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▪ Plays a big part in the industry especially in the

field of food and beverages. (e.g., alcohol

▪ Booming roles in the field of
bioremediation (use of microorganism to solve
environmental problems e.g., Oil spills),
biotechnology (for industrial purposes e.g.,
Vaccines), and bioengineering.

● Science that deals with the study of very small
or minute organisms “it includes the study of
certain non-living entities as well as certain
MICROBIOLOGY: AN INTRODUCTION living entities” – Engelkirk et al, 2019
● MICROORGANISM ● “Microbiology is one of the largest and most
complex of biological sciences because it
1. ACELLULAR (no true cell membrane) integrates subject matters from many diverse
a. Viruses discipline” – Talaro, 2008
b. Viroids
1. Bacteriology – bacteria
2. CELLULAR (with cell membrane) 2. Virology – virus
● A. PROKARYOTES (unicellular) 3. Mycology – fungi
a. Archaea 4. Phycology/Algology – algae and
b. Cyanobacteria microalgae
● B. EUKARYOTES (multicellular)
5. Protozoology – protozoans
a. Algae
6. Microbial Morphology – detailed
b. Fungi
structure of microbes
c. Protozoa
7. Microbial Physiology – metabolism and
“Microbes, microbes are everywhere…”
8. Microbial Genetics – function of genetic
▪ Estimated population size of 2.4x1028 materials
cells having 2-3 billion species in the whole 9. Microbial Taxonomy – classification,
planet nomenclature and identification
▪ Our body is composed of 90% microbial 10. Microbial Ecology – interrelationship
cells or equivalent to 100 trillion microbes. between microbes and environment
▪ Microbiota are “friendly” microbes that
Two Basic Themes of Microbiology
inhabit our body, they inhibit the growth of
1. Basic Biology Science
- Provides tools for probing the
- Except for people who is
processes of life (the understanding
of the chemical and physical basis
▪ Only 3% of known microbes are
of life)
pathogenic – pathogens
- Organism that can cause diseases
2. Applied biological Science
- Deals with practical problems in
“Microbes, the planed and humans are interrelated”
medicine, agriculture, industry and
▪ 50% of oxygen production is attributed to energy production.
photosynthetic microorganisms (algae & -
cyanobacteria) Goal of Microbiologist:
▪ They are directly involved in decomposition
“understand how the microorganisms works and devise
and nutrient recycling in nature.
ways in which the benefits of microorganism can be
▪ Forms symbiotic relationship to their host
increased and its harmful effect will be curtailed”
cells and the surrounding environment
● Astrobiology
● Food & Industrial Microbiology ● Improved visualization of bacteria through
● Environmental Microbiology the use of stains
● Immunology ○ Methylene blue
● Microbial Biotechnology
● Public Health Microbiology & Hans Christian Gram – 1884
Epidemiology ● Developed staining technique which
● Medical Microbiology divided the bacteria into two groups
● Clinical & Diagnostic Microbiology ● Gram staining (4 processes)
● Aquatic & Marine Microbiology
● Gram Positive (blue to violet) and Gram
● Agricultural Microbiology
Negative (orange to red)
Historical Perspectives In Medical Microbiology
#No to Spontaneous Generation (formation of living
“I then most always saw, with great wonder, that in the organism could rise from dead living things)
said matter there where may very little living
animalcules, very prettily moving” Microorganisms as Living Entities
- Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Louis Pasteur – 1859
● Published a refutation of spontaneous
To See is to Believe generation
● Microscopic examination
Zacharias Janssen
○ Wine contained yeast cells
● Introduced two the concepts of microscopy ○ ‘sick’ (sour) wine contained
with the use of two convex lenses that were bacteria and yeast
put together. (16th century) ● Pasteur recommended the use of heat to
control bacterial contamination
○ Pasteurization (63-65C for 30 mins.
Robert Hooke
Or 73 – 75 C for 15 seconds)
● Published the book Micrographia in 1665
● Chemist dedicated to examining these
containing description and hand drawn
microorganisms because his 2
illustration of the first microorganism from
daughters died from microbial disease,
bread mold
and died at the age of 66 due to stroke
○ Coin the term “cell”
● Discover tuberculosis which is the
○ First described the yeast oldest deadly disease

Other contribution of Pasteur:
Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1623-1723)

Fermentation process by bacteria
● Single biconvex lens microscope ○
Introduced the aerobe and
(50-300x) anaerobes. Significant
● “wee animalcules” – protozoa contribution to the germ theory of
● Also described algae, yeast and fungi the disease (specific agent to a
● Father of Microbiology, Bacteriology, and disease)
Protozoology ○ Changes hospital practices to
● A textile merchant. First use the minimize nosocomial infection
microscope to observe raindrop out of ○ Discovered Bacillus anthracis and
curiosity Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Ernst Karl Abbe ○ Vaccines: cholera, anthrax and
● Introduced the oil immersion objective (to John Tyndall – 1877
enhance the magnification)
● Invented the system of lenses and mirror ▪ Final blow to spontaneous generation
which concentrates light on objects being viewed
▪ Dust carries germs
● Abbe Condenser Paul

▪ Evidence for the existence heat-resistant form 3. Microbes from the pure culture are
of bacteria inoculated into a healthy animal. The
▪ Tyndallization – sterilization disease is produced
4. The identical microbes are isolated and
Ferdinand Cohn – 1876 recultivated from the tissue specimens of
● Discovered endospores the experimental animal

Other contribution of Koch

Rise of Germ Theory of Disease
▪ Germ theory of the disease (Jacob Henle)
Ignaz Semmelweis – 1847 ▪ Develop the use of solid culture media
with the use of agar (Walther Hesse & Fannie
● Discovered that “childhood Fever” or puerperal
fever is caused by physicians.
▪ The use of petri dishes (Julius Petri)
● He is an obstetrician, and noticed that newborn
▪ Fixing, staining, and photographing
babies and mothers die when the medical
students touch them, and not die when the
▪ Discovered Vibrio cholera and spores of
nurse and caregivers take care of them. It is
Bacillus anthracis
believed that it is because Med Students touch
▪ Tuberculin (skin test for TB)
fresh cadavers and not practicing sanitization
and causes the transfer of microorganisms to
the people. Prevention is Better than Cure
● First introduce handwashing (chlorinated
Water) Edward Jenner

John Snow – 1854 ▪ Invented the vaccine for smallpox

▪ The term vaccination was derived from “vacca”
● Father of Epidemiology = cow
● Investigated the cholera outbreak in Soho district, ▪ Sarah Nelmes, infected with cowpox
London and concluded that cholera is a ▪ James Philip is inoculated with cowpox puss
water-borne disease from Nelmes, and develop an immunity and
when introduced with smallpox, Phipps is
John Lister – 1865
● He introduced the use of antiseptics and the ▪ Variolation
importance of sterilization in all medical and
surgical equipment Reign of Antimicrobials
● Production of Antimicrobial substance
Robert Koch – 1876-1877
▪ A German, studied Tuberculosis in India Alexander Fleming – 1920’s
▪ First direct demonstration of the role of ● Discovered the “miracle drug” penicillin from
bacteria in causing disease Penicillium
▪ Bacillus anhracis causes anthrax ● Accidentally discovered penicillin when he left
● Studied sheep and cattle his cultured bacteria on his workplace and later
▪ Also isolated the bacterium that causes found a fungi and around it has no microbial
tuberculosis growth. During WW2, Antibiotic Resistance
▪ Mycobacterium tuberculosis developed due to the rampant use and less
● Use gelatin and potatoes in information on how to use antibiotics.
isolating microbes
Koch’s postulates Selman Waksman
● Adopted as a guide for relating specific ▪ Discovered streptomycin from a mold-like
microbes to specific diseases bacillus Streptomyces.
1. The same microbes are present in every
case of the disease END OF TRANSCRIPTION
2. The microbes are isolated from the tissues REFERENCES
of a dead, and a pure culture is prepared ● Sr. Bagas PowerPoint Presentation


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