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Subject : Tes Potensi Skolastik (TPS)

Topic : Quantitative
Subtopic : Number
1. The next number below which is the cube of the prime number is …
a. 81
b. 49
c. 9
d. 8
e. 121

Topic : Quantitative
Subtopic : Number
2. Which of the following numbers is the sum value equal to multiplication
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

Topic : Quantitative
Subtopic : Number
3. Which of the following numbers can only be divided by the numbers
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Topic : Quantitative
Subtopic : Number
4. What kind of number is 0?
a. Positive number
b. Negative number
c. Positive and negative number
d. Not a positive and negative number
e. All are incorrect

Topic : Quantitative
Subtopic : Number
5. Which of the following number is an even and prime number?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
e. 6

Topic : Quantitative
Subtopic : Number

6. What is the value of √4?

a. 2
b. -2
c. 2 and -2
d. none
e. 0

Topic : Quantitative
Subtopic : Geometry
7. Which of the following shapes has a volume value?
1) Square
2) Trapezium
3) Parallelogram
4) Pyramid
a. 1) and 3) are ONLY correct.
b. 1), 2), and 3) are ONLY correct.
c. 2) and 4) are ONLY correct.
d. ONLY 4) is correct.
e. ALL choices are correct

Topic : Quantitative
Subtopic : Geometry
8. Which of the following solid shape has less than 6 sides?
1) Triangular prism
2) Square based pyramid
3) Cube
4) Pentagon based pyramid

a. 1), 2), and 3) are ONLY correct

b. 1) and 2) are ONLY correct
c. 3) and 4) are ONLY correct
d. ONLY 4) is correct
e. ALL choices are correct

Topic : Quantitative
Subtopic : Algebra
9. Let 𝑥 and 𝑧 express real number that fulfill the equation 𝑥 + 2(5) + 3𝑧 =
15. What is the value of 𝑥?
Decide whether the statements 1) and 2) are enough to answer the
following the question.
1) 𝑧 = 2
2) 𝑥 + 𝑧 = 1

a. Statements 1) and 2) are not enough to answer the question

b. ONLY Statements 2) is enough to answer the question, but ONLY
statement 1) is not enough
c. ONLY statement 1) is enough to answer the question, but ONLY
statement 2) is not enough
d. ONLY statement 2) is not enough to answer the question
e. ONLY statement 1) is enough to answer the question
Topic : Quantitative
Subtopic : Algebra
10. Suppose 𝑥 is real number, is 𝑥 positive?
1) 𝑥 2 = 0
2) 𝑥 3 is positive number

a. ONLY statement 1) is enough to answer the question, but ONLY

statement 2) is not enough
b. ONLY statement 2) is enough to answer the question, but ONLY
statement 1) is not enough
c. ONLY statement 1) is enough to answer the question
d. BOTH TWO statements are enough to answer the question, but ONLY ONE
statement is not enough.
e. ONLY statement 2) is not enough to answer the question

11. 5, 7, 11, 19, 35, 67, 131, ....
(A) 159
(B) 239
(C) 259
(D) 269
(E) 329

12. If p is the number divided out by 7 and the value is greater than 14 and less
than 28, while q is odd number between 23 and 27, then the most appropriate
statement is ....
(A) p = q
(B) p > q
(C) p < q
(D) 2p < q
(E) 2q < p
13. 4, 5, 2, 10, ..., 8, 48, 51, 46, 322
(A) 4
(B) 6
(C) 8
(D) 10
(E) 12

14. If (a - 2ab) 2 = 4 hence (a - 2ab) = ....
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 8
(E) 16

15. Dedy and Ambar enroll as insurance member with the same premium
amount. If Dedy’s salary Rp. 1.500.000 deducted by 3% and Ambar’s salary
deducted by 5% to pay premiums, then how much Ambar’s salary?...
(A) Rp. 990.000
(B) Rp. 975.000
(C) Rp. 950.000
(D) Rp. 900.000
(E) Rp. 850.000

16. If ab – 2 = 0 and b = 3 which of the statements below is NOT correct?
(A) a= 2/b
(B) ab < b
(C) 2 = 3a
(D) 3a – 2b = -4
(E) 1 < a

17. The value of (2013 - 2015 + 2018 - 2019) + (2015 - 2010 + 2019 - 2018)
is ...
(A) 8
(B) 6
(C) 5
(D) 3
(E) 2

18. If a pond is filled with water through tap A, B, or only C, it will be full for 20
minutes, 24 minutes, or 30 minutes. If the three taps are used together for 6
minutes, the pond is filled ...
(A) 0,75 parts
(B) 0,65 parts
(C) 0,45 parts
(D) 0,3 parts
(E) 0,2 parts

19. 16,67% of 768 is...
(A) 78
(B) 108
(C) 128
(D) 148
(E) 228
20. Five months in a row gained profit 142, 152, 165, 173, and 162. If the
average profit until the sixth month is 163, hence the profit in the sixth
month is ....
(A) 156
(B) 180
(C) 160
(D) 184
(E) 170


1. Bilangan = number
2. Pangkat tiga = cube of (number)
3. Bilangan prima = prime number
4. Pangkat empat = to the power four/to the fourth of (number)
5. Pangkat dua = square of (number)
6. Perkalian = multiplication
7. Dibagi = divided by
8. Bilangan positif = positive number
9. Bilangan negative = negative number
10. Bilangan genap = even number
11. Bilangan ganjil = odd number
12. Akar kuadrat = square root of (number)
13. Volume = volume
14. Persegi = rectangle
15. Trapesium = trapezium
16. Jajargenjang= parallelogram
17. Limas = pyramid
18. Bangun datar = plane shapes/figures
19. Prisma segitiga = triangular prism
20. Limas segi empat = square based pyramid
21. Kubus = cube
22. Prisma segi lima = pentagon based pyramid
23. Segi = edge
24. Sisi = vertex
25. Bangun ruang = solid shapes
26. Bilangan real = real number
27. Persamaan = equation
28. Substitusi = substitute

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