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Unit 1 - Nombor dan OPerasi


l3 'i

@ Niloinombor
Numbers value
x. u. 5.7, z,
---*:*-* ...*--*----r
l. I 078 022 + 812 456 = Colculatex+g+2.
A I 884 418 c r Bqo 418 A ll c15
B I 884 478 D I 8q0 478 Bt3 D16
2. 486 523 + 980 563 - 75 082 = 9. Antoro Uong berikul, Uong monokoh
A 13q2004 c 14q2004
B I 393 604 D I 5q2 664 ?,xHi i:,?P,i;#:;:Hi; p ri m e n u mb e r?

A2 c15
3. q252+1082520+6= B13 Dt7
A Bt q62 c l8q 693
B 87 qffi D tgq 672 10. Antoro gong berikut, gong monokoh benor?
Which of lhe following ls true?
4. (4lB 740 - 86 5421 x 9 = A Nombor Perdono terkecil ioloh 3'
A 2 gs8 583 C 2 q9q 582 The smollest Pime number is 3.

B 2 q\q 782 D 2 g8q 383 B Semuo nombor perdono ioloh nombor

5. 1805430+1405+5x8= All prime number ore odd numbers'
A 1 807 678 C 2 Bg0 q36 C 2 bukon nombor Perdono.
B i 867 618 D 2 8q6 q56 2 is not o Prime number.
D I bukon nombor Perdono.
Nombor perdono I is nol o Prime number.
Pime numbers
Nombor hinggo tqiuh digit
6. Antoro Uong berikut, Uong monokoh Numbers uP to seven di@ls

nombor perdono?
Which of the following numbers is o prime number?
ll. Sebuoh sgorikot percetokon mencetok
AI c4 sotujuto limo rotus empot puluh duo ribu
duo rolus lopon buoh mqjoloh dolom sotu
B2 Dq
bulon. Bilongon mojoloh gong dicetok
7. Antoro Uong berikut, Uong monokoh dolom ongko ioloh
mengungkopkon 9 sebogoi hosil tomboh A printing compong prints one million five hundred
nombor perdono? forlglwo thousond two hundred ond eight
Which of the following express I os lhe sum of mogozines in o month. The number of prinled
prime numbers? mogo1nes in numerols is
A 9=l+8 C 9=3+6 A I 524 208 c I 542208
B 9=2+7 D 9=4+5 B t 524 280 D I 542280
8. Roioh gong berikut menunjukkon enom 12. Niloi digit B dolom suotu nombor 7 digil
nombor perdono gong Pertomo Uong ioloh 800 000. Ngotokon niloitempot digil
disusun dolom tertib menoik. 8 dolom nombor ilu.
The diagram below shows the first six prime The digit volue of 8 in o 7 -digif number ls 800 000
numbers orronged in on oscending order. Stote the ploce volue of digit 8 in the number.

@) Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd

N Matematik Tahun 6 ujian 1

A Juto C Puluh ribu Berdosorkon perbuolon di otos, Encik

Millions Ten thousonds Roslon teloh membundorkon bilongon
B Rotus ribu D Ribu peloncong dori Negoro Chino kepodo
Hundred thousonds Thousonds Bosed on the conversotion obove, Encik Roslan
rounded off the number of tourisls from Chino to
13. Rqjoh dibowoh menuQjukkon solu nombor
7 digit.
A rotus ribu lerdekot.
the neorest hundred thousand.
The diogram below shows o 7-digit number.
B puluh ribu terdekot.
5 78t 4q3 the nearesl len thousond.
C ribu terdekot.
Tentukon niloi digit bogi digit 5. the nearest thousond.
Determine the digit volue of 5. D rotus terdekol.
A 5 000 000 c 500 000 the neorest hundred.
B r 000 000 D5 t6. Antoro Uong berikul, Uong monokoh
14. Cerokinkon 2 054 032 mengikul niloi opobilo dibundorkon kepodo rotus ribu
lempol. terdekol meQjodi I 600 000?
Portilion 2 054 032 occording lo the ploce volues. Which of the following when rounded off to the
A 2juto + 5 rotus ribu +4ribu +3 puluh nearest hundred thousond becomes I 600 000?
+2so A I 546778
2 millions + 5 hundred thousonds + 4 B I 557 420
thousonds + 3 fens + 2 ones c I 66q72t
B 2juto +5 puluh ribu +4ribu +3 puluh D r 684 500
2 millions + 5 ten thousonds + 4 thousands + 17. Bilongon kenderoon Uong dljuol di
3/ens+2ones Mologsio podo tohun 2016 ioloh 580 000
C 2julo + 5 puluh ribu +4ribu +3 rotus buoh. Ungkopkon bilongon kenderoon
+2so gong dljuol itu sebogoi nombor perpuluhon
2 millions + 5 ten thousqnds + 4 thousonds + juto.
3hundreds+2ones The number of vehicles sold in Mologsia in geor
D 2jufo + 5 ribu +4rotus+3 puluh + 2016 is 580 000. Express the number of vehicles
2so sold os a decimol of a million.
2 millions + 5 thousonds + 4 hundreds + 3 A 5.8 juto C 0.058 juto
tens + 2 ones 5.8 million 0.058 million

15. Rqjoh di bowoh menuqjukkon perbuolon B 0.58 juto D 0.0058 juto

0.58 million 0.0058 million
ontoro Encik Lee dengon Encik Roslon.
The diogrom below shows o conversation befween t8. Terdopol450 000 orong colon menduduki
Mr. Lee ond Encik Roslon. UPSR 2016. Ngolokon bilongon colon itu
Duojuio soiu rotus duo puluh
sebogoi pecohonjuto.
empot ribu sembilon rotus Oh, lebih kurong duojulo There were 450 000 condidotes who sot for the
empot puluh duo doripodo soiu rotus duo puluh ribu UPSR 2016. Stote the number of the condidotes os
jumloh peloncong ke Mologsio peloncong odoloh dori o frodion of o million.
odoloh dori Negoro Chino. Negoro Chino. o
Two million one hundred
twent g-fo ousso nd ni n e
u r th
Oh, oround two million one
hundred twentg thousond of
A zt-!- iuto
c '
hundred ond fortg-fwo tourists to the tourists ore from Chino.
Mologsio ore from Chino +f mittion S mittion

+a iuto ' iuto
Encik Roslon
2' 50"
al mittion
$ mittion

@ Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

Matematik Tahun 6 Utian I N
Terdopol 2.07 juto pekeq'o osing di
23. Bilongon telur gong dikulip di sebuoh
lodong podo Jonuori, Februori don Morch
Mologsio podo Disember 2016.
fhere are 2.07 million foreign workers in mosing-mosing ioloh l.l2juto b[i, 753 250
Molagsio as al December 2016. bljidon I . juto b!ji. Hilungjumloh bilongon
telur gon! dikutip itu.
Ngotokon bilongon pekerjo osing itu The number of eggs colleded ot o form in Jonuorg,
dolom ongko. Februorg ond Morch ore l.l2 million,753 250 ond
State lhe number of foreign workers in numerols. I
million respeclivelg. Colculote the lolol number
A 207 000 c 2 070 000
B 270 400 D 2 700 000
of eggs collecled.
A 3 373 2s0 c 3 023 250
20. B 3 073 250 D 985 250
Keuntungon Sgorikot Top A meningkot
24. Sebuoh kilong mengeluorkon 0.03juto biii
kepodo nrvrfjuto podo tohun 2017.
@*i guli. Guliitu dibungkus dolom pekel. Seliop
The profit of Compong Top A increoses to peket memuotkon 25 biiiguli. Kemudion, 8
RM lf, m//ion in the geor 2017. peket guli dibungkus ke dolom sotu kotok.
Cori bilongon kolok kesemuongo.
Ngolokon keuntungon Sgorikol Top A A factorg produces 0.03 million morbles. The
podo tohun 2017 dolom ongko. morbles ore packed in pockets. Eoch pocket holds
Stote the profit of Compang Top A in the yeor 20lr7 25 morbles. Then,8 pockets ore pocked into o box.
in numerols. Find the number of boxes oltogether.
A RMt 375 000 c RMt37 500 A t50 c r200
B RMr 350 000 D RMt35 000 B 210 D r500
25. Sebuoh kilong mengeluorkon tigo jenis
21. Populosi Negeri Y podo tohun 2016 ioloh jubin, P, Q don R. Jubin jenis R odoloh
1.5 juto. Ngotokon populosi Negeri Y
poling bongok dikeluorkon diikuti olehjubin
dolom pecohonjulo. jenis O don P. Kilong itu mengeluorkon
The populolion of Stqte Y in the gear 2016 is
million. State the populotion of Stote Y os a t{.;ufo keping jubin jenis O. Bezo ontoro
fraction of a million. 4'
bilongon jubin jenis P dengonjubin jenis O
15 iuto
A I t000" c tf5"iuto gong dikeluorkon ioloh 0.0l2juto keping.
Bezo ontoro bilongonjubinjenis P dengon
t1fio mittion tf mittion jubin jenis R gong dikeluorkon ioloh
152 000 keping. Beropo keping jubinkoh
15 iuto
B I t00 D rj.iuto
" Uong dikeluorkon oleh kilong itu?
A fodorg produces three tgpes of tiles, P, Q ond
t loo mtlfion tl mittion R. The most number of liles produced is tgpe R
followed bg Q ond P. The foctory produces lf,
22. Terdopot 1A42832 orong penduduk di million pieces of tgpe A tiles. The difference between
sebuoh bondor. Beropokoh bilongon leloki the number of tgpe P ond tgpe Q liles produced
gong odo jiko bilongon perempuon ioloh is 0.012 million pieces. The difference between
the number of tgpe P ond tgpe R tiles produced
564 8q0?
is 152 000 pieces. How mong pieces of tiles ore
There ore 1042832 residents in o citg. How produced bg lhe fodorg?
mong moles ore there if the number of femoles is
564 8q0? A 5.162 juto C
5.378 juto
A 467 q42 c 487 542
5.162 million
5.274 julo D
5.378 million
B 477 q42 D 487 442 5.274 million
5.392 million

O Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.


UFii,(!t:', :';:,No r 16 ;:, a a n,,0 peia- i i

Jowob semuo soolon. 3. Rqjoh dibowoh menurjukkon sotu nombor

Answer oll queslions.
7 digit.
The diogrom below shows o 7-digil number.
l. (o) Hitung 235 140 + 23 500 x 45.
Colculole 235 140 + 23 500 x 45.
.::r S:078... ,,i
[3 morkoh / mo*sj
(ol Cerokinkon nombor itu mengikut niloi
tempol. [2 morkoh]
(b) Rqjoh dibowoh menurjukkon sepuluh Porlilion the number occording to its ploce
keping kod nombor.
volues. 12 marksl

The diogrom below shows ten number cords.

|15",,:',: ,,1. i$ ' ,rl7,,ll 23.. (b) Bundorkon nombor itu kepodo rotus
ribu terdekot. ll morkohl
Round off the number to lhe neorest hundred
45,. ,,,., .2 ,,,i:r ,r.r}7 ;, ,,,,,,,6,1;5 ,,,,,,,I!;,.,,,,,,,
thousond ll morkl

Berdosorkon rojoh itu, senoroikon

semuo nombor perdono dolom tertib
menoik. [2 morkoh]
Bosed on the diogrom, list oll the prime
numbers in oscending order. [2 mq*sl 4. Rqjoh di bowoh menunjukkon 7 keping
kod nombor.
The diogrom below shows 7 number cqrds.

'i. ,:t:,,,'...g::," 4,... o I 21


2. Sebuoh gudong mengimpon 2 056 l4B (o) Bentuk solu nombor 7-digit terkecil
posong sorung tongon getoh.
dengon menggunokon semuo kod
A worehouse stores 2 056 148 poirs of rubber
gloves. itu. il morkohl
Form o smollesl 7-digit number bg using all
(o) Tulis bilongon posqng sorung tongon the cords ll morkl
getoh itu dolom perkotoon. Il morkoh]
Write the number of pairs of rubber gloves in
Il morkl (bl Ngotokon niloi lempot bogi digit 4.
ll morkohl
Slate the place value of digit 4. ll morkl
(b) Cerokinkon nombor itu mengikut niloi
digit. [2 morkoh] (c) Ngolokon niloi digit bogi digit 2.
Pafiition lhe number occording lo its digit
12 marksl ll morkohl
Stole the digit volue of digit 2. ll morkl

@ Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

N u"t.-"tik Tahunl Uiianl

5. Joduol di bowoh menunjukkon populosi 7. Rqjoh di bowoh menuniukkon perbuolon

duo buoh bondor. ontoro Koh Teck dengon odikngo Koh
The toble below shows the populotions of two cities. Ming.
Thediogrom below shows o conversotion befween
Koh Teck ond his brother Koh Ming.

Oh, terdopot lebih kurong

P r 600 000 0.58juto buoh buku di
dolom perpuslokoon kito.
0 680 000 Oh, there ore opproximotelg
0.58 million copies of books in
(o) Ngotokon populosi bondor P dolom our librorg-

nombor perpuluhon juto. Il morkoh]

Stole the populotion of citg P in o decimal of
o million. ll morkl

Koh Teck Koh Ming

(o) Koh Ming membundorkon bilongon

(b) Ngotokon populosi bondor Q dolom
pecohonjuto. [l morkoh] *m
buku itu kepodo niloi tempot tertentu
Uong terdekot. Ngotokon niloi tempoi
Stote the populotion of citg Q in o frodion of
o million. ll mo*l
itu. [2 morkoh]
Koh Ming rounded off the number of booksto
the neorest cerloin floce volue. Stote the ploce
value. 12 mo*sl

(b) Tukor niloi Uong disebut oleh Koh Ming

6. Rqjoh di bowoh menuruukkon solu goris kepodo pecohonjuto. Il morkoh]
nombor. Convert the value mentioned bg Koh Ming to
The diagrom below shows a number line. a frodion of o million 1l mo*l

f i,, g-!-"iuto
8. Rqjoh di bowoh menuQjukkon tigo keping
(o) Ngotokon niloi P dolom pecqhoniuto.
W ff"or[?[]T;, wshows lhree number cords.

[2 morkoh]
State the volue of P in o frodion of o million.
12 mo*sl

Jiko nombor Uong terbesor dibohogi

dengon nombor 4 digit don hosil
bohogingo ditomboh kePodo nombor
(b) Tukor niloi di (o) kepodo nombor gong tinggol, opokoh jowoPon?
perpuluhoniuto. [l morkohl Ifthe lorgest number is diided bg the 4-digit
Convert the volue rn (o) lo o decimal of o number ond the quotienl is then odded to the
million. ll ma*l remaining number, whot is the answeft
[2 morkoh / mo*sl


@ Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.


Matematlk Tahun 6 U7;an I ffi
9. Joduol di bowoh menurlukkon bilongon t0. Keuntungon sebuoh sgorikot meningkqt
lelur gred A don gred B gong dikumpul setiop tohun dori tohun 2015. Joduol di
oleh sebuoh lodong podo bulon Jonuori. bowoh menuQiukkon keunlungon suorikot
Bilongon lelur gred C gong dikutip tidok itu podo tohun 2015 don 2016. Keuntungon
ditur"[ukkon. podo lohun 2017 tidok dituqjukkon.
Thetoble below showsthe number of grodes Aond The profits of o compong increoses eoch gear from
B eggs collected bg o form in fonuorg. The number the geor 2015. The toble below shows the profits
of grode C eggs colleded is nol shown. obtoined in the geors 20,5 and 2016. The profrt
obtained in the geor 2017 is nol shown.

Bezo ontoro tohun 2015 dengon

2016 ioloh RM0.Tljuto
fgred.irto kurong doripodo telur The difference between the geors 2Ol5
and 2016 is RM0.7l million
million less thon grode A eggs Rutl
f; 4'iuro
RMtf; mittion

{o} Cori bilongon telur gred B gong

dikumpulkon. Beri jowopon dolom
nombor perpuluhonjuto. t2 morkohl Diberijumloh keuntungon Uong diperoleh
Find the number of grode B eggs collecled. dolom tigo tohun itu ioloh RM5.9tjuto.
Give lhe onswer in o decimol of a million. Given the lotol profit obtained in the three geors is
12 mo*sl million.

(o) Hitung keunturrgon Uong diperoleh

(bl Cori jumloh bilongon telur gred A
podo tohun 2015. Berijowopon dolom
ngmbgr pefpuluhqn jUlO.
don gred B gong dikumpulkon. Beri Find the profit obtoined in the gear ZOl5. Give
jciwopon dolom nombor perpuluhon the onswer in o decimol of o million.
juio. [2 morkoh] [2 morkoh / mo*sl
Find the totol number of grodes A and B eggs
collecled. Give the onswer in o decimal of o
12 ma*sl

(b) Pengurus sgorikol itu mengumumkon

(cl Diberi jumloh bilongon telur gong
dikumpulkon podo bulon Jonuori ioloh
bqhowo keuntungon gong diperoleh
podo tohun 2Ol7 ioloh n koli
2.4juto b!ji. Hitung bilongon telur gred keunlungon gong diperoleh podo
C gong dikumpulkon. Beri jowopon tohun 2015. Cori niloin. [3 morkoh]
dolom nombor bulot. [2 morkoh] The manager of the compang onnounces lhol
Given the totol number of eggs collecled in the proft obloined in the geor 2017 is n times
fonuorg is 2.4 million. Colculote the number lhe profit obtained inthe geor2Ol5. Determine
of grode C eggs collected. Give lhe onswer in the volue of n. [3 morks]
whole number. 12 mo*sl

@ Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

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