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Multiple Choice

Read the following text for answer question number 1-3

Rafflesia is the largest flower in the world. It also listed as the heaviest, rarest, and one
of the smelliest flowers in the world. This flower weighs around 10 kilograms and can grow
up to one meter wide. The scientific name of this flower is Rafflesia arnoldii.
The origin of Rafflesia is from Indonesia. You can find the flower in the rainforests on
Sumatra and Kalimantan Island, especially in Bengkulu Province. The name of Rafflesia come
from Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, a British adventurer -who previously find the remote
island, nowadays the island is well-known as Singapore- who collected a specimen of this
flower in Bengkulu. To honor the contribution of Sir Thomas Stamford raffles, this flower
took “Raffles” as the name.
Interestingly, Rafflesia is a parasitic plant. It has no leaves, stems, or roots. This reddish-
brown flower only has threads that absorbs nutrients from the host where it lives. This
flower also only has a short life cycle which is only five to seven days. Meanwhile, the rotten
smell comes from a part that is inside its petal crown called ramentae. The Indonesian
Institutes of Sciences (LIPI) has declared Rafflesia arnoldii as endangered flowers due to
forest destruction.

1. What is the text about?

a. Sumatra c. Rafflesia arnoldii
b. Thomas Stamford Raffles d. LIPI
2. Rafflesia is originated from Indonesia. But where exactly we can find Rafflesia?
a. Bengkulu Province c. British
b. Bogor Botanical Park d. Singapore
3. What makes Rafflesia arnoldii an endangered flower?
a. Short life cycle and forest destruction c. Parasitic plant
b. Its smell d. Its colours
Read the following poster to answer question number 4-6

4. Based on the poster above, we must avoid ……… when we shopping.

a. Cashless payment c. Crowded spaces
b. Physical distancing d. Escalator
5. If possible, use ………. payment for shopping
a. Cash c. Contactless
b. Credit d. Direct
6. “Keep at least 1 metre apart”. This sentences means we must keep …….
a. Human contact c. Crowded spaces
b. Washing hand d. Physical distancing
7. We can ride our bike to school to ……… the emissions.
a. reduce c. avoid
b. conserve d. recycle
8. We must …… face mask whenever we go outside.
a. pay c. wear
b. hunt d. stop
9. We must not …… protected animals
a. avoid c. press
b. hunt d. stop

10. Gending Sriwijaya is traditional dance from ……

a. North Sulawesi c. West Java
b. West Sumatra d. South Sumatra
11. Sipatokaan is a folk song from …….
a. North Sulawesi c. Southeast Sulawesi
b. South Sulawesi d. Central Sulawesi

12. Cangget Agung is a folk song from …….

a. West Borneo c. West Sumatra
b. West Sulawesi d. Lampung
13. Gerhan : What do you think about the soccer match (Barcelona vs Bayern Munich) last
Syifa: I think ……………. Barcelona lost 8-2 from Bayern Munich
Gerhan : How poor you are. Be patient, Syifa
Syifa : Thank you, Gerhan.
a. it’s not exciting c. it’s awesome
b. I agree d. I couldn’t agree less

Read the following dialogue to answer question number 14 and 15

Eca : (14)…………, Tiara Andini will become the next Indonesian Idol on
Indonesian Idol 2020. What do you think, Naila?
Naila : (15)……… I think Lyodra will become the next Indonesian Idol
14. a. You think c. I really hate
b. I know d. In my opinion
15. a. Not really c. I absolutely agree
b. I think so d. I really hate

16. Sate Padang is ……… than Odading Mang Oleh

a. More expensive c. Most expensive
b. Expensiver d. Expensivest
17. Boeing 777 is ……… than Boeing 737
a. Most large c. Larger
b. More large d. More largest
18. Air Asia is ……… than Lion Air
a. More cheap c. Most cheap
b. Cheaper d. Cheapest
19. The inventors of telephone is ……….
a. James Watt c. Thomas Alva Edison
b. Alexander Graham Bell d. Louis Braille

20. The inventors of first-built airplane is ……….

a. BJ Habibie c. Howard Hughes
b. William Edward Boeing d. Wright Brothers

21. Thomas Alva Edison is the inventors of the light bulb. But, beside of the light bulb, he also
known as founder of well-known multinational company named …………..
a. Electro-Motive Diesel c. General Electric
b. Pratt and Whitney d. Rolls-Royce

22. Fahri will go to Palembang …….

a. Next month c. A few minutes before
b. Last week d. Last month
23. Mrs. Arum ……… make beef rendang next week
a. Would c. Was
b. Will d. Can
24. will be (1) - I (2) – so I can (3) – across (4) – fly (5) – a pilot (6) – the world (7)
a. 3-1-4-2-6-5-7 c. 3-2-4-5-6-1-7
b. 2-6-4-5-3-7-1 d. 2-1-6-3-5-4-7
25. How many …….. do we need? Less than 6
a. Water c. Cheese
b. Oil d.
26. …….. coffee do you buy? I bought a bag of coffee
a. How much c. A kilo
b. How many d. A sack
27. How much ….... do you eat? I only eat one bowl
a. Eraser c. Cereal
b. Apple d. Fish
28. Which one is the countable noun?
a. Milk c. Sand
b. Plane d. Cement
29. Which one is the uncountable noun?
a. Car c. Pen
b. Table d. Oil
30. There are one ……… of milk in the fridge
a. Bottle c. Slice
b. Bar d. Scoop
31. The pain you feel in your stomach ….
a. Headache
b. Stomachache
c. Sore throat
d. Sprain
32. I …… a slight headache
a. Have got
b. Has got
c. Having
d. Had
33. I feel down from the stairs. I got …….. on my ankle.
a. Toothache
b. Sore throat
c. Sprain
d. Diarrhea
34. What’s wrong with Mrs. Nia? She ….. a sickness
a. Had
b. Have got
c. Having
d. Has got
35. General Soedirman was never afraid when he fought the Dutch. He is a very…… person
a. Humble
b. Hard-working
c. Wise
d. Brave
36. Soekarno was always able to attract the attention from his fellow politicians from all over
the world. He was a very …….. man
a. Generous
b. Charismatic
c. Brave
d. Wise
37. Don’t be rude. You should speak …….. to your grandfather
a. Carelessly
b. Quickly
c. Politely
d. Carefully
38. She is known as Indonesian heroes of women’s right from West Java
a. Dewi Sartika
b. Fatmawati
c. Rasuna Said
d. Martha Christina Tiahahu
39. He was one of the Sultan of Gowa Kingdom. The Dutch gave him title “De Haan Van De
Oosten/Ayam Jantan Dari timur”
a. Patimura
b. Sam Ratulangi
c. Sultan Mahmud Badarudin
d. Sultan Hasanuddin
40. Mr. Maulana never lies to other people, so his neighbors always trust his words. He is a very
….. man
a. Charismatic
b. Generous
c. Honest
d. Selfish
41. The largest planet on solar system is ….
a. Jupiter
b. Saturn
c. Neptune
d. Venus
42. The original satellite of Earth
a. Venus
b. Moon
c. Telkom

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