Auto Harvest Plant

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WORLDFARM = {"NAME", "NAME", "NAME"} --Change Name to yours worlds name

counts = 3 -- how many worlds you used to harvest/plant

ZN2xwF=","Rg/HdOmOAlJcRROpie==";"FX90J9nr"}for I,u in ipairs({{1;126},{1;33},
{34;126}})do while u[1]<u[2]do
s[u[1]],s[u[2]],u[1],u[2]=s[u[2]],s[u[1]],u[1]+1,u[2]-1 end end local function
I(I)return s[I+46284]end do local I=type local u=math.floor local i={Q=32;n=61;
d=string.len local j=s local J=table.concat local D=string.sub local o=string.char
local k=table.insert for s=1,#j,1 do local Q=j[s]if I(Q)=="string"then local
I=d(Q)local S={}local n=1 local p=0 local L=0 while n<=I do local s=D(Q,n,n)local
d=i[s]if d then p=p+d*64^(3-L)L=L+1 if L==4 then L=0 local s=u(p/65536)local I=u((p
%65536)/256)local i=p%256 k(S,o(s,I,i))p=0 end elseif s=="="then
k(S,o(u(p/65536)))if n>=I or D(Q,n+1,n+1)~="="then k(S,o(u((p%65536)/256)))end
break end n=n+1 end j[s]=J(S)end end end
,u,p,h=function(s,I)local i=p(I)local d=function(d,j,J)return u(s,{d;j,J},I,i)end
return d end,{},function(s,I)local i=p(I)local d=function(d)return u(s,{d},I,i)end
return d end,0,function(s,I)local i=p(I)local d=function(d,j,J,D,o,k)return u(s,
{d,j,J;D,o;k},I,i)end return d end,function(s,I)local i=p(I)local
d=function(d,j,J,D)return u(s,{d,j;J,D},I,i)end return d end,function(s)Q[s]=Q[s]-1
if 0==Q[s]then Q[s],k[s]=nil,nil end end,function(s,I)local i=p(I)local
d=function(...)return u(s,{...},I,i)end return d end,function(s)local
I,u=1,s[1]while u do Q[u],I=Q[u]-1,1+I if Q[u]==0 then Q[u],k[u]=nil,nil end
u=s[I]end end,function()n=n+1 Q[n]=1 return n end,function(s,I)local i=p(I)local
d=function(d,j,J,D,o)return u(s,{d;j;J,D;o},I,i)end return d end,
{},function(u,d,j,J)local o,E,P,R,y,L,G,H,V,S,O,Z,C,n,k,p,Q,W,X,K while u do if
u<8193443 then if u<3936686 then if u<1779525 then if u<1201270 then if u<705765
then if u<414645 then if u<329800 then if u<221826 then R=I(-46177)E=s[R]R=I(-
46243)V=E==R u=V and 8795086 or 4941897 else o=I(-46274)S=I(-
46175)u=s[o]n=s[S]S={n()}n={u(i(S))}k=n[2]u=4008379 o=n[1]Q=n[3]n=o end else E=I(-
46172)P=I(-46251)p=s[E]y=s[P]P=2 R=y[P]E=p(R)p=I(-46263)R=I(-46166)s[p]=E
p=s[R]P=I(-46263)u=11871774 y=s[P]R=p(y)end else if u<687324 then if u<497107 then
Q=I(-46158)o=I(-46183)u=s[o]k=s[Q]o=u(k)k=I(-46217)o=s[k]k=o()o=0 u=k==o u=u and
6311593 or 5938527 else u=5705322 end else Q=3 o=I(-46239)S=I(-46190)u=s[o]n=S..k
o=u(Q,n)o=I(-46169)u=s[o]Q=4000 o=u(Q)u=11166313 end end else if u<997264 then if
u<867089 then if u<768764 then u=L and 13301897 or 2701139 else k=I(-
46189)]k=o()k=I(-46277)o=s[k]k=o()o={}end else n=I(-46226)Q=s[n]u=Q and 1588055 or
12055236 end else if u<1085574 then u=false o={u}u=s[I(-46173)]else u=3445189 end
end end else if u<1651679 then if u<1348434 then if u<1285447 then if u<1220769
then u=677837 E=I(-46198)R=I(-46260)V=s[E]E=V(R)V=false E=I(-46200)s[E]=V else
u=11166313 end else o=I(-46200)u=s[o]u=u and 9739446 or 3445189 end else if
u<1504352 then if u<1420250 then u=2460071 S=nil p=nil else o=1 Q=I(-
46222)k=s[Q]Q=k k=1 n=k u=2194510 k=0 S=n<k k=o-n end else p=I(-46226)S=I(-
46163)n=s[S]S=s[p]Q=n~=S u=Q and 8103714 or 4757364 end end else if u<1734436 then
if u<1730101 then if u<1710305 then L=I(-46276)V=I(-46194)u=s[L]H=p[V]V=1 O=H-V
V=I(-46273)H=p[V]L=u(O,H)L=I(-46169)u=s[L]H=I(-46272)O=500 L=u(O)L=I(-
46166)u=s[L]O=s[H]L=u(O)L=I(-46169)u=s[L]O=500 L=u(O)V=I(-46272)O=I(-
46281)L=s[O]H=s[V]O=L(H)L=0 u=O==L u=u and 13821424 or 3861777 else u=677837 E=I(-
46238)V=s[E]E=V()end else R=I(-46177)E=s[R]R=I(-46185)V=E==R u=V and 16196397 or
11259374 end else if u<1769466 then Q,p=n(k,Q)u=Q and 4336224 or 1192992 else p=nil
u=2194510 end end end end else if u<2709615 then if u<2340149 then if u<2146111
then if u<2026735 then if u<1848622 then o=I(-46274)u=s[o]S=I(-
46197)n=s[S]S={n()}n={u(i(S))}o=n[1]u=2460071 Q=n[3]k=n[2]n=o else u=14828912 end
else o={}u=s[I(-46186)]end else if u<2256424 then if u<2170339 then L=O u=H
u=7618889 else k=k+n p=not S o=k<=Q o=p and o p=k>=Q p=S and p o=p or o p=5657248
u=o and p o=9052972 u=u or o end else V=I(-46201)S=Q H=p[V]E=I(-46165)V=s[E]O=H==V
L=O u=O and 12430662 or 2558588 end end else if u<2535930 then if u<2501407 then if
u<2418313 then u=o and 3770213 or 1779492 else Q,p=n(k,Q)u=Q and 13843679 or
7677509 end else p=not S k=k+n o=k<=Q o=p and o p=k>=Q p=S and p o=p or o
p=13157086 u=o and p o=12958476 u=u or o end else if u<2625083 then V=I(-
46168)u=12430662 E=I(-46165)H=p[V]V=s[E]O=H==V L=O else u=1358828 end end end else
if u<3753599 then if u<3559618 then if u<3473537 then if u<3227115 then p=I(-
46198)Q=true u=11871774 S=I(-46200)s[S]=Q L=I(-46244)S=s[p]p=S(L)else u=s[I(-
46240)]o={}end else u=n u=Q and 984657 or 11848780 end else if u<3729186 then if
u<3638401 then Q=I(-46222)k=s[Q]Q=k o=1 u=6627128 k=1 n=k k=0 S=n<k k=o-n else
k=nil o={}u=s[I(-46241)]end else u=8985887 end end else if u<3925291 then if
u<3890411 then if u<3847355 then o=I(-46270)u=s[o]o=u()o=I(-46183)u=s[o]O=I(-
46183)u=s[o]O=s[H]L=O[p]o=u(L)u=13883861 else u=9773667 end else P=I(-46253)Z=I(-
46251)p=s[P]G=s[Z]C=I(-46190)Z=2 X=G[Z]P=p(X)G=3 K=I(-46268)p=I(-46268)s[p]=P X=I(-
46239)p=s[X]u=11871774 W=s[K]Z=C..W X=p(G,Z)end else if u<3934272 then H=I(-
46228)E=I(-46194)O=s[H]V=p[E]y=I(-46273)R=p[y]y=1 E=R-y H=O(V,E)O=I(-
46201)L=H[O]O=0 o=L==O u=o and 15599709 or 12143281 else u=L and 7418902 or
15162665 end end end end end else if u<5978411 then if u<4672889 then if u<4226595
then if u<4006752 then if u<3984313 then if u<3975092 then Q,p=n(k,Q)u=Q and
2288269 or 7777273 else y=I(-46251)R=s[y]y=1 E=R[y]R=I(-46166)p=E==R u=p and 347744
or 4670783 end else E=I(-46228)y=I(-46194)V=s[E]R=p[y]P=I(-
46273)y=p[P]E=V(R,y)V=I(-46201)H=E[V]V=0 O=H~=V L=O u=O and 14122830 or 3934860 end
else if u<4031697 then if u<4007640 then G=I(-46251)X=s[G]G=1 P=X[G]X=I(-
46183)p=P==X u=p and 3924266 or 15284597 else Q,p=n(k,Q)u=Q and 9550198 or 3736522
end else o={Q}u=s[I(-46265)]end end else if u<4524108 then if u<4356888 then if
u<4296394 then L=I(-46251)p=s[L]L=I(-46256)u=3480433 L=p[L]O=1 H=1 L=L(p,O,H)p=I(-
46224)S=L==p Q=S else S=Q V=I(-46201)H=p[V]E=I(-46214)V=s[E]O=H==V L=O u=O and
9985030 or 11499832 end else L=I(-46217)o=s[L]L=o()o=0 u=L>o u=u and 8218265 or
5894751 end else if u<4666760 then S=nil u=8122135 p=nil else P=I(-46251)y=s[P]P=1
R=y[P]y=I(-46249)p=R==y u=p and 13403988 or 14479629 end end end else if u<5691034
then if u<4879801 then if u<4783685 then if u<4741457 then u=4664873 else
u=12055236 end else o=I(-46183)p=k u=s[o]H=I(-46232)O=s[H]L=O[p]o=u(L)u=4413122 end
else if u<5391472 then if u<5067435 then R=I(-46177)E=s[R]R=I(-46246)V=E==R u=V and
11155510 or 1730539 else G=I(-46251)y=I(-46172)p=s[y]X=s[G]G=2 P=X[G]C=I(-
46165)y=p(P)P=I(-46198)p=I(-46165)s[p]=y u=11871774 G=I(-46207)p=s[P]Z=s[C]X=G..Z
P=p(X)end else p=k H=I(-46232)o=I(-46183)u=s[o]O=s[H]L=O[p]o=u(L)u=13883861 end end
else if u<5908742 then if u<5769968 then if u<5702899 then u=false k=I(-46198)o=I(-
46200)Q=I(-46196)s[o]=u o=s[k]u=854809 k=o(Q)else u=7266535 end else u=6627128
p=nil end else if u<5922091 then u=2147818 R=I(-46201)E=p[R]R=12 V=E~=R O=V else
46158)o=s[k]k=o()k=I(-46183)o=s[k]Q=s[n]u=s[I(-46195)]k=o(Q)o={}end end end end
else if u<7270129 then if u<7016701 then if u<6603420 then if u<6106548 then if
u<6074574 then k=d[1]o=I(-46200)u=s[o]u=u and
1263708 or 3665264 else Q=I(-46272)S=I(-46272)L=I(-46226)o=I(-46200)k=d u=false
p=I(-46214)s[o]=u o=8647 s[Q]=o n=s[S]S=1 Q=n-S S=I(-46165)n=I(-46178)O=I(-
46158)s[n]=Q H=I(-46191)E=I(-46248)n=4584 V=I(-46177)s[S]=n S=5044 s[p]=S p=I(-
46283)s[L]=p L=I(-46192)s[O]=L O=I(-46192)s[H]=O H=I(-46192)s[V]=H V=A(12934119,
{})s[E]=V V=b(11122604,{})E=I(-46180)s[E]=V E=I(-46183)V=B(6016402,{})s[E]=V E=I(-
46204)V=h(13258341,{})s[E]=V V=h(8999565,{})E=I(-46162)s[E]=V V=b(10917012,{})E=I(-
46217)s[E]=V V=b(12451921,{})E=I(-46167)s[E]=V V=h(1781710,{})E=I(-46270)s[E]=V
E=I(-46208)V=T(10841103,{})s[E]=V E=I(-46202)u=7266535 V=T(9990241,{})s[E]=V E=I(-
46184)V=B(10208672,{})s[E]=V E=I(-46277)V=b(1319240,{})s[E]=V E=I(-
46254)V=b(435036,{})s[E]=V V=h(7228527,{})E=I(-46210)s[E]=V E=I(-46229)V=B(1476076,
{})s[E]=V E=I(-46238)V=Y(3629675,{})s[E]=V E=I(-46167)V=s[E]E=V()end else k=I(-
46198)Q=I(-46257)u=false o=I(-46200)s[o]=u u=5938527 o=s[k]k=o(Q)end else if
u<6917690 then if u<6629450 then p=not S k=k+n o=k<=Q o=p and o p=k>=Q p=S and p
o=p or o p=4871853 u=o and p o=2036933 u=u or o else u=4008379 S=nil p=nil end else
S=nil u=13819598 p=nil end end else if u<7229026 then if u<7225622 then if
u<7123035 then o={}u=s[I(-46193)]else u=4006745 end else o=I(-46183)u=s[o]Q=I(-
46158)k=s[Q]o=u(k)k=I(-46162)o=s[k]k=o()o=0 u=k==o u=u and 5697332 or 854809 end
else if u<7229968 then V=I(-46251)y=I(-46272)L=I(-46172)p=s[L]H=s[V]V=2 O=H[V]R=I(-
46251)L=p(O)O=I(-46172)p=I(-46272)s[p]=L p=s[O]E=s[R]R=2 V=E[R]E=1 H=V-E E=I(-
46199)O=p(H)H=I(-46198)u=11871774 p=I(-46178)s[p]=O p=s[H]R=s[y]V=E..R H=p(V)else
V=true u=V and 16577245 or 11179466 end end end else if u<7996443 then if u<7577821
then if u<7498986 then if u<7320439 then u=s[I(-46221)]k=nil o={}else L=I(-
L=I(-46262)H=0 u=s[L]L=u(O,H)L=I(-46169)O=180 u=s[L]L=u(O)L=I(-46266)u=s[L]O=3
L=u(O)u=4006745 end else u=712133 R=I(-46272)V=I(-46281)H=s[V]E=s[R]V=H(E)H=200
O=V==H L=O end else if u<7724672 then if u<7662723 then u=L and 9182016 or 4664873
else u=s[I(-46252)]o={}end else u=7120061 end end else if u<8173475 then if
u<8110734 then if u<8099450 then L=I(-46198)O=I(-46179)u=11871774 S=false p=I(-
46200)s[p]=S p=s[L]L=p(O)else o={}u=s[I(-46261)]end else Q,p=n(k,Q)u=Q and 11555246
or 12657107 end else if u<8178983 then X=I(-46273)E=I(-46228)V=s[E]y=I(-
46194)R=p[y]P=p[X]X=1 y=P-X E=V(R,y)V=I(-46201)H=E[V]V=0 O=H==V L=O u=O and 9932502
or 8796254 else u=false o={u}u=s[I(-46203)]end end end end end end else if
u<12125730 then if u<10474988 then if u<9595499 then if u<8994436 then if u<8710482
then if u<8513957 then if u<8221681 then O=I(-46191)o=I(-46208)u=s[o]o=u()o=I(-
46232)O=s[H]L=O[p]o=u(L)u=4413122 else u=s[I(-46212)]o={}end else S=n V=I(-
46201)L=u H=p[V]V=0 O=H~=V u=O and 11175656 or 10562583 o=O end else if u<8855102
then if u<8796084 then E=I(-46210)V=s[E]u=677837 E=V()else u=L and 12655702 or
4726795 end else u=s[I(-46213)]o={}end end else if u<9415855 then if u<9099099 then
if u<9003828 then p=I(-46197)u=0 o=I(-46174)k=I(-46274)s[o]=u u=11200263
o=s[k]S=s[p]p={S()}S={o(i(p))}Q=S[2]n=S[3]k=S[1]else o={}u=s[I(-46280)]end else
u=8176488 end else if u<9549270 then E=I(-46251)V=s[E]E=1 H=V[E]V=I(-46250)p=H==V
u=p and 9887960 or 11971923 else H=I(-46272)S=Q O=I(-46209)L=p[O]O=s[H]u=L==O u=u
and 16444286 or 6654971 end end end else if u<9981885 then if u<9767632 then if
u<9739287 then if u<9688921 then u=L and 7123482 or 1358828 else V=1 L=n u=15599557
H=#Q O=H+V H=L Q[O]=H L=nil end else o=I(-46274)S=I(-
46197)u=s[o]n=s[S]S={n()}n={u(i(S))}o=n[1]k=n[2]Q=n[3]u=1752807 n=o end else if
u<9894978 then if u<9874595 then p=nil u=1752807 S=nil else R=I(-46251)u=11871774
P=I(-46158)H=I(-46253)p=s[H]E=s[R]R=2 V=E[R]H=p(V)p=I(-46158)s[p]=H R=I(-
46237)V=I(-46198)p=s[V]y=s[P]E=R..y V=p(E)end else H=I(-46200)u=8796254 O=s[H]L=O
end end else if u<10207016 then if u<10120297 then if u<9985506 then u=L and
1702468 or 9773667 else o=I(-46200)u=s[o]u=u and 264142 or 8985887 end else o=I(-
46169)Q=1000 u=s[o]o=u(Q)o=I(-46180)u=s[o]o=u()u=3665264 end else if u<10287456
then o=I(-46200)u=s[o]u=u and 11821159 or 7120061 else H=I(-46216)O=I(-
46211)L=s[O]O=p[H]o=L+O u=14540151 L=I(-46211)s[L]=o end end end end else if
u<11259399 then if u<11157912 then if u<10917965 then if u<10913601 then if
u<10645268 then u=L u=o and 3932123 or 6965864 else S=I(-46197)o=I(-
46274)u=s[o]n=s[S]S={n()}n={u(i(S))}Q=n[3]o=n[1]k=n[2]n=o u=8122135 end else o=I(-
46171)u=0 k=I(-46274)s[o]=u u=13819598 p=I(-
46197)o=s[k]S=s[p]p={S()}S={o(i(p))}k=S[1]n=S[3]Q=S[2]end else if u<11154638 then
if u<11117603 then o=1 k=3 Q=k u=2513005 k=1 n=k k=0 S=n<k k=o-n else u=15734337
end else u=677837 E=I(-46254)V=s[E]E=V()end end else if u<11193314 then if
u<11176381 then if u<11173607 then n=I(-46170)Q=s[n]n=Q()Q=I(-46264)o=n[Q]u=o~=k
u=u and 694738 or 10206628 else E=I(-46272)V=I(-46201)u=10562583 H=p[V]V=s[E]O=H~=V
o=O end else o={}u=s[I(-46267)]end else if u<11243179 then n,p=k(Q,n)u=n and
15229718 or 15799878 else R=I(-46177)E=s[R]R=I(-46269)V=E==R u=V and 1729583 or
1205553 end end end else if u<11835935 then if u<11569731 then if u<11508859 then
if u<11266486 then L=I(-46276)u=s[L]V=I(-46194)H=p[V]V=1 O=H-V V=I(-
46273)H=p[V]L=u(O,H)H=I(-46178)O=500 L=I(-46169)u=s[L]L=u(O)L=I(-
46166)u=s[L]O=s[H]L=u(O)O=500 L=I(-46169)V=I(-46178)u=s[L]L=u(O)O=I(-
46281)L=s[O]H=s[V]O=L(H)L=0 u=O==L u=u and 8183323 or 1865000 else V=I(-46168)E=I(-
46214)H=p[V]u=9985030 V=s[E]O=H==V L=O end else S=Q V=I(-46201)H=p[V]V=0 O=H>V L=O
u=O and 11598723 or 7618889 end else if u<11683970 then if u<11668625 then H=u
y=I(-46272)R=I(-46201)E=p[R]R=s[y]V=E~=R u=V and 5913685 or 2147818 O=V else O=I(-
46251)L=s[O]O=1 p=L[O]L=I(-46247)S=p==L u=S and 8059919 or 15628667 end else o=I(-
46274)S=I(-46197)u=s[o]n=s[S]S={n()}n={u(i(S))}Q=n[3]o=n[1]k=n[2]u=3938917 n=o end
end else if u<12040376 then if u<11971032 then if u<11871615 then u=7314770 else
u=11848780 end else R=I(-46251)E=s[R]R=1 V=E[R]E=I(-46245)p=V==E u=p and 15948765
or 3982776 end else if u<12073935 then L=2 O=I(-46256)n=I(-46248)Q=s[n]p=I(-
46251)S=s[p]O=S[O]p={O(S,L)}L=I(-46251)n=Q(i(p))Q=I(-46251)s[Q]=n p=s[L]L=1
S=p[L]p=I(-46159)Q=S==p u=Q and 2854309 or 11682574 else u=s[I(-46258)]Q=I(-
46171)k=s[Q]o={k}end end end end end else if u<13981426 then if u<13188655 then if
u<12796152 then if u<12603480 then if u<12438768 then if u<12293978 then u=6965864
else u=L and 11259507 or 14828912 end else k=I(-46278)o=I(-46198)u=s[o]o=u(k)o=I(-
46182)u=s[o]k=I(-46279)Q=B(12959272,{})o=u(k,Q)u=s[I(-46205)]o={}end else if
u<12700315 then if u<12656906 then L=I(-46180)u=s[L]L=u()H=I(-46194)L=I(-
46276)u=s[L]E=I(-46273)O=p[H]V=p[E]E=1 H=V-E L=u(O,H)L=I(-46160)H=I(-
46272)u=s[L]V=0 O=s[H]H=0 L=u(O,H,V)O=180 L=I(-46169)u=s[L]V=I(-46272)L=u(O)O=I(-
46281)L=s[O]H=s[V]O=L(H)L=1 u=O<=L u=u and 16199319 or 14677786 else o={}u=s[I(-
46164)]end else O=I(-46174)L=s[O]O=1 u=15290477 o=L+O L=I(-46174)s[L]=o end end
else if u<12959085 then if u<12946794 then if u<12865584 then X=I(-46253)C=I(-
46251)p=s[X]Z=s[C]C=2 G=Z[C]X=p(G)p=I(-46177)s[p]=X u=11871774 G=I(-46198)K=I(-
46177)C=I(-46259)p=s[G]W=s[K]Z=C..W G=p(Z)else p=I(-46230)k=d[1]S=I(-46271)u={}Q=u
p=k[p]p={p(k,S)}u=p[1]S=u o=p[2]n=p[3]p=o u=15599557 end else u=15734337 end else
if u<13078231 then Q=0 k=d[1]o=k[Q]Q=I(-46176)u=o==Q u=u and 13241895 or 7314770
else L=-1 p=k O=0 p=nil o=I(-46187)u=s[o]o=u(L,O)o=I(-46169)L=50
u=s[o]o=u(L)u=2513005 end end end else if u<13601141 then if u<13373394 then if
u<13272553 then if u<13251594 then o=1 Q=I(-46275)u=k[o]o=I(-46223)o=u[o]n=I(-
46206)o=o(u,Q)Q=4 u=I(-46256)u=o[u]u=u(o,Q)o=I(-46163)s[o]=u Q=1 o=k[Q]Q=I(-
46223)Q=o[Q]Q=Q(o,n)n=3 o=I(-46256)o=Q[o]o=o(Q,n)n=u p=I(-46251)Q=I(-46251)s[Q]=o
S=s[p]u=S and 4249646 or 3480433 Q=S else o=I(-46211)u=0 k=I(-46274)s[o]=u
u=13373596 p=I(-46175)o=s[k]S=s[p]p={S()}S={o(i(p))}k=S[1]Q=S[2]n=S[3]end else
u=false o={u}u=s[I(-46225)]end else if u<13538202 then if u<13375748 then
n,p=k(Q,n)u=n and 13568131 or 16118808 else R=I(-46172)p=s[R]X=I(-46251)u=11871774
P=s[X]X=2 y=P[X]R=p(y)p=I(-46214)Z=I(-46214)X=I(-46235)y=I(-46198)s[p]=R
p=s[y]G=s[Z]P=X..G y=p(P)end else H=I(-46178)O=I(-46209)S=n L=p[O]O=s[H]o=L==O u=o
and 10439879 or 14540151 end end else if u<13833647 then if u<13820100 then if
u<13774672 then H=I(-46236)O=p[H]u=9631958 L=O else n,p=k(Q,n)u=n and 8594652 or
12095715 end else u=false o={u}u=s[I(-46215)]end else if u<13867375 then E=I(-
46272)V=I(-46201)H=p[V]S=Q V=s[E]O=H==V u=O and 13662440 or 9631958 L=O else H=I(-
46162)O=s[H]H=O()O=0 L=H>O u=L and 14112280 or 2374499 o=L end end end end else if
u<15438573 then if u<14934027 then if u<14536954 then if u<14262140 then if
u<14122098 then O=I(-46200)L=s[O]o=L u=2374499 else H=I(-46200)O=s[H]L=O u=3934860
end else X=I(-46251)P=s[X]X=1 y=P[X]P=I(-46282)p=y==P u=p and 5084346 or 4006762
end else if u<14732629 then if u<14562178 then p=nil S=nil u=13373596 else
u=8176488 end else p=nil S=nil u=3938917 end end else if u<15240554 then if
u<15220172 then if u<15168592 then R=I(-46178)V=I(-46281)H=s[V]E=s[R]V=H(E)H=200
O=V==H u=O and 712133 or 7546851 L=O else u=6654971 end else S=n L=I(-
46236)o=p[L]u=o and 12794139 or 15290477 end else if u<15289885 then Z=I(-
46251)G=s[Z]Z=1 X=G[Z]G=I(-46181)p=X==G u=p and 12800148 or 11871774 else p=nil
u=11200263 S=nil end end end else if u<16093580 then if u<15632943 then if
u<15623111 then if u<15599686 then n=S(p,n)u=n and 9735479 or 4193132 else
u=12143281 O=I(-46171)L=s[O]O=1 o=L+O L=I(-46171)s[L]=o end else H=I(-
46251)O=s[H]H=1 L=O[H]O=I(-46188)p=L==O u=p and 7229313 or 9548666 end else if
u<15934269 then if u<15783754 then Q=I(-46228)k=s[Q]p=I(-46233)S=s[p]H=I(-
46170)p=I(-46242)n=S[p]O=s[H]V=I(-46170)H=O()O=I(-46194)L=H[O]O=32 p=L/O L=I(-
L=O/H p={n(L)}Q=k(S,i(p))k=I(-46201)o=Q[k]k=6 u=o==k u=u and 10927265 or 8230898
else Q=I(-46174)k=s[Q]o={k}u=s[I(-46219)]end else V=I(-46253)p=s[V]y=I(-
46251)R=s[y]y=2 X=I(-46191)E=R[y]V=p(E)y=I(-46234)E=I(-46198)u=11871774 p=I(-
46191)s[p]=V p=s[E]P=s[X]R=y..P E=p(R)end end else if u<16342983 then if u<16196651
then if u<16141913 then u=s[I(-46255)]Q=I(-46211)k=s[Q]o={k}else E=I(-
46229)V=s[E]u=677837 E=V()end else u=false o={u}u=s[I(-46218)]end else if
u<16514644 then R=I(-46194)L=I(-46276)y=I(-46273)u=s[L]V=I(-46233)H=s[V]V=I(-
46242)O=H[V]E=p[R]R=32 V=E/R E=I(-46233)H=O(V)V=s[E]E=I(-46242)O=V[E]R=p[y]y=32
E=R/y V={O(E)}L=u(H,i(V))O=500 L=I(-46169)u=s[L]L=u(O)V=I(-46272)L=I(-
46266)u=s[L]O=2 L=u(O)O=I(-46281)L=s[O]H=s[V]O=L(H)L=200 u=O==L u=u and 1038996 or
15182477 else R=200 E=I(-46169)V=s[E]E=V(R)E=I(-46200)V=s[E]u=V and 210111 or
5705322 end end end end end end end end u=#J return i(o)end,function(s)for I=1,#s,1
do Q[s[I]]=1+Q[s[I]]end if d then local u=d(true)local i=J(u)i[I(-46227)],i[I(-
46231)],i[I(-46161)]=s,L,function()return-2860216 end return u else return j({},
{[I(-46231)]=L,[I(-46227)]=s,[I(-46161)]=function()return-2860216 end})end
end,function(s,I)local i=p(I)local d=function(d,j)return u(s,{d;j},I,i)end return d
end return(H(6092127,{}))(i(o))end)(getfenv and getfenv()or _ENV,unpack or

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