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Chapter 19


brahmanandam pravaksyami trisu lokesu durlabham.
yasya sravanamatrena sada muktimavapnuyat. 111
1. Ribhu:
I shall expound the bliss of Brahman, which is rarely found
in the three worlds. By the hearing of that, one can achieve
perpetual freedom.

ii ir i
paramanando'hamevatma sarvadanandameva hi.
purnanandasvarupo'ham cidanandamayam jagat. 121
2. I am only the Self that is supreme bliss, ever just bliss
alone. I am of the nature of absolute bliss. The world is fully

PlrMN^W W II 1^1

sadanantamananto'ham bodhanandamidarh jagat.

buddhanandasvarupo'ham nityanandamidam manah. 131
3. 1 am ever endless, unending.This world is Knowledge-Bliss. I
am of the nature of enlightened bliss. This mind is eternal bliss.
•ii Siva Rahasyam 329

da W MM^q^FTiq^ II IV I
kv va I <1 nandamatro'ham kevalajnanavanaham.
Hi bhavaya yatnena prapancopasamaya vai? 141
i. I am singular bliss alone. I am the knower of unitariness.
< uh i vale this attitude for the sure subsidence of the world.

qt « Urqil^W I
qfqT^TTrHT HTT » mt WH, II KI
■ada satyam param jyotih sada satyadilaksanah.
•ada satyadihlnatma sada jyotih priyo hyaham. 151
5. I am ever the truth, the light of transcendence, ever the
qualities such as Truth etc; ever the Self devoid of truth etc; ever
die light, the adorable.

nfe fq^qiMq^icqi qfe tor qqm; i

fi^wNHT?qT qnra hr £U^hji i$ i

nasti mithyaprapancatma nasti mithya manomayah.

nasti mithyabhidhanatma nasti cittarh duratmavan. 161
6/1 he Self as the illusory world is naught. The illusory mind-
•uill is naught. The Self with the appellation of illusion is naught.
I hr rogue of a mind is naught.

q^RTt ar^a q^aat ro i

q^ w ii hi

nasti mudhataro loke nasti mudhatamo narah.

ahameva param brahma ahameva svayam sada. 171
7. The very foolish in the world are nonexistent. The most
foolish people there are none. I alone am the supreme Brahman.
I alone am verily Myself, ever.

guyifen tenji k i
idam param ca nastyeva ahameva hi kevalam.
aham brahmasmi suddho'smi sarvam brahmaiva kevalam. 181
8. ‘Here’ and ‘beyond’ are nonexistent. Just I alone am. I am
Brahman, the pure. All is indeed Brahman only.

Al<f<^ II 1^ I
jagatsarvam sada nasti cittameva jaganmayam.
cittameva prapancakhyam cittameva sarirakam. 191
9. The whole world is ever nonexistent. Thought alone is
the world in full. Thought alone is said to be the world. Thought
alone is the cause of the body.

MtW RrRq ft I
MtWM II l?° I
cittameva mahadosam cittameva hi balakah.
cittameva mahatma'yarh cittameva mahanasat. 1101
10. Thought alone is the great folly. Thought alone is the
small boy. Thought alone is this great soul. Thought alone is the
great unreality.

htto ft fwn Rxi

cittameva hi mithyatma cittam sasavisanavat.
cittam nasti sada satyam cittam vandhyakumaravat. 1111
11. Thought alone is the illusory Self always. Thought is
like the hare’s horn. “Thought is naught” - is ever true. Thought
is like the son of a barren woman.
'•ii Siva Rahasyam 331


3TTRR ft %FR 31RHR ft RpJuihji
i it tarn Sunyam na sandehah brahmaiva sakalarh jagat.
ahameva hi caitanyam ahameva hi nirgunam. 1121
12. Thought is void - there is no doubt of this. Brahman
.il< me is the whole world. Verily, I alone am consciousness. I am
.utiibuteless indeed.

RR RR ft WR RR RR ft
mana eva hi samsararh mana eva hi mandalam.
mana eva hi bandhatvam mana eva hi patakam. 1131
13. Mind alone is the transmigratory existence. Mind alone
r. the circle. Mind alone is bondage. Mind alone is sin.

mana eva mahadduhkham mana eva sarirakam.
mana eva prapancakhyam mana eva kalebaram. 1141
14. Mind alone is great sorrow. Mind alone is the cause of
I><>dy. Mind alone is said to be the world. Mind alone is the body.

RR RR 5^: WRHR RR ftlR: II l?R I
mana eva mahasatvam mana eva caturmukhah.
mana eva harih saksat mana eva sivah smrtah. 1151
15. Mind alone is the great serenity. Mind alone is the four-
lic.ided (Brahma). Indeed, mind alone is Hari. Mind alone is
known as Siva.

TH q^RTW^i ^H:
th q^ wtr th q^ ^thhji i?$ i
mana evendrajalakhyam manah sankalpamatrakam.
mana eva mahapapam mana eva duratmavan. 1161
16. Mind alone is said to be magic. Only mind is will. Mind
alone is great sin. Mind alone is the evil one.

th q^ ft th q^
th qq qt w ’H q^ ft ।

mana eva hi sarvakhyam mana eva mahadbhayam.

mana eva param brahma mana eva hi kevalam. 1171
17. Mind alone is said to be the all. Mind alone is the great fear.
Mind alone is the supreme Brahman. Mind alone is the unitariness.

TH q^ TH tmFW I
ft qt ^q ft qt q^n i
mana eva cidakararh mana eva manayate.
cideva hi param rupam cideva hi param padam. 1181
18. Mind alone is the form of consciousness. Mind alone is
the cause of the mind. Consciousness alone is the supreme form.
Consciousness alone is the supreme state.

qt qt ft i
param brahmahamevadya param brahmahameva hi.
ahameva hi trptatma ahamanandavigrahah. 1191
19.1 am verily the supreme Brahman right now. I alone am
the supreme Brahman. I alone am the satisfied Self. I am the
embodiment of bliss.
•n Siva Rahasyam 333

3^ ft RlkdkHI II IRo |

.11lam buddhih pravrddhatma nityam niscalanirmalah.

ahameva hi santatma ahamadyantavarjitah. 1201
20. 1 am the Self with fully grown intellect, ever unmoving
n«l blemishless. I alone am the peaceful Self. I am devoid of
beginning and end.

ahameva prakasatma aham brahmaiva kevalam.
aharh nityo na sandeha aham buddhih priyassada. 1211
21.1 alone am the resplendent Self. I am indeed Brahman
il< me. I am eternal - there is no doubt of this. I am always adorable
in die intellect.

a 11 a me vahamevaikah ahamevakhilamrtah.
ahameva svayarh siddhah ahamevanumodakah. 1221
22. I alone am. I alone am; the One. I alone am all, the
immortal. I alone am the self agreement. I alone cause
,n < eptability.

3^ cdiw HWRT I
3]^ qt W WK: || |RR |
ahameva tvamevaham sarvatma sarvavarjitah.
ahameva param brahma ahameva parat parah. 1231
23. I alone am. You are only I, the Self of all, devoid of
ill I am the supreme Brahman indeed. I am indeed beyond
i lie beyond.
334 sft

RH H Hri R H R 11 1
ahankaram na me duhkham na me dosam na me sukham.
na me buddhirna me cittarh na me deho na mendriyam. 1241
24. I have no ego. I have no sorrow. I have no blemish.
I have no pleasure. I have no intellect. I have no thought. I have
no body. I have no sense.

na me gotram na me netram na me patram na me trnam.

na me japo na me mantrah na me loko na me suhrt. 1251
25. I have no lineage. I have no eye. I have nothing that is
suitable. Not a blade of grass there is for me. I have no repetition
or the sacred syllables. I have no world nor do I have a friend.

na me bandhurna me satruh na me mata na me pita.
na me bhojyam na me bhokta na me vrttirna me kulam. 1261
26. I have no relation. I have no enemy. I have no mother
nor do I have a father. I have nothing to be enjoyed nor there is
an enjoyer for me. I have no occupation. I have no caste.

q H <MI^I q H 3IIM R H II IR's I
na me jatirna me varnah na me srotram na me kvacit.
na me bahyam na me buddhih sthanarh vapi na me vayah. 1271
27. I have no race. I have no creed. I have no ears. I have
nothing whatsoever. I have no exterior. I have no intellect. No
position for me nor age.
'■h Siva Rahasyam 335

•i it to d it to: a a srn-dd a ^^i

a $ TOT a a To: TO? WINd: II IRd I

name tatvam na me lokah na me santirna me kulam.

na mekoponamekamahkevalambrahmamatratah 1281
28. I have no meaning. I have no world. I have no peace.
I have no community. I have no anger. I have no lust. I am
Buhman alone.

^wt^t^to? ft ।
a it aar a a to: a a a a Fjfa; n ir^ i

kwalam brahmamatratvat kevalam svayameva hi.

11.1 me rago na me lobhah na me stotram na me smrtih. 1291
29. By being Brahman alone I am just myself only. I have
no attachment or greed. I have no hymn or recollection.

•i arti a a aa a a goy: i
a a a a ar^i a a didddN'tHji 1301
11.1 me moho na me trsna na me sneho na me gunah.
n.1 me kosarhnamebalyamnameyauvanavardhakam. 1301
30 .1 have no delusion. I have no craving. I have no friendship.
I h.ive no quality. I have no sheath. I have no childhood. I have
n< । youth or dotage.

dSd^TOid^ ^fa Fn^aa,!

arf^a wnts^r f^n n ।
■■ii vam brahmaikarupatvatekambrahmetiniscitam.
biahmano'nyat param nasti brahmano'nyanna kincana. 1311
31. Everything being the one form of Brahman, it is certain oneness is Brahman. There is nothing beyond Brahman.
I Ik ic is not a whit other than Brahman.

ft ।
TO 3[Wn< II I3R I
brahmano'nyadidam nasti brahmano'nyadidam na hi.
atmano'nyat sada nasti atmaivaham na samsayah. 1321
32. Other than Brahman ‘this’ is nonexistent. Other than
Brahman this is naught. Apart from the Self there is never
anything. I am Self alone - there is no doubt about this.

JIKrWbtfHTSt || 1^ I

atmano'nyat sukham nasti atmano'nyadaham na ca.

grahyagrahakahino'ham tyagatyajyavivarjitah. 1331
33. Other than the Self there is no happiness. Other than
the Self I am not. I am bereft of anything to be grasped or any
one to grasp. I am devoid of renunciation or anything to renounce.

HW TOIT ^<^1
^wq;ii i^ i
na tyajyarh na ca me grahyam na bandho na ca muktidam.
na me lokam na me hinam na srestham napi dusanam. 1341
34. I have nothing to renounce nor is there anything to
acquire. I have neither bondage nor liberator. I have nothing to
see. I have nothing inferior. I have nothing that is the superior,
nor there is slander.

HTOdH q^ll 1^ I
na me balarh na candalah na me vipradivarnakam.
na me panarh na me hrasvam na me kslnam na me balam. 1351
35 .1 have no strength. I have no caste such as the brahmin
or chandala (outcaste). I have nothing to drink nor do I have
shortness. I have no deterioration nor do I have potency.
'■ii Siva Rahasyam 337

3 Site H H I
M^^HIMcMI^PlrMcMI’-’MM II 1^1
n.i me Saktirna me bhuktih na me daivam na me prthak.
aham brahmaikamatratvat nityatvanyanna kincana. 1361
36. 1 have no power. I have no food. I have no divinity. I
have no separateness. Being only Brahman alone and the eternal
il< me, there is nothing whatsoever apart (from me).

H =q H ten $ Hon 3$: ^^1

w HR 3TII 1^1
na matarh na ca me mithya na me satyam vapuh kvacit.
ahamityapi nastyeva brahma ityapi nama va. 1371
37. I have no path, nor do I have illusion. I have no truth
11< >i body anywhere. There is no ‘I’. Why, even the name Brahman
dicre is none.

3<4<4<4cMMMIsfcj 3<4<4<4j£l<H: I

Fte w te tert hhel ii i^ ।

yadyadyadyatprapanco'sti yadyadyadyadgurorvacah.
latsarvam brahma evaham tatsarvam cinmayam matam. 1381
38. Whatever worlds there are, whatever wise words of the
< 111 i n there be, all that is Brahman, I am indeed. All that is regarded
r. awareness.

tert tert i
II 1^1
11nmayam cinmayam brahma sanmayam sanmayam sada.
svayameva svayam brahma svayameva svayam parah. 1391
39. Brahman is awareness, full of awareness; existence, full
nl existence always. One alone is Brahman oneself. One alone is
i In- supreme oneself.
338 sfl

W W- RRrcR: I
ft wh ft ii iy° I
svayameva svayam moksah svayameva nirantarah.
svayameva hi vijnanam svayameva hi nastyakam. 1401
40. One alone is liberation oneself. Oneself is the
intersticeless. Oneself is knowledge. Oneself is nonexistentialism.

^HR: RR- I
ft R^lcHI FTW II 1^1
svayameva sadasarah svayameva svayam parah.
svayameva hi sunyatma svayameva manoharah. 1411
41. Oneself is ever the essence. One alone is the beyond
oneself. Oneself is the void-self. Oneself is the plunderer of mind.

c^fiRqRRt MR: II IVR I

tusnimevasanarh snanarh tusnlmevasanam japah.
tusnlmevasanam puja tusnlmevasanam parah. 1421
42. Abidance in silence alone is holy bath. Abidance in
silence alone is repetition of mantra. Abidance in silence
alone is ceremonial worship. Abidance in silence alone is

f^iq TRRTI R?4 W W I

WR d«J^fd4M: II IW
vicarya manasa nityam aham brahmeti niscinu.
aham brahma na sandehah evam tusnimsthitirjapah. 1431
43. Enquire into the mind ever and be of the certitude ‘I am
Brahman’. I am Brahman - there is no doubt about this. Such a
silent abidance is japa (repetition of mantra).
'•n Siva Rahasyam 339

sarvarh brahmaiva nastyanyat sarvam jnanamayam tapah.
svayameva hi nastyeva sarvatitasvarupavan. 1441
44. All is Brahman, nothing else exists. All is full of
knowledge - this is penance. There is nothing as ‘oneself alone’.
< *1 the form of the all-transcending am I.


vacatitasvarupo'harh vaca japyamanarthakam.
tnSnasah paramarthoyam etadbhedamaham na me. 1451
45. I transcend speech. Repetition of words aloud is futile.
I Ins is the highest significance of the mind. Such distinctions are
not lor me.

^dlft ^R RRR^^I
knnapam sarvabhutadi kunapam sarvasangraham.
asatyam sarvada lokam asatyarh sakalam jagat. 1461
46 All the beings are corpses. Everything put together is a
< oi pse. The world is ever unreal. The universe is all unreal.

^cqi^KHR-dcd RRRR HRT FRRH^ II 1^ I
asatyamanyadastitvam asatyam nasti bhasanam.
.1 sa ty akaramastitvam brahmamatram sada svayam. 1471
47. The existence of a thing apart is not true. Speech being
unreal has no existence. Existence is of the form of the unreal.
Btahman alone is ever by itself.
340 sft

3Rc4 s4^ TO d^ll 1^1

asatyam vedavedangam asatyam sastraniscayah.

asatyam sravanarh hyetat asatyam mananam ca tat. 1481
48. The Vedas and their limbs are unreal. The conclusions of
the scriptures are unreal. This listening is verily unreal.
Contemplation on that is unreal.

asatyam ca nididhyasah sajatlyamasatyakam.
vijatiyamasat proktam satyam satyam na samsayah.
sarvam brahma sada brahma ekarh brahma cidavyayam. 1491
49. One-pointedness of meditation too is unreal.
Classification into a group of like traits is unreal. Classes of
different traits is said to be unreal. This is the truth, the truth.
There is no doubt of this. All is Brahman, ever Brahman, the one
Brahman, the undiminishing consciousness.

cetovilasajanitam kila visvametad
visvadhikasya krpaya paripurnabhasyat.
nastyanyatah srutisirotthitavakyamogha-
sastranusarikaranairbhavate vimuktyai. 1501
50. This universe is verily the product of the sport of
consciousness. It blossoms in fullness by the grace of the
Overlord of the universe, not by another means. Liberation
Sn Siva Rahasyam 341

i csults by following the sacred words of the crest of the Vedas -

i he Upanishads and by acting according to the mandates outlined
in the scriptures.

iti Srisivarahasye sankarakhye sasthamse

[bhunidaghasamvade brahmanandaprakaranam
nAma ekonavirhso'dhyayah.
Thus concludes chapter nineteen, a dialogue between Ribhu
and Nidagha, entitiled “The topic ofBrahmic bliss” in the sixth
amsa of Sri Siva Rahasyam.

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