Statistics Q4-Summative

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4th Quarter, 2nd Sem, S.Y. 2020-2021

Name: _____________________________ Section: ____________________

Direction: Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer
and write it on a 1 whole sheet of paper.

1. It is a method by which every element of a population has a chance of being

included in a sample.
A. Random Sampling C. Stratified Sampling
B. Systematic Sampling D. Cluster Sampling
2. The population consists of 900 students. Determine the number of students that
should be in the sample using Slovin’s formula and use 0.05 margin of error.
A. 90 B. 277 C. 576 D. 825
3. Which of the following is a statistic measure?
A. population mean C. sample mean
B. population size D. sample size
4. Which of the following statement is under population parameter?
A. The Butuan City Council is composed of 10 Councilors.
B. The manager randomly selected 35 employees to participate in the
Sports Fest.
C. It was found out that 10 of the teachers in a certain public high school
have doctorate degrees.
D. In a survey of 1,500 bulbs manufactured by a company, it was found out
that 120 of them were defective.
5. It is the probability distribution that describes the probability for each mean of
all the samples with the same sample size.
A. parameter C. statistic
B. proportion D. sampling distribution
6. Find the population mean of (4,5,6).
A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D.20
7. Compute the population variance if N = 16 and ∑(x - 𝜇)2 = 156.
A. 4.88 B. 9.75 C. 10. 4 D. 11

8. What is the sample standard deviation if n =11 and ∑(x - ẋ) = 860?
A. 8.6 B. 9.27 C. 78 D. 86
9. If samples of size n, where n is sufficiently large, are drawn from any
population with a mean and a standard deviation, then the sampling
distribution of sample means approximates a normal distribution.
A. Central Limit Theorem C. Normal Distribution
B. T-Distribution D. Proportion
10. What is the mean of the sampling distribution of its mean if the population
mean is 86?
A. 43 B.45 C. 86 D. 90
11. If a population has a variance of 10.40, what is the variance of the sampling
distribution of its means? The sampling distribution has a sample size of 2
and all possible samples are drawn with replacement.
A. 5.00 B. 5.20 C. 10.40 D. 20.80
12. If the population standard deviation is 8.20, what is the standard deviation of
the sampling distribution of its means? The sampling distribution was derived
with sample size n=4 and all the possible samples were drawn with replacement.
A. 4.00 B. 4.10 C. 8.20 D.16.40
13. If the population variance is 7, what is the population standard deviation?
A. 2.65 B. 3.50 C. 7.00 D. 14.00
14. What is the population variance if the population standard deviation 3?
A. √3 B. 3 C. 6 D. 9
15. Which of the following is NOT characteristics of t-Distribution?
A. sample size is less than 30 C. wider and flatter
B. bell-shaped curve D. unimodal and symmetric t = 0
16. It is equal to the number of the remaining values in a data set that are free
to vary after one or more values have been deducted in symbol n - 1.
A. degrees of freedom C. margin of error
B. confidence interval D. critical values
17. What is the critical t-values in the Table of t-Critical Values t0.025 when df=8?
A. 1.860 B. 2.306 C. 2.365 D.2.896
18. Find the critical values of t when the area of the right-hand tail of
t-distribution is 0.05 and df = 15.
A. 1.341 B. 1.753 C. 2.131 D. 2.602
19. It is the process of finding a single value from a random sample of the
population to approximate a parameter.
A. interval estimation C. confidence interval
B. point estimation D. margin of error
20. Find the α in the confidence level of 93%.
A. 0.035 B. 0.05 C. 0.07 D. 0.93

21. Find the critical value that corresponds to the confidence level of 99%.
A. 1.645 B. 1.96 C. 2.575 D. 2.325
22. Find the margin of error in the confidence interval of 36.50 < μ < 39.00.
A. 1.25 B. 3.50 C. 5.00 D. 6.50
23. Find the confidence interval if the sample mean is 70 and margin of error is
A. 60 < μ < 70 B. 65 < μ < 75 C. 67.5 < μ < 72.5 D. 75 < μ < 85
24. Give the equation in finding the lower confidence limit if E = 15.75 and
UCL = 30.70.
A. LCL=30.70–2(15.75) C. LCL=30.70-15.75
B. LCL=30.70+2(15.75) D. LCL=30.70+15.75
25. Suppose you have a sample of size n=11 from a normal distribution. Find
the critical value that corresponds to a 95% confidence level.
A. 2.228 B. 2.764 C. 2.896 D. 3.169
26. What is the interpretation if sample mean is 78 and the 95% confidence
interval is 70 < μ < 86?
A. The researcher is 95% confident that the population mean differs from
sample mean.
B. The researcher is 95% confident that the sample mean equal from
population mean.
C. The researcher is 95% confident that the population mean is between
70 and 86 when the sample mean is 78.
D. The researcher is 95% confident that the sample mean is between 70
and 86 when the population mean is 78.
27. Which of the following is an example of alternative hypothesis?
A. There is no significant difference between the mathematical
achievement of technology students and hotel and industry
management students.
B. There is no significant difference between the competencies of teachers
From government and private institutions.
C. There is significant relationship between the attitude of students towards
their subjects and their performance rating at the end of the semester.
D. There is no significant relationship between the attitude of students
towards their subjects and their performance rating at the end of the

28. Consider a manufacturing process that is known to produce bulbs that have
life lengths with a standard deviation of 75 days. A potential customer will
purchase bulbs from the company that manufactures the bulbs if she is
convinced that the average life of the bulbs is 1550 days.
A. Ho: μ = 75 B. Ho: μ = 75 C. Ho: μ = 1550 D. Ho: μ = 1550
Ha: μ ≠ 75 Ha: μ > 75 Ha: μ ≠ 1550 Ha: μ > 1550
29. If, as a result of a hypothesis test, we reject the null hypothesis when it is
false, then we have committed a:
A. Type I error C. Correct Decision
B. Type II error D. Acceptance error
30. Which of the following would be a Type I error in this situation?
A. Declaring somebody does not have ESP when they actually do.
B. Declaring somebody has ESP when they actually don’t have ESP.
C. Analyzing the data with a confidence interval rather than a significance
D. Making a mistake in the calculations of the significance test.
31. Suppose we wish to test Ho: μ = 47 and Ha: μ > 47. What will result if we
conclude that the mean is greater than 47 when its true value is really 52?
A. We have made a Type I error. C. We have made a correct decision.
B. We have made a Type II error. D. None of the above is correct.
32. What is the critical value when the test is two-tailed, the level of
significance is 0.05, the σ2 is known, and n = 50?
A. ∓1.96 B. ∓ 1.555 C. ∓ 2.575 D. ∓ 1.645
33. What appropriate test statistic to be used if the population standard
deviation is known?
A. t-test B. z-test C. proportion D. correlation
34. It is a procedure used by statisticians to determine whether or not to reject
a statement about a population.
A. Hypothesis Testing C. Interpretation
B. Conclusion D. Recommendation
For numbers 35-37, Problem: It is claimed that the average weight of
babies at birth is 3.4 kg. The average weight of a random sample of 30 newly
born babies was determined. It was found out that the average weight was 3.1
kg. Is there any reason to believe that the average weight of babies at birth is
not 3.4 kg? Assume that the population standard deviation is 1.1 kg. Use 0.05
level of significance.
35. State the null and the alternative hypotheses.
A. Ho: μ =3.1 B. Ho: μ = 3.1 C. Ho: μ = 3.4 D. Ho: μ = 3.4
Ha: μ ≠ 3.1 Ha: μ < 3.1 Ha: μ ≠ 3.4 Ha: μ > 3.4

36. Compute the test statistic if the problem if the critical value is 1.96.
A. z = -1.35 B. z = -1.49 C. z = 1.35 D. z = 1.49
37. Draw a conclusion in the problem.
A. The average weight of babies at birth is equal to 3.4 kg.
B. The average weight of babies at birth is less than 3.4 kg.
C. The average weight of babies at birth is not equal to 3.4 kg.
D. The average weight of babies at birth is greater than 3.4 kg.
For numbers 38-40, Problem: It was claimed that the average age of
working students in a certain university is 35 years. A researcher selected a
random sample of 25 working students. The computation of their ages resulted
to an average of 32 years with the standard deviation of 10 years. Does this
mean that the average age of the working students is different from 35 years?
Use 0.05 level of significance and assume normality in the problem.
38. State the null and the alternative hypothesis in the problem.
A. Ho: μ =32 B. Ho: μ = 32 C. Ho: μ = 35 D. Ho: μ = 35
Ha: μ ≠ 32 Ha: μ < 32 Ha: μ ≠ 35 Ha: μ > 35
39. If the t-critical value is -2.064, find the t-statistic in the given problem.
A. t = 1.50 B. t = -1.50 C. t = 3.00 D. t = -3.00
40. Draw a conclusion in the problem.
A. The average age of the working students is equal to 35 years.
B. The average age of the working students is less than 35 years.
C. The average age of the working students is not equal to 35 years.
D. The average age of the working students is greater than 35 years.

Prepared by:

Teacher III

Area Under the Standard Normal Curve Table

Table of t-Critical Values

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