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S3 Biology Name: _____________________ Class: 3 ___ ( )

Study Section 12.1 (p.3-5) of Science Textbook 3A and answer the following questions.

12.1 Keeping our bodies healthy

To keep our bodies healthy, we need to develop a (1) _____________ _____________.

A healthy lifestyle includes:

 having a (2) _____________ _____________
 having appropriate amount of (3) _____________ _____________and enough (4) _____________
 practising (5) _____________ _____________
 avoiding (6)_____________, _____________ and _____________ _____________

The following are the harmful effects of smoking and abusing alcohol and drugs on our health.
Harmful effects

 causes harm to our (7) _____________, _____________ and blood vessels

 leads to lung cancer and (8)_____________ _____________

Abusing alcohol  affects the function of our (9) _____________

and drugs  damages our organs

12.2 Nutrition and health

Study Section 12.2 (p.6-13) and answer the following questions.

There are six main types of food substances: (10) _____________, _____________, _____________,
_____________, _____________ and _____________.
food substances
Food substances
food substances
Dietary fibre

Carbohydrates are the main source of (13) _____________ for our bodies.

found in foods e.g.

rice, bread and potatoes


found in foods e.g.

fruits, candies and cakes
The functions of lipids in the body include: energy (14) _____________, keeping warm, protecting organs,
and forming (15) _____________ _____________.

found in foods e.g.

(16) _______ meat, lard, butter and cheese


found in foods e.g.

(17) _______ peanut oil, corn oil and canola oil

Proteins are essential for (18) _____________ and repair of our body tissues. Foods rich in proteins include
fish, meat, eggs, dairy products and beans.

Vitamins are essential for maintaining the (19) _____________ _____________ of cells and organs in our
bodies. The lack of vitamins in our diet may lead to various (20) _____________ _____________.
Functions Deficiency disease

 important for vision in dim light  (21)_____________ _______________— poor

Vitamin A
 strengthening immunity vision in dim light

 maintaining healthy (22) ________

 (23) ____________ — gums bleed and wounds
Vitamin C and gums
heal poorly
 healing of wounds

 maintaining strong (24) _________  (25) ____________ — bones become soft and
Vitamin D
and teeth bent

Minerals are essential for maintaining the normal functions of our bodies. Some of them are used to form
body tissues. The lack of minerals in our diet may lead to various deficiency diseases.
Functions Deficiency disease
 rickets in children
 building bones and teeth
Calcium  (27) ________________— bones become weak in
 (26) ___________ ___________
 (29) _____________ — number of red blood cells is
 making (28) _____________ in
Iron lower than normal, leading to pale skin, tiredness
red blood cells
and fainting

 maintaining the functions of the  (31) _____________— the thyroid gland becomes
(30) _____________ gland swollen

Dietary fibre stimulates (32) _____________ in the intestine and helps prevent (33) _____________. Foods
rich in dietary fibre include fruits, vegetables and whole grain cereals.
Structural Questions: (11 marks)
1. The photograph below shows a child suffering from a vitamin deficiency.

(a) Describe the appearance of leg caused by this deficiency disease. (1 mark)

(b) Name the deficient vitamin involved in this disease. (1 mark)

(c) Suggest two ways of obtaining a sufficient supply of the vitamin named in part (b). (2 marks)

(d) State the role of the vitamin named in part (b) in the proper development of bones. (1 mark)

2. The table below shows the composition of food substances in the three meals taken by a healthy person
during the day:
Food components
Meal Carbohydrate Fat Protein Vitamin C Dietary fibre
(g) (g) (g) (mg) (g)
Breakfast 105 26 18 0 0.5
Lunch 65 33 45 0 1
Supper 108 15 36 0 1

(a) Which of the above food components belong to primary food substances? (1 mark)

(b) State the importance of having carbohydrate as the major food components of every meal. (2 marks)

(c) (i) Suggest a kind of food to this person to make up for the deficiency of two of the food components
listed. (1 mark)

(ii) State two kinds of disorder this person would suffer as a result of a long term deficiency of the
food components shown. (2 marks)


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