Application For A Scholarship in Croatia 2022-2023 27-02-2022 3974

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u akademskoj godini 2022. / 2023.

in the academic year 2022 / 2023
Zemlja podrijetla / Country of origin Angola

Prijava za / Application for a B. full degree bachelor or master studies (36 or 24 months) / cjelokupni
preddiplomski ili diplomski studij (36 ili 24 mjeseca)

Prezime / Surname Daniel

Ime / First name Domingos

Datum rođenja / Date of birth (d.m.y.) 29.04.2002.

Mjesto rođenja / Place of birth Luanda

Državljanstvo / Citizenship Angola

Spol / Gender Muško / Male

Broj putovnice ili osobne iskaznice / 006076439KS048

Passport or ID number

Sadašnja adresa / Present address

Adresa / Address Luanda

Grad / City Talatona

Poštanski broj / Postal code 00000

Država / Country Angola

Stalna adresa / Permanent address

Adresa / Address Luanda

Grad / City Talatona

Poštanski broj / Postal code 00000

Država / Country Angola

Telefon / Telephone +244949901350

Mobitel / Cellular Phone +244949901350

E-pošta / E-mail

Application id: 85ea3346-56d7-d2e2-0000-3f88fdbb87d5 Project number: BSI-202223-B-00035


Ustanove u Hrvatskoj gdje želite studirati/istraživati A. University of Rijeka

Institutions where you wish to pursue your studies or B. University of Zagreb
undertake research work C. University of Pula

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Naziv studija/istraživačkog projekta u Hrvatskoj Computers
Name of a study/research project to be conducted in

Trajanje studija u Hrvatskoj From: 15.02.2022. to: 23.07.2026.

Duration of planned study stay in Croatia

Imate li mentora? (samo za studente NE / NO

poslijediplomskog/doktorskog studija i istraživačkih
Do you have a supervisor already? (for post doctorate and
research students only)

Imate li ostvaren kontakt s nekom ustanovom / NE / NO

znanstvenikom u Hrvatskoj? (samo za studente
poslijediplomskog/doktorskog studija i istraživačkih
Have you been in contact with any institution or professor in
Croatia? (for post doctorate and research students only)
(Please indicate)

Jeste li prihvaćeni od strane jednog od hrvatskih NE / NO

sveučilišta ili profesora?
Have you been accepted by any university or professor in

Application id: 85ea3346-56d7-d2e2-0000-3f88fdbb87d5 Project number: BSI-202223-B-00035


Navedite sve studije/visoka učilišta (sveučilišta, fakultete, visoke škole…) koje ste pohađali i/ili pohađate, počevši od
List all of the universities and/or other higher education institutions that you have attended, starting with your current enrollment.

Naziv i mjesto ustanove Studijska grupa Broj godina Datum Diploma

Name and Place of Institution Major No. of Years diplomiranja Degree
Date of

Instituto Politécnico Simione Computers 4 26.03.2021. Other

Mucune No 1119

Semestar (za studente) 8

Semester (for students)

Područje studija u trenutku 0613 Software and applications development and analysis
prijave (za studente)
Study field at the appliaction time
(for students)

Materinski jezik(ci) Portuguese

Mother tongue(s)

Drugi jezik(ci) / Other language(s) /

Jezik / Language Razumijevanje / Govor / Speaking Pisanje / Writing

Slušanje / Listening - Čitanje / Reading Govorna interakcija/Spoken
interaction - Govorna produkcija/Spoken

English B2 - B2 C1 - B2 B2

Application id: 85ea3346-56d7-d2e2-0000-3f88fdbb87d5 Project number: BSI-202223-B-00035

Ostale pojedinosti koje smatrate važnima za evaluaciju I would like to make part of these scholarship program, always
vaše prijave wanted to study abroad, and be more efficient in the computers
Other details that you consider important for the evaluation of area

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your application

Izjavljujem da su svi navedeni podaci u ovom zahtjevu potpuni i točni. Svjestan/Svjesna sam da davanje netočnih odgovora na bilo
koje od gore navedenih pitanja može dovesti do odbijanja mog zahtjeva.
I declare that all of the above information in this application form is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that giving
incorrect answers to any of the above questions may lead to the cancellation of my application.

Odjel za visoko obrazovanje koji djeluje pri Agenciji za mobilnost i programe Europske unije obrađuje Vaše navedene osobne podatke u svrhu prijave
na Natječaj za stipendije Vlade RH u akademskoj godini 2020./2021. Više o obradi Vaših osobnih podataka možete pročitati u Općoj obavijesti o obradi
osobnih podataka dostupnoj na adresi: .
The Department for Higher Education at the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes is processing your personal dana for the purpose of evaluating your application for
the scholarships of the Republic Croatia in the academic year 2020/2021. More detailed information on processing of your personal information is available in the
General Notice on Processing of Personal Data published: .

Mjesto / Place Datum / Date

Luanda, Angola 27.02.2022

Application id: 85ea3346-56d7-d2e2-0000-3f88fdbb87d5 Project number: BSI-202223-B-00035

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