
Con iguration

The Plug-In Con iguration functionality allows you to customize the

role con iguration for the user and groups. It also allows con iguration
of Excel Thin /Monitored Security. In Excel Thin/Monitored Security,
users can con igure the Privileges, Restrict Menus availability and
Security for the users as well as Groups. In Access Thin Security, users
can set security and accessibility for the Access Files, and using the
Restrict Menu functionality can impose restrictions on selected

The Plug-In Con iguration screen contains the following tabs:

· Excel Plug-In Security

· Access Plug-In Security

Excel Plug-In Security

The Excel Plug-In Security Tab will allow to con igure various
security and accessibility for iles. Security options can be assigned to
the speci ic user or group, as needed. Security options such as
Privileges and Restrict menu are available.

Screen Display
Con iguration > Change
Management > Advanced >
Technical Settings

The Technical Settings allows a user to con igure the Folder Mapping
for conversion and subsequent addition of iles. The users need to
select the path of the scheduler to make the con igurations. The
feature also offers to set the con iguration/setting performed as the
default application setting using the Default Setting button.
The user can select a service from the drop down of Scheduler Path
ield. The screen will appear with different Settings: General, File AT,
Monitored , Scheduler, Thin etc. as per the scheduler path selected.

General Settings
The General Settings tab enables a user to make the general settings
for the processing of the iles. These settings include the application
mode, the date format, culture information, paths of the folders to be
used for processing and other settings:
1. Modify the con igurations as required and click the Save button.

Screen Display
Con iguration > Change
Management > Advanced >
Document Status Management

The Document Status Management menu allows a user to add

different types of statuses for the documents as per the work low
tasks of your organization and assign those statuses to different
user(s)/group(s). The users associated with particular status can
work or perform the task for that status only.
1. Click on Document Status Management menu from Advanced
menu of the Inventory Con iguration grid.

Document Status
Screen Display

2. Select EUC Insight option for Status Based on ield to add a

status for documents or select Work low option to add a status
for work low tasks.

3. Enter a name for the Document or Work low task Status.

4. Write the description for the new status in the space given.

5. Select Initial Status option to assign the selected status as the

default status for the documents. The initial status or the default
status will be displayed in blue color in the status list
Con iguration > Change
Management > Advanced > ML Rule
Con iguration
ML Rule Con iguration screen allows users to skip the ATs on the ML
rule con igured on the con iguration section of Application.It will
validate the threshold cell count and change frequency on name range
or sheet name for con igured action and skip the AT's over the ile.

Click the ML Rule Con iguration node.

Screen Display

• Enter the Rule Name for the ML Con iguration screen to

categories the con iguration uniquely.
• Select Actions from Action Name drop-down to be con igured in
the ML Rule Con iguration.
• Click Name Range radio button to con igure name range in ML
Rule Con iguration.

• Users can add or edit name range by Add and Edit button, and
delete the Name Range by Delete button.
Getting Help


We would like to know what you think about EUC Insight so that we
can continue to improve the product in ways that will best serve the
user community. If you have comments and suggestions regarding
EUC Insight, please send e-mail to Include the
words 'EUC Insight Feedback' in the subject line.
If you would like a response to your comments, please contact us
through Technical Support.
Technical Support:

If you are experiencing an issue with our software, please mention the
following details:

• Your Company's Name.

• Product Name.

• Version of Product you are using.

• Version of your Operating System (Windows 7 or higher)

including service packs.

• Steps of your actions leading to the problem.

• Mention as many relevant details as possible.

You can contact us or send your queries using any of the method listed

1. Visit us on the Internet at

2. E-mail to Technical Support at

EUC Insight is a personalized web portal that allows EUC Insight users
with a visually pleasing graphical user interface to manage all End
User Computing (EUC) information. It also provides a web-based
scanning tool for automated spreadsheet inventory, risk assessment
and reporting based on spreadsheet analytics and risk criteria. The
application allows the users to scan Excel iles, Access iles and other
types of EUC iles and generate reports in different formats with
various risk parameters. The application also allows the identi ication
of iles as either compliant or non-compliant iles. The compliant iles
are de ined as the ones that are Monitored by the use of CIMCON's
Client compliance applications.
Identi ied Excel and Access iles may also be de ined using various
con igurable risk factors and weights.
The application provides features where user can de ine different
data about the iles excluding the ile attributes using the Metadata
From the large number of iles, users can specify the working iles
as the Inventory iles by adding them to the Inventory mode and
then carrying out various actions.

Users can quickly and easily view the audit trail information
associated with a spreadsheet or database that is being monitored
by EUC Insight. Work low tasks and history can be viewed at a
glance for prompt and immediate action by the user to which it is
assigned. Users can also view the version history of a EUC and
compare any two versions to accelerate review and approvals. A
well-designed and intuitive layout allows users to quickly zoom in to
the information of interest for higher productivity and ef iciency.

EUC Insight also includes a wide range of reports and dashboards. The
application functions on rights-based security so that only authorized
users have access to speci ic features of the application. Alerts and
Chart Setting(s)

With Chart Con iguration feature, the user can change the properties
and/or data of charts displaying for Inventory, Discovery and/or
Change Management dashboards over the home screen. It also helps
user to add dynamic customization of query for single charts.

To edit or view the property of Chart, drill down to the speci ic chart
name present over the Chart Con iguration screen.
the Chart Con iguration window for the speci ic chart will open as
below screen:
Screen Display:

the Chart setting(s) are divided into Two Parts.

Icon Description

Icon Description

Icon Description

Refresh Click this icon to refresh the data.

Export to Excel Click this icon to print the results in the

MS Excel format.

Displays the Page Size dialog to set the

number of records to be displayed on a

Takes you to the irst page.

Takes you to the previous page.

Takes you to the next page.

Takes you to the last page.

Displays the current page number. Enter a

page number into the text box and click on
the Go To button to view the page.
Second Pane Column Description

Columns Description
File Name This ield displays the name of the ile.
File Path This ield displays the path of the ile.
Mapped Folder This ield displays the mapped folder the ile
belongs to.
Department This ield displays the department name to
which the ile belongs to.
Author This ield displays the author name for the
Revision Number This ield displays the revision number of the
[Title ] This ield displays the title of the ile as taken
from the ile.
[Subject] This ield displays the subject of the ile as
taken from the ile.
[Company] This ield displays the company name.
[Manager] This ield displays the Manager name.
Monitored Denotes if the ile is monitored.
Inventory Denotes if the ile is added in the Inventory
Creation Date Displays the Date on which the ile was
Modi ied Date Displays the last date on which the ile was
modi ied.
NTFS Owner This ield displays the NTFS Owner for the
selected ile.
Unlocked Formulas Criterion displays the number of unlocked cells.
Unlocked cells are the cells for which the
Locked option in the Protection tab of Format
Cells screen is not selected. If the user selects the
option ALL then it displays all the cells, which are
unlocked, and selecting the Formula, it displays the
only specific unlocked cells having formula in it.
Named Items with Errors Total number of Name Ranges containing the
Pylint Error Description

Sr. Pylint Error Description

No. Error
1 C0102 Black listed name "%s" Used when the name is listed in the black
(unauthorized names).
2 C0103 Invalid %s name "%s"%s Used when the name doesn"t match the
expression associated to its type (constant, variable, class...).
3 C0112 Empty %s docstring Used when a module, function, class or meth
empty docstring (it would be too easy ;).
4 C0113 Consider changing "%s" to "%s" Used when a boolean expression
an unneeded negation.
5 C0114 Missing module docstring Used when a module has no docstring.
modules do not require a docstring.
6 C0115 Missing class docstring Used when a class has no docstring.Even
class must have a docstring.
7 C0116 Missing function or method docstring Used when a function or m
no docstring.Some special methods like __init__ do not require a d
8 C0121 Comparison to %s should be %s Used when an expression is com
singleton values like True, False or None.
9 C0122 Comparison should be %s Used when the constant is placed on th
sideof a comparison. It is usually clearer in intent to place it in the
hand side of the comparison.
10 C0123 Using type() instead of isinstance() for a typecheck. The idiomati
perform an explicit typecheck in Python is to use isinstance(x, Y)
type(x) == Y, type(x) is Y. Though there are unusual situations wh
give different results.
11 C0198 Bad docstring quotes in %s, expected """, given %s Used when a d
does not have triple double quotes.
12 C0199 First line empty in %s docstring Used when a blank line is found a
beginning of a docstring.
13 C0200 Consider using enumerate instead of iterating with range and len
when code that iterates with range and len is encountered. Such c
simpli ied by using the enumerate builtin.
14 C0201 Consider iterating the dictionary directly instead of calling .keys()
R Files Error Description

Sr. Lintr Error Code Error Description

1 object_usage_linter check that closures have the proper usag
using codetools::checkUsage(). Note this
runs base::eval() on the code, so do not u
untrusted code.
2 absolute_path_linter check that no absolute paths are used (e.
"C:\System", "~/docs").
3 nonportable_path_linter check that ile.path() is used to construct
portable paths.
4 pipe_continuation_linter check that each step in a pipeline is on a n
or the entire pipe its on one line.
5 assignment_linter check that <- is always used for assignme
6 camel_case_linter check that objects are not in camelCase.
7 closed_curly_linter check that closed curly braces should alw
their own line unless they are followed b
8 commas_linter check that all commas are followed by sp
do not have spaces before them.
9 commented_code_linter check that there is no commented code o
roxygen comments.
10 cyclocomp_linter check for overly complicated expressions
11 equals_na_linter check for x == NA
12 extraction_operator_linter check that the [[ operator is used when ex
a single element from an object, not [ (su
nor $ (interactive use).
13 function_left_parentheses_linter check that all left parentheses in a functio
not have spaces before them.
14 implicit_integer_linter check that integers are explicitly typed us
form 1L instead of 1.
15 in ix_spaces_linter check that all in ix operators have spaces

16 line_length_linter check the line length of both comments a

is less than length.
File Summary

With File Summary feature, the user can know if the selected ile is
Associated with any EUC in Inventory, scanned in Discovery and/or
status in the Change Management. It will also display the change in
Audit Trails and number of Audit Trails generated as per users.

File Details:

In the File Summary, users can verify the path and modi ied details of
the selected ile as shown in the below screen:
Screen Display

File Status in Modules:

When the selected ile is present in the all the tabs i.e. Inventory,
Discovery, Change Management, the below screen will display all the
Screen Display
User Access Rights Checkbox
When the check-boxes against the features are not checked, then those
features will not be available in the application for the users as per the
template assignment.

Note: Here, the features from the check-boxes can be applicable to:

· Discovery

· Inventory

· Change Management

· All (Discovery, Inventory and Change Management)

· Client Components

User Access Rights Description Applied to

Inventory Check this box to Inventory
give access to the
users for entire
Inventory tab.
Add EUCs Check this box to Inventory
allow users to add
EUCs in the
Add Manually Check this box to Inventory
allow users to add
the EUCs manually
in the Inventory.
Import From Excel Check this box to Inventory
allow the users to
add the EUCs in
Inventory through

Import to Excel
h k h b

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