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ACT n Scene 5 25

ACT 11 Scene 5 Jacob boasts that he had crossed river Jordan only with a staff yet
with companies of men-
CONTEXT QUESTIONS (iii) (a) Do not dimb up to from windows;
J. (1) accrpts thr anvrtatxon to dinner (Vt of hatred and to eat the (b) shrill notes of t}u•fife.
t-F* extravagant Chnstian„ Busaruo In Act I. Scene 3 (iv) Christian fools with varnished faces refer to Chnst.ans takJng
Basamo mvlt.cs ham for dinner refuses to dine with eristians in masqueradeat Bassanio's party, were planrung
su•xe they were Fork-eaters. He asærted tirn that he would never help the daughter Jessica. to e10B' Witha Christ•an. Lorenz.»
eat. dnnk or pray mth Oxnstians although is ready to do business with the speake€s rncmeyand pewellcry,The svvaket had war-rang
this in form of a 'dream wru•re saw money bags and
is unhappy to accept tyr invitation this time too as he (v) The speakeradviceshis daughter,Je«icato Jockup Ile
feels a of some misfortune about to take place. The tells her not to go upto the w-rndov•swtwn the drums amt
previous mght he had a dream about money-bags which was the shrill notes of the fife He tells her not to stretch neck cut
a-mudrred as a bad (Wren. gaze over the public street to at Chre•ttan mth parrt•d
Ba%aruo referred to as the
faces He instructs to close all windows of his tv•uv• that
Chnstian because he is wasteful. no sound of the foolish display enters hrs
who 6B•nd' rnorv•y extravagantly wh:ch he has borrowed from
.9ry Prrx%gaJ•s a reference to the prodigal son described in the The advice WJSgiven to Jessica her duel
Bibic who wa.trd his share of wealth by iavt%hand careless Jiving. not follow the advice and used of to
(a) am not bid fop lox I am no' Invited out of love.
3. (i) The word 'patch' tn the extract try or tt•«
(b) I am ng•hf to go. I hatc to accept tiu• Invitation to dinner. pester In olden days, tly
Jessica and taking ad's antageot absence from home multicoloured patched costurne ttu• word 5'Ah n
mako a plan to elo;x• Jevaca UM•sthe occasvn to leave her home extrad for launcelotDShvl•€k that t
With fat}'Ws money and rewellery. Lorenzo uv•s the occascon Bassamo as would Ba•aanu»in hi' h*"'
to masquerade tn which Jesuca would the torch-bearer Baste ttu• mom-v by ham L. k),
md thus facilitate clom•mentmth burn, B.wsamoto toke
(v) had a dream about money bags on t}v•previous rught. To
dream morr-v and al! kinds of cotns was considered as a to repay tlv• Javan a stipulatrd date
bal Thi' madc think that there was some bejng Bythe iaty
agarrrsthtm that I Ian t.
2. (J) Shy"yb t}-ø• of the above Ijnes He gjvjng this advjcv• to
daughter. When tells Yumabout the masquerade,
alarmed for fear that h revelry may unrulv J hates
fri'."tltv }fer•u•••. asks to the of the h. nr«•
that djsplzv mav enter his servvus
(u) grytng Bas-santo'sdinner paro i J.e grung out
fry out hatred tlr Chras%ansand to cat the food
thi' grandu•n (it Abraham, the
four&f of 10 Jao•b tic anat—..tor
had •.utf that a to 'um Jn A2

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