Signature Case Study Leadership Report

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Leadership Report JULIO MARTINEZ YouR DEMONSTRATED LEADERSHIP STYLE DIRECTIVE LEADER ‘The choices you made reflect a DIRECTIVE leadership style, Directive leadership is characterized by exerting control over tions and giving orders to others on what is expected in terms of performance. Directive leadership makes it clear who is In charge. Drnectiy LEARN ABOUT OTHER LEADERSHIP STYLES: AUTHENTIC TRANSFORMATIONAL TRANSACTIONAL PASSIVE DIRECTIVE PARTICIPATIVE DIRECTIVE LEADER The choices you made reflect a DIRECTIVE leadership style. Directive leadership is characterized by exerting control aver situations and giving, ‘orders to others on what is expected in terms of performance. Directive leadership makes it clear who isin charge. RECOMMENDED READING LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT IN BALANCE: MADE/BORN: AVOLIC, B.J. (2005). Nd: ERLBAUM & ASSOCIATES This book, written by a leading scholar in leadership, takes readers through a very realistic look at what it takes to develop leadership competencies. Focusing on four major goals, this text: provides the reader with a broader and deeper understanding of what constitutes authentic leadership development; “challenges a very basic notion that leaders are born versus made; “talks about the elements that comprise leadership development so readers are informed to ask the many providers of leadership development the right questions; and *develops full leadership potential. There are numerous case examples used throughout the book: high-tech executives, community leaders, correctional service supervisors, bank managers in Canada, and platoon commanders in lsrael, Each example fs used as a general basis for discussing how people develop their leadership potential, and as models of training and evaluation. Leadership Development in Balance: MADE/Born is Intended for graduate or undergraduate students of leadership, project managers, supervisors, senior executives, school principles, health care officers, or legislators. herp}|Leadership Development Balance MADE Born/dp(080583284X)ref-asap_berie-UTF8) DIRECTIVE LEADERSHIP: 10 TELLING SIGNS AND HOW TO KICK THE HABIT TRAVIS BENNETT (htipsyologudemy.comydirectiveleedership)) OTHER LINKS DIRECTIVE LEADERSHIP STYLE: DEFINITION & CONCEPT SHANN GRIMSLEY The directive leadership style is one of four leadership behaviors characterized by setting clear objectives. ensuring that your expectations and directions are clearly defined and understood, Wdentified by the path-goal theory of leadership, directive leadership may be advisable when subordinates are unskilled or inexperienced at a complex task. It may backfire, however, iFimposed upon, highly skilled and experienced employees who are extremely competent to perform the task. 1d rules for your subordinates and eadership-style-defintion-lesson-quiz.html)

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