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English Book
Grade I



2nd Semester
Study the words below !
Pelajari kata-kata berikut ini !

Father : ayah
Mother : ibu
Sister : saudara perempuan
Brother : saudara laki-laki
Daughter : anak perempuan
Son : anak laki-laki
Child : anak
Grandfather : kakek
Grandmother : nenek
Family : keluarga
Uncle : paman
Aunt : bibi
Cousin : sepupu
Niece : keponakan perempuan
Nephew : keponakan laki-laki
Grandchild : cucu
Wife : istri
Husband : suami
Baby : bayi
Parents : orang tua
TASK 3.1

My Family
Read this text carefully
I am Sally, this is my family’s picture, this is me, using blue dress, this is my father his name
is Andrew and that is my mother her name is Mary, Jason is brother he is holding my mom’s
hand. We are a happy family.

Answer the questions

1. Who is the girl in the text above?
a. Jason
b. Mary
c. Sally
d. Andrew

2. How many brother does sally have?

a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four

3. What is sally’s mother’s name?

a. Jason
b. Mary
c. Sally
d. Andrew

4. Who is using green shirt?

a. Father
b. Mother
c. Sally
d. Jason

5. Are they happy family?

a. Yes, they are
b. No, they aren’t
c. Yes, they aren’t
d. No, they are
TASK 3.2
Complete the missing letters!
Lengkapi huruf-huruf yang hilang!

1. P__e_t_

2. B__th_r

3. M__h_r

4. Gr___fa___r

5. D__g_t_r
TASK 3.3

Choose the correct words!

Pilihlah kata yang tepat!
Read the dialogue below!
Bacalah dialogue dibawah ini!

A : Is she your Aunt ? (apakah dia bibimu?)

B : Yes, she is ( Ya )

A : Who is she ? (Siapakah dia?)

B : She is my mother (Dia adalah ibuku)

A : Who are they ? (Siapakah mereka?)

B : They are my grandparents. (mereka adalah kakek dan nenekku)

Task 3.4
Fill in the dialogue below!
Lengkapi dialog dibawah ini!
Read the text below!
Bacalah teks dibawah ini!

Hello, friends!

My name is Nathan

I have a small family.

They are my mother, my father, my brother and I

My mother is housewife

My father is doctor

I and my brother are students

TASK 3.5
State (T) true or (F) false based on the text !
Nyatakan (T) Benar atau (F) salah berdasarkan bacaan!

1. The writers name is Arga (_____)

2. The text ia about Nathan’s family (_____)

3. Nathan has a sister (_____)

4. Nathan’s father is a doctor (_____)

5. Nathan’s mother is a nurse (_____)

TASK 3.6
Arrange the following letters!
Susunlah huruf-huruf berikut!

1. t-h-e-M-o-r = ______________________

2. S-e-t-i-r-s = ______________________

3. i-c-e-N-e = ______________________

4. N-e-w-p-h-e = ______________________

5. F-y-m-i-l-y-a = ______________________
TASK 3.7

Find 6 words in the columns below!

Carilah 6 kata-kata dalam kolom dibawah ini!

1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________

3. _______________________________

4. _______________________________

5. _______________________________

6. _______________________________
Checking Ability 3

1. “Parents” in Indonesia is ….
a. Ibu
b. Paman
c. Orang tua

2. Santi has a sister

Sister means …
a. Bibi
b. Saudara perempuan
c. Saudara laki-laki

3. T-E-H-R-B-O-R
The good arrangement is …
a. Brother
b. Robert
c. Brothre

4. Father and mother. Grandfather and grandmother. Uncle and …

a. Mother
b. Niece
c. Aunt

5. “Anak perempuan” in English is …

a. Son
b. Sister
c. Daughter

6. Mrs. Burhan is my aunt. Mr. Burhan is my …

a. Uncle
b. Father
c. Son

7. A : Is he your father?
B : …….
a. Yes, he is
b. Yes , is he
c. Yes, it is

8. “Cousin” means …
a. Saudara sepupu
b. Paman
c. Ayah
9. family – We – are – a – happy
the correct arrangement is …
a. We are a happy family
b. Happy a family are we
c. Family we are a happy

10. I have a mother, a father, two sisters. They are my ….

a. neighbours
b. family
c. friends

Enrichment Exercise

Write the name of your family member in the family tree below!
Tulislah nama anggota keluargamu pada pohon keluarga dibawah ini!

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