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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

21 August 2022 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

The Challenge to Enter through the “Narrow Gate”

odern psychology gives great importance to “feeling good” and “loving
one’s self” as a precondiƟon to love others. But in today’s Gospel pas-
sage Jesus warns us that there is no easy way to be his disciples as he
declares that the Kingdom of God can be “accessed” only through a “narrow gate.”
Obviously, Jesus is not speaking of a material gate but of the “narrow gate”
of daily faithfulness to one’s duƟes and the loyal observance of God’s law in all
circumstances of life.
That is what makes life challenging, but that is also the only way that leads to
eternal happiness in heaven.
In this Eucharist, let us ask for the grace to have the moral strength to choose
the “narrow gate” of keeping God’s commandments in preference to the wide gate of self-indulgence and
other forms of self-graƟficaƟon.

P – For the times we have reject- for your great glory, Lord God,
ed your discipline and tried heavenly King, O God, almighty
to enjoy life in an unruly Father.
manner, Lord, have mercy! Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-
Entrance Antiphon All – Lord, have mercy! gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
(To be recited only when no P –For the times we have God, Son of the Father, you take
Entrance Hymn is sung.) walked the wide road of away the sins of the world, have
Turn your ear, O Lord, self-indulgence and pride, mercy on us; you take away the
and answer me; save the ser- Christ, have mercy! sins of the world, receive our
vant who trusts in you, my All – Christ, have mercy! prayer; you are seated at the right
God. Have mercy on me, O hand of the Father, have mercy
P –For the times we have been on us. For you alone are the Holy
Lord, for I cry to you all the
a cause of suffering to our One, you alone are the Lord, you
day long.
neighbor, Lord, have mer- alone are the Most High, Jesus
Greeting cy! Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
All –Lord, have mercy! in the glory of God the Father.
P –Grace and peace from God Amen!
our Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, P – May almighty God have
and the Holy Spirit be with you mercy on us, forgive us our sins, Collect (Opening Prayer)
all! and bring us to everlasting life.
All – Amen! P –O God, who cause the
All – And with your spirit! minds of the faithful to unite in a
Gloria single purpose, grant your people
Penitential Act to love what you command and
P –As we prepare to celebrate All – Glory to God in the high- to desire what you promise, that,
the Eucharistic Sacrifice, let us est, and on earth peace to people amid the uncertainties of this
call to mind our sins and ask the of good will. We praise you, world, our hearts may be fixed on
Lord for pardon and strength. we bless you, we adore you, we that place where true gladness is
(Pause) glorify you, we give you thanks found.

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Through our Lord Jesus Bb C F
   
ing to the Kingdom of heaven is
Christ, your Son, who lives and  open to all, but subject to a basic
reigns with you in the unity of condition: to live a life according
the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and tell the Good News! to the teaching of Jesus. That is
ever. the “narrow gate” that leads to
All – Amen! * Praise the Lord, all you everlasting life.
nations; glorify him, all you
P –The Lord be with you!
peoples! R.
All –And with your spirit!
* For steadfast is his kind- P – A proclamation from the
ness toward us, and the fidelity holy Gospel according to
1st Reading Is 66:18-21 of the Lord endures forever. R. Luke
Through the prophet Isaiah, All – Glory to you, O Lord!
today the Lord reminds us that 2nd Reading Heb 12:5-7.11-13
The author of the Letter to Jesus passed through
His plan encompasses all human towns and villages, teaching
beings and cultures. We, too, are the Hebrews reminds us that the
difficulties and sufferings we as he went and making his way
part of that wonderful plan con- to Jerusalem.
ceived by God’s immense love have to endure in life are ways
Someone asked him,
for all. through which God disciplines “Lord, will only a few people
us as His children, for our great- be saved?” He answered them,
R –A proclamation from the
er good. “Strive to enter through the
Book of the Prophet Isaiah
R –A proclamation from the narrow gate, for many, I tell
Thus says the Lord: “I Letter to the Hebrews you, will attempt to enter but
know their works and their will not be strong enough.
thoughts, and I come to gather Brothers and sisters, After the master of the
nations of every language; they You have forgotten the ex- house has arisen and locked
shall come and see my glory. I hortation addressed to you as the door, then will you stand
will set a sign among them. I children: “My son, do not dis- outside knocking and saying,
will spare some of them and dain the discipline of the Lord ‘Lord, open the door for us!’
send them to the nations: to or lose heart when reproved by He will say to you in reply, ‘I
Tarshish, Put and Lud, Mo- him; for whom the Lord loves, do not know where you are
soch, Tubal and Javan, to the he disciplines. He scourges ev- from.’ And you will say, ‘We
distant coastlands that have ery son he acknowledges.” ate and drank in your company
never heard of my fame, or Endure your trials as and you taught in our streets.’
seen my glory; and they shall “discipline.” God treats you Then he will say to you, ‘I do
proclaim my glory among the as sons. For what son is there not know where you are from.
nations. whom his father does not dis- Depart from me, all you evildo-
They shall bring all your cipline? At the time, all disci- ers!’ And there will be wailing
brothers and sisters from all pline seems a cause not for joy and grinding of teeth when
the nations as an offering to the but for pain, yet later it brings you see Abraham, Isaac, and
Lord, on horses and in chariots, the peaceful fruit of righteous- Jacob, and all the prophets in
in carts, upon mules and drom- ness to those who are trained the Kingdom of God, and you
edaries, to Jerusalem, my holy by it. yourselves cast out.
mountain,” says the Lord, “just So strengthen your droop- And people will come
as the Israelites bring their of- ing hands and your weak from the east and the west and
fering to the house of the Lord knees. Make straight paths from the north and the south
in clean vessels. for your feet, that what is lame and will recline at table in the
Some of these I will take as may not be disjointed but Kingdom of God. For behold,
priests and Levites,” says the healed. some are last who will be first,
Lord. and some are first who will be
The Word of the Lord!
The Word of the Lord! All – Thanks be to God!
All – Thanks be to God! The Gospel of the Lord!
Gospel Acclamation Jn 14:6 All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
Responsorial Psalm Ps 117 All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
R –Go out to all the world and “I am the way, the truth,
and the life,” says the Homily
tell the Good News!
Lord; “no one comes
Profession of Faith
to the Father, except
R. M. Velez (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
through me.”
F C Alleluia! Alleluia! All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
  
    
ther almighty, maker of heaven
Gospel Lk 13:22-30 and earth, of all things visible
Go out to all the world, and The possibility of belong- and invisible.

21 August 2022
I believe in one Lord Jesus find comfort in the thought that ways and everywhere to give
Christ, the Only Begotten Son God rewards everyone according you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
of God, born of the Father be- to one’s efforts. Let us pray! R. almighty and eternal God.
fore all ages. God from God, C –For our community: May For in you we live and move
Light from Light, true God from every member feels appreciated and have our being, and while in
true God, begotten, not made, and supported in one’s constant this body we not only experience
consubstantial with the Father; effort to live according to the the daily effects of your care, but
through him all things were teaching and example of the even now possess the pledge of
made. For us men and for our Master. Let us pray! R. life eternal.
salvation he came down from For, having received the
C –For each of us and all the first fruits of the Spirit, through
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy people dear to us: May we not be
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- whom you raised up Jesus from
discouraged by the challenges the dead, we hope for an everlast-
gin Mary, and became man.* we encounter, but remain intent
For our sake he was crucified ing share in the Paschal Mystery.
on building bridges of love and And so, with all the Angels,
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- solidarity with all those around
fered death and was buried, and we praise you, as in joyful cel-
us. Let us pray! R. ebration, we acclaim:
rose again on the third day in
accordance with the Scriptures. C – Let us pray in silence for our All –Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
He ascended into heaven and is personal intentions. (Pause) of hosts. Heaven and earth are
seated at the right hand of the Let us pray! R. full of your glory. Hosanna in
Father. He will come again in the highest!
P –God our Father, we thank Blessed is he who comes in
glory to judge the living and the You for making us Your sons and
dead and his kingdom will have the name of the Lord. Hosanna
daughters in Jesus, our Brother, in the highest!
no end. Model and Savior. Sustain us in
I believe in the Holy Spirit, our effort to get closer to You
the Lord, the giver of life, who Memorial Acclamation
through the “narrow gate” of a
proceeds from the Father and constant obedience to Your will. P –The mystery of faith!
the Son, who with the Father We ask this through Him, who All –We proclaim your Death,
and the Son is adored and glori- lives and care for ever and ever. O Lord, and profess your
fied, who has spoken through All – Amen! Resurrection until you
the prophets. come again!
I believe in one, holy, cath-
olic and apostolic Church. I
confess one Baptism for the
forgiveness of sins and I look
forward to the resurrection of Preparation of the Gifts
the dead and the life of the world All – Our Father . . .
P – Pray, brethren . . . P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
to come. Amen! All – May the Lord accept the All –For the kingdom, the
sacrifice at your hands, for the power, and the glory are
Prayer of the Faithful praise and glory of his name, yours, now and for ever.
P –Mindful of the difficulties for our good and the good of all
we all encounter in life as we his holy Church. Sign of Peace
try to pass through the “narrow Breaking of the Bread
gate” of a genuine Christian life, Prayer over the Offerings
All – Lamb of God . . .
let us ask for the Lord’s merciful P –O Lord, who gained for
help. Let us say together: yourself a people by adoption Communion
All –Lord, graciously hear us! through the one sacrifice offered P –Behold the Lamb of God, be-
once for all, bestow graciously hold him who takes away the sins
C –For the Church, the home of on us, we pray, the gifts of unity
all peoples: May she welcome all of the world. Blessed are those
and peace in your Church. called to the Supper of the Lamb.
cultures and traditions in order Through Christ our Lord. All –Lord, I am not worthy
to purify and enrich them with All – Amen! that you should enter under
the values of the Gospel. Let us my roof, but only say the word
pray! R. Preface VI and my soul shall be healed.
C –For the Holy Father and all P –The Lord be with you!
bishops: May they be ever more All –And with your spirit! Communion Antiphon
signs and instruments of God’s P –Lift up your hearts! (To be recited only when no
love for all human beings, in All – We lift them up to the Lord! Communion Hymn is sung.)
their pastoral undertakings. Let P –Let us give thanks to the The earth is replete with the
us pray! R. Lord our God! fruits of your work, O Lord;
C –For all those who experi- All –It is right and just! you bring forth bread from
ence the difficulty of living ac- P –It is truly right and just, the earth and wine to cheer the
cording to the Gospel: May they our duty and our salvation, al- heart.

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

Prayer after Communion P –Bow your heads and pray from all harm and lead you
P –Complete within us, O for God’s blessing. (Pause) to everlasting life.
Lord, we pray, the healing work – May the Lord grant you a All – Amen!
of your mercy and graciously renewed heart that you may P –And may almighty God
perfect and sustain us, so that in follow Him with greater bless you: the Father, and
all things we may please you. fidelity. the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Through Christ our Lord. All – Amen! All – Amen!
All – Amen! P –May He strengthen you in P –Go in peace, glorifying the
the hardships of life that Lord by your life!
you may overcome them All – Thanks be to God!
all in the power of the
All – Amen!
P –The Lord be with you.
All – And with your spirit! P –May the Lord protect you
Word & Life Publications


by Jess P. Balon
The question posed by Jesus’ interviewer est but challenging counterpart.
sounded almost impertinent, in its superficial But what is this mysterious “narrow
curiosity: “Will only a few people be saved?” gate”? It is a disposition of humility, self-de-
Clearly, the interviewer was interested in nial, detachment from material things, gen-
numbers, in statistics . . . . And he was miss- erosity, forgiveness, purity, honesty, truthful-
ing the whole point, for the answer – had it ness, piety . . . in a word, loving obedience to
ever come – would not have made him a bet- God’s commandments, no matter what the
ter person. cost. These are the “conditions” that make
Jesus did not answer the idle question but the road to life “narrow.” But they are also,
a more important one which the man had at the same time, the qualities/virtues which
not asked, “How can we reach salvation?” keep a person free from the fettering and
Jesus’ answer brought the interviewer and cumbersome burden of the opposite vices
all the listeners to the heart of the matter: and sins.
what should one do in order to enjoy God’s The “narrow gate” is a challenge to
salvation? And the answer was: “Try to enter choose what is right in preference to what
through the narrow gate.” is pleasant or convenient. It is the courage to
do God’s will rather than ours or the fad of
Both the question and the answer are as the moment. Those who are unable to pass it
relevant today as they were in the time of are people who lock themselves out because
Jesus. We know and firmly believe that God they lack the determination to get rid of all
“wants all men to be saved and come to that is incompatible with God’s presence and
know the truth” (1 Tim 2:4). He created man- the holiness of His Kingdom.
kind just for this. To achieve such a purpose, This “narrow gate” is not an unpleasant
He “gave His only Son, that whoever believes surprise that we will find only at the end of
in him may not die but may have eternal life” the journey of our lives. It is a daily reality,
(Jn 3:16). a challenge with which we have to reckon
God has, indeed, an immense heart, capa- more than once every day. The bliss it leads
ble of welcoming and making billions of hu- to will be enjoyed only by those who are
man beings happy. But He also expects that ready to leave behind everything the world
each should do his/her part. There is a contri- holds dear. It is a gamble worth trying. Christ
bution to be made, not to “buy” heaven, but was the first who chose to enter through the
to show that we are grateful to the Lord for narrow gate. And he never regretted it as his
it, and are eager to enter it. Doing our best to resurrection and ascension prove it. (See Heb
enter through the “narrow gate” is our mod- 12:2.)

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, Fr. B. Nolasco, M. Vibiesca, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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