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w w w . b u s t e r . f i
Owner’s Handbook

Inhan Tehtaat Oy Ab
Saarikyläntie 21
FIN-63700 Ähtäri
Tel: +358 6 5355111

Your Buster dealer



Dear Buster owner! We thank you for choosing a Finnish Buster

boat and hope that you will have many enjoyable experiences on

The object of this handbook is to help you use your boat safely
and with peace of mind. The handbook includes details pertain-
ing to the boat itself and to the equipment and systems that have
been installed on it, as well as information related to operating
and maintaining the boat. We urge you to read the handbook
carefully and familiarise yourself with the boat before you start to
use it.

The owner’s handbook is of course not a prime source for sea-

manship skills or of boating safety. If the Buster is your first boat,
or you have changed to a type of boat that you are not yet famil-
iar with, for the sake of your comfort and safety, make sure that
you acquire handling and operating experience before you take
on the responsibility of command. The seller of the boat, a boat
club or national motorboat and yachting associations will be hap-
py to provide you with information about local boating schools or
competent and recommended teachers.

Make sure that the prevailing wind and sea conditions correspond
to the design category of your boat and that you and your crew
are capable of handling it under such circumstances. The wind
conditions and sea swells that correspond to design category C
cover situations from a gale to heavy winds where there is an ex-
ceptional risk of high waves and gusts. In such dangerous condi-
tions, only a competent and fit crew can satisfactorily function in a
boat that is well maintained.

This owner’s handbook is not a detailed guide to maintenance

and fault diagnosis. If a problem occurs, contact your nearest

Buster dealer. If there is a need for repairs, use only those enter-
prises that have been recommended by the Buster dealership.
Alterations that affect the safety characteristics of the boat can be
carried out only on the written approval of the manufacturer. The
manufacturer of the boat cannot be held responsible for changes
that it has not approved.

In some countries driving a boat requires a license or the author-

ity to drive. Country-specific regulations may also be in force.

Always maintain your boat in good condition and always bear

in mind the consequences of wear resulting from ageing, rough
treatment and improper use. Any boat whatsoever - however
strong it may be - can be damaged significantly if used improper-
ly. Inappropriate boating habits are unsafe and do not accord with
good seamanship. Always adapt the speed and course of your
boat to conform to the conditions at sea.

If your boat is equipped with a life-raft, carefully read the oper-

ating instructions. The boat should have appropriate on-board
safety equipment (life jackets, safety harnesses etc.) that cor-
responds to the boat type and the weather conditions etc. In
some countries such equipment is mandatory. The crew must be
familiar with the operation of all safety equipment and emergency
manoeuvres (rescuing a man overboard, towing etc.). Rescue
exercises are regularly organised by sailing schools and clubs.

All persons on board must use an appropriate floatation aid (e.g.

lifejacket/life vest) when on deck. Note that in some countries the
law demands that floatation aids be used at all times when on



1. General................................................................................................8
2. Definitions............................................................................................8
3. Warranty ..............................................................................................9
4. Before launching .................................................................................9
4.1 Registration ................................................................................9
4.2 Insurances ..................................................................................9
4.3 Training ....................................................................................10
5. Boat characteristics and operation ....................................................10
5.1 General ....................................................................................10
5.2 Basic particulars about the boats .............................................10
5.3 Maximum recommended number of persons on board ...........12
5.4 Loading ....................................................................................14
5.5 Engine and propeller .........................................................................15
5.6 Preventing water getting on board and stability .......................15
5.6.1 Hull and deck openings .............................................15
5.6.2 Bilge pumps and drainage.........................................17
5.6.3 Stability and buoyancy ..............................................18
5.7 Prevention of fire and explosion ...............................................18
5.7.1 Engines and fuel systems .........................................18
5.7.2 Fire extinguishing and fire prevention .......................20
5.8 Electrical system ......................................................................21
5.9 Control characteristics ..............................................................25
5.9.1 Driving at high speeds ...............................................25
5.9.2 Dead-man’s grip ........................................................27
5.9.3 Visibility from the steering position ............................27
5.10 Good seamanship - other recommendations and instructions .28
5.10.1 How to avoid falling overboard and procedures
for getting back on board...........................................28
5.10.2 Securing loose equipment .........................................28

5.10.3 Respect for the environment .....................................28

5.10.4 Anchoring, mooring and towing .................................30
5.10.5 Trailer towing .............................................................32
6. Service, repairs and winter storage........................................................ .33

I Owner
First name:________________Surname:___________________

Sypplying year:________________________________________

II Owner
First name:________________Surname:___________________

Sypplying year:________________________________________

III Owner
First name:________________Surname:___________________

Sypplying year:________________________________________

IV Owner
First name:________________Surname:___________________

Sypplying year:________________________________________

V Owner
First name:________________Surname:___________________


Sypplying year:________________________________________


Carefully read this owner’s handbook.

Always check the following before departure:

• Prevailing
weather conditions and weather forecast Consider the wind
conditions, the state of the sea and visibility. Is your boat’s
design class, size, and on-board equipment, as well as the
skills of the helmsman and crew sufficient for the waterways
where you intend to go?

• Load capacity
Do not overload the boat. Distribute the load properly. Do not
position weighty objects too high so as not to diminish the sta-
bility of the boat.

• Passengers
Ensure that there are life vests for all persons on board. Be-
fore departure, agree on the required duties that each person
assumes during the trip.

• Fuel
Check that there is sufficient fuel, including enough reserve
for bad weather and unforeseen circumstances.

• Engine and equipment

Check that the steering, electrical devices and accumula-
tor function properly and are in good condition. Carry out the
required daily engine inspection procedures in accordance
with the engine manufacturer’s instruction manual. Check
otherwise the seaworthiness of the boat, i.e. no fuel- or water

leaks, adequate safety equipment on board etc. Check that

the level of bilge water is at a minimum.

• Ventilation
Ensure that the fuel space is ventilated to minimise the risk of

• Securing on-board equipment

Ensure that all articles are stowed properly so that they re-
main in place in a heavy sea and in a high wind.

• Sea charts
If you are not fully acquainted with the route, do you have
charts for a sufficiently large area?

• Manoeuvring during departure

Agree with the crew who is responsible for casting off each
rope etc. Ensure that when departing and arriving, mooring-
or other lines do not get entangled in the anchor.

For further instructions concerning the engine, see the manufac-

turer’s instruction manual.


1. General
The owner’s manual will help you become familiar with the char-
acteristics of your new boat. Instruction manuals for equipment
fitted to the boat are attached and are frequently referred to. You
can, of course, complement this handbook by acquiring other
equipment instruction books. Space is reserved at the end of the
handbook for making notes.

2. Definitions
The warnings and specific remarks in this handbook are defined
as follows:

DANGER! Indicates grave danger which will lead to a high pro-

bability of death or permanent injury if appropriate
precautionary measures are not taken.

WARNING! Indicates danger which may lead to injury or death if

appropriate precautionary measures are not taken.

ATTENTION! Is a reminder to operate in a safe manner or to bear

in mind dangerous methods of operation that may
lead to injury or damage to the boat or to a part of it.

The handbook adopts units of measurement in accordance with

the SI system. In some cases, other units have been included in
parenthesis. An exception to this is wind speed which is desig-
nated in the Beaufort scale as in the EU Directive on recreational

3. Warranty
In accordance with the attached warranty conditions, a guaran-
tee is provided for the boat and any equipment that has been in-
stalled in the boatyard. For post-production installations concern-
ing the engine, trim tabs, compass, possible navigation equip-
ment and other devices, the manufacturer of the equipment in
question is directly responsible for any warranty concerns. Sepa-
rate warranty cards together with the deliverer’s contact informa-
tion for the various equipment/devices are attached. In other mat-
ters of warranty we request that you contact the respective Buster
dealer indicated in the folder cover.

4. Before launching
4.1 Registration
In some countries, it is mandatory for even small boats to be
registered. Check with the local authorities in your country of resi-
dence about the statutory regulations concerning boat registra-

4.2 Insurances
Boat insurance may compensate for damage that has occurred
on the water, during transportation or when dry docking. Check
separately the insurer’s liability when hoisting the boat. The insur-
ance also has an indirect affect on safety on the water, i.e. in the
event of serious injuries you can concentrate above all on saving
lives. The insurance company will provide more detailed informa-

tion on various insurance alternatives.

4.3 Training
There is ample available literature about boating. A great deal of
beneficial and practical information can also be had from boating
clubs and by attending navigation courses. These provide a good
basis for your skills, though sureness in handling, navigating,
mooring and anchoring a boat can best be acquired through long

5. Boat characteristics and operation

5.1 General
This owner’s handbook is not a complete maintenance guide or
repair manual. The aim of the handbook is to help the owner be-
come familiar with the characteristics of his/her new boat as well
as showing him/her how to use it properly.

5.2 Basic particulars about the boats

The basic information about Buster boats is as follows:

Manufacturer: Inha Works Ltd., Saarikyläntie 21, FIN-63700

Ähtäri, Finland, tel. +358 6 5355 111

Boat type Design categories Maximum recommended load

Buster Magnum C 600 kg
Buster XXL C 525 kg
Buster XL C 525 kg
Buster L ja L Prof C 450 kg
Buster M C 375 kg

Buster S C 300 kg
Buster XS ja XSR D 300 kg

See also paragraph 5.4 ”Loading”

Design categories:

Design category C is defined as follows:

Category C: The boat is designed for operation in con-
ditions whereby the wind velocity is at most 6 on the
Beaufort scale (approx. 14 m/sec) with a corresponding
swell (a significant wave height up to 2 m with occasional
waves of 4 m maximum). Such circumstances can be
met with in open water on lakes, estuaries, and in coastal
waters under moderate weather conditions.

Design category D is defined as follows:

Category D: The boat is designed for operation in condi-
tions whereby the wind velocity is at most 4 on the Beau-
fort scale (approx. 8m/sec) with a corresponding swell (a
significant wave height up to 0,3 meters, with occasional
large waves of up to 0,5 m high). Such conditions can be
met in sheltered inland waterways and in coastal waters
in good weather.

ATTENTION! A significant wave height is the average height

value of the upper third of the swell which roughly corresponds
to an experienced observer’s estimate of the wave height. Some
individual waves could be twice this height.

Main dimensions and capacities:

The length, breadth, depth, gross weight etc., and tank
capacities of the various boats are shown in appendix 1.
Technical specifications.

Manufacturer’s plate:
Part of the above information is recorded on the manu-

facturer’s plate which is attached in the vicinity of the

steering console. Complete explanations are given in the
appropriate sections of this handbook.

5.3 Maximum recommended number of
persons on board
The maximum recommended number of persons on board is as
Buster Magnum 8
Buster XXL 7
Buster XL 7
Buster L and L Prof 6
Buster M 5
Buster S 4
Buster XS 4

Designated seating arrangements are as shown in diagram 1.

WARNING! Do not exceed the maximum recommended num-

ber of persons on board. Irrespective of the number
of people on board the total weight of persons and
equipment must never exceed the maximum recom-
mended load (see paragraph 5.4 Loading). Use only
the boat’s seats or seating places dedicated for that

Diagram 1. Maximum persons in accordance with seating places

5.4 Loading
The maximum recommended load capacities for Buster boats are:
Buster Magnum 600 kg
Buster XXL 525 kg
Buster XL 525 kg
Buster L and L Prof 450 kg
Buster M 375 kg
Buster S 300 kg
Buster XS and XSR 300 kg
An adult person’s weight is considered as being 75 kg and a
child’s 37,5 kg. In addition to the above-mentioned maximum rec-
ommended load capacities, it is considered that the boat can be
loaded with the following weights:

Boat: Basic equipment, Combined weight of Total weight of con-

kg slip tank and fuel, kg sumable liquids in
fixed tanks, kg

Buster Magnum 18 124

Buster XXL 12 84
Buster XL 10 73
Buster L 10 37
Buster M 10 37
Buster S 10 19
Buster XS 10 19

The recommended load includes only the above-mentioned

weight components.

WARNING! When loading your boat never exceed the maximum


recommended load. Load the boat carefully and

distribute the load properly so as to maintain the de-
sign trim (approx. even keel). Avoid storing heavy
weights at too high an elevation.

5.5 Engine and propeller
The largest recommended engine capacities for Buster boats is
as follows:
Buster Magnum 165 kW (225 hp)
Buster XXL 110 kW (150 hp)
Buster XL 84 kW (115 hp)
Buster L and L Prof 37 kW (50 hp)
Buster M 30 kW (40 hp)
Buster S 22 kW (30 hp)
Buster XSR 15 kW (20 hp)
Buster XS 11 kW (15 hp)
When fitting the motor and choosing a propeller, comply with the
engine manufacturer’s instructions.

5.6 Preventing water getting on board

and stability

5.6.1 Hull and deck openings

The location of deck openings and their respective plugs are
shown in diagram 2.
In the Buster Magnum, XXL and L there are two outlets for drain-
ing rain water from the cockpit. The Buster M features one out-
let. These outlets are meant to be plugged if it is observed that
water flows back into the cockpit through the drain outlets when
the boat is loaded. In other situations, the drain outlets should
be kept open and regularly cleared to prevent them from be-
ing blocked by debris. The cockpit of the Buster M is rain-water
draining only when unloaded. As a consequence, the outlet must
always be plugged when boarding. In the Buster S and XS, water
drains from the cockpit to the bilge from where it is discharged

by a bilge pump or drained through the aft plug hole when the
boat is docked. In all Busters there is a drain plug in the aft sec-
tion screwed to the lower corner of the transom through which the
boat can be drained when docked or loaded on a trailer.


Diagram 2. Location of outlets, cut-off valves and bilge pump 1. Automatic bilge pump 2. Hand-operated
bilge pump 3. Shut-off plug for draining the cockpit of rain water
5.6.2 Bilge pumps and drainage
Drainage devices and their location are shown in diagram 2. Bilge
pumps or the ends of suction hoses are positioned as close to the
bottom plate as is practically possible. Despite this, it is natural that
a small amount of water remains in the bilge which the pump is not
able to discharge. For this purpose, there is a drain outlet on the
right side of the boat’s transom.

In the Buster Magnum and XS one manually-operated bilge pump is

installed. The discharge capacity of the bilge pump in the Magnum is
approx. 22 l/min and in the XS approx. 18 l/min. The handle for the
Magnum’s bilge pump is attached to a plastic clip next to the pump.
The handle of the XS’s pump is fixed.

The Buster Magnum, XXL, XL, M and S are equipped with an electri-
cally-operated, automatic bilge pump. It discharges water that has
collected in the bilge when the surface sensor detects its presence.
The draining capacity of the electrical bilge pump is approx. 38 l/min.
The automatic pump is always in a state of readiness independent
of the position of the main power switch, provided the accumulator
is connected. The bilge pump is activated when the sensor is fully
submerged for 10 seconds and is de-activated when the sensor has
been dry for more than 2 seconds. The pump can also be force-fed
by activating the spring-loaded switch on the switch panel.

The suction head of both electrically-operated and hand-operated

bilge pumps should be regularly checked and cleared of debris that
may have accumulated there. Access to the pump in the Buster
Magnum, XXL and XL is via the service hatch in the engine well and
in the Buster L, M, S and XS via the bench in the aft-section.

WARNING! The bilge pump system is not designed to deal with

leaks resulting from running aground or leaks that

occur as a result of other damage.

ATTENTION! Check the operation of the bilge pump at regular in-

tervals. Clear debris from the end of the pump’s
suction hose.

5.6.3 Stability and buoyancy
The stability of Buster boats is excellent thanks to their hull form
and weight distribution. Remember, however, that large breaking
waves always represent a serious danger to stability.

Be aware that your boat’s stability is compromised due to the ef-

fect of any kind of highly-placed additional weight. All changes
resulting from positioning bulky objects can significantly influence
the stability, trim, and performance of your boat. If you plan to
make such changes, contact the manufacturer of the boat.

The amount of water in the bilge should be kept at a minimum as

the free movement of water in the boat always decreases stabil-

Bear in mind that stability can diminish when towing or being


The Buster XXL, XL, L, M, S and SX are equipped with pontoons

to help the boat carry loads as defined in paragraph 5.4 even
when the boat is full of water (swamped).

5.7 Prevention of fire and explosion

5.7.1 Engines and fuel systems

In the Buster Magnum, XXL, XL and L Prof there is a fixed fuel
tank which is fitted to the bilge about one meter from the transom.

In the Buster L, M, S, XSR and XS a slip tank is utilised. Before

refuelling, switch off the engine. Do not smoke and otherwise
avoid naked flames. Do not use any electrical devices.

The fuel inlet for the fixed fuel tank is located ( ) on the right
side of the boat on the stern deck. The slip tank must be lifted out
of the boat in order to fill it so as to prevent fuel getting into the
bilge should the fuelling procedure result in overflow.

When refuelling at a service station, do not use a plastic funnel

which will prevent the discharge of static voltage between the
filler pistol and the bushing of the fuel inlet. After filling the tank
(see tank capacity in appendix 1. Technical specifications), check
that no fuel has leaked into the bilge or into the engine well. Im-
mediately wipe off any fuel splashes.

In the Buster S and XS a place has been reserved under the rear
bench in the cockpit to accommodate a slip tank. In the Buster L
and M there is space for two tanks. Do not keep reserve canisters
in unventilated space or loose, or any equipment containing pet-
rol in a place that is not designed for it.

Check annually that there has been no wear and tear in the fuel
feed pipes.


5.7.2 Fire extinguishing and fire prevention
In accordance with diagram 3, the Buster Magnum, XXL, XL, L
and M are equipped with 2 kg hand-held powder extinguishers. In
these boats the extinguisher is located in the storage space at the
stern on the left side. Its position is indicated by a clearly visible
symbol in the cockpit.

Diagram 3. Hand-held fire extinguisher 2 kg

Hand-held fire extinguishers must be serviced annually. Extin-

guishers more than 10 years old are not approved unless the new
pressure chamber has been tested. When changing hand-held
fire extinguishers, they should be replaced by a device with a ex-
tinguishing capacity at least the same as the one being replaced.

Ensure also that fire extinguishing equipment is easily accessible

when the boat is loaded. Notify all crew members of the location
and method of operation of fire extinguishing equipment.

Keep the bilge clear of fuel and regularly check for possible fuel
leaks. The smell of petrol is a sure sign of a fuel leak.

• obstruct access to safety equipment e.g. to the extiguisher
and the main power switch of the electrical system. Remem-
ber always to unlock the padlock of the storage space (for the
extinguisher) when using the boat.
• block any ventilation openings made in the boat as they are
designed for venting fuel vapour.
• make alterations to the boat’s electrical- or fuel system or per-
mit an unqualified person to make changes to any system on
the boat.
• detach the fuel line from the slip tank when the engine is run-
ning, e.g. to change tanks.
• fill the fuel tank or otherwise handle fuel when the engine is
• smoke or cause a naked flame when handling fuel.

5.8 Electrical system

Circuit diagrams for the electrical systems of the various boats
are shown in appendix 3.

In the Buster S, M and L, the main power switch is located on the

left side of the rear bench’s bulkhead. In the Buster L Prof, XL,
XXL and Magnum the main power switch is located on the side
of the accumulator housing which is itself under the rear bench.
The circuit is connected to function when the switch key is turned
clockwise and locked in place. When the key is in the vertical po-
sition, the circuit is switched off and the key can be extracted from
the ignition switch. However, the automatic bilge pump is always
functional when connected to the accumulator.

Switches for control- and electrical devices are arranged in

accordance with diagram 4.


Diagram 4. Location of electrical devices:
1) Accumulator 2) Main power switch 4) Mast light, white 360o 6) Switch panel (see diagram 5)
housing 3) Bilge pump 5) Navigation light, with colour 7) Windshield wiper
sectors 8) Fuse box (see diagram 6)
Diagram 5.
Buster Magnum’s
switch panel (left)
and switch panels for
other Busters (right).
1. Operating switch
for bilge pump
2. Navigation light
3. Operating switch
for windshield
4. Power outlet, max.

Diagram 6. Fuse box:

1. Navigation lights 5A
2. Bilge pump 10A
3. Power outlet 10A
4. Extra circuit 5A
5. Extra circuit 10A
6. Main power fuse 25A

7. Space reserved for a 10A automatic fuse

The circuit fuses are located in a separate fuse box right beside
the accumulator housing. The fuses utilised in Buster boats are
so-called automatic fuses which, after being triggered by an over-
load, can be reactivated by pressing the spring-loaded button
back down again. In all Buster electrical systems, there are two
extra circuits equipped with fuses (Extra 1 5A and Extra 2 10A).
Accessories that have been installed post-production can be con-
nected to these. The leads for these circuits can be found behind
the switch panel on the steering pulpit. Do not replace normal fus-
es with those intended for a higher current feed. Similarly, do not
install as part of the electrical system components which exceed
the nominal ampere value of the respective circuit.

When leaving the boat unattended for a long period, switch off
the current at the main switch. Switch off the power also when
carrying out electrical installations. However, the boat’s automatic
bilge pump remains functional and can be switched off only by
detaching the accumulator terminal lead.

When you connect or disconnect the accumulator, take care not

to simultaneously touch both terminals of the accumulator or the
aluminium surfaces of the boat with a metal tool e.g. a spanner.

Charge the accumulator only with the engine or with a battery

charger. Charging with too high a current can lead to an explo-

ATTENTION! Never switch off the power from the main switch
while the engine is running.

Do not alter the boat’s electrical system or any diagrams associ-

ated with it. Changes and service must be carried out by qualified

electricians specialised in marine electrical systems.

5.9 Control characteristics

5.9.1 Driving at high speeds

Maximum recommended engine output for Buster boats
Buster Magnum 165 kW (225 hp)
Buster XXL 110 kW (150 hp)
Buster XL 84 kW (115 hp)
Buster L and L Prof 37 kW (50 hp)
Buster M 30 kW (40 hp)
Buster S 22 kW (30 hp)
Buster XSR 15 kW (20 hp)
Buster XS 11 kW (15 hp)
Do not use a boat if its engine has a greater output than that indi-
cated on the manufacturer’s plate.

If the engine features electro-hydraulic power trim, the basic rules for
adjusting the engine’s power trim are as follows.
• when raising the boat to plane, go to the bow down position
• when the boat is planing, and in a moderate swell, raise the
bow until the boat begins to buck, and the propeller looses
its grip (ventilates) or the engine approaches the upper limit
of the normal area of adjustment. Thereafter, lower the prow
slightly until the boat stabilises. The power trim can be opti-
mised with the aid of the log.
• In a counter swell, lower the bow for a smoother ride. In a
favourable swell, and in a very high counter swell, raise the
bow slightly so that it does not dive (become submerged).
• Do not drive the boat at high speed when the engine power
trim is at a negative angle, i.e. with the bow low, as the boat
may heel and the steering become unstable.

See also the instruction manual for the engine.

The outboard engine is normally intended to be installed at such a
height that the engine’s cavitation plate is at the same elevation as
the keel of the boat.

WARNING! At high speeds adjust the power trim with care - it
radically changes the behaviour of the boat. Do not
drive with the bow too low as the boat can suddenly
deviate from its path.

WARNING! Controllability at speeds above 30 knots is diminis-

hed. Rapid turns can lead to loss of control. Reduce
speed before sharp turns in whatever direction you
are going.

WARNING! Waves reduce the boat’s controllability, causing it to

heel. Bear this in mind and reduce speed in a rising

Learn the rules of navigation (e.g. see book Rules for Waterways
Traffic published by Edita) and follow them. Observe also the re-
quirements of COLREG (Convention on the International Regula-
tions for Preventing Collisions at Sea). Navigate carefully and use
new or updated sea charts.

Always adjust your speed to accord with prevailing conditions and

the environment.

Bear in mind:
• the state of the sea (ask your passengers for their opin-
ions on a comfortable speed)
• your own wake (greater when rising to plane, smaller at
displacement speed, i.e. below 6 knots). Observe prohibi-
tions associated with a swell. Reduce your speed and your
wake as a matter of courtesy, and also for safety reasons
for yourself and others.
• visibility (islands, fog, rain, blinding sun).
• knowledge of the route (the required time for navigation).
• narrowness of the route (other traffic in the waterway,
noise, and the effect of backwash on the shoreline)

• the space needed for coming to a halt and for evasive ma-

5.9.2 Dead-man’s grip
Attach the line for the dead-manís grip to yourself immediately
you have cast off the mooring rope. Read the instructions in more
detail in the engine manual. Particularly when driving alone, it
is very important that the boat stops if for some reason you fall
overboard or stumble on board. However, remember to detach
the line from your hand before landing manoeuvres to avoid unin-
tentionally turning off the engine.

DANGER! A rotating propeller is highly dangerous to anyone

who has fallen overboard or to a swimmer. Use the
dead-manís grip and switch off the engine until the
swimmer or water skier scrambles back on board.

5.9.3 Visibility from the steering position

In beautiful and calm weather, driving is simple provided you
keep a sharp lookout that also complies with the requirements of
COLREG. Always take care that you have the best possible vis-
ibility from the steering position:
• position passengers such that they do not limit the field of
• do not drive continuously at planing threshold speed so
that the rising prow does not impede visibility
• use the engine’s power trim and possible trim tabs to ad-
just the boat’s position in such a way that the rising prow
does not obstruct visibility
• when necessary, utilise the windshield wipers
• remember also to look astern in case of approaching ves-
sels, particularly in shipping lanes.

On the approach of darkness and in a situation of limited visibility

(fog, heavy rain etc.) use the appropriate navigation lights.

5.10 Good seamanship - other recommen-
dations and instructions

5.10.1 How to avoid falling overboard and pro-

cedures for getting back on board
The boat’s work areas are marked on diagram 7. Do not sit, stand
or walk on other parts of the boat while on board.

For persons who have fallen overboard, it is easier to get back on

board via the swim ladder on the transom. The ladder can also be
pulled down by hand from the water.

5.10.2 Securing loose equipment

Secure all weighty items in place before departure (e.g. anchor).
Bear in mind that the wind and turbulence can easily snatch light-
er objects. If you intend to accelerate to planing speed, remember
to close the Buster Magnum’s intermediate hatchway.

5.10.3 Respect for the environment

The Finnish archipelago and lakes are unique and their preserva-
tion is a matter of honour. Therefore avoid:
– fuel and oil leaks
– disposing rubbish and waste in the water or on the shoreline
– discharging washing detergents or solvents into the water
– loud noise on the water and in the harbour
– generating backwash, especially in narrow passages and in shallow waterways.

Pay special attention to local environment laws and regulations.


Familiarise yourself with international regulations on preventing

the contamination of the marine environment (MARPOL) and
comply with them as much as possible.

Diagram 7. Location of work decks (defined areas) and swim ladders (1). It is forbidden to be on the roof of the

Buster L HT Prof when the boat is underway.

5.10.4 Anchoring, mooring and towing

Always anchor your boat carefully in a sheltered place as condi-

tions can change rapidly. The mooring line should be equipped
with a spring-loaded device to cushion the effect of jerking. See
the attaching points in diagram 8. Do not use parts from other
boats for mooring, towing or anchoring. Use sufficiently large
fenders to avoid chaffing and friction.

The eyelet on the prow is meant for docking on a slipway or

mounting on a trailer and not for pulling the boat sideways when
mooring to a jetty. The Buster features a thief-proof, hardened
steel eyelet for a locking chain which also may not be used for
any purpose other than locking the boat. In the Buster XS and S,
the trailer and locking eyelets are the same and in the Buster M,
L, XL, XXL and Magnum a separate locking eyelet is attached to
the foredeck.

The strength of the attaching points is also shown in diagram 8.

It is the responsibility of the owner/user to ensure that mooring,
towing and anchor ropes, anchor chains and anchors are appro-
priate for use on the boat and that the breaking strength of the
ropes and chains does not exceed 80% of the strength of the cor-
responding attaching point. However, rope wear and knots that
weaken the strength of ropes should be borne in mind.

When anchoring at a natural harbour, ensure, e.g. with a plumb

line, that the depth of the water is sufficient and that you DROP
reasonable grip can be achieved when the rope is 4-5 times the
water depth. The grip also gets better the more the rope is ex-

tended. Grip also improves significantly if the first 3-5 meters of

the anchor rope is weighted rope or cable.

WARNING! Do not try to stop the boat’s motion by using your
hand or placing your hand or foot between the boat
and the jetty, the shore or another boat. Practice moo-
ring and anchoring in good conditions and use engine
power with restraint but resolutely.

ATTENTION! When mooring your boat, always bear in mind wind

change, tidal effects, backwash from other boats etc.
Further information can be had e.g. from your in-
surance company.

When towing another boat, use a sufficiently strong, floating tow

rope. Initiate the towing procedure carefully, avoid jerks, and do
not overload the engine. If you are towing a small dinghy, adjust
the length of the tow rope such that the dinghy favourably rides
the wake of your boat. However, in narrow channels and in a
heavy swell tow the dinghy close to the transom so as to mini-
mise its twisting motion. Securely batten down the equipment in
the dinghy in case it capsizes. In a swell in open water cover the
dinghy to avoid it filling with splash water.

If you tow, or your boat needs to be towed, attach the tow rope as
per the attaching points shown in diagram 8.

WARNING! A tow rope is subject to high tension. If it snaps, the

recoiling speed at the breaking point can be highly
dangerous. Always use a sufficiently thick rope and
stay well clear of it.

Diagram 8.Attaching points for towing, anchoring and mooring to a jetty 1)
(see strengths of attaching points on the following table), locking chain atta-
ching point (hardened steel eyelet) 2) and trailer eyelet 3).

Buster Magnum 19 kN (1937 kg)

Buster XXL 16 kN (1631 kg)
Buster XL 15 kN (1529 kg)
Buster L 13,1 kN (1335 kg)
Buster M 11,9 kN (1213 kg)
Buster S 11,4 kN (1162 kg)
Buster XS 8,6 kN (877 kg)

5.10.5 Trailer towing

Before lifting your Buster boat unto a trailer, ensure that the trailer
is suitable for the boat, that the support is adequate to minimise
the load at a specific point, and that the carrying capacity is suf-
ficient for the boat, its engine, its equipment, the accumulator, all
boating accessories and the fuel load. The maximum permitted

gross weight for a trailer can be seen in your car registration pa-
Remove unnecessary articles and drain the bilge before lifting
unto the trailer. Adjust the trailer’s side supports so that the keel
support bears most of the weight of the boat. Raise the boat unto
the trailer only by utilising the towing eyelet on the prow of the
boat - other attaching points will not endure the weight of the boat
when lifting. Fasten the boat securely to the trailer before trans-
portation. Protect the boat by attaching suitable padding between
the fastening straps and the hull. Check instructions related to
trailer transportation in the engine manual.
ATTENTION! The trailer should be slightly front-weighted. Ensure
that the boat is firmly fastened to the trailer and that
its weight is evenly distributed along the trailer sup-
ports. During transportation a swaying boat will buffet
against a localised support leading to damage to the
WARNING! In terms of carrying capacity, an inadequate or poorly
maintained trailer can break down during transporta-
tion and cause danger. Ensure that the load capacity
of the trailer is sufficient for the boat as well as the
weight of the engine, fuel and equipment.

6. Service, repairs and winter storage

Information about maintenance, winter storage, service and re-
pairs can be found on the Internet at
or provided by your nearest Buster dealership.
Major damage to the aluminium surface or other surfaces must
be repaired by an authorised Buster dealership.

In the event of engine defects or faults in other devices, in the

first case contact the deliverer of the device in question.

ATTENTION! If not properly carried out, many post-production

installations and alterations can cause structural da-
mage to the boat or compromise safety. Contact the

manufacturer before you carry out or have carried

out on your behalf e.g. new groundings, hatches, or
equipment installations, or attach other metal alloys to
the aluminium surface of the boat.


The boat has a consecutive series number, i.e. the CIN code
(Craft Identification Number). The code is shown on the hull of
the vessel on the right side of the stern/on the exterior of the tran-
som next to the moulding strip. You can record the CIN code on
the table below. When dealing with the boatyard or dealer, notify
them of the CIN code and boat type so as to facilitate delivery of
the correct spare parts.

Type of notation Buster

Engine brand and model
Engine series number
Marine aluminium EN AW-
Hull material of boat
5754 H14 (AlMg3)

Buster Magnum XXL XL L Prof L M S XSR XS

Main dimensions 6,70 5,80 5,60 4,90 4,90 4,60 4,56 4,15 4,15
Hull length 6,70 5,80 5,60 4,90 4,90 4,60 4,56 4,15 4,15
Max. beam 2,40 2,25 2,17 1,97 1,97 1,86 1,79 1,65 1,65
Draft with max. load
Weight, unloaded 928 659 591 437 338 303 259 166 161
Maximum total weight 1528 1184 1116 887 788 678 559 466 461
Max. recommended persons 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 4 4
Max. recommended load **) 600 525 525 450 450 375 300 300 300
Fuel tank detachable fuel tank 170 115 100 55 irtosäiliö irtosäiliö irtosäiliö irtosäiliö irtosäiliö
Pontoon foam 1000 870 815 550 550 395 400 313 313
Max. recommended engine output kW (hp) 165 (225) 110 (150) 84 (115) 37 (50) 37 (50) 30 (40) 22 (30) 15 (20) 11 (15)
Performance at max. output, knots 48 45 40 30 32 30 26 25 23
Voltage 12 V DC 12 V DC 12 V DC 12 V DC 12 V DC 12 V DC 12 V DC 12 V DC ---
Recommended accumulator capacity, Ah 100 100 100 100 55 55 55 55 ---
Steering cables, m (ft) Hydraulinen Hydraulinen 4,00 (15) 3,25 (11) 2,75 (9) 2,75 (9) 2,75 (9) 2,75 (9) ---
Remote control cables, n (ft) 4,50 (15) 4,00 (13) 3,60 (12) 3,00 (10) 2,50 (8) 2,10 (7) 2,10 (7) 2,10 (7) ---
The maximum overall weight is the boat’s unloaded weight plus maximum recommended load. In addition to this, the engine- and accumulator weights and
incidental loads are permitted. When loading, only the following are considered as incidental loads:
Total weight of persons on board, kg 600 525 525 450 450 375 300 300 300
Basic equipment, kg 18 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Contents of detachable fuel tank, kg 60 60 30 30 30
Contents of fixed fuel tank, kg 124 84 73 60
Due to the production process, there may be small variations in the main dimensions and volumes. Note that the full capacity of tanks cannot be utilised

since capacity depends on the trim angle and angle of heel.

The overall arrangements of the diagrams are not to scale. Due to continu-
ous product development, the manufacturer assumes no responsibility for
possible variations.

Buster Magnum

1) Mast navigation light; visible all-round, white, output 10W 12) Breather valve for fuel tank
2) a) Accumulator housing, b) fuse box and c) main power switch 13) Cockpit draining well

3) Navigation lights; 112,5 (red) and 112,5 (green), output 10W 14) Ventilation opening for bilge
4) a) manual bilge pump, capacity 25 l/min, b) capacity 18 l/min 15) Fuel filler bushing
5) Fuel filler hose
6) Powder extinguisher, 2 kg
7) Fuel tank
8) Cockpit draining hose
9) Stern drain plug
10) Bilge pump
11) Service hatch for fuel tank and bilge pump
Buster XXL

1) Mast navigation light; visible all-round, white, output 10W 12) Breather valve for fuel tank
2) a) Accumulator housing, b) fuse box and c) main power switch

3) Navigation lights; 112,5 (red) and 112,5 (green), output 10W 14) Ventilation opening for bilge
15) Fuel filler bushing
5) Fuel filler hose 16) Reserve space for life raft
6) Powder extinguisher, 2 kg 17) Fuel filter/water separator
7) Fuel tank 18) Fuel tank service hatch (no access to bilge pump)
8) Cockpit draining hose 19) Bilge pump service hatch (no access to fuel tank)
9) Stern drain plug
10) Bilge pump
11) Service hatch for fuel tank and bilge pump
Buster XL

1) Mast navigation light; visible all-round, white, output 10W 13) Cockpit draining well
2) a) Accumulator housing, b) fuse box and c) main power switch 14) Ventilation opening for bilge

3) Navigation lights; 112,5 (red) and 112,5 (green), output 10W 15) Fuel filler bushing

5) Fuel filler hose 17) Fuel filter/water separator

6) Powder extinguisher, 2 kg
7) Fuel tank

9) Stern drain plug

10) Bilge pump
11) Service hatch for fuel tank and bilge pump
Buster L Prof

1) Mast navigation light; visible all-round, white, output 10W 15) Fuel filler bushing
2) a) Accumulator housing, b) fuse box and c) main power switch

3) Navigation lights; 112,5 (red) and 112,5 (green), output 10W 18) Fuel tank service hatch (no access to bilge pump)
4) a) manual bilge pump, capacity 25 l/min, b) capacity 18 l/min
5) Fuel filler hose
6) Powder extinguisher, 2 kg
7) Fuel tank
8) Cockpit draining hose
9) Stern drain plug
10) Bilge pump

Buster L

1) Mast navigation light; visible all-round, white, output 10W 20) Ventilation opening for fuel storage space
2) a) Accumulator housing, b) fuse box and c) main power switch 21) Reserve space for detachable fuel tank

3) Navigation lights; 112,5 (red) and 112,5 (green), output 10W

6) Powder extinguisher, 2 kg

8) Cockpit draining hose

9) Stern drain plug
10) Bilge pump

Buster Ml

1) Mast navigation light; visible all-round, white, output 10W 20) Ventilation opening for fuel storage space
2) a) Accumulator housing, b) fuse box and c) main power switch 21) Reserve space for detachable fuel tank

3) Navigation lights; 112,5° (red) and 112,5° (green), output 10W

6) Powder extinguisher, 2 kg

8) Cockpit draining hose

9) Stern drain plug
10) Bilge pump

Buster S

1) Mast navigation light; visible all-round, white, output 10W

2) a) Accumulator housing, b) fuse box and c) main power switch

9) Stern drain plug

10) Bilge pump
11) Service hatch for fuel tank and bilge pump

20) Ventilation opening for fuel storage space

21) Reserve space for detachable fuel tank
22) Oarlocks

Buster XS ja XSR

4) a) manual bilge pump, capacity 25 l/min, b) capacity 18 l/min


9) Stern drain plug

20) Ventilation opening for fuel storage space

21) Reserve space for detachable fuel tank
22) Oarlocks


Circuit diagram for Buster Magnum. Symbols and terminology on page 50

Circuit diagram for Buster XXL. Symbols and terminology on page 50

Circuit diagram for Buster XL. Symbols and terminology on page 50


Circuit diagram for Buster LHT Professional. Symbols and terminology on
page 50

Circuit diagram for Buster M and L. Symbols and terminology on page 50


Circuit diagram for Buster S. Symbols and terminology on page 50

(RED) Red lead

(BLK) Black lead
(BRN) Brown lead
(GRY) Grey lead
(R/W) Red/white lead
BILGE Electrical bilge pump
WIPER Motor for windshield wiper
LIGHT W Mast light, 360° white
LIGHT R/G Navigation light, red and green 112,5°/112,5°
LIGHT GRN Navigation light, green 112,5°
LIGHT RED Navigation light, red 112,5°
(MAIN) FUSE (Main) fuse
BATTERY Accumulator
MAIN SWITCH Main switch
FUEL SENSOR Fuel sensor
FUEL GAUGE Fuel gauge
RCU Remote control unit, ignition key

Due to continuous product development, the manufacturer as-

sumes no responsibility for possible variations in the circuit dia-


EU recreational-craft directive 94/25/EY


Manufacturer’s name: Inha Works Ltd.

Address: Saarikyläntie 21
Postal code: FIN-63700
Locality: Ähtäri
Country: Finland
Module adopted: B+C


Name: VTT Products and production

Identification code: 0537
Address: Post box 1705, Otakaari 7 B
Postal code: FIN-02044
Locality: Espoo
Country: Finland



Make and Design Type inspection Boat type Construction Maximum Length/width/
model of cate- and certificate material engine draft (m)
boat gory number capacity
Buster C Open, sin- Aluminium
501/1B1/2003 165 6,70/2,40/0,36
Magnum gle-hull, alloy
Buster XXL 515/1B1/2003 outboard 110 5,80/2,25/0,30
Buster XL 514/1B1/2003 motorboat 84 5,60/2,17/0,30
Buster L 513/1B1/2003 37 4,90/1,97/0,29
Buster M 512/1B1/2003 30 4,60/1,85/0,19
Buster S 22 4,56/1,79/0,19
Buster XS D VAL 220/1B1/98 11 (15) 4,15/1,65/0,13

References to the appropriate uniform standards and regulations are listed

on the back page.

I declare that the above-mentioned recreational boat complies will all ap-
propriate and essential safety requirements in accordance with the specifi-
cations overleaf and the EU type-inspection certificate.

Jukka Suonperä
Managing director
Date: (dd/mm/yy): 1.7.2005

Essential safety requirements as Applicable inspection methods as per boat model
per inspection group Buster Magnum Buster XXL Buster L Buster S Buster XS
Buster XL Buster M

2. General requirements
2.1 Hull markings CIN ISO 10087 ISO 10087 ISO 10087 ISO 10087 ISO 10087
2.2 Manufacturer’s plate RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines,
ISO 11592 ISO 11592 ISO 11592 ISO 11592 ISO 11592
2.3 Prevention of falling RSG Guidelines, ISO RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines
overboard 15085 ISO 15085 ISO 15085
2.4 Visibility from steering RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines,
position NBS F10 NBS F10 NBS F10 NBS F10 NBS F10
2.5 Owner’s handbook ISO 10240 ISO 10240 ISO 10240 ISO 10240 ISO 10240
3.1 Structure RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines,
NBS-VTT Extended NBS-VTT Extended NBS-VTT Extended NBS-VTT Exten- NBS-VTT
Rule Rule Rule, NBS F15 ded Rule Extended Rule,
3.2 Stability and free board RSG Guidelines, ISO RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines,
12217 ISO 12217 NBS F3 ISO 12217 ISO 12217,
3.3 Buoyancy RSG Guidelines, ISO RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines,
12217 ISO 12217 NBS F12 ISO 12217 ISO 12217,
3.4 Hull and deck openings - - - - -
3.5 Filling with water - - - - -
3.6 Maximum permitted load RSG Guidelines, ISO RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines,
12217 ISO 12217 NBS F3 ISO 12217 ISO 12217,
3.7 Stowing life jackets RSG Guidelines - - - -
3.8 Emergency exit - - - - -
3.9 Anchoring, mooring and RSG Guidelines RSG Guidelines RSG Guidelines RSG Guidelines RSG Guidelines
4. Drive characteristics RSG Guidelines, ISO RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines,
11592 ISO 11592 NBS F10, ISO 11592 NBS F10,
ISO 8665, ISO 8665,
ISO 11592 ISO 11592
5. Installation requirements
5.1 Engines and engine space - - - - -
5.1.1 Inboard engines - - - - -
5.1.2 Ventilation - - - - -
5.1.3 Exposed parts - - - - -
5.1.4 Start-up of outboard - - - - -
5.2 Fuel system RSG Guidelines, ISO RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, -
10088, ISO 10088, ISO 10088, ISO 10088,
ISO 11105, ISO 11105, ISO 11105, ISO 11105,
ISO 9094 ISO 9094 ISO 9094 ISO 9094
5.2.1 Fuel system in general - - - - -

5.2.2 Fuel tanks - - - - -

5.3 Electrical system RSG Guidelines, ISO RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, RSG Guidelines, -
10133, ISO 10133, ISO 10133, ISO 10133,
ISO 13297 ISO 13297 ISO 13297 ISO 13297
5.4 Steering system ISO 8848, ISO 8848, ISO 8848, ISO 8848, ISO 8848,
ISO 10592, ISO 10592, ISO 10592, ISO 10592, ISO 10592,
ISO 9775, ISO 9775, ISO 9775, ISO 9775, ISO 9775,
ISO 13929 ISO 13929 ISO 13929 ISO 13929 ISO 13929
5.4.1 Steering system in - - - - -

5.4.2 Reserve systems - - - - -

5.5 Gas equipment - - - - -
5.6 Fire prevention RSG Guidelines, ISO 9094 ISO 9094 RSG Guidelines, -
ISO 9094 ISO 9094
5.6.1 Fire prevention in general - - - - -
5.6.2 Fire prevention equipment - - - - -
5.7 Navigation lights 1972 COLREG 1972 COLREG 1972 COLREG 1972 COLREG -
5.8 Prevention of emissions - - - - -
and discharges
- = is not relevant for the security of the boat model in question or the system in question is not used in the boat

Inha Works Ltd.
FI-63700 Ähtäri

w w w . b u s t e r . f i

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