Problems in Mexico

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Problems in Mexico

Mexico is a beautiful country, not only in terms of landscapes also the culture and the
people, they are very nice things and it is very interesting to know Mexico. Unfortunately,
there are many problems in the country. For example, the problem of development that has
taken the country, it has been very slow and has been interrupted, and that is something with
which Mexicans live each day, sadly we are surrounded by environment in which we feel
insecure and that it's frustrating, we haven't been able de provide options that propose a
dignified life for the problems that we live every day, for example, we have a corrupt
government, organized crime, the high prices of the basic food basket as well as the minimum
wage, which is almost useless for a dignified life.
However, I believe that our reality, which we now live, is the product of a bad
participation of all the people that make up our society. Many people in Mexico,
unfortunately even they have a still a false ideology, for example, for the choice presidential
always it seems that only one political party it's favored because people think that always this
political party will win, for this reason, many people do not vote or simply vote for this party
without considering others.
An important problem is the distribution of the money in the country, because it seems
that the life of luxury and preferences is only for a few, I think that if there is a better
distribution of the money would have positive consequences, if we work together we can
achieve an environment more agreeably, with less crime, less corruption and fewer acts of
vandalism, the people would act with more ethical principles, and our education would
improve, we would have an own criterion that would lead us to a social structure that would
improve the country.
Education is another big problem. In Mexico, over the past years, various educational
administrations have made repeated efforts to create a new model of quality education,
focused on the globalization and competitiveness, but these efforts have fallen short the
objective. Today, the economic policies indicate the difference between social classes, this
provokes differences in the opportunities of education, we live in a society with a higher
education but still exists a section considerable population that is unable to read and write,
there is a large number of children who do not have access to a school, mainly in the states
of Oaxaca, Guerrero and Chiapas, this kind of limitation reduces the opportunities that have
the people, a man who cannot read or write its difficult that he obtains a good job or a job
that does not consist of physical labor, a child without education will not get a decent job and
this often it causes criminal acts
The percentages of education in my country are too low, in higher education, only
20% of the student community ends a career
I’m a person who loves Mexico, I am very sad to see my country with many poor
people, without education, and with many health problems and they cannot buy medicine
because don't have economic resources, the people don't have health insurance coverage and
attention in a private hospital is very expensive.
I have been interested in these themes always, because I am a proud Mexican and
pains me see that my country have so many problems, I thought the way to help, however,
the possibilities are few when the effort comes from a single person, despite this I have hope
to see my country united to advance and improve the education also in the behavior social
and ethical.
I chose this theme for my essay because this week has been difficult for all Mexicans,
because we had an unpleasant experience with an earthquake that hit the nation's capital and
some other States, despite this, I'm happy somehow, because, despite everything people have
given me hope, all the people have gone out to help those affected, making donations or
helping to victims of the earthquake, this motivated me even more to achieve my goal.
When I decided to study international business, one of my goals was to help my
country, and I realized that I could do with an activity something that I like. I'd like to get
involved in the economy to try to create a proposal that would really benefit everyone.
I want to convey my passion helping people that I can, also with a good job where I
can have an influence on other people.

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