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Concise Definitive Reviews in Critical Care Medicine

Cardiovascular management of septic shock

R. Phillip Dellinger, MD

T his review will cover septic tality of septic shock can be estimated eral rule, because most patients who
shock as a manifestation of se- more reliably. Table 1 shows a compila- remain hypotensive after volume resusci-
vere sepsis. The reader is re- tion of septic shock mortalities drawn tation will be started on vasopressors, va-
ferred to other articles, which from the placebo arms of clinical trials (8, sopressor requirement for sepsis-induced
review the myriad multisystem dysfunc- 9, 11–22). Figure 1 shows improvement hypotension plus hypoperfusion abnor-
tions associated with severe sepsis (1– 4), in septic shock mortality over time (23). malities becomes a clinically useful sur-
and is reminded that as in all patients rogate definition for septic shock.
with sepsis early initiation of appropriate Historical Perspective
antibiotics and adequate source control
Pathophysiology and Associated
are key components of septic shock treat- The word sepsis is derived from the
Clinical Considerations
ment. Greek language (24). Pepsis was good,
Ascertaining the incidence of septic embodying the natural processes of The hemodynamic profile of septic
shock is limited by the variability in def- maturation and fermentation. Sepsis, shock is influenced by multiple sepsis-
initions used in epidemiologic studies, however, was bad and synonymous with induced physiologic changes (26 –38) and
the analysis of septic shock as a subset of putrefaction as characterized by bad characterized by components of hypovo-
patients with severe sepsis, and short- smell. It was thousands of years later lemic, obstructive, cardiogenic, distribu-
comings of methods used to calculate the before Pasteur conclusively linked pu- tive, and cytotoxic shock (Table 2). This
incidence of severe sepsis. In five recent trefaction to a bacterial cause. The word hemodynamic profile is modified by fluid
large clinical trials that enrolled a total of shock has its derivation from the resuscitation (Fig. 2). After adequate res-
5,461 patients with severe sepsis (criteria French root “choquer,” meaning “to toration of left ventricular filling, the
⫽ evidence of infection, systemic inflam- collide with.” Based on our current un- presence and severity of hypotension are
matory response syndrome, and at least derstanding of the pathophysiology of directly dependent on impairment of con-
one organ dysfunction/hypoperfusion), septic shock, the collision of the body’s tractility (both sepsis-induced and base-
the incidence of septic shock ranged from defenses with the invading organism, line) and the degree of systemic vascular
52% to 71% of patients with severe sep- this seems to be particularly appropri- resistance lowering (39, 40). Persistent
sis, with a mean of 58% (5–9). A recent ate terminology. hypotension, despite adequate fluid re-
study used International Classification of suscitation, mandates the use of vaso-
Diseases (ICD)-9 hospital diagnostic pressors and is the hallmark of septic
codes for infection and acute organ dys- Current Definition of Septic
Shock shock.
function to estimate 751,000 cases of se- Even when cardiac output in septic
vere sepsis per annum in the United shock has been normalized or is su-
In 1992, the ACCP/SCCM Consensus
States (10). Taking the incidence of septic pranormal, hypoperfusion abnormalities
Conference Committee defined septic
shock in severe sepsis from the five stud- (lactic acidosis, decreased urine output,
shock as follows: “. . .sepsis-induced hy-
ies above, septic shock would, therefore, or altered mental status) may persist.
potension (systolic blood pressure ⬍ 90
be predicted to occur annually in 435,580 This “distributive shock” may be related
mm Hg or a reduction of ⱖ 40 mm Hg
patients in the United States. The mor- to a maldistribution of blood flow at the
from baseline) despite adequate fluid re-
suscitation along with the presence of organ level (decreased blood flow to the
perfusion abnormalities that may in- stomach, pancreas, and small bowel) or
From Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Uni- clude, but are not limited to, lactic aci- microvascular level (shunting) and may
versity of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Sec- dosis, oliguria, or an acute alteration in be associated with a cytotoxic component
tion of Critical Care Medicine, Cooper Health System, (sepsis-induced cellular deficiency in uti-
mental status. Patients who are receiving
Camden, NJ. lizing oxygen, despite adequate supply)
Key Words: septic shock; severe sepsis; vasopres- inotropic or vasopressor agents may have
sors; fluid resuscitation; norepinephrine; vasopressin; a normalized blood pressure at the time (41– 47).
bicarbonate; goal-directed therapy; steroids; drotreco- that perfusion abnormalities are identi-
gin alfa fied.” (25)
Address requests for reprints to: R. Phillip Dellinger, Diagnosis
MD, Director, Section of Critical Care Medicine, Cooper This definition has received general
Health System, One Cooper Plaza, Camden, NJ 08103. acceptance with the exception that most Septic shock is diagnosed when
E-mail: clinical trials have not considered inotro- there is clinical evidence of infection,
Copyright © 2003 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins pic therapy alone as a qualifier for sepsis- persistent sepsis-induced hypotension,
DOI: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000057403.73299.A6 induced cardiovascular failure. As a gen- despite volume resuscitation (or re-

946 Crit Care Med 2003 Vol. 31, No. 3

Table 1. Compilation of septic shock mortalities drawn from placebo arms of clinical trials nary artery catheter (PAC) is frequently
associated with inaccurate measurements
Control Group
(56). Furthermore, even when measure-
Patients with
ments are accurate, benefit could only be
Author Year Study Type Septic Shock HMR (%)
gained when appropriate decisions are
Abraham et al. (11) 1998 RCT 930 398 (43) made based on these measurements. It is
Baudo et al. (12) 1998 RCT 23 20 (87) likely that only a randomized, prospective
Bollaert et al. (13) 1998 RCT 19 12 (63) trial in which both education on proper
Briegel et al. (14) 1999 RCT 20 6 (30) measurements and consensus treatment
Angus et al. (15) 2000 RCT 317 145 (46)
Martin et al. (16) 2000 POS 97 70 (73) protocols are used will answer the ques-
Rank et al. (17) 2000 RCT 30 16 (53) tion of whether the PAC offers potential
Abraham et al. (18) 2001 RCT 185 63 (34) benefit for patients with septic shock.
Warren et al. (8) 2001 RCT 544 235 (43) Nevertheless, central hemodynamic
Abraham et al. (19) 2001 RCT 46 19 (41)
Rivers et al. (9) 2001 RCT 70 40 (57)
monitoring technology continues to ad-
Jensen et al. (20) 2002 POS 38 18 (47) vance and less invasive alternatives for
Cole et al. (21) 2002 RCT 12 4 (33) the estimation of cardiac output are be-
Annane et al. (22) 2002 RCT 149 91 (61) ing made available (57– 62). Although tri-
Total 2480 1137 (46) als with these technologies are encourag-
HMR, hospital mortality rate; RCT, randomized, controlled trial; POS, prospective observational
ing as to performance, the ability to
study. influence clinical outcome in septic
shock is unknown.
Table 2. Septic shock—A melting pot of shock
etiologies Therapy
Hypovolemic (loss of cardiac filling) Fluid Resuscitation. Despite universal
Capillary leak (absolute hypovolemia) agreement on aggressive fluid resuscita-
Venodilation (relative hypovolemia) tion as the initial intervention in septic
Decrease in contractility
shock patients, the choice of optimum
Obstructive fluid resuscitation has been less clear.
Rise in pulmonary vascular resistance Although prospective studies of choice of
Distributive (hypoperfusion, despite normal/ fluid resuscitation in septic shock are
increased cardiac output) lacking, meta-analyses of clinical studies
Figure 1. Changes in septic shock mortality Macrovascular
Decreased splanchnic blood flow
comparing crystalloid and colloid resus-
(1958 –2002). Adapted from Reference 23.
Microvascular citation in general populations of primar-
Shunting ily surgical nonseptic shock patients in-
Cytotoxic dicate no clinical outcome difference
quirement for vasopressors), and evi- Cellular inability to utilize oxygen, despite between colloids and crystalloids (63–
dence of sepsis-related organ hypoper- adequate supply
65). Extrapolation of these results to sep-
fusion (lactic acidosis, decreased urine tic shock patients is unclear. Although
output, or altered mental status). Other less fluid is required with colloids to
causes of shock potentially associated achieve resuscitation goals and less
Invasive Monitoring
with fever include pulmonary embo- edema results, it is unlikely that these
lism, acute myocardial infarction, and Because of the rapid changes in blood nonoutcome-related events justify the
adrenal crisis (48 –50). In patients be- pressure that may occur in the presence added expense (66). An exception would
ing hemodynamically monitored, car- of septic shock, arterial cannulation for be a clinical scenario in which hypoten-
diac output is decreased in pulmonary continual monitoring of blood pressure is sion is immediately life threatening and
embolism and acute myocardial infarc- recommended. In addition, central ve- colloid infusion is judged to offer more
tion but following volume resuscitation nous catheters are needed to infuse vaso- rapid correction of volume deficit (lim-
would typically be increased in septic pressors. The role of central hemody- ited access and low mL/min infusion rate
and adrenal shock. Serum troponin namic monitoring is less clear. Although capability).
may be elevated in septic shock, as well one retrospective analysis using paired Over the years, there has been consid-
as shock due to myocardial infarction cohorts suggested harm with pulmonary erable interest in targeting filling pres-
or pulmonary embolism, but markedly artery catheterization, randomized, pro- sures for fluid resuscitation therapy in
increased only in myocardial infarction spective trials in patients with septic patients with central venous or pulmo-
(51–53). Bedside echocardiography is shock are lacking (54). A study using his- nary artery catheters. This has included
useful in differentiating shock due to torical controls demonstrated improved targeting absolute values of central ve-
pulmonary embolism (right ventricular survival when on-site intensivists were nous pressure between 8 and 14 mm Hg
dilation), acute myocardial infarction involved in the care of septic shock pa- or pulmonary artery occlusive pressure
(focal wall motion abnormality), hypo- tients (55). Pulmonary artery catheters between 14 and 18 mm Hg. Establishing
volemic shock (poorly filled hyperdy- were used more frequently during the a narrow range for these filling pressures
namic left ventricle), and septic shock intensivist involvement period. It is now is difficult because left ventricular filling
(global decrease in contractility). well established that use of the pulmo- may vary based on physiology other than

Crit Care Med 2003 Vol. 31, No. 3 947

filling pressure (such as ventricular wall
compliance, intrathoracic pressure, and
in the case of right-sided filling pressure,
pulmonary vascular resistance). In addi-
tion, the potential negative effects of in-
creasing pulmonary capillary leak in the
presence of acute lung injury must also
be considered as filling pressures are in-
creased. Fluid resuscitation of septic
shock often occurs in the absence of cen-
tral hemodynamic monitoring. In that
circumstance, bolus fluid therapy (250 –
1000 mL crystalloid over 5–15 mins), re-
peated as long as the patient remains
hypotensive or until early clinical mani-
festation of high left-sided filling pres-
sures occur (crackles on auscultation of
lungs or a drop in oxyhemoglobin satu-
ration), is appropriate. This approach is
safer in patients mechanically ventilated
or those with good oxygen transfer and of
greater risk in nonintubated patients al-
ready receiving significant supplemental

Vasopressor and Inotropic

Indications and Targets of Vasopres-
sor Therapy. Following adequate intra-

Figure 2. Cardiovascular changes associated with

septic shock and the effects of fluid resuscitation.
A, normal (baseline) state. B, in septic shock, left
ventricular blood return is reduced due to a com-
bination of capillary leak (inset), increased ve-
nous capacitance (VC), and increased pulmonary
vascular resistance. The stroke volume is further
compromised by a sepsis-induced decrease in left
and right ventricular (RV) contractility. Tachy-
cardia and increased left ventricular compliance
serve as countermeasures to combat low cardiac
output, the latter by increasing left ventricular
preload. However, cardiac output remains low to
normal. Finally, a decrease in arteriolar (systemic
vascular) resistance allows a higher stroke vol-
ume at any given contractility and left ventricular
filling state, but also the potential for severe
hypotension, despite restoration of adequate left
ventricular filling. C, aggressive fluid resuscita-
tion compensates for capillary leak, increased ve-
nous capacitance, and increased pulmonary vas-
cular resistance by re-establishing adequate left
ventricular blood return. Decreased arteriolar re-
sistance (AR), tachycardia, and increased left ven-
tricular compliance compensate for decreased
ejection fraction. Ejection fraction increases as
left ventricular filling increases. The net result is
that after adequate volume resuscitation, most
patients with severe sepsis have a high cardiac
output, low systemic vascular resistance state.
VR, venous return; RA, right atrium; LA, left
atrium; LV, left ventricle; AO, aorta; 3, blood
flow(cardiac output); ⫽⬎, contractility.

948 Crit Care Med 2003 Vol. 31, No. 3

vascular volume repletion, the continued cardiac output (CO) as it raises blood greater risk for splanchnic and coronary
presence of hypotension warrants the use pressure. However, at least one study artery ischemia, as well as a decrease in
of vasopressor therapy (defined as an intra- documented an increase in CO with cardiac output (81).
venous drug that raises blood pressure par- phenylephrine (68). Although only one
tially or totally through a direct arteriolar small single-center, prospective, random- Vasopressor Impact on Clinical
constrictive effect). A combined inotrope/ ized study has shown benefit of norepi- Outcome
vasopressor may be chosen (1). Minimal nephrine over dopamine, recent litera-
data exist to guide selection of the thresh- ture reports some potential advantages of A rise in blood pressure may or may
old for blood pressure maintenance. Arbi- norepinephrine (74). The potential ad- not be a surrogate of clinical benefit. In a
trary values of a systolic blood pressure of vantages of norepinephrine, compared large placebo-controlled clinical trial, ad-
90 mm Hg or a mean arterial blood pres- with dopamine, include minimal tachy- ministration of the nonselective nitric ox-
sure of 60 – 65 mm Hg have traditionally cardia response and no interference with ide inhibitor NG-methyl-L-arginine in
been chosen. Mean arterial pressure is a hypothalamic pituitary axis (67, 75). In septic shock produced both significant
better reflection of arterial pressure-head, addition, despite concerns in the past of increases in blood pressure and signifi-
but in the absence of an arterial line, sys- vasoconstriction-induced digital isch- cant increases in mortality (89). The ef-
tolic blood pressure is likely to be a more emia and decreased renal perfusion, there fects of vasopressor choice on other vari-
accurate pressure measurement and is typ- is no evidence that these occur and data ables, such as renal blood flow,
ically used. One study demonstrated that in humans and animals demonstrate a glomerular filtration pressure, splanch-
mean arterial pressures between 65 and 85 norepinephrine-induced increase in car- nic blood flow, hypothalami-pituitary
mm Hg were associated with no difference diac output, renal blood flow, and urine axis, and cerebral perfusion pressure, are
in organ perfusion variables (67). Because output when used in septic shock (76 – likely to be important issues.
increasing blood pressure through vaso- 78). Norepinephrine is a more potent
constriction may be associated with a de- agent than dopamine in refractory septic Inotropic Support
crease in cardiac output, trade-off may exist shock (74, 79). An observational study
between raising blood pressure and de- also reports a survival advantage of nor- Decreased global contractility is ex-
creasing cardiac index that varies based on epinephrine over other vasopressor pected in patients with septic shock. De-
the choice of vasopressor or combined ino- choices in septic shock (80). spite this decrease in ejection fraction,
trope/vasopressor. the typical hemodynamic profile in septic
Role of Vasopressin shock following fluid resuscitation is an
Vasopressor Agents increased cardiac output. In the presence
Although high endogenous levels of va- of severe depression of cardiac contractil-
Dopamine, epinephrine, norepineph- sopressin in nonshock states (inappropriate ity and low normal or decreased cardiac
rine, phenylephrine, and vasopressin antidiuretic hormone syndrome) do not output, inotropic therapy, i.e., dobut-
have been demonstrated to be effective in produce hypertension, in shock states, va- amine, may be considered in an attempt
raising blood pressure in patients with sopressin stimulation of vascular V1 recep- to maintain a high normal range of car-
septic shock (68 –73) (Table 3). Dopamine tors appears to be an important mechanism diac output. In the presence of hypoten-
and epinephrine are more likely to induce of blood pressure rise (81, 82). Recent lit- sion, dobutamine would be administered
or exacerbate tachycardia than norepi- erature supports vasopressin as an option under the cover of vasopressor therapy.
nephrine and phenylephrine. Because of to raise blood pressure in septic shock and This should be distinguished from the
intense venoconstriction and associated to wean more traditional vasopressors al- institution of dobutamine to increase car-
right atrial baroreceptor stimulation, ready in place. Septic shock-associated ex- diac output to high levels, even when
norepinephrine does not usually induce haustion of neurohypophyseal stores due to already elevated, as part of empirical su-
or exacerbate tachycardia. As a pure ␣ intense and prolonged stimulation, as well pranormal oxygen delivery (see discus-
agonist, phenylephrine should not pro- as impairment of baroreflex-mediated stim- sion below).
duce tachycardia. Dopamine typically ulation of vasopressin release, may lead to
raises both blood pressure and cardiac inappropriately low levels of serum vaso-
index, as does norepinephrine, although Bicarbonate Therapy
pressin (81, 83, 84). Low doses of vasopres-
the rise in cardiac output with dopamine sin targeted to achieve serum vasopressin In years past, intravenous bicarbonate
is greater. Phenylephrine, as a pure ␣ levels, similar to that present in cardiogenic became routine therapy for septic shock-
agonist, might be expected to decrease shock, have been demonstrated to produce induced anion gap acidosis based on the
a significant rise in mean arterial pressure following: a) the inherent concept that
in septic shock, often leading to the discon- acidemia is bad and that it can be cor-
Table 3. Vasopressor agents for use in septic tinuation of traditional vasopressors (85– rected with intravenous bicarbonate; b)
88). The effect of this strategy on clinical the widespread belief that vasopressors
Typical Intravenous outcome is unknown, because no random- are not as effective in an acidic environ-
Agent Dose Range ized, prospective clinical outcome trials ex- ment; and c) whole and isolated heart
ist. If vasopressin is given, it seems most muscle animal studies that suggest aci-
Dopamine 6–25 ␮g/kg/min appropriate in patients requiring high-dose demia suppresses cardiac performance
Epinephrine 1–10 ␮g/min vasopressors, especially when blood pres- (90 –94). However, there has been a re-
Norepinephrine 1–30 ␮g/min sure remains inadequate. Dosing should be cent paradigm shift in the use of bicar-
Phenylephrine 40–180 ␮g/min
Vasopressin 0.01–0.04 units/min limited to 0.01 to 0.04 units/minute be- bonate therapy for septic shock because
cause higher doses put the patient at a of the following: a) the awareness that

Crit Care Med 2003 Vol. 31, No. 3 949

patients with septic shock are not dying Early Goal-Directed Therapy 1980s, each giving large “industrial
from lactic acidemia but are dying from strength” doses of steroids targeting day
the inability of the cell to receive or uti- A recent single-institution clinical 1 of septic shock (119, 120). These trials
lize oxygen, i.e., the acidemia is cosmetic; trial of 263 randomized patients pre- failed to show a clinical outcome benefit,
b) in the presence of peripheral hypoper- sented to the emergency department with and empirical steroid therapy of septic
fusion, the generation of CO2 (H⫹ ⫹ septic shock to receive 6 hrs of either shock in the absence of the identification

HCO3 3 H3CO3 3 H2O and CO2), traditional therapy consisting of volume of traditional adrenal insufficiency (very
which may not be adequately cleared resuscitation (targeting a central venous low baseline serum cortisol in the face of
from poorly perfused peripheral tissues, pressure of 8 –12 mm Hg), followed by the stress of shock or failing to achieve a
is problematic; and c) clinical studies, vasopressor therapy (if required), to specific serum cortisol level following the
including one randomized, prospective maintain a mean arterial pressure of 65 corticotropin [ACTH] stimulation test)
trial, failed to show any hemodynamic mm Hg or “early goal-directed (EGT) was largely abandoned (121, 122). In the
benefit from bicarbonate therapy either therapy,” which required a central ve- late 1990s, several single-center studies
to increase cardiac output or to decrease nous catheter with the capability to mea- of septic shock using stress (low) doses of
the vasopressor requirement, regardless sure central venous oxyhemoglobin satu- steroids intravenously for 5– 8 days
of degree of acidemia (91, 95, 96). Other ration (CVO2 sat), used to dictate further showed promising results (123, 124). In
forms of base therapy, Carbicarb and di- resuscitation measures (9). If, following 2000, a prospective observational study
chloroacetate with buffering profiles that volume resuscitation, the CVO2 sat re- used the response to a high-dose ACTH
might offer advantages over bicarbonate mained at ⬍70%, EGT therapy involved, stimulation test (250 ␮g) to characterize
have also been studied in lactic acidosis. first, transfusion of packed red blood cells the adrenal status of patients in septic
Carbicarb has demonstrated mixed re- to a hematocrit of 30% and, then, if CVO2 shock (125). A baseline cortisol measure-
sults as to hemodynamic benefit, and the sat remained at ⬍70%, institution of do- ment was followed up by post-ACTH
only large randomized trial studied the butamine therapy (blinded as to cardiac stimulation cortisol levels at 30 and 60
potential benefit of dichloroacetate and output because no PAC was in place) to a mins. The highest value of the two post-
failed to show a clinical outcome benefit maximum of 20 ␮g/kg/min in an attempt ACTH stimulation cortisols was com-
(97, 98). to achieve a CVO2 sat of 70%. A signifi- pared with the baseline level and sug-
cant clinical outcome benefit was demon- gested that the inability to raise cortisol
strated in the EGT group with a 16% following the ACTH stimulation test by
Oxygen Delivery in Septic absolute reduction in 28-day mortality. 10 ␮g/dL or greater was more predictive
Shock: How Much Is Enough? Several points concerning this trial are of a poor outcome than the basal level
worthy of emphasis. The protocol treat- itself. This group of patients was called
Studies in septic shock patients dem- ments were applied during the first 6 hrs “nonresponders” and was identified as
onstrating that increasing oxygen con- of septic shock management, which likely having “relative adrenal insufficiency.”
sumption as normal oxygen delivery was provided more organized state-of-the-art Based on these findings, a 300-patient
increased to higher than normal values medical attention than the typical septic multicenter, prospective, randomized,
supported the concept of “supranormal shock patient receives during that time blinded study of stress-dose steroid ther-
O2 delivery” being potentially beneficial period. The primary difference between apy targeting this group of nonre-
in the treatment of septic shock to replete the two treatment groups was in red sponders was performed and published in
an oxygen deficit as the cause of lactic blood cell transfusion. This is contrary to 2002 (126). Patients with septic shock
acidosis. Detractors from this approach recent studies that showed no benefit of were randomized within the first 8 hrs of
argued that the observed effect was due to red blood cell transfusion in general in- presentation to receive either 50 mg of
mathematical coupling because the same tensive care unit (ICU) populations (110). intravenous hydrocortisone every 6 hrs
key variables were used in calculating This early approach of increasing oxygen every day plus 50 ␮g by mouth of the
both oxygen delivery and consumption, delivery in septic shock patients by tar- mineralocorticoid fludrocortisone every
causing movement in the same direction geting a monitor of the oxygen supply/ day or placebo. Treatment continued for
(99). Numerous studies have demon- demand relationship is significantly dif- 7 days. The primary analysis group was
strated that the lactate/pyruvate ratio, ex- ferent from the supranormal O2 delivery nonresponders to ATCH, defined as the
pected to increase in the face of oxygen approach that targeted a specific oxygen failure to increase serum cortisol levels
debt, remains unchanged in septic shock delivery target in general ICU patients. by 10 ␮g/dL or greater following ACTH
and hyperlactatemia (100 –102). Although these results are encouraging, stimulation. Use of stress-dose (low-dose)
Clinical studies of “supranormal oxy- larger multiple-centered studies are steroids in nonresponders was associated
gen delivery” demonstrate that the ability needed to validate this approach. Use of with decreased mortality and decreased
to increase oxygen delivery with volume this approach requires measurement of vasopressor usage. There was no benefit
resuscitation and inotropic therapy in a CVO2 sat. of steroids in responders to ACTH. The
patient with septic shock identifies a bet- benefit in nonresponders was best seen in
ter prognosis (103–107). However, two Steroids the Kaplan-Meier survival curve analysis,
large randomized, multiple-centered, in which death was both decreased and
prospective clinical trials failed to dem- Based on positive reports from animal prolonged by steroids. There was no sta-
onstrate a benefit of supranormal oxygen and single-center clinical studies, as well tistically significant difference in the 28-
delivery (108, 109). Targeting a specific as the anecdotal use of steroids for severe day chi-square point mortality, but statis-
threshold of high oxygen delivery is not infection (111–118), two multiple-center tical significance was reached when
recommended as therapy of septic shock. clinical trials were performed in the logistic regression adjustment (baseline

950 Crit Care Med 2003 Vol. 31, No. 3

Figure 3. Flow diagram for guidance in management decisions in septic shock.

cortisol, cortisol response, McCabe clas- of this study of 300 patients is clearly roids in select patients with early septic
sification, Logistic Organ Dysfunction needed (and is being done in the Euro- shock. Patients most appropriate to tar-
Score, arterial lactate level, and PaO2/ pean CORTICUS trial), in the interim, it get for this therapy would be those who
FIO2) was performed. Although validation is reasonable to consider stress-dose ste- are requiring high-dose or increasing va-

Crit Care Med 2003 Vol. 31, No. 3 951

lopathy is likely an important facet of Experimental Therapies

pathophysiology in septic shock. The ac-
he intensivist pro- tivation of protein C from its inactive Available therapies that remain “ex-
zymogen is thought to be an important perimental” for the management of septic
vides intensive shock without enough literature support
body mechanism for modulating sepsis-
induced consumptive coagulopathy. In for integration into clinical practice in-
care unit manage- clude high-volume hemofiltration, plas-
patients with meningococcemia, the abil-
ment and coordination ity to activate protein C is impaired (128). mapheresis, and intravenous immuno-
Drotrecogin alfa (recombinant activated globulin (135–142).
across the total spectrum of protein C) is the first innovative therapy
to be approved by the Food and Drug SUMMARY
organ dysfunctions and sup-
Administration (FDA) for the treatment
The intensivist provides ICU manage-
port; however, no other dis- of severe sepsis and septic shock. Ratio-
ment and coordination across the total
nale for the use of recombinant activated
order likely requires the level spectrum of organ dysfunctions and sup-
protein C (rhAPC) relates to its anticoag-
port; however, no other disorder likely
ulant and profibrinolytic effect, which
of complex on-site physician targets the consumptive coagulopathy of
requires the level of complex on-site phy-
sician skills needed for the successful
skills needed for the success- septic shock. A large prospective, ran-
treatment of septic shock. After many
domized and blinded clinical trial studied
years in which there was more “opinion
ful treatment of septic shock. the effect of 96 hrs of continuous infusion
and debate,” than prospective scientific
of drotrecogin alpha (recombinant acti-
literature to guide therapy, multiple
vated protein C) given at 24 ␮g/kg/hr vs.
studies now allow the potential for inte-
placebo, with 75% of 1,690 severely septic
gration into critical care practice. Figure
sopressor therapy within the first 8 hrs of patients receiving vasopressors at the
3 depicts a decision tree capturing inte-
septic shock. In those patients, a reason- time of study entry (7). Mortality was
gration of both traditional thought and
able approach would be to give dexameth- significantly reduced from 30.8% with
recent advancements in management
asone, 3 mg intravenously every 6 hrs placebo to 24.7% in those receiving dro-
guidelines for septic shock.
(does not interfere with cortisol assay), trecogin alfa (activated) (a 6.3% absolute
I thank Dr. Vinay Sharma for assis-
until the high-dose ACTH stimulation reduction in mortality). Although debate
tance with the section on the incidence
test can be performed. Hydrocortisone continues about some aspects of the trial
and mortality of septic shock, Dr. Gordon
and fludrocortisone would then be design and patient selection, rhAPC ap-
Bernard for input regarding Figure 3, and
started and continued or discontinued pears to have a significant role in the
Drs. Stephen Trzeciak, Sergio Zanotti,
based on the results of the ACTH stimu- treatment of septic shock (129 –131). A
and Janice Zimmerman for thoughtful
lation test. If the ACTH stimulation test is post hoc subgroup analysis of the four
and insightful critique of the manuscript.
not available, then empirical stress-dose stratified Acute Physiology and Chronic
steroids should be considered. Health Evaluation (APACHE) II quartiles
revealed enhanced drug performance in REFERENCES
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