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The Bloodfangs

Written by: Justin S. Bow

Editing and Layout: Gareth-Michael Skarka

The Hordes series presents a number of Barbarian
tribes for use in your fantasy D20 campaigns. Each
release provides you with information about the tribe,
sample NPCs and a prestige class for use with that

In this edition: The Bloodfangs, a vicious band of

half-orc marauders.

The Bloodfang tribe is not specific to a particular
climate or landform and can effectively be placed
anywhere in a setting. However, as they are brutal
raiders and sometime cannibals, they are best used
in either a frontier area where the territory is mostly
lawless, or in a poorly controlled portion of a kingdom
like a steep mountain range or thick forest. As written,
the Bloodfang are assumed to be in the foothills of
a border mountain range. With minor tweaking, the
tribe could easily appear in any location the DM wants

The Bloodfang tribe is descended from an especially
vicious band of frontier outlaws and an equally vicous
clan of orcs. Seeing each other as kindred spirits, as their own, brain-washing them over time to make
the bandits and the orcs allied against civilization, them full members of the tribe. Any adults taken alive
pillaging any wilderness outpost or lonely homestead may be sold into slavery if there is a ready market for
they came across. It was a foundation of brutality the goods, but are more often tortured to death for
which guides the Bloodfangs to this day. The living sport or killed and eaten in one of the tribe’s many
symbols of the orc-human alliance are the tribe’s half- cannibalistic rituals. Rarely, a Bloodfang warrior will
orcs. It is an alliance built on blood: the mixed blood keep a particularly attractive mate as a chained slave.
of the tribe and the spilt blood of their enemies. These slaves are treated like animals by the tribe, but
any children borne out of such a joining are considered
full members of the Bloodfangs.

Currently the Bloodfang tribe numbers about 75
Bloodfang culture, in keeping with the CE alignment
of the tribe, is exceedingly brutal. The lives of others
individuals including women and children. The are worthless to a true Bloodfang and they strive
fighting force of men and orcs is around 20 total with to sow chaos, fear, and bloodshed wherever they
the tribe being fairly evenly split into humans, orcs, can. Strength, stealth, and ruthlessness are the most
and half-orcs. The overall alignment of the tribe is admired traits of the Bloodfang and battle prowess
Chaotic Evil, with a few Neutral Evil individuals. brings the greatest measure of prestige.
Characters of other alignments are generally killed by
the tribe when young, or run away so as to avoid being Arcane magic is feared, but its practitioners are
murdered. shown little respect. While clerics and shamen usually
possess some measure of battle stamina and are
The Bloodfangs would be more numerous if they did valuable religious leaders (averting the wrath of the
not constantly engage in bloody, low-level warfare gods), arcane spellcasters are generally physically
with their tribal neighbors. Orcs find the Bloodfangs weak and spend a lot of time meditating or reading.
fairly normal, but more aggressive and cunning than Two things which are not thought highly of among
they are used to, while most humans and all good folk, the Bloodfang. Wizards are considered especially
no matter what race, see the tribe as an abomination. despicable because their powers come from a book;
disgusting for the fact that it is a book and also
The Bloodfang tribe is semi-nomadic -- hunting because that book can be taken away, rendering the
and gathering over a home territory, but regularly wizard helpless.
infringing on the territories of neighboring tribes. They
heavily supplement this simple lifestyle by raiding In spite of their callousness towards other people’s
pretty much anyone they can get their hands on. well-being, the Bloodfang are surprisingly careful of
their children. Certainly every child has a few knife
During winter, the Bloodfangs live in a large cave scars or spends half their time swollen-faced from
in their tribal territory. The cave has access to the being knocked around, but they are rarely killed
Underdark and the tribe regularly has to fight off before adolescence unless they are deemed too “weak”
monsters lairing in their home when they begin to live (a term which means they aren’t evil enough).
their winter residence. Except during winter, the Children taken in raids are not treated as gently as
Bloodfangs live in tents or quickly-constructed brush native children of the tribe and are, in effect, slaves
hovels. until they are fully indoctrinated and old enough to
fight effectively. Then, they are used as fodder to be
In addition to their ongoing campaign to obliterate thrown at neighboring tribes until their “loyalty” has
their tribal neighbors, the Bloodfangs spend a healthy been proven.
amount of time attacking settler homesteads and small
villages. The outcome of these attacks is usually a pile Bloodfang males are considered of age when they first
of mutilated bodies and a some burning buildings. go out and kill another humanoid, bring back its heart
The Bloodfangs take very young human and half- and eat the still-dripping organ raw before the tribe.
orc children prisoner on these raids and raise them It is considered especially auspicious if the warrior is
strong enough to bring back the whole carcass of his face of his peers’ envy. This fluidity of relations makes
kill to share with the tribe in a grisly feast.After this it difficult to keep accurate track of tribal geneaology;
food-taking, the warrior is ritually scarred with a hot ensuring sometime (often unknown) interbreeding
iron on his cheeks, chest, arms, and back. between cousins, half-siblings, and siblings.

Bloodfang females come of age after their first period. As demonstrated by the practice of mate-theft, the
They receive a small ritual scar on their belly in the status of women in the Bloodfang tribe is very low.
shape of a crescent moon, but are not expected to hunt In many ways they are considered no more than
and kill as are Bloodfang men. Soon after this coming property. Indeed, prized horses and dogs regularly see
of age, the newly-minted woman is taken from her better treatment than Bloodfang women. However,
family by one of the tribe’s warriors. as difficult as a woman’s life in the Bloodfang may
be, there are two paths to higher status. The first,
Sometimes the acquisition of a mate is accomplished and easier, means for a woman to attain status in the
by stealth, but often it is showy and violent, thus tribe is to be blessed with magical abilities thereby
raising the status of the warrior both by the acquisition becoming a shaman of the tribe. It doesn’t matter
of the woman and by the demonstration of battle whether the shaman is a Cleric, a Sorceror, or an
prowess. To differentiate a mate-theft from a more Adept, spells are spells and fine distinctions in magic
serious attack on a tribe-member, warriors on a mate- are beyond the understanding of most Bloodfangs. But
theft paint red streaks along their faces and both sides one thing every Bloodfang learns at an early age is
of the chest. respect for power and every spellcaster has that.

In cases where the parents approve the match, any The more difficult, but more common, means to status
resistance to the girl being taken is mostly for show, for women is to follow the path of the warrior. A
with battle ending after first blood is drawn. If the woman quick and accurate with a blade who matches
girl’s father thinks the warrior is weak, combat the Bloodfang men in viciousness is treated as an
may be to the death. Of course, many parents don’t equal among the tribe’s warriors. This is no mean
particularly care what happens to their children and feat as many male Bloodfang are eager to “test” any
will let them be taken with little resistance whether or prospective women warriors in combat; seeing them
not they think the mating will result in a worthwhile as a threat to the position of the tribe’s men.
alliance for their family.
Although much of the respect accorded to female
Although it is fairly uncommon for mate-theft to result warriors is due to their killing prowess, there is also
in death, it does happen. Mortal combat is most likely a touch of the sacred about them. Any woman who
if the invading warrior happens to break something becomes a full warrior of the Bloodfang is considered
valuable in the parents’ dwelling including causing to be blessed by the spirit of the badger (a tough and
significant structural damage to the home. This vicious animal) and close to the supernatural.
enrages the prospective father-in-law more than any
theft of family ever could. Since becoming pregnant would be the next thing
to committing suicide for any woman fighter in this
Family units in the Bloodfang tribe are fairly fluid, brutal society, it is common for them to permanently
with mates being shifted between warriors based injure their reproductive organs with crude surgery so
primarily on attractiveness of the mate and the that they are unable to conceive.
individual combat proficiency of the warrior, but
mates are occasionally used as trade goods. The
accepted terminology for other Bloodfangs that a
warrior claims as mates is wives (or husbands) while
kidnapped people are referred to as dolls. Particularly
attractive mates are often fought over and can change
hands many times until they are acquired by a warrior
skilled and intimidating enough to keep them in the
let alone understand a book. Similarly, personal
Tribal Dress discipline is denigrated as foolish nonsense. As such,
it is little surprise that by far the bulk of Bloodfang are
& Equipment
The Bloodfang are hardly skilled craftsmen. As such,
Barbarians with a healthy batch of Warriors among
the “non-combatants” of the tribe. However, since
they dress in poorly cured hides or garments acquired cunning and stealth are respected nearly as much as
on a raid. They prefer bright colors; especially reds brute strength, it is not uncommon for a Bloodfang to
and greens. Bloodfang men wear as much jewelry as be a Rogue or, more often, a Rogue/Barbarian multi-
they can find room for on their bodies, with gaudy class. Only the most powerful warriors of the tribe
necklaces and arm bands being the most prized items. have attained the brutal savagery and skill necessary to
If a Bloodfang woman or child is dressed in anything take levels in the Bloody Ravager prestige class.
other than rags, it is almost always as a display of
wealth on the part of the warrior they belong to. The Bloodfang are too unfocussed and vicious for
there to have ever been a Ranger in the tribe. They are
On raids, the barbaric finery of the warriors is far more interested in randomly destroying nature than
concealed beneath hides rubbed with charcoal to allow in learning how to live in harmony with it.
some measure of stealth.
Bloodfang women, although of low status, are more
Hide or leather armor is worn by young or poor than used to combat, fight like hell-cats, and often
warriors of the tribe while older, wealthier warriors have one or more levels of Warrior in addition to any
prefer to gird themselves in chain shirts. The most levels of Commoner they may possess.
prized armor is the mithral shirt since it is shiny,
provides excellent protection, and its light weight does
not hinder the wearer when he is sneaking up on prey.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Bloodfang prefer to arm

The Bloodfang can hardly be called military geniuses.
themselves with axes, especially greataxes. The However, they have a bag of standard tactics that have
brutal weapons chop through bone and homestead worked for them in the past and continue to work in
doors with equal ease and make for excellent tools the present.
of intimidation. Poor warriors must settle for using
mauls or great clubs, but hardly any Bloodfang carries The most important thing to remember about the
a shield, thinking the defense unmanly and soft. The Bloodfang tribe is that while they are brutal killlers,
tribal philosophy is that it is better to be able to hew they prefer not to get into a fair fight. The greatest
through a man than to deflect a blow. delight for a Bloodfang warrior is to see total fear in
the eyes of his victim. When you take that away, battle
The average warrior, in addition to his main weapon, loses some of its luster. This is not to say that the
carries a short bow and quiver as well as at least a half Bloodfang are cowards, because if cornered or facing
dozen knives of varying sizes. These small blades are surprisingly powerful opponents they will fight like
not used only as weapons, but as implements of torture madmen, only retreating if it becomes clear they are
when there is no time to drag a victim to a safer, more outmatched.
entertaining location.
If allowed to choose their target, the Bloodfang tend
to attack smaller groups with few or no warriors and
Common especially go after groups containing women and
children. They have learned their lesson regarding
Bloodfang culture is centered around personal
specifically targeting halflings after some unfortunate
losses to the small folk, and now treat that race with
strength, cunning, and power. Spellcasters are feared caution. However, the gnomish reliance on magic and
but rarely respected and it is the rare tribe member technology has doomed them to victim status in the
indeed who has enough writing to sign his own name, eyes of the Bloodfang.
Bloodfang war-bands commonly raid settled lands,
attacking isolated homesteads, slaughtering most
of the inhabitants, and burning down the buildings.
Occasionally, the entire strength of the tribe will attack
a small thorp or village. They will try to ascertain the
With Other
strength and number of the town’s defenders before
The Bloodfang exist in what amounts to a state of
constant warfare with all surrounding tribes whether
In cases where the Bloodfang attack a group of orc or human. They attack these tribes in the same
travelers or a homestead, they are unlikely to take kinds of raids they stage against their more settled
more than one or two captives back to their camp, neighbors and in turn, those tribes make raids on the
handling most of the torture on the spot and taking Bloodfang. The Bloodfang have no real allies except
only gutted carcasses, children, and sometimes those of convenience and have difficulty working
“mates.” with others. They restrain themselves when dealing
with traders, but only those who are heavily guarded
When a successful attack is made on a village, the enough that the Bloodfang do not think they can easily
Bloodfang generally try to round up as many live kill them.
captives as possible. The purpose of this is twofold;
first, to have live sacrifices for use in their gruesome
rituals and, second, to sell the remainder into slavery
in exchange for weapons, armor, magic, and luxuries.
When the Bloodfang attack, they prefer to do so under
cover of darkness. The large number of orcs and half-
orcs (with darkvision) in the tribe often gives them
The Bloodfang worship a pantheon made up
an advantage over prey of other races. They sneak as
primarily of gods of blood, pain, battle, death, fear,
close to their target as possible, then come bursting
and darkness. These are gods not to be loved, but
out of the night, screaming like a pack of demons.
propitiated. Gods to fear and serve. If the campaign
Not only does this surprise their foes, buying precious
setting already has similar gods in it, assume that the
seconds in which to attack unresisted, but it is just
Bloodfangs follow these gods. Otherwise, have them
plain terrifying, a thing the Bloodfang love being.
worship tribal spirits or another already existing god
of evil and chaos native to the campaign setting.
Bloodfang warriors use ranged weapons in battle only
if the foe is obviously superior. In these instances they
Prominent among Bloodfang gods is the Hag, also
engage in hit and run tactics, but may also resort to
sometimes called the Crone. The Hag is the Bloodfang
bow-work if they are unable to immediately engage
goddess of nature and the natural world. She is usually
a foe in melee combat. In the latter case they will fire
depicted as a hideous ancient human or orc female
arrows while running towards their target, then switch
with clawed hands and a predator’s teeth. Where other
to melee weapons as soon as possible. The accuracy
nature gods are associated with bounty and growing
in these attacks is terrible, but that doesn’t particularly
things, the Hag rules over all that is dark and violent
bother the Bloodfang.
in the natural world; decay, violent death, stalking
predators, freezing cold, blasted wilderness and all
Other tactics are rarely used by the average Bloodfang
that is dangerous or off-putting about the wild. It is
warrior, but particularly cunning members of the tribe
possible that the Hag is an entirely different entity
(especially the chief and shaman) will adapt to what
than the nature gods that other peoples worship, but
best suits the situation and their goals.
it is also possible that she is an already existing,
probably benevolent, female nature deity twisted by
the Bloodfangs’ vision of life. The Hag is said to be
always hungry for flesh, eating any that is left on the
ground through decay, taking it into her body, the than they would in more civilized societies, which
earth. means practically anywhere else. Because of their
predilection for harming others, the Bloodfang have
Bloodfang mythology states that winter is a result made torture a tribal hobby. They are by no means as
of the Hag’s hunger coming to such a peak every skilled in the arts of pain as is a king’s torturer, but
year that she begins eating the very heat of the sun. they approach their efforts with a raw enthusiasm
To assuage her terrible hunger and keep her from which, to some extent, makes up for their lack of
devouring the sun (and thus ending their lives) the careful study.
Bloodfang hold a ritual every year at midwinter during
which they symbolically feed the Hag. This ritual One of the favorite passtimes of the tribe combines
takes course over a period of three days, the first two their love of torture with their love of gambling. The
of which are taken up with digging a six-foot deep pit game is called sloatu (which translates roughly to
into the hard-frozen winter soil. All the warriors in the “spinning”) and is usually played by two competitors,
tribe take turns digging this pit, but weaker warriors but can have more participants. In sloatu, a live
end up taking more turns than their stronger comrades captive is tied spread-eagled to a frame in an open
as they get bullied into pulling extra shifts. area where everyone can watch and enjoy. Then the
competitors take turns throwing a small, razor-thin
On the morning of the third day, a great, cannibalistic knife at the victim with the goal being to injure them
feast is held for the whole tribe. Live captives are without inflicting a death-blow such as slashing an
butchered, cooked, and distributed to the tribe along artery. The knife is not usually long enough to pierce
with large quantities of mead and a harsh liquor made anything as immediately vital as the heart. Whoever
from the bark of certain trees combined with maple killls the target loses and pays the winner whatever
sap. As the sun sets, the shaman entreats the Hag not was agreed at the beginning of the match. In cases
to eat the sun, sparing them for another year and begs where there is doubt as to who actually dealt the
that their offering eases her ravenous hunger. Then, death-blow, a third party agreed on before sloatu
a beautiful bound woman is placed standing in the begins delivers judgement. The tribe’s shaman often
freezing pit and buried alive. handles this duty.

The sacrifice is always a beautiful woman as the Hag

is said to hate youth and beauty, especially young
women as she, herself, was never young or beautiful.
The particular woman sacrificed is selected by the
Bloodfang’s shaman and is almost always a captive
outsider rather than a member of the tribe. Humans are
the most common sacrifice but elves are the prefered
offering if available. Sometimes raids are made on
nearby villages just before midwinter specifically
with the goal of capturing appropriate victims for the
cannibal feast and the feeding of the Hag. Although
the shaman is supposed to be guided by the finger
of the Hag when selecting the sacrifice, it is not
uncommon for a mate of one of the shaman’s rivals
to be chosen. Lavish gifts made to the shaman tend to
point the finger of the Hag in another direction.

Like anyone else, Bloodfangs enjoy games and sport

during their leisure time. Gambling is popular as are
tests of strength like wrestling, arm-wrestling, and
outright brawling. These passtimes tend to result in
more frequent and more severe injuries to participants
Bloody Ravager
Bloody ravagers are consumed to the point of Hit Die: d12.
obsession with bloodlust and the joy of inspiring
terror in their victims. They live for the slaughter,
for the spray of blood and the cries of the
To qualify to become a bloody ravager, a
character must fulfill all of the following criteria:
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Although bloody ravagers can use ranged
Base Attack Bonus: +6
weapons, they much prefer to enter melee
Feats: Iron Will, Power Attack, Cleave
combat where they can fully savor the deaths
of their enemies. They tend to use two-handed
weapons so as to inflict as much damage as Class Skills
possible and wear light armor to take advantage Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump
of their increased Barbarian speed, running down (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Survival
any potential survivors. (Wis), Swim (Str)
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier
All bloody ravagers have at least one level of
barbarian and most of them have never multi- Class Features
classed, enjoying the thrill of barbaric rage and All of the following are class features of the
the increased toughness of that class. A minority bloody ravager prestige class.
of bloody ravagers multi-class into fighter or Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Bloody
rogue either to broaden their options in combat ravagers are proficient with all simple and
or to better sneak up on victims, but most bloody martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, but
ravagers are too focussed on spreading fear and not shields.
violence to multi-class. Poison Use (Ex): Bloody ravagers have
no honor and regularly use poison on their
weapons. They never risk poisoning themselves
when applying poison to a blade.
Fear Resistance (Ex): Bloody ravagers

Level Base Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special

1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Poison Use, Fear
Resistance +2, Rage

2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Blood Frenzy 1d4

3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Bloodlust

4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Terrible Rage

5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Blood Frenzy 1d6

have seen a great deal that would terrify
normal people and learned to delight
in it. As such, they gain +2 on all saves
against fear effects.
Rage (Ex): All levels in bloody
ravager count as barbarian levels for
determining the strength, duration, and
effects of Barbarian Rage.
Blood Frenzy (Ex): Starting at
2nd level, a bloody ravager has tapped
so deeply into his love of killing that
the sight of spurting blood drives him
on to greater efforts of violence. Apply
an additional 1d4 damage every time
a bloody ravager achieves a critical hit.
This increases to 1d6 damage when the
bloody ravager reaches 5th level.
Damage from the Blood Frenzy
ability is not applied to characters who
are immune to critical hit damage.
Bloodlust (Ex): After time, the
bloody ravager becomes so consumed
with bloodlust that the very sight of his
mad face instills horror in the onlooker.
3 times per day, starting at 3rd level,
the bloody ravager radiates a fear effect Terrible Rage (Ex): By 4th level, the
identical to the Cause Fear spell, but affecting bloody ravager’s rages have become more like
every creature within a 30 foot radius that can see temporary bouts of madness. He is no longer able
the ravager’s face. The save DC against this effect to stop the rage before it runs its full course.
is equal to 12 + the character’s Charisma bonus. But, while the bloody ravager is in a rage,
In order to activate this ability, the bloody he is completely immune to fear effects.
ravager must smear his face with blood.

Karvena Blightsnarl
Male half-orc Barb8/Rav3: CR 11; Medium-
size humanoid; HD 11d12+33; hp 140; Init
+1; Spd 40 ft; AC 21 (touch 12, flat-footed 20);
Atk. +17/+12/+7 melee (1d12+8/19-20 X3, +1
wounding keen greataxe) or ranged +12/+7/+2
(1d6/20 X3); SA Rage 3/day, Greater Rage,
Improved Uncanny Dodge, Blood Frenzy
+1d4, Bloodlust 3/day, Poison Use; SQ
Darkvision 60ft, Orc Blood, Fast Movement,
Illiteracy, Trap Sense +2, Damage Reduction
1/-, Fear Resistance +2; AL CE; SV Fort +12,
Ref +4, Will +3; Str 20, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 14,
Wis 10, Cha 10, Height 6 ft. 11 in.

Skills and Feats: Climb +19, Hide +4, Intimidate

+14, Jump +19, Listen +14, Move Silently
+7, Survival +14, Swim +19; Power Attack,
Cleave, Great Cleave, Iron Will

Special Qualities: Greater Rage (Ex): During his

rage, Karvena has the following statistics instead advantage over other warriors in the tribe in spite of
of those given above: hp 173; AC 19 (touch 10, the greater strength of the pure orcs. Soon, Karvena
had a small group of cowed henchmen he led on raids
flat-footed 18); Atk +20/+15/+10 (1d12+12/19-20
against nearby tribes. The moderate success of these
X3, +1 wounding keen greataxe); SV Fort +15, Will attacks led Karvena to a carefully planned assault
+6; Str 26, Con 22. Skills: Climb +22, Jump +22, on a small, well-protected human village. Karvena’s
Swim +22. The rage lasts for 9 rounds after which cunning brought a resounding victory, gaining a pile
Karvena is fatigued. of loot and well over a dozen slaves for him and his
cronies. After that, it was only a matter of time until
Possessions: mithral shirt +3, ring of protection the Chieftain of the Bloodfangs, then an orc named
+1, amulet of natural armor +2, +1 wounding keen Gargash Skullmusher, decided to do something about
greataxe, ring of sustenance, boots of the winterlands the growing threat to his power. Unfortunately for the
aging Gargash, his stealthy murder attempt failed,
Karvena Blightsnarl was the second-eldest son of he was gutted in the struggle, and Karvena claimed
an orc father and half-orc mother. At the age of 10, leadership of the Bloodfangs through a mouthful of
Karvena beat in his elder brother’s brains with a Gargash’s liver.
rock. At the age of 13, he stood off two of his younger
siblings who ambushed him while he was on his Under the leadership of Karvena Blightsnarl, the
coming-of-age manhunt. Karvena came out of the Bloodfang tribe has become both more aggressive
encounter with minor wounds, but one of his brothers and more strategic in their actions. They are still a
was crippled in the left leg and the other lost two band of chaotic murderers, but their random attacks
fingers before they gave up trying to kill him. are directed with more intelligence than has been the
case for decades. Karvena’s goals are simple: To crush
This bright beginning led to further greatness and the surrounding barbarian tribes and feed on the fat
Karvena seemed blessed by the gods. Smarter than settlers until the Bloodfangs grow bloated on pillaged
most half-orcs and even many humans, he found that luxuries and easy meat.
his well-honed sense of battle strategy gave him an
Irgrid the Consumed
Female half-orc Sor3/Clr7: CR 10; Medium-size
humanoid; HD 3d4+6 and 7d8+14; hp 71; Init -1;
Spd 30 ft; AC 20 (touch 10, flat-footed 20); Atk.
+7/+2 melee (1d8+1/20 X3, +1 silver heavy mace
) or ranged +5/+0 (1d4/19-20 X2 dagger); SQ
Darkvision 60ft, Orc Blood; AL CE; SV Fort +8,
Ref +2, Will +11; Str 10, Dex 9, Con 14, Int 12, Wis
16, Cha 16, Height 5 ft. 8 in.

Skills and Feats: Bluff +9, Concentration +15,

Knowledge (religion) +8, Spellcraft +14; Combat
Casting, Silent Spell, Spell Focus (Necro), Still

Sorceror spells known (6/5; Base DC= 13 + spell

level; spell failure chance 20%) 0--acid splash,
detect poison, detect magic, daze, mage hand; 1--sleep,
magic missile, burning hands

Cleric spells per day (6/4+1/3+1/2+1/1+1; Base

DC= 13 + spell level; Evil and Plant domains)

Possessions: hide armor +4, ring of protection +1, Irgrid’s father could not bring himself to show the
amulet of natural armor +3, cloak of arachnida, +1 weakling the mercy of a swift death.
silver heavy mace, wand of inflict serious wounds 38
charges In that earthy darkness, the Hag came to Irgrid and
offered her freedom in exchange for service. Irgrid
Irgrid was the runt of her family, born to the mate- accepted.The Hag gave her spells beyond her initiate
slave of a Bloodfang warrior, she was mercilessly status, filling her with strength and vigor enough to
picked on by her siblings, her mother, and her father. turn over (her father had buried her face down so she
She was never in danger of death because as the could not dig out) and claw her way to the surface.
weakest she was seen as no threat, but that very
weakness drew torment to her as predator to prey. For three days, Irgrid hid in the wilderness, fed by
Probably the worst torture she had to endure was at the magic of her goddess. On the night of the third
the hands of her father who once, during a bout of day, she slunk into the Bloodfang camp and silently
boredom, carved up her face with one of his many murdered her entire family as they slept, dedicating
knives, horribly scarring her. the deaths to the Hag. Over time, she came to be
the shaman of the Bloodfang tribe, ruling over their
The misery would have lasted indefinitely had Irgrid spiritual life through fear and cunning.
not begun demonstrating sorcerous abilities when
she entered puberty. A well-placed shot from a magic Irgrid hates Karvena Blightsnarl with a passion
missile killed one of her sisters and from that time on, because he reminds her of her father. In fact, she
the others left her alone. As she slowly grew in power, hates the entire Bloodfang tribe and wants nothing
so too did fear gnaw at the guts of her father until more than to see them cowering at her feet, doing
one night, while she slept, he bludgeoned her in the her bidding, but she knows that she does not have
head, threw her in a rough sack, and drug her into the the popularity or power to seize control. Until such
woods where he buried her alive in a shallow grave. a time as she can sieze leadership of the Bloodfangs,
Irgrid bides her time and takes joy in petty revenges.
She came to, groggy and disoriented, soil pattering Karvena’s prized mates are chosen surprisingly often
down on her from his strong shovel-strokes. He to act as the midwinter sacrifice to the Hag.
had not killed her outright because even in his fear,

The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content;
(b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer
languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in
which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast,
publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods,
procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the
prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this
License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity”
means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories,
storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses,
concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells,
enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment,
magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark
clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f)
“Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the
associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute,
copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the
licensee in terms of this agreement.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may
only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may
be added to or subtracted from this License except as describedby the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to
any Open Game Content distributed using this License.
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide,
royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your
Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the
COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright
date, and the copyright holderʼs name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly
licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity.You agree not to indicate
compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content
except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use
of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of
any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are
Open Game Content.
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized
version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.
10 Copy of this License: You MUSTinclude a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You
have written permission from the Contributor to do so.
12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open
Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30
days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams,
Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
Arneson. com.
Hordes: The Bloodfangs Copyright 2005, Justin S. Bow, published by Adamant Entertainment, Inc.



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