Primary Handbook V2 Compressed

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Welcome to
the outstanding
Welcome to Uptown International School. We are extremely proud to educate a truly
international body of students from over 90 different nationalities and cultures. Our school is
committed to academic excellence and supporting each child in reaching their full potential;
while engendering independent learners and caring international citizens. We foster a positive
environment and approach that is demonstrated in all aspects of school life, and in the wider
Uptown International School community. We are committed to highly effective teaching and
learning, and the provision of wide-ranging opportunities and supportive relationships that
allow every student to achieve their best. We believe passionately in the value of a global
education and teach our students how to think critically, challenge assumptions, excel build
character, make lifelong friendships and become multilingual global citizens. The following
pages provide some key information about the PYP and will assist you and your child/ren in
settling into school.
Mrs. Pali Nahal
Head of Primary
What is PYP - The Primary Years Programme

Uptown International Schools Primary Years Programme is the programme that best meets our aims and aspirations. The PYP is a
curriculum framework; it brings with it a clear educational philosophy and a methodology for young learners. The IB PYP was
developed by member schools around the world and is administered by the International Baccalaureate according to whom:
The Primary Years Programme (PYP) is designed for students between the ages of 3 and 12. It is an international, transdisciplinary
programme designed to foster the development of the whole child, not just in the classroom but also through other means of learning.
The PYP focuses on the total growth of the developing child, touching hearts as well as minds and encompassing social, physical,
emotional and cultural needs in addition to academic welfare.

The PYP combines the best research and practice from a range of national systems with a wealth of knowledge and experience from
international schools to create a relevant and engaging educational framework for all children. The PYP places structured inquiry at
the heart of the learning process. Children are encouraged to develop, through the learning process, those attributes and traits that will
enable them to become expert learners. The PYP curriculum model is built from a framework of transdisciplinary themes that help
teachers and students to explore and acquire
essential knowledge and skills and to take socially responsible action.

The PYP sets out six such transdisciplinary themes to offer continuity and progression of learning:
1.     Who we are
2.     Where we are in place and time
3.     How we express ourselves
4.     How the world works
5.     How we organise ourselves
6.     How we share the planet

In PreK to K2 each child will inquire into four of the above transdisciplinary themes through units developed around these themes. Our
teachers devote a great deal of time and thought thorough and meticulous curriculum planning, which is the essential prerequisite for
the PYP programme. The teacher will integrate the many subjects that connect naturally into units of inquiry, ensuring that students
can see both the connections between subjects and the relevance of each subject to their lives. Students learn how to take risks, ask
questions, plan investigations, solve problems and find the answers to their questions.              
The PYP identifies a “body of significant knowledge” for all students in all cultures in six

Principal subject areas:

- Language

Key Concepts
- Mathematics
- Science and technology
- The arts
- Personal, social and physical education (Moral Education, Social Studies)

Five transdisciplinary skills are acquired in

the process of structured inquiry:
Responsible Action

Every opportunity is taken to encourage and empower students to take socially responsible action and contribute to the immediate and wider community.
Community service is an important element of this, and it forms part of the PYP profile. Students are required to keep a log documenting their service, and
they will have an opportunity to reflect on their contribution at the end of each semester. While we do provide time, opportunities and resources for students
to take part in community service, students are nonetheless expected to take initiative and seek out community service opportunities on their own accord.


Our understanding of the learner is the foundation of our approach to learning and teaching. Children inquire, question, wonder and theorize about
themselves, others and the world around them. They are keen observers and explorers. Through their experiences and interactions, they naturally develop
intricate, multi-layered perceptions and understandings. Throughout the PYP, a student is an agent for their own and others’ learning through the concept of
learner agency. Learner agency is connected to a student’s belief in their ability to succeed (self-efficacy).
Students take initiative, express interest and wonderings, make choices and are aware of their learning goals. They are actively engaged, and monitor and
adjust their learning as needed. Students offer feedback to others and consult on decisions that affect them. In school, students take responsibility for their
learning and collaborate with teachers and other students to plan, present and assess learning needs. Teachers recognize students’ capabilities through
listening, respecting and responding to their ideas. They make thoughtful considerations and decisions with an emphasis on relationships, dialogue and
respect for one another.

Assessment of Students’ Progress Through The PYP Programme

High quality and precise pre, formative and summative assessment is integral to the
success of the PYP. School-based assessment and feedback techniques will include
student/teacher/parent conferences, writing samples, structured observations and
performance tasks assessed by teachers and self-assessed by students.
About Uptown PYP (success points and stories in short)
At Uptown International School we believe in helping students find their passions.  Here are a few of the ways we do this.

Memorable Experiences
We were the first school in the UAE to establish a pledge for our students to participate and complete ‘50 Memorable Experiences’ throughout their primary
years. The memorable experiences are key experiences that are linked to the curriculum that will become a ‘memory’ for students. They include incursions
and excursions, overnight camps, experiences that one wouldn’t expect to take part in as part of their learning experiences at school.

Embracing Performing Arts

Uptown International School is an established member of Desert Dance, a
platform for a non-competitive dance showcase, students work extremely hard
over a 6-month period to produce an perform an outstanding dance to an
audience of thousands.
Show Choir has established itself over the past three years, growing from an
initial 21 students to 46 students this year they are involved in a musical theatre
performance of Matilda. 
Ecoventure! We have an excellent partnership with Ecoventure where students
start in grade 3 with a incursion, a science camp in grade 4 and a 3 day outward
bounds camp in Grade 5.

Sporting Achievements here are just a couple from 2019-2020

Uptown International School  hosted the DASSA ‘Top 4’ Gala (Top 4 meaning number of swimmers per event - the best 4). The Primary Swim Squad G2/Under
8 - G3/Under 11 competed against 5 other schools. Uptown won first place.

The Under 9 (G3) Boys’ Football Team went to the U9 finals day. After topping the group stage, they won their quarter final and semi final matches, and then
went on to win the final against the hosts, Swiss, on penalties!
About Uptown PYP (success points and stories in short continued)
At Uptown International School we believe in helping students find their passions.  Here are a few of the ways we do this.

Space & Science

Some of our primary students were invited and attended the Mohammed Bin
Rashid Space Centre to be involved in the live streaming of Hamza al-Mansoori
while he was at the International Space Centre

We are very proud of our Uptown students who were finalists at Expo Young

Dubai STEM Olympiad

Students have been invited to participate in the Dubai STEM Olypiad for the past 4 years.

Moral Education
Grade 5 students were chosen to showcase Moral Education learning at IMG World in a Dubai ‘What Works’ collaboration.

Eco School

We have a dedicated Eco Committee consisting of students, teachers and leaders are collaborating together to gain the 'Green Flag' award for UIS.


A historic partnership with 1st Dubai Scouts, our UIS facilities are home to Scots, Cubs, Beavers, Brownies and Rainbows.
KG Sample Timetable (with subjects)
Sample Timetable (with subjects)
Policies: Pick up and drop off, Sick, Devices, No Nut, Bullying, etc.
REGULAR Daily School Timings

PreK - K2
7:15am – 7:45am - Morning Procedure/Morning Drop Off

The school gates open at 7:15am each day. Children may be dropped off at the main gate or parents may park their car in the allocated parking bays and take children to
class. Please do not park in the drive through drop off area (other than to drop children off). Morning supervision begins in the playground for K1 and K2 and in the classroom
for Pre-K.  Safety at this busy time is a priority for us. Primary age children should not be responsible for dropping off their younger siblings to the PreK, K1, K2.

Grade 1 to Grade 5 School Timings

07:25am - Students enter school, teachers are on duty from 07:25am (If a student enters school before then they are unsupervised.)
07:42am - Whistle blows students walk to class (Teachers will come out for first week of term 1)
07:50am- Registration closes
14:30pm - End of the school day for G1-G5
7:45am – PreK to K2 Children Line Up
At 7:45am and the children should line up in their class lines. The National Anthem is played. Please show your respect by standing still during this time. After the conclusion on
the anthem, teachers escort children to classroom to begin lessons.
7:50am - Lessons Begin
Lessons begin promptly. Please ensure that your child arrives to school on time as latecomers miss out on valuable learning time, orientation to the day ahead and distract
their peers.

PreK to K2 Daily Pick Up (afternoon)

Parents drive through and pick up their child/ren who will be waiting in the Admin Room/Gym. Staff will assist children into the cars and put on their seatbelts. You will be
provided with a car sign with your child’s name and class to display in the windshield during pickup. This sign helps staff keep pick up time running smoothly and reduces your
waiting time. If you wish to get out of your car and collect your child, please use the allocated parking spaces.
Cars must not be parked and left unattended in the pick up zone.
K2 parents should only use the drive through pick up system from 2:20pm as before this, K2 parents being in the queue will hold up K1 pick up procedures.
Policies: Pick up and dropoff, Sick, Devices, No Nut, Bullying, etc.
Under no circumstances will a child be allowed to depart from the premises unless he/she is with a previously identified person. A staff member must always acknowledge the
dismissal of a child so please let your child’s teacher know you are collecting them.
 Student Collection by other adults

In the event that you will be sending a third party to collect your child, please let us know in advance in writing email to your child’s class teacher and reception This person will have to collect the child from reception with identification such as an Emirates ID.

Grades 1 to 5 Pick Up

  We ask parents to collect their children from the Primary pick-up areas when leaving at the end of the day. If you come into school we ask you not to stand outside the
classrooms or wait in the corridors before 2:30pm as these spaces are often used as learning zones and it can disrupt student focus. Please wait in the reception area or in the
All Students Play Areas

After school, teachers do not supervise the outside play area as they are preparing for the next day. Therefore, for health and safety reasons we ask you to supervise your
children and not allow them to use the common play areas.
Shurooq Gate Access

There is a gate connecting to the school in the Shurooq community for families to use/access that live within Shurooq. Other families should not use the gate to access the
school. The gate is open each day from 7:00am to 8:15am and from 2:00pm to 5:00pm. Primary students are not allowed to pass without an adult, all Shurooq residents require
a pass to use this gate.
School ID Badges

School ID badges MUST be worn by all parents at all times. The school will provide you with these ID badges on the first day of school. If you are visiting the school during the
day, please sign in at security and report to reception.
Collaborative Planning school for students finishes at 12:30
There are five collaborative planning days this academic year where students will leave school at lunchtime.
The dates for the academic year 2020/21:
Sunday 11th October
Wednesday 11th November
Thursday 11th February
Thursday 11th March
Sunday 7th June

Taaleem Professional Development days (school is closed for all students)

The dates for the academic year 2020/21:
Sunday 26th September 2020
Sunday 24th January 2021
Sunday 23rd May 2021

Student Absence from School

Teachers want to see their students in school so they can give them the best possible learning experiences. Absence undermines and disrupts learning, and it is not
possible to “make up” in full the learning lost during a period of absence. We ask teachers to monitor and record attendance and punctuality rigorously and you will be
contacted by school if your child’s attendance becomes a concern.
We recognise that the expatriate lifestyle presents great opportunities for travel, and we are pleased to encourage families to take advantage of the many rich experiences
that can provide lifelong memories. However, we ask parents to do everything they can to ensure that such trips do not conflict with school days. Whilst we make every
effort to support the learning needs of students who miss school due to illness or a family emergency, we do not expect teachers to make exceptional lesson planning
arrangements for students who miss school because of planned holidays.
Please note that attendance and lateness are judged by the criteria set by KHDA and are as follows:

Outstanding 100%
Excellent >99%
 Very Good >98%
Good >96%
Satisfactory >94%
Unsatisfactory <94%
Unacceptable <92%
If a student is absent from school, we have clear guidelines from the KHDA as to what we can authorise as an acceptable reason for absence and what we will not.
Students’ absences will be granted at his/her discretion in line with KHDA guidelines.

If your child is absent for any reason please email Primary Office at with the reason, this will ensure your child’s absence is correctly
recorded and you do not get a call home or text message inquiring about absence.


During the morning registration, your child’s homeroom teacher will impart important information regarding activities, curriculum and other
appropriate information. Therefore, it is vital your child is in school for the start of registration, so they are informed, well prepared and organised for the
day ahead. In the unlikely event that your child arrives late your child should go directly to class for registration before 8am. After 8am please take your
child to Primary Reception where the receptionist will ensure the registration is marked correctly.
Leaving Early
If you need to collect your child prior to the end of the school day for an important appointment, please go to the Primary Reception. You will need to collect a gate pass
from her in order to clear security.


We do understand that sometimes your child may be too unwell to attend school. Students should visit the Nurse when they return to school after a
contagious illness and must show a doctor’s note stating that they are fit to resume class. Students may not be allowed into class if the Nurse feels they
are still unwell.

Nurse’s Office
The School nurses are responsible for the assessment, treatment and referral of student injuries and illnesses that occur during the school day. We ask parents complete a
Student Medical Record form prior to admission and to update it annually. It is vital that we are made aware of any medical conditions for the safety and care of your child.
If your child has a new medical diagnosis during the academic year, we ask you inform the nurse to ensure our support and care is appropriate.

In Case of Injury

In the unfortunate event of a student being injured during the school day the child will be taken be to the school nurse. A blow to the head or neck will
be taken very seriously, and the student will be taken for appropriate assessment and treatment. Records of injury are kept with the nurse. Parents will
always be informed by phone. In the event of no pickup you will be emailed.

Several members of the Uptown community have severe nut allergies and as such Uptown is a nut free school. No nut products are permitted in school –
this includes all nut products, Nutella chocolate spread and peanut butter. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in ensuring the safety and well-
being of our whole school community.

At Uptown International School we take child protection very seriously and any issues relating to safeguarding concerns for a child will be reported to the
Child Protection Leads. The designated Safeguarding Lead for Primary is Claire Hitchings, Assistant Head Teacher, please contact if you would like to meet to discuss any concern.

Any student who is the victim of abuse or who is concerned about the safety of another child should know that s/he will be supported by the school and that appropriate
action will be taken ensuring that her/his dignity, well-being and safety are of the highest importance and urgency. A student who is the victim of abuse or who is concerned
about the safety of another is encouraged to seek the assistance of a member of staff they are comfortable talking to. Teachers will report any suspected child abuse to the
Safeguarding Leads. All Uptown all staff receive annual safeguarding training.

Sun Protection

Hats must be worn by students when outside on the school field. (no hat no play – even for older students!) Students must never be allowed to play
games without their shirts on. Sunscreen protection is recommended to be used by all students.

Students are educated about the importance of drinking water throughout the day and reminded to drink water regularly. Please ensure your child has
their own named water bottle in school every day. We do have water fountains to refill water bottles. As we work to become a more environmentally
friendly school, we no longer provide one use plastic cups to students unless it is a case of emergency.

Snack and Lunch Breaks

Here at Uptown International School we encourage our students to develop very healthy eating habits. Students are encouraged to socialise and practise
their table manners as they eat. The school canteen in situated between the Primary and Secondary building where students may purchase healthy
snacks and lunches. More information about the canteen services are available from the canteen staff.

We ask that parents support our healthy eating policy by ensuring they send their children to school with suitable and healthy packed lunches that will sustain them through
the busy school day. Foods such as fresh fruit, unrefined carbohydrates, protein and unsweetened drinks, ideally water.

Packed lunches should not contain nuts, sweets, crisps, cookies, fizzy drinks or caffeine fuelled energy drinks. Students often find it difficult to focus and get the most out of
their time in school if they have made poor food choices.
We also ask parents to make their children aware that we do not allow the sharing of food to ensure we are respectful of all religious beliefs and possible food allergies.

Happiness, Health and Personal Development

The ethos of happiness, healthy living and personal development runs through all the work that we do with our students. We endeavor to
consistently promote a well-balanced and healthy lifestyle for everyone in the school.


Grade 1 to 5 students, parents and teachers are encouraged to donate a book to the library or a game to the class as a celebration of their birthday. The
book/game then has an inscription placed in it, acknowledging the donation.

Students birthdays are celebrated within the homeroom, every class has a birthday display and your child will have their special day celebrated. We ask
you not to bring in cake or other food.

PreK to K2 Please only bring in cupcakes or donuts on the day. Please refrain from bringing in elaborate cakes, balloons and goody bags for the children. Please also
remember, we are a nut free and candle free school. There may be other allergies that children have in your child’s class. If sending ou invitations at school, please hand
these to the classroom teacher who will distribute them.

Fire Drills
In the event of the fire alarm going off, the students will be asked to evacuate the building in line with the school’s evacuation policy. No one is allowed to
return to the school building until the all clear is given.

Students and Personal Devices Grades 2 to 5

At UIS, we have a vision for the integration of technology for the children. We have a responsibility to fully prepare our children for the realities of the life after education
ensuring that they have developed 21st century skills.
We recognise the importance of technology, now and in the future. As forward-thinking schools around the world have embraced the inclusion of technology as best
practice in learning and teaching. The International Baccalaureate advocates “The role of ICT to support inquiry is important as students engage in building understandings
that contribute to their success as lifelong learners in a digital age.”
Educational activities that make use of a personal device

Using Seesaw, a student-driven digital portfolio that empowers students of all ages to independently document and share what they are learning at school
To collaborate on projects
Ability to create and present work in different formats
To develop 21st century ICT skills
Access to content in order to support learning.
To facilitate research
To support Home Learning

Grades 2 to 5
Device - Children are permitted to bring in any suitable device, as outlined in the BYOD policy. It is recommended, though not an expectation for your child to have an iPad for
their optional device. This mirrors the devices and applications used at school. Phones are not an acceptable research device for school use.
What ‘Apps’ would be needed on my child’s Pad?
We will provide parents and students a list of recommended iPad Apps to install – including an overview of the purpose of the application. There may also be a suggestion to
purchase a small number of recommended applications; however, this will not be mandatory. If possible, alternatives for paid apps will be provided.
Further information is available in the BYOD Policy - In addition, and consistent with our approach that access to particular sites or applications need to have educational
value. Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, snapchat, Tik Tok are not to be accessed with any devices (phones, iPads, laptops etc.) at any time during the school day. Primary
aged students are prohibited to have an account such as Facebook, whether at school or at home, until they are aged 13.

Student Leadership

We believe that all students have the potential to lead, and we therefore offer opportunities for them to develop their leadership skills in all aspects of our programmes through,
for example, role-play, discussion groups, posts of responsibility, house leaders, community service and active, significant and problem-solving participation in the myriad
activities that take place at our school.
Our Student Leadership Teams are chosen by staff and students and take on considerable tasks within the schools.

Books and Stationery

Books are supplied to the students. Graffiti of any kind will not be accepted, and students may be asked to buy replacement books if there is any kind of
intentional damage. Stationery is supplied to the class.

All students Grades 1 to 5 should bring their own personal pencil case with pens, pencils, HB for writing, coloured pencils, and felt tip pens. A 30 cm ruler,
ideally not a bendy one, the clear ones are helpful for younger students. In addition, highlighters and glue stick. Where possible items should be named.
School Uniform

Student Personal Appearance (School Uniform)

The school uniform is available from ‘Magrudy’s at Mirdif City Centre. However, this is a transition year to the new school uniform so your child may continue wearing last year’s
uniform. All children are required to wear their uniforms from Sunday to Thursday. We request that every article of clothing worn to school is clearly labelled with your child’s
name and class (hats, shoes, socks and underwear included) to facilitate the prompt return of lost items.
The used uniform shop, is run by the parent organisation details on board in school canteen.

Pre K to K2

Pre K - K2

Plain black or plainwhite trainer shoes with VELCRO fastenings must be worn by all students.
Grades 1-5

Students are expected to wear the official school uniform according to our Uniform Policy, including a school hat and plain black school
shoes at all times.
An appropriate level of personal hygiene should be maintained. Clothing that a student chooses to wear must be in good repair. A student
who is unsuitably dressed may be asked to return home to change clothing.
All students are asked to label uniform with first and last name.
Students wear their Uniform to school every day. PE kit/swimming kit is brought into school and students will change in and out of it during
their lesson.

The Uptown uniform can be purchased from Magrudy’s in Mirdif City Centre.

Jewellery - Only Small stud earrings are allowed to be worn. No necklaces are allowed to be worn due to safety reasons.

Hair Accessories - Long hair should be tied for safety when playing. If hair bands or other hair accessories are worn, they must be simple either plain black, white or plain blue
in colour.
Hair Colour - Students hair colour should be ideally natural, if hair is dyed it should be a natural colour.
Key Staff Contact Details

If you have any questions or concerns please contact your child’s Homeroom Teacher, alternatively the Grade Level Leader or Senior Leader are always happy to
assist with any quires.
Please see below for a list of key people you may need to contact at different times throughout the year.

Name: Pali Nahal Name: Nice Ambrose

Job Title: Head of PYP. Job Title:  Nurse
Email Address: Email Address:
  Extension Number: 212
Name: Jodie Eardley
Job Title: Assistant Head of PYP.
Email Address: Admissions
Email Address:
Name: Lee Higginbottom Extension Number: 201
Job Title: PYP Assistant Head of PYP/ PYP Coordinator.
Email Address: Accounts
  Email Address:
Name: Claire Hitchings Extension Number: 228/229
Job Title: Assistant Head of PYP/ Head of Primary Inclusion.  
Email Address: Marketing & Communications
Email Address:
Name: Gavin Fleck Extension Number: 210
Job Title: Assistant Head of PYP.  
Email Address: ECA Coordinator
Email Address:
Name: Tania Sadruddin
Job Title: PA to Head of PYP
Email Address:
Extension Number: 219
Name: Gina Ragub
Job Title: Nurse
Email Address:
Extension Number: 202
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Parent Communication

How to stay up to date with Uptown - How to use The Communicator?

The Delta 6 Communicator is the Uptown School app to keep you up to date during the Academic Year. You can get this at http://www.six or, for
mobile users please go to the App Store/Google Play and search for “D6 communicator”

Along with diaries, The Communicator App is the source for information on general news at school, school-wide events and alerts. Use the communicator to keep
your calendar up to date plus link for school news, school resources, parent association messages and letters from the principal and classroom teachers.

The key tabs are NEWS, RESOURCES and CALENDAR. You can even personalize this essential app to receive information for your child’s class and messages from
your teacher.
You can get this at or, for mobile users please go to the App Store/Google Play and search for “D6 communicator”
Along with diaries, The Communicator App is the source for information on general news at school, school-wide events and alerts. Use the communicator to keep
your calendar up to date plus link for school news, school resources, parent association messages and letters from the principal and classroom teachers.

The key tabs are NEWS, RESOURCES and CALENDAR. You can even personalize this essential app to receive information for your child’s class and messages from
your teacher.

Follow up on:

We have our own official Facebook page where we post details of the day to day lives of our students, where sporting and other achievements are
celebrated and where we share useful information.


Uptown International School Dubai

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Platforms and sign up process: ECAs, managebac for reports (primary)/ list of work (for Secondary), seesaw, My Maths, etc.


Your child’s school reports will be published on Managebac each term. We no longer send out paper copies but make the reports available to save as a printable
Conferences are held three times a year. However, parents are encouraged to keep in close contact with the homeroom and subject teachers. Please email any
teacher to make an appointment should you wish to discuss anything about your child.
We have three types of conferences:
3-Way Conferences (student/parent/teacher) - held near the beginning of the academic year. 
Teacher Conferences – held after reports in Term Two.

Student-Led Conferences – held in Term Three.

Regular information evenings/forums/coffee mornings are held throughout the year and it is therefore vital that parents check emails and the Uptown Primary
Updates on the Communicator.

Addition Application Subscriptions 

Students have access to a wide range of apps to support both schoolwork and home learning. Please find an example of these:
Seesaw is used as a Portfolio platform to showcase your child’s work and interactions in school.

 Mymaths is a Mathematics interactive learning platform used in KG2 through to Grade 5.

 Bug Club a reading programme used across all grades.

  Century Learning is an intelligent intervention tool that combines learning science, AI and neuroscience to support learning in English, Mathematics and
Science in Grade 3 to 5.

Arabee an Arabic app for PreK to KG 2.

 BravoBravo an Arabic app for grade 1 to 5.

ZimCore Hubs | Company Culture Handbook
Primary ECAs
Here is a one-day schedule to give you the flavour of our programme. You will be emailed with a sign-up link at the beginning of each term.

Robotics using LEGO and 3D Modelling and Printing-Gr. 1-5, Paid 75 AED Story Club, KG 2
Swimming Squad, Gr. 4-5 Music and Movement, KG 2
Football with AS Roma, Gr. 1-5, Paid-80 AED/session Paint box, Gr. 3-5
Puzzle World-KG 2 Total Fit Junior-KG 2
Chess, Gr. 3-5, Tuesday Ukulele Club, Gr. 3-5
Treble Rebels, Gr. 2-5 Arabic Poetry reading, Gr. 3-5
Maker Space, Gr. 3-5 Origami, Gr. 1-5
Netball ECA, Gr. 3-5 Arabic UAE dance, Gr. 1-5
Ancient Civilization-Art and story time, Gr. 3-5 Yoga, Gr. 1-3

Grading system and how are assessments done

Assessment and Grading - In PreK and KG1

Our philosophy in regards to reporting echoes the International Baccalaureate’s ‘Making the PYP Happen’ which states, reporting on assessment is about communicating what
students know, understand and can do. It describes the progress of the students’ learning, identifies areas for growth, and contributes to the efficacy of the Programme.’ A
range of assessments in all subjects are designed and implemented, with assessment information being recorded by teachers throughout the year. Assessment information is
gathered through observations, rubrics, work samples, checklists, self-assessments and peer assessments, resulting in a balanced view of your child’s attainment and progress
at the end of Term 3. Report assessment information is communicated through statements that demonstrate what the students can do and their next steps for learning.

Grade KG 2 to Grade 5

A range of assessments, in all subjects, are designed, administered and recorded by teachers during the year. These include observations, performance-based tasks, rubrics,
work samples, checklists, and self and peer assessments, resulting in a balanced view of the student’s achievement and progress.

Teacher judgments are based on the five-level indicators. The indicators focus on attainment, attitudes towards learning and incorporate the essential elements of the IB PYP.
Welcome to the

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