Acid-Base and Potassium Homeostasis

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Acid-Base and Potassium Homeostasis

L. Lee Hamm, MD,*,† Kathleen S. Hering-Smith, MS, PhD,* and Nazih L. Nakhoul, PhD*

Summary: Acid-base balance and potassium disorders are often clinically linked. Importantly, acid-base
disorders alter potassium transport. In general, acidosis causes decreased K+ secretion and increased
reabsorption in the collecting duct. Alkalosis has the opposite effects, often leading to hypokalemia. Potassium
disorders also influence acid-base homeostasis. Potassium depletion causes increased H+ secretion,
ammoniagenesis and H-K-ATPase activity. Hyperkalemia decreases ammoniagenesis and NH4+ transport in
the thick ascending limb. Some combined potassium and acid-base disorders involve indirect factors such as
aldosterone, impaired renal function, volume depletion, and diarrhea. In summary, disorders of potassium and
acid-base homeostasis are mechanistically linked and clinically important.
Semin Nephrol 33:257-264 C 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Renal K+ regulation, pH, hypokalemia, hyperkalemia, potassium disorders, ammonia, acidosis,
alkalosis, aldosterone

linically, acid-base and potassium disorders of potassium into and out of cells is controlled predom-
frequently are intertwined. The physiology of inantly by Na-K-adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) and
potassium homeostasis and the interactions potassium channels, which, in turn, can be influenced by
with acid-base homeostasis are reviewed to provide a many factors including insulin levels, adrenergic activ-
background for understanding these clinical abnormal- ity, plasma aldosterone concentration, osmolality, and,
ities. Pathophysiology, rather than diagnosis or treat- importantly for the purposes here, acid-base homeo-
ment, is emphasized. stasis. In general, clinical acidosis is associated with
hyperkalemia; alkalosis is associated with hypokalemia.
The effect of acidosis is complex because organic
OVERALL POTASSIUM HOMEOSTASIS metabolic acidoses (such as ketoacidosis and lactic
acidosis) do not directly promote hyperkalemia.1–4 In
Acid-base balance is one of the important factors that addition, acute acidosis may be accompanied by release
affect potassium regulation. As such, an overview of of insulin, which tends to drive potassium back into
potassium homeostasis is necessary to put the influence cells.5 Nonetheless, clinical conditions of organic acido-
of acid-base disorders on potassium in context. sis, specifically ketoacidosis, lactic acidosis, and renal
Although the kidneys are responsible for day-to-day failure, all are accompanied frequently by hyperkalemia;
potassium balance, the first level of control of plasma the mechanisms may not directly involve the acidosis
potassium involves the relationship with total body and per se, but rather other factors such as insulin deficiency
intracellular potassium. Importantly, some of the most and decreased urinary excretion in these conditions. In
common abnormalities in potassium occur in the contrast, so-called mineral acidosis (or hyperchloremic
setting of acute metabolic acidosis when the distribu- metabolic acidosis), even during experimental admin-
tion of potassium between intracellular and extracel- istration of mineral acids, is associated directly with
lular compartments is altered. hyperkalemia. The mechanisms of the direct effects of
Most of the approximately 4,000 to 4,500 mEq acidosis on K+ movement into and out of cells recently
of total body potassium is inside cells, with a cytosolic was reviewed.6 The mechanisms whereby acidosis
potassium concentration of approximately 120 to causes potassium release out of cells have been thought
140 mEq/L. As discussed elsewhere, the movement to involve a number of factors, likely including dimin-
ished Na-K-ATPase activity (owing to changes in cell
*Departments of Medicine and Physiology, Tulane Hypertension Na from secondary effects of other cell transporters
and Renal Center of Excellence, Tulane University Health such as the Na-H exchanger), binding of protons to
Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA. negatively charged cellular proteins and pH-sensitive
†Medicine Service, Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care K+ channels.6
System, New Orleans, LA.
Financial disclosure and conflict of interest statements: none.
Address reprint requests to L. Lee Hamm, MD, Professor and
Greenberg Chair of Medicine, Executive Vice Dean, Department RENAL POTASSIUM HANDLING
of Medicine, SL-12, Tulane University School of Medicine, 1430
Tulane Ave, New Orleans, LA 70112. E-mail: Maintaining normal potassium balance is dependent on
0270-9295/ - see front matter three basic processes: (1) Kþ intake; (2) Kþ excretion;
& 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. and (3) internal distribution of Kþ between the extracellular and intracellular fluid compartments.

Seminars in Nephrology, Vol 33, No 3, May 2013, pp 257–264 257

258 L.L Hamm, K.S Hering-Smith, and N.L Nakhoul

Dietary Kþ intake (usually 80-120 mmol/d) must be Cellular Mechanisms of Renal Potassium Transport
excreted to remain in balance. With the limited
excretion of Kþ by the colon (  5% to 10% of ingested At the cellular level, filtered Kþ is re-absorbed in the
Kþ), the kidneys are largely responsible for excreting proximal tubule through the paracellular pathway by
the majority of ingested Kþ (about 90%-95% of daily solvent drag and by diffusion.8,9 Kþ re-absorption
Kþ intake). by solvent drag, whereby fluid re-absorption drives
Of note, dietary Kþ intake often exceeds the total Kþ re-absorption, occurs along the whole length of the
content of the extracellular fluid compartment (  70 tubule. In the late proximal tubule, the transepithelial
mmol), but sudden increases in extracellular Kþ (as positive voltage provides the necessary gradient to
with dietary intake) are buffered by transiently moving drive Kþ re-absorption by diffusion across the para-
Kþ from the extracellular to the much larger intra- cellular pathway. The transcellular transport of Kþ
cellular compartment. does not favor Kþ re-absorption. At the basolateral
membrane, Kþ transport by Na-K-ATPase leads to Kþ
influx, which usually is countered by Kþ efflux
through basolateral Kþ channels10 and a K-Cl cotrans-
Nephron Segmental Transport porter. Kþ channels are present at the apical membrane
The kidneys filter approximately 800 mmol of Kþ per but are largely inactive unless activated by cell
day and normally excretes 10% to 15% of the filtered swelling (stretch activated Kþ channels).11,12 Thus, in
Kþ to maintain balance. However, the amount of the proximal tubule, there is net re-absorption of
filtered Kþ that is excreted varies significantly depend- Kþ exclusively through the paracellular pathway.
ing on dietary intake. For example, during low Kþ In the thick ascending limb of Henle’s loop (TAL)
intake, renal excretion of Kþ is 1% to 3% of filtered Kþ is reabsorbed both by paracellular and trans-
Kþ, but can reach up to 150% of filtered Kþ during cellular routes. Paracellular reabsorption of Kþ is
chronic high Kþ intake. In all cases (low or high driven by the significant transepithelial positive volt-
intake), the proximal tubule and the loop of Henle age. Transcellular re-absorption of Kþ is predomi-
absorb very large amounts of filtered Kþ (  90% of nately via the apical Na/K/2Cl cotransporter13,14
filtered load). Under normal or high dietary Kþ intake, coupled to basolateral exit via Kþ channels. The apical
the distal Kþ-secretory system composed of the initial membrane of the TAL also has important Kþ con-
connecting tubule (ICT) and the cortical collecting duct ductance via Kþ channels, called renal outer medullary
(CCD) as well as the initial segment of the medullary K+ channel (ROMK2).15 Kþ transport through this
collecting duct (MCD), secrete Kþ. Under low dietary channel (from cell to lumen) is important for recycling
Kþ intake, these segments reabsorb Kþ. Regardless of cell Kþ to ensure that luminal Kþ concentration
intake or function of the distal Kþ-secretory system, remains high enough for Na/K/2Cl to function. The
the MCD reabsorbs Kþ. A fraction of the Kþ reab- presence of ROMK2 at the apical membrane explains
sorbed by the MCD is secreted into the lumen of the why TAL converts to Kþ secretion when Na/K/2Cl is
thin descending loop of Henle, contributing to medul- inhibited by loop diuretics.16 In the TAL almost half of
lary Kþ recycling.7 the Kþ re-absorption is via the paracellular route and
A bigger fraction of the reabsorbed Kþ is deposited the other half is via the transcellular pathway. Part of
in the medullary interstitium, which contributes to the reabsorbed Kþ in the TAL is secreted into the thin
trapping Kþ in the deep medulla. The overall effect descending loop (Kþ recycling). This process is
in the loop of Henle is a net re-absorption of Kþ entirely passive, driven by high Kþ gradient and Kþ
despite some secretion in the thin descending limb of permeability of this segment of the nephron.
the loop. Thus, the pattern of Kþ handling by the As discussed earlier, in the distal tubule and
nephron can be summarized as follows: filtered Kþ is collecting duct, Kþ can be either reabsorbed or
reabsorbed in the proximal tubule (  80%) and the secreted depending on the status of Kþ balance. Kþ
loop of Henle (  10%). Under normal or high Kþ re-absorption occurs in the ICT, CCD, and MCD
intake, the distal Kþ-secretory system (ICT, CCD, during Kþ restriction.17,18 Kþ re-absorption in these
initial MCD) secretes 20% to 180% of Kþ and the segments is transcellular and is performed by α
medullary CD reabsorbs 20% to 40%, resulting in a net intercalated cells.19,20 In these cells, Kþ is reabsorbed
excretion of Kþ (20%-150%). During low Kþ intake, at the apical membrane via H-K-ATPase (a primary
ICT, CCD, and initial MCD reabsorbs Kþ (  2%) and active pump) and exits the cell at the basolateral
the medullary CD reabsorbs about 6%, resulting in net membrane via Kþ channels (Kþ leak). H-K-ATPase
excretion of Kþ (  2%). It should be noted that even is at least partly responsible for the development of
during low Kþ intake the kidneys cannot fully prevent alkalosis during conditions of severe Kþ depletion.
Kþ loss in the urine, which may lead to potassium Kþ secretion, during normal or high Kþ intake, is
depletion over time.7 mediated predominantly by the principal cells of the
Acid-base and potassium homeostasis 259

Table 1. Major Factors That Regulate Kþ Secretion

Net Effect on K
Factor Secretion Target of Action
Aldosterone ↑ Na-K pump; epithelial Na channel (ENaC); K+ conductance of
apical membrane
High Kþ intake ↑ Stimulates Na-K pump; Stimulates aldosterone release by
adrenal glands
High luminal flow ↑ Enhanced K+ conductance in principal cells; decreased
luminal [K+], enhancing gradient
Depolarization of luminal membrane, more ↑ ENaC in principal cells
negative luminal voltage
Glucocorticoids ↑ Increased glomerular filtration rate and luminal flow rate
Acidosis ↓ Decrease in intracellular pH inhibits Na-K pump and apical Kþ

ICT and CCD. The main pathways for Kþ secretion by EFFECTS OF ACID-BASE ABNORMALITIES
these cells are the basolateral Na-K-ATPase (causing ON RENAL POTASSIUM TRANSPORT
Kþ influx at the basolateral membrane) coupled to a
relatively high Kþ conductance at the apical membrane Acid-base abnormalities alter potassium transport by
(causing Kþ efflux into the lumen).21,22 Apical Kþ several well-known mechanisms that are discussed.
conductance is mediated by two types of channels: an Potassium abnormalities also affect acid-base homeo-
inwardly rectifying, ATP-sensitive, low-conductance, stasis, which is discussed in a subsequent section
secretory K+ channel encoded by ROMK, and a high- (Table 2 and Figure 1). Also, clearly a number of
conductance, Ca2þ and/or stretch-activated BK channel conditions (such as disorders of aldosterone) affect
(or maxi-K channel). Maxi-K channels also are present both potassium and acid-base homeostasis.
in intercalated cells.23 Maxi-K channels also are Acidosis, in addition to causing redistribution of
present in intercalated cells. The electrochemical gra- potassium between cells and extracellular fluid, causes
dient usually favors Kþ exit across the apical mem- both decreased potassium secretion and increased
brane. The secretory K+ channel probably accounts for potassium reabsorption in the collecting duct.26
baseline Kþ secretion and BK facilitates flow- Decreased secretion and increased reabsorption obvi-
stimulated K+ secretion. Of note, the capacity for Kþ ously will cause increased extracellular potassium
secretion diminishes significantly from the cortical to levels. By causing intracellular acidosis, both meta-
the medullary segments of the collecting ducts. In bolic and respiratory acidosis decrease the activity of
addition to the K+ channels, there also may be coupled the secretory apical potassium channels in the principal
KCl secretion via an electroneutral transporter in the cells of the collecting duct.27–29 In addition, acidosis,
apical membrane. by stimulating ammoniagenesis, will have further
effects on potassium secretion. Ammonium inhibits
sodium reabsorption in the collecting duct and hence
REGULATION OF RENAL POTASSIUM TRANSPORT secondarily alters potassium secretion30,31 and may
The major variable component of renal Kþ transport is Kþ directly impact apical K+ channels.29 In addition,
secretion and is the target of most regulatory factors. These acidosis stimulates H-K-ATPase in the collecting duct
factors are summarized in Table 1. As noted, aldosterone and thereby increases potassium reabsorption across
and distal nephron sodium reabsorption are major regu- the apical membrane.32–34 The effects of acidosis may
lators of K+ secretion. One of the most potent factors that be modulated chronically by changes in luminal flow
stimulates Kþ secretion is the luminal flow rate.24,25 Under rate or aldosterone levels; notably, chronic metabolic
all conditions, an increased luminal flow rate (including acidosis inhibits proximal tubule and thick ascending
increased urine flow during volume expansion, osmotic limb reabsorption of salt and water and may contribute
diuresis, or use of diuretics) increases Kþ secretion. The to increased distal tubule flow rates, which would in
major effects are the high apical Kþ transport in principal isolation increase potassium excretion.35,36 The effect
cells whereby washout of luminal Kþ (during high in the thick ascending limb may be from inhibition of
luminal flow rate) increases the Kþ gradient and Kþ the ROMK channel present at the apical membrane,
efflux, and increased delivery and reabsorption of sodium. which is inhibited by intracellular acidosis. Therefore,
Other factors that directly or indirectly influence luminal acidosis immediately may cause increased plasma
flow rate also affect Kþ secretion. potassium, but chronically acidosis can be associated
260 L.L Hamm, K.S Hering-Smith, and N.L Nakhoul

Table 2. Major Direct Interactions of Acid-Base Homeostasis and Potassium Balance

Acidosis directly leading to hyperkalemia
Redistribution of K+ out of cells (mineral acidosis)
Decreased K+ secretion in distal tubule
Direct effect on secretory K+ channels
Increased renal ammonium decreasing K+ secretion
Increased K+ reabsorption via increased H-K-ATPase
Alkalosis leading to hypokalemia
Increased distal tubule apical K+ channel activity
Increased KCl secretion with low luminal Cl
Direct effects of K+ on acid-base homeostasis
K+ depletion - intracellular acidosis - increased Hþ secretion in proximal and distal tubule, increased ammoniagenesis
K+ depletion increasing H-K-ATPase (and H-ATPase)
Hyperkalemia decreases ammoniagenesis and medullary thick ascending limb NH4þ transport

NOTE. A variety of conditions (such as disorders of aldosterone) cause simultaneous effects on K+ and acid-base homeostasis, which
initially are not directly secondary to their interactions.

with potassium deficits owing to increased urinary stimulate neutral KCl secretion.39 The alkalosis also
excretion from secondary consequences of acidosis.37 increases basolateral potassium conductance.40
Alkalosis increases apical K+ channel activity.28
Increasing luminal bicarbonate, as may occur in proximal
renal tubular acidosis or conversely in metabolic alkalosis, Influences of Potassium on Acid-Base Homeostasis
will increase potassium secretion.38 Low luminal chloride, Not only can acidosis or alkalosis affect plasma
which usually accompanies high luminal bicarbonate, will potassium through a variety of mechanisms, but

Gln pH Na+
H+ K+
Na+ H+



Figure 1. Simplified schematic of some of the renal interactions of acid-base homeostasis and K+. Upper left: a
proximal tubule cell; upper right: a principle cell (PC) and intercalated cell (IC). Acidosis (↓ pH) has a number of
effects to cause renal potassium retention: blocks secretory K+ channels, stimulates H-K-ATPase, which
reabsorbs K+, and increases ammoniagenesis, which will have downstream effects that may block K+ secretion.
Alkalosis can cause some of the reverse actions. Potassium depletion (↓ K+) stimulates proximal ammoniagenesis
and Hþ secretion/bicarbonate reabsorption, and also distal acid secretion, all of which can produce metabolic
alkalosis. Hyperkalemia can have many of the opposite effects; in addition, hyperkalemia blocks thick ascending
limb ammonium transport, further impairing urinary ammonium excretion, an effect that may cause acidosis.
Acid-base and potassium homeostasis 261

potassium disorders also can influence acid-base when dietary sodium chloride is limited.61 Importantly,
homeostasis dramatically. Several notable mechanisms potassium depletion per se should decrease aldosterone
are present. First, potassium depletion increases Hþ secretion, thus eliminating this as a mechanism of the
secretion in both the proximal and distal nephron. The effects of potassium on acid-base homeostasis.
mechanism is thought to be that potassium depletion
causes intracellular acidosis.41 The increased Hþ
secretion with potassium depletion is known to cause CONDITIONS WITH COMBINED POTASSIUM
increased bicarbonate reabsorption in the proximal AND ACID-BASE DISORDERS
tubule42,43 and increased acid secretion in the collect-
ing duct. In the proximal tubule, potassium depletion Hyperkalemia in Acidosis
clearly stimulates basolateral bicarbonate extrusion via In many conditions of acidosis, there is accompanying
the Na bicarbonate cotransport and apical Na-H hyperkalemia (Table 3). In cases of acute metabolic
exchange also is induced and stimulated.44–47 Basolateral acidosis, acute hyperkalemia frequently occurs from a
Na bicarbonate cotransport in the thick ascending limb number of different mechanisms such as impaired
also may be increased.46 In the distal tubule and cellular potassium uptake from effects on Na,K-
collecting duct, both H-K-ATPase and H-ATPase are ATPase, decreased urinary excretion of potassium or
increased.48–53 Although some of this evidence supports tissue necrosis which directly leads to potassium
induction of the gastric form of H-K-ATPase, the colonic cellular efflux. As noted earlier, so-called mineral
form of H-K-ATPase is clearly stimulated.47,54,55 acidosis or hyperchloremic acidosis directly can shift
In contrast, hyperkalemia decreases ammonium K+ out of cells into the extracellular fluid. In cases of
excretion, which is the major component of net acid diabetic ketoacidosis, the hyperkalemia undoubtedly is
excretion by the kidneys. This results from hyper- caused in part by the insulin deficiency that prevents
kalemia suppressing both ammoniagenesis in the normal potassium uptake into cells, particularly muscle
proximal tubule, and decreasing transport of ammo- cells. In lactic acidosis, hyperkalemia may result from
nium in the medullary thick ascending limb, which in damaged or hypoxic cells releasing potassium. In renal
turn decreases medullary accumulation of ammo- failure, the hyperkalemia probably results predomi-
nium.56,57 Potassium depletion and/or hypokalemia nantly from the decreased urinary excretion of potas-
causes metabolic alkalosis,58 at least partly secondary sium. Fulop2 concluded that hyperkalemia in diabetic
to stimulated ammoniagenesis,59 probably via effects ketoacidosis and lactic acidosis usually results from
on multiple metabolic steps. Induction of H-K-ATPase hypercatabolism, impaired renal function, or both.
also may mediate increased secretion of ammonium.60 In chronic acidosis, a variety of other mechanisms
Interestingly, some of these effects of potassium occur in addition to redistribution of potassium
depletion on acid-base homeostasis are species- between cells and extracellular fluid. These other
dependent.47 The degree of alkalosis is accentuated mechanisms lead to decreased urinary excretion of
potassium, chiefly owing to decreased distal tubule
secretion of potassium, as discussed earlier. The classic
example is that of aldosterone deficiency or inhibition.
Table 3. Major Clinical Conditions of Simultaneous Acid-Base
and Potassium Abnormalities Because plasma aldosterone concentration affects the
Hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis
distribution of potassium between the intracellular and
Redistribution of intracellular K+ in acute acidosis extracellular compartments62 (hence plasma potassium
Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis concentration) and also regulates acid excretion in the
Organic acidosis from indirect/other mechanisms: lactic distal nephron, aldosterone deficiency or inhibition will
acidosis, ketoacidosis, and renal failure result in both hyperkalemia and hyperchloremic meta-
Decreased urinary K+ excretion bolic acidosis. (As discussed elsewhere, in most
Hypoaldosteronism or aldosterone antagonists
circumstances, aldosterone stimulates K+ secretion in
Hyperkalemic renal tubular acidosis
Chronic kidney disease
the cortical portions of the distal nephron, but can
Hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis stimulate K+ absorption in the medullary collecting
Volume or chloride depletion alkalosis (usually vomiting or duct, resulting in little net change in K+ excretion.)
diuretics) Conditions such as primary hypoaldosteronism or use
Primary hyperaldosteronism of aldosterone antagonists (currently spironolactone
Secondary hyperaldosteronism (eg, renal artery stenosis, and eplerenone) can result in both hyperkalemia and
malignant hypertension)
metabolic acidosis, although the latter may be rela-
Hypokalemia and acidosis
tively mild. Adrenal insufficiency or Addison's disease
Renal tubular acidosis: proximal RTA, classic distal RTA will similarly result in variable degrees of hyperkale-
mia and metabolic acidosis. Use of angiotensin-
converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin-receptor
262 L.L Hamm, K.S Hering-Smith, and N.L Nakhoul

blockers can similarly, in some cases, result in at least there is initial loss of both potassium and acid
a propensity for hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis. equivalents via the gastrointestinal or urinary tracts,
This will be manifested particularly in patients who but there are frequently additional urinary losses from
have some other condition favoring potassium and acid increased aldosterone (from volume depletion) and
retention, such as chronic kidney disease. Certain other intrarenal mechanisms. When volume depletion
conditions with impaired renal function (eg, post- or diuretic use is not present, the combination of
transplant particularly with certain calcineurin inhibitors) metabolic alkalosis and hypokalemia should prompt
also have this propensity and/or frank hyperkalemia and consideration of conditions of primary or secondary
acidosis. Also, genetic conditions mimicking aldosterone hyperaldosteronism. In primary hyperaldosteronism,
deficiency such as pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 the magnitude of the hypokalemia and the metabolic
(from loss-of-function mutations in the mineralocorticoid alkalosis usually correlate.65 Secondary hyperaldoster-
receptor or the epithelial sodium channel) will cause onism would include conditions such as renal artery
hyperkalemia and varying metabolic acidosis. stenosis, malignant hypertension, and, rarely, volume
Related sets of conditions are sometimes classified depletion associated with diarrhea.
as type IV renal tubular acidosis or hyporeninemic Primary hyperaldosteronism increasingly is recog-
hypoaldosteronism or hyperkalemia renal tubular nized as a relatively common form of severe or
acidosis. The most common occurrence of this happens refractory hypertension as discussed extensively by I.
in some diabetic patients with mild to moderate renal David Weiner in a separate article in this issue (see
insufficiency. Presumably, mild volume expansion page 265).66 The present discussion is restricted to the
leads to increased atrial natriuretic peptide levels, effects on acid-base and potassium balance. Some
which in turn suppress renin and aldosterone.63,64 cases of Cushing syndrome also are accompanied by
Renin levels also may be low owing to diabetic an electrolyte pattern mimicking a mineralocorticoid
damage to the juxtaglomerular apparatus. In the patho- effect. At least part of the mechanism of this phenom-
genic sequence, presumably this results in a low enon is that cortisol activates the mineralocorticoid
aldosterone level, which causes potassium retention receptor well. With the usual concentrations of plasma
(and some metabolic acidosis); the hyperkalemia then cortisol, the mineralocorticoid receptor in the distal
suppresses ammoniagenesis and ammonia secretion nephron is not activated because these cells have the
into the urine, resulting in hyperchloremic metabolic enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2
acidosis. The importance of hyperkalemia in suppress- (11β-HSD), which metabolizes cortisol to inactive
ing ammonia excretion and causing acidosis is illus- metabolites. When cortisol levels exceed the ability
trated by the fact that treatment of the hyperkalemia of this enzyme to fully metabolize excess cortisol,
alone (by loop diuretics or potassium binding resins) cortisol will activate the mineralocorticoid receptor,
frequently is sufficient to correct the acidosis. In addi- causing all of the usual effects of aldosterone (sodium
tion to diabetes, other classic causes of hyperkalemic retention, hypertension, acid secretion causing meta-
renal tubular acidosis are sickle cell disease, chronic bolic alkalosis, and increased potassium secretion
partial urinary tract obstruction, and other causes of causing hypokalemia).
interstitial renal disease. Some of these have been Certain other genetic disorders mimic hyperaldos-
classified as voltage-dependent renal tubular acidosis teronism. First, Liddle syndrome with activating muta-
because impaired transepithelial voltage generation in tions of the epithelial sodium channel causes sodium
the collecting duct impairs both potassium secretion retention and hypertension; the voltage effects of the
and acid secretion. activated sodium channels also drive potassium and
Hþ secretion in the collecting duct. Apparent miner-
alocorticoid excess results from a genetic deficiency of
Hypokalemia with Alkalosis 11β-HSD, causing all the effects of hyperaldosteron-
The inverse of the earlier-described conditions is the ism, but secondary to normal levels of circulating
combination of alkalosis with hypokalemia; this also is cortisol. Glycyrrhizic acid in certain forms of licorice
a relatively frequent occurrence and prompts consid- inhibits 11β-HSD and produces a similar phenotype.
eration of a set of disorders to be discussed. Although In most of the conditions described earlier, alkalosis
there is some shift of potassium into cells with acute and hypokalemia occur together in large part as dual
alkalosis, this is not usually of a serious magnitude. consequences of a mineralocorticoid effect. However,
Most of the conditions whereby metabolic alkalosis for the reasons detailed earlier, hypokalemia exacer-
and hypokalemia occur together are chronic condi- bates the metabolic alkalosis and should be treated to
tions. The most common category of causes of meta- correct metabolic alkalosis. In rare cases, isolated
bolic alkalosis with hypokalemia are those associated severe potassium depletion will be the sole cause of
with volume and chloride depletion: vomiting (or metabolic alkalosis via the mechanisms described
nasogastric suction) or diuretics. In these conditions, earlier.
Acid-base and potassium homeostasis 263

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