Câu 3

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câu 3:

Buddhism or Buddhism, Buddhism is a religion and also a philosophical

system that includes a variety of teachings, philosophical ideas as well as
thoughts and thoughts on human life, cosmology, worldview. worldview,
explain natural phenomena, spirituality, society, the nature of things and
things; The methods of practice and practice are based on the teachings of a
real historical figure Siddhattha Gautama and the traditions and beliefs formed
during the propagation and development of Buddhism after the time of
Siddhattha Gautama. Siddhattha Gautama is often called the Buddha or
Buddha or the enlightened one, the awakened one. According to the Buddhist
scriptures, as well as the archeological documents proving that, Siddhattha
Gautama has lived and preached in the northeastern part of the Indian
peninsula (now in India, Nepal, Bhutan) for about the century. 6th BC to 4th
century BC.
After Siddhattha Gautama entered the nibbana, Buddhism began to
differentiate into many different branches and ideologies, with many
differences, although the same stems from the thought of primitive Buddhism:
-Theravada Buddhism, also known as Theravada Buddhism, Venerable
Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism. This is a branch of Buddhism whose
scriptural system is considered the closest to the original philosophy of
-Development Buddhism, also known as Northern Buddhism, Buddhism
Mass, Mahayana Buddhism.
-Button Buddhism, also known as Tibetan Buddhism, Tantric Buddhism,
Vajrayana Buddhism
Early Buddhism rationalism and atheism, directed people to realize the truth,
also known as awakening, enlightenment [1] [2]. The original Buddha in
Sanskrit is Buddha, Bud is perception (knowing, awareness), dha is a person
[3]. Buddha in Sanskrit is a knower. The Buddha is a real monk named
Siddhattha Gautama (625 - 545 BC) and according to Theravada Buddhism,
he spent 45 years of his life (49 years according to Northern Buddhism) to
travel around the region. North India to spread philosophy. However,
according to the original Buddhist concept, Buddha is an enlightened person,
which means that he has attained the correct realization of the self and the
world around it, so he is freed. Anyone can become a Buddha if he uses his
own wisdom to properly realize the self and the world around him thus being
liberated. When overcoming ignorance, people are liberated and become
Buddha [4].
The West translates enlightenment into enlightenment because in Western
philosophy enlightenment is to use one's own wisdom to properly perceive the
world as enlightenment in Buddhism. Like Confucianism, Taoism and modern
Western philosophy, Buddhism is an enlightening philosophical system aimed
at directing people to Truthfulness - Compassion - Beauty.

Câu 4
Confucianism combines a political theory and a theory of human nature to yield
a dao (tao) — a prescriptive doctrine or way. The political theory starts with a doctrine of
political authority based on the mandate of heaven. The legitimate ruler derives
authority from heaven's command. The ruler bears responsibility for the well-being of
the people and therefore for peace and order in the empire. Confucian philosophy
presupposes a view of human nature in which humans are essentially social animals
whose mode of social interaction is shaped by li (convention or ritual), which establishes
value distinctions and prescribes activities in response to those distinctions. Education
in li, or social rituals, is based on the natural behavioral propensity to imitate models.
Sages, or superior people — those who have mastered the li — are the models of
behavior from which the mass of people learn. Ideally, the ruler should himself be such
a model and should appoint only those who are models of de (te, or virtue) to positions
of prominence. People are naturally inclined to emulate virtuous models; hence a
hierarchy of merit results in widespread natural moral education.
Then, with practice, all people can in principle be like the sages, by acting in
accordance with li without conscious effort. At that point they have acquired ren (jen, or
humanity), the highest level of moral development; their natural inclinations are all in
harmony with dao (way). The world is at peace, order abounds, and the harmony
between the natural and the social sphere results in material well-being for everyone.
This is Confucius's utopian vision, which he regards as modeled on the practice of the
ancient sage kings
Confucianism, developed from thoughts by Confucius during the Spring and Autumn Period
(770-476BC), is an ethical and philosophical system which has become an influential part of
Chinese culture. As Sept 28 marked the 2,565th birth anniversary of Confucius, let's take a
look at Confucianism and its influence on people today.

Confucianism was first set up by Confucius (551–479BC) and later was developed by
philosophers, including Mencius, Dong Zhongshu, Wang Yangming and others.
Confucian ethics is characterized by the promotion of virtues, encompassed by the Five
Constants, or the Wuchang (五常): humanness, righteousness, proper rite, knowledge, and
integrity. Its gentleman, or junzi, philosophy has become the standard of many Chinese
people, especially intellectuals.


 it has been a value system that has penetrated almost all
aspects of East Asian societies. For this reason its modern
critics—as well as its modern supporters—have considered it
synonymous with East Asian culture, sometimes overlooking
the contributions of Buddhism, Taoism, and other traditions.
Ironically, in the first half of the twentieth century, many blamed
Confucianism for the failure of national efforts to modernize,
while more recently others have praised it for facilitating the
rapid economic development of East Asian nations.
Without exaggerating its impact, it is best to approach
Confucianism primarily as the source of moral values and ritual
practices that have influenced personal development, family life,
social relations, and political behavior in East Asia. Its main
moral values have included filiality (obedience and respect
toward elders, especially parents), loyalty, humaneness, just
action, mutual trust, reciprocity, and moral courage. Its ritual
practices, derived from Chinese texts more than 2,000 years
old, have influenced East Asian weddings, banquets, funerals,
coming-of-age ceremonies, and official protocols into the
twenty-first century.
The Confucian thoughts have a wide influence in all the nations of East Asia.
In Korea and Japan, ethic and etiquette have been under the influence of the
Confucian viewpoints such as humanity, justice and etiquette, etc. The influence is still
quite obvious up to the present. In Korea, there are many people that believe in all
kinds of religion. But they give prominence to Confucianism in ethics and morals. After
the invasion of western civilization into Korean society, all kinds of social problems
have increased to some extent. However, the Korean government takes the ethics and
morals of Confucian thoughts as a restrictive power for maintaining social stability and
deepens Confucian thoughts in education.
One of China's most ancient theological and philosophical beliefs is Confucianism. Its writer,
Confucius, a high-level official and Chinese philosopher, lived in the 6th century BC.

For several thousand years, Confucianism has existed in

China. It still has a significant potential effect on all facets
of China's politics and economy. The most fundamental
mainstream value of the common people of the Han
nationality and other nationalities in China over the ages
has been Confucian thoughts. The core principles of
Confucian ideas of "rite, justice, honesty, shame, humanity,
love, loyalty and filial piety" are the basic rules of conciousness
for the daily conduct of most of Chinese people all the time. The
courteous, friendly, gentle, honest, tolerant, earnest and
industrious temperament of Chinese nation has also gradually
developed under the education of Confucianism.

Điểm giống nhau giữa Athens và Sparta

 Athens và Sparta là hai thành bang nổi bật của Hy Lạp trong thời cổ đại cổ điển.
 Cả hai bang đều sử dụng nhiều nô lệ. Trong thực tế, người ta nói rằng mỗi bang có
khoảng một trăm nghìn người cứu.
 Hai bang này có lực lượng quân sự hùng hậu.
 Cả hai bang đều có hệ thống chính phủ riêng đảm bảo phúc lợi cho công dân của họ.
 Athens và Sparta sở hữu nền kinh tế ổn định khi so sánh với các khu vực khác.

Sự khác biệt giữa Athens và Sparta

Định nghĩa
Athens là thành phố-nhà nước của Hy Lạp được coi là cái nôi của nền văn minh và
là quê hương của nền dân chủ. Mặt khác, Sparta là một thành bang nổi bật ở Hy
Lạp đã vươn lên trở thành cường quốc quân sự thống trị trong khu vực.

Loại hình xã hội

Athens là một trung tâm nghệ thuật, học tập và triết học, trong khi Sparta là một xã
hội chiến binh.

Chính quyền
Athens có một hình thức dân chủ nơi mọi nam giới Athen tự do trên 18 tuổi đều
được coi là công dân trong khi Sparta có một chính phủ đầu sỏ.

Nên kinh tê
Trong khi nền kinh tế của Athens chủ yếu dựa vào thương mại thì nền kinh tế của
Sparta lại dựa vào nông nghiệp và chinh phục.

Năng lực quân sự

Hơn nữa, Athens có một lực lượng hải quân hùng mạnh, trong khi Sparta có một
đội quân đất liền hùng mạnh.

Đàn bà
Phụ nữ Sparta có nhiều địa vị và tự do hơn phụ nữ Athen. Phụ nữ Sparta được giáo
dục và có thể sở hữu và quản lý tài sản, không giống như phụ nữ Athen.

Giao dục va đao tạo

Ở Athens, các bé trai được giáo dục toàn diện, nhưng các bé gái chỉ được dạy những
công việc gia đình. Ở Sparta, cả nam và nữ đều được rèn luyện thể chất để giữ
dáng. Các cậu bé Spartan được giáo dục và đào tạo quân sự trong nhiều năm.

Phần kết luận

Athens và Sparta là hai thành bang đối thủ của Hy Lạp. Mặc dù chúng không quá xa
nhau, nhưng có nhiều điểm khác biệt giữa hai trạng thái này. Sự khác biệt chính
giữa Athens và Sparta là chính phủ, nền kinh tế và xã hội của họ. Xã hội Athen vốn
dựa trên thương mại, coi trọng nghệ thuật và văn hóa và được cai trị dưới một hình
thức dân chủ. Mặt khác, xã hội Spartan là một xã hội quân phiệt với nền kinh tế dựa
vào nông nghiệp và chinh phục
The history of the Christian religion and the Christian church began with Jesus and his apostles.
Christianity is the religion that is based on the birth, life, death, resurrection and teaching of Jesus
Christianity began in the 1st century AD after Jesus died and resurrected, as a small
group of Jewish people in Judea, but quickly spread throughout the Roman empire. Despite
early persecution of Christians, it later became the state religion. In the Middle Ages it spread
into Northern Europe and Russia. During the Age of Exploration, Christianity expanded throughout
the world; it is currently the largest religion of the world.

The religion had schisms and theological disputes that had as result four main branches: the Roman
Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox churches, Oriental Orthodoxy and Protestant churches.
Most of the first Christians were ethnically Jewish or Jewish proselytes. An early difficulty came from
non-Jewish converts. There was the question if they had to "become Jewish" before becoming
Christian. The decision of St. Peter, was that they did not, and the matter was further addressed with
the Council of Jerusalem.
The doctrines of the apostles brought the Early Church into conflict with some Jewish religious
authorities, and this eventually led to the martyrdom of SS. Stephen and James the Great and
expulsion from the synagogues. Thus, Christianity got an identity distinct from Judaism. The name
"Christian" (Greek Χριστιανός) was first used for the disciples in Antioch, as recorded in (Acts 11:26).


Throughout the history of Europe, the Middle ages or also known as the Medieval period was
considered to be between the 5th and the 15th century. The middle ages began as a result of the
falling of the Roman empire and went onto the Renaissance. At the basis of just about every
European culture, especially in the western section was Christianity. During the middle ages,
Christianity, specifically Catholicism, was the only religion recognized and dominated the lives of
people from all social classes from peasants to the nobility. Christianity is a monotheistic religion
that bases their followings off of one god and his son, Jesus Christ. Throughout history, the beliefs
of who is chosen for the afterlife has changed, however, During the middle ages the people of the
church believed that there was no pre-determined faith, and your actions determined your eternal
life in heaven, which opposed many other beliefs which allowed the church to gain a large
following. The church was a hierarchy not only within the church, but also throughout society.
They essentially controlled the government, Imposing taxes to the churches from the people,
implementing laws, both religious based, and non-religious, and required people to follow the
Christian faith, although most people did regardless due to the opportunity that arose from it.

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