Qual 14 p1 Sol

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Problem 1: Mathematical Methods

(a) For a series S = n an to converge, it is necessary that the absolute value of the ratio
an+1 /an for large n be < 1. We have

(5x)n+1 (n + 1)2 + 1
lim = lim = |5x| < 1

n→∞ (5x)n 2

n→∞ an
n +1
So we need |x| < 1/5. Thus the radius of convergence is 1/5.
1/(n2 + 1) and is integrable.
The series also converges at x = 1/5 where it equals

(b) Since the integrand is even, we can extend the lower limit to −∞ and divide by 2.
Since cos x = Re [eix ], and relabeling x as z, the integral is given by
1 Z ∞ eiz
I = Re dz .
2 −∞ 1 + z 2

We close the contour counterclockwise by a semicircle in the upper half plane with large
radius R → ∞. The integral over the semicircle vanishes since for z = x + iy in the upper
half plane (y > 0)

eiz 1 1

= ≤ ∼ ,
1 + z2 |1 + z 2 | |1 + z 2 | R2

and πR × R2
→ 0. Denoting the close contour by C, we have

1 Z eiz dz 1 Z eiz dz
I = Re dz = Re dz .
2 C 1 + z2 2 C (z + i)(z − i)

The integrand has two simple poles at z = ±i, and only z = i is enclosed by the contour.
Using the residue theorem, we find

" #
1 π
I = Re 2πi = .
2 z + i z=i

(c) Assume that V~ and V~ 0 are two vector fields with the same curl and divergence. Then
~ = V~ − V~ 0 has zero curl and zero divergence
their difference W
~ =0;
∇×W ~ =0,

~ = 0 at infinity. Since ∇ × W
and W ~ = 0, there is a scalar field φ such that

~ = ∇φ .
~ = 0, and ∇ · W
Since ∇ · W ~ = ∇ · ∇φ = ∇2 φ, we have

∇2 φ = 0 .

Next we integrate the identity in the hint over all of space

∇ · (φ∇φ) dV = |∇φ|2 dV + φ∇2 φ dV = |∇φ|2 dV ,

where we have used ∇2 φ = 0. Using the divergence theorem, we can convert the integral
on the l.h.s. to a surface integral
φ∇φ · dS = |∇φ|2 dV .
surface at infinity

~ = ∇φ = 0 at infinity, the l.h.s. vanishes. Since |∇φ|2 ≥ 0, it follows that

Since W
∇φ = W~ = 0 and thus V~ = V~ 0 .

Second method: the scalar field satisfies Laplace equation ∇2 φ = 0 and the boundary
~ = ∇φ = 0 at infinity). Since the solution to
condition φ = const at infinity (since W
Laplace equation with given boundary conditions is unique, we have φ = const in all of
~ = ∇φ = 0.
space. Thus W

Problem 2: Classical Mechanics

(a) In the limit of small ϕ, the coordinates x, y of the Huygens pendulum are given by
l l
x= (ϕ + sin ϕ) ≈ (ϕ + ϕ) = lϕ/2,
4 4
l l 
y= (3 + cos ϕ) ≈ 3 + 1 − ϕ2 /2 = l − lϕ2 /8.
4 4
These values of x, y are the same as for the simple pendulum in the limit of small θ

x = l sin θ ≈ lϕ/2 .

y = l cos θ ≈ l(1 − ϕ2 /8) .

(b) The velocities ẋ, ẏ are given by

ẋ = (ϕ̇ + ϕ̇ cos ϕ)
ẏ = − ϕ̇ sin ϕ
so the kinetic energy is
T = 1
m (ẋ2 2
+ ẏ ) = 1
m ϕ̇2 1 + 2 cos ϕ + cos2 ϕ + sin2 ϕ
= m ϕ̇2 (1 + cos ϕ)
The potential energy is
V = −mg (3 + cos ϕ) .
Thus the Lagrangian is
" #
l l 2
L=T −V =m ϕ̇ (1 + cos ϕ) + g (3 + cos ϕ) .
4 4
(c) Using u = sin(ϕ/2), we find
ϕ̇ = √ ; cos ϕ = 1 − 2u2 .
1 − u2
Substituting in the Lagrangian in (b), we find

l 2 
L=m lu̇ + 2g − gu2 .
(d) We have
∂L d ∂L
= ml2 u̇ , = ml2 ü
∂ u̇ dt ∂ u̇
= −mglu.
Thus, the Euler-Lagrange equation for u is
ü + u = 0 .
This is the equation of an harmonic oscillator and its general solution is given by

u = u0 sin(ωt + θ0 ) .
where ω = . The angle ϕ = 2 arcsin u is thus periodic in time with a period of T =
q l
2π/ω = 2π l/g, the same as for the simple pendulum in the limit of small oscillations.

Problem 3: Electromagnetism I

(a) The system is invariant under rotations around the direction of the external electric
field (i.e., around the z axis). The electrostatic potential is then independent of the az-
imuthal angle φ, i.e., V = V (r, θ).

There are no free or bound charges inside the volume of the sphere (there are only
bound charges on the surface), so Vin satisfies Laplace’s equation. The general solution of
Laplace’s equation is given in the hint. Since Vin (r, θ) is finite at r = 0, we have

Al rl Pl (cos θ) .
Vin (r, θ) =

~ 0 far away from the sphere (r  R). For E

(b) The electric field approaches E ~ 0 = E0 ẑ,
the potential is given by −E0 z = −E0 r cos θ. Thus the boundary condition is
Vout → −E0 r cos θ (for r  R) .
Using the general solution in the hint together with the above boundary condition, we
have ∞
X Bl
Vout (r, θ) = −E0 r cos θ + P (cos θ) .
l+1 l
l=0 r

(c) At r = R, the potential is continuous

Vin (R, θ) = Vout (R, θ) ,
~ = εE
and the normal component of the displacement field D ~ is continuous (since there is
no free charge at the surface)
∂Vin ∂Vout
ε = ε0 (at r = R) .
∂r ∂r
Using the general form of Vin and Vout in (b) and (c), and equating the coefficients of Pl ,
the first boundary condition gives
A1 R = −E0 R + (l = 1)
Al Rl = (l 6= 1) ,
while the second boundary condition (using εr = ε/0 ) gives
εr A1 = −E0 − (l = 1)
(l + 1)Bl
εr Al lRl−1 = − 6 1) .
(l =
Using the l 6= 1 equations, we find

Al = Bl = 0 (l 6= 1) ,

while the l = 1 equations give

A1 = − E0
εr + 2
εr − 1 3
B1 = R E0 .
εr + 2

The potential inside the sphere is then

3 3
Vin (r, θ) = − E0 r cos θ = − E0 z .
εr + 2 εr + 2

The electric field inside the sphere is thus uniform

~ in = −∇Vin = 3 ~
E E0 .
εr + 2



&! &!
&! &! &!
&! ""! R &!

%! #! %!
%! %! εr %! %!
%! %! %!

The induced bound charge generates an electric field inside the dielectric sphere that is
~ 0 , thus reducing the total field inside the sphere to 3 E
in an opposite direction to E ~
εr +2 0
(r > 1).

Problem 4: Electromagnetism II

(a) The magnetic field inside the solenoid must, by symmetry, be parallel to the axis of
the solenoid. Consider a rectangular Amperian loop of length ` with one side outside the
solenoid, we find

B` = µ0 nI`
B = µ0 nI .

(b) By symmetry, the electric field must be in the radial direction. We apply Gauss law
to a cylinder of radius r and length ` < l. If r > a, the net charge inside is zero, and
E = 0. For r < a
E2πr` = 0 `
E= .
2π0 lr

(c) The induced electric field Eind is along the circumference. Apply Faraday’s law to a
loop along the circumference of the cylinder of radius a
Eind 2πa = ,
where Φb = Bπa2 is the magnetic flux. We find
1 dI
Eind = µ0 na .
2 dt

(d) Consider a patch of area dA on the surface of the cylinder with charge dQ; The
tangential force due to the induced electric field on the patch is dF = Eind dQ. The torque
d~τ = ~r × dF~ is along the axis of the cylinder and its magnitude is dτ = 12 µ0 na2 dI
Note that this is uniform across the entire surface of the cylinder. The total torque on
the cylinder is
1 dI
τ = µ0 na2 Q ,
2 dt
causing the cylinder to rotate. Denoting by L ~ the angular momentum of the cylinder, we
have dL/dt = ~τ . The angular momentum of the cylinder at any time after the current in

~ = R ~τ dt. L
the solenoid begins to decrease is then given by L ~ is along the symmetry axis
of the cylinder, and its magnitude L once the current becomes zero is
1 Z
dI 1
L = µ0 na2 Q dt = µ0 na2 QI .
2 dt 2

When the current in the solenoid decreases, the flux through the cylinder decreases,
and according to Lenz’s law, the direction of the induced emf in the cylinder is to oppose
this. Thus the direction of the induced electric field is the same as the direction of the
current (so as to drive a current that will increase the flux in the cylinder). Since the
charge on the cylinder is negative, the force on the cylinder is opposite to the direction of
the induced electric field. Thus the cylinder rotates in a direction opposite to the direction
of the current in the solenoid.

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