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This reading is very interesting because the technology has currently had
very important. This topic talks about "Second Life" a software created by Philip
Rosedale, in where the people can interact some with others in a virtual way, in
this virtual world, the people can do what they do in real life, they can do business,
have a relationship or have a social life.
The author transmitted his idea by means of stories of some users, for
example, the story of Lillie and Paul, the author says, "Rhonda Lillie and Paul
Hawkins live thousands of miles apart - she in California, have in Wales - and until
this week had never met face to face. But they've been dating for more than two
years - in Second Life" the author describes some aspects of the software and
what can do the people within of the program.
In the text, the quotations are important because thanks to them the reader
can imagine how is the software that the author talks about, for example, in the
story of Lillie and Paul, the author says, “We felt like we could go in and really be
ourselves. Lillie says." here he uses a reference to tell an experience of two users.
Finally, I believe that the author makes that your text is relevant and
interesting thanks to the evidence used, the author doesn't use images, doesn't
use photos, the author only uses some small stories that help the reader to be
interested and can continuing reading, also, thanks to this the reading isn't boring
and make the topic easier to understand. This makes reading more effective and

• Bennett, J. (2010, June). Why millions are living virtual lives online.
Newsmodule. Retrieved from

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