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Name of Student

Geronimo Enguito
Mary Cor Sagrado
Michael Jay B. Homol
Title of the Scientific Paper
Cash Is King: Cash Management and Risks
Statement of the Paper’s Research Problem

 How will a company effectively manage the risk of utilizing automated payment and
receipt systems?
 How does a company manage the factors affecting cash receipts and disbursements?
Goals, Purpose, and Significance of the Paper

 Identify factors that causes risks in utilizing automated payment system.

 Identify and manage payment risk.
 To provide an overview of cash management techniques.
 Shows how effective cash flow management can improve corporate performance and
increase shareholder value
Framework Used in the Paper
Theoretical: The study is based on the books reviewed by the researchers.
Identification of Assumption(s), if applicable

 Businesses manage cash effectively and efficiently in order to lessen the exposure of
risks involved.
Data Collection Methods and Analysis Used in the Paper

 The researchers gathered information based on the facts stated on the books they
Summary of the Results
Based on the researchers’ book review, it was identified that risk in utilizing automated
payment and receiving systems are products of fraud and errors with checks and wire transfers,
risk in the automated clearing house system and risks associated with commerce and payments
through cyberspace. It was emphasized that “cash is king” considering that it is the medium of
exchange for each businesses establishments and to effectively manage it, managers should
analyze every function and activity to evaluate its appropriateness to the company’s plans and
Three (3) Major Points of Agreement

 Proper cash management is essential to survival and success of a business.

 One way of reducing risk associated to payment and receipts system is to strengthen its
physical security.
 Success requires a company to pay attention to its reasons for existence and stay out of
businesses it should not be in.
Three (3) Major Points of Disagreement

 Cash which has not been received will not pay bills.
 Determining earnings require subjective judgements and estimates.
 Business exist to make money.
Cash being the lifeblood of any business should not be taken for granted but should be
managed properly. It is worthy to note that cash is the most liquid asset of a company hence,
interested investors tend to focus their attention to it. Therefore, it is always an advantage for a
company to effectively manage cash so that it will be properly allocated to the priority projects
of the company. Furthermore, it shall be pointed out that risk of payment systems are better
understood by bankers and their counsels than by corporate treasurer and their counsels.

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