Astro in Monday!

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Milky Way Galaxy The whirlpool galaxy is first observed by

Charles Messeir, who was charting the sky

Milky Way Galaxy is a faint band of light looking for objects that might be confused
may appear that looks like milk spilled with comets.
across the sky. The ancient Romans
called the band via lacteal which means Black Eye Galaxy
“milky road” or “milky way”. It contains Also known as Messier 64 (M64) is famous
hundreds of billions of stars like our spiral galaxy located in the constellation
sun. Earth is located about halfway Coma Bernecise. It is sometimes called the
between the center of the Milky Way Evil Eye Galaxy or the Sleeping Beauty Galaxy
and it’s outer edge. All the stars and It is approximately 24 million light years
planets you can see are part of the away from Earth. It is known for enormous
Milky Way galaxy. Only one in 3 people light absorbing dust band in front of it’s
in the United States can see the Milky central region, the dust band obscure the stars
Way band with their naked eye. Those in the galaxy’s bright core. It is very popular
people live far from the city lights that target by amateur stargazers because it’s
black out stars. bright nucleus can be observed even in small
small telescopes.
Andromeda Galaxy
Is the closest large galaxy to the Milky Elliptical galaxies- are galaxies appear
Way and is one of a few galaxies that can elliptical in shape and they are round, smooth
be seen unaided from the Earth. In collection of stars and can be almost perfect
approximately 4.5 billion years the circle. The stars involved here are mostly the
Andromeda Galaxy and Milky Way are oldest stars in the universe and because of this
expected to collide and the result will be these galaxies appear redder in color. It has
a giant elliptical galaxy. It is accompanied very little amount of gas and dust and the
by 14 dwarf galaxies including M32, M110 stars involved orbited in random and
and possible M33 (The Triagulum Galaxy). elongated manner.

Sombrero Galaxy Spiral galaxies- it has a shape like a disc, the

Is one of the most unusual looking barred stars, gas and dust gathered in a spiral arms
spiral galaxies visible from the Earth. It’s that spread outward from it’s center. It has a
bright nucleus, large central bulge and lot of gas, dust and new forming stars. Since
spiral arms threaded through with a thick it has a lot of hot and young stars, it is the
dust lane make it look like a hat in Mexico. brightest galaxies in universe. Ex. Andromeda,
The dust lane is a ring that circles the bulge Milky Way, Pinwheel, Sunflower and
of the galaxy and it is rich with gas, dust and Trigulum Galaxy.
hydrogen gas. Because it has all elements
needed for star formation, it’s not surprising Irregular galaxies- does not have a distinct
that astronomers have found many sites of star regular shape. They are the smallest galaxies
formation inside. and are full of gas and dust and it means that it
has a lot of star formation going on within
Whirlpool Galaxy them. The Large and Small Magellanic clouds
The whirlpool, like many other galaxies has a are examples of irregular galaxies which orbit
supermassive black hole at it’s heart surrounded around our own Milky Way Galaxy.
by rings of dust. The core of the galaxy is quite
quite active making the Whirlpool what
astronomers call a “Seyfet galaxy”.
Globular star cluster- are tightly packed
symmetrical collections of stars, orbiting
mostly in the extended star halos surrounding
most spiral galaxies. It contains some of the
oldest stars in galaxy and thought formed
early in its history. Ex. Omega Centauri
is located in Milky Way which is about
16, 000 light years and contains million of

Galactic star cluster- are much younger and

smaller than globular clusters. They are the
recent birthplaces of new stars, which form
out of clouds of dust and gas, and contain
only hundreds or thousands of stars. Though
the stars in an open cluster formed together
out of the same material, they do not remain
gravitationally bound over time and spread
out, scattering their stars far and wide.
Because they are not gravitationally bound,
these clusters can have random and irregular
shapes. Ex.

Poor cluster- as what it’s name suggests,

poor cluster contains less than a thousand
of galaxies. A poor cluster might occupy a
similar-sized region of space as a rich clusters
but with fewer galaxies. This obviously means
that galaxies are spread apart, like how people
living in a farming community have houses
separated by great distances.
Ex. Milky Way

Rich cluster- a rich galaxy is a cluster contains

over a thousand galaxies. It is typically crowded
at the center with galaxies. Rich clusters often
contain one or more giant elliptical galaxies
at their centers.

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