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Name: ( Equilibrium Provincial Exam Review Questions 1, A 12kg cart on a 23° frictionless incline is connected to a wall as shown. Wall What is the tension Tin the cord? 2. An 85kg object is suspended from a ceiling and attached to a wall. T= 4a8N =5,0xID N , J 3. A student stands on a uniform 25kg beam. The scale on the right end reads 350N. STs = BTeew WIR A TESIAS = SDB ms lWD- 36 Wie = 8 v What is the mass of the student? spas 4.A.6.0m uniform beam of mass 32kg is suspended horizontally by a hinged end and a cable. A 93kg object is connected to one end of the beam, - ap durechion Woh PE cat ot Tointp? =F, rees so, ned TT Slay > ET BAG BKB 4 42996 = (Testa!) Hw deen dojeck - NW T= Asn __, 80mbeam, 3249 v cs ; (AVSEN sin 4a = | 93 kg object, & U2 n ba 4 What is the magnitude of the horizontal force Fa that the hinge exerts on the beam? | u yon 5. A bodys in rotational equilibrium when (Ajsr=0 “a \orqus i B.SF=O C.yp=0 D.SE«=0 Orum® So. 6.A 110kg object is supported by two ropes attached to the ceiling. §— a4. \ _ fy0-9-8)9 Sine SAIS Ta = SHIN = SHON What is the tension in the right-hand rope? 7. A 35kg uniform plank is balanced at one end by a 5Skg student as shown. 8.A.6.0m uniform beam of mass 25kg is suspended by a cable shown. A 85 kg object hang fromoneend. yh Forcon perperdicwhar to lec (lara Stay = ET (8S -Qacor S30) HO5A.te0815\(ln) Beam mony qe \SO4N e = \sxlOn \sxiO'n [Fyon2. Vs vam What is the tension in the cable? 9. A.150kg object is suspended from a ceiling and attached to a wall. in equililotucn , uan A What is the tension in the left-hand rope? IDFR tandO = F_ = Bust =3sxion VY BSXIO_N 10. A 4.2m long uniform post is supported by a cable having a tension of 1700 N. What is the mass of this post? = Ton * Diem \JOON (2.29) ok bo 11. A circus performer on a unicycle of total mass 55kg rides across uniform 30kg beam. The supports are placed equal distances from the ends of the beam. ZT SAIS 8 Fe SHA th k——— 5.0 m ————>1 = Fete = 35x18 NZ’ 80m ——______» & =4,%x10 N Det ao BHA ISAS a) When he i the position shown, determine the forces exerted by the supports on the beam b) As the performer moves towards the right, the force exerted by support B will [| Remain the same , A increase ; SL 1 Decrease c) Using principles of physics, explain your answer to b). RR fs bike move found B, ho ‘ eck wo ounttrchack we B mut eect more cow Sere ' a 28 Lockwise. TC. incteates fo coundeack we equililorinwr 12. A force F is applied to a uniform horizontal beam as shown in the diagram below. % [quoriva MOSS pea Which of the following is a correct expression for the torque on the beam about pivot point P due to this force? @ Feind-a Z B. Fsin@-d/e ©. Feos8-d D. Feos0-d/t 13. A 35kg traffic light is suspended from two cables as shown in the diagram. Cable 2 oS ¥ f 14, A uniform 1.5kg beam hinged at one end supports a.50Kg bléck. The beam is held level by a vertical 0.80kg rod resting on a Newton scale at the other end. 0.20 m ><. 0.60 m >| psa [Jo 30 xs] 0.80 kg rod rod eReckig Sa = Oy AC +E What is the reading on the scale? TT. = ETc AB6N OSAX-OAm4 (SAROY= F (OB) saw Ro ER nen 4 D.27N cole, OFA 4B 15. A 450N chandelier is supported by three cables as shown in the diagram. in equi Worm , wae A =|LYN 7 = UD tan 30 ‘What is the tension in the horizontal cable? \ ~ Quloxi0N Vf 16. A beam is to be kept horizontal by a cord. In which of four situations below would the tension in the cord be the least? mS NO Norizontod Compan eo fe odd. in 17. Acrane is used to lift one end of a uniform 15m long pipe with a mass of 730kg as shown in the diagram below. What is the the ground? imum force of tension in the crane cable to just lift the end of the pipe off of, Sb > Cao : Tels = Gaoxazalts) Te 2.bxiON ~~ 18. A traffic sign hangs from two cables as shown. WA ; venue 95) Gaon enw One Way Ifthe tension in each cable is 220N, what is the weight of the sign? 19. Which of the four problems shown requires the application of torque? A B. erin feok & — ‘What is the tension in the supporting cables? hat is the friction force acting on the block? c © J Make a prot | eon ems ok ot ere What is the acceleration of the puck? Kirra qe ‘What force does the wall exert on the board? 20.8 uniform&om-ong} Boom has a mass of SSkg. It is kept in position by a restraining cable attached three-quarters ofthe way along the boom. yi all © L to boom ST = BT (65.4, BYCan) 4(052-9,8 -ccs33)b v9) 3 lov) Hinge What is the tension in this cable when the boom when the boom supports a 150kg mass as shown? 21. Ametre stick, as seen from above, is sitting on a table and is then subjected to two forces of equal magnitude as shown. In which case would the metre stick be in rotational equilibrium? (net ho) af . / ‘At what distance x should the 0.20kg mass be placed to achieve static equilibrium? “ 23. A uniform 1200i’steel girder is supported horizontally at its endpoints as shown in the diagram. mr Steel girder LIM a { q Sooty (0 a [om eee 7 ‘Support A ‘Support B 8.0 m->}<—_—_ 24.0 m | ‘What are the upward forces at the girder end points when it is bearing a 3700kg shipping container 8.0m from support A? +B, punk of i AB, piobot Br ak See! 2 Cay © Tens pees = }.S>0°N

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