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Criterion C

i) Construct a logical plan, which describes the efficient use of time and
resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution.

Sn. Step Description specific to Tools and Time Extra Notes

design materials
1. Source Before starting, we need Notepad, 30mins You need to
Materials to refer to the technical technical know how
and tools design drawings and drawings, much of what
needed models and Models, you need, for
specifications that we specifications example for my
created in crit B. After list. product, I
compiling a list of what needed only
all I need to make the 25x50 cm of
chosen design, I sourced wood for the
appropriate amounts of box, and I
the materials, and the didn’t need any
tools needed. extras, as I
shall use the
For the purpose of this laser cutter
design, I got a small which is
MDF wood board to extremely
make the structure of the accurate and
box. I also needed doesn’t require
wooden or metal hinges extra material
for the mechanism of the in case of a
box. I also need a basic mess up. For
tool kit, a drill, PVA also the design wrap
known as fevicol, I needed to
masking tape, g-clamp calculate the
and a printer to print the surface area of
design of the box. To the box and
work with the wood, I print the design
will use a laser cutter according to
from school. that. I got a
little extra of
everything, so
that I will be
okay if I mess
up anywhere, I
can just do it
again and fix
the mistake.

You also need

to theoretically
think about
other aspects,
such as
weight, ability
to be cut, cost

2. Marking Once you have acquired Laser cutting 30mins When marking
and the materials, you need software materials
Measuring to measure and mark it, specifically, physically you
as per your specifications “TechSoft need to take
and drawings. Design Tools into account if
– 2D Design you are
For the Box specifically, V2”. Marker planning to cut
I will use the and scale. on the line or
measurements listed in off the line and
my criteria B. As I was mark
using the laser cutter to accordingly,
cut the wood, my since I will be
markings would be made using a digital
digitally, which marking tool, I
consisted of two shall be assured
hexagons of 125mm the cuts shall be
each side and The beds precise and on
dimensions are the line, so I
500x240mm and the 6 shall mark the
identical side pieces with figures exactly
measurements of to the
75x125mm. measurements
For the Instruction
Manual as well as the For the paper
wrap for the box, which prints and the
will both be printed on hinge I shall cut
paper, I shall digitally on the line.
mark a border on which I
shall cut once printed
into hard copy.

For the other small

extras such as the hinges,
I shall use a marker to
mark and scale to

3. Cutting Once you have correctly Laser cutter, 25mins Different

marked all the material, small materials are
you have to cut it to the hacksaw, cut with
desired sizes and shapes. paper cutter different
guillotine, machines and
For the box I shall use a drill tools, for
laser cutter to cut the machine. example, I
wooden pieces. For the won’t use a
hinge I shall use a jigsaw to cut
hacksaw to manually cut paper, that is
them to the marked sizes. common sense,
The paper components of but while
the product I shall use a cutting the
paper cutter guillotine as materials, you
that cuts multiple papers must also look
at once and makes at the most
straight and precise cuts, efficient and
which makes it more accurate tools
precise and efficient than for the job.
scissors or a cutter. I Hence I will
shall also be using a drill use a guillotine
to make place for the and not scissors
hinges to be attached and laser cutter
later. but not a hand
saw which
could also cut
the wood.

4. Assemble After cutting out the Masking 60 mins Depending on

parts, you have to put tape, for what you are
them together to work fevicol/PVA, assembly, using to stick
and for the product to be G-clamps, 24hrs for the parts
complete. bit, hammer, drying together, there
chisel. will be
For the box, I will use different
PVA along with masking amounts of
tape and G-clamps. To time that you
attach the hinge, I shall have to leave it
use a bit with a chisel to dry. For
and hammer to split and example an
fix it. alternate to
fevicol was
“M-seal” and
araldite. They
both are very
good- quick
drying- strong
adhesives, but
fevicol is more
durable, so it is
important to
think about the
future of the
product as well.
5. Finishing In the end when the Wrapping 30mins The finishing
product is made and paper, of the product
working, you have fevicol, would have
complete it by making it scissor, wood been much
aesthetically nice and piece. more
finish rounding of edges complicated if I
and other minor had not used a
problems. laser cutter to
cut the wood,
For the aesthetics, I had as then I wood
already created a custom need to smooth
wrap which was shaving it out with
themed and matched sand-paper etc:-
well with the purpose , but because I
and audience of the used a laser
product. I shall print the cutter, the only
design and stick it onto thing I will
the finished box using need to do is
fevicol and a flat piece of finish off the
wood to smoothen it. I wrapping of the
shall also use a scissor to box.
trim any extra paper
strands anywhere.

ii) Demonstrate excellent technical skills when making the solution.

iii) Follow the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended.

STEP 1: Source Materials and tools needed :

There were two sub steps in sourcing the materials and tools, I first went to my local
hardware shop in image 1.1. From there and my house I got the basic items shown in images
1.2, 1.3, 1.4 , 1.5, 1.6. The remaining major tools such as the laser cutter, and the bits for the
hinge which were un available in school, I got them from school shown in images 1.7.

Skill shown: There wasn’t much opportunity to show skill in sourcing materials. One real-life
skill I developed was bargaining. When I went to the hardware store, I was first quoted a
much higher price for the tools, but then I negotiated and drove down the price. This will
contribute towards reducing the production cost, which will help maximise the final profit.
1.1 1.2

1.3 1.4 1.5

1.6 1.7

STEP 2: Marking and Measuring :

The marking and measuring done was
mostly digital, I marked out the cuts for
the laser cutter as shown in images 2.1
and 2.2. I also made a border for the
wrap of the box which I had designed
on Canva. I made the border a standard
box shape of 5mm thickness shown in
image 2.3. The only physical marking
2.1 that was done was on the box after its
basic assembly, for the hinges. To mark
the hinges, I placed them down where
they are supposed to be and marked the
holes to be drilled with a pencil as
shown in image 2.4.

Skill shown: In this step I practiced my

skill in using the software, “TechSoft
Design Tools – 2D Design V2”, which I
used to mark the cuts for the laser
2.2 cutter.
A new skill I learnt was how to organise
the pieces that need to be cut, so that
minimal resources are wasted. This is
shown in image 2.1, I copied the net
diagram which took up a whole board
and I still required another hexagon
which I would need to use another sheet
of wood for. On the other hand in image
2.2, you can see how I arranged the
pieces to all not only fit on one sheet,
but use only half of the MDF sheet and
leave the other half in a useable


STEP 3 : Cutting :

This step was expected to be one of the easiest steps as all the cutting was supposed to be
automated by the laser cutter as shown in image 3.1 and 3.2, but then I had a realisation.
When I took out the cut pieces from the main MDF board as shown in image 3.3, I realised
that the wood was very stiff and hard. Thinking back to my specifications, I realised that the
product had to be easy to carry, but the wood material was too hard and making it
uncomfortable. Thankfully I realised this at this point and quickly researched and found
sunboard as the perfect material to cover the MDF with. Sunboard isn’t soft but it is not as
hard as wood and gave the perfect effect with the MDF bellow for structural support.

3.1 3.2

3.3 3.4

Skill shown: When I knew that I was

going to use sunboard, I instinctively
wanted to laser cut it as well to get the
same precise cuts quickly, but then I
learnt that is you laser cut sunboard, 3-
5mm of it gets burned, which gives bad
cuts. So I marked it with a pencil by hand
as shown in image 3.4 and cut it the
traditional way using a cutter guided by a
scale as shown in image 3.5.

STEP 4 : Assembly :
This step was the most time consuming and had the most work. There were three main stages
in the assembly. First was to assemble the box, second was to cover it with the sunboard
pieces and third was attach the lid with the hinge.
To assemble the box I applied PVA to the base hexagon and attached one of the sides to it as
shown in image 4.1 and 4.2. Right when I did this a problem arose. Initially I had planned to
lock the sides in place with G-clamps, but even the biggest g-clamp we had available was to
small and couldn’t fit the hexagon. Hence I had to improvise and find another was. The
solution I found was jamming the lid-hexagon in between two opposite sides which stopped
it from caving in and then wrapped it in masking tape as shown in image 4.3 and 4.4. With
this technique the side pieces couldn’t fall outwards because of the masking tape but couldn’t
fall inward either because of the lid hexagon, as a result it stayed in place. After repeating this
process for all 6 sides I left the box for 24 hours and then removed the lid from inside and the
masking tape as shown in image 4.5. I finally finished making the initial structure of the box
and it looked well made as shown in image 4.6.

4.1 4.2

4.3 4.4

4.5 4.6
Then I started with the second part of assembly which was covering the wood with the
sunboard. To do this I used a glue gun. A small challenge was to get the lay the sunboard
perfectly on top of the wood pieces. To solve this I aligned them on top of each other and
then used masking tape to tape one side, then I separated them and applied the hot glue as
shown in image 4.7. After that when I folded the sunboard back on top, it fit perfectly every
time as the tape didn’t let it go too far or to one side as shown in image 4.8. I then covered all
the sides of the box as well as shown in images 4.9 and 4.10.

4.7 4.8

4.9 4.10

After this I was at the final stretch of the assembly. I had to just attach the lid with the hinge.
This although was a very simple step, it was new for me, as in all my years as a student of
design, I have never used a hinge. It wasn’t much of a challenge to learn and attach the hinge.
To do so I first marked the points to be drilled as shown in image 4.11. I then drilled on those
points with a 35mm drill bit as shown in 4.12 and 4.13. then I inserted the bits from outside
in as shown in 4.14. I further put the hinges on the bits as shown in 4.15 and then used a
chisel to manually open the bits as shown in image 4.16. After splitting the bit, I used a
hammer to completely flatten it as shown in images 4.17 and 4.18. after doing the above, my
box was finally ready as shown in images 4.19 and 4.20.
4.11 4.12

4.13 4.14

4.15 4.16
4.17 4.18

4.19 4.20

Skills shown: I learnt and displayed a lot of skills during the assembly. Firstly I learnt and
applied the skill of adaptability. When we didn’t have large enough G-clamps available, I
used my thinking to create a new method of locking the side pieces into place using masking
tape and the pieces of wood I already had. When the sunboard wasn’t lining up properly with
the wood, I again used masking tape to make it align perfectly with the wood. I learnt how to
use and attached a hinge for the first time. I also drilled into another scrap block of would
while making the holes for the hinge so that the sunboard wont crack and splinter.

STEP : Finishing :

I personally found this step the most challenging as I am not very confident and good with
working with delicate and precise things such as paper, which crumples quickly. I still did
my best and started by printing and cutting out the sheets from the border using a paper
cutting guillotine as shown in image 5.1. I further cut and applies pieces of the wrap onto the
sides and top of the box as shown in image 5.2. After I had completely wrapped the box, I
printed cut and stuck on the branding of the box on the lid as shown in image 5.3. Just like
that after leaving the box to dry for some time, it was ready and the final product looked
amazing. The final box it shown in image 5.4 and 5.5.
5.1 5.2

5.3 5.4

Skills shown: apart from the standard

skills of cutting and pasting, I learnt to
dilute the fevicol to make it thinner,
which makes it work better with paper. I
also got practice in cutting and snipping
with a cutter and scissor to finish off the
box and remove the little inaccuracies in
the paper.


Specification Rating Justification

Size: 2/2 Fulfils all descriptors.
-The size of the box needs to be
large enough to fit one cartridge
razor, one small can of shaving
foam, one instructional manual,
and one small bottle of
moisturiser comfortably
-The box should not be too
large, as in real life it would be
sold in a retail shop

Shape: 4/5 Fulfils all descriptors, except

-The shape of the box should not may not be easy to carry as
be to simple it does not have any handle
-The shape of the box should and is simply a box that
stand out from other traditional
needs to be held from its
-The shape of the box should be body directly.
functional for opening and
closing by the user
-The boxes shape should not
have any sharp corners
-The box should be easy to carry

Weight: 1/2 Fulfils all descriptors, except

-The box should weigh less than may not be easy to carry as
3kg it does not have any handle
-The box should be easy to carry and is simply a box that
needs to be held from its
body directly.
Simplicity / complexity: 3/3 Fulfils all descriptors.
-The box should not be too
complex to mass manufacture
-The box should be simple
enough to make with a net
-The box should not be too
simple as it needs to stand out
from the rest

TOTAL: 10/12 = 83.33% Overall I feel this product is

a big success and all it is
lacking is a handle, which is
an easy and simple addition
and shall make it go from
83.33% to a 100% success.

iv) Fully justify changes made to the chosen design and plan when making
the solution.
(please double click to play the video)

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