PE 15 Nov 1998

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Volume 32 No. 6 November 15, 1998 ‘The BIP led government intends to bring down the fiercest attack so far on the working people by robbing them of the modicum of legal protection and trade union rights, earned through — decades- ‘og hard and painstaking strugles. The moment chosen clearly reveals the fASist intention and device. Iso exploit the lll ected in the trade union and democratic mass movernents because of the spinclessness and treachery of social democratic forces, the forces of compromise between labour and capital, who are at the leadership ofboth, It has bees historically proved that social democracy paves the ground for fascism, the worst menace civilisation tras its ugly hea and that fascist design must be defeated athe very ination A powerful united sustained democraic mass ‘movement having a its coment hastening the very process of organising anti-capitaist socialist revolution can alone change the situation, The leadership, the goal and the Very orientation ofthe ‘movement ar of paramount importance if we are Organ of the SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA. Founder Editor-in-Chief : COMRADE SHIBDAS GHOSH not to fepeat the grievous flies ofthe pas aod consequent prolongation of suring. The plea ‘A plea is needed for every kind of misdeed So it swith the BIP leaders who were taking about ‘swadeshi’ in their socalled National Agenda They now sey “interaliberalisation stand defer ‘ltaliston. "Whom they want to foo! Is internal liberalisation opposed to globalisation, a capitalist class policy throughout the glabe?Intermal Rs. 2.00 Air surcharge : SP. Repulse this Attack liberalisation started in 1991 when Dr; Manmebon ‘Singh the woion finance minister in the Congress cabinet was credited witht sonerete formulation, tering it"New Economic Policy”. The sme ass policy of lobalisation liberalisation inrtally and ‘exterally has been purtued by. the sucessive ‘overnmens, the Congress, the UP and now the BBP Not onl that. Infact, the very frst condition tobeingovermment power — whether athe centre (Contd on page 2) Education Ministers’ Conference “The spectre of fascism is looming large over the Yodan horizon, Ever since the BIP-ed ‘Government's coming 0 power fascitc attacks ‘on minority commute are onthe increase with active patronage from the State. The secular social ethos are unde rca, We know thatthe Protest against price rise, atrocities on women in Patna ‘The Bihar Sate Comite ofthe SUCI has launched a statewide movement against voaring prices, increasing mumber of rapes and other arocics on women, corruption, gangsterism, complete chaos in educational setup, closures, retrenchment and lock-out Besides other burning issues of the masses. The first phase of the movement nchud.d matings, demonstrations and {view ofthe masive demonsrton on Tth November 1998 at Pama dhamas at block and district levels. I finaly ‘alinate in a massive demoastation before the (Governor ofthe State on Th November at Patna ‘The rally marked the Blst anniversary of the Great November Revolution. Tall began from the Gandhi Maidan situated i the heart of the city and which has been a An Attempt to Saffronise Education fasion of spiritualism and science provides the ‘eological-cultural base of fascism. I thrives on imoleranc, bigotry, blind faith, irrationality and ‘whipping up of people's frenzy against minority commutes, among others. All this disturbing symptoms are apparet in BIP's modus operandi ‘The BUP and Sangh Parivar have made 00 secret, about their anti-minority orientation, They have brazenly proclaimed that those who lve in India rust adopt Hindutva, be guided by Hindu values and etbos. With this doctrine slant they have ‘whipped up communal frenzy in all comers ofthe ‘country and targeted the minorigyconsmunities for stzack The Sangh Parivar’ hand in communal Fos is 160 well known to be elaborated. The felgios intolerance went othe exteat of stopping the performance by artists from Pakistan and threatening to disallow Pakistan cricket team to play in India. Even affer the Snikrishna Commission Report indicted in clear terms Shiv Sena and its chief Bal Thackeray who “lke veturan general commanded his loyal Shiv sinks to retaliate with organized stacks against ‘Muslims the BP Shiv Sena Government refused to take any acton,The Supreme Court had to ‘sue notices to the Maharashra Government t0 hd over the task of action to be taken onthe ‘epot to an independent agency ‘Though the main target of BYP’s attack has been the Muslim community, other minority communities have also'to bear the brunt. The ‘Akhil BharatiaVidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) in Delhi went on a sproe of burning the Bible, In Gajart, hoodlums have attacked Christian schools and raided Churches and bumt Bibles Inter religious coupes are socially ostracized and harassed. The incidents hark back to the omy of| book burning and acts of violence against the Jews by the Nas in Hitr's Germany. Recents, (Contd on page 4) PAGE TWO NEW LABOUR LAW PROLETARIAN ERA ‘Be beggars and we assure you doles’ (Contd. rom page 1) ‘rin states by anyone is adherence to this class policy ‘Some concrets instances will be enough t0 disprove that globalisation ha been defered bythe 'BIP governnint. Fist, foreign finance capital, more ofthe US origin has been invited to invest ‘with 100% equity participation in the government sponsored Rs 200 crore construction of Yousing complexes, Similar other instances are seen i ‘Telecom, power plants, air services and to capitall the insurance and banking which have been openct up without any let or hindrance, Multintinal’s entry in diverse sectors of the economy in our ‘country has been more liberalised to anybody's Jnowlodge, Sothe BJP i trying to outbid others in adherence to class policy. The masks ited when it justifies he grievous attacks on worker sights and legal defence as meanste accelerate the press of liberalisation in the country’s economy started by the Congress goverameat. In plain words the amendments are calculated to remove slightest ‘opposition or obstacle fom millions upon millions ‘working people under the crushing whee! of capitals rule, sinking into deeper and ever deeper sis elobally, ‘The amendments — real implications ‘At a glance the proposed amendments 19 existing fubour laws seek to () make retrenchment ‘of worker simpler by te “bite and fire’ policy, (i inceease working houts from exising eight to twelve that too in electronic industry, (encourage use of contact labour, perverting he very Purpose ‘of existing act; (iv) introduce stringent laws for ‘recognising union, (y) link bonus to productivity, ice. profit, Afcr proposing all hese amendment having crippling effcts on service security and service ‘conditions ofthe workers, their very freedom to formas also function as trade unions, ther ight to agitation and movement, inciading strike action for settlement of ust demands or redress grievances, their natural right to bonus 9 deferred wages, the fascist duplicity bares tee. They assure “welfare norms for the country’s workforce will be implemented strictly" A cruel joke indeod | "First be beggars and we assure you regular supply of, oles’, isthe eal meaning of his assurance ‘One ofthe amendments tothe ID Act sugsested faving fereaching consequences, in the made of settlemem of employees’ demands through bi= partite only — meaning dialogue between the managements’ and workers” representatives. The ‘Bovernment will not involve it in any way inthe ‘workers - management dispute. So long tere was conciliation machine, like the chicf labour ‘commissioner or the regional commissioner in their respective spheres Who used to preside over conciliation proceedings. The agreement Ihammered outboret-partit” nature meaning the government stands as guarantor for proper ‘implementation of the agrooment. Now the government abjures watever minimum obligation fan! responsibilty it had hitherto wowards the workers. It gives signal tothe capitalists to do ‘whatever they like and assures thatthe government veil not stand inthe way of their rampaging spec ‘The plausibility is worth noting, “Issues tend (© ect complicatsd when the goverament or ‘management ae expected to hold talks with various unions and eatsfy their specific demands” — spokesman ofthe union labour ministry expressed ‘thus as defence. The defence strikingly points ut the pattem of settlement in the banking industry — ‘bicparite, the 7h in the series now being eld This time 10 satisfy the pre-condition of bi-parite probably altogether nine central bank employes’ associations huddled together in single union. The banking industry has boen a sctr for experiment by the government being the representative of the ling capitalist clas in ther crisis and naturally very much fearful abut workers’ agitation and ‘movements, including strike actions. For they want

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