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Scientific Report Writing (ECE 482)


• All in present tense, except for methods sentences, which are in past tense.
• Do NOT use 1st person. The experiment should always be the subject of your sentences,
NOT yourselves! (For example, do NOT say, “We burned peanuts.” Instead say, “Peanuts
were burned.)


• Required Length: 10  2 pages

• Use 12 point font – Times New Roman only.
• Line Spacing: 1.5 (go to Format and Paragraph to change line spacing)
• Abstract will be centered on top of the page.
• Tables, Graphs, and Pictures inserted at the end or beginning of a page (recommended).
• Captions to describe serially numbered tables, graphs and pictures should not be omitted.
• Number your pages – Number should appear along bottom center of page.
• Cover page: Include your name, date, class, teacher, and title somewhere on your cover.


1. Title (on cover page and on top of page 1).

2. Abstract: one paragraph (6-8 sentences) summary of your entire subject.
3. Follow the “IMRaC” format for writing a report.
I= Introduction (purpose) ~1 - 2 pages
M= Methods (bogy of your report) ~3 - 4 pages
R= Results (data found) ~2 - 3 pages
C= Conclusion (interpretation/discussion of data) ~2-3 pages

Plagiarism and Other Unpleasant Subjects:

Under no circumstances is it acceptable to “copy” from a source – even if the source is cited.
(Sources can be the Internet, books, magazine, journals, or another person’s work). Write all
of the report in your own correct English. Put no more than 4 – 5 references of sources you
used. A reference list by the end of the report should include all necessary information (name
of author(s), title of the document, where and when published, and number of pages). If the
reference is an internet site put date of your visit. Wikipedia is not recommended as

 You will get an automatic zero score for any form of cheating found on your report. The
above description in format and IMRaC order has to be followed to avoid rejection.
 During the 1st mid-term only 3 reports will be assigned to you. No more assignment will
be given in the 2nd mid-term.

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