What Is The Difference Between Echo and Print With Example

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What is the difference between echo and print with example?

echo is similar to print where both are used to output data to the screen. Some of main differences are: Echo can be used in expressions as it has no return value while print has a return value of 1.
Echo vs Print.

echo print

It can output only one string at a time and returns 1

Strings It can output one or more strings

What is the purpose of a function?

A function is simply a “chunk” of code that you can use over and over again, rather than writing it out multiple times. Functions enable programmers to break down or decompose a problem into smaller chunks, each of which
performs a particular task.

What is the result of combining a string with a number?

A string and an integer value are added, and the result is an integer value. Concatenation operator ('. ')

What is expression in web programming?

You can use Expression Web to create web pages and sites that let you transfer files between your computer and your hosting account. Expression Web can design and develop web pages using HTML5, CSS 3, ASP.NET,
PHP, JavaScript, XML+XSLT and XHTML.

What is the difference between unary binary and ternary operators in PHP?
Unary Operator: Unary Operators take only one value. Binary Operator: Binary Operators take two values. Ternary Operator: Ternary Operator take three values

What is the best way to force your own operator precedence?

The best way to force your own operator precedence is to place parentheses around subexpressions to which you wish to give high precedence. Operator associativity refers to the direction of processing (left-to-right or right-to-

Which operator has highest precedence in PHP?

Introduction. Precedence of operators decides the order of execution of operators in an expression. For example in 2+6/3, division of 6/3 is done first and then addition of 2+2 takesplace because division operator / has higher
precedence over addition operator +.

What do you mean by operator associativity in PHP?

Operators also have associativity, which is the order in which operators of the same precedence are evaluated. This order is generally left to right (called left for short), right to left (called right for short), or not relevant

when would you use the === (identity) operator

you would use === to test whether a function or variable is false rather than just equating to false (zero or an empty string)

The comparison operator called as the Identical operator is the triple equal sign “===”. This operator allows for a much stricter comparison between the given variables or values. This operator returns true if both variable contains
same information and same data types otherwise return false.

Why we use === instead of == in PHP?

Both are comparison operators used to compare two or more values. == Operator: This operator is used to check the given values are equal or not. If yes, it returns true, otherwise it returns false. === Operator: This operator is used
to check the given values and its data type are equal or not

What does $$ mean in PHP?

The $x (single dollar) is the normal variable with the name x that stores any value like string, integer, float, etc. The $$x (double dollar) is a reference variable that stores the value which can be accessed by using the $ symbol
before the $x value. These are called variable variables in PHP

What does => mean in PHP?

It means assign the key to $user and the variable to $pass. When you assign an array, you do it like this. $array = array("key" => "value"); It uses the same symbol for processing arrays in foreach statements. The '=>' links the key
and the value.

What is cookie in PHP explain Cookies Handling in PHP?

PHP cookie is a small piece of information which is stored at client browser. It is used to recognize the user. Cookie is created at server side and saved to client browser. Each time when client sends request to the server, cookie is
embedded with request. Such way, cookie can be received at the server side.

Which language can be used to create open read/write delete and close files on the server?
Explanation: PHP can create, open, read, write, delete, and close files on the server.

What is session in HTML?

A session is a way to store information (in variables) to be used across multiple pages. Unlike a cookie, the information is not stored on the users computer.

What can JavaScript do that HTML and CSS Cannot?

While HTML provides the structure for a website and CSS allows you to control the presentation of a site, the JavaScript programming language gives you the tools that you need to alter the behavior of different elements that are
found on a website page.
What is PHP Ajax?

AJAX = Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX is a technique for creating fast and dynamic web pages. AJAX allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging small amounts of data with the server behind the
scenes. This means that it is possible to update parts of a web page, without reloading the whole page.

How do I upload a file using bootstrap?

To create a custom file upload, wrap a container element with a class of . custom-file around the input with type="file". Then add the . custom-file-input to it.

why for loop is better than while?

The main reason that W hile is much slower is because the while loop checks the condition after each iteration, For loops are superior to while loops because they limit the scope of the incremented variable(s).\

meaning of scope in php?

In PHP, variables can be declared anywhere in the script. The scope of a variable is the part of the script where the variable can be referenced/used. PHP has three different variable scopes: local. global. Static.

How to Delete a File in PHP

To delete a file in PHP, use the unlink function. Let’s go through an example to see how it works.

1 <?php
2 If (unlink('/home/tutsplus/files/tmp.txt')) {
3 // file was successfully deleted
4 } else {
5 // there was a problem deleting the file
6 }
7 ?>

The first argument of the unlink function is a filename which you want to delete. The unlink function returns either TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether the delete operation was successful.

Inline vs. internal vs. external CSS

The inline CSS styles are added to the HTML tag using the style attribute.

The inline CSS is not recommended because we need to add style individually for each HTML tag. It will be hard to maintain the style.

The internal CSS means inside the head tag. We can include the <style> tag to define the style for the webpage.

The limitation of the internal CSS is that we cannot use the defined style on another HTML page. We need to include the same <style> section on every HTML page.

External CSS
In external CSS, we define the styles in a specific file(file extension should be .css) and link that to our web pages using the link tag.

This is a recommended way of including styles on a webpage because we can define the common CSS styles in specific files and include that file in all web pages.

how to display current date in paragraph using javascript?

Use the Get Method to Show the current Date in JavaScript
What is Web 3.0 (Web3)?

Web 3.0 (Web3) is the third generation of the evolution of web technologies. The web, also known as the World Wide Web, is the foundational layer for how the internet is used, providing website and application

advantages of session in php
PHP benefits of storing session data in database

 Limit the number of logins. For instance if your application should allow only 10 logins at a time , then the session table can be checked to find the number of users already logged in. ...

 Block multiple logins for same username. ...

 Monitor user activity. ...

 Logout a user.

 Which is better JavaScript or jQuery?

 Though JavaScript is the basic language from which jQuery has evolved, jQuery makes event handling, DOM manipulation, Ajax calls much easier than JavaScript. jQuery also allows us to add animated effects
on our web page which takes a lot of pain and lines of code with JavaScript.14-Apr-2022

JavaScript is an independent language JQuery is a JavaScript library. It would not have been invented had JavaScript was not there. jQuery is still dependent on
and can exist on its own. JavaScript as it has to be converted to JavaScript for the browser in-built JavaScript engine to interpret and run it

difference between margin and padding

In CSS, a margin is the space around an element's border, while padding is the space between an element's border and the element's content. Put another way, the margin property controls the space outside an element, and
the padding property controls the space inside an element

Difference Between Inline and Block Elements in HTML

Block elements cover space from left to right as far as it can go. Inline elements only cover the space as bounded by the tags in the HTML element. Block elements have top and bottom margins. Inline elements don't have a top
and bottom margi

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