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Lecture 4: Rotation of a

rigid body

1. Rotation

• Rigid body = size and

shape don’t change
• Real molecular bonds are not
perfectly rigid
• E.g. a bicycle wheel (all the sticked
held fixed), diver in the tuck
position (rigid temporarily)
Review of circular

2. Rotation about the center of mass

• Object in space, give a little

push at the corners to spin
(2 equal forces but
opposite direction), to only
rotate but no translation.
What point will it rotate
“Center of mass”
3. Rotational energy
• Rotational kinetic
• Gravitational energy of a rigid body
Parallel axis theorem
4. Torque
Defining torque

Net torque
• An object free to rotate
about an axle can have
a net torque but the
axle will exert a force to
prevent translational
Gravitational torque
• How to practically find the CM of an object using
this balancing property?
Couple (คูแรง)

5. Rotation dynamics

Rope and Pulley

6. Rolling motion
7. Vector description of rotation

The cross product of two vectors
Torque as a cross product

Angular momentum of a particle
8. Angular momentum


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