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Faculty of Engineering

Department of Computer Engineering

B.S. Thesis


1. GRADUATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................... 3

2. OBJECTIVES AND DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................. 3

3. HOW TO START YOUR PROJECT? ................................................................................................. 4

4. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES................................................................................................... 4

4.1. ROLE OF THE FACULTY .................................................................................................................. 4

4.2. ROLE OF STUDENTS ........................................................................................................................ 5

5. GENERAL ISSUES ................................................................................................................................. 5

6. GRADUATION PROJECT FINAL REPORT .................................................................................... 5

7. GRADUATION PROJECT SCHEDULE ............................................................................................. 6

8. GRADING POLICY ................................................................................................................................ 7

9. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY/PLAGIARISM ........................................................................................ 7

1. Graduation Project Description

The Graduation Project (GP) represents the crowning achievement of a

Computer Science student's undergraduate experience, enabling him or her
to apply fundamental computer science principles to the solution of real-
world problems which is known as a compulsory project for the students to
complete at the end of their undergraduate program. As such, students
should regard their graduate projects as an ideal opportunity and vehicle for
integrating what they have learnt during the graduate program and applying
these concepts and skills to a real problem at work.

2. Objectives and Definitions

Students will employ computer engineering techniques to develop the project

in a systematic manner. The main requirement for a passing grade in GP is
the submission of a suitable project at the end of the semester. This project
serves as the final exam for this course.

The main objectives of the graduation project are as follows:

 To provide students with an opportunity to draw together and
integrate the knowledge gained and the skills developed from the
 To provide students with an opportunity for independent study and to
develop an ability to organize work with a view to achieve a specific
 To develop students with skills in business strategy, operations or in
similar integrated activities appropriate and relevant to their
organizations and their personal development needs and goals; and
 To undertake an academic project based on sound management
principles and intellectual reasoning.

2.1. Project Topic

In consideration of the objectives outlined above, and refined through
dialogue between mentor and student, the criteria for the identification
of the Graduation Project topic should include and acknowledge: the
student’s present knowledge and interests as they frame an
anticipation of future professional and career goals. A critical
assessment of the student’s strengths and weaknesses, including a
review of prior academic commentary. The assessment of an
appropriate scale and level of complexity for the project
3. How to Start Your Project?

3.1. Choosing a Project: GPs are offered by tenured (full time)

professors, all project topics are announced from department’s web site in
the beginning of the related term. Meet with your potential project
supervisor to refine the project topic and begin planning after approval.

Note that; each team member should be registered to CSE8090 course

section of their supervisor from ORION system.

3.2. Registration for Graduate Project: To complete the registration,

Initial Project Proposals should be submitted to GP coordinator. All proposals
should be signed by group members and supervisor. Project Proposal
Form* template includes a title, resource list and brief description of your
project and it also includes the names of project advisor and project
members. You should be submitting the form within first two weeks.

*Form can be downloaded from the tab called “Graduation Project” under
the department’s web site.

3.3. Arranging Meetings: In order to accomplish assigned tasks from

proposal, all group members should visit their supervisor weekly. Also you
should decide the meeting day and time with your supervisor in the first

4. Roles and Responsibilities

4.1. Role Of The Faculty

Every member of the faculty including part-time professors, when
appropriate, should be actively involved in the implementation of the
Graduation Project.
Faculty is integral to the successful implementation of the Graduation
Project. Members of the faculty should be involved at all levels of planning
and implementation. Because the Graduation Project is a culmination of all
the experiences during students' secondary education, all faculty members
are key to students' success at any stage of the process. Some of the areas
where faculty may serve during the process include:
 Academic advisor
 Resource person
 Evaluation Committee
 Graduation project coordinator
4.2. Role of Students

 Students are required to accomplish the given tasks in the proposal till
the end of semester.

 Students are required to document the GP with using Graduation

Project Report Template*

*Template can be downloaded from the tab called “Graduation

Project” under the department’s web site.

 Students are required to present their projects according to the

announced schedule.

5. General Issues

 GPs are offered by the fall and spring terms to 7th and 8th semester
 Only Students with greater that 2.00 GPA may register to CSE 8090 GP
 Project groups should be consist of at least two (2) students.
 Evaluation Comitee Members are elected by department. This group consists
of three professors, including project supervisor.
 Evaluation Comitee Members score the GPs at the end of the semester with
percentages of 40% supervisor and 30% each non-supervisor comitee

6. Graduation Project Final Report

The Graduation Project Final Report* consists of an amalgam of the work of

GP, submitted with the purpose of, in part, providing a bound copy of the project.
The final report for collaborative projects should include all the work from all
collaborating students in GP work presented together in one cohesively presented
and cohesively formatted document. As with any academic document, adherence to
format requirements is expected and all students prior to preparation of the Final
Report should refer to a description of current requirements.

Graduation Project report should be organized according to the following templates.

It means there will be two different report format and will be delivered two
different document.
*Report Template can be downloaded from the tab called “Graduation Project”
under the department’s web site.

*IEEE Conference Report Template can be downloaded from the tab called
“Graduation Project” under the department’s web site. (Each student should
proofread his or her own Conference Report before it is delivered to department.)

7. Graduation Project Schedule

Week Contents Details

Determining the Refine the projects that are offered by tenured (full time) professors. All project topics
1. Week
Project are announced from department’s web site in the beginning of the related term.

Preparing background of the study,

Problem Statement , Research Scope Conduct in-depth studies on selected topics
2. Week Initiating
Last week of submission of Initial Project Proposal to GP Coordinator. All
proposal should be signed by group members and supervisor

Review the published resource on the selected topic

Outline of strategy and methodology for achieving goals , Discusses prior studies
Literature Review
3. Week relevant to the topic
Provide inspiration for possible solutions / ideas that can be investigated in the
proposed research.

Identification of specific project topic and its relation to existing similar work
Literature Review
4. Week Their understanding of the basic principles underlying the project

5. Week Defining the functional, operational, technical and transitional requirement.
And Requirements

Planning Activities definition, sequencing and duration estimating

6. Week
And Requirements (Use Gantt Chart, Network Diagram) Use Case Specifications.

Analysis Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram, Class Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Collaboration
7. Week
And Design Diagram, State Diagram.

8. Week Implementation Realizing Modules

9. Week Implementation Realizing Modules (cont.)

10. Week Implementation Realizing Modules (cont.)

Testing and
11. Week Testing confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the system

12. Week Documentation Preparing the report

13. Week Documentation Preparing the report (cont.)

Pre-evaluation and Submission of the Graduation Project Reports to supervisors for pre-
14. Week
Testing the System evaluation.
Supervisor sends feedback/comments on the first draft. Student reviews report and
Meeting and discussion
make necessary corrections
15. Week with supervisor for
All students should deliver 3 printed GP report copies (without hard cover and
finalized your project
one for each committee member) to their committee member.

Team members are responsible to be present with necessary equipment on-

16. Week GP Presentation

SUBMISSION OF A Submission of 2 hard copies of project report and 1 electronic copy on a CD to:
17. Week COMPLETE PROJECT 1. Supervisor (1 copy) 2. Department (1 copy)
REPORT * All Copies should be signed by all committee members before the delivery

8. Grading Policy

90 – 100 A
80 – 89 A-
75 – 79 B+
70 – 74 B
65 – 69 B-
60 – 64 C+
55 – 59 C
50 – 54 C-
45 – 49 D+
40 – 44 D
35 – 39 D-
30 – 34 F

9. Academic Integrity/Plagiarism

All work completed for the GP must be a student’s own work and must represent
his/her best effort. Students who purchased and/or copied any portion of their
research paper will receive a zero (0) on the paper and will be required to
complete a paper on a new topic in order to be allowed to complete the three
Graduation Project components in their senior term.

Products, research papers and visuals completed for the GP must be correctly and
accurately documented. Any information that is not the student’s own knowledge
must be correctly cited. Direct quotations must be in quotation marks and their
source must be placed in internal citations. Paraphrasing must be completely in the
student’s own style of writing and must also have its source placed in internal
citations. Any flagrant evidence of plagiarism will result in a grade of zero (0).

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