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Neurological Sciences


Advances in hyperekplexia and other startle syndromes

Fei‑xia Zhan1   · Shi‑Ge Wang1   · Li Cao1 

Received: 13 May 2021 / Accepted: 14 July 2021

© Fondazione Società Italiana di Neurologia 2021

Startle, a basic alerting reaction common to all mammals, is described as a sudden involuntary movement of the body evoked
by all kinds of sudden and unexpected stimulus. Startle syndromes are heterogeneous groups of disorders with abnormal
and exaggerated responses to startling events, including hyperekplexia, stimulus-induced disorders, and neuropsychiatric
startle syndromes. Hyperekplexia can be attributed to a genetic, idiopathic, or symptomatic cause. Excluding secondary fac-
tors, hereditary hyperekplexia, a rare neurogenetic disorder with highly genetic heterogeneity, is characterized by neonatal
hypertonia, exaggerated startle response provoked by the sudden external stimuli, and followed by a short period of general
stiffness. It mainly arises from defects of inhibitory glycinergic neurotransmission. GLRA1 is the major pathogenic gene of
hereditary hyperekplexia, along with many other genes involved in the function of glycinergic inhibitory synapses. While
about 40% of patients remain negative genetic findings. Clonazepam, which can specifically upgrade the GABARA1 chloride
channels, is the main and most effective administration for hereditary hyperekplexia patients. In this review, with the aim at
enhancing the recognition and prompting potential treatment for hyperekplexia, we focused on discussing the advances in
hereditary hyperekplexia genetics and the expound progress in pathogenic mechanisms of the glycinergic-synapse-related
pathway and then followed by a brief overview of other common startle syndromes.

Keywords  Startle syndromes · Hereditary hyperekplexia · Genetics · Inhibitory glycinergic synapse · Glycine receptor ·
Clonazepam · Dr. Zhan and Dr. Wang contributed in manuscript preparation by performing the literature review and
writing the first draft. Prof. Cao critically revised the work

Introduction [2]. When abnormal and exaggerated, it is called startle

syndrome. The startle syndromes consist of heterogeneous
The term “startle” refers to a sudden, involuntary, jerky groups of disorders: hyperekplexia, stimulus-induced dis-
movement of the body response to a sudden and intense orders, and neuropsychiatric startle syndromes [3]. Hyper-
stimulus, such as auditory, tactile, and visual stimuli [1]. ekplexia is characterized by exaggerated startle response
The normal startle reflex is a bilaterally synchronous flex- and associated severe generalized or intermittent muscle
ion response, most marked in the face and upper half of stiffness, which can be genetic (hereditary hyperekplexia),
the body that follows an unexpected stimulus in all healthy idiopathic (sporadic hyperekplexia), or an acquired (symp-
individuals from six weeks of age and lasts for life, which is tomatic hyperekplexia) cause [2, 4]. Clinically, a generalized
considered to be a protective reaction against stress or injury stiffness is always noted early after birth, which may lead
to apnea attacks and sudden infant death syndrome. While
excessive startling  may last throughout life and can occa-
* Li Cao sionally cause serious traumatic injuries and impaired social interactions in older children [1]. Genetically, mutations in
Fei‑xia Zhan five genes including GLRA1, SLC6A5, GLRB, GPHN, and ARHGEF9 have been identified as causative for hereditary
Shi‑Ge Wang hyperekplexia, which is related to the glycinergic neuro- transmission system [5, 6]. Moreover, other glycinergic-
Department of Neurology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
neurotransmission-related genes, such as CTNNB1, SLC6A9,
Affiliated Sixth People’s Hospital, 600 Yi Shan Road, SLC32A1, SLC6A17, SLC7A10, DPYSL5, and SDCBP, are
Shanghai 200233, China

Neurological Sciences

also taken into consideration as the candidate genes [2, 7–9]. 16]. Exaggerated startle response with following generalized
It is confirmed that hyperekplexia has relatively a good prog- stiffness and neonatal hypertonia might improve during the
nosis with clonazepam to effectively control the startle epi- first year of life, but falls of startle reflex can sustain until
sodes [10]. However, the actual “hyperekplexia” group of adulthood [12, 17]. Consequently, patients are likely to get
diseases is rare and often could be misdiagnosed and missed head injuries or bone fractures, and walk with a wide-based
the prompt and appropriate treatment due to limited under- and stiff gait due to the fear of falling [14, 18, 19]. The minor
standing of the disease. Besides, the pathogenic mechanism form is usually sporadic and is limited to excessive hyp-
of the disease is still not fully understood. To deepen the nic jerks and abnormal startle response without a general-
understanding, bring up new thoughts on pathogenesis, and ized stiffness [2]. Newly discovered clinical manifestations
promote the therapy breakthrough for the disease, in this include weird laughing and delayed development [20]. Intel-
review, we discuss more detail in the advances in current lectual growth is normal in most cases, but delays in gross
genetics of hereditary hyperekplexia and the potential patho- motor and speech acquisition are reported [21]. Patients
genesis in the glycinergic-synapse-related pathway, followed sometimes avoid social interactions as they feel inferiority,
by a brief overview of other common startle syndromes. timidity, or anxiety when they are teased for startle reflex in
unfamiliar or loud environment [22, 23]. Other associated
symptoms include congenital dislocation of the hip; periodic
Hyperekplexia limb movements in sleep; hypnagogic myoclonus; epilepsy;
and inguinal, umbilical, or epigastric hernia [2, 10, 23].
Hyperekplexia, or startle disease, was first described in During physical examinations, exaggerated head-retrac-
1958 by Kirstein and Silfverskiold. They reported a family tion reflex (HRR) could be observed in most infant patients.
in which affected members suffered sudden falls precipitated When tapped on the tip of nose, patients present head exten-
by “emotional” stimuli [11]. In 1966, Suhren and colleagues sion and excessive flexor spasms of limbs and neck mus-
investigated similar symptoms and firstly named the disorder cles [23]. Therefore, HRR test is considered a preliminary
“hyperekplexia” [12]. The other terms used in the past to judgement. Most laboratory tests, radiological examination
describe the same condition included congenital stiff-man and electromyography of individual with hyperekplexia
syndrome and hereditary stiff-baby syndrome, which were reveal no abnormalities. During the interictal period, elec-
probably responsible for sudden infant death syndrome in troencephalogram (EEG) is normal or shows non-specific
some severe cases [13]. To date, hyperekplexia is prone to pathological changes [24, 25]. In startle and tonic spasm,
be genetic, sporadic, or symptomatic. The detailed descrip- fast spikes followed by slow background activity and flat-
tion of the three disease entities are summarized in Table 1. tening can be observed on EEG without epileptic discharges
We focused on the review of hereditary hyperekplexia as [22, 26]. Synchronous poly-electromyography can help with
follows. differential diagnosis as the brain wave on EEG can be cov-
ered by plenty electromyography artifact [16]. In general,
Clinical phenotype and management hyperekplexia patients have a comparatively good progno-
of hyperekplexia sis. Clonazepam, a GABAAR agonist, is the main and most
effective treatment for hyperekplexia [10]. It can specifically
Though the exact prevalence remains unknown, more than upgrade GABAAR chloride channels, increasing the inward
200 hyperekplexia cases were reported worldwide. Most chloride current of GABAergic neurotransmission, and thus
patients present their symptoms from birth or even in utero lowers the excitability of neurons and compensate for the
during the last three months of prenatal period, while few loss of functional glycine transmission caused by all genetic
have the onset later into the childhood [1]. The core clini- forms [1, 10]. The treatment is recommended to start with
cal pictures are exaggerated startle response followed by a a dose of 0.5 mg daily, adjust dosage based on effects, up to
shortly generalized stiffness provoked by unexpected exter- 6 mg daily if necessary [2]. The effect of other antiepileptic
nal stimuli. The precipitating factors are mostly sudden drugs, like carbamazepine or phenobarbital, is still in debate.
auditory, visual, and tactile, but sometimes daily care like For psychological problems like social anxiety, timidity,
feeding and changing diapers could also be a trigger [1, 14]. and self-basement, psychotherapy and family support are
The major form has been associated with (1) a generalized crucial for personality development and alleviating mental
stiffness immediately after birth; (2) excessive startle reflex problems. For infant cases, once acute hypertonia and apnea
to unexpected stimuli present from birth; and (3) a period episodes occur, a simple intervention called the Vigevano
of generalized stiffness after the startle response. Neonatal action (flexing of the head and limbs toward the trunk) can
generalized hypertonia aggravates by handling but allayed relieve the event [27]. Here in Fig. 1, we summarized key
during sleep while in some severe cases may cause recur- points of diagnosing and managing hyperekplexia.
rent neonatal apnea attack and even sudden infant death [15,

Neurological Sciences

Table 1  The detailed description of the three disease entities of hyperekplexia

Hereditary hyperekplexia Sporadic hyperekplexia Symptomatic hyperekplexia

Clinical The major form: generalized stiffness immediately after The excessive startle is not associated with any positive The majority of these cases manifest later in life, behave
features birth, excessive startle reflex to unexpected stimuli family history, a clear genetic basis, or an established as minor forms, and have associated other neurological
from birth, and a period of generalized stiffness after neurological cause signs and symptoms
the startle response. The minor form is limited to It mainly resembles the major form of hyperekplexia.
abnormal startle response without a generalized stiff- The minor form is mild, heterogeneous, and late-onset
ness. Other associated symptoms include congenital without other neurological signs
dislocation of the hip, periodic limb movements in
sleep, hypnagogic myoclonus, epilepsy, and inguinal,
umbilical or epigastric hernia
Pathophysiolog It is a neurogenetic disorder with highly genetic hetero- Unclear, may be correlated with genetic mechanism It is associated with an underlying cerebral or brainstem
geneity. The genetic basis involves genes that affect damage or neurodegenerative disorders
glycine neurotransmission
Genetics Causative genes: Have no clearly defined genetic basis No
So far candidate genes:
Treatment Emergency interventions:
Vigevano action: flexing of the head and limbs toward the trunk
Long-term treatment:
(1) Drugs:
Clonazepam (0.01 to 0.1 mg/kg/d for infants and children and 0.8 mg/kg/d for adults)
Combination benzodiazepine therapy
Clobazam (0.1–0.2 mg/kg/day in divided doses, maximum up to 2 mg/kg/day)
Other drugs: diazepam, carbamazepine, phenytoin, valproate, levetiracetam, phenobarbital, fluoxetine
(2) Physical, cognitive therapy, and psychotherapy

Neurological Sciences

Fig. 1  Flow chart of diagnosing and managing of hyperekplexia. HRR, head-retraction reflex; PLMS, periodic limb movements in sleep; EEG,
electroencephalograph; ACMG, American college of medical genetics and genomics

Hyperekplexia and glycinergic inhibitory synapses while GlyTs uptakes released glycine, and then VIAAT
transports glycine into synaptic vesicles. GlyT1 and GlyT2
Besides anti-inflammation, immunoregulation, and cytopro- both belong to the superfamily of N ­ a+/Cl−dependent neu-
tection, glycine works mainly as an inhibitory neurotrans- rotransmitter transporters. GlyT1 is mainly found in astro-
mitter in adult central nervous system (CNS), regulating cytes, catalyzing the removal of glycine from the synaptic
muscle tone. Several recent studies elucidated that synaptic cleft into the nearby glial cells by its stoichiometry of ­2Na+/
release of both glycine and GABA has been shown to play a Cl−/glycine [31]. In astrocytes, glycine cleavage system, a
determinative role in the proper development of many motor multi-enzyme mitochondrial complex with high activity,
and sensory pathways, including those necessary for audi- is responsible for glycine catabolism. In addition, GlyT1
tion, vision, respiration, and nociception [28]. Disruption relates to N-methyl D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) function
of glycinergic transmission during neural development has by regulating glycine concentration, which is the co-agonist
been shown to cause hyperekplexia. Glycinergic inhibitory for excitatory synapses containing glutamatergic NMDARs.
synapse has a wide distribution in the CNS and is composed In contrast, GlyT2 expression is confined to glycinergic
of the presynaptic terminal, glycine-filled vesicles; synap- transmission, predominantly detected in axon terminals of
tic cleft; glycine transporters (GlyTs); and glycine receptors glycinergic neurons, reuptaking glycine into presynaptic
(GlyRs) [29, 30] (Fig. 2). Presynaptic glycinergic terminals terminal by its stoichiometry of ­3Na+/Cl−/glycine. Syn-
contain glycine-filled vesicles. A sufficient pool of glycine aptobrevin is responsible for synaptic vesicles fusing with
to release and immediate clearance of glycine in the synaptic the presynaptic membrane when an action potential arrives
cleft rely on synthesis enzyme, GlyTs, and vesicular inhibi- at the presynaptic axon terminal [32]. Thereby, glycine is
tory amino acid transporter (VIAAT). Isoenzyme serine released to the synaptic cleft with a width of 10–20 nm and
hydroxymethyltransferase catalyzes serine into CNS glycine, conducts inhibitory signaling.

Neurological Sciences

GlyRs are pentamentric ­Cl−-selective channel protein, Molecular genetics of hyperekplexia

belonging to the superfamily of Cys-loop ligand-gated
ion channel, mediating the inhibitory action of glycine So far, pathogenic variants in 5 genes relating to the gly-
by improving the transmembrane influx of C ­ l − and cinergic neurotransmission system have been identified in
hyperpolarization [29]. GlyRs consist of five subunits hyperekplexia, most of which are related to the glycinergic
of glycosylated membrane proteins, arranged as a sym- inhibitory synapse, inherited in different patterns. In 1993,
metrical ring around an ion conducting pore in the center Shiang first identified mutations in the GLRA1 gene as the
[33]. Each subunit contains an extracellular N-terminal causative factor for hyperekplexia, which is marked hyper-
domain forming the ligand binding site and a transmem- ekplexia the first hereditary synaptopathy resulting from
brane domain (TMD) constituted by four α-helices termed the defective neurotransmitter receptor [46]. Other reported
TM1–TM4, TM2 domains of which forming the wall of disease-causing genes include SLC6A5, GLRB, GPHN, and
ion channel pore [5]. α subunits (Mw: 48 kDa) are the ARHGEF9. However, approximately 40% of patients remain
binding site of glycine, while β subunits (Mw: 58 kDa) negative during genetic testing [2]. The genetic spectrum of
help with anchor. Four kinds of α subunits termed α1–α4 hyperekplexia is still expanding. Other genes involved in
and one kind of β have been described in human [30]. glycine signaling are expected to reveal the hidden patho-
GlyRs can be either α/β heteromers or α homomers, but genic factors for “gene-negative” patients. The brief infor-
only α/β heteromers are predominantly present in syn- mation of pathogenic and candidate pathogenic genes of
apses [34, 35]. Most α/β heteromeric GlyRs have a stoi- hyperekplexia are summarized in Table 2.
chiometry of 3:2 or 2:3 [33, 36]. Only α1 and β subunits
are expressed in inhibitory glycinergic synapses of motor GLRA1 gene and hyperekplexia
reflex pathway in the spinal cord of adults, and α1 subu-
nit is the main target potently activated by glycine [37]. GLRA1 is the most common one, which demonstrated both
Gephyrin and collybistin are also detected at the cyto- dominant and recessive inheritance. The encoding pro-
plasmic face of postsynaptic membrane [38]. Gephyrin tein α1 subunit of GlyRs contains an extracellular domain
is the cytoplasmic anchor protein essential for the post- (ECD) that harbors the neurotransmitter binding site and a
synaptic localization of GlyRs, connecting receptors to TMD that comprises 4 α-helices, termed TM1–TM4. Nor-
cytoskeleton [39, 40]. Collybistin is the brain-specific mal GlyRs desensitize slowly with rate of 0.5–5 s, which
GDP-GP exchange factor and regulates dendritic migra- relies on intracellular loops of α subunits interacting with
tion of gephyrin during postsynaptic membrane forma- another [5, 47]. So far, about 77 mutations have been iden-
tion. Thus, it helps with the development and plasticity tified, including 64 missense/nonsense mutations, 7 small
of GlyRs clusters [41]. A proper functional ion channel deletions, 5 gross deletions, and 1 gross insertion [25].
state and sensitivity to released glycine are essential for The mutations are distributed in all domains, clustering in
inhibitory glycinergic synapse function. After glycine ECD, TM1, TM2 domains, and Loop2. Dominant muta-
is released, GlyRs reaches its maximum gating effi- tions are mainly located in and around TM2 domain and
cacy as three binding sites are bound with glycine [42]. Loop2, while the recessive or compound variants are scat-
Then, each extracellular domain rotates relatively to the tering in all the domains. To date, there is no evidence for a
transmembrane domain and tilts TM2 domain top out- correlation between clinical traits and inheritance mode of
ward, opening the ion channel pore and increasing the GLRA1 mutations. Studies indicated that dominant muta-
­Cl− influx. This process leads to postsynaptic membrane tions could compromise glycine ligand binding, decrease
hyperpolarization and inhibits the conductance of excita- the glycine sensitivity by disrupting the hydrogen bond,
tory neural signal. Thus, disruptions in the functioning or cause chloride conductance defects [48]. Localized at
of inhibitory glycinergic synapses in neuromotor path- the extracellular end of TM2 domain, R299 is the most
ways would increase the general level of excitability of frequent mutant locus, which can decrease the sensitivity
motor neurons [43]. Recently, dehydroxylcannabidiol, a of glycine by disrupting the hydrogen bond between R299
synthetic non-psychoactive cannabinoid, has been shown and Q254 that is essential for stabilizing open state and
to selectively rescue impaired presynaptic GlyRs activ- reduce the conductance of one channel by erasing the posi-
ity and the functions of GABAAR in animal models of tive charge on R299 that enables the pore to cluster ­Cl− in
hyperekplexia [44]. Moreover, the FDA-approved com- its channel [5]. Additionally, a few dominant mutations
pound 4-phenylbutyrate crosses the blood–brain barrier which are located in the ECD, TM1, and TM2 domain
and restores both membrane expression and glycine trans- could cause fast desensitization to limit chloride flux [47,
port in GlyT2 transporters, thus holding a therapeutic 49]. For many recessive mutations, reduced expression or
potential [45]. a deficiency of cell surface targeting of GlyRs might be
implicated, in which the related glycine-activated currents

Neurological Sciences

Neurological Sciences

◂Fig. 2  Schematic overview of normal and hyperekplexia-causing later the efficacy of glycinergic neurotransmission [57].
inhibitory glycinergic synapse. A Normal glycinergic inhibitory In summary, the exact mechanism still remains unknown
synapse structure. B The pathogenic mechanisms of GLRA1 loss-
of-function are the impaired ligand-gated ion channel gating or
and requires more investigation.
increased desensitization rate or reduced cell surface expression
or the loss of zinc potentiation. C The pathogenic mechanisms of SLC6A5 gene and hyperekplexia
GLRA1 gain-of-function are caused by inducing spontaneous activa-
tion of GlyRs and tonic Cl- influx. D The pathogenesis of SLC6A5
mutation is caused by the destruction of the GlyT2 structure and the
SLC6A5 gene encodes presynaptic GlyT2, which belongs
process of reuptake glycine. E The pathogenesis of GLRB loss-of- to solute carrier family 6 and contains twelve transmem-
function is caused by eliminating functional GlyRs expression and brane domains. GlyT2 is a glycine transporter critical for
reducing glycine sensitivity (left) or the potential chloride leak cur- maintaining a plentiful presynaptic pool of neurotransmitter
rent (right). F The pathogenesis of ARHGEF9 is caused by affecting
postsynaptic targeting of GlyRs through disrupting dendritic traffick-
at glycinergic synapses. Findings about SLC6A5 mutations
ing of collybistin. G The pathogenesis of GPHN is caused by affect- marks hyperekplexia the first neurological disorder related to
ing the localization of GlyRs through destructing bindings between mutations of a ­Na+/Cl−dependent transporter for a classical
gephyrin and microtube fast transmitter [58]. Phenotypes analysis showed that cases
with SLC6A5 mutations have higher prevalence of recur-
could be observed when co-expressed with α1 and/or β rent neonatal apneas and delays in development than cases
wild-type subunits [47, 48]. Moreover, zinc is known to with GLRA1 mutations but also respond well to clonazepam
have a potentiating effect on glycinergic currents upon treatment [45, 59]. Several reports have shown that muta-
neuronal stimulation [50]. Upon stimuli, presynaptic ter- tions in SLC6A5 gene are the second major gene of effect
minals in the spinal cord can release Z ­ n2+ in the synaptic in hereditary hyperekplexia [59, 60]. Mostly, mutations in
cleft and enhance postsynaptic GlyRs [51]. Three residues, GlyT2 identified so far are recessive ranging from missense
Asp-222, His-243, and Glu-220, are considered to be the mutations, frameshift mutations, and nonsense or splice site
­ n2+; studies showed that the mutant resi-
binding sites for Z mutations [45]. In addition to recessive mutants, two domi-
dues which are to be the binding sites for ­Zn2+ may involve nant negative mutations, Y705C and S512R, were described
in the loss of zinc potentiation [5, 52]. It was reported associated with impaired transporter trafficking and trap-
that W198S mutation can diminish the enhancing effect ping of mutated GlyT2 [61, 62]. Most GlyT2 mutations are
of zinc and results in hyperekplexia [53]. Except for the loss-of-function, resulting in hereditary hyperekplexia by
loss-of-function mechanism above, some gain-of-function influencing subcellular GlyT2 localization or glycine uptake
mutations can also cause hyperekplexia. To date, several (Fig. 2). It was found that frameshift and nonsense muta-
dominant mutations have been demonstrated to induce tions could truncate the transporters and cause retention of
spontaneous GlyRs activation and decelerate glycinergic the misfolded inactive protein in the endoplasmic reticu-
inhibitory post-synaptic currents (IPSCs) decaying, which lum. Others are missense mutations affecting residues with
result in enhanced sodium and calcium influx rates and crucial roles for the catalytic transport activity such as the
directly contribute to the reduction in the glycine-induced sodium binding sites, the Cl- site, or the glycine site [45, 59].
current amplitude [47, 48, 54]. Based on the affected posi-
tions of Q254E and V308M mutations, it is deduced that GLRB gene and hyperekplexia
mutations may create a constitutively open channel state
by tilting related TM domain and thereby induce tonic GlyRs β subunit is encoded by GLRB gene, contains four
­Cl− influx and change C ­ l− equilibrium potential to more transmembrane domains, and is essential components of
positive values [5]. Hypothetically, this will eventually heteromeric ligand-gated chloride channels by involving
lower the efficacy of inhibitory glycinergic neurotransmis- in forming the channel pore and binding with gephyrin for
sion or lead to a chronic depolarization. An experiment proper synaptic localization. The first hyperekplexia case
conducted by Vuilleumier revealed that hyperekplexia caused by GLRB mutation was reported in 2002 [63]. After-
patients have increased pain sensitivity and damaged cen- wards, at least 18 GLRB mutations causing hyperekplexia
tral pain modulation, which might support this hypoth- have been identified, making GLRB gene the third major
esis, as glycinergic synapses regulate nociceptive signal- causative gene in hyperekplexia, accounting for almost
ing transduction in spinal dorsal horn [55]. However, drug 12–14% of the patient population [21, 64]. GLRB mutations
tests of tropisetron, a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist prolong- are mainly inherited by autosomal recessive pattern. Most
ing IPSCs decay, do not induce hyperekplexia symptoms, patients with GLRB mutations respond well to clonazepam
which disapprove such mechanism [56]. Another hypoth- treatment. But like hyperekplexia cases with SLC6A5 muta-
esis raised by Yan is that increased ­Cl− concentration dur- tions, genotype–phenotype analysis shows that patients with
ing late stage of formation of glycinergic synapses will GLRB mutations are more severe, as they are more likely to
decrease the postsynaptic clustering of α1/β GlyRs and have delays in development of gross motor and language

Neurological Sciences

Table 2  Information of pathogenic and candidate genes of hyperekplexia

Gene Location OMIM Exons Encoding protein Gene function

GLRA1 5q33.1 138,491 9 α1 subunit of GlyRs Providing binding sites for glycine on GlyRs
SLC6A5 11p15.1 604,159 16 GlyT2 Removing glycine from the synaptic cleft to the presynaptic bodies
GLRB 4q32.1 138,492 10 β subunit of GlyRs Providing binding sites for Gephyrin on GlyRs
GPHN 14q23.3 603,930 23 Gephyrin Anchoring GlyRs to the postsynaptic cytoskeleton
ARHGEF9 Xq11.1 300,429 10 Collybistin Regulating the localization of gephyrin
CTNNB1* 3p22.1 116,806 19 β-catenim Regulating gene expression in the canonical Wnt signaling pathway
SLC6A9* 1p43.1 601,019 18 GlyT1 Terminating glycine signaling by clearing glycine from inhibitory glycinergic
SLC32A1* 20q11.23 616,440 2 VIAAT​ Uptaking glycine into the synaptic vesicles
SLC6A17* 1p13.3 6,102,995 13 Rxt1 Uptaking glycine into the synaptic vesicles
SLC7A10* 19q3.11 607,959 11 Asc-1 Regulating NMDAR activity at glutamatergic synapses by mobilizing
DPYSL5* 2p23.3 608,383 16 ULIP6 Interacting with GlyT2 and regulating endocytosis and recycling of GlyT2
SDCBP* 8q12.1 602,217 10 Syntenin-1 Interacting with GlyT2 and regulating localization of GlyT2

GlyRs glycine receptors, GlyT glycine transporter, VIAAT​ vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter, Rxt1 the orphan transporter NTT4, Asc-1
the astrocytic transporter SLC7A10, NMDAR N-methyl D-aspartate receptor
Genes with * are candidate genes

acquisition, repeated attack of neonatal apneas, and learn- ARHGEF9 gene and hyperekplexia
ing difficulties [21]. Therefore, prenatal consultation and
qualified newborn baby care for patients with GLRB muta- ARHGEF9 gene encodes Rho guanine-nucleotide exchange
tions are fairly recommended. GLRB mutations mainly cause factor 9, also known as collybistin. Collybistin is in charge
hyperekplexia through loss-of-function pathogenic mecha- of regulating postsynaptic localization of gephyrin and by
nisms. The main type is reduced functional GlyRs β subunit association, the clustering and localization of GlyRs, which
expression, which either reduce cell surface expression of is essential for inhibitory glycinergic synapses development
functional heteromeric GlyRs or cause modest reductions in [68, 69]. One mutation, a missense mutation p.G55A, in
glycine sensitivity and thus functional GlyRs declines and the ARHGEF9 gene has been reported causative for hyper-
glycinergic transmission dysfunctions [5] (Fig. 2). In addi- ekplexia. The patient presented with neonatal cyanosis,
tion, it has been reported that one de novo mutation, L285R, hypertonia, and stare once born. Afterwards, he suffered
replacing leucines located in pore-lining TM2 domain with from tonic seizures resulted from both hyperekplexia and
polar or charged residues defecting the closed pore confor- epilepsy, but clonazepam or even multi-drug treatment did
mation, is reported to cause hyperekplexia through a sig- not work effectively. Eventually, he died at the age of four.
nificant, potentially damaging, chloride leak current [65]. Functional analysis revealed that the mutation p.G55A
causes phenotype of both hyperekplexia and epilepsy by
GPHN gene and hyperekplexia failure on collybistin dendritic transportation and bindings
with gephyrin, and thus lowering the postsynaptic recruit-
GPHN gene encodes gephyrin, regulating the efficiency of ment of both gephyrin and GlyRs [68] (Fig. 2).
inhibitory synaptic function by not only binding GlyRs to
the cytoskeleton but also affecting the clustering, recruit-
ment and stability of the receptors [66] (Fig. 2). A mis- Candidate genes in hyperekplexia
sense GPHN mutation (p.N10Y) has been reported to cause
hyperekplexia. The male infant patient with GPHN muta- Despite five identified pathogenic genes, there are still
tion has infant-onset startle reflex and neonatal hypertonia, about 40% patients with hyperekplexia that show no patho-
and a short recovery showed up at the age of 4. Functional genic variants in glycine pathway-associated genes. They
study revealed that the mutation p.N10Y disrupts neither the might be authentic hyperekplexia patients with mutations
binding of GlyRs and gephyrin nor the collybistin-regulated in genes not identified yet or in known causative genes but
clustering of GlyRs on the postsynaptic membrane, but it not detected. The uncertainty urges clinicians and geneti-
may lower the efficiency of glycinergic inhibitory synapses cist to find more potential candidate genes for reasonable
in other ways such as damaging the binding to the cytoskel- explanations, thereby implicating candidate genes for other
eton [67]. subunits; receptor clustering; and presynaptic transporters

Neurological Sciences

such as CTNNB1, SLC6A9, SLC32A1, SLC6A17, SLC7A10, ataxia, rigidity, and sustained myoclonus, and are relieved
DPYSL5, and SDCBP. by replenishing glycine [9], suggesting that SLC7A10 might
CTNNB1 gene encodes β-catenim, which belongs to play a role in supplementing and recycling of glycine from
the armadillo family of proteins and is a key downstream astrocytes to glycinergic neurons.
component of canonical Wnt signaling pathway regulating ULIP6 encoded by DPYSL5 gene and Syntenin-1 encoded
expression of proteins involved in neuron excitability [70]. by SDCBP gene are both interacting protein of GlyT2 as
CTNNB1 mutations have been identified to relate to several they can both affect the expression of GlyT2 in glyciner-
neurodevelopmental disorders including microcephaly, spas- gic neurons [8]. ULIP6 belongs to the ULIP/Collapsing
tic paraplegia, and disabilities of intelligence; speech; and response mediator protein family but expressed in brain only.
movement [71]. A case report described a patient with a de Since ULIP6 has been implicated in GlyT2 endocytosis and
novo nonsense mutation in exon 3 of CTNNB1; other than recycling [77], it is plausible that mutations in ULIP6 could
CTNNB1-related syndrome, he also presented with early- cause hyperekplexia by altering levels of presynaptic GlyT2.
onset atypical syndromic hyperekplexia, development delay, By contrast, mutations in SDCBP can lead to mislocation of
and apraxia of upward gaze, suggesting that CTNBB1 should presynaptic GlyT2 since Syntenin-1 is thought to regulate
be considered a candidate causative gene for hyperekplexia the trafficking or presynaptic localization of GlyT2 in gly-
[7]. cinergic neurons as it contains PDZ binding domains and
SLC6A9 gene encodes GlyT1, predominantly expressed work as the binding partner of GlyT2 [78]. However, due to
in glial cells and well distributed in the cell membrane. the wide range of proteins interacting with syntenin-1, it is
GlyT1 terminates glycinergic transmission and regulates unlikely that defects in syntenin-1 will give rise to classical
glycine concentration in the glycinergic inhibitory synapse hereditary hyperekplexia.
during infancy stage [72]. Experimental SLC6A9-knockout
mice show that GlyT1 could be necessary for the develop-
ment of normal respiratory rhythm and muscular tone [30]. Stimulus‑induced disorders
Though only one case due to SLC6A9 mutation causing gly-
cine encephalopathy was reported, it is possible that gain- The stimulus-induced disorder is a broad group of rare dis-
of-function mutations in SLC6A9 could clear glycine from orders where the startle itself is not excessive, but it evokes
the synaptic cleft faster than normal [73]. another prominent and characteristic clinical feature. These
SLC32A1 gene encodes VIAAT, which is expressed startle-triggered disorders include startle epilepsy, reflex
in both glycinergic and GABAergic neurons, crucial for myoclonus, startle-induced stiffness, and other rare diseases
loading glycine presynaptic vesicles. It has been proven [2]. Startle epilepsy is featured by a startle response fol-
that increased cytosolic availability of glycine in VIAAT- lowed by an epileptic seizure, which can be a myoclonic,
containing terminals was crucial for the emergence of gly- tonic–clonic, absence, or atonic seizure. It was classified as
cinergic transmission in vertebrates [74]. Besides, it was a type of reflex epilepsy by the International League Against
suggested that certain mutations in VIAAT could lead to Epilepsy [79]. Startle epilepsy typically begins in early life,
the specific loss of glycine (but not GABA) loading into and patients always have a history of perinatal asphyxia or
synaptic vesicles, thus resulting in hyperekplexia [8]. structural brain malformation. Interictal discharges can be
The orphan transporter NTT4 (also known as Rxt1), localized by EEG. Prevention of injury during the seizures
encoded by SLC6A17 gene, has recently been implicated as and anti-epileptic drugs are the main management [18, 80].
a vesicular transporter for glycine, proline, leucine, and ala- Although the reflex myoclonus resembles the startle reflex, it
­ a+-dependent vesicular transporter
nine [75]. It is another N also shows differences. In cortical myoclonus, the stimulus-
for glycine in glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons, which sensitive myoclonus is usually distally located and focal and
is highly expressed in several brain regions. Mutations in shows increased sensitivity to tactile stimuli [18]. Electro-
SLC6A17 might result in hyperekplexia by disrupting the physiological studies can reveal specific features, such as
sufficient storage of presynaptic glycine [75]. giant somatosensory evoked potentials, enhanced long-loop
Asc-1 encoded by SLC7A10 gene is a N ­ a+-independent reflexes, and premovement cortical spikes [1]. Brainstem
amino acid transporter for small neutral amino acids with or reticular myoclonus is marked by a more generalized,
high affinity, regulating excitatory glutamatergic signaling synchronized muscle activation pattern that is axially local-
by mobilizing D-serine. Recent study shows that SLC7A10 ized, which can be distinguished from startle syndromes by
expression is enriched in astrocytes of the brainstem and shorter intervals between bursts [18]. Stiff-person syndrome
spinal cord as well as inhibitory glycinergic synapses [76]. (SPS) is characterized by progressive axial stiffness and
SLC7A10-null mice show remarkable glycinergic sponta- intermittent spasms, which are provoked by sudden stim-
neous IPSCs decline in spinal cord motor neurons, along uli. SPS can be classified base on the clinical presentation
with hyperekplexia-like symptoms including tremors, into classic SPS and SPS variants: focal or segmental-SPS,

Neurological Sciences

jerking-SPS, and progressive encephalomyelitis with rigid- the pathogenic mechanism. Hereditary hyperekplexia is also
ity and myoclonus. Most patients with SPS have antibodies a glycinergic synaptopathy, and gene mutations related to the
directed against the glutamic acid decarboxylase, ­GABAA function of glycinergic inhibitory synapses can be causa-
receptor-associated protein, or the glycine-α1 receptor [13, tive through different mechanisms. For suspicious patients,
81]. Different from hyperekplexia, the stiffness is nearly con- next-generation sequencing is more recommended for diag-
tinuous; electromyography of the long back muscles also nosing to avoid serious adverse events and advantageous
shows continuous muscle activity [1]. Treatment of SPS to genetic counseling. Moreover, studies on the candidate
with drugs that increase the GABAergic tone combined with genes involved in inhibitory synapses can help design a new
immunotherapy can be symptomatic relief and modulation target enrichment system kit, establish new genetic diagnosis
of the autoimmune process. Although the disease is asso- thoughts for possible patients, and shed light on the break-
ciated with autoimmunity, its role in pathogenesis is still through of the therapy of hyperekplexia.
unclear. In a word, the phenomenology and pathophysiol-
ogy of stimulus-induced disorders are diverse. Therefore, a
detailed history, video recording, and, if necessary, electro- Author contribution  Dr. Zhan and Dr. Wang contributed in manuscript
preparation by performing the literature review and writing the first
physiological testing are needed to make a comprehensive draft. Prof. Cao critically revised the work.
Funding  Prof. Cao is in charge of National Natural Science Foundation
of China (No.81870889 and 82071258).
Neuropsychiatric startle syndromes
Neuropsychiatric startle syndromes are a group of non-
habituating, excessive startle responses, which are followed Conflict of interest  The authors declare no competing interests.
by a prominent, secondary orientating psychiatric, and/ Ethical approval None.
or behavioral response, which are partially suppressible.
Disorders include startle-induced tics, culture-specific syn- Informed consent  We declare that all authors and contributors have
dromes, hysterical jumps or functional startle syndromes, participated sufficiently in this work and approved the final version of
the manuscript. No conflict of interest exists in the submission of this
anxiety disorders, and Gilles de la Tourette syndrome [2, manuscript, and the manuscript is approved by all authors for publica-
18]. Different from the normal startle reflex, the intensity tion.
of this startle response is positively correlated with the fre-
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